Source code for wbia.constants

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
It is better to use constant variables instead of hoping you spell the same
string correctly every time you use it. (Also it makes it much easier if a
string name changes)
import logging
import numpy as np
import math
import utool as ut
from collections import OrderedDict
from os.path import join
import six

(print, rrr, profile) = ut.inject2(__name__)
logger = logging.getLogger('wbia')

CONTAINERIZED = ut.get_argflag('--containerized')
PRODUCTION = ut.get_argflag('--production')
HTTPS = ut.get_argflag('--https')

CONTAINER_NAME = ut.get_argval(
    '--container-name', type_=str, default=ut.get_computer_name()
ENGINE_SLOT = ut.get_argval('--engine-slot', type_=str, default='default')

CODEX = ut.get_argval('--codex', type_=str, default='codex_houston_1')

PI = math.pi
TAU = 2.0 * PI

        ('right', 0.000 * TAU),
        ('frontright', 0.125 * TAU),
        ('front', 0.250 * TAU),
        ('frontleft', 0.375 * TAU),
        ('left', 0.500 * TAU),
        ('backleft', 0.625 * TAU),
        ('back', 0.750 * TAU),
        ('backright', 0.875 * TAU),

# Mapping of viewpoints codes to yaw angles
        ('right', 0.000 * TAU),
        ('frontright', 0.125 * TAU),
        ('front', 0.250 * TAU),
        ('frontleft', 0.375 * TAU),
        ('left', 0.500 * TAU),
        ('backleft', 0.625 * TAU),
        ('back', 0.750 * TAU),
        ('backright', 0.875 * TAU),

    # maybe this can be CODE_TO_SHORT
    'up': 'U',
    'down': 'D',
    'front': 'F',
    'left': 'L',
    'back': 'B',
    'right': 'R',
    'upfront': 'UF',
    'upback': 'UB',
    'upleft': 'UL',
    'upright': 'UR',
    'downfront': 'DF',
    'downback': 'DB',
    'downleft': 'DL',
    'downright': 'DR',
    'frontleft': 'FL',
    'frontright': 'FR',
    'backleft': 'BL',
    'backright': 'BR',
    'upfrontleft': 'UFL',
    'upfrontright': 'UFR',
    'upbackleft': 'UBL',
    'upbackright': 'UBR',
    'downfrontleft': 'DFL',
    'downfrontright': 'DFR',
    'downbackleft': 'DBL',
    'downbackright': 'DBR',

QUAL_EXCELLENT = 'excellent'
QUAL_GOOD = 'good'
QUAL_OK = 'ok'
QUAL_POOR = 'poor'
QUAL_JUNK = 'junk'

        (5, QUAL_EXCELLENT),
        (4, QUAL_GOOD),
        (3, QUAL_OK),
        (2, QUAL_POOR),
        # oops forgot 1. will be mapped to poor
        (0, QUAL_JUNK),
        (-1, QUAL_UNKNOWN),

QUALITY_TEXT_TO_INTS = ut.group_items(
    list(QUALITY_INT_TO_TEXT.keys()), list(QUALITY_INT_TO_TEXT.values())

    None: 'UNKNOWN NAME',
    -1: 'UNKNOWN SEX',
    0: 'Female',
    1: 'Male',
SEX_TEXT_TO_INT = ut.invert_dict(SEX_INT_TO_TEXT)

