wbia.other package
wbia.other.dbinfo module
get_dbinfo is probably the only usefull funciton in here # This is not the cleanest module
- wbia.other.dbinfo.get_dbinfo(ibs, verbose=True, with_imgsize=True, with_bytes=True, with_contrib=True, with_agesex=True, with_header=True, with_reviews=True, with_ggr=False, with_ca=False, with_map=False, short=False, tag='dbinfo', aid_list=None, aids=None, gmt_offset=3.0)[source]
Returns dictionary of digestable database information Infostr is a string summary of all the stats. Prints infostr in addition to returning locals
- Parameters
- Returns
- Return type
- SeeAlso:
python -m wbia.other.ibsfuncs –exec-get_annot_stats_dict –db PZ_PB_RF_TRAIN –use-hist=True –old=False –per_name_vpedge=False python -m wbia.other.ibsfuncs –exec-get_annot_stats_dict –db PZ_PB_RF_TRAIN –all
- CommandLine:
python -m wbia.other.dbinfo –exec-get_dbinfo:0 python -m wbia.other.dbinfo –test-get_dbinfo:1 python -m wbia.other.dbinfo –test-get_dbinfo:0 –db NNP_Master3 python -m wbia.other.dbinfo –test-get_dbinfo:0 –db PZ_Master1 python -m wbia.other.dbinfo –test-get_dbinfo:0 –db GZ_ALL python -m wbia.other.dbinfo –exec-get_dbinfo:0 –db PZ_ViewPoints python -m wbia.other.dbinfo –exec-get_dbinfo:0 –db GZ_Master1
python -m wbia.other.dbinfo –exec-get_dbinfo:0 –db LF_Bajo_bonito -a default python -m wbia.other.dbinfo –exec-get_dbinfo:0 –db DETECT_SEATURTLES -a default –readonly
python -m wbia.other.dbinfo –exec-get_dbinfo:0 -a ctrl python -m wbia.other.dbinfo –exec-get_dbinfo:0 -a default:minqual=ok,require_timestamp=True –dbdir ~/lev/media/danger/LEWA python -m wbia.other.dbinfo –exec-get_dbinfo:0 -a default:minqual=ok,require_timestamp=True –dbdir ~/lev/media/danger/LEWA –loadbackup=0
python -m wbia.other.dbinfo –exec-get_dbinfo:0 -a default: –dbdir ~/lev/media/danger/LEWA python -m wbia.other.dbinfo –exec-get_dbinfo:0 -a default: –dbdir ~/lev/media/danger/LEWA –loadbackup=0
>>> # DISABLE_DOCTEST >>> from wbia.other.dbinfo import * # NOQA >>> import wbia >>> defaultdb = 'testdb1' >>> ibs, aid_list = wbia.testdata_aids(defaultdb, a='default:minqual=ok,view=primary,view_ext1=1') >>> kwargs = ut.get_kwdefaults(get_dbinfo) >>> kwargs['verbose'] = False >>> kwargs['aid_list'] = aid_list >>> kwargs = ut.parse_dict_from_argv(kwargs) >>> output = get_dbinfo(ibs, **kwargs) >>> result = (output['info_str']) >>> print(result) >>> #ibs = wbia.opendb(defaultdb='testdb1') >>> # <HACK FOR FILTERING> >>> #from wbia.expt import cfghelpers >>> #from wbia.expt import annotation_configs >>> #from wbia.init import filter_annots >>> #named_defaults_dict = ut.dict_take(annotation_configs.__dict__, >>> # annotation_configs.TEST_NAMES) >>> #named_qcfg_defaults = dict(zip(annotation_configs.TEST_NAMES, >>> # ut.get_list_column(named_defaults_dict, 'qcfg'))) >>> #acfg = cfghelpers.parse_argv_cfg(('--annot-filter', '-a'), named_defaults_dict=named_qcfg_defaults, default=None)[0] >>> #aid_list = ibs.get_valid_aids() >>> # </HACK FOR FILTERING>
>>> # DISABLE_DOCTEST >>> from wbia.other.dbinfo import * # NOQA >>> import wbia >>> verbose = True >>> short = True >>> #ibs = wbia.opendb(db='GZ_ALL') >>> #ibs = wbia.opendb(db='PZ_Master0') >>> ibs = wbia.opendb('testdb1') >>> assert ibs.get_dbname() == 'testdb1', 'DO NOT DELETE CONTRIBUTORS OF OTHER DBS' >>> ibs.delete_contributors(ibs.get_valid_contributor_rowids()) >>> ibs.delete_empty_nids() >>> #ibs = wbia.opendb(db='PZ_MTEST') >>> output = get_dbinfo(ibs, with_contrib=False, verbose=False, short=True) >>> result = (output['info_str']) >>> print(result) +============================ DB Info: testdb1 DB Notes: None DB NumContrib: 0 ---------- # Names = 7 # Names (unassociated) = 0 # Names (singleton) = 5 # Names (multiton) = 2 ---------- # Annots = 13 # Annots (unknown) = 4 # Annots (singleton) = 5 # Annots (multiton) = 4 ---------- # Img = 13 L============================
- wbia.other.dbinfo.get_short_infostr(ibs)[source]
Returns printable database information
- Parameters
ibs (IBEISController) – wbia controller object
- Returns
- Return type
- CommandLine:
python -m wbia.other.dbinfo –test-get_short_infostr
>>> # ENABLE_DOCTEST >>> from wbia.other.dbinfo import * # NOQA >>> import wbia >>> ibs = wbia.opendb('testdb1') >>> infostr = get_short_infostr(ibs) >>> result = str(infostr) >>> print(result) dbname = 'testdb1' num_images = 13 num_annotations = 13 num_names = 7
- wbia.other.dbinfo.hackshow_names(ibs, aid_list, fnum=None)[source]
- Parameters
ibs (IBEISController) – wbia controller object
aid_list (list) –
- CommandLine:
python -m wbia.other.dbinfo –exec-hackshow_names –show python -m wbia.other.dbinfo –exec-hackshow_names –show –db PZ_Master1
>>> # DISABLE_DOCTEST >>> from wbia.other.dbinfo import * # NOQA >>> import wbia >>> ibs = wbia.opendb(defaultdb='PZ_MTEST') >>> aid_list = ibs.get_valid_aids() >>> result = hackshow_names(ibs, aid_list) >>> print(result) >>> ut.show_if_requested()
- wbia.other.dbinfo.latex_dbstats(ibs_list, **kwargs)[source]
- Parameters
ibs (IBEISController) – wbia controller object
- CommandLine:
python -m wbia.other.dbinfo –exec-latex_dbstats –dblist testdb1 python -m wbia.other.dbinfo –exec-latex_dbstats –dblist testdb1 –show python -m wbia.other.dbinfo –exec-latex_dbstats –dblist PZ_Master0 testdb1 –show python -m wbia.other.dbinfo –exec-latex_dbstats –dblist PZ_Master0 PZ_MTEST GZ_ALL –show python -m wbia.other.dbinfo –test-latex_dbstats –dblist GZ_ALL NNP_MasterGIRM_core –show
>>> # DISABLE_DOCTEST >>> from wbia.other.dbinfo import * # NOQA >>> import wbia >>> db_list = ut.get_argval('--dblist', type_=list, default=['testdb1']) >>> ibs_list = [wbia.opendb(db=db) for db in db_list] >>> tabular_str = latex_dbstats(ibs_list) >>> tabular_cmd = ut.latex_newcommand(ut.latex_sanitize_command_name('DatabaseInfo'), tabular_str) >>> ut.copy_text_to_clipboard(tabular_cmd) >>> write_fpath = ut.get_argval('--write', type_=str, default=None) >>> if write_fpath is not None: >>> fpath = ut.truepath(write_fpath) >>> text = ut.readfrom(fpath) >>> new_text = ut.replace_between_tags(text, tabular_cmd, '% <DBINFO>', '% </DBINFO>') >>> ut.writeto(fpath, new_text) >>> ut.print_code(tabular_cmd, 'latex') >>> ut.quit_if_noshow() >>> ut.render_latex_text('\\noindent \n' + tabular_str)
- wbia.other.dbinfo.print_qd_info(ibs, qaid_list, daid_list, verbose=False)[source]
- SeeAlso:
ibs.print_annotconfig_stats(qaid_list, daid_list)
information for a query/database aid configuration
- wbia.other.dbinfo.show_image_time_distributions(ibs, gid_list)[source]
- Parameters
ibs (IBEISController) – wbia controller object
gid_list (list) –
- CommandLine:
python -m wbia.other.dbinfo show_image_time_distributions –show python -m wbia.other.dbinfo show_image_time_distributions –show –db lynx
>>> # DISABLE_DOCTEST >>> from wbia.other.dbinfo import * # NOQA >>> import wbia >>> ibs = wbia.opendb(defaultdb='testdb1') >>> aids = wbia.testdata_aids(ibs=ibs) >>> gid_list = ut.unique_unordered(ibs.get_annot_gids(aids)) >>> result = show_image_time_distributions(ibs, gid_list) >>> print(result) >>> ut.show_if_requested()
- wbia.other.dbinfo.sight_resight_count(nvisit1, nvisit2, resight)[source]
Lincoln Petersen Index
The Lincoln-Peterson index is a method used to estimate the total number of individuals in a population given two independent sets observations. The likelihood of a population size is a hypergeometric distribution given by assuming a uniform sampling distribution.
- Parameters
- Returns
(pl_index, pl_error)
- Return type
- LaTeX:
- begin{equation}label{eqn:lpifull}
L(poptotal given nvisit_1, nvisit_2, resight) = frac{
binom{nvisit_1}{resight} binom{poptotal - nvisit_1}{nvisit_2 - resight}
- }{
end{equation} Assuming that $T$ has a uniform prior distribution, the maximum
likelihood estimation of population size given two visits to a location is:
- begin{equation}label{eqn:lpi}
poptotal approx frac{nvisit_1 nvisit_2}{resight} pm 1.96 sqrt{frac{{(nvisit_1)}^2 (nvisit_2) (nvisit_2 - resight)}{resight^3}}
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mark_and_recapture https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Talk:Mark_and_recapture#Statistical_treatment https://mail.google.com/mail/u/0/#search/lincoln+peterse+n/14c6b50227f5209f https://probabilityandstats.wordpress.com/tag/maximum-likelihood-estimate/ http://math.arizona.edu/~jwatkins/o-mle.pdf
- CommandLine:
python -m wbia.other.dbinfo sight_resight_count –show
>>> # DISABLE_DOCTEST >>> from wbia.other.dbinfo import * # NOQA >>> nvisit1 = 100 >>> nvisit2 = 20 >>> resight = 10 >>> (pl_index, pl_error) = sight_resight_count(nvisit1, nvisit2, resight) >>> result = '(pl_index, pl_error) = %s' % ut.repr2((pl_index, pl_error)) >>> pl_low = max(pl_index - pl_error, 1) >>> pl_high = pl_index + pl_error >>> print('pl_low = %r' % (pl_low,)) >>> print('pl_high = %r' % (pl_high,)) >>> print(result) >>> ut.quit_if_noshow() >>> import wbia.plottool as pt >>> import scipy, scipy.stats >>> x = pl_index # np.array([10, 11, 12]) >>> k, N, K, n = resight, x, nvisit1, nvisit2 >>> #k, M, n, N = k, N, k, n # Wiki to SciPy notation >>> #prob = scipy.stats.hypergeom.cdf(k, N, K, n) >>> fig = pt.figure(1) >>> fig.clf() >>> N_range = np.arange(1, pl_high * 2) >>> # Something seems to be off >>> probs = sight_resight_prob(N_range, nvisit1, nvisit2, resight) >>> pl_prob = sight_resight_prob([pl_index], nvisit1, nvisit2, resight)[0] >>> pt.plot(N_range, probs, 'b-', label='probability of population size') >>> pt.plt.title('nvisit1=%r, nvisit2=%r, resight=%r' % ( >>> nvisit1, nvisit2, resight)) >>> pt.plot(pl_index, pl_prob, 'rx', label='Lincoln Peterson Estimate') >>> pt.plot([pl_low, pl_high], [pl_prob, pl_prob], 'gx-', >>> label='Lincoln Peterson Error Bar') >>> pt.legend() >>> ut.show_if_requested()
wbia.other.detectcore module
Developer convenience functions for ibs (detections).
- TODO: need to split up into sub modules:
consistency_checks feasibility_fixes move the export stuff to dbio
then there are also convineience functions that need to be ordered at least within this file
- wbia.other.detectcore.classifier_visualize_training_localizations(ibs, classifier_weight_filepath, species_list=['zebra'], scheme=2, output_path=None, values=None, **kwargs)[source]
- wbia.other.detectcore.export_to_coco(ibs, species_list, species_mapping={}, viewpoint_mapping={}, target_size=2400, use_maximum_linear_dimension=True, use_existing_train_test=True, include_parts=False, gid_list=None, include_reviews=False, require_image_reviewed=False, require_named=False, output_images=True, use_global_train_set=False, **kwargs)[source]
Create training COCO dataset for training models.
- wbia.other.detectcore.export_to_xml(ibs, species_list, species_mapping=None, offset='auto', enforce_viewpoint=False, target_size=900, purge=False, use_maximum_linear_dimension=True, use_existing_train_test=True, include_parts=False, gid_list=None, output_path=None, allow_empty_images=False, min_annot_size=5, **kwargs)[source]
Create training XML for training models.
