wbia.init package
wbia.init.filter_annots module
cross validation
encounter vs database (time filtering)
- wbia.init.filter_annots.annot_crossval(ibs, aid_list, n_qaids_per_name=1, n_daids_per_name=1, rng=None, debug=True, n_splits=None, confusors=True)[source]
Stratified sampling per name size
- Parameters
n_splits (int) – number of query/database splits to create. note, some names may not be big enough to split this many times.
- CommandLine:
python -m wbia.init.filter_annots annot_crossval
>>> # ENABLE_DOCTEST >>> from wbia.init.filter_annots import * # NOQA >>> import wbia >>> ibs = wbia.opendb(defaultdb='PZ_MTEST') >>> aid_list = ibs.get_valid_aids() >>> n_qaids_per_name = 2 >>> n_daids_per_name = 3 >>> rng = 0 >>> debug = True >>> n_splits = None >>> expanded_aids_list = annot_crossval( >>> ibs, aid_list, n_qaids_per_name, n_daids_per_name, rng, debug, >>> n_splits, confusors=False) >>> result = ('expanded_aids_list = %s' % (ut.repr2(expanded_aids_list, nl=2),)) >>> print(result)
- wbia.init.filter_annots.crossval_helper(nid_to_sample_pool, perquery, perdatab, n_need, n_splits=None, rng=None, rebalance=True)[source]
does sampling based on some grouping (or no grouping) of annots
perquery = 2 perdatab = 2
- nid_to_sample_pool = {
1: [1, 2, 3, 4], 2: [6, 7, 8, 9],
- wbia.init.filter_annots.encounter_crossval(ibs, aids, qenc_per_name=1, denc_per_name=1, enc_labels=None, confusors=True, rng=None, annots_per_enc=None, rebalance=True, n_splits=None, early=False)[source]
Constructs a list of [ (qaids, daids) ] where there are qenc_per_name and denc_per_name for each individual in the datasets respectively. enc_labels specifies custom encounter labels.
- CommandLine:
python -m wbia.init.filter_annots encounter_crossval
>>> # ENABLE_DOCTEST >>> from wbia.init.filter_annots import * # NOQA >>> from wbia.init import main_helpers >>> import wbia >>> #ibs, aids = wbia.testdata_aids( >>> # defaultdb='WWF_Lynx_Copy', >>> # a='default:minqual=good,require_timestamp=True,view=left') >>> ibs, aids = wbia.testdata_aids(defaultdb='PZ_MTEST', >>> a='default:require_timestamp=True') >>> main_helpers.monkeypatch_encounters(ibs, aids, days=50) >>> qenc_per_name = 2 >>> denc_per_name = 2 >>> confusors = False >>> print('denc_per_name = %r' % (denc_per_name,)) >>> print('qenc_per_name = %r' % (qenc_per_name,)) >>> rng = 0 >>> n_splits = 5 >>> expanded_aids = encounter_crossval(ibs, aids, n_splits=n_splits, >>> qenc_per_name=qenc_per_name, >>> denc_per_name=denc_per_name, >>> confusors=confusors, rng=rng) >>> # ensure stats agree >>> cfgargs = dict(per_vp=False, per_multiple=False, combo_dists=False, >>> per_name=False, per_enc=True, use_hist=False) >>> for qaids, daids in expanded_aids: >>> stats = ibs.get_annotconfig_stats(qaids, daids, **cfgargs) >>> del stats['confusor_daid_stats'] >>> print(ut.repr2(stats, strvals=True, strkeys=True, nl=2)) >>> denc_stats = stats['matchable_daid_stats']['denc_per_name'] >>> qenc_stats = stats['qaid_stats']['qenc_per_name'] >>> assert denc_stats['min'] == denc_stats['max'] >>> assert denc_stats['min'] == denc_per_name >>> assert qenc_stats['min'] == qenc_stats['max'] >>> assert qenc_stats['min'] == qenc_per_name >>> # Restore state >>> main_helpers.unmonkeypatch_encounters(ibs) >>> #qaids, daids = expanded_aids[0] >>> #stats = ibs.get_annotconfig_stats(qaids, daids, use_hist=True) >>> #print(ut.repr2(stats, strvals=True, strkeys=True, nl=2))
- wbia.init.filter_annots.expand_acfgs(ibs, aidcfg, verbose=None, use_cache=None, hack_exclude_keys=None, initial_aids=None, save_cache=True)[source]
Main multi-expansion function. Expands an annot config dict into qaids and daids. New version of this function based on a configuration dictionary built from command line argumetns
- Parameters
- Returns
- expanded_aids=(qaid_list, daid_list) - expanded list of aids
that meet the criteria of the aidcfg filter
- Return type
The database should be created first in most circumstances, then the queries should be filtered to meet the database restrictions? I’m not sure Sometimes you need to set the query aids constant, but sometimes you need to set the data aids constant. Seems to depend.
