wbia.algo.graph package
wbia.algo.graph.__main__ module
wbia.algo.graph.core module
wbia.algo.graph.demo module
wbia.algo.graph.mixin_dynamic module
wbia.algo.graph.mixin_groundtruth module
wbia.algo.graph.mixin_helpers module
wbia.algo.graph.mixin_loops module
wbia.algo.graph.mixin_matching module
wbia.algo.graph.mixin_priority module
wbia.algo.graph.mixin_simulation module
wbia.algo.graph.mixin_viz module
wbia.algo.graph.mixin_wbia module
wbia.algo.graph.nx_dynamic_graph module
- class wbia.algo.graph.nx_dynamic_graph.DynConnGraph(*args, **kwargs)[source]
Dynamically connected graph.
Maintains a data structure parallel to a normal networkx graph that maintains dynamic connectivity for fast connected compoment queries.
Underlying Data Structures and limitations are
UnionFind | lg(n) | n | No
UnionFind2 | n* | n | 1
EulerTourForest | lg^2(n) | lg^2(n) | lg(n) / lglg(n) - - Ammortized
it seems to be very quick
https://courses.csail.mit.edu/6.851/spring14/lectures/L20.pdf https://courses.csail.mit.edu/6.851/spring14/lectures/L20.html http://cs.stackexchange.com/questions/33595/maintaining-connecte https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dynamic_connectivity#Fully_dynamic_connectivity
- CommandLine:
python -m wbia.algo.graph.nx_dynamic_graph DynConnGraph
>>> # ENABLE_DOCTEST >>> from wbia.algo.graph.nx_dynamic_graph import * # NOQA >>> self = DynConnGraph() >>> self.add_edges_from([(1, 2), (2, 3), (4, 5), (6, 7), (7, 4)]) >>> self.add_edges_from([(10, 20), (20, 30), (40, 50), (60, 70), (70, 40)]) >>> self._ccs >>> u, v = 20, 1 >>> assert self.node_label(u) != self.node_label(v) >>> assert self.connected_to(u) != self.connected_to(v) >>> self.add_edge(u, v) >>> assert self.node_label(u) == self.node_label(v) >>> assert self.connected_to(u) == self.connected_to(v) >>> self.remove_edge(u, v) >>> assert self.node_label(u) != self.node_label(v) >>> assert self.connected_to(u) != self.connected_to(v) >>> ccs = list(self.connected_components()) >>> ut.quit_if_noshow() >>> import wbia.plottool as pt >>> pt.qtensure() >>> pt.show_nx(self)
# todo: check if nodes exist when adding
- add_edge(u, v, **attr)[source]
>>> # ENABLE_DOCTEST >>> from wbia.algo.graph.nx_dynamic_graph import * # NOQA >>> self = DynConnGraph() >>> self.add_edges_from([(1, 2), (2, 3), (4, 5), (6, 7), (7, 4)]) >>> assert self._ccs == {1: {1, 2, 3}, 4: {4, 5, 6, 7}} >>> self.add_edge(1, 5) >>> assert self._ccs == {1: {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7}}
- add_edges_from(ebunch, **attr)[source]
Add all the edges in ebunch_to_add.
- Parameters
ebunch_to_add (container of edges) – Each edge given in the container will be added to the graph. The edges must be given as 2-tuples (u, v) or 3-tuples (u, v, d) where d is a dictionary containing edge data.
attr (keyword arguments, optional) – Edge data (or labels or objects) can be assigned using keyword arguments.
See also
add a single edge
convenient way to add weighted edges
Adding the same edge twice has no effect but any edge data will be updated when each duplicate edge is added.
Edge attributes specified in an ebunch take precedence over attributes specified via keyword arguments.
>>> G = nx.Graph() # or DiGraph, MultiGraph, MultiDiGraph, etc >>> G.add_edges_from([(0, 1), (1, 2)]) # using a list of edge tuples >>> e = zip(range(0, 3), range(1, 4)) >>> G.add_edges_from(e) # Add the path graph 0-1-2-3
Associate data to edges
>>> G.add_edges_from([(1, 2), (2, 3)], weight=3) >>> G.add_edges_from([(3, 4), (1, 4)], label="WN2898")
- add_node(n, **attr)[source]
Add a single node node_for_adding and update node attributes.
- Parameters
node_for_adding (node) – A node can be any hashable Python object except None.
attr (keyword arguments, optional) – Set or change node attributes using key=value.
See also
>>> G = nx.Graph() # or DiGraph, MultiGraph, MultiDiGraph, etc >>> G.add_node(1) >>> G.add_node("Hello") >>> K3 = nx.Graph([(0, 1), (1, 2), (2, 0)]) >>> G.add_node(K3) >>> G.number_of_nodes() 3
Use keywords set/change node attributes:
>>> G.add_node(1, size=10) >>> G.add_node(3, weight=0.4, UTM=("13S", 382871, 3972649))
A hashable object is one that can be used as a key in a Python dictionary. This includes strings, numbers, tuples of strings and numbers, etc.
On many platforms hashable items also include mutables such as NetworkX Graphs, though one should be careful that the hash doesn’t change on mutables.
- add_nodes_from(nodes, **attr)[source]
Add multiple nodes.
- Parameters
nodes_for_adding (iterable container) – A container of nodes (list, dict, set, etc.). OR A container of (node, attribute dict) tuples. Node attributes are updated using the attribute dict.
attr (keyword arguments, optional (default= no attributes)) – Update attributes for all nodes in nodes. Node attributes specified in nodes as a tuple take precedence over attributes specified via keyword arguments.
