Source code for wbia.init.sysres

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
""" == system_resources
Module for dealing with system resoureces in the context of IBEIS
but without the need for an actual IBEIS Controller
import logging
import os
from functools import lru_cache
from os.path import exists, join, realpath
from pathlib import Path

import utool as ut
import ubelt as ub
from wbia import constants as const
from wbia.dtool.copy_sqlite_to_postgres import copy_sqlite_to_postgres

(print, rrr, profile) = ut.inject2(__name__)
logger = logging.getLogger('wbia')

WORKDIR_CACHEID = 'work_directory_cache_id'
DEFAULTDB_CAHCEID = 'cached_dbdir'
LOGDIR_CACHEID = ut.logdir_cacheid
__APPNAME__ = 'wbia'

ALLOW_GUI = ut.WIN32 or os.environ.get('DISPLAY', None) is not None

[docs]def get_wbia_resource_dir(): return ub.ensure_app_cache_dir('wbia')
def _wbia_cache_dump(): ut.global_cache_dump(appname=__APPNAME__) def _wbia_cache_write(key, val): """Writes to global IBEIS cache TODO: Use text based config file """'[sysres] set %s=%r' % (key, val)) ut.global_cache_write(key, val, appname=__APPNAME__) def _wbia_cache_read(key, **kwargs): """Reads from global IBEIS cache""" return ut.global_cache_read(key, appname=__APPNAME__, **kwargs)
[docs]def get_wbia_db_uri(db_dir: str = None): """Central location to acquire the database URI value. Args: db_dir (str): colloquial "dbdir" (default: None) The ``db_dir`` argument is only to be used in testing. This function is monkeypatched by the testing environment (see ``wbia.conftest`` for that code). The monkeypatching is done because two or more instances of a controller (i.e. ``IBEISController``) could be running in the same test. In that scenario more than one URI may need to be defined, which is not the case in production and why the body of this function is kept fairly simple. We ask the caller to supply the ``db_dir`` value in order to match up the corresponding URI. """ return ut.get_argval('--db-uri', default=None)
# Specific cache getters / setters
[docs]def set_default_dbdir(dbdir): if ut.DEBUG2:'[sysres] SETTING DEFAULT DBDIR: %r' % dbdir) _wbia_cache_write(DEFAULTDB_CAHCEID, dbdir)
[docs]def get_default_dbdir(): dbdir = _wbia_cache_read(DEFAULTDB_CAHCEID, default=None) if ut.DEBUG2:'[sysres] READING DEFAULT DBDIR: %r' % dbdir) return dbdir
[docs]def get_workdir(allow_gui=True): """ Returns the work directory set for this computer. If allow_gui is true, a dialog will ask a user to specify the workdir if it does not exist. python -c "import wbia; print(wbia.get_workdir())" Args: allow_gui (bool): (default = True) Returns: str: work_dir CommandLine: python -m wbia.init.sysres get_workdir Example: >>> # ENABLE_DOCTEST >>> from wbia.init.sysres import * # NOQA >>> allow_gui = True >>> work_dir = get_workdir(allow_gui) >>> result = ('work_dir = %s' % (str(work_dir),)) >>> print(result) """ work_dir = _wbia_cache_read(WORKDIR_CACHEID, default='.')'[wbia.sysres.get_workdir] work_dir = {!r}'.format(work_dir)) if work_dir != '.' and exists(work_dir): return work_dir if allow_gui: work_dir = set_workdir() return get_workdir(allow_gui=False) return None