[docs]class PATH_NAMES(object): # NOQA """Path names for internal IBEIS database""" sqldb = '_ibeis_database.sqlite3' sqlstaging = '_ibeis_staging.sqlite3' _ibsdb = '_ibsdb' cache = '_ibeis_cache' backups = '_ibeis_backups' logs = '_ibeis_logs' chips = 'chips' figures = 'figures' flann = 'flann' images = 'images' trees = 'trees' nets = 'nets' uploads = 'uploads' detectimg = 'detectimg' thumbs = 'thumbs' trashdir = 'trashed_images' distinctdir = 'distinctiveness_model' scorenormdir = 'scorenorm' smartpatrol = 'smart_patrol' # Query Results (chipmatch dirs) qres = 'qres_new' bigcache = 'qres_bigcache_new'
[docs]class REL_PATHS(object): # NOQA """all paths are relative to ibs.dbdir""" _ibsdb = PATH_NAMES._ibsdb trashdir = PATH_NAMES.trashdir figures = join(_ibsdb, PATH_NAMES.figures) cache = join(_ibsdb, PATH_NAMES.cache) backups = join(_ibsdb, PATH_NAMES.backups) logs = join(_ibsdb, PATH_NAMES.logs) # chips = join(_ibsdb, PATH_NAMES.chips) images = join(_ibsdb, PATH_NAMES.images) trees = join(_ibsdb, PATH_NAMES.trees) nets = join(_ibsdb, PATH_NAMES.nets) uploads = join(_ibsdb, PATH_NAMES.uploads) # All computed dirs live in <dbdir>/_ibsdb/_ibeis_cache chips = join(cache, PATH_NAMES.chips) thumbs = join(cache, PATH_NAMES.thumbs) flann = join(cache, PATH_NAMES.flann) qres = join(cache, PATH_NAMES.qres) bigcache = join(cache, PATH_NAMES.bigcache) distinctdir = join(cache, PATH_NAMES.distinctdir)
# Directories that should be excluded from copy operations EXCLUDE_COPY_REL_DIRS = [ REL_PATHS.chips, REL_PATHS.cache, REL_PATHS.backups, REL_PATHS.figures, REL_PATHS.nets, join(PATH_NAMES._ibsdb, '_ibeis_cache*'), # '_ibsdb/_ibeis_cache', '_ibsdb/chips', # old path for caches './images', # the hotspotter images dir ] # TODO: Remove anything under this block completely UNKNOWN_LBLANNOT_ROWID = 0 UNKNOWN_NAME_ROWID = 0 UNKNOWN_SPECIES_ROWID = 0 # Names normalized to the standard UNKNOWN_NAME ACCEPTED_UNKNOWN_NAMES = set(['Unassigned']) INDIVIDUAL_KEY = 'INDIVIDUAL_KEY' SPECIES_KEY = 'SPECIES_KEY' EMPTY_KEY = '' UNKNOWN = '____' KEY_DEFAULTS = { INDIVIDUAL_KEY: UNKNOWN, SPECIES_KEY: UNKNOWN, } # <UNFINISHED METADATA> # We are letting wildbook do this metadata instead # Define the special metadata for annotation ROSEMARY_ANNOT_METADATA = [ ('local_name', 'Local name:', str), ('sun', 'Sun:', ['FS', 'PS', 'NS']), ('wind', 'Wind:', ['NW', 'LW', 'MW', 'SW']), ('rain', 'Rain:', ['NR', 'LR', 'MR', 'HR']), ('cover', 'Cover:', float), ('grass', 'Grass:', ['less hf', 'less hk', 'less belly']), ('grass_color', 'Grass Colour:', ['B', 'BG', 'GB', 'G']), ('grass_species', 'Grass Species:', str), ('bush_type', 'Bush type:', ['OG', 'LB', 'MB', 'TB']), ('bit', 'Bit:', int), ('other_speceis', 'Other Species:', str), ] # ROSEMARY_KEYS = utool.get_list_column(ROSEMARY_ANNOT_METADATA, 0) # KEY_DEFAULTS.update(**{key: UNKNOWN for key in ROSEMARY_KEYS}) # </UNFINISHED METADATA> BASE_DATABASE_VERSION = '0.0.0' ################################################################# # DO NOT DELETE FROM THE TABLE LIST, THE DATABASE UPDATER WILL