See also
>>> G = nx.Graph() # or DiGraph, MultiGraph, MultiDiGraph, etc >>> G.add_nodes_from("Hello") >>> K3 = nx.Graph([(0, 1), (1, 2), (2, 0)]) >>> G.add_nodes_from(K3) >>> sorted(G.nodes(), key=str) [0, 1, 2, 'H', 'e', 'l', 'o']
Use keywords to update specific node attributes for every node.
>>> G.add_nodes_from([1, 2], size=10) >>> G.add_nodes_from([3, 4], weight=0.4)
Use (node, attrdict) tuples to update attributes for specific nodes.
>>> G.add_nodes_from([(1, dict(size=11)), (2, {"color": "blue"})]) >>> G.nodes[1]["size"] 11 >>> H = nx.Graph() >>> H.add_nodes_from(G.nodes(data=True)) >>> H.nodes[1]["size"] 11
- clear()[source]
Remove all nodes and edges from the graph.
This also removes the name, and all graph, node, and edge attributes.
>>> G = nx.path_graph(4) # or DiGraph, MultiGraph, MultiDiGraph, etc >>> G.clear() >>> list(G.nodes) [] >>> list(G.edges) []
- component_nodes(label)
- connected_components()[source]
>>> # ENABLE_DOCTEST >>> from wbia.algo.graph.nx_dynamic_graph import * # NOQA >>> self = DynConnGraph() >>> self.add_edges_from([(1, 2), (2, 3), (4, 5), (6, 7)]) >>> ccs = list(self.connected_components()) >>> result = 'ccs = {}'.format(ut.repr2(ccs, nl=0)) >>> print(result) ccs = [{1, 2, 3}, {4, 5}, {6, 7}]
- node_label(node)[source]
>>> # ENABLE_DOCTEST >>> from wbia.algo.graph.nx_dynamic_graph import * # NOQA >>> self = DynConnGraph() >>> self.add_edges_from([(1, 2), (2, 3), (4, 5), (6, 7)]) >>> assert self.node_label(2) == self.node_label(1) >>> assert self.node_label(2) != self.node_label(4)
- remove_edge(u, v)[source]
>>> # ENABLE_DOCTEST >>> from wbia.algo.graph.nx_dynamic_graph import * # NOQA >>> self = DynConnGraph() >>> self.add_edges_from([(1, 2), (2, 3), (4, 5), (6, 7), (7, 4)]) >>> assert self._ccs == {1: {1, 2, 3}, 4: {4, 5, 6, 7}} >>> self.add_edge(1, 5) >>> assert self._ccs == {1: {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7}} >>> self.remove_edge(1, 5) >>> assert self._ccs == {1: {1, 2, 3}, 4: {4, 5, 6, 7}}
- remove_edges_from(ebunch)[source]
Remove all edges specified in ebunch.
- Parameters
ebunch (list or container of edge tuples) –
Each edge given in the list or container will be removed from the graph. The edges can be:
2-tuples (u, v) edge between u and v.
3-tuples (u, v, k) where k is ignored.
See also
remove a single edge
Will fail silently if an edge in ebunch is not in the graph.
>>> G = nx.path_graph(4) # or DiGraph, MultiGraph, MultiDiGraph, etc >>> ebunch = [(1, 2), (2, 3)] >>> G.remove_edges_from(ebunch)
- remove_node(n)[source]
- CommandLine:
python -m wbia.algo.graph.nx_dynamic_graph remove_node
>>> # ENABLE_DOCTEST >>> from wbia.algo.graph.nx_dynamic_graph import * # NOQA >>> self = DynConnGraph() >>> self.add_edges_from([(1, 2), (2, 3), (4, 5), (5, 6), (6, 7), (7, 8), (8, 9)]) >>> assert self._ccs == {1: {1, 2, 3}, 4: {4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9}} >>> self.remove_node(2) >>> assert self._ccs == {1: {1}, 3: {3}, 4: {4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9}} >>> self.remove_node(7) >>> assert self._ccs == {1: {1}, 3: {3}, 4: {4, 5, 6}, 8: {8, 9}}
- remove_nodes_from(nodes)[source]
Remove multiple nodes.
- Parameters
nodes (iterable container) – A container of nodes (list, dict, set, etc.). If a node in the container is not in the graph it is silently ignored.
See also
>>> G = nx.path_graph(3) # or DiGraph, MultiGraph, MultiDiGraph, etc >>> e = list(G.nodes) >>> e [0, 1, 2] >>> G.remove_nodes_from(e) >>> list(G.nodes) []
- subgraph(nbunch, dynamic=False)[source]
Returns a SubGraph view of the subgraph induced on nodes.
The induced subgraph of the graph contains the nodes in nodes and the edges between those nodes.
- Parameters
nodes (list, iterable) – A container of nodes which will be iterated through once.
- Returns
G – A subgraph view of the graph. The graph structure cannot be changed but node/edge attributes can and are shared with the original graph.
- Return type
SubGraph View
The graph, edge and node attributes are shared with the original graph. Changes to the graph structure is ruled out by the view, but changes to attributes are reflected in the original graph.
