- wbia.algo package
- Subpackages
- wbia.algo.detect package
- Subpackages
- Submodules
- wbia.algo.detect.azure module
- wbia.algo.detect.canonical module
- wbia.algo.detect.darknet module
- wbia.algo.detect.densenet module
- wbia.algo.detect.fasterrcnn module
- wbia.algo.detect.grabmodels module
- wbia.algo.detect.lightnet module
- wbia.algo.detect.orientation module
- wbia.algo.detect.randomforest module
- wbia.algo.detect.rf module
- wbia.algo.detect.selectivesearch module
- wbia.algo.detect.ssd module
- wbia.algo.detect.svm module
- wbia.algo.detect.yolo module
- Module contents
- wbia.algo.graph package
- Subpackages
- Submodules
- wbia.algo.graph.__main__ module
- wbia.algo.graph.core module
- wbia.algo.graph.demo module
- wbia.algo.graph.mixin_dynamic module
- wbia.algo.graph.mixin_groundtruth module
- wbia.algo.graph.mixin_helpers module
- wbia.algo.graph.mixin_loops module
- wbia.algo.graph.mixin_matching module
- wbia.algo.graph.mixin_priority module
- wbia.algo.graph.mixin_simulation module
- wbia.algo.graph.mixin_viz module
- wbia.algo.graph.mixin_wbia module
- wbia.algo.graph.nx_dynamic_graph module
- wbia.algo.graph.nx_edge_augmentation module
- wbia.algo.graph.nx_edge_kcomponents module
- wbia.algo.graph.nx_utils module
- wbia.algo.graph.refresh module
- wbia.algo.graph.state module
- Module contents
- wbia.algo.hots package
- Submodules
- wbia.algo.hots._pipeline_helpers module
- wbia.algo.hots.chip_match module
- wbia.algo.hots.exceptions module
- wbia.algo.hots.hstypes module
- wbia.algo.hots.match_chips4 module
- wbia.algo.hots.name_scoring module
- wbia.algo.hots.neighbor_index module
- wbia.algo.hots.neighbor_index_cache module
- wbia.algo.hots.nn_weights module
- wbia.algo.hots.old_chip_match module
- wbia.algo.hots.pipeline module
- wbia.algo.hots.query_params module
- wbia.algo.hots.query_request module
- wbia.algo.hots.requery_knn module
- wbia.algo.hots.scoring module
- wbia.algo.hots.toy_nan_rf module
- Module contents
- wbia.algo.preproc package
- wbia.algo.smk package
- wbia.algo.verif package
- wbia.algo.detect package
- Submodules
- wbia.algo.Config module
- Module contents
- Subpackages
- wbia.control package
- Submodules
- wbia.control.DB_SCHEMA module
- wbia.control.DB_SCHEMA_CURRENT module
- wbia.control.IBEISControl module
- wbia.control.STAGING_SCHEMA module
- wbia.control.STAGING_SCHEMA_CURRENT module
- wbia.control._autogen_party_funcs module
- wbia.control._sql_helpers module
- wbia.control.accessor_decors module
- wbia.control.autowrap_api_decorators module
- wbia.control.controller_inject module
- wbia.control.docker_control module
- wbia.control.manual_annot_funcs module
- wbia.control.manual_annotgroup_funcs module
- wbia.control.manual_annotmatch_funcs module
- wbia.control.manual_chip_funcs module
- wbia.control.manual_feat_funcs module
- wbia.control.manual_featweight_funcs module
- wbia.control.manual_garelate_funcs module
- wbia.control.manual_gsgrelate_funcs module
- wbia.control.manual_image_funcs module
- wbia.control.manual_imageset_funcs module
- wbia.control.manual_lblannot_funcs module
- wbia.control.manual_lblimage_funcs module
- wbia.control.manual_lbltype_funcs module
- wbia.control.manual_meta_funcs module
- wbia.control.manual_name_funcs module
- wbia.control.manual_part_funcs module
- wbia.control.manual_review_funcs module
- wbia.control.manual_species_funcs module
- wbia.control.manual_test_funcs module
- wbia.control.manual_wbiacontrol_funcs module
- wbia.control.manual_wildbook_funcs module
- wbia.control.wildbook_manager module
- Module contents
- wbia.dbio package
- wbia.detecttools package
- wbia.dtool package
- wbia.expt package
- Submodules
- wbia.expt.annotation_configs module
- wbia.expt.cfghelpers module
- wbia.expt.draw_helpers module
- wbia.expt.experiment_configs module
- wbia.expt.experiment_drawing module
- wbia.expt.experiment_helpers module
- wbia.expt.experiment_printres module
- wbia.expt.harness module
- wbia.expt.old_storage module
- wbia.expt.test_result module
- Module contents
- wbia.gui package
- Submodules
- wbia.gui.clock_offset_gui module
- wbia.gui.guiback module
- wbia.gui.guiexcept module
- wbia.gui.guiexceptions module
- wbia.gui.guiheaders module
- wbia.gui.guimenus module
- wbia.gui.id_review_api module
- wbia.gui.inspect_gui module
- wbia.gui.models_and_views module
- wbia.gui.newgui module
- Module contents
- wbia.guitool package
- Subpackages
- Submodules
- wbia.guitool.PrefWidget2 module
- wbia.guitool.PreferenceWidget module
- wbia.guitool.api_button_delegate module
- wbia.guitool.api_item_model module
- wbia.guitool.api_item_view module
- wbia.guitool.api_item_widget module
- wbia.guitool.api_table_view module
- wbia.guitool.api_thumb_delegate module
- wbia.guitool.api_timestamp_delegate module
- wbia.guitool.api_tree_node module
- wbia.guitool.api_tree_view module
- wbia.guitool.filter_proxy_model module
- wbia.guitool.guitool_components module
- wbia.guitool.guitool_decorators module
- wbia.guitool.guitool_delegates module
- wbia.guitool.guitool_dialogs module
- wbia.guitool.guitool_main module
- wbia.guitool.guitool_misc module
- wbia.guitool.guitool_tables module
- wbia.guitool.mpl_embed module
- wbia.guitool.mpl_widget module
- wbia.guitool.qt_enums module
- wbia.guitool.qtype module
- wbia.guitool.stripe_proxy_model module
- Module contents
- wbia.init package
- wbia.other package
- wbia.plottool package
- Subpackages
- Submodules
- wbia.plottool.__MPL_INIT__ module
- wbia.plottool.__main__ module
- wbia.plottool._cv2_impaint module
- wbia.plottool._oldimpaint module
- wbia.plottool.abstract_interaction module
- wbia.plottool.color_funcs module
- wbia.plottool.custom_constants module
- wbia.plottool.custom_figure module
- wbia.plottool.draw_func2 module
- wbia.plottool.draw_sv module
- wbia.plottool.fig_presenter module
- wbia.plottool.interact_annotations module
- wbia.plottool.interact_helpers module
- wbia.plottool.interact_impaint module
- wbia.plottool.interact_keypoints module
- wbia.plottool.interact_matches module
- wbia.plottool.interact_multi_image module
- wbia.plottool.interactions module
- wbia.plottool.mpl_keypoint module
- wbia.plottool.mpl_sift module
- wbia.plottool.nx_helpers module
- wbia.plottool.other module
- wbia.plottool.plot_helpers module
- wbia.plottool.plots module
- wbia.plottool.screeninfo module
- wbia.plottool.test_colorsys module
- wbia.plottool.test_vtk_poly module
- wbia.plottool.viz_featrow module
- wbia.plottool.viz_image2 module
- wbia.plottool.viz_keypoints module
- Module contents
- wbia.scripts package
- Submodules
- wbia.scripts._neighbor_experiment module
- wbia.scripts._thesis_helpers module
- wbia.scripts.classify_shark module
- wbia.scripts.fix_annotation_orientation_issue module
- wbia.scripts.getshark module
- wbia.scripts.getshark_old module
- wbia.scripts.labelShark module
- wbia.scripts.name_recitifer module
- wbia.scripts.postdoc module
- wbia.scripts.rsync_wbiadb module
- wbia.scripts.specialdraw module
- wbia.scripts.thesis module
- Module contents
- wbia.templates package
- wbia.viz package
- Subpackages
- wbia.viz.interact package
- Submodules
- wbia.viz.interact.interact_annotations2 module
- wbia.viz.interact.interact_chip module
- wbia.viz.interact.interact_image module
- wbia.viz.interact.interact_matches module
- wbia.viz.interact.interact_name module
- wbia.viz.interact.interact_qres module
- wbia.viz.interact.interact_query_decision module
- wbia.viz.interact.interact_sver module
- Module contents
- wbia.viz.interact package
- Submodules
- wbia.viz.viz_chip module
- wbia.viz.viz_graph module
- wbia.viz.viz_graph2 module
- wbia.viz.viz_helpers module
- wbia.viz.viz_hough module
- wbia.viz.viz_image module
- wbia.viz.viz_matches module
- wbia.viz.viz_name module
- wbia.viz.viz_nearest_descriptors module
- wbia.viz.viz_other module
- wbia.viz.viz_qres module
- wbia.viz.viz_sver module
- Module contents
- Subpackages
- wbia.web package
- Submodules
- wbia.web.apis module
- wbia.web.apis_detect module
- wbia.web.apis_engine module
- wbia.web.apis_json module
- wbia.web.apis_query module
- wbia.web.apis_sync module
- wbia.web.app module
- wbia.web.appfuncs module
- wbia.web.graph_server module
- wbia.web.job_engine module
- wbia.web.prometheus module
- wbia.web.routes module
- wbia.web.routes_ajax module
- wbia.web.routes_csv module
- wbia.web.routes_demo module
- wbia.web.routes_experiments module
- wbia.web.routes_submit module
- wbia.web.test_api module
- Module contents
- class wbia._wbia_object.ObjectList1D(rowids, ibs, config=None, caching=False, asarray=False)[source]
An object that efficiently operates on a list of wbia objects using vectorized code. Single instances can be returned as ObjectScalar0D’s
- class wbia._wbia_object.ObjectScalar0D(obj1d)[source]
This actually stores a ObjectList1D of length 1 and simply calls those functions where available
- class wbia._wbia_object.ObjectView1D(rowids, obj1d, cache=None)[source]
Allows for proxy caching.
>>> # ENABLE_DOCTEST >>> from wbia._wbia_object import * # NOQA >>> import wbia >>> ibs = wbia.opendb(defaultdb='testdb1') >>> aids = ibs.get_valid_aids() >>> a = self = annots = ibs.annots(aids) >>> rowids = [1, 1, 3, 2, 1, 2] >>> self = v = a.view(rowids) >>> assert np.all(v.vecs[0] == v.vecs[1]) >>> assert v.vecs[0] is v.vecs[1] >>> assert v.vecs[0] is not v.vecs[2]
- view(rowids)[source]
returns a view of a view that uses the same per-item cache
>>> # ENABLE_DOCTEST >>> from wbia._wbia_object import * # NOQA >>> import wbia >>> ibs = wbia.opendb(defaultdb='testdb1') >>> aids = ibs.get_valid_aids() >>> annots = ibs.annots(aids) >>> self = annots.view(annots._rowids) >>> v1 = self.view([1, 1, 2, 3, 1, 2]) >>> v2 = self.view([3, 4, 5]) >>> v3 = self.view([1, 4]) >>> v4 = self.view(3) >>> lazy4 = v4._make_lazy_dict() >>> assert v1.vecs[0] is v3.vecs[0] >>> assert v2._cache is self._cache >>> assert v2._cache is v1._cache
- wbia.annotmatch_funcs.get_annot_has_reviewed_matching_aids(ibs, aid_list, eager=True, nInput=None)[source]
- wbia.annotmatch_funcs.get_annot_num_reviewed_matching_aids(ibs, aid1_list, eager=True, nInput=None)[source]
- Parameters
- Returns
- Return type
- CommandLine:
python -m wbia.annotmatch_funcs –test-get_annot_num_reviewed_matching_aids
>>> # DISABLE_DOCTEST >>> from wbia.annotmatch_funcs import * # NOQA >>> import wbia >>> ibs = wbia.opendb('testdb2') >>> aid1_list = ibs.get_valid_aids() >>> eager = True >>> nInput = None >>> num_annot_reviewed_list = get_annot_num_reviewed_matching_aids(ibs, aid_list, eager, nInput) >>> result = str(num_annot_reviewed_list) >>> print(result)
- wbia.annotmatch_funcs.get_annot_pair_is_reviewed(ibs, aid1_list, aid2_list)[source]
- CommandLine:
python -m wbia.annotmatch_funcs –test-get_annot_pair_is_reviewed
>>> # DISABLE_DOCTEST >>> from wbia.annotmatch_funcs import * # NOQA >>> import wbia >>> ibs = wbia.opendb('testdb2') >>> aid_list = ibs.get_valid_aids() >>> pairs = list(ut.product(aid_list, aid_list)) >>> aid1_list = ut.get_list_column(pairs, 0) >>> aid2_list = ut.get_list_column(pairs, 1) >>> annotmatch_reviewed_list = get_annot_pair_is_reviewed(ibs, aid1_list, aid2_list) >>> reviewed_pairs = ut.compress(pairs, annotmatch_reviewed_list) >>> result = len(reviewed_pairs) >>> print(result) 104
- wbia.annotmatch_funcs.get_annot_pair_timedelta(ibs, aid_list1, aid_list2)[source]
- Parameters
- Returns
- Return type
- CommandLine:
python -m wbia.annotmatch_funcs –test-get_annot_pair_timedelta
>>> # ENABLE_DOCTEST >>> from wbia.annotmatch_funcs import * # NOQA >>> import wbia >>> ibs = wbia.opendb('PZ_MTEST') >>> aid_list = ibs.get_valid_aids(hasgt=True) >>> unixtimes = ibs.get_annot_image_unixtimes_asfloat(aid_list) >>> aid_list = ut.compress(aid_list, ~np.isnan(unixtimes)) >>> gt_aids_list = ibs.get_annot_groundtruth(aid_list, daid_list=aid_list) >>> flags = np.array(list(map(len, gt_aids_list))) > 0 >>> aid_list1 = ut.compress(aid_list, flags)[0:5] >>> aid_list2 = ut.take_column(gt_aids_list, 0)[0:5] >>> timedelta_list = ibs.get_annot_pair_timedelta(aid_list1, aid_list2) >>> result = ut.repr2(timedelta_list, precision=1) >>> print(result) np.array([7.6e+07, 7.6e+07, 2.4e+06, 2.0e+08, 9.7e+07])
- wbia.annotmatch_funcs.get_annot_reviewed_matching_aids(ibs, aid_list, eager=True, nInput=None)[source]
Returns a list of the aids that were reviewed as candidate matches to the input aid
- wbia.annotmatch_funcs.get_annotmatch_rowids_between(ibs, aids1, aids2, method=None)[source]
>>> # ENABLE_DOCTEST >>> from wbia.annotmatch_funcs import * # NOQA >>> import wbia >>> ibs = wbia.opendb('PZ_MTEST') >>> aids1 = aids2 = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6] >>> rowids_between = ibs.get_annotmatch_rowids_between >>> ams1 = sorted(rowids_between(aids1, aids2, method=1)) >>> ams2 = sorted(rowids_between(aids1, aids2, method=2)) >>> assert len(ub.find_duplicates(ams1)) == 0 >>> assert len(ub.find_duplicates(ams2)) == 0 >>> assert sorted(ams2) == sorted(ams1)
- wbia.annotmatch_funcs.get_annotmatch_rowids_from_aid(ibs, aid_list, eager=True, nInput=None, force_method=None)[source]
Undirected version Returns a list of the aids that were reviewed as candidate matches to the input aid aid_list = ibs.get_valid_aids()
- CommandLine:
python -m wbia.annotmatch_funcs –exec-get_annotmatch_rowids_from_aid python -m wbia.annotmatch_funcs –exec-get_annotmatch_rowids_from_aid:1 –show
>>> # DISABLE_DOCTEST >>> from wbia.annotmatch_funcs import * # NOQA >>> import wbia >>> ibs = wbia.opendb(defaultdb='testdb1') >>> ut.exec_funckw(ibs.get_annotmatch_rowids_from_aid, globals()) >>> aid_list = ibs.get_valid_aids()[0:4] >>> annotmatch_rowid_list = ibs.get_annotmatch_rowids_from_aid(aid_list, >>> eager, nInput) >>> result = ('annotmatch_rowid_list = %s' % (str(annotmatch_rowid_list),)) >>> print(result)
- wbia.annotmatch_funcs.get_annotmatch_rowids_from_aid1(ibs, aid1_list, eager=True, nInput=None)[source]
TODO autogenerate
Returns a list of the aids that were reviewed as candidate matches to the input aid
aid_list = ibs.get_valid_aids() :param ibs: wbia controller object :type ibs: IBEISController :param aid1_list: :type aid1_list: list :param eager: (default = True) :type eager: bool :param nInput: (default = None) :type nInput: None
- Returns
- Return type
- wbia.annotmatch_funcs.get_annotmatch_rowids_from_aid2(ibs, aid2_list, eager=True, nInput=None, force_method=None)[source]
# This one is slow because aid2 is the second part of the index Returns a list of the aids that were reviewed as candidate matches to the input aid
- wbia.annotmatch_funcs.get_match_truths(ibs, aids1, aids2)[source]
Uses NIDS to verify truth. TODO: rectify with annotmatch table
- Parameters
- Returns
- truth_codes - see
wbia.constants.EVIDENCE_DECISION.INT_TO_CODE for code definitions
- Return type
- CommandLine:
python -m wbia.other.ibsfuncs –test-get_match_truths
>>> # ENABLE_DOCTEST >>> from wbia.annotmatch_funcs import * # NOQA >>> import wbia >>> ibs = wbia.opendb('testdb1') >>> aids1 = ibs.get_valid_aids() >>> aids2 = ut.list_roll(ibs.get_valid_aids(), -1) >>> truth_codes = get_match_truths(ibs, aids1, aids2) >>> print('truth_codes = %s' % ut.repr2(truth_codes)) >>> target = np.array([3, 1, 3, 3, 1, 0, 0, 3, 3, 3, 3, 0, 3]) >>> assert np.all(truth_codes == target)
- wbia.annotmatch_funcs.set_annot_pair_as_negative_match(ibs, aid1, aid2, dryrun=False, on_nontrivial_split=None, logger_=None)[source]
- Parameters
- CommandLine:
python -m wbia.annotmatch_funcs –test-set_annot_pair_as_negative_match
>>> # ENABLE_DOCTEST >>> from wbia.annotmatch_funcs import * # NOQA >>> import wbia >>> ibs = wbia.opendb('testdb1') >>> aid1, aid2 = ibs.get_valid_aids()[0:2] >>> dryrun = True >>> result = set_annot_pair_as_negative_match(ibs, aid1, aid2, dryrun) >>> print(result) >>> ibs.delete_names(ibs.get_valid_nids()[-1]) # clean up
- wbia.annotmatch_funcs.set_annot_pair_as_positive_match(ibs, aid1, aid2, dryrun=False, on_nontrivial_merge=None, logger_=None)[source]
Safe way to perform links. Errors on invalid operations.
