# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
TODO: the k-components will soon be implemented in networkx 2.0 use those instead
import logging
import numpy as np
import utool as ut
import networkx as nx
import itertools as it
import vtool as vt # NOQA
# import wbia.algo.graph.nx_edge_kconnectivity as nx_ec
from wbia.algo.graph import nx_edge_augmentation as nx_aug
from collections import defaultdict
print, rrr, profile = ut.inject2(__name__)
logger = logging.getLogger('wbia')
[docs]def connected_component_subgraphs(G):
for c in nx.connected_components(G):
yield G.subgraph(c)
def _dz(a, b):
a = a.tolist() if isinstance(a, np.ndarray) else list(a)
b = b.tolist() if isinstance(b, np.ndarray) else list(b)
return ut.dzip(a, b)
[docs]def diag_product(s1, s2):
"""Does product, but iterates over the diagonal first"""
s1 = list(s1)
s2 = list(s2)
if len(s1) > len(s2):
for _ in range(len(s1)):
for a, b in zip(s1, s2):
yield (a, b)
s1 = ut.list_roll(s1, 1)
for _ in range(len(s2)):
for a, b in zip(s1, s2):
yield (a, b)
s2 = ut.list_roll(s2, 1)
[docs]def e_(u, v):
return (u, v) if u < v else (v, u)
[docs]def edges_inside(graph, nodes):
Finds edges within a set of nodes
Running time is O(len(nodes) ** 2)
graph (nx.Graph): an undirected graph
nodes1 (set): a set of nodes
result = set([])
upper = nodes.copy()
graph_adj = graph.adj
for u in nodes:
for v in upper.intersection(graph_adj[u]):
result.add(e_(u, v))
return result
[docs]def edges_outgoing(graph, nodes):
Finds edges leaving a set of nodes.
Average running time is O(len(nodes) * ave_degree(nodes))
Worst case running time is O(G.number_of_edges()).
graph (nx.Graph): a graph
nodes (set): set of nodes
>>> from wbia.algo.graph.nx_utils import * # NOQA
>>> import utool as ut
>>> G = demodata_bridge()
>>> nodes = {1, 2, 3, 4}
>>> outgoing = edges_outgoing(G, nodes)
>>> assert outgoing == {(3, 5), (4, 8)}
if not isinstance(nodes, set):
nodes = set(nodes)
return {e_(u, v) for u in nodes for v in graph.adj[u] if v not in nodes}
[docs]def edges_cross(graph, nodes1, nodes2):
Finds edges between two sets of disjoint nodes.
Running time is O(len(nodes1) * len(nodes2))
graph (nx.Graph): an undirected graph
nodes1 (set): set of nodes disjoint from `nodes2`
nodes2 (set): set of nodes disjoint from `nodes1`.