To create a subgraph with its own copy of the edge/node attributes use: G.subgraph(nodes).copy()
For an inplace reduction of a graph to a subgraph you can remove nodes: G.remove_nodes_from([n for n in G if n not in set(nodes)])
Subgraph views are sometimes NOT what you want. In most cases where you want to do more than simply look at the induced edges, it makes more sense to just create the subgraph as its own graph with code like:
# Create a subgraph SG based on a (possibly multigraph) G SG = G.__class__() SG.add_nodes_from((n, G.nodes[n]) for n in largest_wcc) if SG.is_multigraph(): SG.add_edges_from((n, nbr, key, d) for n, nbrs in G.adj.items() if n in largest_wcc for nbr, keydict in nbrs.items() if nbr in largest_wcc for key, d in keydict.items()) else: SG.add_edges_from((n, nbr, d) for n, nbrs in G.adj.items() if n in largest_wcc for nbr, d in nbrs.items() if nbr in largest_wcc) SG.graph.update(G.graph)
>>> G = nx.path_graph(4) # or DiGraph, MultiGraph, MultiDiGraph, etc >>> H = G.subgraph([0, 1, 2]) >>> list(H.edges) [(0, 1), (1, 2)]
- class wbia.algo.graph.nx_dynamic_graph.NiceGraph(incoming_graph_data=None, **attr)[source]
wbia.algo.graph.nx_edge_augmentation module
Algorithms for finding k-edge-augmentations
A k-edge-augmentation is a set of edges, that once added to a graph, ensures that the graph is k-edge-connected. Typically, the goal is to find the augmentation with minimum weight. In general, it is not gaurenteed that a k-edge-augmentation exists.
- class wbia.algo.graph.nx_edge_augmentation.MetaEdge(meta_uv, uv, w)
- meta_uv
Alias for field number 0
- uv
Alias for field number 1
- w
Alias for field number 2
- wbia.algo.graph.nx_edge_augmentation.bridge_augmentation(G, avail=None, weight=None)[source]
Finds the a set of edges that bridge connects G.
Adding these edges to G will make it 2-edge-connected. If no constraints are specified the returned set of edges is minimum an optimal, otherwise the solution is approximated.
If there are no constraints the solution can be computed in linear time using
. Otherwise, the problem becomes NP-hard and is the solution is approximated byweighted_bridge_augmentation()
- wbia.algo.graph.nx_edge_augmentation.collapse(G, grouped_nodes)[source]
Collapses each group of nodes into a single node.
This is similar to condensation, but works on undirected graphs.
- Parameters
G (NetworkX Graph) – A directed graph.
grouped_nodes (list or generator) – Grouping of nodes to collapse. The grouping must be disjoint. If grouped_nodes are strongly_connected_components then this is equivalent to condensation.
- Returns
C – The collapsed graph C of G with respect to the node grouping. The node labels are integers corresponding to the index of the component in the list of strongly connected components of G. C has a graph attribute named ‘mapping’ with a dictionary mapping the original nodes to the nodes in C to which they belong. Each node in C also has a node attribute ‘members’ with the set of original nodes in G that form the group that the node in C represents.
- Return type
NetworkX Graph
>>> # Collapses a graph using disjoint groups, but not necesarilly connected >>> G = nx.Graph([(1, 0), (2, 3), (3, 1), (3, 4), (4, 5), (5, 6), (5, 7)]) >>> G.add_node('A') >>> grouped_nodes = [{0, 1, 2, 3}, {5, 6, 7}] >>> C = collapse(G, grouped_nodes) >>> members = nx.get_node_attributes(C, 'members') >>> sorted(members.keys()) [0, 1, 2, 3] >>> member_values = set(map(frozenset, members.values())) >>> assert {0, 1, 2, 3} in member_values >>> assert {4} in member_values >>> assert {5, 6, 7} in member_values >>> assert {'A'} in member_values
- wbia.algo.graph.nx_edge_augmentation.complement_edges(G)[source]
Returns only the edges in the complement of G
>>> G = nx.path_graph((1, 2, 3, 4)) >>> sorted(complement_edges(G)) [(1, 3), (1, 4), (2, 4)] >>> G = nx.path_graph((1, 2, 3, 4), nx.DiGraph()) >>> sorted(complement_edges(G)) [(1, 3), (1, 4), (2, 1), (2, 4), (3, 1), (3, 2), (4, 1), (4, 2), (4, 3)] >>> G = nx.complete_graph(1000) >>> sorted(complement_edges(G)) []
- wbia.algo.graph.nx_edge_augmentation.greedy_k_edge_augmentation(G, k, avail=None, weight=None, seed=None)[source]
Greedy algorithm for finding a k-edge-augmentation
The algorithm is simple. Edges are incrementally added between parts of the graph that are not yet locally k-edge-connected. Then edges are from the augmenting set are pruned as long as local-edge-connectivity is not broken.
This algorithm is greedy and does not provide optimiality gaurentees. It exists only to provide
with the ability to generate a feasible solution for arbitrary k.Example
>>> G = nx.path_graph((1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7)) >>> sorted(greedy_k_edge_augmentation(G, k=2)) [(1, 7)] >>> sorted(greedy_k_edge_augmentation(G, k=1, avail=[])) [] >>> G = nx.path_graph((1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7)) >>> avail = {(u, v): 1 for (u, v) in complement_edges(G)} >>> # randomized pruning process can produce different solutions >>> sorted(greedy_k_edge_augmentation(G, k=4, avail=avail, seed=2)) [(1, 3), (1, 4), (1, 5), (1, 6), (1, 7), (2, 4), (2, 6), (3, 7), (5, 7)] >>> sorted(greedy_k_edge_augmentation(G, k=4, avail=avail, seed=3)) [(1, 3), (1, 5), (1, 6), (2, 4), (2, 6), (3, 7), (4, 7), (5, 7)]
- wbia.algo.graph.nx_edge_augmentation.is_k_edge_connected(G, k)[source]
Tests to see if a graph is k-edge-connected
See also
>>> G = nx.barbell_graph(10, 0) >>> is_k_edge_connected(G, k=1) True >>> is_k_edge_connected(G, k=2) False
- wbia.algo.graph.nx_edge_augmentation.is_locally_k_edge_connected(G, s, t, k)[source]
Tests to see if an edge in a graph is locally k-edge-connected
See also
>>> G = nx.barbell_graph(10, 0) >>> is_locally_k_edge_connected(G, 5, 15, k=1) True >>> is_locally_k_edge_connected(G, 5, 15, k=2) False >>> is_locally_k_edge_connected(G, 1, 5, k=2) True
- wbia.algo.graph.nx_edge_augmentation.k_edge_augmentation(G, k, avail=None, weight=None, partial=False)[source]
Finds set of edges to k-edge-connect G.