This function very much needs the idea of filter chains
- OkNewIdea:
- 3 filters:
Common sampling - takes care of things like min time delta,
species, quality viewpoint etc.
query sampling
database sampling
- Basic idea is
Sample large pool
Partition pool into query and database
- Requires:
base sampling params
partition1 params
partition2 params
inter partition params?
- CommandLine:
python -m wbia.dev -e print_acfg -a timectrl:qsize=10,dsize=10 –db PZ_MTEST –veryverbtd –nocache-aid python -m wbia.dev -e print_acfg -a timectrl:qminqual=good,qsize=10,dsize=10 –db PZ_MTEST –veryverbtd –nocache-aid
python -m wbia.dev -e print_acfg -a timectrl –db PZ_MTEST –verbtd –nocache-aid python -m wbia.dev -e print_acfg -a timectrl –db PZ_Master1 –verbtd –nocache-aid python -m wbia.dev -e print_acfg -a timequalctrl –db PZ_Master1 –verbtd –nocache-aid
python -m wbia.dev -e rank_cmc -a controlled:qsize=10,dsize=10,dper_name=2 -t default –db PZ_MTEST python -m wbia.dev -e rank_cmc -a controlled:qsize=10,dsize=20,dper_name=2 -t default –db PZ_MTEST python -m wbia.dev -e print -a controlled:qsize=10,dsize=10 -t default –db PZ_MTEST –verbtd –nocache-aid
python -m wbia.dev -e latexsum -t candinvar -a viewpoint_compare –db NNP_Master3 –acfginfo utprof.py -m wbia.dev -e print -t candk -a varysize –db PZ_MTEST –acfginfo utprof.py -m wbia.dev -e latexsum -t candk -a controlled –db PZ_Master0 –acfginfo
python -m wbia –tf get_annotcfg_list:0 –db NNP_Master3 -a viewpoint_compare –nocache-aid –verbtd
- python -m wbia –tf get_annotcfg_list –db PZ_Master1
-a timectrl:qhas_any=(needswork,correctable,mildviewpoint),qhas_none=(viewpoint,photobomb,error:viewpoint,quality) –acfginfo –veryverbtd –veryverbtd
- python -m wbia –tf draw_rank_cmc –db PZ_Master1 –show -t best
-a timectrl:qhas_any=(needswork,correctable,mildviewpoint),qhas_none=(viewpoint,photobomb,error:viewpoint,quality) –acfginfo –veryverbtd
python -m wbia –tf get_annotcfg_list –db Oxford -a default:qhas_any=(query,),dpername=2,exclude_reference=True –acfginfo –verbtd –veryverbtd –nocache-aid
- CommandLine:
python -m wbia.init.filter_annots –exec-expand_acfgs –show
>>> # ENABLE_DOCTEST >>> from wbia.init.filter_annots import * # NOQA >>> import wbia >>> from wbia.expt import annotation_configs >>> ibs = wbia.opendb(defaultdb='testdb1') >>> aidcfg = copy.deepcopy(annotation_configs.default) >>> aidcfg['qcfg']['species'] = 'primary' >>> initial_aids = None >>> expanded_aids = expand_acfgs(ibs, aidcfg, initial_aids=initial_aids) >>> result = ut.repr3(expanded_aids, nl=1, nobr=True) >>> print(result) [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6], [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13],
- wbia.init.filter_annots.expand_acfgs_consistently(ibs, acfg_combo, initial_aids=None, use_cache=None, verbose=None, base=0)[source]
Expands a set of configurations such that they are comparable
- CommandLine:
- python -m wbia –tf parse_acfg_combo_list
-a varysize
wbia –tf get_annotcfg_list –db PZ_Master1 -a varysize #wbia –tf get_annotcfg_list –db lynx -a default:hack_imageset=True wbia –tf get_annotcfg_list –db PZ_Master1 -a varysize:qsize=None wbia –tf get_annotcfg_list –db PZ_Master0 –nofilter-dups -a varysize wbia –tf get_annotcfg_list –db PZ_MTEST -a varysize –nofilter-dups wbia –tf get_annotcfg_list –db PZ_Master0 –verbtd