TODO: ELEVATE THIS FUNCTION Change into make_task_set_annot_pair_as_positive_match and it returns what needs to be done.
- Need to test several cases:
uknown, unknown knownA, knownA knownB, knownA unknown, knownA knownA, unknown
- Parameters
- CommandLine:
python -m wbia.annotmatch_funcs –test-set_annot_pair_as_positive_match
>>> # ENABLE_DOCTEST >>> from wbia.annotmatch_funcs import * # NOQA >>> import wbia >>> ibs = wbia.opendb('testdb1') >>> aid1, aid2 = ibs.get_valid_aids()[0:2] >>> dryrun = True >>> status = set_annot_pair_as_positive_match(ibs, aid1, aid2, dryrun) >>> print(status)
- class wbia.annots.AnnotGroups(annots_list, ibs)[source]
Effciently handle operations on multiple groups of annotations
- property age_months_est_max
- property age_months_est_min
- property aid
- property aids
- property all_tags
- property annotmatch_tags
- property bbox_area
- property bboxes
- property case_tags
- property contact_aids
- property detect_confidence
- property encounter_text
- property exemplar_flags
- property gids
- property groundfalse
- property groundtruth
- property has_groundtruth
- property has_reviewed_matching_aids
- property hashid_semantic_uuid
- property hashid_uuid
- property hashid_visual_uuid
- property image_contributor_tag
- property image_datetime_str
- property image_gps
- property image_gps2
- property image_set_texts
- property image_unixtimes_asfloat
- property image_uuids
- property images
- property imgset_uuids
- property imgsetids
- property match_tags
returns pairwise tags within the annotation group
- property multiple
- property name_uuids
- property names
- property nids
- property notes
- property num_contact_aids
- property num_groundtruth
- property num_reviewed_matching_aids
- property occurrence_text
- property otherimage_aids
- property parent_aid
- property primary_imageset
- property qualities
- property quality_texts
- property reviewed
- property reviewed_matching_aids
- rrr(verbose=True, reload_module=True)
special class reloading function This function is often injected as rrr of classes
- property semantic_uuids
- property sex
- property sex_texts
- property species
- property species_rowids
- property species_texts
- property species_uuids
- property static_encounter
- property thetas
- property uuids
- property verts
- property viewpoint_code
- property viewpoint_int
- property visual_uuids
- property yaw_texts
- property yaws
- property yaws_asfloat
- class wbia.annots.AnnotMatches(rowids, ibs, config=None, caching=False, asarray=False)[source]
Represents a group of annotations. Efficiently accesses properties from a database using lazy evaluation.
- CommandLine:
python -m wbia.annots Annots
>>> # ENABLE_DOCTEST >>> from wbia.annots import * # NOQA >>> import wbia >>> ibs = wbia.opendb(defaultdb='testdb1') >>> aids = ibs.get_valid_aids() >>> annots = Annots(aids, ibs) >>> ams = annots.get_am_rowids() >>> matches = self = ibs.matches() >>> ed1 = matches.evidence_decision >>> md2 = matches.meta_decision >>> table = ibs.db.get_table_as_pandas('annotmatch') >>> assert len(table) == len(matches)
- property aid1
- property aid2
- property case_tags
- property confidence
- property confidence_code
- property count
- property edges
- property evidence_decision
- property evidence_decision_code
- property meta_decision
- property meta_decision_code
- property posixtime_modified
- property reviewer
- rrr()
Dynamic module reloading
- property tag_text
- class wbia.annots.Annots(rowids, ibs, config=None, caching=False, asarray=False)[source]
Represents a group of annotations. Efficiently accesses properties from a database using lazy evaluation.
- CommandLine:
python -m wbia.annots Annots
>>> # ENABLE_DOCTEST >>> from wbia.annots import * # NOQA >>> import wbia >>> ibs = wbia.opendb(defaultdb='testdb1') >>> aids = ibs.get_valid_aids() >>> a = self = annots = Annots(aids, ibs) >>> a.preload('vecs', 'kpts', 'nids') >>> print(Annots.mro()) >>> print(ut.depth_profile(a.vecs)) >>> print(a)
>>> # ENABLE_DOCTEST >>> from wbia.annots import * # NOQA >>> import wbia >>> ibs = wbia.opendb(defaultdb='testdb1') >>> aids = ibs.get_valid_aids() >>> a = self = annots = Annots(aids, ibs) >>> a.preload('vecs', 'kpts', 'nids') >>> a.disconnect() >>> assert 'vecs' in a._internal_attrs.keys() >>> assert a._ibs is None >>> ut.assert_raises(KeyError, a._get_num_feats) >>> a._ibs = ibs >>> assert len(a._get_num_feats()) > 0
- property age_months_est_max
- property age_months_est_min
- property aid
- property aids
- property all_tags
- property annotmatch_tags
- property bbox_area
- property bboxes
- property case_tags
- property chip_dlensqrd
- property chip_fpath
- property chip_size
- property chip_sizes
- property chip_thumbpath
- property chip_thumbtup
- property chips
- property contact_aids
- property detect_confidence
- property encounter_text
- property exemplar_flags
- property feat_rowids
- property featweight_rowids
- property fgweights
- property fgweights_subset
- get_am_rowids(internal=True)[source]
if internal is True returns am rowids only between annotations in this Annots object, otherwise returns any am rowid that contains any aid in this Annots object.
- property gids
- property gps
- property groundfalse
- property groundtruth
- group2(by)[source]
self = annots by = annots.static_encounter encounters = annots.group2(annots.static_encounter)
- property has_groundtruth
- property has_reviewed_matching_aids
- property hashid_semantic_uuid
- property hashid_uuid
- property hashid_visual_uuid
- property hog_hog
- property hog_img
- property image_contributor_tag
- property image_datetime_str
- property image_gps
- property image_gps2
- property image_set_texts
- property image_unixtimes_asfloat
- property image_uuids
- property imgset_uuids
- property imgsetids
- property kpts
- property kpts_distinctiveness
- property multiple
- property name
- property name_uuids
- property names
- property nid
- property nids
- property notes
- property num_contact_aids
- property num_feats
- property num_groundtruth
- property num_reviewed_matching_aids
- property occurrence_text
- property otherimage_aids
- property parent_aid
- property primary_imageset
- property probchip_img
- property qual
- property qualities
- property quality_texts
- property rchip
- property rchip_fpath
- property reviewed
- property reviewed_matching_aids
- rrr()
Dynamic module reloading
- property semantic_uuids
- property sex
- property sex_texts
- property species
- property species_rowids
- property species_texts
- property species_uuids
- property static_encounter
- property thetas
- property time
- property unary_tags
- property uuids
- property vecs
- property vecs_cache
- property vecs_subset
- property verts
- property viewpoint_code
- property viewpoint_int
- property visual_uuids
- property yaw
- property yaw_texts
- property yaws
- property yaws_asfloat
It is better to use constant variables instead of hoping you spell the same string correctly every time you use it. (Also it makes it much easier if a string name changes)
- class wbia.constants.CONFIDENCE[source]
- class CODE
- ABSOLUTELY_SURE = 'absolutely_sure'
- GUESSING = 'guessing'
- NOT_SURE = 'not_sure'
- PRETTY_SURE = 'pretty_sure'
- UNKNOWN = 'unspecified'
- CODE_TO_INT = {'absolutely_sure': 4, 'guessing': 1, 'not_sure': 2, 'pretty_sure': 3, 'unspecified': None}
- CODE_TO_NICE = {'absolutely_sure': 'Doubtless', 'guessing': 'Guessing', 'not_sure': 'Unsure', 'pretty_sure': 'Sure', 'unspecified': 'Unspecified'}
- INT_TO_CODE = OrderedDict([(4, 'absolutely_sure'), (3, 'pretty_sure'), (2, 'not_sure'), (1, 'guessing'), (None, 'unspecified')])
- INT_TO_NICE = OrderedDict([(4, 'Doubtless'), (3, 'Sure'), (2, 'Unsure'), (1, 'Guessing'), (None, 'Unspecified')])
- class NICE
- ABSOLUTELY_SURE = 'Doubtless'
- GUESSING = 'Guessing'
- NOT_SURE = 'Unsure'
- PRETTY_SURE = 'Sure'
- UNKNOWN = 'Unspecified'
- NICE_TO_CODE = {'Doubtless': 'absolutely_sure', 'Guessing': 'guessing', 'Sure': 'pretty_sure', 'Unspecified': 'unspecified', 'Unsure': 'not_sure'}
- NICE_TO_INT = {'Doubtless': 4, 'Guessing': 1, 'Sure': 3, 'Unspecified': None, 'Unsure': 2}
- NOT_SURE = 2
- UNKNOWN = None
- class wbia.constants.EVIDENCE_DECISION[source]
TODO: change to EVIDENCE_DECISION / VISUAL_DECISION Enumerated types of review codes and texts
Unreviewed: Not comparared yet. nomatch: Visually comparable and the different match: Visually comparable and the same notcomp: Not comparable means it is actually impossible to determine. unknown: means that it was reviewed, but we just can’t figure it out.
- class CODE
- INCOMPARABLE = 'notcomp'
- NEGATIVE = 'nomatch'
- POSITIVE = 'match'
- UNKNOWN = 'unknown'
- UNREVIEWED = 'unreviewed'
- CODE_TO_INT = {'match': 1, 'nomatch': 0, 'notcomp': 2, 'unknown': 3, 'unreviewed': None}
- CODE_TO_NICE = {'match': 'Positive', 'nomatch': 'Negative', 'notcomp': 'Incomparable', 'unknown': 'Unknown', 'unreviewed': 'Unreviewed'}
- INT_TO_CODE = OrderedDict([(1, 'match'), (0, 'nomatch'), (2, 'notcomp'), (3, 'unknown'), (None, 'unreviewed')])
- INT_TO_NICE = OrderedDict([(1, 'Positive'), (0, 'Negative'), (2, 'Incomparable'), (3, 'Unknown'), (None, 'Unreviewed')])
- MATCH_CODE = {'match': 1, 'nomatch': 0, 'notcomp': 2, 'unknown': 3, 'unreviewed': None}
- class NICE
- INCOMPARABLE = 'Incomparable'
- NEGATIVE = 'Negative'
- POSITIVE = 'Positive'
- UNKNOWN = 'Unknown'
- UNREVIEWED = 'Unreviewed'
- NICE_TO_CODE = {'Incomparable': 'notcomp', 'Negative': 'nomatch', 'Positive': 'match', 'Unknown': 'unknown', 'Unreviewed': 'unreviewed'}
- NICE_TO_INT = {'Incomparable': 2, 'Negative': 0, 'Positive': 1, 'Unknown': 3, 'Unreviewed': None}
- class wbia.constants.META_DECISION[source]
Enumerated types of review codes and texts
unreviewed: we dont have a meta decision same: we know this is the same animal through non-visual means diff: we know this is the different animal through non-visual means
>>> # ENABLE_DOCTEST >>> from wbia.constants import * # NOQA >>> assert hasattr(META_DECISION, 'CODE') >>> assert hasattr(META_DECISION, 'NICE') >>> code1 = META_DECISION.INT_TO_CODE[META_DECISION.NULL] >>> code2 = META_DECISION.CODE.NULL >>> assert code1 == code2 >>> nice1 = META_DECISION.INT_TO_NICE[META_DECISION.NULL] >>> nice2 = META_DECISION.NICE.NULL >>> assert nice1 == nice2
- CODE_TO_INT = {'diff': 0, 'null': None, 'same': 1}
- CODE_TO_NICE = {'diff': 'Different', 'null': 'NULL', 'same': 'Same'}
- DIFF = 0
- INT_TO_CODE = OrderedDict([(None, 'null'), (0, 'diff'), (1, 'same')])
- INT_TO_NICE = OrderedDict([(None, 'NULL'), (0, 'Different'), (1, 'Same')])
- NICE_TO_CODE = {'Different': 'diff', 'NULL': 'null', 'Same': 'same'}
- NICE_TO_INT = {'Different': 0, 'NULL': None, 'Same': 1}
- NULL = None
- SAME = 1
- class wbia.constants.PATH_NAMES[source]
Path names for internal IBEIS database
- backups = '_ibeis_backups'
- bigcache = 'qres_bigcache_new'
- cache = '_ibeis_cache'
- chips = 'chips'
- detectimg = 'detectimg'
- distinctdir = 'distinctiveness_model'
- figures = 'figures'
- flann = 'flann'
- images = 'images'
- logs = '_ibeis_logs'
- nets = 'nets'
- qres = 'qres_new'
- scorenormdir = 'scorenorm'
- smartpatrol = 'smart_patrol'
- sqldb = '_ibeis_database.sqlite3'
- sqlstaging = '_ibeis_staging.sqlite3'
- thumbs = 'thumbs'
- trashdir = 'trashed_images'
- trees = 'trees'
- uploads = 'uploads'
- class wbia.constants.QUAL[source]
- class CODE
- EXCELLENT = 'excellent'
- GOOD = 'good'
- JUNK = 'junk'
- OK = 'ok'
- POOR = 'poor'
- UNKNOWN = 'unspecified'
- CODE_TO_INT = {'excellent': 5, 'good': 4, 'junk': 1, 'ok': 3, 'poor': 2, 'unspecified': None}
- CODE_TO_NICE = {'excellent': 'Excellent', 'good': 'Good', 'junk': 'Junk', 'ok': 'OK', 'poor': 'Poor', 'unspecified': 'Unspecified'}
- GOOD = 4
- INT_TO_CODE = OrderedDict([(5, 'excellent'), (4, 'good'), (3, 'ok'), (2, 'poor'), (1, 'junk'), (None, 'unspecified')])
- INT_TO_NICE = OrderedDict([(5, 'Excellent'), (4, 'Good'), (3, 'OK'), (2, 'Poor'), (1, 'Junk'), (None, 'Unspecified')])
- JUNK = 1
- class NICE
- EXCELLENT = 'Excellent'
- GOOD = 'Good'
- JUNK = 'Junk'
- OK = 'OK'
- POOR = 'Poor'
- UNKNOWN = 'Unspecified'
- NICE_TO_CODE = {'Excellent': 'excellent', 'Good': 'good', 'Junk': 'junk', 'OK': 'ok', 'Poor': 'poor', 'Unspecified': 'unspecified'}
- NICE_TO_INT = {'Excellent': 5, 'Good': 4, 'Junk': 1, 'OK': 3, 'Poor': 2, 'Unspecified': None}
- OK = 3
- POOR = 2
- UNKNOWN = None
- class wbia.constants.REL_PATHS[source]
all paths are relative to ibs.dbdir
- backups = '_ibsdb/_ibeis_backups'
- bigcache = '_ibsdb/_ibeis_cache/qres_bigcache_new'
- cache = '_ibsdb/_ibeis_cache'
- chips = '_ibsdb/_ibeis_cache/chips'
- distinctdir = '_ibsdb/_ibeis_cache/distinctiveness_model'