[docs]def set_workdir(work_dir=None, allow_gui=ALLOW_GUI): """Sets the workdirectory for this computer Args: work_dir (None): (default = None) allow_gui (bool): (default = True) CommandLine: python -c "import wbia; wbia.sysres.set_workdir('/raid/work2')" python -c "import wbia; wbia.sysres.set_workdir('/raid/work')" python -m wbia.init.sysres set_workdir Example: >>> # SCRIPT >>> from wbia.init.sysres import * # NOQA >>> print('current_work_dir = %s' % (str(get_workdir(False)),)) >>> work_dir = ut.get_argval('--workdir', type_=str, default=None) >>> allow_gui = True >>> result = set_workdir(work_dir, allow_gui) """ if work_dir is None: if allow_gui: try: work_dir = guiselect_workdir() except ImportError: allow_gui = False if not allow_gui: work_dir = ut.truepath(input('specify a workdir: ')) if work_dir is None or not exists(work_dir): raise AssertionError('invalid workdir=%r' % work_dir) _wbia_cache_write(WORKDIR_CACHEID, work_dir)
[docs]def set_logdir(log_dir): from os.path import realpath, expanduser log_dir = realpath(expanduser(log_dir)) ut.ensuredir(log_dir, verbose=True) ut.stop_logging() _wbia_cache_write(LOGDIR_CACHEID, log_dir) ut.start_logging(appname=__APPNAME__)
[docs]def get_logdir_global(): return _wbia_cache_read(LOGDIR_CACHEID, default=ut.get_logging_dir(appname='wbia'))
[docs]def get_rawdir(): """Returns the standard raw data directory""" workdir = get_workdir() rawdir = ut.truepath(join(workdir, '../raw')) return rawdir
[docs]def guiselect_workdir(): """Prompts the user to specify a work directory""" from wbia import guitool guitool.ensure_qtapp() # Gui selection work_dir = guitool.select_directory('Select a work directory') # Make sure selection is ok if not exists(work_dir): try_again = guitool.user_option( paremt=None, msg='Directory %r does not exist.' % work_dir, title='get work dir failed', options=['Try Again'], use_cache=False, ) if try_again == 'Try Again': return guiselect_workdir() return work_dir
[docs]def get_dbalias_dict(): # HACK: DEPRICATE dbalias_dict = {} if ut.is_developer(): # For jon's convinience dbalias_dict.update( { 'NAUTS': 'NAUT_Dan', 'WD': 'WD_Siva', 'LF': 'LF_all', 'GZ': 'GZ_ALL', 'MOTHERS': 'PZ_MOTHERS', 'FROGS': 'Frogs', 'TOADS': 'WY_Toads', 'SEALS_SPOTTED': 'Seals', 'OXFORD': 'Oxford_Buildings', 'PARIS': 'Paris_Buildings', 'JAG_KELLY': 'JAG_Kelly', 'JAG_KIERYN': 'JAG_Kieryn', 'WILDEBEAST': 'Wildebeast', 'WDOGS': 'WD_Siva', 'PZ': 'PZ_FlankHack', 'PZ2': 'PZ-Sweatwater', 'PZ_MARIANNE': 'PZ_Marianne', 'PZ_DANEXT_TEST': 'PZ_DanExt_Test', 'PZ_DANEXT_ALL': 'PZ_DanExt_All', 'LF_ALL': 'LF_all', 'WS_HARD': 'WS_hard', 'SONOGRAMS': 'sonograms', } ) dbalias_dict['JAG'] = dbalias_dict['JAG_KELLY'] return dbalias_dict
[docs]def delete_dbdir(dbname): ut.delete(join(get_workdir(), dbname), ignore_errors=False)
[docs]def db_to_dbdir(db, allow_newdir=False, extra_workdirs=[]): """ Implicitly gets dbdir. Searches for db inside of workdir """ if ut.VERBOSE:'[sysres] db_to_dbdir: db=%r, allow_newdir=%r' % (db, allow_newdir)) if db is None: raise ValueError('db is None') work_dir = get_workdir() dbalias_dict = get_dbalias_dict() workdir_list = [] for extra_dir in extra_workdirs: if exists(extra_dir): workdir_list.append(extra_dir) workdir_list.append(work_dir) # TODO: Allow multiple workdirs? # Check all of your work directories for the database for _dir in workdir_list: dbdir = realpath(join(_dir, db)) # Use db aliases if not exists(dbdir) and db.upper() in dbalias_dict: dbdir = join(_dir, dbalias_dict[db.upper()]) if exists(dbdir): break # Create the database if newdbs are allowed in the workdir #'allow_newdir=%r' % allow_newdir) if allow_newdir: ut.ensuredir(dbdir, verbose=True) # Complain if the implicit dbdir does not exist if not exists(dbdir):'!!!')'