This function uses the most efficient function available (depending on the value of k and if the problem is weighted or unweighted) to search for a minimum weight subset of available edges that k-edge-connects G. In general, finding a k-edge-augmentation is NP-hard, so solutions are not garuenteed to be minimal.
- Parameters
G (NetworkX graph) –
k (Integer) – Desired edge connectivity
avail (dict or a set 2 or 3 tuples) –
The available edges that can be used in the augmentation.
If unspecified, then all edges in the complement of G are available. Otherwise, each item is an available edge (with an optinal weight).
In the unweighted case, each item is an edge
(u, v)
.In the weighted case, each item is a 3-tuple
(u, v, d)
or a dict with items(u, v): d
. The third item,d
, can be a dictionary or a real number. Ifd
is a dictionaryd[weight]
correspondings to the weight.weight (string) – key to use to find weights if avail is a set of 3-tuples where the third item in each tuple is a dictionary.
partial (Boolean) – If partial is True and no feasible k-edge-augmentation exists, then all available edges are returned.
- Returns
aug_edges – the G would become k-edge-connected. If partial is False, an error is raised if this is not possible. Otherwise, all available edges are generated.
- Return type
a generator of edges. If these edges are added to G, then
- Raises
NetworkXNotImplemented: – If the input graph is directed or a multigraph.
ValueError: – If k is less than 1
When k=1 this returns an optimal solution.
When k=2 and avail is None, this returns an optimal solution. Otherwise when k=2, this returns a 2-approximation of the optimal solution.
- For k>3, this problem is NP-hard and this uses a randomized algorithm that
produces a feasible solution, but provides no gaurentees on the solution weight.
>>> # Unweighted cases >>> G = nx.path_graph((1, 2, 3, 4)) >>> G.add_node(5) >>> sorted(k_edge_augmentation(G, k=1)) [(1, 5)] >>> sorted(k_edge_augmentation(G, k=2)) [(1, 5), (5, 4)] >>> sorted(k_edge_augmentation(G, k=3)) [(1, 4), (1, 5), (2, 5), (3, 5), (4, 5)] >>> complement = list(k_edge_augmentation(G, k=5, partial=True)) >>> G.add_edges_from(complement) >>> nx.edge_connectivity(G) 4
>>> # Weighted cases >>> G = nx.path_graph((1, 2, 3, 4)) >>> G.add_node(5) >>> # avail can be a tuple with a dict >>> avail = [(1, 5, {'weight': 11}), (2, 5, {'weight': 10})] >>> sorted(k_edge_augmentation(G, k=1, avail=avail, weight='weight')) [(2, 5)] >>> # or avail can be a 3-tuple with a real number >>> avail = [(1, 5, 11), (2, 5, 10), (4, 3, 1), (4, 5, 51)] >>> sorted(k_edge_augmentation(G, k=2, avail=avail)) [(1, 5), (2, 5), (4, 5)] >>> # or avail can be a dict >>> avail = {(1, 5): 11, (2, 5): 10, (4, 3): 1, (4, 5): 51} >>> sorted(k_edge_augmentation(G, k=2, avail=avail)) [(1, 5), (2, 5), (4, 5)] >>> # If augmentation is infeasible, then all edges in avail are returned >>> avail = {(1, 5): 11} >>> sorted(k_edge_augmentation(G, k=2, avail=avail, partial=True)) [(1, 5)]
- wbia.algo.graph.nx_edge_augmentation.one_edge_augmentation(G, avail=None, weight=None, partial=False)[source]
Finds minimum weight set of edges to connect G.
Uses either
depending on whetheravail
is specified. Both algorithms are based on finding a minimum spanning tree. As such both algorithms find optimal solutions and run in linear time.
- wbia.algo.graph.nx_edge_augmentation.partial_k_edge_augmentation(G, k, avail, weight=None)[source]
Finds augmentation that k-edge-connects as much of the graph as possible
When a k-edge-augmentation is not possible, we can still try to find a small set of edges that partially k-edge-connects as much of the graph as possible.
Construct H that augments G with all edges in avail. Find the k-edge-subgraphs of H. For each k-edge-subgraph, if the number of nodes is more than k, then find the k-edge-augmentation of that graph and add it to the solution. Then add all edges in avail between k-edge subgraphs to the solution.
>>> G = nx.path_graph((1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7)) >>> G.add_node(8) >>> avail = [(1, 3), (1, 4), (1, 5), (2, 4), (2, 5), (3, 5), (1, 8)] >>> sorted(partial_k_edge_augmentation(G, k=2, avail=avail)) [(1, 5), (1, 8)]
- wbia.algo.graph.nx_edge_augmentation.unconstrained_bridge_augmentation(G)[source]
Finds an optimal 2-edge-augmentation of G using the fewest edges.
This is an implementation of the algorithm detailed in [1]_. The basic idea is to construct a meta-graph of bridge-ccs, connect leaf nodes of the trees to connect the entire graph, and finally connect the leafs of the tree in dfs-preorder to bridge connect the entire graph.