- figures = '_ibsdb/figures'
- flann = '_ibsdb/_ibeis_cache/flann'
- images = '_ibsdb/images'
- logs = '_ibsdb/_ibeis_logs'
- nets = '_ibsdb/nets'
- qres = '_ibsdb/_ibeis_cache/qres_new'
- thumbs = '_ibsdb/_ibeis_cache/thumbs'
- trashdir = 'trashed_images'
- trees = '_ibsdb/trees'
- uploads = '_ibsdb/uploads'
- class wbia.constants.TEST_SPECIES[source]
- BEAR_POLAR = 'bear_polar'
- GIR_MASAI = 'giraffe_masai'
- ZEB_GREVY = 'zebra_grevys'
- ZEB_PLAIN = 'zebra_plains'
- class wbia.constants.VIEW[source]
categorical viewpoint using the faces of a Rhombicuboctahedron
- B = 7
- BL = 6
- BR = 8
- class CODE
- B = 'back'
- BL = 'backleft'
- BR = 'backright'
- D = 'down'
- DB = 'downback'
- DBL = 'downbackleft'
- DBR = 'downbackright'
- DF = 'downfront'
- DFL = 'downfrontleft'
- DFR = 'downfrontright'
- DL = 'downleft'
- DR = 'downright'
- F = 'front'
- FL = 'frontleft'
- FR = 'frontright'
- L = 'left'
- R = 'right'
- U = 'up'
- UB = 'upback'
- UBL = 'upbackleft'
- UBR = 'upbackright'
- UF = 'upfront'
- UFL = 'upfrontleft'
- UFR = 'upfrontright'
- UL = 'upleft'
- UNKNOWN = 'unknown'
- UR = 'upright'
- CODE_TO_INT = {'back': 7, 'backleft': 6, 'backright': 8, 'down': 18, 'downback': 20, 'downbackleft': 25, 'downbackright': 26, 'downfront': 19, 'downfrontleft': 23, 'downfrontright': 24, 'downleft': 21, 'downright': 22, 'front': 3, 'frontleft': 4, 'frontright': 2, 'left': 5, 'right': 1, 'unknown': None, 'up': 9, 'upback': 11, 'upbackleft': 16, 'upbackright': 17, 'upfront': 10, 'upfrontleft': 14, 'upfrontright': 15, 'upleft': 12, 'upright': 13}
- CODE_TO_NICE = {'back': 'Back', 'backleft': 'Back-Left', 'backright': 'Back-Right', 'down': 'Down', 'downback': 'Down-Back', 'downbackleft': 'Down-Back-Left', 'downbackright': 'Down-Back-Right', 'downfront': 'Down-Front', 'downfrontleft': 'Down-Front-Left', 'downfrontright': 'Down-Front-Right', 'downleft': 'Down-Left', 'downright': 'Down-Right', 'front': 'Front', 'frontleft': 'Front-Left', 'frontright': 'Front-Right', 'left': 'Left', 'right': 'Right', 'unknown': 'Unknown', 'up': 'Up', 'upback': 'Up-Back', 'upbackleft': 'Up-Back-Left', 'upbackright': 'Up-Back-Right', 'upfront': 'Up-Front', 'upfrontleft': 'Up-Front-Left', 'upfrontright': 'Up-Front-Right', 'upleft': 'Up-Left', 'upright': 'Up-Right'}
- D = 18
- DB = 20
- DBL = 25
- DBR = 26
- DF = 19
- DFL = 23
- DFR = 24
- DIST = {(7, 7): 0, (6, 6): 0, (8, 8): 0, (18, 18): 0, (20, 20): 0, (25, 25): 0, (26, 26): 0, (19, 19): 0, (23, 23): 0, (24, 24): 0, (21, 21): 0, (22, 22): 0, (3, 3): 0, (4, 4): 0, (2, 2): 0, (5, 5): 0, (1, 1): 0, (9, 9): 0, (11, 11): 0, (16, 16): 0, (17, 17): 0, (10, 10): 0, (14, 14): 0, (15, 15): 0, (12, 12): 0, (13, 13): 0, (7, 6): 1, (7, 8): 1, (7, 20): 1, (7, 25): 1, (7, 26): 1, (7, 11): 1, (7, 16): 1, (7, 17): 1, (6, 25): 1, (6, 5): 1, (6, 16): 1, (8, 26): 1, (8, 1): 1, (8, 17): 1, (18, 20): 1, (18, 25): 1, (18, 26): 1, (18, 19): 1, (18, 23): 1, (18, 24): 1, (18, 21): 1, (18, 22): 1, (20, 25): 1, (20, 26): 1, (25, 21): 1, (25, 5): 1, (26, 22): 1, (26, 1): 1, (19, 23): 1, (19, 24): 1, (19, 3): 1, (23, 21): 1, (23, 3): 1, (23, 4): 1, (23, 5): 1, (24, 22): 1, (24, 3): 1, (24, 2): 1, (24, 1): 1, (21, 5): 1, (22, 1): 1, (3, 4): 1, (3, 2): 1, (3, 10): 1, (3, 14): 1, (3, 15): 1, (4, 5): 1, (4, 14): 1, (2, 1): 1, (2, 15): 1, (5, 16): 1, (5, 14): 1, (5, 12): 1, (1, 17): 1, (1, 15): 1, (1, 13): 1, (9, 11): 1, (9, 16): 1, (9, 17): 1, (9, 10): 1, (9, 14): 1, (9, 15): 1, (9, 12): 1, (9, 13): 1, (11, 16): 1, (11, 17): 1, (16, 12): 1, (17, 13): 1, (10, 14): 1, (10, 15): 1, (14, 12): 1, (15, 13): 1, (7, 18): 2, (7, 21): 2, (7, 22): 2, (7, 5): 2, (7, 1): 2, (7, 9): 2, (7, 12): 2, (7, 13): 2, (6, 8): 2, (6, 18): 2, (6, 20): 2, (6, 26): 2, (6, 23): 2, (6, 21): 2, (6, 4): 2, (6, 9): 2, (6, 11): 2, (6, 17): 2, (6, 14): 2, (6, 12): 2, (8, 18): 2, (8, 20): 2, (8, 25): 2, (8, 24): 2, (8, 22): 2, (8, 2): 2, (8, 9): 2, (8, 11): 2, (8, 16): 2, (8, 15): 2, (8, 13): 2, (18, 3): 2, (18, 4): 2, (18, 2): 2, (18, 5): 2, (18, 1): 2, (20, 19): 2, (20, 23): 2, (20, 24): 2, (20, 21): 2, (20, 22): 2, (20, 5): 2, (20, 1): 2, (20, 11): 2, (20, 16): 2, (20, 17): 2, (25, 26): 2, (25, 19): 2, (25, 23): 2, (25, 24): 2, (25, 22): 2, (25, 4): 2, (25, 11): 2, (25, 16): 2, (25, 17): 2, (25, 14): 2, (25, 12): 2, (26, 19): 2, (26, 23): 2, (26, 24): 2, (26, 21): 2, (26, 2): 2, (26, 11): 2, (26, 16): 2, (26, 17): 2, (26, 15): 2, (26, 13): 2, (19, 21): 2, (19, 22): 2, (19, 4): 2, (19, 2): 2, (19, 5): 2, (19, 1): 2, (19, 10): 2, (19, 14): 2, (19, 15): 2, (23, 24): 2, (23, 22): 2, (23, 2): 2, (23, 16): 2, (23, 10): 2, (23, 14): 2, (23, 15): 2, (23, 12): 2, (24, 21): 2, (24, 4): 2, (24, 17): 2, (24, 10): 2, (24, 14): 2, (24, 15): 2, (24, 13): 2, (21, 22): 2, (21, 3): 2, (21, 4): 2, (21, 16): 2, (21, 14): 2, (21, 12): 2, (22, 3): 2, (22, 2): 2, (22, 17): 2, (22, 15): 2, (22, 13): 2, (3, 5): 2, (3, 1): 2, (3, 9): 2, (3, 12): 2, (3, 13): 2, (4, 2): 2, (4, 9): 2, (4, 16): 2, (4, 10): 2, (4, 15): 2, (4, 12): 2, (2, 9): 2, (2, 17): 2, (2, 10): 2, (2, 14): 2, (2, 13): 2, (5, 9): 2, (5, 11): 2, (5, 10): 2, (1, 9): 2, (1, 11): 2, (1, 10): 2, (11, 10): 2, (11, 14): 2, (11, 15): 2, (11, 12): 2, (11, 13): 2, (16, 17): 2, (16, 10): 2, (16, 14): 2, (16, 15): 2, (16, 13): 2, (17, 10): 2, (17, 14): 2, (17, 15): 2, (17, 12): 2, (10, 12): 2, (10, 13): 2, (14, 15): 2, (14, 13): 2, (15, 12): 2, (12, 13): 2, (7, 19): 3, (7, 23): 3, (7, 24): 3, (7, 4): 3, (7, 2): 3, (7, 10): 3, (7, 14): 3, (7, 15): 3, (6, 19): 3, (6, 24): 3, (6, 22): 3, (6, 3): 3, (6, 1): 3, (6, 10): 3, (6, 15): 3, (6, 13): 3, (8, 19): 3, (8, 23): 3, (8, 21): 3, (8, 3): 3, (8, 5): 3, (8, 10): 3, (8, 14): 3, (8, 12): 3, (18, 11): 3, (18, 16): 3, (18, 17): 3, (18, 10): 3, (18, 14): 3, (18, 15): 3, (18, 12): 3, (18, 13): 3, (20, 3): 3, (20, 4): 3, (20, 2): 3, (20, 9): 3, (20, 14): 3, (20, 15): 3, (20, 12): 3, (20, 13): 3, (25, 3): 3, (25, 2): 3, (25, 1): 3, (25, 9): 3, (25, 10): 3, (25, 13): 3, (26, 3): 3, (26, 4): 3, (26, 5): 3, (26, 9): 3, (26, 10): 3, (26, 12): 3, (19, 9): 3, (19, 16): 3, (19, 17): 3, (19, 12): 3, (19, 13): 3, (23, 1): 3, (23, 9): 3, (23, 11): 3, (23, 13): 3, (24, 5): 3, (24, 9): 3, (24, 11): 3, (24, 12): 3, (21, 2): 3, (21, 1): 3, (21, 9): 3, (21, 11): 3, (21, 17): 3, (21, 10): 3, (21, 15): 3, (22, 4): 3, (22, 5): 3, (22, 9): 3, (22, 11): 3, (22, 16): 3, (22, 10): 3, (22, 14): 3, (3, 11): 3, (3, 16): 3, (3, 17): 3, (4, 1): 3, (4, 11): 3, (4, 17): 3, (4, 13): 3, (2, 5): 3, (2, 11): 3, (2, 16): 3, (2, 12): 3, (5, 17): 3, (5, 15): 3, (5, 13): 3, (1, 16): 3, (1, 14): 3, (1, 12): 3, (7, 3): 4, (6, 2): 4, (8, 4): 4, (18, 9): 4, (20, 10): 4, (25, 15): 4, (26, 14): 4, (19, 11): 4, (23, 17): 4, (24, 16): 4, (21, 13): 4, (22, 12): 4, (5, 1): 4, (7, None): None, (6, None): None, (8, None): None, (18, None): None, (20, None): None, (25, None): None, (26, None): None, (19, None): None, (23, None): None, (24, None): None, (21, None): None, (22, None): None, (3, None): None, (4, None): None, (2, None): None, (5, None): None, (1, None): None, (9, None): None, (11, None): None, (16, None): None, (17, None): None, (10, None): None, (14, None): None, (15, None): None, (12, None): None, (None, 7): None, (None, 6): None, (None, 8): None, (None, 18): None, (None, 20): None, (None, 25): None, (None, 26): None, (None, 19): None, (None, 23): None, (None, 24): None, (None, 21): None, (None, 22): None, (None, 3): None, (None, 4): None, (None, 2): None, (None, 5): None, (None, 1): None, (None, 9): None, (None, 11): None, (None, 16): None, (None, 17): None, (None, 10): None, (None, 14): None, (None, 15): None, (None, 12): None, (None, 13): None, (13, None): None, (None, None): None, (6, 7): 1, (8, 7): 1, (20, 7): 1, (25, 7): 1, (26, 7): 1, (11, 7): 1, (16, 7): 1, (17, 7): 1, (25, 6): 1, (5, 6): 1, (16, 6): 1, (26, 8): 1, (1, 8): 1, (17, 8): 1, (20, 18): 1, (25, 18): 1, (26, 18): 1, (19, 18): 1, (23, 18): 1, (24, 18): 1, (21, 18): 1, (22, 18): 1, (25, 20): 1, (26, 20): 1, (21, 25): 1, (5, 25): 1, (22, 26): 1, (1, 26): 1, (23, 19): 1, (24, 19): 1, (3, 19): 1, (21, 23): 1, (3, 23): 1, (4, 23): 1, (5, 23): 1, (22, 24): 1, (3, 24): 1, (2, 24): 1, (1, 24): 1, (5, 21): 1, (1, 22): 1, (4, 3): 1, (2, 3): 1, (10, 3): 1, (14, 3): 1, (15, 3): 1, (5, 4): 1, (14, 4): 1, (1, 2): 1, (15, 2): 1, (16, 5): 1, (14, 5): 1, (12, 5): 1, (17, 1): 1, (15, 1): 1, (13, 1): 1, (11, 9): 1, (16, 9): 1, (17, 9): 1, (10, 9): 1, (14, 9): 1, (15, 9): 1, (12, 9): 1, (13, 9): 1, (16, 11): 1, (17, 11): 1, (12, 16): 1, (13, 17): 1, (14, 10): 1, (15, 10): 1, (12, 14): 1, (13, 15): 1, (18, 7): 2, (21, 7): 2, (22, 7): 2, (5, 7): 2, (1, 7): 2, (9, 7): 2, (12, 7): 2, (13, 7): 2, (8, 6): 2, (18, 6): 2, (20, 6): 2, (26, 6): 2, (23, 6): 2, (21, 6): 2, (4, 6): 2, (9, 6): 2, (11, 6): 2, (17, 6): 2, (14, 6): 2, (12, 6): 2, (18, 8): 2, (20, 8): 2, (25, 8): 2, (24, 8): 2, (22, 8): 2, (2, 8): 2, (9, 8): 2, (11, 8): 2, (16, 8): 2, (15, 8): 2, (13, 8): 2, (3, 18): 2, (4, 18): 2, (2, 18): 2, (5, 18): 2, (1, 18): 2, (19, 20): 2, (23, 20): 2, (24, 20): 2, (21, 20): 2, (22, 20): 2, (5, 20): 2, (1, 20): 2, (11, 20): 2, (16, 20): 2, (17, 20): 2, (26, 25): 2, (19, 25): 2, (23, 25): 2, (24, 25): 2, (22, 25): 2, (4, 25): 2, (11, 25): 2, (16, 25): 2, (17, 25): 2, (14, 25): 2, (12, 25): 2, (19, 26): 2, (23, 26): 2, (24, 26): 2, (21, 26): 2, (2, 26): 2, (11, 26): 2, (16, 26): 2, (17, 26): 2, (15, 26): 2, (13, 26): 2, (21, 19): 2, (22, 19): 2, (4, 19): 2, (2, 19): 2, (5, 19): 2, (1, 19): 2, (10, 19): 2, (14, 19): 2, (15, 19): 2, (24, 23): 2, (22, 23): 2, (2, 23): 2, (16, 23): 2, (10, 23): 2, (14, 23): 2, (15, 23): 2, (12, 23): 2, (21, 24): 2, (4, 24): 2, (17, 24): 2, (10, 24): 2, (14, 24): 2, (15, 24): 2, (13, 24): 2, (22, 21): 2, (3, 21): 2, (4, 21): 2, (16, 21): 2, (14, 21): 2, (12, 21): 2, (3, 22): 2, (2, 22): 2, (17, 22): 2, (15, 22): 2, (13, 22): 2, (5, 3): 2, (1, 3): 2, (9, 3): 2, (12, 3): 2, (13, 3): 2, (2, 4): 2, (9, 4): 2, (16, 4): 2, (10, 4): 2, (15, 4): 2, (12, 4): 2, (9, 2): 2, (17, 2): 2, (10, 2): 2, (14, 2): 2, (13, 2): 2, (9, 5): 2, (11, 5): 2, (10, 5): 2, (9, 1): 2, (11, 1): 2, (10, 1): 2, (10, 11): 2, (14, 11): 2, (15, 11): 2, (12, 11): 2, (13, 11): 2, (17, 16): 2, (10, 16): 2, (14, 16): 2, (15, 16): 2, (13, 16): 2, (10, 17): 2, (14, 17): 2, (15, 17): 2, (12, 17): 2, (12, 10): 2, (13, 10): 2, (15, 14): 2, (13, 14): 2, (12, 15): 2, (13, 12): 2, (19, 7): 3, (23, 7): 3, (24, 7): 3, (4, 7): 3, (2, 7): 3, (10, 7): 3, (14, 7): 3, (15, 7): 3, (19, 6): 3, (24, 6): 3, (22, 6): 3, (3, 6): 3, (1, 6): 3, (10, 6): 3, (15, 6): 3, (13, 6): 3, (19, 8): 3, (23, 8): 3, (21, 8): 3, (3, 8): 3, (5, 8): 3, (10, 8): 3, (14, 8): 3, (12, 8): 3, (11, 18): 3, (16, 18): 3, (17, 18): 3, (10, 18): 3, (14, 18): 3, (15, 18): 3, (12, 18): 3, (13, 18): 3, (3, 20): 3, (4, 20): 3, (2, 20): 3, (9, 20): 3, (14, 20): 3, (15, 20): 3, (12, 20): 3, (13, 20): 3, (3, 25): 3, (2, 25): 3, (1, 25): 3, (9, 25): 3, (10, 25): 3, (13, 25): 3, (3, 26): 3, (4, 26): 3, (5, 26): 3, (9, 26): 3, (10, 26): 3, (12, 26): 3, (9, 19): 3, (16, 19): 3, (17, 19): 3, (12, 19): 3, (13, 19): 3, (1, 23): 3, (9, 23): 3, (11, 23): 3, (13, 23): 3, (5, 24): 3, (9, 24): 3, (11, 24): 3, (12, 24): 3, (2, 21): 3, (1, 21): 3, (9, 21): 3, (11, 21): 3, (17, 21): 3, (10, 21): 3, (15, 21): 3, (4, 22): 3, (5, 22): 3, (9, 22): 3, (11, 22): 3, (16, 22): 3, (10, 22): 3, (14, 22): 3, (11, 3): 3, (16, 3): 3, (17, 3): 3, (1, 4): 3, (11, 4): 3, (17, 4): 3, (13, 4): 3, (5, 2): 3, (11, 2): 3, (16, 2): 3, (12, 2): 3, (17, 5): 3, (15, 5): 3, (13, 5): 3, (16, 1): 3, (14, 1): 3, (12, 1): 3, (3, 7): 4, (2, 6): 4, (4, 8): 4, (9, 18): 4, (10, 20): 4, (15, 25): 4, (14, 26): 4, (11, 19): 4, (17, 23): 4, (16, 24): 4, (13, 21): 4, (12, 22): 4, (1, 5): 4}
- DL = 21
- DR = 22
- F = 3
- FL = 4
- FR = 2
- INT_TO_CODE = OrderedDict([(None, 'unknown'), (1, 'right'), (2, 'frontright'), (3, 'front'), (4, 'frontleft'), (5, 'left'), (6, 'backleft'), (7, 'back'), (8, 'backright'), (9, 'up'), (10, 'upfront'), (11, 'upback'), (12, 'upleft'), (13, 'upright'), (14, 'upfrontleft'), (15, 'upfrontright'), (16, 'upbackleft'), (17, 'upbackright'), (18, 'down'), (19, 'downfront'), (20, 'downback'), (21, 'downleft'), (22, 'downright'), (23, 'downfrontleft'), (24, 'downfrontright'), (25, 'downbackleft'), (26, 'downbackright')])
- INT_TO_NICE = OrderedDict([(None, 'Unknown'), (1, 'Right'), (2, 'Front-Right'), (3, 'Front'), (4, 'Front-Left'), (5, 'Left'), (6, 'Back-Left'), (7, 'Back'), (8, 'Back-Right'), (9, 'Up'), (10, 'Up-Front'), (11, 'Up-Back'), (12, 'Up-Left'), (13, 'Up-Right'), (14, 'Up-Front-Left'), (15, 'Up-Front-Right'), (16, 'Up-Back-Left'), (17, 'Up-Back-Right'), (18, 'Down'), (19, 'Down-Front'), (20, 'Down-Back'), (21, 'Down-Left'), (22, 'Down-Right'), (23, 'Down-Front-Left'), (24, 'Down-Front-Right'), (25, 'Down-Back-Left'), (26, 'Down-Back-Right')])