–nofilter-dups -a varysize
- wbia –tf get_annotcfg_list –db PZ_Master1 -a viewpoint_compare
–verbtd –nofilter-dups
- wbia –tf get_annotcfg_list -a timectrl –db GZ_Master1 –verbtd
>>> # ENABLE_DOCTEST >>> from wbia.init.filter_annots import * # NOQA >>> from wbia.init import main_helpers >>> from wbia.expt import annotation_configs >>> from wbia.expt.experiment_helpers import parse_acfg_combo_list >>> import wbia >>> ibs = wbia.opendb('PZ_MTEST') >>> #acfg_name_list = ['timectrl:dpername=[1,2]'] >>> acfg_name_list = ['default:crossval_enc=True,require_timestamp=True'] >>> aids = ibs.get_valid_aids() >>> main_helpers.monkeypatch_encounters(ibs, aids, days=50) >>> acfg_combo_list = parse_acfg_combo_list(acfg_name_list) >>> acfg_combo = acfg_combo_list[0] >>> initial_aids = None >>> use_cache = False >>> verbose = False >>> expanded_aids_combo_list = expand_acfgs_consistently( >>> ibs, acfg_combo, initial_aids=initial_aids, use_cache=use_cache, >>> verbose=verbose) >>> # Restore state >>> main_helpers.unmonkeypatch_encounters(ibs) >>> ut.assert_eq(len(expanded_aids_combo_list), 5)
- wbia.init.filter_annots.filter_annots_general(ibs, aid_list=None, filter_kw={}, verbose=False, **kwargs)[source]
- Parameters
ibs (IBEISController) – wbia controller object
aid_list (list) – list of annotation rowids
filter_kw –
- Kwargs:
has_none_annotmatch, any_match_annotmatch, has_all, is_known, any_match_annot, logic_annot, none_match_annotmatch, max_num_annotmatch, any_startswith_annot, has_any, require_quality, species, any_match, view_ext, has_any_annotmatch, view_pername, max_num_annot, min_timedelta, any_startswith, max_numfeat, any_startswith_annotmatch, been_adjusted, any_endswith_annot, require_viewpoint, logic, has_any_annot, min_num_annotmatch, min_num, min_num_annot, has_all_annot, has_none, min_pername, any_endswith_annotmatch, any_endswith, require_timestamp, none_match, contributor_contains, has_all_annotmatch, logic_annotmatch, min_numfeat, none_match_annot, view_ext1, view_ext2, max_num, has_none_annot, minqual, view
- CommandLine:
python -m wbia –tf filter_annots_general python -m wbia –tf filter_annots_general –db PZ_Master1
–has_any=[needswork,correctable,mildviewpoint] –has_none=[viewpoint,photobomb,error:viewpoint,quality] –show
- python -m wbia –tf filter_annots_general –db=GZ_Master1
–max-numfeat=300 –show –minqual=junk –species=None
- python -m wbia –tf filter_annots_general –db=lynx
>>> # DISABLE_DOCTEST >>> from wbia.init.filter_annots import * # NOQA >>> import wbia >>> filter_kw = ut.argparse_dict(get_default_annot_filter_form(), >>> type_hint=ut.ddict(list, has_any=list, >>> has_none=list, >>> logic=str)) >>> print('filter_kw = %s' % (ut.repr2(filter_kw),)) >>> ibs = wbia.opendb(defaultdb='testdb1') >>> aid_list = ibs.get_valid_aids() >>> #filter_kw = dict(is_known=True, min_num=1, has_any='viewpoint') >>> #filter_kw = dict(is_known=True, min_num=1, any_match='.*error.*') >>> aid_list_ = filter_annots_general(ibs, aid_list, filter_kw) >>> print('len(aid_list_) = %r' % (len(aid_list_),)) >>> all_tags = ut.flatten(ibs.get_annot_all_tags(aid_list_)) >>> filtered_tag_hist = ut.dict_hist(all_tags) >>> ut.print_dict(filtered_tag_hist, key_order_metric='val') >>> ut.print_dict(ibs.get_annot_stats_dict(aid_list_), 'annot_stats') >>> ut.quit_if_noshow() >>> import wbia.viz.interact >>> wbia.viz.interact.interact_chip.interact_multichips(ibs, aid_list_) >>> ut.show_if_requested()