- wbia.other.detectcore.imageset_train_test_split(ibs, train_split=0.8, is_tile=False, gid_list=None, **kwargs)[source]
- wbia.other.detectcore.redownload_detection_models(ibs)[source]
Re-download detection models.
- Parameters
ibs (IBEISController) –
- CommandLine:
python -c “from wbia.algo.detect import grabmodels; grabmodels.redownload_models()” python -c “import utool, wbia.algo; utool.view_directory(wbia.algo.detect.grabmodels._expand_modeldir())”
>>> # DISABLE_DOCTEST >>> from wbia.other.detectcore import * # NOQA >>> import wbia # NOQA >>> ibs = wbia.opendb('testdb1') >>> result = redownload_detection_models(ibs) >>> print(result)
- wbia.other.detectcore.visualize_bounding_boxes(ibs, config, version, gid_list=None, randomize=False, num_images=10, t_width=500, output_path=None)[source]
- wbia.other.detectcore.visualize_pascal_voc_dataset(ibs, dataset_path, num_examples=30, randomize=False, write=True, write_path=None)[source]
Visualize the PASCAL VOC dataset.
- Parameters
- CommandLine:
python -m wbia.other.detectcore –test-visualize_pascal_voc_dataset
>>> # DISABLE_DOCTEST >>> from wbia.other.detectcore import * # NOQA >>> import wbia # NOQA >>> ibs = wbia.opendb('testdb1') >>> dataset_path = '/Users/jason.parham/Downloads/wilddog_data/data/VOCdevkit/VOC2020/' >>> # dataset_path = '/Users/jason.parham/Downloads/LearningData/' >>> # dataset_path = '/Users/jason.parham/Downloads/VOCdevkit/VOC2018/' >>> ibs.visualize_pascal_voc_dataset(dataset_path, randomize=True)
wbia.other.detectexport module
wbia.other.detectfuncs module
Developer convenience functions for ibs (detections).
- TODO: need to split up into sub modules:
consistency_checks feasibility_fixes move the export stuff to dbio
then there are also convineience functions that need to be ordered at least within this file
- wbia.other.detectfuncs.aoi2_confusion_matrix_algo_plot(ibs, label, color, conf, output_cases=False, category_list=None, test_gid_set_=None, **kwargs)[source]
- wbia.other.detectfuncs.aoi2_precision_recall_algo(ibs, category_list=None, test_gid_set_=None, **kwargs)[source]
- wbia.other.detectfuncs.aoi2_precision_recall_algo_display(ibs, test_gid_list=None, output_cases=False, figsize=(20, 20))[source]
- wbia.other.detectfuncs.background_accuracy_display(ibs, category_list, test_gid_set=None, output_path=None)[source]
- wbia.other.detectfuncs.canonical_confusion_matrix_algo_plot(ibs, label, color, conf, species, output_cases=False, **kwargs)[source]
- wbia.other.detectfuncs.canonical_localization_deviation_plot(ibs, attribute, color, index, label=None, species=None, marker='o', **kwargs)[source]
- wbia.other.detectfuncs.canonical_localization_iou_plot(ibs, color, index, label=None, species=None, marker='o', threshold=0.75, **kwargs)[source]
- wbia.other.detectfuncs.canonical_localization_iou_visualize(ibs, index, test_aid_set, test_bbox_set, prediction_list, overlap_list, color_list, label=None, species=None, **kwargs)[source]
- wbia.other.detectfuncs.canonical_localization_precision_recall_algo_display(ibs, figsize=(20, 40))[source]
- wbia.other.detectfuncs.classifier2_precision_recall_algo(ibs, category, species_mapping={}, output_path=None, test_gid_list=None, test_label_list=None, **kwargs)[source]
- wbia.other.detectfuncs.classifier2_precision_recall_algo_display(ibs, species_list=None, species_mapping={}, nice_mapping={}, test_gid_list=None, test_label_list=None, figsize=(20, 9), **kwargs)[source]
- wbia.other.detectfuncs.classifier_cameratrap_confusion_matrix_algo_plot(ibs, label, color, conf, positive_imageset_id, negative_imageset_id, output_cases=False, **kwargs)[source]
- wbia.other.detectfuncs.classifier_cameratrap_precision_recall_algo(ibs, positive_imageset_id, negative_imageset_id, **kwargs)[source]
- wbia.other.detectfuncs.classifier_cameratrap_precision_recall_algo_display(ibs, positive_imageset_id, negative_imageset_id, config_list=None, figsize=(20, 20))[source]
- wbia.other.detectfuncs.general_area_best_conf(conf_list, x_list, y_list, label='Unknown', color='b', marker='o', plot_point=True, interpolate=True, target=(1.0, 1.0), target_recall=None, **kwargs)[source]
- wbia.other.detectfuncs.general_confusion_matrix_algo(label_correct_list, label_predict_list, category_list, category_mapping, fig_, axes_, fuzzy_dict=None, conf=None, conf_list=None, size=10, **kwargs)[source]
- wbia.other.detectfuncs.general_get_imageset_gids(ibs, imageset_text, unique=True, **kwargs)[source]
- wbia.other.detectfuncs.general_identify_operating_point(conf_list, x_list, y_list, target=(1.0, 1.0))[source]
- wbia.other.detectfuncs.general_parse_gt_annots(ibs, aid_list, include_parts=True, species_mapping={}, gt_species_mapping={}, **kwargs)[source]
- wbia.other.detectfuncs.general_precision_recall_algo(ibs, label_list, confidence_list, category='positive', samples=1000, **kwargs)[source]
- wbia.other.detectfuncs.labeler_confusion_matrix_algo_plot(ibs, category_list, species_mapping={}, viewpoint_mapping={}, category_mapping=None, test_gid_set=None, **kwargs)[source]
- wbia.other.detectfuncs.labeler_precision_recall_algo(ibs, category_list, label_dict, **kwargs)[source]
- wbia.other.detectfuncs.labeler_precision_recall_algo_display(ibs, category_list=None, species_mapping={}, viewpoint_mapping={}, category_mapping=None, fuzzy_dict=None, figsize=(30, 9), test_gid_set=None, use_axis_aligned_chips=False, labeler_weight_filepath=None, config_list=None, **kwargs)[source]
- wbia.other.detectfuncs.labeler_tp_tn_fp_fn(ibs, category_list, species_mapping={}, viewpoint_mapping={}, samples=1000, test_gid_set=None, **kwargs)[source]
- wbia.other.detectfuncs.localizer_assignments(pred_list, gt_list, gt_list_=[], min_overlap=0.5)[source]
- wbia.other.detectfuncs.localizer_confusion_matrix_algo_plot(ibs, label=None, target_conf=None, test_gid_list=None, **kwargs)[source]
- wbia.other.detectfuncs.localizer_iou_recall_algo(ibs, samples=100, test_gid_list=None, ignore_filter_func=None, **kwargs)[source]
- wbia.other.detectfuncs.localizer_parse_pred(ibs, test_gid_list=None, species_mapping={}, pred_species_mapping={}, **kwargs)[source]
- wbia.other.detectfuncs.localizer_parse_pred_dirty(ibs, test_gid_list, species_mapping_, **kwargs)[source]
- wbia.other.detectfuncs.localizer_precision_recall(ibs, config_dict=None, output_path=None, test_gid_list=None, **kwargs)[source]
- wbia.other.detectfuncs.localizer_precision_recall_algo(ibs, samples=1000, test_gid_list=None, **kwargs)[source]
- wbia.other.detectfuncs.localizer_precision_recall_algo_display(ibs, config_list, config_tag='', min_overlap=0.5, figsize=(40, 9), target_recall=0.8, BEST_INDEX=None, offset_color=0, write_images=False, plot_point=True, output_path=None, plot_iou_recall=True, **kwargs)[source]
- wbia.other.detectfuncs.localizer_precision_recall_algo_display_animate(ibs, config_list, **kwargs)[source]
wbia.other.detectgrave module
wbia.other.detecttrain module
Developer convenience functions for ibs (detections).
- TODO: need to split up into sub modules:
consistency_checks feasibility_fixes move the export stuff to dbio
then there are also convineience functions that need to be ordered at least within this file
- wbia.other.detecttrain.aoi2_train(ibs, species_list=None, train_gid_list=None, purge=True, cache=False)[source]
- wbia.other.detecttrain.background_train(ibs, species, train_gid_set=None, global_limit=500000, **kwargs)[source]
Example: >>> values = output_path, X_file, y_file >>> print(values) >>> output_path, X_file, y_file = values >>> from wbia_cnn.models.background import train_background >>> values = ( >>> ‘/data/ibeis/IMS_Master/_ibsdb/_ibeis_cache/training/background’, >>> ‘/data/ibeis/IMS_Master/_ibsdb/_ibeis_cache/extracted/background/raw/X.npy’, >>> ‘/data/ibeis/IMS_Master/_ibsdb/_ibeis_cache/extracted/background/labels/y.npy’ >>> ) >>> output_path, X_file, y_file = values
- wbia.other.detecttrain.canonical_classifier_train(ibs, species, ensembles=3, extracted_path=None, **kwargs)[source]
- wbia.other.detecttrain.classifier2_train(ibs, species_list=None, species_mapping={}, train_gid_set=None, **kwargs)[source]
- wbia.other.detecttrain.classifier_cameratrap_densenet_train(ibs, positive_imageset_id, negative_imageset_id, ensembles=3, **kwargs)[source]
- wbia.other.detecttrain.classifier_cameratrap_train(ibs, positive_imageset_id, negative_imageset_id, **kwargs)[source]
- wbia.other.detecttrain.classifier_multiclass_densenet_train(ibs, gid_list, label_list, ensembles=3, **kwargs)[source]
>>> import uuid >>> manifest_filepath = join(ibs.dbdir, 'flukebook_groundtruth.csv') >>> with open(manifest_filepath, 'r') as manifest_file: >>> line_list = manifest_file.readlines() >>> >>> label_dict = { >>> 'Left Dorsal Fin' : 'left_dorsal_fin', >>> 'Right Dorsal Fin' : 'right_dorsal_fin', >>> 'Tail Fluke' : 'tail_fluke', >>> } >>> >>> uuid_list = [] >>> label_list = [] >>> for line in line_list: >>> line = line.strip().split(',') >>> assert len(line) == 2 >>> uuid_, label_ = line >>> uuid_ = uuid.UUID(uuid_) >>> label_ = label_.strip() >>> print(uuid_, label_) >>> uuid_list.append(uuid_) >>> label_ = label_dict.get(label_, None) >>> assert label_ is not None >>> label_list.append(label_) >>> >>> gid_list = ibs.get_image_gids_from_uuid(uuid_list) >>> assert None not in gid_list >>> # archive_path = ibs.classifier_multiclass_densenet_train(gid_list, label_list) >>> ibs.classifier2_precision_recall_algo_display(test_gid_list=gid_list, test_label_list=label_list)
- wbia.other.detecttrain.labeler_train(ibs, species_list=None, species_mapping=None, viewpoint_mapping=None, ensembles=3, **kwargs)[source]
- wbia.other.detecttrain.labeler_train_wbia_cnn(ibs, species_list=None, species_mapping=None, viewpoint_mapping=None, **kwargs)[source]
wbia.other.duct_tape module
- wbia.other.duct_tape.remove_database_slag(ibs, delete_empty_names=False, delete_empty_imagesets=False, delete_annotations_for_missing_images=False, delete_image_labels_for_missing_types=False, delete_annot_labels_for_missing_types=False, delete_chips_for_missing_annotations=False, delete_features_for_missing_annotations=False, delete_invalid_eg_relations=False, delete_invalid_gl_relations=False, delete_invalid_al_relations=True)[source]
wbia.other.ibsfuncs module
developer convenience functions for ibs
- TODO: need to split up into sub modules:
consistency_checks feasibility_fixes move the export stuff to dbio
python -m utool.util_inspect check_module_usage –pat=”ibsfuncs.py”
then there are also convineience functions that need to be ordered at least within this file
- wbia.other.ibsfuncs.assert_lblannot_rowids_are_type(ibs, lblannot_rowid_list, valid_lbltype_rowid)[source]
- wbia.other.ibsfuncs.assert_valid_aids(ibs, aid_list, verbose=False, veryverbose=False, msg='', auuid_list=None)[source]
- Parameters
- CommandLine:
python -m wbia.other.ibsfuncs –test-assert_valid_aids
>>> # ENABLE_DOCTEST >>> from wbia.other.ibsfuncs import * # NOQA >>> import wbia >>> ibs = wbia.opendb(defaultdb='testdb1') >>> aid_list = ibs.get_valid_aids() >>> verbose = False >>> veryverbose = False >>> print('Asserting multiple') >>> result = assert_valid_aids(ibs, aid_list, verbose, veryverbose) >>> print('Asserting single') >>> result = assert_valid_aids(ibs, aid_list[0:1], verbose, veryverbose) >>> print('Asserting multiple incorrect') >>> auuid_list = ibs.get_annot_uuids(aid_list) + [None] >>> try: >>> result = assert_valid_aids(ibs, aid_list + [0], verbose, veryverbose, auuid_list=auuid_list) >>> except AssertionError: >>> print('Correctly got assertion') >>> else: >>> assert False, 'should have failed' >>> print('Asserting single incorrect') >>> try: >>> result = assert_valid_aids(ibs, [0], verbose, veryverbose) >>> except AssertionError: >>> print('Correctly got assertion') >>> else: >>> assert False, 'should have failed' >>> print(result) >>> print(result)