return {e_(u, v) for u in nodes1 for v in nodes2.intersection(graph.adj[u])}
[docs]def edges_between(graph, nodes1, nodes2=None, assume_disjoint=False, assume_dense=True):
Get edges between two components or within a single component
graph (nx.Graph): the graph
nodes1 (set): list of nodes
nodes2 (set): if None it is equivlanet to nodes2=nodes1 (default=None)
assume_disjoint (bool): skips expensive check to ensure edges arnt
returned twice (default=False)
python -m wbia.algo.graph.nx_utils --test-edges_between
>>> from wbia.algo.graph.nx_utils import * # NOQA
>>> import utool as ut
>>> edges = [
>>> (1, 2), (2, 3), (3, 4), (4, 1), (4, 3), # cc 1234
>>> (1, 5), (7, 2), (5, 1), # cc 567 / 5678
>>> (7, 5), (5, 6), (8, 7),
>>> ]
>>> digraph = nx.DiGraph(edges)
>>> graph = nx.Graph(edges)
>>> nodes1 = [1, 2, 3, 4]
>>> nodes2 = [5, 6, 7]
>>> n2 = sorted(edges_between(graph, nodes1, nodes2))
>>> n4 = sorted(edges_between(graph, nodes1))
>>> n5 = sorted(edges_between(graph, nodes1, nodes1))
>>> n1 = sorted(edges_between(digraph, nodes1, nodes2))
>>> n3 = sorted(edges_between(digraph, nodes1))
>>> print('n2 == %r' % (n2,))
>>> print('n4 == %r' % (n4,))
>>> print('n5 == %r' % (n5,))
>>> print('n1 == %r' % (n1,))
>>> print('n3 == %r' % (n3,))
>>> assert n2 == ([(1, 5), (2, 7)]), '2'
>>> assert n4 == ([(1, 2), (1, 4), (2, 3), (3, 4)]), '4'
>>> assert n5 == ([(1, 2), (1, 4), (2, 3), (3, 4)]), '5'
>>> assert n1 == ([(1, 5), (5, 1), (7, 2)]), '1'
>>> assert n3 == ([(1, 2), (2, 3), (3, 4), (4, 1), (4, 3)]), '3'
>>> n6 = sorted(edges_between(digraph, nodes1 + [6], nodes2 + [1, 2], assume_dense=False))
>>> print('n6 = %r' % (n6,))
>>> n6 = sorted(edges_between(digraph, nodes1 + [6], nodes2 + [1, 2], assume_dense=True))
>>> print('n6 = %r' % (n6,))
>>> assert n6 == ([(1, 2), (1, 5), (2, 3), (4, 1), (5, 1), (5, 6), (7, 2)]), '6'
if assume_dense:
edges = _edges_between_dense(graph, nodes1, nodes2, assume_disjoint)
edges = _edges_between_sparse(graph, nodes1, nodes2, assume_disjoint)
if graph.is_directed():
yield from edges
for u, v in edges:
yield e_(u, v)
def _edges_between_dense(graph, nodes1, nodes2=None, assume_disjoint=False):
The dense method is where we enumerate all possible edges and just take the
ones that exist (faster for very dense graphs)
if nodes2 is None or nodes2 is nodes1:
# Case where we are looking at internal nodes only
edge_iter = it.combinations(nodes1, 2)
elif assume_disjoint:
# We assume len(isect(nodes1, nodes2)) == 0
edge_iter = it.product(nodes1, nodes2)
# make sure a single edge is not returned twice
# in the case where len(isect(nodes1, nodes2)) > 0
if not isinstance(nodes1, set):
nodes1 = set(nodes1)
if not isinstance(nodes2, set):
nodes2 = set(nodes2)
nodes_isect = nodes1.intersection(nodes2)
nodes_only1 = nodes1 - nodes_isect
nodes_only2 = nodes2 - nodes_isect
edge_sets = [
it.product(nodes_only1, nodes_only2),
it.product(nodes_only1, nodes_isect),
it.product(nodes_only2, nodes_isect),
it.combinations(nodes_isect, 2),
edge_iter = it.chain.from_iterable(edge_sets)
if graph.is_directed():
for n1, n2 in edge_iter:
if graph.has_edge(n1, n2):
yield n1, n2
if graph.has_edge(n2, n1):
yield n2, n1
for n1, n2 in edge_iter:
if graph.has_edge(n1, n2):
yield n1, n2
def _edges_inside_lower(graph, both_adj):
"""finds lower triangular edges inside the nodes"""