BREAK!!! # THIS GOES FOR OLD AND DEPRICATED TABLENAMES AS WELL!!! # TODO: # What should happen is when they are depricated they should go into a # depricated tablename structure with the relevant versions suffixed ################################################################# # CORE DATABASE AL_RELATION_TABLE = 'annotation_lblannot_relationship' GA_RELATION_TABLE = 'annotgroup_annotation_relationship' ANNOTGROUP_TABLE = 'annotgroups' ANNOTATION_TABLE = 'annotations' PART_TABLE = 'parts' CHIP_TABLE = 'chips' CONFIG_TABLE = 'configs' CONTRIBUTOR_TABLE = 'contributors' GSG_RELATION_TABLE = 'imageset_image_relationship' IMAGESET_TABLE = 'imagesets' FEATURE_TABLE = 'features' FEATURE_WEIGHT_TABLE = 'feature_weights' GL_RELATION_TABLE = 'image_lblimage_relationship' IMAGE_TABLE = 'images' LBLANNOT_TABLE = 'lblannot' LBLIMAGE_TABLE = 'lblimage' LBLTYPE_TABLE = 'keys' METADATA_TABLE = 'metadata' # Ugly move from name to names, need better way of versioning old table names NAME_TABLE_v121 = 'name' NAME_TABLE_v130 = 'names' NAME_TABLE = NAME_TABLE_v130 ANNOTMATCH_TABLE = 'annotmatch' SPECIES_TABLE = 'species' RESIDUAL_TABLE = 'residuals' VERSIONS_TABLE = 'versions' WEIGHT_TABLE = 'weights' # PARTY_CONTRIB_RELATION_TABLE = 'party_contrib_relation' PARTY_TABLE = 'party' ################################################################# # STAGING DATABASE REVIEW_TABLE = 'reviews' TEST_TABLE = 'tests' ################################################################# # DEPCACHE TABLENAMES # CHIPTHUMB_TABLE = 'chipthumb' UNKNOWN_PURPLE_RGBA255 = np.array((102, 0, 153, 255)) NAME_BLUE_RGBA255 = np.array((20, 20, 235, 255)) NAME_RED_RGBA255 = np.array((235, 20, 20, 255)) NEW_YELLOW_RGBA255 = np.array((235, 235, 20, 255)) UNKNOWN_PURPLE_RGBA01 = UNKNOWN_PURPLE_RGBA255 / 255.0 NAME_BLUE_RGBA01 = NAME_BLUE_RGBA255 / 255.0 NAME_RED_RGBA01 = NAME_RED_RGBA255 / 255.0 NEW_YELLOW_RGBA01 = NEW_YELLOW_RGBA255 / 255.0 EXEMPLAR_IMAGESETTEXT = '*Exemplars' ALL_IMAGE_IMAGESETTEXT = '*All Images' UNREVIEWED_IMAGE_IMAGESETTEXT = '*Undetected Images' REVIEWED_IMAGE_IMAGESETTEXT = '*Reviewed Detections' UNGROUPED_IMAGES_IMAGESETTEXT = '*Ungrouped Images' SPECIAL_IMAGESET_LABELS = [ EXEMPLAR_IMAGESETTEXT, ALL_IMAGE_IMAGESETTEXT, UNREVIEWED_IMAGE_IMAGESETTEXT, REVIEWED_IMAGE_IMAGESETTEXT, UNGROUPED_IMAGES_IMAGESETTEXT, ] NEW_IMAGESET_IMAGESETTEXT = 'NEW IMAGESET' # IMAGE_THUMB_SUFFIX = '_thumb.png' # CHIP_THUMB_SUFFIX = '_chip_thumb.png' IMAGE_THUMB_SUFFIX = '_thumb.jpg' IMAGE_BARE_THUMB_SUFFIX = '_thumb_bare.jpg' CHIP_THUMB_SUFFIX = '_chip_thumb.jpg' VS_EXEMPLARS_KEY = 'vs_exemplars' INTRA_OCCUR_KEY = 'intra_occurrence' HARD_NOTE_TAG = '<HARDCASE>' # HACK COMPUTER_NAME = ut.get_computer_name() # if COMPUTER_NAME in ['']: # _DEFAULT_WILDBOOK_TARGET = 'lewa3' # elif COMPUTER_NAME in ['Leviathan']: # _DEFAULT_WILDBOOK_TARGET = 'lewa3' # elif COMPUTER_NAME in ['maasai', 'quagga', 'xadmin-Nitro-AN515-51']: # _DEFAULT_WILDBOOK_TARGET = '' # else: # _DEFAULT_WILDBOOK_TARGET = 'wbia' WILDBOOK_TARGET = ut.get_argval( '--wildbook-target', type_=str, default=None, help_='specify