- L = 5
- class NICE
- B = 'Back'
- BL = 'Back-Left'
- BR = 'Back-Right'
- D = 'Down'
- DB = 'Down-Back'
- DBL = 'Down-Back-Left'
- DBR = 'Down-Back-Right'
- DF = 'Down-Front'
- DFL = 'Down-Front-Left'
- DFR = 'Down-Front-Right'
- DL = 'Down-Left'
- DR = 'Down-Right'
- F = 'Front'
- FL = 'Front-Left'
- FR = 'Front-Right'
- L = 'Left'
- R = 'Right'
- U = 'Up'
- UB = 'Up-Back'
- UBL = 'Up-Back-Left'
- UBR = 'Up-Back-Right'
- UF = 'Up-Front'
- UFL = 'Up-Front-Left'
- UFR = 'Up-Front-Right'
- UL = 'Up-Left'
- UNKNOWN = 'Unknown'
- UR = 'Up-Right'
- NICE_TO_CODE = {'Back': 'back', 'Back-Left': 'backleft', 'Back-Right': 'backright', 'Down': 'down', 'Down-Back': 'downback', 'Down-Back-Left': 'downbackleft', 'Down-Back-Right': 'downbackright', 'Down-Front': 'downfront', 'Down-Front-Left': 'downfrontleft', 'Down-Front-Right': 'downfrontright', 'Down-Left': 'downleft', 'Down-Right': 'downright', 'Front': 'front', 'Front-Left': 'frontleft', 'Front-Right': 'frontright', 'Left': 'left', 'Right': 'right', 'Unknown': 'unknown', 'Up': 'up', 'Up-Back': 'upback', 'Up-Back-Left': 'upbackleft', 'Up-Back-Right': 'upbackright', 'Up-Front': 'upfront', 'Up-Front-Left': 'upfrontleft', 'Up-Front-Right': 'upfrontright', 'Up-Left': 'upleft', 'Up-Right': 'upright'}
- NICE_TO_INT = {'Back': 7, 'Back-Left': 6, 'Back-Right': 8, 'Down': 18, 'Down-Back': 20, 'Down-Back-Left': 25, 'Down-Back-Right': 26, 'Down-Front': 19, 'Down-Front-Left': 23, 'Down-Front-Right': 24, 'Down-Left': 21, 'Down-Right': 22, 'Front': 3, 'Front-Left': 4, 'Front-Right': 2, 'Left': 5, 'Right': 1, 'Unknown': None, 'Up': 9, 'Up-Back': 11, 'Up-Back-Left': 16, 'Up-Back-Right': 17, 'Up-Front': 10, 'Up-Front-Left': 14, 'Up-Front-Right': 15, 'Up-Left': 12, 'Up-Right': 13}
- R = 1
- U = 9
- UB = 11
- UBL = 16
- UBR = 17
- UF = 10
- UFL = 14
- UFR = 15
- UL = 12
- UNKNOWN = None
- UR = 13
- d = None
- f1 = None
- f2 = None
- class wbia.constants.ZIPPED_URLS[source]
- ASSIGNER = 'https://wildbookiarepository.azureedge.net/databases/testdb_assigner.zip'
- DF_CURVRANK = 'https://wildbookiarepository.azureedge.net/databases/testdb_curvrank.zip'
- GZ_DISTINCTIVE = 'https://wildbookiarepository.azureedge.net/models/distinctivness_zebra_grevys.zip'
- ID_EXAMPLE = 'https://wildbookiarepository.azureedge.net/databases/testdb_identification.zip'
- K7_EXAMPLE = 'https://wildbookiarepository.azureedge.net/databases/testdb_kaggle7.zip'
- NAUTS = 'https://wildbookiarepository.azureedge.net/databases/NAUT_test.zip'
- ORIENTATION = 'https://wildbookiarepository.azureedge.net/databases/testdb_orientation.zip'
- PZ_DISTINCTIVE = 'https://wildbookiarepository.azureedge.net/models/distinctivness_zebra_plains.zip'
- PZ_MTEST = 'https://wildbookiarepository.azureedge.net/databases/PZ_MTEST.zip'
- WDS = 'https://wildbookiarepository.azureedge.net/databases/wd_peter2.zip'
IBEIS CORE Defines the core dependency cache supported by the image analysis api
Extracts annotation chips from imaages and applies optional image normalizations.
interactive callback functions
detection interface
identification interface
decorate as interactive depc.get_property(recompute=True) instead of calling preproc as a generator and then adding, calls preproc and passes in a callback function. preproc spawns interaction and must call callback function when finished. callback function adds the rowids to the table.
- Needed Tables:
Chip NormChip Feats Keypoints Descriptors ProbChip
IdentifyQuery NeighborIndex QualityClassifier ViewpointClassifier
- CommandLine:
python -m wbia.control.IBEISControl –test-show_depc_annot_graph –show
- Setup:
>>> from wbia.core_annots import * # NOQA >>> import wbia >>> import wbia.plottool as pt >>> ibs = wbia.opendb('testdb1') >>> depc = ibs.depc_annot >>> aid_list = ibs.get_valid_aids()[0:2]
- class wbia.core_annots.AnnotMaskConfig(**kwargs)[source]
- class wbia.core_annots.AoIConfig(**kwargs)[source]
- class wbia.core_annots.CanonicalConfig(**kwargs)[source]
- class wbia.core_annots.ChipConfig(**kwargs)[source]
- class wbia.core_annots.ChipThumbConfig(**kwargs)[source]
- class wbia.core_annots.ClassifierConfig(**kwargs)[source]
- class wbia.core_annots.FeatConfig(**kwargs)[source]
>>> # DISABLE_DOCTEST >>> from wbia.core_annots import * # NOQA >>> feat_cfg = FeatConfig() >>> result = str(feat_cfg) >>> print(result) <FeatConfig(hesaff+sift)>
- class wbia.core_annots.FeatWeightConfig(**kwargs)[source]
- class wbia.core_annots.HOGConfig(**kwargs)[source]
- class wbia.core_annots.IndexerConfig(**kwargs)[source]
>>> # DISABLE_DOCTEST >>> from wbia.core_annots import * # NOQA >>> cfg = VsOneConfig() >>> result = str(cfg) >>> print(result)
- class wbia.core_annots.LabelerConfig(**kwargs)[source]
- class wbia.core_annots.OrienterConfig(**kwargs)[source]
- class wbia.core_annots.PartAssignmentFeatureConfig(**kwargs)[source]
- class wbia.core_annots.ProbchipConfig(**kwargs)[source]
- class wbia.core_annots.VsOneConfig(**kwargs)[source]
>>> # DISABLE_DOCTEST >>> from wbia.core_annots import * # NOQA >>> cfg = VsOneConfig() >>> result = str(cfg) >>> print(result)
- wbia.core_annots.assigner_viewpoint_features(depc, part_aid_list, body_aid_list, config=None)[source]
- wbia.core_annots.assigner_viewpoint_unit_features(depc, part_aid_list, body_aid_list, config=None)[source]
- wbia.core_annots.cnn_probchips(ibs, species, inputchip_fpaths, smooth_thresh, smooth_ksize)[source]
- wbia.core_annots.compute_annotmask(depc, aid_list, config=None)[source]
Interaction dispatcher for annotation masks.
- Parameters
depc (wbia.depends_cache.DependencyCache) –
aid_list (list) – list of annotation rowids
config (AnnotMaskConfig) – (default = None)
- Yields
(uri, int, int) – tup
- CommandLine:
python -m wbia.core_annots –exec-compute_annotmask –show python -m wbia.core_annots –exec-compute_annotmask –show –edit
>>> # DISABLE_DOCTEST >>> from wbia.core_annots import * # NOQA >>> ibs, depc, aid_list = testdata_core() >>> config = AnnotMaskConfig(dim_size=None) >>> chip_config = config.chip_cfg >>> edit = ut.get_argflag('--edit') >>> mask = depc.get_property('annotmask', aid_list, 'img', config, recompute=edit)[0] >>> chip = depc.get_property('chips', aid_list, 'img', config=chip_config)[0] >>> ut.quit_if_noshow() >>> import wbia.plottool as pt >>> resized = vt.resize_mask(mask, chip) >>> blended = vt.blend_images_multiply(chip, resized) >>> pt.imshow(blended, title='mask') >>> pt.show_if_requested()
- wbia.core_annots.compute_aoi2(depc, aid_list, config=None)[source]
Extracts the Annotation of Interest (AoI) for a given input annotation
- Parameters
- Yields
(float, str) – tup
- CommandLine:
wbia compute_aoi2
>>> # DISABLE_DOCTEST >>> from wbia.core_images import * # NOQA >>> import wbia >>> defaultdb = 'PZ_MTEST' >>> ibs = wbia.opendb(defaultdb=defaultdb) >>> depc = ibs.depc_annot >>> aid_list = ibs.get_valid_aids()[0:8] >>> # depc.delete_property('aoi_two', aid_list) >>> results = depc.get_property('aoi_two', aid_list, None) >>> print(results)
- wbia.core_annots.compute_canonical(depc, aid_list, config=None)[source]
Extracts the detections for a given input annotation
- Parameters
- Yields
(float, str) – tup
- CommandLine:
wbia compute_canonical
>>> # DISABLE_DOCTEST >>> from wbia.core_images import * # NOQA >>> import wbia >>> defaultdb = 'PZ_MTEST' >>> ibs = wbia.opendb(defaultdb=defaultdb) >>> depc = ibs.depc_image >>> gid_list = ibs.get_valid_gids()[0:8] >>> # depc.delete_property('canonical', gid_list) >>> results = depc.get_property('canonical', gid_list, None) >>> print(results)
- wbia.core_annots.compute_chip(depc, aid_list, config=None)[source]
Extracts the annotation chip from the bounding box
- Parameters
- Yields
(uri, int, int) – tup
- CommandLine:
python -m wbia.core_annots –exec-compute_chip:0 –show python -m wbia.core_annots –exec-compute_chip:0 –show –greyscale wbia –tf compute_chip –show –pad=64 –dim_size=256 –db PZ_MTEST wbia –tf compute_chip –show –pad=64 –dim_size=None –db PZ_MTEST wbia –tf compute_chip –show –db humpbacks wbia –tf compute_chip:1 –show
- Doctest:
>>> from wbia.core_annots import * # NOQA >>> import wbia >>> defaultdb = 'testdb1' >>> ibs = wbia.opendb(defaultdb=defaultdb) >>> depc = ibs.depc_annot >>> config = ChipConfig.from_argv_dict(dim_size=None) >>> aid_list = ibs.get_valid_aids()[0:8] >>> chips = depc.get_property('chips', aid_list, 'img', config={'dim_size': 256}) >>> ut.quit_if_noshow() >>> import wbia.plottool as pt >>> #interact_obj = pt.interact_multi_image.MultiImageInteraction(chips, nPerPage=4) >>> import wbia.viz.interact.interact_chip >>> interact_obj = wbia.viz.interact.interact_chip.interact_multichips(ibs, aid_list, config2_=config) >>> interact_obj.start() >>> pt.show_if_requested()
- Doctest:
>>> from wbia.core_annots import * # NOQA >>> import wbia >>> defaultdb = 'testdb1' >>> ibs = wbia.opendb(defaultdb=defaultdb) >>> depc = ibs.depc_annot >>> config = ChipConfig(**{'dim_size': (256, 256), 'resize_dim': 'wh'}) >>> #dlg = config.make_qt_dialog() >>> #config = dlg.widget.config >>> aid_list = ibs.get_valid_aids()[0:8] >>> chips = depc.get_property('chips', aid_list, 'img', config=config, recompute=True) >>> ut.quit_if_noshow() >>> import wbia.plottool as pt >>> pt.imshow(vt.stack_image_recurse(chips)) >>> pt.show_if_requested()
- wbia.core_annots.compute_chipthumb(depc, aid_list, config=None)[source]
Yet another chip thumb computer
>>> # DISABLE_DOCTEST >>> from wbia.core_annots import * # NOQA >>> import wbia >>> defaultdb = 'PZ_MTEST' >>> ibs = wbia.opendb(defaultdb=defaultdb) >>> depc = ibs.depc_annot >>> config = ChipThumbConfig.from_argv_dict(dim_size=None) >>> aid_list = ibs.get_valid_aids()[0:2] >>> compute_chipthumb(depc, aid_list, config) >>> chips = depc.get_property('chips', aid_list, 'img', config={'dim_size': 256}) >>> ut.quit_if_noshow() >>> import wbia.plottool as pt >>> import wbia.viz.interact.interact_chip >>> interact_obj = wbia.viz.interact.interact_chip.interact_multichips(ibs, aid_list, config2_=config) >>> interact_obj.start() >>> pt.show_if_requested()
- wbia.core_annots.compute_classifications(depc, aid_list, config=None)[source]
Extracts the detections for a given input annotation
- Parameters
- Yields
(float, str) – tup
- CommandLine:
wbia compute_classifications
>>> # DISABLE_DOCTEST >>> from wbia.core_images import * # NOQA >>> import wbia >>> defaultdb = 'PZ_MTEST' >>> ibs = wbia.opendb(defaultdb=defaultdb) >>> depc = ibs.depc_image >>> gid_list = ibs.get_valid_gids()[0:8] >>> # depc.delete_property('classifier', gid_list) >>> results = depc.get_property('classifier', gid_list, None) >>> print(results)
- wbia.core_annots.compute_feats(depc, cid_list, config=None)[source]
Computes features and yields results asynchronously: TODO: Remove IBEIS from this equation. Move the firewall towards the controller
- Parameters
- Returns
generates param tups
- Return type
- SeeAlso:
- CommandLine:
python -m wbia.core_annots –test-compute_feats:0 –show python -m wbia.core_annots –test-compute_feats:1
- Doctest:
>>> # DISABLE_DOCTEST >>> from wbia.core_annots import * # NOQA >>> ibs, depc, aid_list = testdata_core() >>> chip_config = {} >>> config = FeatConfig() >>> cid_list = depc.get_rowids('chips', aid_list, config=chip_config) >>> featgen = compute_feats(depc, cid_list, config) >>> feat_list = list(featgen) >>> assert len(feat_list) == len(aid_list) >>> (nFeat, kpts, vecs) = feat_list[0] >>> assert nFeat == len(kpts) and nFeat == len(vecs) >>> assert kpts.shape[1] == 6 >>> assert vecs.shape[1] == 128 >>> ut.quit_if_noshow() >>> import wbia.plottool as pt >>> chip = depc.get_native('chips', cid_list[0:1], 'img')[0] >>> pt.interact_keypoints.KeypointInteraction(chip, kpts, vecs, autostart=True) >>> ut.show_if_requested()
>>> # DISABLE_DOCTEST >>> # TIMING >>> from wbia.core_annots import * # NOQA >>> ibs, depc, aid_list = testdata_core('PZ_MTEST', 100) >>> #config = {'dim_size': 450} >>> config = {} >>> cid_list = depc.get_rowids('chips', aid_list, config=config) >>> config = FeatConfig() >>> featgen = compute_feats(depc, cid_list, config) >>> feat_list = list(featgen) >>> idx = 5 >>> (nFeat, kpts, vecs) = feat_list[idx] >>> ut.quit_if_noshow() >>> import wbia.plottool as pt >>> chip = depc.get_native('chips', cid_list[idx:idx + 1], 'img')[0] >>> pt.interact_keypoints.KeypointInteraction(chip, kpts, vecs, autostart=True) >>> ut.show_if_requested()
>>> #num_feats = depc.get('feat', aid_list, 'num_feats', config=config, recompute=True)
ibs.delete_annot_feats(aid_list) ibs.get_annot_feat_rowids(aid_list)
- wbia.core_annots.compute_fgweights(depc, fid_list, pcid_list, config=None)[source]
- CommandLine:
python -m wbia.core_annots compute_fgweights
- Doctest:
>>> # xdoctest: +REQUIRES(module:wbia_cnn) >>> from wbia.core_annots import * # NOQA >>> ibs, depc, aid_list = testdata_core() >>> full_config = {} >>> config = FeatConfig() >>> fid_list = depc.get_rowids('feat', aid_list, config=full_config) >>> pcid_list = depc.get_rowids('probchip', aid_list, config=full_config) >>> prop_list = list(compute_fgweights(depc, fid_list, pcid_list)) >>> featweight_list = ut.take_column(prop_list, 0) >>> result = np.array_str(featweight_list[0][0:3], precision=3) >>> print(result)
- wbia.core_annots.compute_hog(depc, cid_list, config=None)[source]
- Doctest:
>>> from wbia.core_annots import * # NOQA >>> ibs, depc, aid_list = testdata_core() >>> chip_config = {} >>> config = HOGConfig() >>> cid_list = depc.get_rowids('chips', aid_list, config=chip_config) >>> hoggen = compute_hog(depc, cid_list, config) >>> hog = list(hoggen)[0] >>> ut.quit_if_noshow() >>> import wbia.plottool as pt >>> hog_image = make_hog_block_image(hog, config) >>> ut.show_if_requested()
- wbia.core_annots.compute_labels_annotations(depc, aid_list, config=None)[source]
Extracts the detections for a given input image
- Parameters
- Yields
(float, str) – tup
- CommandLine:
python -m wbia.core_annots –exec-compute_labels_annotations python -m wbia.core_annots –exec-compute_labels_annotations:0 python -m wbia.core_annots –exec-compute_labels_annotations:1
>>> # DISABLE_DOCTEST >>> from wbia.core_images import * # NOQA >>> import wbia >>> defaultdb = 'PZ_MTEST' >>> ibs = wbia.opendb(defaultdb=defaultdb) >>> depc = ibs.depc_annot >>> aid_list = ibs.get_valid_aids()[0:8] >>> config = {'labeler_algo': 'densenet', 'labeler_weight_filepath': 'giraffe_v1'} >>> # depc.delete_property('labeler', aid_list) >>> results = depc.get_property('labeler', aid_list, None, config=config) >>> print(results) >>> config = {'labeler_weight_filepath': 'candidacy'} >>> # depc.delete_property('labeler', aid_list) >>> results = depc.get_property('labeler', aid_list, None, config=config) >>> print(results) >>> config = {'labeler_algo': 'azure'} >>> # depc.delete_property('labeler', aid_list) >>> results = depc.get_property('labeler', aid_list, None, config=config) >>> print(results) >>> # depc.delete_property('labeler', aid_list) >>> results = depc.get_property('labeler', aid_list, None) >>> print(results)
>>> # DISABLE_DOCTEST >>> from wbia.core_images import * # NOQA >>> import wbia >>> defaultdb = 'WD_Master' >>> ibs = wbia.opendb(defaultdb=defaultdb) >>> depc = ibs.depc_annot >>> aid_list = ibs.get_valid_aids()[0:8] >>> config = {'labeler_algo': 'densenet', 'labeler_weight_filepath': 'wilddog_v3+wilddog_v2+wilddog_v1'} >>> # depc.delete_property('labeler', aid_list) >>> results = depc.get_property('labeler', aid_list, None, config=config) >>> print(results)
- wbia.core_annots.compute_neighbor_index(depc, fids_list, config)[source]
- Parameters
depc (dtool.DependencyCache) –
fids_list (list) –
config (dtool.Config) –
- CommandLine:
python -m wbia.core_annots –exec-compute_neighbor_index –show python -m wbia.control.IBEISControl –test-show_depc_annot_table_input –show –tablename=neighbor_index
>>> # DISABLE_DOCTEST >>> from wbia.core_annots import * # NOQA >>> import wbia >>> ibs, aid_list = wbia.testdata_aids('testdb1') >>> depc = ibs.depc_annot >>> fid_list = depc.get_rowids('feat', aid_list) >>> aids_list = tuple([aid_list]) >>> fids_list = tuple([fid_list]) >>> # Compute directly from function >>> config = ibs.depc_annot['neighbor_index'].configclass() >>> result1 = list(compute_neighbor_index(depc, fids_list, config)) >>> nnindexer1 = result1[0][0] >>> # Compute using depcache >>> result2 = ibs.depc_annot.get('neighbor_index', [aids_list], 'indexer', config, recompute=False, _debug=True) >>> #result3 = ibs.depc_annot.get('neighbor_index', [tuple(fids_list)], 'indexer', config, recompute=False) >>> print(result2) >>> print(result3) >>> assert result2[0] is not result3[0] >>> assert nnindexer1.knn(ibs.get_annot_vecs(1), 1) is not None >>> assert result3[0].knn(ibs.get_annot_vecs(1), 1) is not None
- wbia.core_annots.compute_orients_annotations(depc, aid_list, config=None)[source]
Extracts the detections for a given input image
- Parameters
- Yields
(float, str) – tup
- CommandLine:
pytest wbia/core_annots.py::compute_orients_annotations:0 python -m xdoctest /Users/jason.parham/code/wildbook-ia/wbia/core_annots.py compute_orients_annotations:1 –orient
- Doctest:
>>> # DISABLE_DOCTEST >>> from wbia.core_images import * # NOQA >>> import wbia >>> defaultdb = 'testdb_identification' >>> ibs = wbia.opendb(defaultdb=defaultdb) >>> depc = ibs.depc_annot >>> aid_list = ibs.get_valid_aids()[-16:-8] >>> config = {'orienter_algo': 'deepsense'} >>> # depc.delete_property('orienter', aid_list) >>> result_list = depc.get_property('orienter', aid_list, None, config=config) >>> xtl_list = list(map(int, map(np.around, ut.take_column(result_list, 0)))) >>> ytl_list = list(map(int, map(np.around, ut.take_column(result_list, 1)))) >>> w_list = list(map(int, map(np.around, ut.take_column(result_list, 2)))) >>> h_list = list(map(int, map(np.around, ut.take_column(result_list, 3)))) >>> theta_list = ut.take_column(result_list, 4) >>> bbox_list = list(zip(xtl_list, ytl_list, w_list, h_list)) >>> ibs.set_annot_bboxes(aid_list, bbox_list, theta_list=theta_list) >>> print(result_list)
- Doctest:
>>> # DISABLE_DOCTEST >>> import wbia >>> import random >>> import utool as ut >>> from wbia.init import sysres >>> import numpy as np >>> dbdir = sysres.ensure_testdb_orientation() >>> ibs = wbia.opendb(dbdir=dbdir) >>> aid_list = ibs.get_valid_aids() >>> note_list = ibs.get_annot_notes(aid_list) >>> species_list = ibs.get_annot_species(aid_list) >>> flag_list = [ >>> note == 'random-01' and species == 'right_whale_head' >>> for note, species in zip(note_list, species_list) >>> ] >>> aid_list = ut.compress(aid_list, flag_list) >>> aid_list = aid_list[:10] >>> depc = ibs.depc_annot >>> config = {'orienter_algo': 'plugin:orientation'} >>> # depc.delete_property('orienter', aid_list) >>> result_list = depc.get_property('orienter', aid_list, None, config=config) >>> xtl_list = list(map(int, map(np.around, ut.take_column(result_list, 0)))) >>> ytl_list = list(map(int, map(np.around, ut.take_column(result_list, 1)))) >>> w_list = list(map(int, map(np.around, ut.take_column(result_list, 2)))) >>> h_list = list(map(int, map(np.around, ut.take_column(result_list, 3)))) >>> theta_list = ut.take_column(result_list, 4) >>> bbox_list = list(zip(xtl_list, ytl_list, w_list, h_list)) >>> # ibs.set_annot_bboxes(aid_list, bbox_list, theta_list=theta_list) >>> print(result_list)
- wbia.core_annots.compute_pairwise_vsone(depc, qaids, daids, config)[source]
Executes one-vs-one matching between pairs of annotations using the vt.PairwiseMatch object.
- Doctest:
>>> from wbia.core_annots import * # NOQA >>> import wbia >>> ibs = wbia.opendb('PZ_MTEST') >>> match_config = ut.hashdict({}) >>> qaids = [1, 4, 2] >>> daids = [2, 5, 3] >>> match_list = ibs.depc.get('pairwise_match', (qaids, daids), >>> 'match', config=match_config) >>> m1, m2, m3 = match_list >>> assert (m1.annot1['aid'], m1.annot2['aid']) == (1, 2) >>> assert (m2.annot1['aid'], m2.annot2['aid']) == (4, 5) >>> assert m1.fs.sum() > m2.fs.sum()
- wbia.core_annots.compute_probchip(depc, aid_list, config=None)[source]
Computes probability chips
- CommandLine:
python -m wbia.core_annots –test-compute_probchip –nocnn –show –db PZ_MTEST python -m wbia.core_annots –test-compute_probchip –show –fw_detector=cnn python -m wbia.core_annots –test-compute_probchip –show –fw_detector=rf –smooth_thresh=None
>>> # DISABLE_DOCTEST >>> from wbia.core_annots import * # NOQA >>> import wbia >>> ibs, depc, aid_list = testdata_core() >>> aid_list = ibs.get_valid_aids(species='zebra_plains')[0:10] >>> config = ProbchipConfig.from_argv_dict(fw_detector='cnn', smooth_thresh=None) >>> #probchip_fpath_list_ = ut.take_column(list(compute_probchip(depc, aid_list, config)), 0) >>> probchip_list_ = ut.take_column(list(compute_probchip(depc, aid_list, config)), 0) >>> #result = ut.repr2(probchip_fpath_list_) >>> #print(result) >>> ut.quit_if_noshow() >>> import wbia.plottool as pt >>> #xlabel_list = list(map(str, [vt.image.open_image_size(p) for p in probchip_fpath_list_])) >>> #iteract_obj = pt.interact_multi_image.MultiImageInteraction(probchip_fpath_list_, nPerPage=4, xlabel_list=xlabel_list) >>> xlabel_list = [str(vt.get_size(img)) for img in probchip_list_] >>> iteract_obj = pt.interact_multi_image.MultiImageInteraction(probchip_list_, nPerPage=4, xlabel_list=xlabel_list) >>> iteract_obj.start() >>> ut.show_if_requested()
- wbia.core_annots.gen_chip_configure_and_compute(ibs, gid_list, rowid_list, bbox_list, theta_list, config)[source]
- wbia.core_annots.gen_feat_worker(chip_fpath, probchip_fpath, hesaff_params)[source]
Function to be parallelized by multiprocessing / joblib / whatever. Must take in one argument to be used by multiprocessing.map_async
- Parameters
chip_fpath –
probchip_fpath –
hesaff_params –
- Returns
(None, kpts, vecs)
- Return type
- CommandLine:
python -m wbia.core_annots –exec-gen_feat_worker –show python -m wbia.core_annots –exec-gen_feat_worker –show –aid 1988 –db GZ_Master1 –affine-invariance=False –scale_max=30 python -m wbia.core_annots –exec-gen_feat_worker –show –aid 1988 –db GZ_Master1 –affine-invariance=False –maskmethod=None –scale_max=30
- Doctest:
>>> from wbia.core_annots import * # NOQA >>> ibs, depc, aid_list = testdata_core() >>> aid = aid_list[0] >>> config = {} >>> feat_config = FeatConfig.from_argv_dict() >>> chip_fpath = ibs.depc_annot.get('chips', aid_list[0], 'img', config=config, read_extern=False) >>> maskmethod = ut.get_argval('--maskmethod', type_=str, default='cnn') >>> probchip_fpath = ibs.depc_annot.get('probchip', aid_list[0], 'img', config=config, read_extern=False) if feat_config['maskmethod'] == 'cnn' else None >>> hesaff_params = feat_config.asdict() >>> # Exec function source >>> masked_chip, num_kpts, kpts, vecs = ut.exec_func_src( >>> gen_feat_worker, key_list=['masked_chip', 'num_kpts', 'kpts', 'vecs'], >>> sentinal='num_kpts = kpts.shape[0]') >>> result = ('(num_kpts, kpts, vecs) = %s' % (ut.repr2((num_kpts, kpts, vecs)),)) >>> print(result) >>> ut.quit_if_noshow() >>> import wbia.plottool as pt >>> from wbia.plottool.interactions import ExpandableInteraction >>> interact = ExpandableInteraction() >>> interact.append_plot(pt.interact_keypoints.KeypointInteraction(masked_chip, kpts, vecs)) >>> interact.append_plot(lambda **kwargs: pt.plot_score_histograms([vt.get_scales(kpts)], **kwargs)) >>> interact.start() >>> ut.show_if_requested()
- wbia.core_annots.gen_featweight_worker(kpts, probchip, chipsize)[source]
Function to be parallelized by multiprocessing / joblib / whatever. Must take in one argument to be used by multiprocessing.map_async
- Parameters
kpts –
probchip –
chipsize –
- CommandLine:
python -m wbia.core_annots –test-gen_featweight_worker –show python -m wbia.core_annots –test-gen_featweight_worker –show –dpath figures –save ~/latex/crall-candidacy-2015/figures/gen_featweight.jpg python -m wbia.core_annots –test-gen_featweight_worker –show –db PZ_MTEST –qaid_list=1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9
- Doctest:
>>> # xdoctest: +REQUIRES(module:wbia_cnn) >>> from wbia.core_annots import * # NOQA >>> #test_featweight_worker() >>> ibs, depc, aid_list = testdata_core() >>> aid_list = aid_list[0:1] >>> config = {'dim_size': 450, 'resize_dim': 'area', 'smooth_thresh': 0, 'smooth_ksize': 0} >>> probchip = depc.get('probchip', aid_list, 'img', config=config)[0] >>> chipsize = depc.get('chips', aid_list, ('width', 'height'), config=config)[0] >>> kpts = depc.get('feat', aid_list, 'kpts', config=config)[0] >>> weights = gen_featweight_worker(kpts, probchip, chipsize) >>> assert np.all(weights <= 1.0), 'weights cannot be greater than 1' >>> chip = depc.get('chips', aid_list, 'img', config=config)[0] >>> ut.quit_if_noshow() >>> import wbia.plottool as pt >>> fnum = 1 >>> pnum_ = pt.make_pnum_nextgen(1, 3) >>> pt.figure(fnum=fnum, doclf=True) >>> pt.imshow(chip, pnum=pnum_(0), fnum=fnum) >>> pt.imshow(probchip, pnum=pnum_(2), fnum=fnum) >>> pt.imshow(chip, pnum=pnum_(1), fnum=fnum) >>> color_list = pt.draw_kpts2(kpts, weights=weights, ell_alpha=.3) >>> cb = pt.colorbar(weights, color_list) >>> cb.set_label('featweights') >>> pt.show_if_requested()
- wbia.core_annots.make_configured_annots(ibs, qaids, daids, qannot_cfg, dannot_cfg, preload=False, return_view_cache=False)[source]
Configures annotations so they can be sent to the vsone vt.matching procedure.