Input: a graph G. First find the bridge components of G and collapse each bridge-cc into a node of a metagraph graph C, which is gaurenteed to be a forest of trees.
C contains p “leafs” — nodes with exactly one incident edge. C contains q “isolated nodes” — nodes with no incident edges.
- Theorem: If p + q > 1, then at least ceil(p / 2) + q edges are
needed to bridge connect C. This algorithm achieves this min number.
The method first adds enough edges to make G into a tree and then pairs leafs in a simple fashion.
Let n be the number of trees in C. Let v(i) be an isolated vertex in the i-th tree if one exists, otherwise it is a pair of distinct leafs nodes in the i-th tree. Alternating edges from these sets (i.e. adding edges A1 = [(v(i)[0], v(i + 1)[1]), v(i + 1)[0], v(i + 2)[1])…]) connects C into a tree T. This tree has p’ = p + 2q - 2(n -1) leafs and no isolated vertices. A1 has n - 1 edges. The next step finds ceil(p’ / 2) edges to biconnect any tree with p’ leafs.
Convert T into an arborescence T’ by picking an arbitrary root node with degree >= 2 and directing all edges away from the root. Note the implementation implicitly constructs T’.
The leafs of T are the nodes with no existing edges in T’. Order the leafs of T’ by DFS prorder. Then break this list in half and add the zipped pairs to A2.
The set A = A1 + A2 is the minimum augmentation in the metagraph.
To convert this to edges in the original graph
- 1
Eswaran, Kapali P., and R. Endre Tarjan. (1975) Augmentation problems. http://epubs.siam.org/doi/abs/10.1137/0205044
>>> G = nx.path_graph((1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7)) >>> sorted(unconstrained_bridge_augmentation(G)) [(1, 7)] >>> G = nx.path_graph((1, 2, 3, 2, 4, 5, 6, 7)) >>> sorted(unconstrained_bridge_augmentation(G)) [(1, 3), (3, 7)] >>> G = nx.Graph([(0, 1), (0, 2), (1, 2)]) >>> G.add_node(4) >>> sorted(unconstrained_bridge_augmentation(G)) [(1, 4), (4, 0)]
- wbia.algo.graph.nx_edge_augmentation.unconstrained_one_edge_augmentation(G)[source]
Finds the smallest set of edges to connect G.
This is a variant of the unweighted MST problem. If G is not empty, a feasible solution always exists.
>>> G = nx.Graph([(1, 2), (2, 3), (4, 5)]) >>> G.add_nodes_from([6, 7, 8]) >>> sorted(unconstrained_one_edge_augmentation(G)) [(1, 4), (4, 6), (6, 7), (7, 8)]
- wbia.algo.graph.nx_edge_augmentation.weighted_bridge_augmentation(G, avail, weight=None)[source]
Finds an approximate min-weight 2-edge-augmentation of G.
This is an implementation of the approximation algorithm detailed in [1]_. It chooses a set of edges from avail to add to G that renders it 2-edge-connected if such a subset exists. This is done by finding a minimum spanning arborescence of a specially constructed metagraph.
- Parameters
G (NetworkX graph) –
avail (set of 2 or 3 tuples.) – candidate edges (with optional weights) to choose from
weight (string) – key to use to find weights if avail is a set of 3-tuples where the third item in each tuple is a dictionary.
- Returns
aug_edges (set)
- Return type
subset of avail chosen to augment G
Finding a weighted 2-edge-augmentation is NP-hard. Any edge not in
is considered to have a weight of infinity. The approximation factor is 2 ifG
is connected and 3 if it is not. Runs in O(m + n log(n)) timeReferences
- 1
Khuller, Samir, and Ramakrishna Thurimella. (1993) Approximation algorithms for graph augmentation. http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0196677483710102
>>> G = nx.path_graph((1, 2, 3, 4)) >>> # When the weights are equal, (1, 4) is the best >>> avail = [(1, 4, 1), (1, 3, 1), (2, 4, 1)] >>> sorted(weighted_bridge_augmentation(G, avail)) [(1, 4)] >>> # Giving (1, 4) a high weight makes the two edge solution the best. >>> avail = [(1, 4, 1000), (1, 3, 1), (2, 4, 1)] >>> sorted(weighted_bridge_augmentation(G, avail)) [(1, 3), (2, 4)] >>> #------ >>> G = nx.path_graph((1, 2, 3, 4)) >>> G.add_node(5) >>> avail = [(1, 5, 11), (2, 5, 10), (4, 3, 1), (4, 5, 1)] >>> sorted(weighted_bridge_augmentation(G, avail=avail)) [(1, 5), (4, 5)] >>> avail = [(1, 5, 11), (2, 5, 10), (4, 3, 1), (4, 5, 51)] >>> sorted(weighted_bridge_augmentation(G, avail=avail)) [(1, 5), (2, 5), (4, 5)]
- wbia.algo.graph.nx_edge_augmentation.weighted_one_edge_augmentation(G, avail, weight=None, partial=False)[source]
Finds the minimum weight set of edges to connect G if one exists.
This is a variant of the weighted MST problem.