the Wildbook target deployment', )
# Turn off features at Lewa :( SIMPLIFY_INTERFACE = (ut.get_computer_name() == '') or ut.get_argflag( '--simplify' ) # For candidacy document DBNAME_ALIAS = { # 'NNP_MasterGIRM_core': 'NNP_GIRM' # 'NNP_MasterGIRM_core': 'GIRM', 'NNP_MasterGIRM_core': 'GIRM', 'PZ_Master1': 'PZ', 'GZ_Master1': 'GZ', 'GIRM_Master1': 'GIRM', 'GZ_ALL': 'GZ', }
[docs]class TEST_SPECIES(object): # NOQA ZEB_PLAIN = 'zebra_plains' ZEB_GREVY = 'zebra_grevys' BEAR_POLAR = 'bear_polar' GIR_MASAI = 'giraffe_masai'
SPECIES_WITH_DETECTORS = ( 'cheetah', 'dolphin_spotted', 'dolphin_spotted+dorsal', 'dolphin_spotted+fin_dorsal', 'giraffe_masai', 'giraffe_reticulated', 'grouper_nassau', 'hyaena', 'jaguar', 'leopard', 'lynx', 'manta_ray', 'manta_ray_giant', 'right_whale_head', 'salanader_fire', 'salanader_fire_larvae', 'salanader_fire_adult', 'seadragon_leafy', 'seadragon_leafy+head', 'seadragon_weedy', 'seadragon_weedy+head', 'skunk_spotted', 'snow_leopard', 'spotted_eagle_ray', 'turtle_green', 'turtle_green+head', 'turtle_hawksbill', 'turtle_hawksbill+head', 'turtle_oliveridley', 'turtle_oliveridley+head', 'turtle_asian', 'turtle_sea', 'turtle_sea+head', 'whale_fluke', 'whale_humpback', 'whale_humpback+fin_dorsal', 'zebra_grevys', 'zebra_plains', 'zebra_mountain', 'whale_orca', 'whale_orca+fin_dorsal', 'wild_dog', 'wild_dog_dark', 'wild_dog_light', 'wild_dog_puppy', 'wild_dog_standard', 'wild_dog_tan', 'dolphin_bottlenose+dorsal', 'dolphin_bottlenose+fin_dorsal', 'dolphin_spotted+fin_dorsal', 'shark_sand_tiger+fin_dorsal_back', 'shark_sand_tiger+fin_dorsal_front', 'whale_humpback+fin_dorsal', 'whale_humpback+fin_dorsal_back', 'whale_humpback+fin_dorsal_front', 'whale_pilot+fin_dorsal', 'whale_beluga', 'beluga_whale', 'mediterranean_monk_seal', 'grey_seal', 'grey_seal_unknown', 'grey_seal_male', 'grey_seal_femaleyoung', 'grey_seal_pup', 'harbour_seal', 'hawaiian_monk_seal', 'whale_sperm', 'whale_sperm+fluke', 'yellow_bellied_toad', # Latin (Flukebook) 'aetobatus_narinari', 'bombina_variegata', 'chelonioidea', 'chelonioidea+head', 'chelonia_mydas', 'chelonia_mydas+head', 'delphinapterus_leucas', 'eretmochelys_imbricata', 'eretmochelys_imbricata+head', 'eubalaena_australis', 'eubalaena_glacialis', 'epinephelus_striatus', 'equus_quagga', 'equus_grevyi', 'equus_zebra', 'giraffa_tippelskirchi', 'giraffa_camelopardalis_reticulata', 'hyaena_hyaena', 'lepidochelys_olivacea', 'lepidochelys_olivacea+head', 'lynx_pardinus', 'mobula_birostris', 'mobula_alfredi', 'phycodurus_eques', 'phycodurus_eques+head', 'phyllopteryx_taeniolatus', 'phyllopteryx_taeniolatus+head', 'salamandra_salamandra', 'salamandra_salamandra_larvae', 'salamandra_salamandra_adult', 'megaptera_novaeangliae', 'physeter_macrocephalus', 'physeter_macrocephalus+fin_dorsal', 'spilogale_gracilis', 'stenella_frontalis', 'stenella_frontalis+dorsal', 'stenella_frontalis+fin_dorsal', 'tursiops_truncatus+dorsal', 'tursiops_truncatus+fin_dorsal', 'orcinus_orca', 'orcinus_orca+fin_dorsal', 'panthera_pardus', 'panthera_uncia', 