both_lower = set([])
for u, neighbs in both_adj.items():
neighbsBB_lower = neighbs.intersection(both_lower)
for v in neighbsBB_lower:
yield (u, v)
def _edges_inside_upper(graph, both_adj):
"""finds upper triangular edges inside the nodes"""
both_upper = set(both_adj.keys())
for u, neighbs in both_adj.items():
neighbsBB_upper = neighbs.intersection(both_upper)
for v in neighbsBB_upper:
yield (u, v)
def _edges_between_disjoint(graph, only1_adj, only2):
"""finds edges between disjoint nodes"""
for u, neighbs in only1_adj.items():
# Find the neighbors of u in only1 that are also in only2
neighbs12 = neighbs.intersection(only2)
for v in neighbs12:
yield (u, v)
def _edges_between_sparse(graph, nodes1, nodes2=None, assume_disjoint=False):
In this version we check the intersection of existing edges and the edges
in the second set (faster for sparse graphs)
# Notes:
# 1 = edges only in `nodes1`
# 2 = edges only in `nodes2`
# B = edges only in both `nodes1` and `nodes2`
# Test for special cases
if nodes2 is None or nodes2 is nodes1:
# Case where we just are finding internal edges
both = set(nodes1)
both_adj = {u: set(graph.adj[u]) for u in both}
if graph.is_directed():
edge_sets = (
_edges_inside_upper(graph, both_adj), # B-to-B (u)
_edges_inside_lower(graph, both_adj), # B-to-B (l)
edge_sets = (_edges_inside_upper(graph, both_adj),) # B-to-B (u)
elif assume_disjoint:
# Case where we find edges between disjoint sets
if not isinstance(nodes1, set):
nodes1 = set(nodes1)
if not isinstance(nodes2, set):
nodes2 = set(nodes2)
only1 = nodes1
only2 = nodes2
if graph.is_directed():
only1_adj = {u: set(graph.adj[u]) for u in only1}
only2_adj = {u: set(graph.adj[u]) for u in only2}
edge_sets = (
_edges_between_disjoint(graph, only1, only2), # 1-to-2
_edges_between_disjoint(graph, only2, only1), # 2-to-1
only1_adj = {u: set(graph.adj[u]) for u in only1}
edge_sets = (_edges_between_disjoint(graph, only1, only2),) # 1-to-2
# Full general case
if not isinstance(nodes1, set):
nodes1 = set(nodes1)
if nodes2 is None:
nodes2 = nodes1
elif not isinstance(nodes2, set):
nodes2 = set(nodes2)
both = nodes1.intersection(nodes2)
only1 = nodes1 - both
only2 = nodes2 - both
# Precompute all calls to set(graph.adj[u]) to avoid duplicate calls
only1_adj = {u: set(graph.adj[u]) for u in only1}
only2_adj = {u: set(graph.adj[u]) for u in only2}
both_adj = {u: set(graph.adj[u]) for u in both}
if graph.is_directed():
edge_sets = (
_edges_between_disjoint(graph, only1_adj, only2), # 1-to-2
_edges_between_disjoint(graph, only1_adj, both), # 1-to-B
_edges_inside_upper(graph, both_adj), # B-to-B (u)
_edges_inside_lower(graph, both_adj), # B-to-B (l)
_edges_between_disjoint(graph, both_adj, only1), # B-to-1
_edges_between_disjoint(graph, both_adj, only2), # B-to-2
_edges_between_disjoint(graph, only2_adj, both), # 2-to-B
_edges_between_disjoint(graph, only2_adj, only1), # 2-to-1
edge_sets = (
_edges_between_disjoint(graph, only1_adj, only2), # 1-to-2
_edges_between_disjoint(graph, only1_adj, both), # 1-to-B
_edges_inside_upper(graph, both_adj), # B-to-B (u)
_edges_between_disjoint(graph, only2_adj, both), # 2-to-B
yield from it.chain.from_iterable(edge_sets)
[docs]def group_name_edges(g, node_to_label):
ne_to_edges = defaultdict(set)
for u, v in g.edges():
name_edge = e_(node_to_label[u], node_to_label[v])