- wbia.init.filter_annots.filter_annots_independent(ibs, avail_aids, aidcfg, prefix='', verbose=False, withpre=False)[source]
Filtering that doesn’t have to do with a reference set of aids
TODO make filterflags version
- Parameters
- Returns
- Return type
- CommandLine:
python -m wbia –tf filter_annots_independent –veryverbtd
>>> # DISABLE_DOCTEST >>> from wbia.init.filter_annots import * # NOQA >>> import wbia >>> from wbia.expt import annotation_configs >>> ibs = wbia.opendb(defaultdb='PZ_MTEST') >>> avail_aids = input_aids = ibs.get_valid_aids() >>> aidcfg = annotation_configs.default['dcfg'] >>> aidcfg['require_timestamp'] = True >>> aidcfg['require_quality'] = False >>> aidcfg['is_known'] = True >>> prefix = '' >>> verbose = True >>> avail_aids = filter_annots_independent(ibs, avail_aids, aidcfg, >>> prefix, verbose) >>> result = ('avail_aids = %s' % (str(avail_aids),)) >>> print(result)
- Ignore:
# Testing tag features python -m wbia –tf draw_rank_cmc –db PZ_Master1 –show -t best
-a timectrl:qhas_any=(needswork,correctable,mildviewpoint),qhas_none=(viewpoint,photobomb,error:viewpoint,quality) —acfginfo –veryverbtd
- wbia.init.filter_annots.filter_annots_intragroup(ibs, avail_aids, aidcfg, prefix='', verbose=False, withpre=False)[source]
This filters annots using information about the relationships between the annotations in the
group. This function is not independent and a second consecutive call may yield new results. Thus, the order in which this filter is applied matters.- CommandLine:
- wbia –tf get_annotcfg_list
-a default:qsame_imageset=True,been_adjusted=True,excluderef=True –db lynx –veryverbtd –nocache-aid
- Ignore:
>>> aidcfg['min_timedelta'] = 60 * 60 * 24 >>> aidcfg['min_pername'] = 3
- wbia.init.filter_annots.filterannots_by_tags(ibs, aid_list, filter_kw)[source]
- Parameters
ibs (IBEISController) – wbia controller object
aid_list (list) – list of annotation rowids
- CommandLine:
python -m wbia –tf filterannots_by_tags utprof.py -m wbia –tf filterannots_by_tags
- SeeAlso:
>>> # DISABLE_DOCTEST >>> from wbia.init.filter_annots import * # NOQA >>> import wbia >>> ibs = wbia.opendb(defaultdb='PZ_Master1') >>> aid_list = ibs.get_valid_aids() >>> has_any = ut.get_argval('--tags', type_=list, >>> default=['SceneryMatch', 'Photobomb']) >>> min_num = ut.get_argval('--min_num', type_=int, default=1) >>> filter_kw = dict(has_any=has_any, min_num=1) >>> aid_list_ = filterannots_by_tags(ibs, aid_list, filter_kw) >>> print('aid_list_ = %r' % (aid_list_,)) >>> ut.quit_if_noshow() >>> pass >>> # TODO: show special annot group in GUI
- wbia.init.filter_annots.get_acfg_cacheinfo(ibs, aidcfg)[source]
Returns location and name of the ~~annot~~ data cache
- wbia.init.filter_annots.get_annot_tag_filterflags(ibs, aid_list, filter_kw, request_defaultkw=False)[source]
Filters annotations by tags including those that is belongs to in a pair
- wbia.init.filter_annots.get_default_annot_filter_form()[source]