'panthera_onca', 'acinonyx_jubatus', 'lycaon_pictus', 'monachus_monachus', 'phoca_vitulina', 'halichoerus_grypus', 'monachus_schauinslandi', 'physeter_macrocephalus', 'physeter_macrocephalus+fluke', ) SPECIES_MAPPING = { 'antelope': ('ANTEL', 'Antelope'), 'airplane': ('PLANE', 'Airplane'), 'bear_polar': ('PB', 'Polar Bear'), 'bird': ('BIRD', 'Bird (Generic)'), 'bird_generic': (None, 'bird'), 'bicycle': ('BIKE', 'Bicycle'), 'boat': ('BOAT', 'Boat'), 'building': ('BUILDING', 'Building'), 'bus': ('BUS', 'Bus'), 'car': ('CAR', 'Car'), 'camel': ('CAMEL', 'Camel'), 'crane': ('CRANE', 'Crane'), 'cheetah': ('CHTH', 'Cheetah'), 'dog_wild': ('WD', 'Wild Dog'), 'dolphin_fin': ('DF', 'Dolphin Fin'), 'dolphin_bottlenose_fin': ('BDF', 'Bottlenose Dolphin Fin'), 'dolphin_spotted': ('SDOLPH', 'Dolphin (Spotted)'), 'domesticated_cat': ('DOMC', 'Cat (Domesticated)'), 'domesticated_cow': ('DOMW', 'Cow (Domesticated)'), 'domesticated_dog': ('DOMD', 'Dog (Domesticated)'), 'domesticated_horse': ('DOMH', 'Horse (Domesticated)'), 'domesticated_sheep': ('DOMS', 'Sheep (Domesticated)'), 'cat_domestic': (None, 'domesticated_cat'), 'cow_domestic': (None, 'domesticated_cow'), 'dog_domestic': (None, 'domesticated_dog'), 'horse_domestic': (None, 'domesticated_horse'), 'sheep_domestic': (None, 'domesticated_sheep'), 'elephant_savanna': ('ELEP', 'Elephant (Savanna)'), 'elephant_savannah': (None, 'elephant_savanna'), 'frog': ('FROG', 'Frog'), 'gazelle': ('GAZ', 'Gazelle (Generic)'), 'gazelle_generic': (None, 'gazelle'), 'giraffe_masai': ('GIRM', 'Giraffe (Masai)'), 'giraffe_massai': (None, 'giraffe_masai'), 'giraffe_maasai': (None, 'giraffe_masai'), 'giraffe_reticulated': ('GIR', 'Giraffe (Reticulated)'), 'goat': ('GOAT', 'Goat (Generic)'), 'goat_generic': (None, 'goat'), 'grouper_nassau': ('NG', 'Nassau Grouper'), 'hippopotamus': ('HIPPO', 'Hippopotamus'), 'hyena': (None, 'hyaena'), 'hyaena': ('HYAENA', 'Hyaena'), 'ignore': ('IGNORE', 'IGNORE'), 'indistinct': ('INDISTINCT', 'INDISTINCT'), 'jaguar': ('JAG', 'Jaguar'), 'leopard': ('LOEP', 'Leopard'), 'lion': ('LION', 'Lion'), 'lionfish': ('LF', 'Lionfish'), 'lynx': ('LYNX', 'Lynx'), 'manta_alfredi': (None, 'mobula_alfredi'), 'manta_birostris': (None, 'mobula_birostris'), 'mobula_alfredi': ('MRR', 'Manta Ray (Reef)'), 'mobula_birostris': ('MRG', 'Manta Ray (Giant)'), 'manta_ray_giant': (None, 'mobula_birostris'), 'manta_ray': (None, 'manta_ray_giant'), 'morotcycle': ('MBIKE', 'Motorcycle'), 'nautilus': ('NAUT', 'Nautilus'), 'ostrich': ('OST', 'Ostrich'), 'other': ('OTHER', 'Other'), 'person': ('PERSON', 'Person'), 'rhino_black': ('BRHINO', 'Rhino (Black)'), 'rhino_white': ('WRHINO', 'Rhino (White)'), 'seal_saimma_ringed': ('SEAL2', 'Seal (Siamaa Ringed)'), 'seal_spotted': ('SEAL1', 'Seal (Spotted)'), 'seadragon_leafy': ('SDL', 'Sea Dragon (Leafy)'), 'seadragon_weedy': ('SDW', 'Sea Dragon (Weedy)'), 'shark_sandtiger': ('STS', 'Sand Tiger Shark'), 'skunk_spotted': ('SSKUNK', 'Skunk (Spotted)'), 'snail': ('SNAIL', 'Snail'), 'snow_leopard': ('SLEOP', 'Snow Leopard'), 'tiger': ('TIGER', 