- CommandLine:
python -m wbia.core_annots make_configured_annots
- Doctest:
>>> from wbia.core_annots import * # NOQA >>> import wbia >>> ibs = wbia.opendb('testdb1') >>> qannot_cfg = dannot_cfg = ut.hashdict({}) >>> qaids = [1, 2] >>> daids = [3, 4] >>> preload = True >>> configured_lazy_annots, configured_annot_views = make_configured_annots( >>> ibs, qaids, daids, qannot_cfg, dannot_cfg, preload=False, >>> return_view_cache=True, >>> ) >>> aid_dict = configured_lazy_annots[qannot_cfg] >>> annot_views = configured_annot_views[qannot_cfg] >>> annot = aid_dict[1] >>> assert len(annot_views._cache) == 0 >>> view = annot['view'] >>> kpts = annot['kpts'] >>> assert len(annot_views._cache) == 2
- wbia.core_annots.make_hog_block_image(hog, config=None)[source]
- wbia.core_annots.postprocess_mask(mask, thresh=20, kernel_size=20)[source]
- Parameters
mask (ndarray) –
- Returns
- Return type
- CommandLine:
python -m wbia.core_annots –exec-postprocess_mask –cnn –show –aid=1 –db PZ_MTEST python -m wbia –tf postprocess_mask –cnn –show –db PZ_MTEST –adapteq=True
- SeeAlso:
python -m wbia_cnn –tf generate_species_background_mask –show –db PZ_Master1 –aid 9970
- Ignore:
input_tuple = aid_list tablename = ‘probchip’ config = full_config rowid_kw = dict(config=config)
- Doctest:
>>> # xdoctest: +REQUIRES(module:wbia_cnn, --slow) >>> from wbia.core_annots import * # NOQA >>> import wbia.plottool as pt >>> ibs, depc, aid_list = testdata_core() >>> config = ChipConfig.from_argv_dict() >>> probchip_config = ProbchipConfig(smooth_thresh=None) >>> chip = ibs.depc_annot.get('chips', aid_list, 'img', config)[0] >>> mask = ibs.depc_annot.get('probchip', aid_list, 'img', probchip_config)[0] >>> mask2 = postprocess_mask(mask) >>> ut.quit_if_noshow() >>> fnum = 1 >>> pt.imshow(chip, pnum=(1, 3, 1), fnum=fnum, xlabel=str(chip.shape)) >>> pt.imshow(mask, pnum=(1, 3, 2), fnum=fnum, title='before', xlabel=str(mask.shape)) >>> pt.imshow(mask2, pnum=(1, 3, 3), fnum=fnum, title='after', xlabel=str(mask2.shape)) >>> ut.show_if_requested()
Defines the core dependency cache supported by the image analysis api
Extracts detection results from images and applies additional processing automatically
- Ex
python -m wbia.control.IBEISControl –test-show_depc_image_graph –show python -m wbia.control.IBEISControl –test-show_depc_image_graph –show –reduced
decorate as interactive
instead of calling preproc as a generator and then adding, calls preproc and passes in a callback function. preproc spawns interaction and must call callback function when finished.
callback function adds the rowids to the table.
- Needed Tables:
Detections QualityClassifier ViewpointClassifier
- class wbia.core_images.AoIConfig(**kwargs)[source]
- class wbia.core_images.CameraTrapEXIFConfig(**kwargs)[source]
- class wbia.core_images.Chip2Config(**kwargs)[source]
- class wbia.core_images.Classifier2Config(**kwargs)[source]
- class wbia.core_images.ClassifierConfig(**kwargs)[source]
- class wbia.core_images.ClassifierLocalizationsConfig(**kwargs)[source]
- class wbia.core_images.DetectorConfig(**kwargs)[source]
- class wbia.core_images.Feature2Config(**kwargs)[source]
- class wbia.core_images.FeatureConfig(**kwargs)[source]
- class wbia.core_images.LabelerConfig(**kwargs)[source]
- class wbia.core_images.LocalizerConfig(**kwargs)[source]
- class wbia.core_images.LocalizerOriginalConfig(**kwargs)[source]
- class wbia.core_images.ThumbnailConfig(**kwargs)[source]
- class wbia.core_images.WebSrcConfig(**kwargs)[source]
- wbia.core_images.compute_cameratrap_exif_worker(gpath, orient, bottom=80, psm=7, oem=1, whitelist='0123456789°CF/:')[source]
- wbia.core_images.compute_classifications(depc, gid_list, config=None)[source]
Extract the detections for a given input image.
- Parameters
- Yields
(float, str) – tup
- CommandLine:
wbia compute_classifications
>>> # DISABLE_DOCTEST >>> from wbia.core_images import * # NOQA >>> import wbia >>> defaultdb = 'PZ_MTEST' >>> ibs = wbia.opendb(defaultdb=defaultdb) >>> depc = ibs.depc_image >>> gid_list = ibs.get_valid_gids()[0:8] >>> # depc.delete_property('classifier', gid_list) >>> results = depc.get_property('classifier', gid_list, None) >>> print(results) >>> depc = ibs.depc_image >>> config = {'classifier_algo': 'svm'} >>> depc.delete_property('classifier', gid_list, config=config) >>> results = depc.get_property('classifier', gid_list, None, config=config) >>> print(results) >>> config = {'classifier_algo': 'svm', 'classifier_weight_filepath': 'localizer-zebra-10'} >>> depc.delete_property('classifier', gid_list, config=config) >>> results = depc.get_property('classifier', gid_list, None, config=config) >>> print(results)
- wbia.core_images.compute_classifications2(depc, gid_list, config=None)[source]
Extract the multi-class classifications for a given input image.
- Parameters
- Yields
(np.ndarray, np.ndarray) – tup
- CommandLine:
wbia compute_classifications2
>>> # DISABLE_DOCTEST >>> from wbia.core_images import * # NOQA >>> import wbia >>> defaultdb = 'PZ_MTEST' >>> ibs = wbia.opendb(defaultdb=defaultdb) >>> depc = ibs.depc_image >>> gid_list = ibs.get_valid_gids()[0:8] >>> # depc.delete_property('classifier_two', gid_list) >>> results = depc.get_property('classifier_two', gid_list, None) >>> print(results)
- wbia.core_images.compute_detections(depc, gid_list, config=None)[source]
Extract the detections for a given input image.
- Parameters
- Yields
(float, np.ndarray, np.ndarray, np.ndarray, np.ndarray) – tup
- CommandLine:
wbia compute_detections
>>> # SLOW_DOCTEST >>> # xdoctest: +SKIP >>> from wbia.core_images import * # NOQA >>> import wbia >>> defaultdb = 'PZ_MTEST' >>> ibs = wbia.opendb(defaultdb=defaultdb) >>> # dbdir = '/Users/bluemellophone/Desktop/GGR-IBEIS-TEST/' >>> # dbdir = '/media/danger/GGR/GGR-IBEIS-TEST/' >>> # ibs = wbia.opendb(dbdir=dbdir) >>> depc = ibs.depc_image >>> gid_list = ibs.get_valid_gids()[0:2] >>> depc.delete_property('detections', gid_list) >>> detects = depc.get_property('detections', gid_list, None) >>> print(detects)
- wbia.core_images.compute_features(depc, gid_list, config=None)[source]
Compute features on images using pre-trained state-of-the-art models in Keras.
- Parameters
- Yields
(np.ndarray, ) – tup
- CommandLine:
wbia compute_features
- CommandLine:
python -m wbia.core_images compute_features –show
>>> # DISABLE_DOCTEST >>> from wbia.core_images import * # NOQA >>> import wbia >>> defaultdb = 'PZ_MTEST' >>> ibs = wbia.opendb(defaultdb=defaultdb) >>> depc = ibs.depc_image >>> print(depc.get_tablenames()) >>> gid_list = ibs.get_valid_gids()[:16] >>> config = {'model': 'vgg16'} >>> depc.delete_property('features', gid_list, config=config) >>> features = depc.get_property('features', gid_list, 'vector', config=config) >>> print(features) >>> config = {'model': 'vgg19'} >>> depc.delete_property('features', gid_list, config=config) >>> features = depc.get_property('features', gid_list, 'vector', config=config) >>> print(features) >>> config = {'model': 'resnet'} >>> depc.delete_property('features', gid_list, config=config) >>> features = depc.get_property('features', gid_list, 'vector', config=config) >>> print(features) >>> config = {'model': 'inception'} >>> depc.delete_property('features', gid_list, config=config) >>> features = depc.get_property('features', gid_list, 'vector', config=config) >>> print(features)
- wbia.core_images.compute_localizations(depc, loc_orig_id_list, config=None)[source]
Extract the localizations for a given input image.
- Parameters
- Yields
(float, np.ndarray, np.ndarray, np.ndarray, np.ndarray) – tup
- CommandLine:
wbia compute_localizations
- CommandLine:
python -m wbia.core_images compute_localizations –show
>>> # DISABLE_DOCTEST >>> from wbia.core_images import * # NOQA >>> import wbia >>> defaultdb = 'PZ_MTEST' >>> ibs = wbia.opendb(defaultdb=defaultdb) >>> depc = ibs.depc_image >>> print(depc.get_tablenames()) >>> gid_list = ibs.get_valid_gids()[:16] >>> config = {'algo': 'lightnet', 'nms': True} >>> # depc.delete_property('localizations', gid_list, config=config) >>> detects = depc.get_property('localizations', gid_list, 'bboxes', config=config) >>> print(detects) >>> config = {'combined': True} >>> # depc.delete_property('localizations', gid_list, config=config) >>> detects = depc.get_property('localizations', gid_list, 'bboxes', config=config) >>> print(detects)
- wbia.core_images.compute_localizations_chips(depc, loc_id_list, config=None)[source]
Extract the detections for a given input image.
- Parameters
- Yields
(float, str) – tup
- CommandLine:
wbia compute_localizations_chips
>>> # DISABLE_DOCTEST >>> from wbia.core_images import * # NOQA >>> import wbia >>> defaultdb = 'PZ_MTEST' >>> ibs = wbia.opendb(defaultdb=defaultdb) >>> depc = ibs.depc_image >>> gid_list = ibs.get_valid_gids()[0:8] >>> config = {'combined': True, 'localization_chip_masking': True} >>> # depc.delete_property('localizations_chips', gid_list, config=config) >>> results = depc.get_property('localizations_chips', gid_list, None, config=config) >>> print(results) >>> config = {'combined': True, 'localization_chip_masking': False} >>> # depc.delete_property('localizations_chips', gid_list, config=config) >>> results = depc.get_property('localizations_chips', gid_list, None, config=config) >>> print(results)
- wbia.core_images.compute_localizations_classifications(depc, loc_id_list, config=None)[source]
Extract the detections for a given input image.
- Parameters
- Yields
(float, str) – tup
- CommandLine:
wbia compute_localizations_classifications
>>> # DISABLE_DOCTEST >>> from wbia.core_images import * # NOQA >>> import wbia >>> defaultdb = 'PZ_MTEST' >>> ibs = wbia.opendb(defaultdb=defaultdb) >>> depc = ibs.depc_image >>> gid_list = ibs.get_valid_gids()[0:8] >>> config = {'algo': 'yolo'} >>> # depc.delete_property('localizations_classifier', gid_list, config=config) >>> results = depc.get_property('localizations_classifier', gid_list, None, config=config) >>> print(results) >>> config = {'algo': 'yolo', 'classifier_masking': True} >>> # depc.delete_property('localizations_classifier', gid_list, config=config) >>> results = depc.get_property('localizations_classifier', gid_list, None, config=config) >>> print(results) >>> >>> depc = ibs.depc_image >>> gid_list = list(set(ibs.get_imageset_gids(ibs.get_imageset_imgsetids_from_text('TEST_SET')))) >>> config = {'combined': True, 'classifier_algo': 'svm', 'classifier_weight_filepath': None} >>> # depc.delete_property('localizations_classifier', gid_list, config=config) >>> results = depc.get_property('localizations_classifier', gid_list, None, config=config) >>> print(results) >>> >>> config = {'combined': True, 'classifier_algo': 'svm', 'classifier_weight_filepath': 'localizer-zebra-10'} >>> # depc.delete_property('localizations_classifier', gid_list, config=config) >>> results = depc.get_property('localizations_classifier', gid_list, None, config=config) >>> print(results) >>> >>> config = {'combined': True, 'classifier_algo': 'svm', 'classifier_weight_filepath': 'localizer-zebra-50'} >>> results = depc.get_property('localizations_classifier', gid_list, None, config=config) >>> print(results) >>> >>> config = {'combined': True, 'classifier_algo': 'svm', 'classifier_weight_filepath': 'localizer-zebra-100'} >>> results = depc.get_property('localizations_classifier', gid_list, None, config=config) >>> print(results)
- wbia.core_images.compute_localizations_features(depc, loc_id_list, config=None)[source]
Compute features on images using pre-trained state-of-the-art models in Keras.
- Parameters
- Yields
(np.ndarray, ) – tup
- CommandLine:
wbia compute_localizations_features
- CommandLine:
python -m wbia.core_images compute_localizations_features –show
>>> # DISABLE_DOCTEST >>> from wbia.core_images import * # NOQA >>> import wbia >>> defaultdb = 'PZ_MTEST' >>> ibs = wbia.opendb(defaultdb=defaultdb) >>> depc = ibs.depc_image >>> print(depc.get_tablenames()) >>> gid_list = ibs.get_valid_gids()[:16] >>> config = {'feature2_algo': 'vgg16', 'combined': True} >>> depc.delete_property('localizations_features', gid_list, config=config) >>> features = depc.get_property('localizations_features', gid_list, 'vector', config=config) >>> print(features) >>> config = {'feature2_algo': 'vgg19', 'combined': True} >>> depc.delete_property('localizations_features', gid_list, config=config) >>> features = depc.get_property('localizations_features', gid_list, 'vector', config=config) >>> print(features) >>> config = {'feature2_algo': 'resnet', 'combined': True} >>> depc.delete_property('localizations_features', gid_list, config=config) >>> features = depc.get_property('localizations_features', gid_list, 'vector', config=config) >>> print(features) >>> config = {'feature2_algo': 'inception', 'combined': True} >>> depc.delete_property('localizations_features', gid_list, config=config) >>> features = depc.get_property('localizations_features', gid_list, 'vector', config=config) >>> print(features)
- wbia.core_images.compute_localizations_interest(depc, loc_id_list, config=None)[source]
Extract the detections for a given input image.
- Parameters
- Yields
(float, str) – tup
- CommandLine:
wbia compute_localizations_labels
>>> # DISABLE_DOCTEST >>> from wbia.core_images import * # NOQA >>> import wbia >>> defaultdb = 'PZ_MTEST' >>> ibs = wbia.opendb(defaultdb=defaultdb) >>> depc = ibs.depc_image >>> gid_list = ibs.get_valid_gids()[0:100] >>> depc.delete_property('labeler', gid_list) >>> results = depc.get_property('labeler', gid_list, None) >>> results = depc.get_property('labeler', gid_list, 'species') >>> print(results)
- wbia.core_images.compute_localizations_labels(depc, loc_id_list, config=None)[source]
Extract the detections for a given input image.
- Parameters
- Yields
(float, str) – tup
- CommandLine:
python -m wbia.core_images –exec-compute_localizations_labels
>>> # DISABLE_DOCTEST >>> from wbia.core_images import * # NOQA >>> import wbia >>> defaultdb = 'PZ_MTEST' >>> ibs = wbia.opendb(defaultdb=defaultdb) >>> depc = ibs.depc_image >>> gid_list = ibs.get_valid_gids()[0:10] >>> config = {'labeler_algo': 'densenet', 'labeler_weight_filepath': 'giraffe_v1'} >>> # depc.delete_property('localizations_labeler', aid_list) >>> results = depc.get_property('localizations_labeler', gid_list, None, config=config) >>> print(results) >>> config = {'labeler_weight_filepath': 'candidacy'} >>> # depc.delete_property('localizations_labeler', aid_list) >>> results = depc.get_property('localizations_labeler', gid_list, None, config=config) >>> print(results)
- wbia.core_images.compute_localizations_original(depc, gid_list, config=None)[source]
Extract the localizations for a given input image.