[sysres] WARNING: db=%r not found in work_dir=%r' % (db, work_dir)) fname_list = os.listdir(work_dir) lower_list = [fname.lower() for fname in fname_list] index = ut.listfind(lower_list, db.lower()) if index is not None:'[sysres] WARNING: db capitalization seems to be off') if not ut.STRICT:'[sysres] attempting to fix it') db = fname_list[index] dbdir = join(work_dir, db)'[sysres] dbdir=%r' % dbdir)'[sysres] db=%r' % db) if not exists(dbdir): msg = '[sysres!] ERROR: Database does not exist and allow_newdir=False''<!!!>') '[sysres!] Here is a list of valid dbs: ' + ut.indentjoin(sorted(fname_list), '\n * ') )'[sysres!] dbdir=%r' % dbdir)'[sysres!] db=%r' % db)'[sysres!] work_dir=%r' % work_dir)'</!!!>') raise AssertionError(msg)'!!!') return dbdir
[docs]def get_args_dbdir(defaultdb=None, allow_newdir=False, db=None, dbdir=None): r""" Machinery for finding a database directory using the following priorities. The function first defaults to the specified function arguments. If those are not specified, then command line arguments are used. In all other circumstances the defaultdb is used. If defaultdb='cache' then the most recently used database directory is returned. Args: defaultdb (None): database return if none other is specified allow_newdir (bool): raises error if True and directory not found db (None): specification using workdir priority dbdir (None): specification using normal directory priority cache_priority (bool): (default = False) Returns: str: dbdir CommandLine: python -m wbia.init.sysres get_args_dbdir Example: >>> # ENABLE_DOCTEST >>> from wbia.init.sysres import * # NOQA >>> dir1 = get_args_dbdir(None, False, 'testdb1', None) >>> print('dir1 = %r' % (dir1,)) >>> dir2 = get_args_dbdir(None, False, dir1, None) >>> print('dir2 = %r' % (dir2,)) >>> ut.assert_raises(ValueError, get_args_dbdir) >>> print('dir3 = %r' % (dir2,)) """ if not ut.QUIET and ut.VERBOSE:'[sysres] get_args_dbdir: parsing commandline for dbdir')'[sysres] defaultdb=%r, allow_newdir=%r' % (defaultdb, allow_newdir))'[sysres] db=%r, dbdir=%r' % (db, dbdir)) def prioritize(dbdir_, db_): invalid = ['', ' ', '.', 'None'] # Invalidate bad db's if dbdir_ in invalid: dbdir_ = None if db_ in invalid: db_ = None # Return values with a priority if dbdir_ is not None: return realpath(dbdir_) if db_ is not None: return db_to_dbdir(db_, allow_newdir=allow_newdir) return None # Check function arguments dbdir = prioritize(dbdir, db) if dbdir is not None: return dbdir # Check command line arguments dbdir_arg = ut.get_argval('--dbdir', default=None) db_arg = ut.get_argval('--db', default=None) # Check command line passed args dbdir = prioritize(dbdir_arg, db_arg) if dbdir is not None: return dbdir # Return cached database directory if defaultdb is None: raise ValueError('Must specify at least db, dbdir, or defaultdb') elif defaultdb == 'cache': return get_default_dbdir() else: return db_to_dbdir(defaultdb, allow_newdir=allow_newdir)
lookup_dbdir = db_to_dbdir
[docs]def is_wbiadb(path): """Checks to see if path contains the IBEIS internal dir""" return exists(join(path, const.PATH_NAMES._ibsdb))