'Tiger'), 'turtle_sea': ('ST', 'Sea Turtle (Generic)'), 'turtle_sea_generic': (None, 'turtle_sea'), 'turtle_green': ('ST-G', 'Sea Turtle (Green)'), 'turtle_hawksbill': ('ST-HB', 'Sea Turtle (Hawksbill)'), 'turtle_oliveridley': ('ST-OR', 'Sea Turtle (Olive Ridley)'), 'turtle_asian': ('ST-A', 'Sea Turtle (Asian)'), 'train': ('TRAIN', 'Train'), 'truck': ('TRUCK', 'Truck'), 'toads_wyoming': ('WYTOAD', 'Toad (Wyoming)'), 'unspecified': ('UNSPECIFIED', 'UNSPECIFIED'), 'unspecified_animal': (None, 'unspecified'), 'warthog': ('WART', 'Warthog'), 'water_buffalo': ('BUFF', 'Water Buffalo'), 'wildebeest': ('WB', 'Wildebeest'), 'wild_dog_general': ('WDG', 'Wild Dog General'), 'wild_dog_dark': ('WDD', 'Wild Dog Dark'), 'wild_dog_tan': ('WDT', 'Wild Dog Tan'), 'wild_dog_puppy': ('WDP', 'Wild Dog Puppy'), 'wild_dog_standard': ('WDS', 'Wild Dog Standard'), # 'wild_dog+tail_general': ('WD+GEN', 'Wild Dog Tail General'), # 'wild_dog+tail_multi_black': ('WD+MB', 'Wild Dog Tail Multi-Black'), # 'wild_dog+tail_long_black': ('WD+LB', 'Wild Dog Tail Long Black'), # 'wild_dog+tail_long_white': ('WD+LW', 'Wild Dog Tail Long White'), # 'wild_dog+tail_long': ('WD+LONG', 'Wild Dog Tail Long'), # 'wild_dog+tail_double_black_brown': ('WD+DBB', 'Wild Dog Tail Double Black Brown'), # 'wild_dog+tail_double_black_white': ('WD+DBW', 'Wild Dog Tail Double Black White'), # 'wild_dog+tail_triple_black': ('WD+TB', 'Wild Dog Tail Triple Black'), # 'wild_dog+tail_short_black': ('WD+SB', 'Wild Dog Tail Short Black'), # 'wild_dog+tail_standard': ('WD+STD', 'Wild Dog Tail Standard'), 'wild_dog': ('WD', 'Wild Dog'), 'whale_fluke': ('WF', 'Whale Fluke'), 'whale_beluga': ('BW', 'Beluga Whale'), 'whale_humpback': ('HW', 'Humpback Whale'), 'whale_shark': ('WS', 'Whale Shark'), 'zebra_grevys': ('GZ', "Zebra (Grevy's)"), 'zebra_hybrid': ('HZ', 'Zebra (Hybrid)'), 'zebra_plains': ('PZ', 'Zebra (Plains)'), 'zebra_mountain': ('MZ', 'Zebra (Mountain)'), UNKNOWN: ('UNKNOWN', 'UNSPECIFIED'), } PARTS_MAPPING = { '+head': ('+H', 'Head'), # 'standard': ('Standard Tail'), # 'short_black': ('Short Black Tail'), # 'long_black': ('Long Black Tail'), # 'double_black_brown': ('Double Black Brown Tail'), # 'double_black_white': ('Double Black White Tail'), # 'triple_black': ('Triple Black Tail'), # 'long_white': ('Long White Tail'), '+tail_general': ('+GEN', 'Tail General'), '+tail_multi_black': ('+MB', 'Tail Multi-Black'), '+tail_long_black': ('+LB', 'Tail Long Black'), '+tail_long_white': ('+LW', 'Tail Long White'), '+tail_long': ('+LONG', 'Tail Long'), '+tail_double_black_brown': ('+DBB', 'Tail Double Black Brown'), '+tail_double_black_white': ('+DBW', 'Tail Double Black White'), '+tail_triple_black': ('+TB', 'Tail Triple Black'), '+tail_short_black': ('+SB', 'Tail Short Black'), '+tail_standard': ('+STD', 'Tail Standard'), UNKNOWN: ('+?', 'UNSPECIFIED'), } class _ConstHelper(type): """ Adds code and nice constants to an integer version of a class """ def __new__(cls, name, parents, dct): """ cls = META_DECISION code_cls = META_DECISION_CODE """ class CODE(object): pass class NICE(object): pass for key in dct.keys(): if key.isupper(): value = dct[key] if value is None or isinstance(value, int): code = dct['INT_TO_CODE'][value] nice = dct['INT_TO_NICE'][value] setattr(CODE, key, code) setattr(NICE, key, nice) dct['CODE'] = CODE dct['NICE'] = NICE # we need to call type.__new__ to complete the initialization return super(_ConstHelper, cls).__new__(cls, name, parents, dct)