>>> G = nx.Graph([(1, 2), (2, 3), (4, 5)]) >>> G.add_nodes_from([6, 7, 8]) >>> # any edge not in avail has an implicit weight of infinity >>> avail = [(1, 3), (1, 5), (4, 7), (4, 8), (6, 1), (8, 1), (8, 2)] >>> sorted(weighted_one_edge_augmentation(G, avail)) [(1, 5), (4, 7), (6, 1), (8, 1)] >>> # find another solution by giving large weights to edges in the >>> # previous solution (note some of the old edges must be used) >>> avail = [(1, 3), (1, 5, 99), (4, 7, 9), (6, 1, 99), (8, 1, 99), (8, 2)] >>> sorted(weighted_one_edge_augmentation(G, avail)) [(1, 5), (4, 7), (6, 1), (8, 2)]
wbia.algo.graph.nx_edge_kcomponents module
Algorithms for finding k-edge-connected components and subgraphs.
A k-edge-connected component (k-edge-cc) is a maximal set of nodes in G, such that all pairs of node have an edge-connectivity of at least k.
A k-edge-connected subgraph (k-edge-subgraph) is a maximal set of nodes in G, such that the subgraph of G defined by the nodes has an edge-connectivity at least k.
- class wbia.algo.graph.nx_edge_kcomponents.EdgeComponentAuxGraph[source]
A simple algorithm to find all k-edge-connected components in a graph.
Constructing the AuxillaryGraph (which may take some time) allows for the k-edge-ccs to be found in linear time for arbitrary k.
This implementation is based on [1]_. The idea is to construct an auxillary graph from which the k-edge-ccs can be extracted in linear time. The auxillary graph is constructed in O(|V|F) operations, where F is the complexity of max flow. Querying the components takes an additional O(|V|) operations. This algorithm can be slow for large graphs, but it handles an arbitrary k and works for both directed and undirected inputs.
The undirected case for k=1 is exactly connected components. The undirected case for k=2 is exactly bridge connected components. The directed case for k=1 is exactly strongly connected components.
- 1
Wang, Tianhao, et al. (2015) A simple algorithm for finding all k-edge-connected components. http://journals.plos.org/plosone/article?id=10.1371/journal.pone.0136264
>>> from networkx.utils import pairwise >>> # Build an interesting graph with multiple levels of k-edge-ccs >>> paths = [ ... (1, 2, 3, 4, 1, 3, 4, 2), # a 3-edge-cc (a 4 clique) ... (5, 6, 7, 5), # a 2-edge-cc (a 3 clique) ... (1, 5), # combine first two ccs into a 1-edge-cc ... (0,), # add an additional disconnected 1-edge-cc ... ] >>> G = nx.Graph() >>> G.add_nodes_from(it.chain(*paths)) >>> G.add_edges_from(it.chain(*[pairwise(path) for path in paths])) >>> # Constructing the AuxGraph takes about O(n ** 4) >>> aux_graph = EdgeComponentAuxGraph.construct(G) >>> # Once constructed, querying takes O(n) >>> sorted(map(sorted, aux_graph.k_edge_components(k=1))) [[0], [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7]] >>> sorted(map(sorted, aux_graph.k_edge_components(k=2))) [[0], [1, 2, 3, 4], [5, 6, 7]] >>> sorted(map(sorted, aux_graph.k_edge_components(k=3))) [[0], [1, 2, 3, 4], [5], [6], [7]] >>> sorted(map(sorted, aux_graph.k_edge_components(k=4))) [[0], [1], [2], [3], [4], [5], [6], [7]]
>>> # The auxillary graph is primarilly used for k-edge-ccs but it >>> # can also speed up the queries of k-edge-subgraphs by refining the >>> # search space. >>> from networkx.utils import pairwise >>> paths = [ ... (1, 2, 4, 3, 1, 4), ... ] >>> G = nx.Graph() >>> G.add_nodes_from(it.chain(*paths)) >>> G.add_edges_from(it.chain(*[pairwise(path) for path in paths])) >>> aux_graph = EdgeComponentAuxGraph.construct(G) >>> sorted(map(sorted, aux_graph.k_edge_subgraphs(k=3))) [[1], [2], [3], [4]] >>> sorted(map(sorted, aux_graph.k_edge_components(k=3))) [[1, 4], [2], [3]]
- classmethod construct(G)[source]
Builds an auxillary graph encoding edge-connectivity between nodes.
Given G=(V, E), initialize an empty auxillary graph A. Choose an arbitrary source node s. Initialize a set N of available nodes (that can be used as the sink). The algorithm picks an arbitrary node t from N - {s}, and then computes the minimum st-cut (S, T) with value w. If G is directed the the minimum of the st-cut or the ts-cut is used instead. Then, the edge (s, t) is added to the auxillary graph with weight w. The algorithm is called recursively first using S as the available nodes and s as the source, and then using T and t. Recusion stops when the source is the only available node.
- Parameters
G (NetworkX graph) –
- k_edge_components(k)[source]
Queries the auxillary graph for k-edge-connected components.
- Parameters
k (Integer) – Desired edge connectivity
- Returns
- Return type
a generator of k-edge-ccs
Given the auxillary graph, the k-edge-connected components can be determined in linear time by removing all edges with weights less than k from the auxillary graph. The resulting connected components are the k-edge-ccs in the original graph.
- k_edge_subgraphs(k)[source]
Queries the auxillary graph for k-edge-connected subgraphs.
- Parameters
k (Integer) – Desired edge connectivity
- Returns
- Return type
a generator of k-edge-subgraphs
Refines the k-edge-ccs into k-edge-subgraphs. The running time is more than O(|V|).
For single values of k it is faster to use nx.k_edge_subgraphs. But for multiple values of k, it can be faster to build AuxGraph and then use this method.
- wbia.algo.graph.nx_edge_kcomponents.bridge_components(G)[source]
Finds all bridge-connected components G.