[docs]def get_ibsdb_list(workdir=None): r""" Lists the available valid wbia databases inside of a work directory Args: workdir (None): Returns: IBEISController: ibsdb_list - wbia controller object CommandLine: python -m wbia.init.sysres --test-get_ibsdb_list Example: >>> # ENABLE_DOCTEST >>> from wbia.init.sysres import * # NOQA >>> workdir = None >>> ibsdb_list = get_ibsdb_list(workdir) >>> result = str('\n'.join(ibsdb_list)) >>> print(result) """ import numpy as np if workdir is None: workdir = get_workdir() dbname_list = os.listdir(workdir) dbpath_list = np.array([join(workdir, name) for name in dbname_list]) is_ibs_list = np.array(list(map(is_wbiadb, dbpath_list))) ibsdb_list = dbpath_list[is_ibs_list].tolist() return ibsdb_list
list_dbs = get_ibsdb_list get_available_databases = get_ibsdb_list
[docs]def ensure_wd_peter2(): zipped_db_url = '' return ensure_db_from_url(zipped_db_url)
[docs]def ensure_pz_mtest(): """ Ensures that you have the PZ_MTEST dataset CommandLine: python -m wbia.init.sysres --exec-ensure_pz_mtest python -m wbia --tf ensure_pz_mtest Ignore: from wbia.sysres import delete_dbdir delete_dbdir('PZ_MTEST') Example: >>> # SCRIPT >>> from wbia.init.sysres import * # NOQA >>> ensure_pz_mtest() """'ensure_pz_mtest') dbdir = ensure_db_from_url(const.ZIPPED_URLS.PZ_MTEST) # update the the newest database version import wbia ibs = wbia.opendb(dbdir=dbdir)'cleaning up old database and ensureing everything is properly computed') ibs.db.vacuum() valid_aids = ibs.get_valid_aids() assert len(valid_aids) == 119 ibs.update_annot_semantic_uuids(valid_aids) if ut.VERYVERBOSE: ibs.print_annotation_table() nid = ibs.get_name_rowids_from_text('', ensure=False) if nid is not None: ibs.set_name_texts([nid], ['lostname']) # Remove old imagesets and update to new special ones all_imgset_ids = ibs.get_valid_imgsetids() special_imgset_ids = ibs.get_special_imgsetids() other_imgset_ids = ut.setdiff(all_imgset_ids, special_imgset_ids) ibs.delete_imagesets(other_imgset_ids) ibs.set_exemplars_from_quality_and_viewpoint() ibs.update_all_image_special_imageset() occurrence_gids = [ 2, 9, 12, 16, 25, 26, 29, 30, 32, 33, 35, 46, 47, 52, 57, 61, 66, 70, 71, 73, 74, 76, 77, 78, 79, 87, 88, 90, 96, 97, 103, 106, 108, 110, 112, 113, ] other_gids = ut.setdiff(ibs.get_valid_gids(), occurrence_gids) other_gids1 = other_gids[0::2] other_gids2 = other_gids[1::2] ibs.set_image_imagesettext(occurrence_gids, ['Occurrence 1'] * len(occurrence_gids)) ibs.set_image_imagesettext(other_gids1, ['Occurrence 2'] * len(other_gids1)) ibs.set_image_imagesettext(other_gids2, ['Occurrence 3'] * len(other_gids2)) # hack in some tags'Hacking in some tags') foal_aids = [ 4, 8, 15, 21, 28, 34, 38, 41, 45, 49, 51, 56, 60, 66, 69, 74, 80, 83, 91, 97, 103, 107, 109, 119, ] mother_aids = [9, 16, 35, 42, 52, 57, 61, 67, 75, 84, 98, 104, 108, 114] ibs.append_annot_case_tags(foal_aids, ['foal'] * len(foal_aids)) ibs.append_annot_case_tags(mother_aids, ['mother'] * len(mother_aids)) # make part of the database complete and the other part semi-complete # make staging ahead of annotmatch. reset_mtest_graph()
[docs]def reset_mtest_graph(): """ Resets the annotmatch and stating table CommandLine: python -m wbia reset_mtest_graph Example: >>> # SCRIPT >>> from wbia.init.sysres import * # NOQA >>> reset_mtest_graph() """ if True: # Delete the graph databases to and set them up for tests import wbia ibs = wbia.opendb('PZ_MTEST') annotmatch = ibs.db['annotmatch'] staging = ibs.staging['reviews'] annotmatch.clear() staging.clear() # Make this CC connected using positive edges from wbia.algo.graph.state import POSTV, NEGTV, INCMP, DIFF, NULL, SAME # NOQA from wbia.algo.graph import