- wbia.other.ibsfuncs.assert_valid_names(name_list)[source]
Asserts that user specified names do not conflict with the standard unknown name
- wbia.other.ibsfuncs.batch_rename_consecutive_via_species(ibs, imgsetid=None, location_text=None, notify_wildbook=True, assert_wildbook=True)[source]
- wbia.other.ibsfuncs.bytes2human(n, format='%(value).02f%(symbol)s', symbols='customary')[source]
Convert n bytes into a human readable string based on format. symbols can be either “customary”, “customary_ext”, “iec” or “iec_ext”, see: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Binary_prefix#Specific_units_of_IEC_60027-2_A.2_and_ISO.2FIEC_80000
>>> bytes2human(0) '0.0 B' >>> bytes2human(0.9) '0.0 B' >>> bytes2human(1) '1.0 B' >>> bytes2human(1.9) '1.0 B' >>> bytes2human(1024) '1.0 K' >>> bytes2human(1048576) '1.0 M' >>> bytes2human(1099511627776127398123789121) '909.5 Y'
>>> bytes2human(9856, symbols="customary") '9.6 K' >>> bytes2human(9856, symbols="customary_ext") '9.6 kilo' >>> bytes2human(9856, symbols="iec") '9.6 Ki' >>> bytes2human(9856, symbols="iec_ext") '9.6 kibi'
>>> bytes2human(10000, "%(value).1f %(symbol)s/sec") '9.8 K/sec'
>>> # precision can be adjusted by playing with %f operator >>> bytes2human(10000, format="%(value).5f %(symbol)s") '9.76562 K'
- wbia.other.ibsfuncs.check_annot_consistency(ibs, aid_list=None)[source]
- Parameters
ibs (IBEISController) –
aid_list (list) –
- CommandLine:
python -m wbia.other.ibsfuncs –test-check_annot_consistency
>>> # ENABLE_DOCTEST >>> from wbia.other.ibsfuncs import * # NOQA >>> import wbia # NOQA >>> ibs = wbia.opendb('testdb1') >>> aid_list = ibs.get_valid_aids() >>> result = check_annot_consistency(ibs, aid_list) >>> print(result)
- wbia.other.ibsfuncs.check_annot_corrupt_uuids(ibs, aid_list=None)[source]
>>> from wbia.other.ibsfuncs import * # NOQA >>> import wbia # NOQA >>> ibs = wbia.opendb('PZ_MTEST') >>> aid_list = ibs.get_valid_aids() >>> check_annot_corrupt_uuids(ibs, aid_list)
- wbia.other.ibsfuncs.check_cache_purge(ibs, ttl_days=90, dryrun=True, squeeze=True)[source]
- Parameters
ibs (IBEISController) – wbia controller object
gid_list (list) – (default = None)
- CommandLine:
python -m wbia.other.ibsfuncs –exec-check_cache_purge
>>> # DISABLE_DOCTEST >>> from wbia.other.ibsfuncs import * # NOQA >>> import wbia >>> ibs = wbia.opendb(defaultdb='testdb1') >>> result = check_cache_purge(ibs) >>> print(result)
- wbia.other.ibsfuncs.check_ggr_valid_aids(ibs, aid_list, species='zebra_grevys', threshold=0.75, enable_grid=True, verbose=True)[source]
- wbia.other.ibsfuncs.check_image_consistency(ibs, gid_list=None)[source]
- Parameters
ibs (IBEISController) – wbia controller object
gid_list (list) – (default = None)
- CommandLine:
python -m wbia.other.ibsfuncs –exec-check_image_consistency –db=GZ_Master1
>>> # ENABLE_DOCTEST >>> from wbia.other.ibsfuncs import * # NOQA >>> import wbia >>> ibs = wbia.opendb(defaultdb='testdb1') >>> gid_list = None >>> result = check_image_consistency(ibs, gid_list) >>> print(result)
- wbia.other.ibsfuncs.check_image_uuid_consistency(ibs, gid_list=None)[source]
Checks to make sure image uuids are computed detemenistically by recomputing all guuids and checking that they are equal to what is already there.
- CommandLine:
python -m wbia.other.ibsfuncs –test-check_image_uuid_consistency –db=PZ_Master0 python -m wbia.other.ibsfuncs –test-check_image_uuid_consistency –db=GZ_Master1 python -m wbia.other.ibsfuncs –test-check_image_uuid_consistency python -m wbia.other.ibsfuncs –test-check_image_uuid_consistency –db lynx
>>> # SCRIPT >>> import wbia >>> import utool as ut >>> ibs = wbia.opendb(defaultdb='PZ_MTEST') >>> images = ibs.images() >>> # Check only very the largest files >>> #bytes_list_ = [ >>> # ut.get_file_nBytes(path) >>> # for path in ut.ProgIter(images.paths, lbl='reading nbytes')] >>> #sortx = ut.list_argsort(bytes_list_, reverse=True)[0:10] >>> #images = images.take(sortx) >>> gid_list = list(images) >>> wbia.other.ibsfuncs.check_image_uuid_consistency(ibs, gid_list)
- wbia.other.ibsfuncs.check_name_consistency(ibs, nid_list)[source]
- Parameters
ibs (IBEISController) – wbia controller object
nid_list (list) –
- CommandLine:
python -m wbia.other.ibsfuncs –test-check_name_consistency
>>> # ENABLE_DOCTEST >>> from wbia.other.ibsfuncs import * # NOQA >>> import wbia >>> ibs = wbia.opendb('testdb1') >>> nid_list = ibs._get_all_known_nids() >>> result = check_name_consistency(ibs, nid_list) >>> print(result)
- wbia.other.ibsfuncs.check_name_mapping_consistency(ibs, nx2_aids)[source]
checks that all the aids grouped in a name ahave the same name
- wbia.other.ibsfuncs.compare_nested_props(ibs, aids1_list, aids2_list, getter_func, cmp_func)[source]
Compares properties of query vs database annotations
grouped_qaids = aids1_list grouped_groundtruth_list = aids2_list
getter_func = ibs.get_annot_yaws cmp_func = vt.ori_distance
getter_func = ibs.get_annot_image_unixtimes_asfloat cmp_func = ut.unixtime_hourdiff
- ExpandNestedComparisions:
import itertools list(map(list, itertools.starmap(ut.iprod, zip(aids1_list, aids2_list))))
- Parameters
- Returns
- Return type
list of ndarrays
- CommandLine:
python -m wbia.other.ibsfuncs –exec-compare_nested_props –show
>>> # DISABLE_DOCTEST >>> from wbia.other.ibsfuncs import * # NOQA >>> import wbia >>> ibs = wbia.opendb(defaultdb='PZ_MTEST') >>> aids1_list = [ibs.get_valid_aids()[8:11]] >>> aids2_list = [ibs.get_valid_aids()[8:11]] >>> getter_func = ibs.get_annot_image_unixtimes_asfloat >>> cmp_func = ut.unixtime_hourdiff >>> result = compare_nested_props(ibs, aids1_list, aids2_list, getter_func, cmp_func) >>> print(result) >>> ut.quit_if_noshow() >>> import wbia.plottool as pt >>> ut.show_if_requested()
- wbia.other.ibsfuncs.compute_all_chips(ibs, aid_list=None, **kwargs)[source]
Executes lazy evaluation of all chips
- wbia.other.ibsfuncs.compute_ggr_fix_gps_contributors_aids(ibs, min_diff=600, individual=False)[source]
- wbia.other.ibsfuncs.compute_ggr_fix_gps_contributors_gids(ibs, min_diff=600, individual=False)[source]
- wbia.other.ibsfuncs.compute_ggr_imagesets(ibs, gid_list=None, min_diff=86400, individual=False, purge_all_old=False)[source]
- wbia.other.ibsfuncs.compute_occurrences(ibs, config=None)[source]
Clusters ungrouped images into imagesets representing occurrences
- CommandLine:
python -m wbia.control.IBEISControl –test-compute_occurrences
>>> # ENABLE_DOCTEST >>> from wbia.control.IBEISControl import * # NOQA >>> import wbia # NOQA >>> ibs = wbia.opendb('testdb1') >>> ibs.compute_occurrences(config={'use_gps': False, 'seconds_thresh': 600}) >>> ibs.update_special_imagesets() >>> # Remove some images from a non-special imageset >>> nonspecial_imgsetids = [i for i in ibs.get_valid_imgsetids() if i not in ibs.get_special_imgsetids()] >>> images_to_remove = ibs.get_imageset_gids(nonspecial_imgsetids[0:1])[0][0:1] >>> ibs.unrelate_images_and_imagesets(images_to_remove,nonspecial_imgsetids[0:1] * len(images_to_remove)) >>> ibs.update_special_imagesets() >>> ungr_imgsetid = ibs.get_imageset_imgsetids_from_text(const.UNGROUPED_IMAGES_IMAGESETTEXT) >>> ungr_gids = ibs.get_imageset_gids([ungr_imgsetid])[0] >>> #Now let's make sure that when we recompute imagesets, our non-special imgsetid remains the same >>> print('PRE COMPUTE: ImageSets are %r' % ibs.get_valid_imgsetids()) >>> print('Containing: %r' % ibs.get_imageset_gids(ibs.get_valid_imgsetids())) >>> ibs.compute_occurrences(config={'use_gps': False, 'seconds_thresh': 600}) >>> print('COMPUTE: New imagesets are %r' % ibs.get_valid_imgsetids()) >>> print('Containing: %r' % ibs.get_imageset_gids(ibs.get_valid_imgsetids())) >>> ibs.update_special_imagesets() >>> print('UPDATE SPECIAL: New imagesets are %r' % ibs.get_valid_imgsetids()) >>> print('Containing: %r' % ibs.get_imageset_gids(ibs.get_valid_imgsetids())) >>> assert(images_to_remove[0] not in ibs.get_imageset_gids(nonspecial_imgsetids[0:1])[0])
- wbia.other.ibsfuncs.compute_occurrences_smart(ibs, gid_list, smart_xml_fpath)[source]
Function to load and process a SMART patrol XML file
- wbia.other.ibsfuncs.convert_empty_images_to_annotations(ibs)[source]
images without chips are given an ANNOTATION over the entire image
- wbia.other.ibsfuncs.copy_imagesets(ibs, imgsetid_list)[source]
- Parameters
ibs (IBEISController) – wbia controller object
imgsetid_list (list) –
- Returns
- Return type
- CommandLine:
python -m wbia.other.ibsfuncs –test-copy_imagesets
>>> # ENABLE_DOCTEST >>> from wbia.other.ibsfuncs import * # NOQA >>> import wbia >>> ibs = wbia.opendb('testdb1') >>> ibs.delete_all_imagesets() >>> ibs.compute_occurrences(config={'use_gps': False, 'seconds_thresh': 600}) >>> imgsetid_list = ibs.get_valid_imgsetids() >>> new_imgsetid_list = copy_imagesets(ibs, imgsetid_list) >>> result = str(ibs.get_imageset_text(new_imgsetid_list)) >>> assert [2] == list(set(map(len, ibs.get_image_imgsetids(ibs.get_valid_gids())))) >>> print(result) >>> ibs.delete_all_imagesets() >>> ibs.compute_occurrences(config={'use_gps': False, 'seconds_thresh': 600})
- wbia.other.ibsfuncs.create_ggr_match_leaves_recursive(ibs, tag, imageset_rowid_list, k, level=0, index=0)[source]
- wbia.other.ibsfuncs.create_ggr_match_trees(ibs)[source]
- CommandLine:
python -m wbia.other.ibsfuncs create_ggr_match_trees
>>> # DISABLE_DOCTEST >>> from wbia.other.ibsfuncs import * # NOQA >>> from os.path import expanduser >>> import wbia # NOQA >>> default_dbdir = join('/', 'data', 'wbia', 'GGR2-IBEIS') >>> # default_dbdir = expanduser(join('~', 'data', 'GGR2-IBEIS')) >>> dbdir = ut.get_argval('--dbdir', type_=str, default=default_dbdir) >>> ibs = wbia.opendb(dbdir=dbdir) >>> imageset_rowid_list = ibs.create_ggr_match_trees()
- wbia.other.ibsfuncs.create_new_imageset_from_images(ibs, gid_list, new_imgsetid=None)[source]
- Parameters
gid_list (list) –
- CommandLine:
python -m wbia.other.ibsfuncs –test-create_new_imageset_from_images
>>> # DISABLE_DOCTEST >>> from wbia.other.ibsfuncs import * # NOQA >>> import wbia >>> ibs = wbia.opendb('testdb1') >>> gid_list = ibs.get_valid_gids()[::2] >>> new_imgsetid = create_new_imageset_from_images(ibs, gid_list) >>> result = new_imgsetid >>> print(result)
- wbia.other.ibsfuncs.create_new_imageset_from_names(ibs, nid_list)[source]
- Parameters
nid_list (list) –
- CommandLine:
python -m wbia.other.ibsfuncs –test-create_new_imageset_from_names
>>> # ENABLE_DOCTEST >>> from wbia.other.ibsfuncs import * # NOQA >>> import wbia >>> ibs = wbia.opendb('testdb1') >>> nid_list = ibs._get_all_known_nids()[0:2] >>> new_imgsetid = ibs.create_new_imageset_from_names(nid_list) >>> # clean up >>> ibs.delete_imagesets(new_imgsetid) >>> result = new_imgsetid >>> print(result)
- wbia.other.ibsfuncs.delete_all_annotations(ibs)[source]
Carefull with this function. Annotations are not recomputable
- wbia.other.ibsfuncs.delete_all_recomputable_data(ibs)[source]
Delete all cached data including chips and imagesets
- wbia.other.ibsfuncs.delete_cache(ibs, delete_imagesets=False)[source]
Deletes the cache directory in the database directory. Can specify to delete encoutners as well.