- Parameters
G (NetworkX undirected graph) –
- Returns
- Return type
a generator of 2-edge-connected components
See also
this function is a special case for an undirected graph where k=2.
similar to this function, but is defined using 2-node-connectivity instead of 2-edge-connectivity.
- Raises
NetworkXNotImplemented: – If the input graph is directed or a multigraph.
Bridge-connected components are also known as 2-edge-connected components.
>>> # The barbell graph with parameter zero has a single bridge >>> G = nx.barbell_graph(5, 0) >>> sorted(map(sorted, bridge_components(G))) [[0, 1, 2, 3, 4], [5, 6, 7, 8, 9]]
- wbia.algo.graph.nx_edge_kcomponents.general_k_edge_subgraphs(G, k)[source]
General algorithm to find all maximal k-edge-connected subgraphs in G.
- Returns
k_edge_subgraphs – Each k-edge-subgraph is a maximal set of nodes that defines a subgraph of G that is k-edge-connected.
- Return type
a generator of nx.Graphs that are k-edge-subgraphs
Implementation of the basic algorithm from _[1]. The basic idea is to find a global minimum cut of the graph. If the cut value is at least k, then the graph is a k-edge-connected subgraph and can be added to the results. Otherwise, the cut is used to split the graph in two and the procedure is applied recursively. If the graph is just a single node, then it is also added to the results. At the end, each result is either gaurenteed to be a single node or a subgraph of G that is k-edge-connected.
This implementation contains optimizations for reducing the number of calls to max-flow, but there are other optimizations in _[1] that could be implemented.
- 1
Zhou, Liu, et al. (2012) Finding maximal k-edge-connected subgraphs from a large graph. ACM International Conference on Extending Database Technology 2012 480-–491. https://openproceedings.org/2012/conf/edbt/ZhouLYLCL12.pdf
>>> from networkx.utils import pairwise >>> paths = [ ... (11, 12, 13, 14, 11, 13, 14, 12), # a 4-clique ... (21, 22, 23, 24, 21, 23, 24, 22), # another 4-clique ... # connect the cliques with high degree but low connectivity ... (50, 13), ... (12, 50, 22), ... (13, 102, 23), ... (14, 101, 24), ... ] >>> G = nx.Graph(it.chain(*[pairwise(path) for path in paths])) >>> sorted(map(len, k_edge_subgraphs(G, k=3))) [1, 1, 1, 4, 4]
- wbia.algo.graph.nx_edge_kcomponents.k_edge_components(G, k)[source]
Generates nodes in each maximal k-edge-connected component in G.
- Parameters
G (NetworkX graph) –
k (Integer) – Desired edge connectivity
- Returns
k_edge_components – will have k-edge-connectivity in the graph G.
- Return type
a generator of k-edge-ccs. Each set of returned nodes
See also
similar to this function, but the subgraph defined by the nodes must also have k-edge-connectivity.
similar to this function, but uses node-connectivity instead of edge-connectivity
- Raises
NetworkXNotImplemented: – If the input graph is a multigraph.
ValueError: – If k is less than 1
Attempts to use the most efficient implementation available based on k. If k=1, this is simply simply connected components for directed graphs and connected components for undirected graphs. If k=2 on an efficient bridge connected component algorithm from _[1] is run based on the chain decomposition. Otherwise, the algorithm from _[2] is used.
>>> from networkx.utils import pairwise >>> paths = [ ... (1, 2, 4, 3, 1, 4), ... (5, 6, 7, 8, 5, 7, 8, 6), ... ] >>> G = nx.Graph() >>> G.add_nodes_from(it.chain(*paths)) >>> G.add_edges_from(it.chain(*[pairwise(path) for path in paths])) >>> # note this returns {1, 4} unlike k_edge_subgraphs >>> sorted(map(sorted, k_edge_components(G, k=3))) [[1, 4], [2], [3], [5, 6, 7, 8]]
- 1
- 2
Wang, Tianhao, et al. (2015) A simple algorithm for finding all k-edge-connected components. http://journals.plos.org/plosone/article?id=10.1371/journal.pone.0136264
- wbia.algo.graph.nx_edge_kcomponents.k_edge_subgraphs(G, k)[source]
Generates nodes in each maximal k-edge-connected subgraph in G.
- Parameters
G (NetworkX graph) –
k (Integer) – Desired edge connectivity
- Returns
k_edge_subgraphs – Each k-edge-subgraph is a maximal set of nodes that defines a subgraph of G that is k-edge-connected.
- Return type
a generator of k-edge-subgraphs
See also
similar to this function, but nodes only need to have k-edge-connctivity within the graph G and the subgraphs might not be k-edge-connected.
- Raises
NetworkXNotImplemented: – If the input graph is a multigraph.
ValueError: – If k is less than 1
Attempts to use the most efficient implementation available based on k. If k=1, or k=2 and the graph is undirected, then this simply calls k_edge_components. Otherwise the algorithm from _[1] is used.