- Parameters
- Yields
(float, np.ndarray, np.ndarray, np.ndarray, np.ndarray) – tup
- CommandLine:
wbia compute_localizations_original
- CommandLine:
python -m wbia.core_images compute_localizations_original –show
>>> # DISABLE_DOCTEST >>> from wbia.core_images import * # NOQA >>> import wbia >>> defaultdb = 'PZ_MTEST' >>> ibs = wbia.opendb(defaultdb=defaultdb) >>> depc = ibs.depc_image >>> print(depc.get_tablenames()) >>> gid_list = ibs.get_valid_gids()[:16] >>> config = {'algo': 'azure', 'config_filepath': None} >>> depc.delete_property('localizations_original', gid_list, config=config) >>> detects = depc.get_property('localizations_original', gid_list, 'bboxes', config=config) >>> print(detects) >>> config = {'algo': 'darknet', 'config_filepath': 'pretrained-v2-pascal'} >>> depc.delete_property('localizations_original', gid_list, config=config) >>> detects = depc.get_property('localizations_original', gid_list, 'bboxes', config=config) >>> print(detects) >>> config = {'algo': 'darknet', 'config_filepath': 'pretrained-v2-large-pascal'} >>> depc.delete_property('localizations_original', gid_list, config=config) >>> detects = depc.get_property('localizations_original', gid_list, 'bboxes', config=config) >>> print(detects) >>> config = {'algo': 'darknet', 'config_filepath': 'pretrained-tiny-pascal'} >>> depc.delete_property('localizations_original', gid_list, config=config) >>> detects = depc.get_property('localizations_original', gid_list, 'bboxes', config=config) >>> print(detects) >>> config = {'algo': 'darknet', 'config_filepath': 'pretrained-v2-large-coco'} >>> depc.delete_property('localizations_original', gid_list, config=config) >>> detects = depc.get_property('localizations_original', gid_list, 'bboxes', config=config) >>> print(detects) >>> config = {'algo': 'darknet', 'config_filepath': 'pretrained-tiny-coco'} >>> depc.delete_property('localizations_original', gid_list, config=config) >>> detects = depc.get_property('localizations_original', gid_list, 'bboxes', config=config) >>> print(detects) >>> config = {'algo': 'yolo'} >>> depc.delete_property('localizations_original', gid_list, config=config) >>> detects = depc.get_property('localizations_original', gid_list, 'bboxes', config=config) >>> print(detects) >>> config = {'algo': 'lightnet'} >>> depc.delete_property('localizations_original', gid_list, config=config) >>> detects = depc.get_property('localizations_original', gid_list, 'bboxes', config=config) >>> print(detects) >>> config = {'algo': 'rf'} >>> depc.delete_property('localizations_original', gid_list, config=config) >>> detects = depc.get_property('localizations_original', gid_list, 'bboxes', config=config) >>> print(detects) >>> config = {'algo': 'selective-search'} >>> depc.delete_property('localizations_original', gid_list, config=config) >>> detects = depc.get_property('localizations_original', gid_list, 'bboxes', config=config) >>> print(detects) >>> config = {'algo': 'selective-search-rcnn'} >>> depc.delete_property('localizations_original', gid_list, config=config) >>> detects = depc.get_property('localizations_original', gid_list, 'bboxes', config=config) >>> print(detects) >>> config = {'algo': 'faster-rcnn', 'config_filepath': 'pretrained-vgg-pascal'} >>> depc.delete_property('localizations_original', gid_list, config=config) >>> detects = depc.get_property('localizations_original', gid_list, 'bboxes', config=config) >>> print(detects) >>> config = {'algo': 'faster-rcnn', 'config_filepath': 'pretrained-zf-pascal'} >>> depc.delete_property('localizations_original', gid_list, config=config) >>> detects = depc.get_property('localizations_original', gid_list, 'bboxes', config=config) >>> print(detects) >>> config = {'algo': 'faster-rcnn', 'config_filepath': 'pretrained-vgg-ilsvrc'} >>> depc.delete_property('localizations_original', gid_list, config=config) >>> detects = depc.get_property('localizations_original', gid_list, 'bboxes', config=config) >>> print(detects) >>> config = {'algo': 'faster-rcnn', 'config_filepath': 'pretrained-zf-ilsvrc'} >>> depc.delete_property('localizations_original', gid_list, config=config) >>> detects = depc.get_property('localizations_original', gid_list, 'bboxes', config=config) >>> print(detects) >>> config = {'algo': 'ssd', 'config_filepath': 'pretrained-300-pascal'} >>> depc.delete_property('localizations_original', gid_list, config=config) >>> detects = depc.get_property('localizations_original', gid_list, 'bboxes', config=config) >>> print(detects) >>> config = {'algo': 'ssd', 'config_filepath': 'pretrained-512-pascal'} >>> depc.delete_property('localizations_original', gid_list, config=config) >>> detects = depc.get_property('localizations_original', gid_list, 'bboxes', config=config) >>> print(detects) >>> config = {'algo': 'ssd', 'config_filepath': 'pretrained-300-pascal-plus'} >>> depc.delete_property('localizations_original', gid_list, config=config) >>> detects = depc.get_property('localizations_original', gid_list, 'bboxes', config=config) >>> print(detects) >>> config = {'algo': 'ssd', 'config_filepath': 'pretrained-512-pascal-plus'} >>> depc.delete_property('localizations_original', gid_list, config=config) >>> detects = depc.get_property('localizations_original', gid_list, 'bboxes', config=config) >>> print(detects) >>> config = {'algo': 'ssd', 'config_filepath': 'pretrained-300-coco'} >>> depc.delete_property('localizations_original', gid_list, config=config) >>> detects = depc.get_property('localizations_original', gid_list, 'bboxes', config=config) >>> print(detects) >>> config = {'algo': 'ssd', 'config_filepath': 'pretrained-512-coco'} >>> depc.delete_property('localizations_original', gid_list, config=config) >>> detects = depc.get_property('localizations_original', gid_list, 'bboxes', config=config) >>> print(detects) >>> config = {'algo': 'ssd', 'config_filepath': 'pretrained-300-ilsvrc'} >>> depc.delete_property('localizations_original', gid_list, config=config) >>> detects = depc.get_property('localizations_original', gid_list, 'bboxes', config=config) >>> print(detects) >>> config = {'algo': 'ssd', 'config_filepath': 'pretrained-500-ilsvrc'} >>> depc.delete_property('localizations_original', gid_list, config=config) >>> detects = depc.get_property('localizations_original', gid_list, 'bboxes', config=config) >>> print(detects) >>> config = {'algo': '_COMBINED'} >>> depc.delete_property('localizations_original', gid_list, config=config) >>> detects = depc.get_property('localizations_original', gid_list, 'bboxes', config=config) >>> print(detects)
- wbia.core_images.compute_thumbnails(depc, gid_list, config=None)[source]
Compute the thumbnail for a given input image.
- Parameters
- Yields
(uri, int, int) – tup
- CommandLine:
wbia –tf compute_thumbnails –show –db PZ_MTEST
>>> # ENABLE_DOCTEST >>> # xdoctest: +REQUIRES(--weird) >>> from wbia.core_images import * # NOQA >>> import wbia >>> defaultdb = 'testdb1' >>> ibs = wbia.opendb(defaultdb=defaultdb) >>> depc = ibs.depc_image >>> gid_list = ibs.get_valid_gids()[0:10] >>> thumbs = depc.get_property('thumbnails', gid_list, 'img', config={'thumbsize': 221}, recompute=True) >>> # xdoctest: +REQUIRES(--show) >>> import wbia.plottool as pt >>> pt.quit_if_noshow() >>> iteract_obj = pt.interact_multi_image.MultiImageInteraction(thumbs, nPerPage=4) >>> iteract_obj.start() >>> pt.show_if_requested()
- wbia.core_images.compute_web_src(depc, gid_list, config=None)[source]
Compute the web src
- Parameters
- Yields
(str) – tup
- CommandLine:
wbia –tf compute_web_src –show –db PZ_MTEST
>>> # ENABLE_DOCTEST >>> from wbia.core_images import * # NOQA >>> import wbia >>> defaultdb = 'testdb1' >>> ibs = wbia.opendb(defaultdb=defaultdb) >>> depc = ibs.depc_image >>> gid_list = ibs.get_valid_gids()[0:10] >>> thumbs = depc.get_property('web_src', gid_list, 'src', recompute=True) >>> thumb = thumbs[0] >>> hash_str = ut.hash_data(thumb) >>> assert hash_str in ['yerctlgfqosrhmjpqvkbmnoocagfqsna', 'wcuppmpowkvhfmfcnrxdeedommihexfu'], 'Found %r' % (hash_str, )
- wbia.core_images.draw_thumb_helper(thumbsize, gpath, orient, bbox_list, theta_list, interest_list)[source]
- wbia.core_images.get_localization_chips(ibs, loc_id_list, target_size=(128, 128), axis_aligned=False)[source]
- wbia.core_images.get_localization_chips_worker(gid, img, bbox_list, theta_list, target_size, axis_aligned=False)[source]
Extracts parts chips from image and applies optional image normalizations.
- wbia.core_parts.compute_part_chip(depc, part_rowid_list, config=None)[source]
Extracts the part chip from the bounding box
- Parameters
- Yields
(uri, int, int) – tup
- CommandLine:
wbia –tf compute_part_chip
- Doctest:
>>> from wbia.core_parts import * # NOQA >>> import wbia >>> import random >>> defaultdb = 'testdb1' >>> ibs = wbia.opendb(defaultdb=defaultdb) >>> depc = ibs.depc_part >>> config = {'dim_size': None} >>> aid_list = ibs.get_valid_aids() >>> aid_list = aid_list[:10] >>> bbox_list = ibs.get_annot_bboxes(aid_list) >>> bbox_list = [ >>> (xtl + 100, ytl + 100, w - 100, h - 100) >>> for xtl, ytl, w, h in bbox_list >>> ] >>> part_rowid_list = ibs.add_parts(aid_list, bbox_list=bbox_list) >>> chips = depc.get_property('pchips', part_rowid_list, 'img', config=config) >>> for (xtl, ytl, w, h), chip in zip(bbox_list, chips): >>> assert chip.shape == (h, w, 3) >>> ibs.delete_parts(part_rowid_list)
- class wbia.images.ImageSetAttrInjector(name, bases, dct)[source]
>>> # SCRIPT >>> from wbia import _wbia_object >>> import wbia >>> ibs = wbia.opendb(defaultdb='testdb1') >>> objname = 'imageset' >>> blacklist = [] >>> _wbia_object._find_wbia_attrs(ibs, objname, blacklist)
- class wbia.images.ImageSets(gsids, ibs, config=None)[source]
Represents a group of annotations. Efficiently accesses properties from a database using lazy evaluation.
- CommandLine:
python -m wbia.images ImageSets
>>> # DISABLE_DOCTEST >>> from wbia.images import * # NOQA >>> import wbia >>> ibs = wbia.opendb(defaultdb='testdb1') >>> gsids = ibs._get_all_imgsetids() >>> self = ImageSets(gsids, ibs) >>> print(self) <ImageSets(num=13)>
- property aids
- property annots
- property configid
- property custom_filtered_aids
- property duration
- property end_time_posix
- property fraction_annotmatch_reviewed
- property fraction_imgs_reviewed
- property fraction_names_with_exemplar
- property gids
- property gps_lats
- property gps_lons
- property gsgrids
- property image_uuids
- property images
- property imgsetids_from_text
- property imgsetids_from_uuid
- property isoccurrence
- property name_uuids
- property nids
- property note
- property notes
- property num_aids
- property num_annotmatch_reviewed
- property num_annots_reviewed
- property num_gids
- property num_imgs_reviewed
- property num_names_with_exemplar
- property percent_annotmatch_reviewed_str
- property percent_imgs_reviewed_str
- property percent_names_with_exemplar_str
- property processed_flags
- rrr()
Dynamic module reloading
- property shipped_flags
- property smart_waypoint_ids
- property smart_xml_contents
- property smart_xml_fnames
- property start_time_posix
- property text
- property uuid
- property uuids
- class wbia.images.Images(rowids, ibs, config=None, caching=False, asarray=False)[source]
Represents a group of annotations. Efficiently accesses properties from a database using lazy evaluation.
- CommandLine:
python -m wbia.images Images –show
>>> # DISABLE_DOCTEST >>> from wbia.images import * # NOQA >>> import wbia >>> ibs = wbia.opendb(defaultdb='testdb1') >>> gids = ibs.get_valid_gids() >>> g = self = images = Images(gids, ibs) >>> print(g.widths) >>> print(g) <Images(num=13)>
- property aids
- property aids_of_species
- property annot_uuids
- property annot_uuids_of_species
- property annotation_bboxes
- property annotation_thetas
- property annots
- property contributor_rowid
- property contributor_tag
- property datetime
- property datetime_str
- property detect_confidence
- property detectpaths
- property enabled
- property exts
- property gid
- property gids
- property glrids
- property gnames
- property gps
- property gps2
- property gsgrids
- property heights
- property imagesettext
- property imgset_uuids
- property imgsetids
- property lat
- property location_codes
- property lon
- property missing_uuid
- property name_uuids
- property nids
- property notes
- property num_annotations
- property orientation
- property orientation_str
- property party_rowids
- property party_tag
- property paths
- property reviewed
- rrr()
Dynamic module reloading
- property sizes
- property species_rowids
- property species_uuids
- property thumbpath
- property thumbtup
- property time_statstr
- property timedelta_posix
- property unixtime
- property unixtime2
- property unixtime_asfloat
- property uris
- property uris_original
- property uuids
- property widthsimgdata
this module lists most of the command line args available for use. there are still many cases where util_arg.get_argval and util_arg.get_argflag are used instead of this module. Those command line arguments will not be represented here and they should eventually be integrated into this module (hopefully automagically)
TODO: nnkj/enerate this module automagically from
import utool as ut utool_parse_codeblock = ut.util_arg.autogen_argparse_block(extra_args=parsed_args) ut.util_arg.reset_argrecord() import wbia parsed_args = ut.util_arg.parse_used_arg_flags_and_vals(wbia, recursive=True) wbia_parse_codeblock = ut.util_arg.autogen_argparse_block(extra_args=parsed_args)
ut.util_arg.autogenerate_parse_py([utool_parse_codeblock, wbia_parse_codeblock])
utool_parse_codeblock ut.util_arg
- wbia.tag_funcs.append_annot_case_tags(ibs, aid_list, tag_list)[source]
Generally appends tags to annotations. Careful not to introduce too many random tags. Maybe we should just let that happen and introduce tag-aliases
Note: this is more of a set add rather than a list append
TODO: remove
- wbia.tag_funcs.export_tagged_chips(ibs, aid_list, dpath='.')[source]
- CommandLine:
python -m wbia.tag_funcs –exec-export_tagged_chips –tags Hard interesting needswork –db PZ_Master1 python -m wbia.tag_funcs –exec-export_tagged_chips –logic=or –any_startswith quality occlusion –has_any lighting needswork interesting hard –db GZ_Master1 –dpath=/media/raid python -m wbia.tag_funcs –exec-export_tagged_chips –db GZ_Master1 –min_num=1 –dpath /media/raid