Returns dictionary containing defaults for all valid filter parameters
- CommandLine:
python -m wbia –tf get_default_annot_filter_form
>>> # ENABLE_DOCTEST >>> from wbia.init.filter_annots import * # NOQA >>> filter_kw = get_default_annot_filter_form() >>> print(ut.repr2(filter_kw, align=True)) >>> print(', '.join(filter_kw.keys()))
- wbia.init.filter_annots.get_reference_preference_order(ibs, gt_ref_grouped_aids, gt_avl_grouped_aids, prop_getter, cmp_func, aggfn, rng, verbose=False)[source]
Orders preference for sampling based on some metric
- wbia.init.filter_annots.sample_annots(ibs, avail_aids, aidcfg, prefix='', verbose=False)[source]
Sampling preserves input sample structure and thust does not always return exact values
- CommandLine:
python -m wbia –tf sample_annots –veryverbtd
- python -m wbia –tf get_annotcfg_list –db seaturtles
-a default:qhas_any=(left,right),sample_occur=True,exclude_reference=True,sample_offset=0,num_names=1 –acfginfo
>>> # DISABLE_DOCTEST >>> from wbia.init.filter_annots import * # NOQA >>> import wbia >>> from wbia.expt import annotation_configs >>> ibs = wbia.opendb(defaultdb='PZ_MTEST') >>> avail_aids = input_aids = ibs.get_valid_aids() >>> aidcfg = copy.deepcopy(annotation_configs.default['dcfg']) >>> aidcfg['sample_per_name'] = 3 >>> aidcfg['sample_size'] = 10 >>> aidcfg['min_pername'] = 2 >>> prefix = '' >>> verbose = True >>> avail_aids = filter_annots_independent(ibs, avail_aids, aidcfg, >>> prefix, verbose) >>> avail_aids = sample_annots(ibs, avail_aids, aidcfg, >>> prefix, avail_aids) >>> result = ('avail_aids = %s' % (str(avail_aids),)) >>> print(result)
>>> # DISABLE_DOCTEST >>> from wbia.init.filter_annots import * # NOQA >>> import wbia >>> from wbia.expt import annotation_configs >>> db = 'seaturtles' # 'testdb1' >>> ibs = wbia.opendb(defaultdb=db) >>> aidcfg = copy.deepcopy(annotation_configs.default)['qcfg'] >>> aidcfg['sample_occur'] = True >>> initial_aids = ibs.get_valid_aids() >>> withpre, verbose, prefix = True, 2, '' >>> avail_aids = filter_annots_independent( >>> ibs, initial_aids, {'has_any': ['left', 'right']}, prefix, verbose) >>> qaids = sample_annots(ibs, avail_aids, aidcfg, prefix, verbose) >>> avail_aids = initial_aids >>> ref_aids = qaids >>> dcfg = dict(exclude_reference=True, sample_occur=True) >>> daids = sample_annots_wrt_ref(ibs, initial_aids, dcfg, qaids, prefix, verbose) >>> ibs.print_annotconfig_stats(qaids, daids, enc_per_name=True, per_enc=True)
- wbia.init.filter_annots.sample_annots_general(ibs, aid_list=None, filter_kw={}, verbose=False, **kwargs)[source]
filter + sampling
- wbia.init.filter_annots.sample_annots_wrt_ref(ibs, avail_aids, aidcfg, ref_aids, prefix='', verbose=False)[source]
Sampling when a reference set is given
- wbia.init.filter_annots.subindex_annots(ibs, avail_aids, aidcfg, ref_aids=None, prefix='', verbose=False)[source]
Returns exact subindex of annotations
wbia.init.main_commands module
wbia.init.main_helpers module
This module defines helper functions to access common input needed to test many functions. These functions give a rich command line interface to specifically select subsets of annotations, pipeline configurations, and other filters.