>>> from networkx.utils import pairwise >>> paths = [ ... (1, 2, 4, 3, 1, 4), ... (5, 6, 7, 8, 5, 7, 8, 6), ... ] >>> G = nx.Graph() >>> G.add_nodes_from(it.chain(*paths)) >>> G.add_edges_from(it.chain(*[pairwise(path) for path in paths])) >>> # note this does not return {1, 4} unlike k_edge_components >>> sorted(map(sorted, k_edge_subgraphs(G, k=3))) [[1], [2], [3], [4], [5, 6, 7, 8]]
- 1
Zhou, Liu, et al. (2012) Finding maximal k-edge-connected subgraphs from a large graph. ACM International Conference on Extending Database Technology 2012 480-–491. https://openproceedings.org/2012/conf/edbt/ZhouLYLCL12.pdf
wbia.algo.graph.nx_utils module
TODO: the k-components will soon be implemented in networkx 2.0 use those instead
- wbia.algo.graph.nx_utils.demodata_tarjan_bridge()[source]
- CommandLine:
python -m wbia.algo.graph.nx_utils demodata_tarjan_bridge –show
>>> # ENABLE_DOCTEST >>> from wbia.algo.graph.nx_utils import * # NOQA >>> G = demodata_tarjan_bridge() >>> ut.quit_if_noshow() >>> import wbia.plottool as pt >>> pt.show_nx(G) >>> ut.show_if_requested()
- wbia.algo.graph.nx_utils.diag_product(s1, s2)[source]
Does product, but iterates over the diagonal first
- wbia.algo.graph.nx_utils.edges_between(graph, nodes1, nodes2=None, assume_disjoint=False, assume_dense=True)[source]
Get edges between two components or within a single component
- Parameters
- CommandLine:
python -m wbia.algo.graph.nx_utils –test-edges_between
>>> # ENABLE_DOCTEST >>> from wbia.algo.graph.nx_utils import * # NOQA >>> import utool as ut >>> edges = [ >>> (1, 2), (2, 3), (3, 4), (4, 1), (4, 3), # cc 1234 >>> (1, 5), (7, 2), (5, 1), # cc 567 / 5678 >>> (7, 5), (5, 6), (8, 7), >>> ] >>> digraph = nx.DiGraph(edges) >>> graph = nx.Graph(edges) >>> nodes1 = [1, 2, 3, 4] >>> nodes2 = [5, 6, 7] >>> n2 = sorted(edges_between(graph, nodes1, nodes2)) >>> n4 = sorted(edges_between(graph, nodes1)) >>> n5 = sorted(edges_between(graph, nodes1, nodes1)) >>> n1 = sorted(edges_between(digraph, nodes1, nodes2)) >>> n3 = sorted(edges_between(digraph, nodes1)) >>> print('n2 == %r' % (n2,)) >>> print('n4 == %r' % (n4,)) >>> print('n5 == %r' % (n5,)) >>> print('n1 == %r' % (n1,)) >>> print('n3 == %r' % (n3,)) >>> assert n2 == ([(1, 5), (2, 7)]), '2' >>> assert n4 == ([(1, 2), (1, 4), (2, 3), (3, 4)]), '4' >>> assert n5 == ([(1, 2), (1, 4), (2, 3), (3, 4)]), '5' >>> assert n1 == ([(1, 5), (5, 1), (7, 2)]), '1' >>> assert n3 == ([(1, 2), (2, 3), (3, 4), (4, 1), (4, 3)]), '3' >>> n6 = sorted(edges_between(digraph, nodes1 + [6], nodes2 + [1, 2], assume_dense=False)) >>> print('n6 = %r' % (n6,)) >>> n6 = sorted(edges_between(digraph, nodes1 + [6], nodes2 + [1, 2], assume_dense=True)) >>> print('n6 = %r' % (n6,)) >>> assert n6 == ([(1, 2), (1, 5), (2, 3), (4, 1), (5, 1), (5, 6), (7, 2)]), '6'
- wbia.algo.graph.nx_utils.edges_cross(graph, nodes1, nodes2)[source]
Finds edges between two sets of disjoint nodes. Running time is O(len(nodes1) * len(nodes2))
- wbia.algo.graph.nx_utils.edges_inside(graph, nodes)[source]
Finds edges within a set of nodes Running time is O(len(nodes) ** 2)
- Parameters
graph (nx.Graph) – an undirected graph
nodes1 (set) – a set of nodes
- wbia.algo.graph.nx_utils.edges_outgoing(graph, nodes)[source]
Finds edges leaving a set of nodes. Average running time is O(len(nodes) * ave_degree(nodes)) Worst case running time is O(G.number_of_edges()).
- Parameters
graph (nx.Graph) – a graph
nodes (set) – set of nodes
>>> # ENABLE_DOCTEST >>> from wbia.algo.graph.nx_utils import * # NOQA >>> import utool as ut >>> G = demodata_bridge() >>> nodes = {1, 2, 3, 4} >>> outgoing = edges_outgoing(G, nodes) >>> assert outgoing == {(3, 5), (4, 8)}
- wbia.algo.graph.nx_utils.random_k_edge_connected_graph(size, k, p=0.1, rng=None)[source]
Super hacky way of getting a random k-connected graph
>>> # ENABLE_DOCTEST >>> import wbia.plottool as pt >>> from wbia.algo.graph.nx_utils import * # NOQA >>> size, k, p = 25, 3, .1 >>> rng = ut.ensure_rng(0) >>> gs = [] >>> for x in range(4): >>> G = random_k_edge_connected_graph(size, k, p, rng) >>> gs.append(G) >>> ut.quit_if_noshow() >>> pnum_ = pt.make_pnum_nextgen(nRows=2, nSubplots=len(gs)) >>> fnum = 1 >>> for g in gs: >>> pt.show_nx(g, fnum=fnum, pnum=pnum_())
wbia.algo.graph.refresh module
wbia.algo.graph.state module
Module contents
- wbia.algo.graph.IMPORT_TUPLES = []
Regen Command: cd /home/joncrall/code/wbia/wbia/algo/graph makeinit.py –modname=wbia.algo.graph
- wbia.algo.graph.reassign_submodule_attributes(verbose=1)[source]
Updates attributes in the __init__ modules with updated attributes in the submodules.
- wbia.algo.graph.rrrr(verbose=1)
Reloads wbia.algo.graph and submodules