ne_to_edges[name_edge].add(e_(u, v))
return ne_to_edges
[docs]def ensure_multi_index(index, names):
import pandas as pd
if not isinstance(index, (pd.MultiIndex, pd.Index)):
names = ('aid1', 'aid2')
if len(index) == 0:
index = pd.MultiIndex([[], []], [[], []], names=names)
index = pd.MultiIndex.from_tuples(index, names=names)
return index
[docs]def demodata_bridge():
# define 2-connected compoments and bridges
cc2 = [(1, 2, 4, 3, 1, 4), (8, 9, 10, 8), (11, 12, 13, 11)]
bridges = [(4, 8), (3, 5), (20, 21), (22, 23, 24)]
G = nx.Graph(ut.flatten(ut.itertwo(path) for path in cc2 + bridges))
return G
[docs]def demodata_tarjan_bridge():
python -m wbia.algo.graph.nx_utils demodata_tarjan_bridge --show
>>> from wbia.algo.graph.nx_utils import * # NOQA
>>> G = demodata_tarjan_bridge()
>>> ut.quit_if_noshow()
>>> import wbia.plottool as pt
>>> pt.show_nx(G)
>>> ut.show_if_requested()
# define 2-connected compoments and bridges
cc2 = [
(1, 2, 4, 3, 1, 4),
(5, 6, 7, 5),
(8, 9, 10, 8),
(17, 18, 16, 15, 17),
(11, 12, 14, 13, 11, 14),
bridges = [(4, 8), (3, 5), (3, 17)]
G = nx.Graph(ut.flatten(ut.itertwo(path) for path in cc2 + bridges))
return G
# def is_tri_edge_connected(G):
# """
# Yet another Simple Algorithm for Triconnectivity
# http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1570866708000415
# """
# pass
[docs]def is_k_edge_connected(G, k):
return nx_aug.is_k_edge_connected(G, k)
[docs]def complement_edges(G):
return it.starmap(e_, nx_aug.complement_edges(G))
[docs]def k_edge_augmentation(G, k, avail=None, partial=False):
return it.starmap(e_, nx_aug.k_edge_augmentation(G, k, avail=avail, partial=partial))
[docs]def is_complete(G, self_loops=False):
assert not G.is_multigraph()
n_edges = G.number_of_edges()
n_nodes = G.number_of_nodes()
if G.is_directed():
n_need = n_nodes * (n_nodes - 1)
n_need = (n_nodes * (n_nodes - 1)) // 2
if self_loops:
n_need += n_nodes
return n_edges == n_need
[docs]def random_k_edge_connected_graph(size, k, p=0.1, rng=None):
Super hacky way of getting a random k-connected graph
>>> import wbia.plottool as pt
>>> from wbia.algo.graph.nx_utils import * # NOQA
>>> size, k, p = 25, 3, .1
>>> rng = ut.ensure_rng(0)
>>> gs = []
>>> for x in range(4):
>>> G = random_k_edge_connected_graph(size, k, p, rng)
>>> gs.append(G)
>>> ut.quit_if_noshow()
>>> pnum_ = pt.make_pnum_nextgen(nRows=2, nSubplots=len(gs))
>>> fnum = 1
>>> for g in gs:
>>> pt.show_nx(g, fnum=fnum, pnum=pnum_())
import sys
for count in it.count(0):
seed = None if rng is None else rng.randint(sys.maxsize)
# Randomly generate a graph
g = nx.fast_gnp_random_graph(size, p, seed=seed)
conn = nx.edge_connectivity(g)
# If it has exactly the desired connectivity we are one
if conn == k:
# If it has more, then we regenerate the graph with fewer edges
elif conn > k:
p = p / 2
# If it has less then we add a small set of edges to get there
elif conn < k:
# p = 2 * p - p ** 2
# if count == 2:
aug_edges = list(k_edge_augmentation(g, k))
return g
[docs]def edge_df(graph, edges, ignore=None):
import pandas as pd
edge_dict = {e: graph.get_edge_data(*e) for e in edges}
df = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(edge_dict, orient='index')
if len(df):
if ignore:
ignore = df.columns.intersection(ignore)
df = df.drop(ignore, axis=1)
df.index.names = ('u', 'v')
except Exception:
return df