TODO: standardize function signatures
- wbia.init.main_helpers.monkeypatch_encounters(ibs, aids, cache=None, **kwargs)[source]
Hacks in a temporary custom definition of encounters for this controller
50 days for PZ_MTEST kwargs = dict(days=50)
- if False:
name_mindeltas = [] for name in annots.group_items(annots.nids).values():
times = name.image_unixtimes_asfloat deltas = [ut.unixtime_to_timedelta(np.abs(t1 - t2))
for t1, t2 in ut.combinations(times, 2)]
- if deltas:
- logger.info(ut.repr3(ut.lmap(ut.get_timedelta_str,
- wbia.init.main_helpers.testdata_aids(defaultdb=None, a=None, adefault='default', ibs=None, return_acfg=False, verbose=None, default_aids=None, default_set='qcfg')[source]
Grabs default testdata for functions, but is command line overrideable
- CommandLine:
python -m wbia testdata_aids –verbtd –db PZ_ViewPoints python -m wbia testdata_aids –verbtd –db NNP_Master3 -a is_known=True,view_pername=’#primary>0&#primary1>=1’ python -m wbia testdata_aids –verbtd –db PZ_Master1 -a default:is_known=True,view_pername=’#primary>0&#primary1>=1’ python -m wbia testdata_aids –verbtd –db PZ_Master1 -a default:species=primary,minqual=ok –verbtd python -m wbia.other.dbinfo –test-latex_dbstats –dblist python -m wbia testdata_aids –show
>>> # ENABLE_DOCTEST >>> from wbia.init.main_helpers import * # NOQA >>> from wbia.expt import annotation_configs >>> import wbia >>> #ibs = wbia.opendb(defaultdb='PZ_ViewPoints') >>> ibs = wbia.opendb(defaultdb='testdb1') >>> a = None >>> adefault = 'default:is_known=True' >>> aids, aidcfg = testdata_aids(ibs=ibs, a=a, adefault=adefault, return_acfg=True) >>> print('\n RESULT:') >>> annotation_configs.print_acfg(aidcfg, aids, ibs, per_name_vpedge=None)
- wbia.init.main_helpers.testdata_cm(defaultdb=None, default_qaids=None, default_daids=None, t=None, p=None, a=None)[source]
- CommandLine:
python -m wbia.init.main_helpers –test-testdata_cm python -m wbia.init.main_helpers –test-testdata_cm –show
>>> # ENABLE_DOCTEST >>> from wbia.init.main_helpers import * # NOQA >>> cm, qreq_ = testdata_cm() >>> cm.print_csv(ibs=qreq_.ibs) >>> ut.quit_if_noshow() >>> cm.show_single_annotmatch(qreq_, 2) >>> ut.show_if_requested()
- wbia.init.main_helpers.testdata_cmlist(defaultdb=None, default_qaids=None, default_daids=None, t=None, p=None, a=None, verbose=None)[source]
- wbia.init.main_helpers.testdata_expanded_aids(defaultdb=None, a=None, ibs=None, default_qaids=None, default_daids=None, qaid_override=None, daid_override=None, return_annot_info=False, verbose=None, use_cache=None)[source]
- Parameters
- Returns
- Return type
ibs, qaid_list, daid_list, annot_info
- CommandLine:
python -m wbia.init.main_helpers testdata_expanded_aids python -m wbia.init.main_helpers testdata_expanded_aids –db PZ_MTEST –acfg default:index=0:25 –verbose-testdata python -m wbia.init.main_helpers testdata_expanded_aids –db PZ_MTEST –qaid 3 python -m wbia.init.main_helpers testdata_expanded_aids –db GZ_ALL –acfg ctrl –verbose-testdata
>>> # ENABLE_DOCTEST >>> from wbia.init.main_helpers import * # NOQA >>> import wbia >>> from wbia.expt import annotation_configs >>> ibs, qaid_list, daid_list, aidcfg = testdata_expanded_aids(return_annot_info=True) >>> print('Printing annot config') >>> annotation_configs.print_acfg(aidcfg) >>> print('Printing annotconfig stats') >>> ibs.print_annotconfig_stats(qaid_list, daid_list) >>> print('Combined annotconfig stats') >>> ibs.print_annot_stats(qaid_list + daid_list, viewcode_isect=True) >>> print('qaid_list = %r' % (qaid_list,))
- wbia.init.main_helpers.testdata_expts(defaultdb='testdb1', default_acfgstr_name_list=['default:qindex=0:10:4,dindex=0:20'], default_test_cfg_name_list=['default'], a=None, t=None, p=None, qaid_override=None, daid_override=None, initial_aids=None, use_cache=None, dbdir=None, ibs=None)[source]
Use this if you want data from an experiment. Command line interface to quickly get testdata for test_results.
Command line flags can be used to specify db, aidcfg, pipecfg, qaid override, daid override (and maybe initial aids).