- CommandLine:
python -m wbia delete_cache –db testdb1
>>> # SCRIPT >>> import wbia >>> ibs = wbia.opendb() >>> result = ibs.delete_cache()
- wbia.other.ibsfuncs.delete_cachedir(ibs)[source]
Deletes the cache directory in the database directory.
- CommandLine:
python -m wbia.other.ibsfuncs delete_cachedir python -m wbia delete_cachedir –db testdb1
>>> # SCRIPT >>> import wbia >>> ibs = wbia.opendb() >>> result = ibs.delete_cachedir()
- wbia.other.ibsfuncs.delete_qres_cache(ibs)[source]
- Parameters
ibs (IBEISController) – wbia controller object
- CommandLine:
python -m wbia –tf delete_qres_cache python -m wbia –tf delete_qres_cache –db PZ_MTEST python -m wbia –tf delete_qres_cache –db PZ_Master1
>>> # SCRIPT >>> from wbia.other.ibsfuncs import * # NOQA >>> import wbia >>> ibs = wbia.opendb(defaultdb='testdb1') >>> result = delete_qres_cache(ibs) >>> print(result)
- wbia.other.ibsfuncs.ensure_annotation_data(ibs, aid_list, chips=True, feats=True, featweights=False)[source]
- wbia.other.ibsfuncs.ensure_unix_gpaths(gpath_list)[source]
Asserts that all paths are given with forward slashes. If not it fixes them
- wbia.other.ibsfuncs.filter_aids_to_quality(ibs, aid_list, minqual, unknown_ok=True, speedhack=True)[source]
>>> import wbia >>> from wbia.other.ibsfuncs import * # NOQA >>> ibs = wbia.opendb(defaultdb='PZ_Master1') >>> aid_list = ibs.get_valid_aids() >>> minqual = 'good' >>> x1 = filter_aids_to_quality(ibs, aid_list, 'good', True, speedhack=True) >>> x2 = filter_aids_to_quality(ibs, aid_list, 'good', True, speedhack=False)
- wbia.other.ibsfuncs.filter_aids_to_species(ibs, aid_list, species, speedhack=True)[source]
- Parameters
ibs (IBEISController) – wbia controller object
aid_list (int) – list of annotation ids
species –
- Returns
- Return type
- CommandLine:
python -m wbia.other.ibsfuncs –exec-filter_aids_to_species
>>> # ENABLE_DOCTEST >>> from wbia.other.ibsfuncs import * # NOQA >>> import wbia >>> ibs = wbia.opendb(defaultdb='testdb1') >>> aid_list = ibs.get_valid_aids() >>> species = wbia.const.TEST_SPECIES.ZEB_GREVY >>> aid_list_ = filter_aids_to_species(ibs, aid_list, species) >>> result = 'aid_list_ = %r' % (aid_list_,) >>> print(result) aid_list_ = [9, 10]
- wbia.other.ibsfuncs.filter_aids_to_viewpoint(ibs, aid_list, valid_yaws, unknown_ok=True)[source]
Removes aids that do not have a valid yaw
TODO: rename to valid_viewpoint because this func uses category labels
valid_yaws = [‘primary’, ‘primary1’, ‘primary-1’]
- wbia.other.ibsfuncs.filter_aids_without_name(ibs, aid_list, invert=False, speedhack=True)[source]
Remove aids without names
>>> # ENABLE_DOCTEST >>> import wbia >>> from wbia.other.ibsfuncs import * # NOQA >>> ibs = wbia.opendb(defaultdb='testdb1') >>> aid_list = ibs.get_valid_aids() >>> annots = ibs.annots(aid_list) >>> aid_list1_ = ibs.filter_aids_without_name(aid_list) >>> aid_list2_ = ibs.filter_aids_without_name(aid_list, invert=True) >>> annots1_ = ibs.annots(aid_list1_) >>> annots2_ = ibs.annots(aid_list2_) >>> assert len(annots1_) + len(annots2_) == len(annots) >>> assert np.all(np.array(annots1_.nids) > 0) >>> assert len(annots1_) == 9 >>> assert np.all(np.array(annots2_.nids) < 0) >>> assert len(annots2_) == 4
- wbia.other.ibsfuncs.filter_aids_without_timestamps(ibs, aid_list, invert=False)[source]
Removes aids without timestamps aid_list = ibs.get_valid_aids()
- wbia.other.ibsfuncs.filter_annots_using_minimum_timedelta(ibs, aid_list, min_timedelta)[source]
Uses a dynamic program to find the maximum number of annotations that are above the minimum timedelta requirement.
- Parameters
ibs (IBEISController) – wbia controller object
aid_list –
min_timedelta –
- CommandLine:
python -m wbia.other.ibsfuncs –exec-filter_annots_using_minimum_timedelta python -m wbia.other.ibsfuncs –exec-filter_annots_using_minimum_timedelta –db PZ_Master1
>>> # ENABLE_DOCTEST >>> from wbia.other.ibsfuncs import * # NOQA >>> import wbia >>> ibs = wbia.opendb(defaultdb='PZ_MTEST') >>> aid_list = ibs.get_valid_aids() >>> aid_list = ibs.filter_aids_without_timestamps(aid_list) >>> print('Before') >>> ibs.print_annot_stats(aid_list, min_name_hourdist=True) >>> min_timedelta = 60 * 60 * 24 >>> filtered_aids = filter_annots_using_minimum_timedelta(ibs, aid_list, min_timedelta) >>> print('After') >>> ibs.print_annot_stats(filtered_aids, min_name_hourdist=True) >>> ut.quit_if_noshow() >>> wbia.other.dbinfo.hackshow_names(ibs, aid_list) >>> wbia.other.dbinfo.hackshow_names(ibs, filtered_aids) >>> ut.show_if_requested()
- wbia.other.ibsfuncs.filter_junk_annotations(ibs, aid_list)[source]
remove junk annotations from a list
- Parameters
ibs (IBEISController) – wbia controller object
aid_list (int) – list of annotation ids
- Returns
- Return type
>>> # ENABLE_DOCTEST >>> from wbia.other.ibsfuncs import * # NOQA >>> import wbia >>> ibs = wbia.opendb('testdb1') >>> aid_list = ibs.get_valid_aids() >>> filtered_aid_list = filter_junk_annotations(ibs, aid_list) >>> result = str(filtered_aid_list) >>> print(result)
- wbia.other.ibsfuncs.find_unlabeled_name_members(ibs, **kwargs)[source]
Find annots where some members of a name have information but others do not.
- Parameters
ibs (IBEISController) – wbia controller object
- CommandLine:
python -m wbia.other.ibsfuncs –exec-find_unlabeled_name_members –qual
>>> # SCRIPT >>> from wbia.other.ibsfuncs import * # NOQA >>> import wbia >>> ibs = wbia.opendb(defaultdb='PZ_Master1') >>> defaultdict = dict(ut.parse_func_kwarg_keys(find_unlabeled_name_members, with_vals=True)) >>> kwargs = ut.argparse_dict(defaultdict) >>> result = find_unlabeled_name_members(ibs, **kwargs) >>> print(result)
- wbia.other.ibsfuncs.fix_and_clean_database(ibs)[source]
Function to run all database cleanup scripts
Rename to run_cleanup_scripts
- Break into two funcs:
run_cleanup_scripts run_fixit_scripts
check that annotmatches marked as False do not have the same name for similar viewpoints.
check that photobombs are have different names
warn if scenery matches have the same name
- wbia.other.ibsfuncs.fix_exif_data(ibs, gid_list)[source]
- Parameters
ibs (IBEISController) – wbia controller object
gid_list (list) – list of image ids
- CommandLine:
python -m wbia.other.ibsfuncs –exec-fix_exif_data
>>> # DISABLE_DOCTEST >>> from wbia.other.ibsfuncs import * # NOQA >>> import wbia >>> ibs = wbia.opendb(defaultdb='lynx') >>> gid_list = ibs.get_valid_gids() >>> result = fix_exif_data(ibs, gid_list) >>> print(result)
- wbia.other.ibsfuncs.fix_invalid_name_texts(ibs)[source]
Ensure that no name text is empty or ‘____’
- Parameters
ibs (IBEISController) – wbia controller object
- CommandLine:
python -m wbia.other.ibsfuncs –test-fix_invalid_names
>>> # ENABLE_DOCTEST >>> from wbia.other.ibsfuncs import * # NOQA >>> import wbia # NOQA >>> ibs = wbia.opendb('testdb1') >>> result = fix_invalid_name_texts(ibs) >>> print(result)
ibs.set_name_texts(nid_list[3], ‘____’) ibs.set_name_texts(nid_list[2], ‘’)
- wbia.other.ibsfuncs.fix_invalid_nids(ibs)[source]
Make sure that all rowids are greater than 0
We can only handle there being a name with rowid 0 if it is UNKNOWN. In this case we safely delete it, but anything more complicated needs to be handled anually
- Parameters
ibs (IBEISController) – wbia controller object
- CommandLine:
python -m wbia.other.ibsfuncs –test-fix_invalid_nids
>>> # ENABLE_DOCTEST >>> from wbia.other.ibsfuncs import * # NOQA >>> import wbia # NOQA >>> ibs = wbia.opendb('testdb1') >>> result = fix_invalid_nids(ibs) >>> print(result)
- wbia.other.ibsfuncs.fix_remove_visual_dupliate_annotations(ibs)[source]
depricate because duplicate visual_uuids are no longer allowed to be duplicates
Add to clean database?
removes visually duplicate annotations
- Parameters
ibs (IBEISController) –
>>> # DISABLE_DOCTEST >>> from wbia.other.ibsfuncs import * # NOQA >>> import wbia # NOQA >>> ibs = wbia.opendb('GZ_ALL') >>> fix_remove_visual_dupliate_annotations(ibs)
- wbia.other.ibsfuncs.fix_unknown_exemplars(ibs)[source]
Goes through all of the annotations, and sets their exemplar flag to 0 if it is associated with an unknown annotation
- wbia.other.ibsfuncs.flag_aids_count(ibs, aid_list)[source]
- Parameters
- Returns
- Return type
- CommandLine:
python -m wbia.other.ibsfuncs –test-flag_aids_count
>>> # ENABLE_DOCTEST >>> from wbia.other.ibsfuncs import * # NOQA >>> import wbia >>> ibs = wbia.opendb('testdb1') >>> aid_list = ibs.get_valid_aids() >>> gzc_flag_list = flag_aids_count(ibs, aid_list) >>> result = gzc_flag_list >>> print(result) [False, True, False, False, True, False, True, True, False, True, False, True, True]
- wbia.other.ibsfuncs.get_annot_been_adjusted(ibs, aid_list)[source]
Returns if a bounding box has been adjusted from defaults set in use_images_as_annotations Very hacky very heurstic.