>>> # SCRIPT >>> from wbia.tag_funcs import * # NOQA >>> import wbia >>> ibs = wbia.opendb(defaultdb='testdb1') >>> kwargs = ut.argparse_dict(ut.get_kwdefaults2(filterflags_general_tags), type_hint=ut.ddict(list, logic=str)) >>> ut.print_dict(kwargs, 'filter args') >>> aid_list = ibs.filter_annots_by_tags(**kwargs) >>> print('len(aid_list) = %r' % (len(aid_list),)) >>> dpath = ut.get_argval('--dpath', default='') >>> all_tags = ut.flatten(ibs.get_annot_all_tags(aid_list)) >>> filtered_tag_hist = ut.dict_hist(all_tags) >>> ut.print_dict(filtered_tag_hist, key_order_metric='val') >>> export_tagged_chips(ibs, aid_list, dpath)
- wbia.tag_funcs.filter_aidpairs_by_tags(ibs, has_any=None, has_all=None, min_num=None, max_num=None, am_rowids=None)[source]
list(zip(aid_pairs, undirected_tags))
- wbia.tag_funcs.filter_annotmatch_by_tags(ibs, annotmatch_rowids=None, **kwargs)[source]
ignores case
- Parameters
ibs (IBEISController) – wbia controller object
flags –
- Returns
- CommandLine:
python -m wbia.tag_funcs –exec-filter_annotmatch_by_tags –show python -m wbia.tag_funcs –exec-filter_annotmatch_by_tags –show –db PZ_Master1 –min-num=1 python -m wbia.tag_funcs –exec-filter_annotmatch_by_tags –show –db PZ_Master1 –tags JoinCase python -m wbia.tag_funcs –exec-filter_annotmatch_by_tags –show –db PZ_Master1 –tags SplitCase python -m wbia.tag_funcs –exec-filter_annotmatch_by_tags –show –db PZ_Master1 –tags occlusion python -m wbia.tag_funcs –exec-filter_annotmatch_by_tags –show –db PZ_Master1 –tags viewpoint python -m wbia.tag_funcs –exec-filter_annotmatch_by_tags –show –db PZ_Master1 –tags SceneryMatch python -m wbia.tag_funcs –exec-filter_annotmatch_by_tags –show –db PZ_Master1 –tags Photobomb
python -m wbia.tag_funcs –exec-filter_annotmatch_by_tags –show –db GZ_Master1 –tags needswork
>>> # DISABLE_DOCTEST >>> from wbia.tag_funcs import * # NOQA >>> import wbia >>> #ibs = wbia.opendb(defaultdb='testdb1') >>> ibs = wbia.opendb(defaultdb='PZ_Master1') >>> #tags = ['Photobomb', 'SceneryMatch'] >>> has_any = ut.get_argval('--tags', type_=list, default=['SceneryMatch', 'Photobomb']) >>> min_num = ut.get_argval('--min_num', type_=int, default=1) >>> prop = has_any[0] >>> filtered_annotmatch_rowids = filter_annotmatch_by_tags(ibs, None, has_any=has_any, min_num=min_num) >>> aid1_list = np.array(ibs.get_annotmatch_aid1(filtered_annotmatch_rowids)) >>> aid2_list = np.array(ibs.get_annotmatch_aid2(filtered_annotmatch_rowids)) >>> aid_pairs = np.vstack([aid1_list, aid2_list]).T >>> # Dont double count >>> xs = vt.find_best_undirected_edge_indexes(aid_pairs) >>> aid1_list = aid1_list.take(xs) >>> aid2_list = aid2_list.take(xs) >>> valid_tags_list = ibs.get_annotmatch_case_tags(filtered_annotmatch_rowids) >>> print('valid_tags_list = %s' % (ut.repr2(valid_tags_list, nl=1),)) >>> # >>> print('Aid pairs with has_any=%s' % (has_any,)) >>> print('Aid pairs with min_num=%s' % (min_num,)) >>> print('aid_pairs = ' + ut.repr2(list(zip(aid1_list, aid2_list)))) >>> # Show timedelta info >>> ut.quit_if_noshow() >>> timedelta_list = ibs.get_annot_pair_timedelta(aid1_list, aid2_list) >>> import wbia.plottool as pt >>> pt.draw_timedelta_pie(timedelta_list, label='timestamp of tags=%r' % (has_any,)) >>> ut.show_if_requested()
- wbia.tag_funcs.filter_annots_by_tags(ibs, aid_list=None, **kwargs)[source]
Filter / Find / Search for annotations with particular tags
- CommandLine:
python -m wbia.tag_funcs –exec-filter_annots_by_tags –helpx python -m wbia.tag_funcs –exec-filter_annots_by_tags –db GZ_Master1 python -m wbia.tag_funcs –exec-filter_annots_by_tags –db GZ_Master1 –min_num=1 python -m wbia.tag_funcs –exec-filter_annots_by_tags –db GZ_Master1 –has_any=lighting –has_all=lighting:underexposed –show
- SeeAlso:
python -m wbia.init.filter_annots –exec-filter_annots_general
>>> # ENABLE_DOCTEST >>> from wbia.tag_funcs import * # NOQA >>> import wbia >>> ibs = wbia.opendb(defaultdb='testdb1') >>> aid_list = ibs.get_valid_aids() >>> kwargs = ut.argparse_dict(ut.get_kwdefaults2(filterflags_general_tags), type_hint=ut.ddict(list, logic=str)) >>> ut.print_dict(kwargs, 'filter args') >>> aid_list = ibs.filter_annots_by_tags(aid_list, **kwargs) >>> print('len(aid_list) = %r' % (len(aid_list),)) >>> # print results >>> all_tags = ut.flatten(ibs.get_annot_all_tags(aid_list)) >>> filtered_tag_hist = ut.dict_hist(all_tags) >>> ut.print_dict(filtered_tag_hist, key_order_metric='val') >>> print('len(aid_list) = %r' % (len(aid_list),)) >>> print('sum(tags) = %r' % (sum(filtered_tag_hist.values()),)) >>> ut.quit_if_noshow() >>> import wbia.viz.interact >>> wbia.viz.interact.interact_chip.interact_multichips(ibs, aid_list) >>> ut.show_if_requested()
- wbia.tag_funcs.filterflags_annot_tags(ibs, aid_list, **kwargs)[source]
Filter / Find / Search for annotations with particular tags
- wbia.tag_funcs.filterflags_general_tags(tags_list, has_any=None, has_all=None, has_none=None, min_num=None, max_num=None, any_startswith=None, any_endswith=None, any_match=None, none_match=None, logic='and')[source]
maybe integrate into utool? Seems pretty general
- Parameters
- CommandLine:
python -m wbia.tag_funcs –exec-filterflags_general_tags python -m wbia.tag_funcs –exec-filterflags_general_tags:0 –helpx python -m wbia.tag_funcs –exec-filterflags_general_tags:0 python -m wbia.tag_funcs –exec-filterflags_general_tags:0 –none_match n python -m wbia.tag_funcs –exec-filterflags_general_tags:0 –has_none=n,o python -m wbia.tag_funcs –exec-filterflags_general_tags:1 python -m wbia.tag_funcs –exec-filterflags_general_tags:2
>>> # DISABLE_DOCTEST >>> from wbia.tag_funcs import * # NOQA >>> tags_list = [['v'], [], ['P'], ['P', 'o'], ['n', 'o',], [], ['n', 'N'], ['e', 'i', 'p', 'b', 'n'], ['q', 'v'], ['n'], ['n'], ['N']] >>> kwargs = ut.argparse_dict(ut.get_kwdefaults2(filterflags_general_tags), type_hint=list) >>> print('kwargs = %r' % (kwargs,)) >>> flags = filterflags_general_tags(tags_list, **kwargs) >>> print(flags) >>> result = ut.compress(tags_list, flags) >>> print('result = %r' % (result,))
>>> # ENABLE_DOCTEST >>> from wbia.tag_funcs import * # NOQA >>> tags_list = [['v'], [], ['P'], ['P'], ['n', 'o',], [], ['n', 'N'], ['e', 'i', 'p', 'b', 'n'], ['n'], ['n'], ['N']] >>> has_all = 'n' >>> min_num = 1 >>> flags = filterflags_general_tags(tags_list, has_all=has_all, min_num=min_num) >>> result = ut.compress(tags_list, flags) >>> print('result = %r' % (result,))
>>> # DISABLE_DOCTEST >>> from wbia.tag_funcs import * # NOQA >>> tags_list = [['vn'], ['vn', 'no'], ['P'], ['P'], ['n', 'o',], [], ['n', 'N'], ['e', 'i', 'p', 'b', 'n'], ['n'], ['n', 'nP'], ['NP']] >>> kwargs = { >>> 'any_endswith': 'n', >>> 'any_match': None, >>> 'any_startswith': 'n', >>> 'has_all': None, >>> 'has_any': None, >>> 'has_none': None, >>> 'max_num': 3, >>> 'min_num': 1, >>> 'none_match': ['P'], >>> } >>> flags = filterflags_general_tags(tags_list, **kwargs) >>> filtered = ut.compress(tags_list, flags) >>> result = ('result = %s' % (ut.repr2(filtered),)) result = [['vn', 'no'], ['n', 'o'], ['n', 'N'], ['n'], ['n', 'nP']]
- wbia.tag_funcs.get_aidpair_tags(ibs, aid1_list, aid2_list, directed=True)[source]
- Parameters
- Returns
- Return type
- CommandLine:
python -m wbia.tag_funcs –exec-get_aidpair_tags –db PZ_Master1 –tags Hard interesting
>>> # DISABLE_DOCTEST >>> from wbia.tag_funcs import * # NOQA >>> import wbia >>> ibs = wbia.opendb(defaultdb='testdb1') >>> has_any = ut.get_argval('--tags', type_=list, default=None) >>> min_num = ut.get_argval('--min_num', type_=int, default=1) >>> aid_pairs = filter_aidpairs_by_tags(ibs, has_any=has_any, min_num=1) >>> aid1_list = aid_pairs.T[0] >>> aid2_list = aid_pairs.T[1] >>> undirected_tags = get_aidpair_tags(ibs, aid1_list, aid2_list, directed=False) >>> tagged_pairs = list(zip(aid_pairs.tolist(), undirected_tags)) >>> print(ut.repr2(tagged_pairs)) >>> tag_dict = ut.groupby_tags(tagged_pairs, undirected_tags) >>> print(ut.repr2(tag_dict, nl=2)) >>> print(ut.repr2(ut.map_dict_vals(len, tag_dict)))
- wbia.tag_funcs.get_annot_all_tags(ibs, aid_list=None)[source]
- CommandLine:
python -m wbia.tag_funcs –exec-get_annot_all_tags –db GZ_Master1
>>> # ENABLE_DOCTEST >>> from wbia.tag_funcs import * # NOQA >>> import wbia >>> ibs = wbia.opendb(defaultdb='testdb1') >>> aid_list = ibs.get_valid_aids() >>> all_tags = ut.flatten(ibs.get_annot_all_tags(aid_list)) >>> tag_hist = ut.dict_hist(all_tags) >>> ut.print_dict(tag_hist)
- wbia.tag_funcs.get_annot_annotmatch_tags(ibs, aid_list)[source]
- Parameters
ibs (IBEISController) – wbia controller object
aid_list (list) – list of annotation rowids
- Returns
- Return type
- CommandLine:
python -m wbia.tag_funcs –exec-get_annot_annotmatch_tags –db GZ_Master1
>>> # ENABLE_DOCTEST >>> from wbia.tag_funcs import * # NOQA >>> import wbia >>> ibs = wbia.opendb(defaultdb='testdb1') >>> aid_list = ibs.get_valid_aids() >>> all_tags = ut.flatten(get_annot_annotmatch_tags(ibs, aid_list)) >>> tag_hist = ut.dict_hist(all_tags) >>> ut.print_dict(tag_hist)
- wbia.tag_funcs.get_annot_case_tags(ibs, aid_list)[source]
returns list of tags. Use instead of get_annot_tag_text .. todo:: rename to get_annot_unary_tags
- Parameters
ibs (IBEISController) – wbia controller object
aid_list (list) – list of annotation rowids
- Returns
- Return type
- CommandLine:
python -m wbia.tag_funcs –exec-get_annot_case_tags
>>> # ENABLE_DOCTEST >>> from wbia.tag_funcs import * # NOQA >>> from wbia.tag_funcs import _parse_tags # NOQA >>> import wbia >>> ibs = wbia.opendb(defaultdb='testdb1') >>> aid_list = ibs.get_valid_aids() >>> tags_list = get_annot_case_tags(ibs, aid_list) >>> result = ('tags_list = %s' % (str(tags_list),)) >>> print(result)
- Ignore:
# FIXME incorrporate old tag notes aid_list = ibs.get_valid_aids() notes_list = ibs.get_annot_notes(aid_list) flags = [len(notes) > 0 for notes in notes_list] aid_list = ut.compress(aid_list, flags) notes_list = ut.compress(notes_list, flags)
import re notes_list = [note.replace(‘rfdetect’, ‘’) for note in notes_list] notes_list = [note.replace(‘<COMMA>’, ‘;’) for note in notes_list] notes_list = [note.replace(‘jpg’, ‘’) for note in notes_list] notes_list = [note.replace(‘<HARDCASE>’, ‘’) for note in notes_list] notes_list = [note.strip() for note in notes_list] notes_list = [re.sub(‘;;*’, ‘;’, note) for note in notes_list] notes_list = [note.strip(‘;’) for note in notes_list] notes_list = [note.strip(‘:’) for note in notes_list] notes_list = [note.strip() for note in notes_list]
flags = [len(notes) < 70 and len(notes) > 0 for notes in notes_list] aid_list = ut.compress(aid_list, flags) notes_list = ut.compress(notes_list, flags)
flags = [‘M;’ not in notes and ‘F;’ not in notes and ‘H1’ not in notes for notes in notes_list] flags = [ ‘M;’ not in notes and ‘F;’ not in notes and ‘H1’ not in notes for notes in notes_list] aid_list = ut.compress(aid_list, flags) notes_list = ut.compress(notes_list, flags)
flags = [‘aliases’ not in notes for notes in notes_list] aid_list = ut.compress(aid_list, flags) notes_list = ut.compress(notes_list, flags)
#flags = [not re.match(‘;d*;’, note) for note in notes_list] flags = [not re.match(r’dd*’, note) for note in notes_list] aid_list = ut.compress(aid_list, flags) notes_list = ut.compress(notes_list, flags)
flags = [not notes.startswith(‘Foal;’) for notes in notes_list] aid_list = ut.compress(aid_list, flags) notes_list = ut.compress(notes_list, flags)
old_tags_list = [_parse_tags(note) for note in notes_list]
old_tags = list(set(ut.flatten(old_tags_list))) old_tags = sorted([tag for tag in old_tags if not re.match(r’dd*’, tag)])
- old_to_new = {
‘gash’: None, ‘pose’: ‘novelpose’, ‘vocalizing’: ‘novelpose’ ‘occlusion’: ‘occlusion’,
- Ignore:
python -m wbia.tag_funcs –exec-filter_annotmatch_by_tags –show –db PZ_Master1 –tags viewpoint
- wbia.tag_funcs.get_annotmatch_case_tags(ibs, annotmatch_rowids)[source]
- Parameters
ibs (IBEISController) – wbia controller object
annotmatch_rowids –
- Returns
- Return type
- CommandLine:
python -m wbia.tag_funcs –exec-get_annotmatch_case_tags
>>> # DISABLE_DOCTEST >>> from wbia.tag_funcs import * # NOQA >>> import wbia >>> ibs = wbia.opendb(defaultdb='PZ_Master1') >>> annotmatch_rowids = ibs._get_all_annotmatch_rowids() >>> tags_list = get_annotmatch_case_tags(ibs, annotmatch_rowids) >>> result = ('tags_list = %s' % (str(tags_list),)) >>> print(result) tags_list = [[u'occlusion', u'pose', 'Hard', 'NonDistinct'], [], ['Hard']]
- wbia.tag_funcs.get_annotmatch_prop(ibs, prop, annotmatch_rowids)[source]
hacky getter for dynamic properties of annotmatches using notes table
- CommandLine:
python -m wbia.tag_funcs –exec-get_annotmatch_prop
>>> # DISABLE_DOCTEST >>> # Test setting and getting standard keys >>> from wbia.tag_funcs import * # NOQA >>> import wbia >>> ibs = wbia.opendb(defaultdb='testdb1') >>> prop = 'hard' >>> annotmatch_rowids = ibs._get_all_annotmatch_rowids() >>> flag_list = get_annotmatch_prop(ibs, prop, annotmatch_rowids) >>> flag_list = ('filtered_aid_list = %s' % (str(flag_list),)) >>> subset_rowids = annotmatch_rowids[::2] >>> set_annotmatch_prop(ibs, prop, subset_rowids, [True] * len(subset_rowids)) >>> flag_list2 = get_annotmatch_prop(ibs, prop, annotmatch_rowids) >>> print('flag_list2 = %r' % (flag_list2,))
>>> # DISABLE_DOCTEST >>> # Test setting and getting non-standard keys >>> from wbia.tag_funcs import * # NOQA >>> import wbia >>> ibs = wbia.opendb(defaultdb='testdb1') >>> prop = 'occlusion' >>> annotmatch_rowids = ibs._get_all_annotmatch_rowids() >>> flag_list = get_annotmatch_prop(ibs, prop, annotmatch_rowids) >>> flag_list = ('filtered_aid_list = %s' % (str(flag_list),)) >>> subset_rowids = annotmatch_rowids[1::2] >>> subset_rowids1 = annotmatch_rowids[::2] >>> set_annotmatch_prop(ibs, prop, subset_rowids1, [True] * len(subset_rowids)) >>> set_annotmatch_prop(ibs, 'pose', subset_rowids1, [True] * len(subset_rowids)) >>> flag_list2 = get_annotmatch_prop(ibs, prop, annotmatch_rowids) >>> print('flag_list2 = %r' % (flag_list2,))
- wbia.tag_funcs.overwrite_annot_case_tags(ibs, aid_list, tag_list)[source]
Completely replaces annotation tags. BE VERY CAREFUL WITH THIS FUNCTION
- wbia.tag_funcs.rename_and_reduce_tags(ibs, annotmatch_rowids)[source]
Script to update tags to newest values
- CommandLine:
python -m wbia.tag_funcs –exec-rename_and_reduce_tags –db PZ_Master1
- Ignore:
>>> from wbia.tag_funcs import * # NOQA >>> import wbia >>> #ibs = wbia.opendb(defaultdb='PZ_Master1') >>> ibs = wbia.opendb(defaultdb='testdb1') >>> annotmatch_rowids = filter_annotmatch_by_tags(ibs, min_num=1) >>> rename_and_reduce_tags(ibs, annotmatch_rowids)
- wbia.tag_funcs.set_annot_case_tags(ibs, aid_list, new_tags_list)[source]
Completely overwrite case tags
- wbia.tag_funcs.set_annot_prop(ibs, prop, aid_list, flags)[source]
sets nonstandard properties using the notes column
- wbia.tag_funcs.set_annotmatch_other_prop(ibs, prop, annotmatch_rowids, flags)[source]
sets nonstandard properties using the notes column