nx_utils as nxu import itertools as it # Add some graph properties to MTEST infr = wbia.AnnotInference(ibs, 'all', autoinit=True) # Connect the names with meta decisions infr.ensure_mst(meta_decision=SAME) # big_ccs = [cc for cc in infr.positive_components() if len(cc) > 3] small_ccs = [cc for cc in infr.positive_components() if len(cc) <= 3 and len(cc) > 1] # single_ccs = [cc for cc in infr.positive_components() if len(cc) == 1] cc = infr.pos_graph.connected_to(1) for edge in nxu.edges_between(infr.graph, cc): infr.add_feedback(edge, POSTV, user_id='user:setup1') # Make all small PCCs k-negative-redundant count = 0 for cc1, cc2 in it.combinations(small_ccs, 2): count += 1 for edge in infr.find_neg_augment_edges(cc1, cc2, k=1): if count > 10: # So some with meta infr.add_feedback(edge, meta_decision=DIFF, user_id='user:setup2') else: # So some with evidence infr.add_feedback(edge, NEGTV, user_id='user:setup3') # Make some small PCCs k-positive-redundant from wbia.algo.graph.state import POSTV, NEGTV, INCMP, UNREV, UNKWN # NOQA cand = list(infr.find_pos_redun_candidate_edges()) for edge in cand[0:2]: infr.add_feedback(edge, evidence_decision=POSTV, user_id='user:setup4') assert infr.status()['nInconsistentCCs'] == 0 # Write consistent state to both annotmatch and staging infr.write_wbia_staging_feedback() infr.write_wbia_annotmatch_feedback() # Add an 2 inconsistencies to the staging database ONLY cand = list(infr.find_pos_redun_candidate_edges()) for edge in cand[0:2]: infr.add_feedback(edge, evidence_decision=NEGTV, user_id='user:voldemort') assert infr.status()['nInconsistentCCs'] == 2 infr.write_wbia_staging_feedback() infr.reset_feedback('annotmatch', apply=True) assert infr.status()['nInconsistentCCs'] == 0
[docs]def copy_wbiadb(source_dbdir, dest_dbdir): # TODO: rectify with rsync, script, and merge script. from os.path import normpath import wbia exclude_dirs_ = wbia.const.EXCLUDE_COPY_REL_DIRS + ['_hsdb', '.hs_internals'] exclude_dirs = [ut.ensure_unixslash(normpath(rel)) for rel in exclude_dirs_] rel_tocopy = ut.glob( source_dbdir, '*', exclude_dirs=exclude_dirs, recursive=True, with_files=True, with_dirs=False, fullpath=False, ) rel_tocopy_dirs = ut.glob( source_dbdir, '*', exclude_dirs=exclude_dirs, recursive=True, with_files=False, with_dirs=True, fullpath=False, ) src_list = [join(source_dbdir, relpath) for relpath in rel_tocopy] dst_list = [join(dest_dbdir, relpath) for relpath in rel_tocopy] # ensure directories exist rel_tocopy_dirs = [dest_dbdir] + [ join(dest_dbdir, dpath_) for dpath_ in rel_tocopy_dirs ] for dpath in rel_tocopy_dirs: ut.ensuredir(dpath) # copy files ut.copy(src_list, dst_list)
[docs]def ensure_pz_mtest_batchworkflow_test(): r""" CommandLine: python -m wbia.init.sysres --test-ensure_pz_mtest_batchworkflow_test python -m wbia.init.sysres --test-ensure_pz_mtest_batchworkflow_test --reset python -m wbia.init.sysres --test-ensure_pz_mtest_batchworkflow_test --reset Example: >>> # SCRIPT >>> from wbia.init.sysres import * # NOQA >>> ensure_pz_mtest_batchworkflow_test() """ import wbia wbia.ensure_pz_mtest() workdir = wbia.sysres.get_workdir() mtest_dbpath = join(workdir, 'PZ_MTEST') source_dbdir = mtest_dbpath dest_dbdir = join(workdir, 'PZ_BATCH_WORKFLOW_MTEST') if ut.get_argflag('--reset'): ut.delete(dest_dbdir) if ut.checkpath(dest_dbdir): return else: copy_wbiadb(source_dbdir, dest_dbdir) ibs = wbia.opendb('PZ_BATCH_WORKFLOW_MTEST') assert