- wbia.other.ibsfuncs.get_annot_encounter_text(ibs, aids)[source]
Encounter identifier for annotations
- wbia.other.ibsfuncs.get_annot_info(ibs, aid_list, default=False, reference_aid=None, **kwargs)[source]
- Parameters
- Returns
- Return type
- CommandLine:
python -m wbia.other.ibsfuncs –exec-get_annot_info –tb
>>> # ENABLE_DOCTEST >>> from wbia.other.ibsfuncs import * # NOQA >>> import wbia >>> ibs = wbia.opendb(defaultdb='testdb1') >>> aid_list = ibs.get_valid_aids()[0:2] >>> default = True >>> infodict_list = ibs.get_annot_info(1, default) >>> result = ('infodict_list = %s' % (ut.repr2(infodict_list, nl=4),)) >>> print(result)
- wbia.other.ibsfuncs.get_annot_intermediate_viewpoint_stats(ibs, aids, size=2)[source]
>>> from wbia.other.ibsfuncs import * # NOQA >>> aids = available_aids
- wbia.other.ibsfuncs.get_annot_lazy_dict(ibs, aid, config2_=None)[source]
- Parameters
- Returns
- Return type
- CommandLine:
python -m wbia.other.ibsfuncs –exec-get_annot_lazy_dict –show
>>> # ENABLE_DOCTEST >>> from wbia.other.ibsfuncs import * # NOQA >>> import wbia >>> ibs = wbia.opendb(defaultdb='testdb1') >>> aid = 1 >>> config2_ = None >>> metadata = get_annot_lazy_dict(ibs, aid, config2_) >>> result = ('metadata = %s' % (ut.repr3(metadata),)) >>> print(result)
- wbia.other.ibsfuncs.get_annot_lazy_dict2(ibs, aid, config=None)[source]
DEPRICATE FOR ibs.annots
- Parameters
- Returns
- Return type
- CommandLine:
python -m wbia.other.ibsfuncs –exec-get_annot_lazy_dict2 –show
>>> # ENABLE_DOCTEST >>> from wbia.other.ibsfuncs import * # NOQA >>> import wbia >>> ibs = wbia.opendb(defaultdb='testdb1') >>> aid = 1 >>> config = {'dim_size': 450} >>> metadata = get_annot_lazy_dict2(ibs, aid, config) >>> result = ('metadata = %s' % (ut.repr3(metadata),)) >>> print(result)
- wbia.other.ibsfuncs.get_annot_occurrence_text(ibs, aids)[source]
Occurrence identifier for annotations
- Parameters
ibs (wbia.IBEISController) – image analysis api
aids (list) – list of annotation rowids
- Returns
- Return type
- CommandLine:
python -m wbia.other.ibsfuncs get_annot_occurrence_text –show
>>> # ENABLE_DOCTEST >>> from wbia.other.ibsfuncs import * # NOQA >>> import wbia >>> ibs = wbia.opendb(defaultdb='testdb1') >>> aids = ibs.get_valid_aids() >>> occur_texts = get_annot_occurrence_text(ibs, aids) >>> result = ('occur_texts = %s' % (ut.repr2(occur_texts),)) >>> print(result)
- wbia.other.ibsfuncs.get_annot_pair_lazy_dict(ibs, qaid, daid, qconfig2_=None, dconfig2_=None)[source]
- Parameters
- CommandLine:
python -m wbia.other.ibsfuncs –exec-get_annot_pair_lazy_dict
>>> # DISABLE_DOCTEST >>> from wbia.other.ibsfuncs import * # NOQA >>> import wbia >>> ibs = wbia.opendb(defaultdb='testdb1') >>> qaid, daid = ibs.get_valid_aids()[0:2] >>> qconfig2_ = None >>> dconfig2_ = None >>> result = get_annot_pair_lazy_dict(ibs, qaid, daid, qconfig2_, dconfig2_) >>> print(result)
- wbia.other.ibsfuncs.get_annot_quality_viewpoint_subset(ibs, aid_list=None, annots_per_view=2, max_annots=None, verbose=False, prog_hook=None, allow_unknown=False)[source]
- CommandLine:
python -m wbia.other.ibsfuncs –exec-get_annot_quality_viewpoint_subset –show
>>> # ENABLE_DOCTEST >>> from wbia.other.ibsfuncs import * # NOQA >>> import wbia >>> ut.exec_funckw(get_annot_quality_viewpoint_subset, globals()) >>> ibs = wbia.opendb('testdb2') >>> new_flag_list = get_annot_quality_viewpoint_subset(ibs) >>> result = sum(new_flag_list) >>> print(result) 38
>>> # ENABLE_DOCTEST >>> from wbia.other.ibsfuncs import * # NOQA >>> import wbia >>> ut.exec_funckw(get_annot_quality_viewpoint_subset, globals()) >>> ibs = wbia.opendb('testdb1') >>> aid_list = [1] >>> new_flag_list = get_annot_quality_viewpoint_subset(ibs, aid_list, allow_unknown=True) >>> result = sum(new_flag_list) >>> print(result) 1
- wbia.other.ibsfuncs.get_annot_stats_dict(ibs, aids, prefix='', forceall=False, old=True, use_hist=False, **kwargs)[source]
stats for a set of annots
- Parameters
- Kwargs:
hashid, per_name, per_qual, per_vp, per_name_vpedge, per_image, min_name_hourdist
- Returns
- Return type
- CommandLine:
python -m wbia get_annot_stats_dict –db WWF_Lynx –all python -m wbia get_annot_stats_dict –db EWT_Cheetahs –all python -m wbia get_annot_stats_dict –db PZ_PB_RF_TRAIN –all python -m wbia get_annot_stats_dict –db PZ_Master1 –all
python -m wbia.other.ibsfuncs –exec-get_annot_stats_dict python -m wbia.other.ibsfuncs –exec-get_annot_stats_dict –db PZ_PB_RF_TRAIN –use-hist=True –old=False –per_name_vpedge=False python -m wbia.other.ibsfuncs –exec-get_annot_stats_dict –db PZ_PB_RF_TRAIN –use-hist=False –old=False –per_name_vpedge=False
python -m wbia.other.ibsfuncs –exec-get_annot_stats_dict –db PZ_MTEST –use-hist –per_name_vpedge=False python -m wbia.other.ibsfuncs –exec-get_annot_stats_dict –db PZ_MTEST –use-hist –per_name_vpedge=False
python -m wbia.other.ibsfuncs –exec-get_annot_stats_dict –db PZ_Master1 –per_name_vpedge=True python -m wbia.other.ibsfuncs –exec-get_annot_stats_dict –db PZ_Master1 –min_name_hourdist=True python -m wbia.other.ibsfuncs –exec-get_annot_stats_dict –db GZ_ALL –min_name_hourdist=True –all python -m wbia.other.ibsfuncs –exec-get_annot_stats_dict –db GZ_Master1 –all python -m wbia.other.ibsfuncs –exec-get_annot_stats_dict –db PZ_Master1 –min_name_hourdist=True –all python -m wbia.other.ibsfuncs –exec-get_annot_stats_dict –db NNP_MasterGIRM_core –min_name_hourdist=True –all
>>> # ENABLE_DOCTEST >>> from wbia.other.ibsfuncs import * # NOQA >>> import wbia >>> ibs = wbia.opendb(defaultdb='testdb1') >>> aids = ibs.annots().aids >>> stats = ibs.get_annot_stats_dict(aids) >>> import ubelt as ub >>> print('annot_stats = {}'.format(ub.repr2(stats, nl=1)))
>>> # ENABLE_DOCTEST >>> from wbia.other.ibsfuncs import * # NOQA >>> import wbia >>> ibs = wbia.opendb(defaultdb='testdb1') >>> aids = wbia.testdata_aids(ibs=ibs) >>> prefix = '' >>> kwkeys = ut.parse_func_kwarg_keys(get_annot_stats_dict) >>> #default = True if ut.get_argflag('--all') else None >>> default = None if ut.get_argflag('--notall') else True >>> kwargs = ut.argparse_dict(dict(zip(kwkeys, [default] * len(kwkeys)))) >>> #ut.argparse_funckw(ibs.get_annot_stats_dict) >>> print('kwargs = %r' % (kwargs,)) >>> old = ut.get_argval('--old', default=True) >>> use_hist = ut.get_argval('--use_hist', default=True) >>> aid_stats_dict = get_annot_stats_dict(ibs, aids, prefix, use_hist=use_hist, old=old, **kwargs) >>> result = ('aid_stats_dict = %s' % (ub.repr2(aid_stats_dict, strkeys=True, strvals=True, nl=2, precision=2),)) >>> print(result)
- wbia.other.ibsfuncs.get_annotconfig_stats(ibs, qaids, daids, verbose=False, combined=False, combo_gt_info=True, combo_enc_info=False, combo_dists=True, split_matchable_data=True, **kwargs)[source]
Gets statistics about a query / database set of annotations
TODO: this function should return non-string values in dictionaries. The print function should do string conversions
- Parameters
- SeeAlso:
wbia.dbinfo.print_qd_info ibs.get_annot_stats_dict ibs.print_annotconfig_stats(qaid_list, daid_list)
- CommandLine:
python -m wbia.other.ibsfuncs get_annotconfig_stats –db PZ_MTEST -a default python -m wbia.other.ibsfuncs get_annotconfig_stats –db testdb1 -a default python -m wbia.other.ibsfuncs get_annotconfig_stats –db PZ_MTEST -a controlled python -m wbia.other.ibsfuncs get_annotconfig_stats –db PZ_FlankHack -a default:qaids=allgt python -m wbia.other.ibsfuncs get_annotconfig_stats –db PZ_MTEST -a controlled:per_name=2,min_gt=4
>>> # ENABLE_DOCTEST >>> from wbia.other.ibsfuncs import * # NOQA >>> from wbia.init import main_helpers >>> kwargs = {'per_enc': True, 'enc_per_name': True} >>> ibs, qaids, daids = main_helpers.testdata_expanded_aids( ... defaultdb='testdb1', a='default:qsize=3') >>> stat_dict = get_annotconfig_stats(ibs, qaids, daids, **kwargs) >>> stats_str2 = ut.repr2(stat_dict, si=True, nl=True, nobr=False) >>> print(stats_str2)
- wbia.other.ibsfuncs.get_consecutive_newname_list_via_species(ibs, imgsetid=None, location_text=None, wildbook_existing_name_list=[])[source]
Just creates the nams, but does not set them
- Parameters
ibs (IBEISController) – wbia controller object
- CommandLine:
python -m wbia.other.ibsfuncs –test-get_consecutive_newname_list_via_species
>>> # ENABLE_DOCTEST >>> from wbia.other.ibsfuncs import * # NOQA >>> import wbia >>> ibs = wbia.opendb('testdb1') >>> ibs._clean_species() >>> imgsetid = None >>> new_nid_list, new_name_list = get_consecutive_newname_list_via_species(ibs, imgsetid=imgsetid) >>> result = ut.repr2((new_nid_list, new_name_list), nl=1) >>> print(result) ( [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7], ['IBEIS_PZ_0001', 'IBEIS_PZ_0002', 'IBEIS_UNKNOWN_0001', 'IBEIS_UNKNOWN_0002', 'IBEIS_GZ_0001', 'IBEIS_PB_0001', 'IBEIS_UNKNOWN_0003'], )
>>> # ENABLE_DOCTEST >>> from wbia.other.ibsfuncs import * # NOQA >>> import wbia >>> ibs = wbia.opendb('testdb1') >>> ibs._clean_species() >>> ibs.delete_all_imagesets() >>> ibs.compute_occurrences(config={'use_gps': False, 'seconds_thresh': 600}) >>> imgsetid = ibs.get_valid_imgsetids()[1] >>> new_nid_list, new_name_list = get_consecutive_newname_list_via_species(ibs, imgsetid=imgsetid) >>> result = ut.repr2((new_nid_list, new_name_list), nl=1) >>> print(result) ( [4, 5, 6, 7], ['IBEIS_UNKNOWN_Occurrence_1_0001', 'IBEIS_GZ_Occurrence_1_0001', 'IBEIS_PB_Occurrence_1_0001', 'IBEIS_UNKNOWN_Occurrence_1_0002'], )
- wbia.other.ibsfuncs.get_database_species(ibs, aid_list=None)[source]
- CommandLine:
python -m wbia.other.ibsfuncs –test-get_database_species
>>> # ENABLE_DOCTEST >>> from wbia.other.ibsfuncs import * # NOQA >>> import wbia # NOQA >>> ibs = wbia.opendb('testdb1') >>> result = ut.repr2(ibs.get_database_species(), nl=False) >>> print(result) ['____', 'bear_polar', 'zebra_grevys', 'zebra_plains']
>>> # ENABLE_DOCTEST >>> from wbia.other.ibsfuncs import * # NOQA >>> import wbia # NOQA >>> ibs = wbia.opendb('PZ_MTEST') >>> result = ut.repr2(ibs.get_database_species(), nl=False) >>> print(result) ['zebra_plains']
- wbia.other.ibsfuncs.get_database_species_count(ibs, aid_list=None, BATCH_SIZE=25000)[source]
- CommandLine:
python -m wbia.other.ibsfuncs –test-get_database_species_count
>>> # ENABLE_DOCTEST >>> from wbia.other.ibsfuncs import * # NOQA >>> import wbia # NOQA >>> #print(ut.repr2(wbia.opendb('PZ_Master0').get_database_species_count())) >>> ibs = wbia.opendb('testdb1') >>> result = ut.repr2(ibs.get_database_species_count(BATCH_SIZE=2), nl=False) >>> print(result) {'zebra_plains': 6, '____': 3, 'zebra_grevys': 2, 'bear_polar': 2}
- wbia.other.ibsfuncs.get_dominant_species(ibs, aid_list)[source]
- Parameters
aid_list (int) – list of annotation ids
- CommandLine:
python -m wbia.other.ibsfuncs –test-get_dominant_species
>>> # ENABLE_DOCTEST >>> from wbia.other.ibsfuncs import * # NOQA >>> import wbia >>> ibs = wbia.opendb('testdb1') >>> aid_list = ibs.get_valid_aids() >>> result = get_dominant_species(ibs, aid_list) >>> print(result) zebra_plains
- wbia.other.ibsfuncs.get_extended_viewpoints(base_yaw_text, towards='front', num1=0, num2=None, include_base=True)[source]
Given a viewpoint returns the acceptable viewpoints around it
>>> # ENABLE_DOCTEST >>> from wbia.other.ibsfuncs import * # NOQA >>> yaw_text_list = ['left', 'right', 'back', 'front'] >>> towards = 'front' >>> num1 = 1 >>> num2 = 0 >>> include_base = False >>> extended_yaws_list = [get_extended_viewpoints(base_yaw_text, towards, num1, num2, include_base) >>> for base_yaw_text in yaw_text_list] >>> result = ('extended_yaws_list = %s' % (ut.repr2(extended_yaws_list),)) >>> print(result) extended_yaws_list = [['frontleft'], ['frontright'], ['backleft'], ['frontleft']]
- wbia.other.ibsfuncs.get_image_lazydict(ibs, gid, config=None)[source]
- Parameters
- Returns
- Return type
- CommandLine:
python -m wbia.other.ibsfuncs –exec-get_annot_lazy_dict2 –show
>>> # ENABLE_DOCTEST >>> from wbia.other.ibsfuncs import * # NOQA >>> import wbia >>> ibs = wbia.opendb(defaultdb='testdb1') >>> gid = 1
- wbia.other.ibsfuncs.get_infostr(ibs)[source]
Returns sort printable database information
- Parameters
ibs (IBEISController) – wbia controller object
- Returns
- Return type
- wbia.other.ibsfuncs.get_missing_gids(ibs, gid_list=None)[source]
Finds gids with broken links to the original data.