- CommandLine:
python -m wbia.init.main_helpers testdata_expts
>>> # DISABLE_DOCTEST >>> from wbia.other.dbinfo import * # NOQA >>> import wbia >>> ibs, testres = wbia.testdata_expts(defaultdb='pz_mtest', >>> a='timectrl:qsize=2', >>> t='invar:ai=[false],ri=false', >>> use_cache=false) >>> print('testres = %r' % (testres,))
- wbia.init.main_helpers.testdata_pipecfg(p=None, t=None, ibs=None, verbose=None)[source]
- Returns
- Return type
- CommandLine:
python -m wbia testdata_pipecfg python -m wbia testdata_pipecfg -t default:AI=False
- Ignore:
from jedi.evaluate import docstrings script = jedi.Script(ut.readfrom(main_helpers.__file__)) mod = script._get_module() func = mod.names_dict[‘testdata_pipecfg’][0].parent docstrings.find_return_types(script._evaluator, func)
>>> # ENABLE_DOCTEST >>> from wbia.init.main_helpers import * # NOQA >>> pcfgdict = testdata_pipecfg() >>> result = ('pcfgdict = %s' % (ut.repr2(pcfgdict),)) >>> print(result)
- wbia.init.main_helpers.testdata_qreq_(p=None, a=None, t=None, default_qaids=None, default_daids=None, custom_nid_lookup=None, verbose=None, **kwargs)[source]
- Parameters
- Kwargs:
defaultdb, ibs, qaid_override, daid_override, return_annot_info, verbose, use_cache
- Returns
qreq_ - query request object with hyper-parameters
- Return type
- CommandLine:
python -m wbia testdata_qreq_ –show –qaid 3
>>> # ENABLE_DOCTEST >>> from wbia.init.main_helpers import * # NOQA >>> kwargs = {} >>> p = None >>> a = None >>> qreq_ = testdata_qreq_(p) >>> result = ('qreq_ = %s' % (str(qreq_),))
wbia.init.sysres module
sysres.py == system_resources Module for dealing with system resoureces in the context of IBEIS but without the need for an actual IBEIS Controller
- wbia.init.sysres.db_to_dbdir(db, allow_newdir=False, extra_workdirs=[])[source]
Implicitly gets dbdir. Searches for db inside of workdir
- wbia.init.sysres.ensure_pz_mtest()[source]
Ensures that you have the PZ_MTEST dataset
- CommandLine:
python -m wbia.init.sysres –exec-ensure_pz_mtest python -m wbia –tf ensure_pz_mtest
- Ignore:
from wbia.sysres import delete_dbdir delete_dbdir(‘PZ_MTEST’)
>>> # SCRIPT >>> from wbia.init.sysres import * # NOQA >>> ensure_pz_mtest()
- wbia.init.sysres.ensure_pz_mtest_batchworkflow_test()[source]
- CommandLine:
python -m wbia.init.sysres –test-ensure_pz_mtest_batchworkflow_test python -m wbia.init.sysres –test-ensure_pz_mtest_batchworkflow_test –reset python -m wbia.init.sysres –test-ensure_pz_mtest_batchworkflow_test –reset
>>> # SCRIPT >>> from wbia.init.sysres import * # NOQA >>> ensure_pz_mtest_batchworkflow_test()
- wbia.init.sysres.ensure_pz_mtest_mergesplit_test()[source]
Make a test database for MERGE and SPLIT cases
- CommandLine:
python -m wbia.init.sysres –test-ensure_pz_mtest_mergesplit_test
>>> # SCRIPT >>> from wbia.init.sysres import * # NOQA >>> ensure_pz_mtest_mergesplit_test()
- wbia.init.sysres.get_args_dbdir(defaultdb=None, allow_newdir=False, db=None, dbdir=None)[source]
Machinery for finding a database directory using the following priorities. The function first defaults to the specified function arguments. If those are not specified, then command line arguments are used. In all other circumstances the defaultdb is used. If defaultdb=’cache’ then the most recently used database directory is returned.