len(ibs.get_valid_aids()) == 119 assert len(ibs.get_valid_nids()) == 41 ibs.delete_all_imagesets() aid_list = ibs.get_valid_aids() unixtime_list = ibs.get_annot_image_unixtimes(aid_list) untimed_aids = ut.compress(aid_list, [t == -1 for t in unixtime_list]) ibs.get_annot_groundtruth(untimed_aids, aid_list) aids_list, nid_list = ibs.group_annots_by_name(aid_list) hourdiffs_list = ibs.get_name_hourdiffs(nid_list) imageset_aids_list = [[] for _ in range(4)] imageset_idx = 0 for hourdiffs, aids in zip(hourdiffs_list, aids_list): # import scipy.spatial.distance as spdist if len(aids) == 1: imageset_aids_list[imageset_idx].extend(aids) imageset_idx = (imageset_idx + 1) % len(imageset_aids_list) else: for chunk in list(ut.ichunks(aids, 2)): imageset_aids_list[imageset_idx].extend(chunk) imageset_idx = (imageset_idx + 1) % len(imageset_aids_list) # import vtool as vt # import networkx as netx # nodes = list(range(len(aids))) # edges_pairs = vt.pdist_argsort(hourdiffs) # edge_weights = -hourdiffs[hourdiffs.argsort()] # netx_graph = make_netx_graph(edges_pairs, nodes, edge_weights) # cut_edges = netx.minimum_edge_cut(netx_graph) # netx_graph.remove_edges_from(cut_edges) # components = list(netx.connected_components(netx_graph)) # components = ut.sortedby(components, list(map(len, components)), reverse=True) # # imageset_aids_list[0].extend(components[0]) # for component in components: # TODO do max-nway cut # day_diffs = spdist.squareform(hourdiffs) / 24.0 #, precision=2, suppress_small=True)) # import itertools # compare_idxs = [(r, c) for r, c in itertools.product(range(len(aids)), range(len(aids))) if (c > r)] # # def make_netx_graph(edges_pairs, nodes=None, edge_weights=None): # import networkx as netx # node_lbls = [('id_', 'int')] # edge_lbls = [('weight', 'float')] # edges = [(pair[0], pair[1], weight) for pair, weight in zip(edges_pairs, edge_weights)] #'make_netx_graph') # # Make a graph between the chips # netx_nodes = [(ntup[0], {key[0]: val for (key, val) in zip(node_lbls, ntup[1:])}) # for ntup in iter(zip(nodes))] # netx_edges = [(etup[0], etup[1], {key[0]: val for (key, val) in zip(edge_lbls, etup[2:])}) # for etup in iter(edges)] # netx_graph = netx.Graph() # netx_graph.add_nodes_from(netx_nodes) # netx_graph.add_edges_from(netx_edges) # return netx_graph # Group into imagesets based on old names gids_list = ibs.unflat_map(ibs.get_annot_image_rowids, imageset_aids_list) imgsetid_list = ibs.new_imagesets_from_images(gids_list) # NOQA # Remove all names ibs.delete_annot_nids(aid_list)
[docs]def ensure_pz_mtest_mergesplit_test(): r""" Make a test database for MERGE and SPLIT cases CommandLine: python -m wbia.init.sysres --test-ensure_pz_mtest_mergesplit_test Example: >>> # SCRIPT >>> from wbia.init.sysres import * # NOQA >>> ensure_pz_mtest_mergesplit_test() """ import wbia wbia.ensure_pz_mtest() workdir = wbia.sysres.get_workdir() mtest_dbpath = join(workdir, 'PZ_MTEST') source_dbdir = mtest_dbpath dest_dbdir = join(workdir, 'PZ_MERGESPLIT_MTEST') if ut.get_argflag('--reset'): ut.delete(dest_dbdir) if ut.checkpath(dest_dbdir): return copy_wbiadb(source_dbdir, dest_dbdir) ibs = wbia.opendb('PZ_MERGESPLIT_MTEST') assert len(ibs.get_valid_aids()) == 119 assert len(ibs.get_valid_nids()) == 41 aid_list = ibs.get_valid_aids() aids_list, nid_list = ibs.group_annots_by_name(aid_list) num_aids = list(map(len, aids_list)) # num cases wanted num_merge = 3 num_split = 1 num_combo = 1 # num inputs needed num_merge_names = num_merge num_split_names = num_split * 2 num_combo_names = num_combo * 3 total_names = num_merge_names + num_split_names + num_combo_names modify_aids = list( ub.take(aids_list, ut.list_argsort(num_aids, reverse=True)[0:total_names]) ) merge_nids1 = ibs.make_next_nids(num_merge, location_text='XMERGE') merge_nids2 = ibs.make_next_nids(num_merge, location_text='XMERGE') split_nid = ibs.make_next_nids(num_split, location_text='XSPLIT')[0] combo_nids = ibs.make_next_nids(num_combo * 2, location_text='XCOMBO') # the first 3 become merge cases # left = 0 # right = left + num_merge for aids, nid1, nid2 in zip(modify_aids[0:3], merge_nids1, merge_nids2): # ibs.get_annot_nids(aids) aids_ = aids[::2] ibs.set_annot_name_rowids(aids_, [nid1] * len(aids_)) ibs.set_annot_name_rowids(aids_, [nid2] * len(aids_)) # the next 2 become split cases # left = right # right = left + num_split_names for aids in modify_aids[3:5]: ibs.set_annot_name_rowids(aids, [split_nid] * len(aids)) # left = right # right = left + num_combo_names # The final 3 are a combination case for aids in modify_aids[5:8]: aids_even = aids[::2] aids_odd = aids[1::2] ibs.set_annot_name_rowids(aids_even, [combo_nids[0]] * len(aids_even)) ibs.set_annot_name_rowids(aids_odd, [combo_nids[1]] * len(aids_odd)) final_result = ibs.unflat_map(ibs.get_annot_nids, modify_aids)'final_result = %s' % (ub.repr2(final_result),))
[docs]def ensure_wilddogs(): """Ensures that you have the NAUT_test dataset""" return ensure_db_from_url(const.ZIPPED_URLS.WDS)
[docs]def ensure_nauts(): """Ensures that you have the NAUT_test dataset""" return ensure_db_from_url(const.ZIPPED_URLS.NAUTS)
[docs]def ensure_testdb2(): zipped_db_url = '' return ensure_db_from_url(zipped_db_url)
[docs]def ensure_testdb_curvrank(): return ensure_db_from_url(const.ZIPPED_URLS.DF_CURVRANK)
[docs]def ensure_testdb_orientation(): return ensure_db_from_url(const.ZIPPED_URLS.ORIENTATION)
[docs]@lru_cache(maxsize=None) def ensure_testdb_assigner(): return ensure_db_from_url(const.ZIPPED_URLS.ASSIGNER)
[docs]def ensure_testdb_identification_example(): return ensure_db_from_url(const.ZIPPED_URLS.ID_EXAMPLE)
[docs]def ensure_testdb_kaggle7(): return ensure_db_from_url(const.ZIPPED_URLS.K7_EXAMPLE)
[docs]def ensure_db_from_url(zipped_db_url): """SeeAlso wbia.init.sysres""" from wbia import sysres workdir = sysres.get_workdir() retry = 10 while retry > 0: try: retry -= 1 path = zipped_db_url.rsplit('/', 1)[-1] dbdir = ut.grab_zipped_url( zipped_url=zipped_db_url, ensure=True, download_dir=workdir ) except Exception as e: logger.error(str(e)) if Path(workdir, path).exists(): break else: raise RuntimeError(f'Unable to download {zipped_db_url}') # Determine if the implementation is using a URI for database connection. # This is confusing, sorry. If the URI is set we are using a non-sqlite # database connection. As such, we most translate the sqlite db. uri = get_wbia_db_uri(dbdir) if uri:"Copying '{dbdir}' databases to the database at: {uri}") for _, exc, _, _ in copy_sqlite_to_postgres(Path(dbdir), uri): if exc: raise exc'have %s=%r' % (zipped_db_url, dbdir)) return dbdir
[docs]def get_global_distinctiveness_modeldir(ensure=True): # DEPRICATE resource_dir = get_wbia_resource_dir() global_distinctdir = join(resource_dir, const.PATH_NAMES.distinctdir) if ensure: ut.ensuredir(global_distinctdir) return global_distinctdir