- Parameters
ibs (IBEISController) – wbia controller object
gid_list (list) – (default = None)
- CommandLine:
python -m wbia.other.ibsfuncs –exec-get_missing_gids –db GZ_Master1
>>> # ENABLE_DOCTEST >>> from wbia.other.ibsfuncs import * # NOQA >>> import wbia >>> ibs = wbia.opendb(defaultdb='testdb1') >>> #ibs = wbia.opendb('GZ_Master1') >>> gid_list = ibs.get_valid_gids() >>> bad_gids = ibs.get_missing_gids(gid_list) >>> print('#bad_gids = %r / %r' % (len(bad_gids), len(gid_list)))
- wbia.other.ibsfuncs.get_num_annots_per_name(ibs, aid_list)[source]
Returns the number of annots per name (IN THIS LIST)
- Parameters
ibs (IBEISController) – wbia controller object
aid_list (int) – list of annotation ids
- CommandLine:
python -m wbia.other.ibsfuncs –exec-get_num_annots_per_name python -m wbia.other.ibsfuncs –exec-get_num_annots_per_name –db PZ_Master1
>>> # UNSTABLE_DOCTEST >>> from wbia.other.ibsfuncs import * # NOQA >>> import wbia >>> ibs = wbia.opendb(defaultdb='testdb1') >>> aid_list = ibs.get_valid_aids(is_known=True) >>> num_annots_per_name, unique_nids = get_num_annots_per_name(ibs, aid_list) >>> per_name_hist = ut.dict_hist(num_annots_per_name) >>> items = per_name_hist.items() >>> items = sorted(items)[::-1] >>> key_list = ut.get_list_column(items, 0) >>> val_list = ut.get_list_column(items, 1) >>> min_per_name = dict(zip(key_list, np.cumsum(val_list))) >>> result = ('per_name_hist = %s' % (ut.repr2(per_name_hist),)) >>> print(result) >>> print('min_per_name = %s' % (ut.repr2(min_per_name),)) per_name_hist = { 1: 5, 2: 2, }
- wbia.other.ibsfuncs.get_primary_database_species(ibs, aid_list=None, speedhack=True)[source]
- Parameters
aid_list (list) – list of annotation ids (default = None)
- CommandLine:
python -m wbia.other.ibsfuncs –test-get_primary_database_species
>>> # ENABLE_DOCTEST >>> from wbia.other.ibsfuncs import * # NOQA >>> import wbia >>> ibs = wbia.opendb(defaultdb='testdb1') >>> aid_list = None >>> primary_species = get_primary_database_species(ibs, aid_list) >>> result = primary_species >>> print('primary_species = %r' % (primary_species,)) >>> print(result) zebra_plains
- wbia.other.ibsfuncs.get_primary_species_viewpoint(species, plus=0)[source]
- Parameters
ibs (IBEISController) – wbia controller object
species –
- Returns
- Return type
- CommandLine:
python -m wbia.other.ibsfuncs –exec-get_primary_species_viewpoint
>>> # ENABLE_DOCTEST >>> from wbia.other.ibsfuncs import * # NOQA >>> import wbia >>> species = wbia.const.TEST_SPECIES.ZEB_PLAIN >>> aid_subset = get_primary_species_viewpoint(species, 0) >>> result = ('aid_subset = %s' % (str(aid_subset),)) >>> print(result) aid_subset = left
- wbia.other.ibsfuncs.get_quality_filterflags(ibs, aid_list, minqual, unknown_ok=True)[source]
- Parameters
- Returns
- Return type
- CommandLine:
python -m wbia.other.ibsfuncs –exec-get_quality_filterflags
>>> # DISABLE_DOCTEST >>> from wbia.other.ibsfuncs import * # NOQA >>> import wbia >>> ibs = wbia.opendb(defaultdb='testdb1') >>> aid_list = ibs.get_valid_aids()[0:20] >>> minqual = 'junk' >>> unknown_ok = False >>> qual_flags = list(get_quality_filterflags(ibs, aid_list, minqual, unknown_ok)) >>> result = ('qual_flags = %s' % (str(qual_flags),)) >>> print(result)
- wbia.other.ibsfuncs.get_two_annots_per_name_and_singletons(ibs, onlygt=False)[source]
makes controlled subset of data
Build data for experiment that tries to rule out as much bad data as possible
- Returns a controlled set of annotations that conforms to
number of annots per name
uniform species
viewpoint restrictions
quality restrictions
time delta restrictions
- CommandLine:
python -m wbia.other.ibsfuncs –test-get_two_annots_per_name_and_singletons python -m wbia.other.ibsfuncs –test-get_two_annots_per_name_and_singletons –db GZ_ALL python -m wbia.other.ibsfuncs –test-get_two_annots_per_name_and_singletons –db PZ_Master0 –onlygt
- Ignore:
sys.argv.extend([’–db’, ‘PZ_MTEST’])
>>> # DISABLE_DOCTEST >>> from wbia.other.ibsfuncs import * # NOQA >>> import wbia >>> ibs = wbia.opendb(defaultdb='PZ_Master0') >>> aid_subset = get_two_annots_per_name_and_singletons(ibs, onlygt=ut.get_argflag('--onlygt')) >>> wbia.other.dbinfo.get_dbinfo(ibs, aid_list=aid_subset, with_contrib=False) >>> result = str(aid_subset) >>> print(result)
- wbia.other.ibsfuncs.get_unflat_am_aidpairs(ibs, aids_list)[source]
Gets only aid pairs that have some reviewed/matched status
- wbia.other.ibsfuncs.get_unflat_annots_hourdists_list(ibs, aids_list)[source]
>>> # DISABLE_DOCTEST >>> from wbia.other.ibsfuncs import * # NOQA >>> ibs = testdata_ibs('testdb1') >>> nid_list = get_valid_multiton_nids_custom(ibs) >>> aids_list_ = ibs.get_name_aids(nid_list) >>> aids_list = [(aids) for aids in aids_list_] >>> ibs.get_unflat_annots_hourdists_list(aids_list)
- wbia.other.ibsfuncs.get_unflat_annots_speeds_list2(ibs, aids_list)[source]
much faster than original version
_ = ibs.get_unflat_annots_speeds_list2(aids_list)
%timeit ibs.get_unflat_annots_speeds_list(aids_list) 3.44 s per loop
%timeit ibs.get_unflat_annots_speeds_list2(aids_list) 665 ms per loop
%timeit ibs.get_unflat_annots_speeds_list(aids_list[0:1]) 12.8 ms %timeit ibs.get_unflat_annots_speeds_list2(aids_list[0:1]) 6.51 ms
assert ibs.get_unflat_annots_speeds_list([]) == ibs.get_unflat_annots_speeds_list2([])
ibs.get_unflat_annots_speeds_list([[]]) ibs.get_unflat_annots_speeds_list2([[]])
- wbia.other.ibsfuncs.get_unflat_annots_timedelta_list(ibs, aids_list)[source]
>>> # DISABLE_DOCTEST >>> from wbia.other.ibsfuncs import * # NOQA >>> ibs = testdata_ibs('NNP_Master3') >>> nid_list = get_valid_multiton_nids_custom(ibs) >>> aids_list_ = ibs.get_name_aids(nid_list) >>> aids_list = [(aids) for aids in aids_list_]
- wbia.other.ibsfuncs.get_unflat_case_tags(ibs, aids_list)[source]
Gets only aid pairs that have some reviewed/matched status
- wbia.other.ibsfuncs.get_ungrouped_gids(ibs)[source]
- CommandLine:
python -m wbia.other.ibsfuncs –test-get_ungrouped_gids
>>> # ENABLE_DOCTEST >>> from wbia.other.ibsfuncs import * # NOQA >>> import wbia # NOQA >>> ibs = wbia.opendb('testdb1') >>> ibs.delete_all_imagesets() >>> ibs.compute_occurrences(config={'use_gps': False, 'seconds_thresh': 600}) >>> ibs.update_special_imagesets() >>> # Now we want to remove some images from a non-special imageset >>> nonspecial_imgsetids = [i for i in ibs.get_valid_imgsetids() if i not in ibs.get_special_imgsetids()] >>> print("Nonspecial EIDs %r" % nonspecial_imgsetids) >>> images_to_remove = ibs.get_imageset_gids(nonspecial_imgsetids[0:1])[0][0:1] >>> print("Removing %r" % images_to_remove) >>> ibs.unrelate_images_and_imagesets(images_to_remove,nonspecial_imgsetids[0:1] * len(images_to_remove)) >>> ibs.update_special_imagesets() >>> ungr_imgsetid = ibs.get_imageset_imgsetids_from_text(const.UNGROUPED_IMAGES_IMAGESETTEXT) >>> print("Ungrouped gids %r" % ibs.get_ungrouped_gids()) >>> print("Ungrouped imgsetid %d contains %r" % (ungr_imgsetid, ibs.get_imageset_gids([ungr_imgsetid]))) >>> ungr_gids = ibs.get_imageset_gids([ungr_imgsetid])[0] >>> assert(sorted(images_to_remove) == sorted(ungr_gids))
- wbia.other.ibsfuncs.get_viewpoint_filterflags(ibs, aid_list, valid_yaws, unknown_ok=True, assume_unique=False)[source]
- Parameters
- Returns
aid_list - list of annotation ids
- Return type
- CommandLine:
python -m wbia.other.ibsfuncs –exec-get_viewpoint_filterflags python -m wbia.other.ibsfuncs –exec-get_viewpoint_filterflags –db NNP_Master3
>>> # DISABLE_DOCTEST >>> from wbia.other.ibsfuncs import * # NOQA >>> import wbia >>> ibs = wbia.opendb(defaultdb='Spotted_Dolfin_Master') >>> aid_list = ibs.get_valid_aids()[0:20] >>> valid_yaws = ['left'] >>> unknown_ok = False >>> yaw_flags = list(get_viewpoint_filterflags(ibs, aid_list, valid_yaws, unknown_ok)) >>> result = ('yaw_flags = %s' % (str(yaw_flags),)) >>> print(result)
- wbia.other.ibsfuncs.get_yaw_viewtexts(yaw_list)[source]
- Parameters
yaw_list (list of angles) –
- CommandLine:
python -m wbia.other.ibsfuncs –test-get_yaw_viewtexts
up, down, front, left, back, right, front-left, back-left, back-right, front-right, up-front, up-left, up-back, up-right, up-front-left, up-back-left, up-back-right, up-front-right, down-front, down-left, down-back, down-right, down-front-left, down-back-left, down-back-right, down-front-right,
>>> # ENABLE_DOCTEST >>> from wbia.other.ibsfuncs import * # NOQA >>> import numpy as np >>> yaw_list = [0.0, np.pi / 2, np.pi / 4, np.pi, 3.15, -.4, -8, .2, 4, 7, 20, None] >>> text_list = get_yaw_viewtexts(yaw_list) >>> result = ut.repr2(text_list, nl=False) >>> print(result) ['right', 'front', 'frontright', 'left', 'left', 'backright', 'back', 'right', 'backleft', 'frontright', 'frontright', None]
- wbia.other.ibsfuncs.group_annots_by_known_names(ibs, aid_list, checks=True)[source]
FIXME; rectify this #>>> import wbia # NOQA
- CommandLine:
python -m wbia.other.ibsfuncs –test-group_annots_by_known_names
>>> # ENABLE_DOCTEST >>> from wbia.other.ibsfuncs import * # NOQA >>> import wbia >>> ibs = wbia.opendb(db='testdb1') >>> aid_list = ibs.get_valid_aids() >>> [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13] >>> known_aids_list, unknown_aids = group_annots_by_known_names(ibs, aid_list) >>> result = ut.repr2(sorted(known_aids_list)) + '\n' >>> result += ut.repr2(unknown_aids) >>> print(result) [[2, 3], [5, 6], [7], [8], [10], [12], [13]] [11, 9, 4, 1]
- wbia.other.ibsfuncs.group_annots_by_multi_prop(ibs, aids, getter_list)[source]
Performs heirachical grouping of annotations based on properties
- Parameters
- Returns
- Return type
- CommandLine:
python -m wbia.other.ibsfuncs –exec-group_annots_by_multi_prop –db PZ_Master1 –props=viewpoint_code,name_rowids –keys1 frontleft python -m wbia.other.ibsfuncs –exec-group_annots_by_multi_prop
>>> # DISABLE_DOCTEST >>> from wbia.other.ibsfuncs import * # NOQA >>> import wbia >>> ibs = wbia.opendb(defaultdb='testdb1') >>> aids = ibs.get_valid_aids(is_known=True) >>> #getter_list = [ibs.get_annot_name_rowids, ibs.get_annot_viewpoints] >>> props = ut.get_argval('--props', type_=list, default=['viewpoint_code', 'name_rowids']) >>> getter_list = [getattr(ibs, 'get_annot_' + prop) for prop in props] >>> print('getter_list = %r' % (getter_list,)) >>> #getter_list = [ibs.get_annot_viewpoints, ibs.get_annot_name_rowids] >>> multiprop2_aids = group_annots_by_multi_prop(ibs, aids, getter_list) >>> get_dict_values = lambda x: list(x.values()) >>> # a bit convoluted >>> keys1 = ut.get_argval('--keys1', type_=list, default=list(multiprop2_aids.keys())) >>> multiprop2_num_aids = ut.hmap_vals(len, multiprop2_aids) >>> prop2_num_aids = ut.hmap_vals(get_dict_values, multiprop2_num_aids, max_depth=len(props) - 2) >>> #prop2_num_aids_stats = ut.hmap_vals(ut.get_stats, prop2_num_aids) >>> prop2_num_aids_hist = ut.hmap_vals(ut.dict_hist, prop2_num_aids) >>> prop2_num_aids_cumhist = ut.map_dict_vals(ut.dict_hist_cumsum, prop2_num_aids_hist) >>> print('prop2_num_aids_hist[%s] = %s' % (keys1, ut.repr2(ut.dict_subset(prop2_num_aids_hist, keys1)))) >>> print('prop2_num_aids_cumhist[%s] = %s' % (keys1, ut.repr2(ut.dict_subset(prop2_num_aids_cumhist, keys1))))
- wbia.other.ibsfuncs.group_annots_by_name(ibs, aid_list, distinguish_unknowns=True, assume_unique=False)[source]
This function is probably the fastest of its siblings
- Parameters
- Returns
grouped_aids, unique_nids
- Return type
- CommandLine:
python -m wbia.other.ibsfuncs –test-group_annots_by_name
>>> # ENABLE_DOCTEST >>> from wbia.other.ibsfuncs import * # NOQA >>> import wbia >>> ibs = wbia.opendb('testdb1') >>> aid_list = ibs.get_valid_aids() >>> distinguish_unknowns = True >>> grouped_aids, unique_nids = group_annots_by_name(ibs, aid_list, distinguish_unknowns) >>> result = str([aids.tolist() for aids in grouped_aids]) >>> result += '\n' + str(unique_nids.tolist()) >>> print(result) [[11], [9], [4], [1], [2, 3], [5, 6], [7], [8], [10], [12], [13]] [-11, -9, -4, -1, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7]
- wbia.other.ibsfuncs.group_prop_edges(prop2_nid2_aids, prop_basis, size=2, wrap=True)[source]
from wbia.other.ibsfuncs import * # NOQA getter_func = ibs.get_annot_viewpoints prop_basis = list(const.VIEWTEXT_TO_YAW_RADIANS.keys()) size = 2 wrap = True
- wbia.other.ibsfuncs.inspect_ggr_qr_codes(ibs, *args, **kwargs)[source]
Inspect QR codes in each imageset.