- Parameters
- Returns
- Return type
- CommandLine:
python -m wbia.init.sysres get_args_dbdir
>>> # ENABLE_DOCTEST >>> from wbia.init.sysres import * # NOQA >>> dir1 = get_args_dbdir(None, False, 'testdb1', None) >>> print('dir1 = %r' % (dir1,)) >>> dir2 = get_args_dbdir(None, False, dir1, None) >>> print('dir2 = %r' % (dir2,)) >>> ut.assert_raises(ValueError, get_args_dbdir) >>> print('dir3 = %r' % (dir2,))
- wbia.init.sysres.get_available_databases(workdir=None)
Lists the available valid wbia databases inside of a work directory
- Parameters
workdir (None) –
- Returns
ibsdb_list - wbia controller object
- Return type
- CommandLine:
python -m wbia.init.sysres –test-get_ibsdb_list
>>> # ENABLE_DOCTEST >>> from wbia.init.sysres import * # NOQA >>> workdir = None >>> ibsdb_list = get_ibsdb_list(workdir) >>> result = str('\n'.join(ibsdb_list)) >>> print(result)
- wbia.init.sysres.get_ibsdb_list(workdir=None)[source]
Lists the available valid wbia databases inside of a work directory
- Parameters
workdir (None) –
- Returns
ibsdb_list - wbia controller object
- Return type
- CommandLine:
python -m wbia.init.sysres –test-get_ibsdb_list
>>> # ENABLE_DOCTEST >>> from wbia.init.sysres import * # NOQA >>> workdir = None >>> ibsdb_list = get_ibsdb_list(workdir) >>> result = str('\n'.join(ibsdb_list)) >>> print(result)
- wbia.init.sysres.get_wbia_db_uri(db_dir: Optional[str] = None)[source]
Central location to acquire the database URI value.
- Parameters
db_dir (str) – colloquial “dbdir” (default: None)
argument is only to be used in testing. This function is monkeypatched by the testing environment (seewbia.conftest
for that code). The monkeypatching is done because two or more instances of a controller (i.e.IBEISController
) could be running in the same test. In that scenario more than one URI may need to be defined, which is not the case in production and why the body of this function is kept fairly simple. We ask the caller to supply thedb_dir
value in order to match up the corresponding URI.
- wbia.init.sysres.get_workdir(allow_gui=True)[source]
Returns the work directory set for this computer. If allow_gui is true, a dialog will ask a user to specify the workdir if it does not exist.
python -c “import wbia; print(wbia.get_workdir())”
- CommandLine:
python -m wbia.init.sysres get_workdir
>>> # ENABLE_DOCTEST >>> from wbia.init.sysres import * # NOQA >>> allow_gui = True >>> work_dir = get_workdir(allow_gui) >>> result = ('work_dir = %s' % (str(work_dir),)) >>> print(result)
- wbia.init.sysres.list_dbs(workdir=None)
Lists the available valid wbia databases inside of a work directory
- Parameters
workdir (None) –
- Returns
ibsdb_list - wbia controller object
- Return type
- CommandLine:
python -m wbia.init.sysres –test-get_ibsdb_list
>>> # ENABLE_DOCTEST >>> from wbia.init.sysres import * # NOQA >>> workdir = None >>> ibsdb_list = get_ibsdb_list(workdir) >>> result = str('\n'.join(ibsdb_list)) >>> print(result)
- wbia.init.sysres.lookup_dbdir(db, allow_newdir=False, extra_workdirs=[])
Implicitly gets dbdir. Searches for db inside of workdir
- wbia.init.sysres.reset_mtest_graph()[source]
Resets the annotmatch and stating table
- CommandLine:
python -m wbia reset_mtest_graph
>>> # SCRIPT >>> from wbia.init.sysres import * # NOQA >>> reset_mtest_graph()
- wbia.init.sysres.set_workdir(work_dir=None, allow_gui=True)[source]
Sets the workdirectory for this computer
- CommandLine:
python -c “import wbia; wbia.sysres.set_workdir(‘/raid/work2’)” python -c “import wbia; wbia.sysres.set_workdir(‘/raid/work’)”
python -m wbia.init.sysres set_workdir
>>> # SCRIPT >>> from wbia.init.sysres import * # NOQA >>> print('current_work_dir = %s' % (str(get_workdir(False)),)) >>> work_dir = ut.get_argval('--workdir', type_=str, default=None) >>> allow_gui = True >>> result = set_workdir(work_dir, allow_gui)