- Parameters
ibs (IBEISController) – wbia controller object
imageset_rowid_list (list) – imageset rowid list
- CommandLine:
python -m wbia.other.ibsfuncs inspect_ggr_qr_codes
>>> # DISABLE_DOCTEST >>> from wbia.other.ibsfuncs import * # NOQA >>> import wbia # NOQA >>> default_dbdir = join('/', 'data', 'wbia', 'GGR2-IBEIS') >>> dbdir = ut.get_argval('--dbdir', type_=str, default=default_dbdir) >>> ibs = wbia.opendb(dbdir=dbdir) >>> ibs.inspect_ggr_qr_codes()
- wbia.other.ibsfuncs.inspect_nonzero_yaws(ibs)[source]
python dev.py –dbdir /raid/work2/PZ_Master –cmd –show
- wbia.other.ibsfuncs.is_aid_unknown(ibs, aid_list)[source]
Returns if an annotation has been given a name (even if that name is temporary)
- wbia.other.ibsfuncs.lookup_annot_vecs_subset(ibs, unflat_aids, unflat_fxs, annots=None, config2_=None)[source]
unflat_aids = naids_list unflat_fxs = nfxs_list annots = data_annots config2_ = data_config2_
unflat_aids = cm.filtnorm_aids[0] unflat_fxs = cm.filtnorm_fxs[0]
- wbia.other.ibsfuncs.make_next_imageset_text(ibs)[source]
Creates what the next imageset name would be but does not add it to the database
- Parameters
ibs (IBEISController) – wbia controller object
- CommandLine:
python -m wbia.other.ibsfuncs –test-make_next_imageset_text
>>> # ENABLE_DOCTEST >>> from wbia.other.ibsfuncs import * # NOQA >>> import wbia >>> ibs = wbia.opendb('testdb1') >>> new_imagesettext = make_next_imageset_text(ibs) >>> result = new_imagesettext >>> print(result) New ImageSet 0
- wbia.other.ibsfuncs.make_next_name(ibs, num=None, str_format=2, species_text=None, location_text=None)[source]
Creates a number of names which are not in the database, but does not add them
- Parameters
- Returns
- Return type
- CommandLine:
python -m wbia.other.ibsfuncs –test-make_next_name
>>> # ENABLE_DOCTEST >>> from wbia.other.ibsfuncs import * # NOQA >>> import wbia >>> ibs1 = wbia.opendb('testdb1') >>> ibs2 = wbia.opendb('PZ_MTEST') >>> ibs3 = wbia.opendb('NAUT_test') >>> ibs1._clean_species() >>> ibs2._clean_species() >>> ibs3._clean_species() >>> num = None >>> str_format = 2 >>> next_name1 = make_next_name(ibs1, num, str_format) >>> next_name2 = make_next_name(ibs2, num, str_format) >>> next_name3 = make_next_name(ibs3, num, str_format) >>> next_name4 = make_next_name(ibs1, num, str_format, const.TEST_SPECIES.ZEB_GREVY) >>> name_list = [next_name1, next_name2, next_name3, next_name4] >>> next_name_list1 = make_next_name(ibs2, 5, str_format) >>> temp_nids = ibs2.add_names(['WBIA_PZ_0045', 'WBIA_PZ_0048']) >>> next_name_list2 = make_next_name(ibs2, 5, str_format) >>> ibs2.delete_names(temp_nids) >>> next_name_list3 = make_next_name(ibs2, 5, str_format) >>> # FIXME: nautiluses are not working right >>> names = (name_list, next_name_list1, next_name_list2, next_name_list3) >>> result = ut.repr4(names) >>> print(result) ( ['IBEIS_UNKNOWN_0008', 'IBEIS_UNKNOWN_0042', 'IBEIS_UNKNOWN_0004', 'IBEIS_GZ_0008'], ['IBEIS_UNKNOWN_0042', 'IBEIS_UNKNOWN_0043', 'IBEIS_UNKNOWN_0044', 'IBEIS_UNKNOWN_0045', 'IBEIS_UNKNOWN_0046'], ['IBEIS_UNKNOWN_0044', 'IBEIS_UNKNOWN_0045', 'IBEIS_UNKNOWN_0046', 'IBEIS_UNKNOWN_0047', 'IBEIS_UNKNOWN_0048'], ['IBEIS_UNKNOWN_0042', 'IBEIS_UNKNOWN_0043', 'IBEIS_UNKNOWN_0044', 'IBEIS_UNKNOWN_0045', 'IBEIS_UNKNOWN_0046'], )
- wbia.other.ibsfuncs.make_next_nids(ibs, num=None, str_format=2, species_text=None, location_text=None)[source]
makes name and adds it to the database returning the newly added name rowid(s)
CAUTION; changes database state
- SeeAlso:
- wbia.other.ibsfuncs.merge_ggr_staged_annots(ibs, min_overlap=0.25, reviews_required=3, liberal_aoi=False)[source]
Merge the staged annotations into a single set of actual annotations (with AoI)
- Parameters
ibs (IBEISController) – wbia controller object
- CommandLine:
python -m wbia.other.ibsfuncs merge_ggr_staged_annots
>>> # DISABLE_DOCTEST >>> from wbia.other.ibsfuncs import * # NOQA >>> from os.path import expanduser >>> import wbia # NOQA >>> # default_dbdir = join('/', 'data', 'wbia', 'GGR2-IBEIS') >>> default_dbdir = expanduser(join('~', 'data', 'GGR2-IBEIS')) >>> dbdir = ut.get_argval('--dbdir', type_=str, default=default_dbdir) >>> ibs = wbia.opendb(dbdir=dbdir) >>> new_aid_list, broken_gid_list = ibs.merge_ggr_staged_annots() >>> print('Encountered %d invalid gids: %r' % (len(broken_gid_list), broken_gid_list, ))
- wbia.other.ibsfuncs.merge_ggr_staged_annots_cluster(ibs, user_id_list, user_dict, aid_list, index_list, min_overlap=0.25)[source]
- wbia.other.ibsfuncs.merge_ggr_staged_annots_marriage(ibs, user_id_list, user_dict, aid_list, index_list, min_overlap=0.1)[source]
- wbia.other.ibsfuncs.merge_names(ibs, merge_name, other_names)[source]
- CommandLine:
python -m wbia.other.ibsfuncs –test-merge_names
>>> # DISABLE_DOCTEST >>> from wbia.other.ibsfuncs import * # NOQA >>> import wbia # NOQA >>> ibs = wbia.opendb('testdb1') >>> merge_name = 'zebra' >>> other_names = ['occl', 'jeff'] >>> result = merge_names(ibs, merge_name, other_names) >>> print(result) >>> ibs.print_names_table()
- wbia.other.ibsfuncs.new_imagesets_from_images(ibs, gids_list)[source]
- Parameters
gids_list (list) –
- wbia.other.ibsfuncs.nms_boxes(ibs, indices, bboxes, thetas, confs, classes, nms_thresh=0.2, nms_aware=None, verbose=False, **kwargs)[source]
- wbia.other.ibsfuncs.overwrite_ggr_unixtimes_from_gps(ibs, gmt_offset=3.0, *args, **kwargs)[source]
Sync image time offsets using QR codes sync data
- Parameters
ibs (IBEISController) – wbia controller object
- CommandLine:
python -m wbia.other.ibsfuncs overwrite_ggr_unixtimes_from_gps
>>> # DISABLE_DOCTEST >>> from wbia.other.ibsfuncs import * # NOQA >>> import wbia # NOQA >>> default_dbdir = join('/', 'data', 'wbia', 'GGR2-IBEIS') >>> dbdir = ut.get_argval('--dbdir', type_=str, default=default_dbdir) >>> ibs = wbia.opendb(dbdir=dbdir) >>> ibs.overwrite_ggr_unixtimes_from_gps()
- wbia.other.ibsfuncs.overwrite_unixtimes_from_gps(ibs, gid_list, gmt_offset=3.0)[source]
Sync image time offsets using QR codes sync data
- Parameters
ibs (IBEISController) – wbia controller object
- CommandLine:
python -m wbia.other.ibsfuncs overwrite_unixtimes_from_gps
>>> # DISABLE_DOCTEST >>> from wbia.other.ibsfuncs import * # NOQA >>> import wbia # NOQA >>> default_dbdir = join('/', 'data', 'wbia', 'GGR2-IBEIS') >>> dbdir = ut.get_argval('--dbdir', type_=str, default=default_dbdir) >>> ibs = wbia.opendb(dbdir=dbdir) >>> ibs.overwrite_unixtimes_from_gps()
- wbia.other.ibsfuncs.parse_ggr_name(ibs, imageset_text, verbose=False, allow_short=False, require_short=False)[source]
- wbia.other.ibsfuncs.partition_annots_into_corresponding_groups(ibs, aid_list1, aid_list2)[source]
Used for grouping one-vs-one training pairs and corerspondence filtering
- Parameters
- Returns
- 4 lists of lists. In the first two each list is a list of aids
grouped by names and the names correspond with each other. In the last two are the annots that did not correspond with anything in the other list.
- Return type
- CommandLine:
python -m wbia.other.ibsfuncs –exec-partition_annots_into_corresponding_groups
>>> # DISABLE_DOCTEST >>> from wbia.other.ibsfuncs import * # NOQA >>> import wbia >>> ibs = wbia.opendb(defaultdb='PZ_MTEST') >>> grouped_aids = list(map(list, ibs.group_annots_by_name(ibs.get_valid_aids())[0])) >>> grouped_aids = [aids for aids in grouped_aids if len(aids) > 3] >>> # Get some overlapping groups >>> import copy >>> aids_group1 = copy.deepcopy((ut.get_list_column_slice(grouped_aids[0:5], slice(0, 2)))) >>> aids_group2 = copy.deepcopy((ut.get_list_column_slice(grouped_aids[2:7], slice(2, None)))) >>> # Ensure there is a singleton in each >>> ut.delete_items_by_index(aids_group1[0], [0]) >>> ut.delete_items_by_index(aids_group2[-1], [0]) >>> aid_list1 = ut.flatten(aids_group1) >>> aid_list2 = ut.flatten(aids_group2) >>> #aid_list1 = [1, 2, 8, 9, 60] >>> #aid_list2 = [3, 7, 20] >>> groups = partition_annots_into_corresponding_groups(ibs, aid_list1, aid_list2) >>> result = ut.repr2(groups) >>> print(result) [[10, 11], [17, 18], [22, 23]] [[12, 13, 14, 15], [19, 20, 21], [24, 25, 26]] [[2], [5, 6]] [[29, 30, 31, 32], [49]]
- wbia.other.ibsfuncs.partition_annots_into_singleton_multiton(ibs, aid_list)[source]
aid_list = aid_list_
- wbia.other.ibsfuncs.partition_ordered_list_equal_sum(a, k)[source]
Partition a sorted list a into k partitions
- Reference:
https://stackoverflow.com/a/35518205 https://gist.github.com/laowantong/ee675108eee64640e5f94f00d8edbcb4
- CommandLine:
python -m wbia.other.ibsfuncs partition_ordered_list_equal_sum
>>> # DISABLE_DOCTEST >>> import random >>> from wbia.other.ibsfuncs import * # NOQA >>> a = [random.randint(0,20) for x in range(50)] >>> k = 10 >>> print('Partitioning {0} into {1} partitions'.format(a, k)) >>> b = partition_ordered_list_equal_sum(a, k) >>> print('The best partitioning is {0}\n With heights {1}\n'.format(b, list(map(sum, b))))
- wbia.other.ibsfuncs.postinject_func(ibs)[source]
- Parameters
ibs (IBEISController) –
- CommandLine:
python -m wbia.other.ibsfuncs –test-postinject_func
>>> # ENABLE_DOCTEST >>> from wbia.other.ibsfuncs import * # NOQA >>> import wbia # NOQA >>> ibs = wbia.opendb('testdb1') >>> ibs.delete_empty_nids() # a test run before this forgot to do this >>> aids_list = ibs.get_name_aids(ibs.get_valid_nids()) >>> # indirectly test postinject_func >>> thetas_list = ibs.get_unflat_annot_thetas(aids_list) >>> result = str(thetas_list) >>> print(result) [[0.0, 0.0], [0.0, 0.0], [0.0], [0.0], [0.0], [0.0], [0.0]]
- wbia.other.ibsfuncs.prepare_annotgroup_review(ibs, aid_list)[source]
- Parameters
ibs (IBEISController) – wbia controller object
aid_list (int) – list of annotation ids
- Returns
(src_ag_rowid, dst_ag_rowid) - source and dest annot groups
- Return type
- CommandLine:
python -m wbia.other.ibsfuncs –test-prepare_annotgroup_review
>>> # ENABLE_DOCTEST >>> from wbia.other.ibsfuncs import * # NOQA >>> import wbia >>> ibs = wbia.opendb('testdb1') >>> aid_list = ibs.get_valid_aids() >>> result = prepare_annotgroup_review(ibs, aid_list) >>> print(result)
- wbia.other.ibsfuncs.princeton_cameratrap_ocr_bottom_bar_accuracy(ibs, offset=61200, **kwargs)[source]
- wbia.other.ibsfuncs.princeton_cameratrap_ocr_bottom_bar_csv(ibs, prefix='/data/raw/unprocessed/horses/', threshold=0.39)[source]
- wbia.other.ibsfuncs.princeton_process_encounters(ibs, input_file_path, assert_valid=True, **kwargs)[source]
- wbia.other.ibsfuncs.print_annotation_table(ibs, verbosity=1, exclude_columns=[], include_columns=[])[source]
Dumps annotation table to stdout
- Parameters
ibs (IBEISController) –
verbosity (int) –
>>> # ENABLE_DOCTEST >>> from wbia.other.ibsfuncs import * # NOQA >>> import wbia # NOQA >>> ibs = wbia.opendb('testdb1') >>> verbosity = 1 >>> print_annotation_table(ibs, verbosity)
- wbia.other.ibsfuncs.print_annotconfig_stats(ibs, qaids, daids, **kwargs)[source]
- SeeAlso:
- wbia.other.ibsfuncs.print_annotmatch_table(ibs)[source]
Dumps annotation match table to stdout
- Parameters
ibs (IBEISController) – wbia controller object
- CommandLine:
python -m wbia.other.ibsfuncs –exec-print_annotmatch_table python -m wbia.other.ibsfuncs –exec-print_annotmatch_table –db PZ_Master1
>>> # SCRIPT >>> from wbia.other.ibsfuncs import * # NOQA >>> import wbia >>> ibs = wbia.opendb(defaultdb='testdb1') >>> result = print_annotmatch_table(ibs) >>> print(result)
- wbia.other.ibsfuncs.print_contributor_table(ibs, verbosity=1, exclude_columns=[])[source]
Dumps annotation table to stdout
- Parameters
ibs (IBEISController) –
verbosity (int) –
>>> # ENABLE_DOCTEST >>> from wbia.other.ibsfuncs import * # NOQA >>> import wbia # NOQA >>> ibs = wbia.opendb('testdb1') >>> verbosity = 1 >>> print_contributor_table(ibs, verbosity)
- wbia.other.ibsfuncs.print_imageset_table(ibs, **kwargs)[source]
Dumps imageset table to stdout
- Kwargs:
exclude_columns (list):
- wbia.other.ibsfuncs.query_ggr_gids_between_dates(ibs, gid_list=None, date1=(2018, 1, 27), date2=(2018, 1, 29), local_offset=- 8.0, gmt_offset=3.0)[source]
- wbia.other.ibsfuncs.remove_aids_of_viewpoint(ibs, aid_list, invalid_yaws)[source]
Removes aids that do not have a valid yaw
TODO; rename to valid_viewpoint because this func uses category labels
- wbia.other.ibsfuncs.remove_groundtrue_aids(ibs, aid_list, ref_aid_list)[source]
removes any aids that are known to match
- wbia.other.ibsfuncs.report_sightings(ibs, complete=True, include_images=False, kaia=False, **kwargs)[source]
- wbia.other.ibsfuncs.run_integrity_checks(ibs)[source]
Function to run all database consistency checks
- wbia.other.ibsfuncs.search_annot_notes(ibs, pattern, aid_list=None)[source]
>>> # DISABLE_DOCTEST >>> from wbia.other.ibsfuncs import * # NOQA >>> import wbia >>> ibs = wbia.opendb('PZ_Master0') >>> pattern = ['gash', 'injury', 'scar', 'wound'] >>> valid_aid_list = ibs.search_annot_notes(pattern) >>> print(valid_aid_list) >>> print(ibs.get_annot_notes(valid_aid_list))
- wbia.other.ibsfuncs.search_ggr_qr_codes(ibs, imageset_rowid_list=None, timeout=None, **kwargs)[source]
Search for QR codes in each imageset.
- Parameters
ibs (IBEISController) – wbia controller object
imageset_rowid_list (list) – imageset rowid list
- CommandLine:
python -m wbia.other.ibsfuncs search_ggr_qr_codes
- Reference:
- macOS:
brew install zbar
curl -O https://ayera.dl.sourceforge.net/project/zbar/zbar/0.10/zbar-0.10.tar.bz2 tar -xvjf zbar-0.10.tar.bz2 cd zbar-0.10/ CPPFLAGS=”-I/opt/local/include” LDFLAGS=”-L/opt/local/lib” ./configure –disable-video –without-qt –without-python –without-gtk –with-libiconv-prefix=/opt/local –with-jpeg=yes –prefix=$VIRTUAL_ENV make make install sudo ln $VIRTUAL_ENV/lib/libzbar.dylib /opt/local/lib/libzbar.dylib sudo ln $VIRTUAL_ENV/include/zbar.h /opt/local/include/zbar.h
- Ubuntu:
sudo apt-get install libzbar-dev libzbar0
pip install pyzbar
>>> # DISABLE_DOCTEST >>> from wbia.other.ibsfuncs import * # NOQA >>> import wbia # NOQA >>> default_dbdir = join('/', 'data', 'wbia', 'GGR2-IBEIS') >>> dbdir = ut.get_argval('--dbdir', type_=str, default=default_dbdir) >>> ibs = wbia.opendb(dbdir=dbdir) >>> ibs.search_ggr_qr_codes()
- wbia.other.ibsfuncs.search_ggr_qr_codes_worker(imageset_rowid, imageset_text, values, gid_list, filepath_list, note_list, timeout)[source]
- wbia.other.ibsfuncs.set_exemplars_from_quality_and_viewpoint(ibs, aid_list=None, exemplars_per_view=None, imgsetid=None, dry_run=False, verbose=True, prog_hook=None)[source]
Automatic exemplar selection algorithm based on viewpoint and quality
# implement maximum diversity approximation instead http://www.csbio.unc.edu/mcmillan/pubs/ICDM07_Pan.pdf
- CommandLine:
python -m wbia.other.ibsfuncs –test-set_exemplars_from_quality_and_viewpoint python -m wbia.other.ibsfuncs –test-set_exemplars_from_quality_and_viewpoint:1
>>> # ENABLE_DOCTEST >>> from wbia.other.ibsfuncs import * # NOQA >>> import wbia >>> #ibs = wbia.opendb('PZ_MUGU_19') >>> ibs = wbia.opendb('PZ_MTEST') >>> dry_run = True >>> verbose = False >>> old_sum = sum(ibs.get_annot_exemplar_flags(ibs.get_valid_aids())) >>> new_flag_list = ibs.set_exemplars_from_quality_and_viewpoint(dry_run=dry_run) >>> new_sum = sum(new_flag_list) >>> print('old_sum = %r' % (old_sum,)) >>> print('new_sum = %r' % (new_sum,)) >>> zero_flag_list = ibs.set_exemplars_from_quality_and_viewpoint(exemplars_per_view=0, dry_run=dry_run) >>> assert sum(zero_flag_list) == 0 >>> result = new_sum
>>> # ENABLE_DOCTEST >>> from wbia.other.ibsfuncs import * # NOQA >>> import wbia >>> ibs = wbia.opendb('testdb1') >>> dry_run = True >>> verbose = False >>> old_sum = sum(ibs.get_annot_exemplar_flags(ibs.get_valid_aids())) >>> new_flag_list = ibs.set_exemplars_from_quality_and_viewpoint(dry_run=dry_run) >>> # 2 of the 11 annots are unknown and should not be exemplars >>> ut.assert_eq(sum(new_flag_list), 9)
>>> # DISABLE_DOCTEST >>> from wbia.other.ibsfuncs import * # NOQA >>> import wbia >>> ibs = wbia.opendb('testdb2') >>> dry_run = True >>> verbose = False >>> imgsetid = None >>> aid_list = ibs.get_valid_aids(imgsetid=imgsetid) >>> new_flag_list = ibs.set_exemplars_from_quality_and_viewpoint(aid_list, dry_run=dry_run) >>> old_flag_list = ibs.get_annot_exemplar_flags(aid_list) >>> new_exemplar_aids = ut.compress(aid_list, new_flag_list) >>> new_exemplar_qualtexts = ibs.get_annot_quality_texts(new_exemplar_aids) >>> assert 'junk' not in new_exemplar_qualtexts, 'should not have junk exemplars' >>> assert 'poor' not in new_exemplar_qualtexts, 'should not have poor exemplars' >>> #assert len(new_aid_list) == len(new_flag_list) >>> # 2 of the 11 annots are unknown and should not be exemplars >>> #ut.assert_eq(len(new_aid_list), 9)
- wbia.other.ibsfuncs.sync_ggr_with_qr_codes(ibs, local_offset=- 8.0, gmt_offset=3.0, *args, **kwargs)[source]
Sync image time offsets using QR codes sync data
- Parameters
ibs (IBEISController) – wbia controller object
- CommandLine:
python -m wbia.other.ibsfuncs sync_ggr_with_qr_codes
>>> # DISABLE_DOCTEST >>> from wbia.other.ibsfuncs import * # NOQA >>> import wbia # NOQA >>> default_dbdir = join('/', 'data', 'wbia', 'GGR2-IBEIS') >>> dbdir = ut.get_argval('--dbdir', type_=str, default=default_dbdir) >>> ibs = wbia.opendb(dbdir=dbdir) >>> ibs.sync_ggr_with_qr_codes()
- wbia.other.ibsfuncs.unflat_map(method, unflat_rowids, **kwargs)[source]
Uses an wbia lookup function with a non-flat rowid list. In essence this is equivilent to map(method, unflat_rowids). The utility of this function is that it only calls method once. This is more efficient for calls that can take a list of inputs
- Parameters
method (method) – wbia controller method
unflat_rowids (list) – list of rowid lists
- Returns
- Return type
list of values
- CommandLine:
python -m wbia.other.ibsfuncs –test-unflat_map
>>> # ENABLE_DOCTEST >>> from wbia.other.ibsfuncs import * # NOQA >>> import wbia # NOQA >>> ibs = wbia.opendb('testdb1') >>> method = ibs.get_annot_name_rowids >>> unflat_rowids = ibs.get_name_aids(ibs.get_valid_nids()) >>> unflat_vals = unflat_map(method, unflat_rowids) >>> result = str(unflat_vals) >>> print(result) [[1, 1], [2, 2], [3], [4], [5], [6], [7]]
- wbia.other.ibsfuncs.update_reviewed_unreviewed_image_special_imageset(ibs, reviewed=True, unreviewed=True)[source]
Creates imageset of images that have not been reviewed and that have been reviewed (wrt detection)
- wbia.other.ibsfuncs.update_ungrouped_special_imageset(ibs)[source]
- Parameters
ibs (IBEISController) – wbia controller object
- CommandLine:
python -m wbia.other.ibsfuncs –test-update_ungrouped_special_imageset
>>> # DISABLE_DOCTEST >>> from wbia.other.ibsfuncs import * # NOQA >>> import wbia # NOQA >>> ibs = wbia.opendb('testdb9') >>> result = update_ungrouped_special_imageset(ibs) >>> print(result)