[docs]@six.add_metaclass(_ConstHelper) class EVIDENCE_DECISION(object): # NOQA """ TODO: change to EVIDENCE_DECISION / VISUAL_DECISION Enumerated types of review codes and texts Notes: Unreviewed: Not comparared yet. nomatch: Visually comparable and the different match: Visually comparable and the same notcomp: Not comparable means it is actually impossible to determine. unknown: means that it was reviewed, but we just can't figure it out. """ UNREVIEWED = None NEGATIVE = 0 POSITIVE = 1 INCOMPARABLE = 2 UNKNOWN = 3 INT_TO_CODE = ut.odict( [ (POSITIVE, 'match'), (NEGATIVE, 'nomatch'), (INCOMPARABLE, 'notcomp'), (UNKNOWN, 'unknown'), (UNREVIEWED, 'unreviewed'), ] ) INT_TO_NICE = ut.odict( [ (POSITIVE, 'Positive'), (NEGATIVE, 'Negative'), (INCOMPARABLE, 'Incomparable'), (UNKNOWN, 'Unknown'), (UNREVIEWED, 'Unreviewed'), ] ) CODE_TO_NICE = ut.map_keys(INT_TO_CODE, INT_TO_NICE) CODE_TO_INT = ut.invert_dict(INT_TO_CODE) NICE_TO_CODE = ut.invert_dict(CODE_TO_NICE) NICE_TO_INT = ut.invert_dict(INT_TO_NICE) MATCH_CODE = CODE_TO_INT
[docs]@six.add_metaclass(_ConstHelper) class META_DECISION(object): # NOQA """ Enumerated types of review codes and texts Notes: unreviewed: we dont have a meta decision same: we know this is the same animal through non-visual means diff: we know this is the different animal through non-visual means Example: >>> # ENABLE_DOCTEST >>> from wbia.constants import * # NOQA >>> assert hasattr(META_DECISION, 'CODE') >>> assert hasattr(META_DECISION, 'NICE') >>> code1 = META_DECISION.INT_TO_CODE[META_DECISION.NULL] >>> code2 = META_DECISION.CODE.NULL >>> assert code1 == code2 >>> nice1 = META_DECISION.INT_TO_NICE[META_DECISION.NULL] >>> nice2 = META_DECISION.NICE.NULL >>> assert nice1 == nice2 """ NULL = None DIFF = 0 SAME = 1 INT_TO_CODE = ut.odict([(NULL, 'null'), (DIFF, 'diff'), (SAME, 'same')]) INT_TO_NICE = ut.odict([(NULL, 'NULL'), (DIFF, 'Different'), (SAME, 'Same')]) CODE_TO_NICE = ut.map_keys(INT_TO_CODE, INT_TO_NICE) CODE_TO_INT = ut.invert_dict(INT_TO_CODE) NICE_TO_CODE = ut.invert_dict(CODE_TO_NICE) NICE_TO_INT = ut.invert_dict(INT_TO_NICE)
[docs]@six.add_metaclass(_ConstHelper) class CONFIDENCE(object): UNKNOWN = None GUESSING = 1 NOT_SURE = 2 PRETTY_SURE = 3 ABSOLUTELY_SURE = 4 INT_TO_CODE = ut.odict( [ (ABSOLUTELY_SURE, 'absolutely_sure'), (PRETTY_SURE, 'pretty_sure'), (NOT_SURE, 'not_sure'), (GUESSING, 'guessing'), (UNKNOWN, 'unspecified'), ] ) INT_TO_NICE = ut.odict( [ (ABSOLUTELY_SURE, 'Doubtless'), (PRETTY_SURE, 'Sure'), (NOT_SURE, 'Unsure'), (GUESSING, 'Guessing'), (UNKNOWN, 'Unspecified'), ] ) CODE_TO_NICE = ut.map_keys(INT_TO_CODE, INT_TO_NICE) CODE_TO_INT = ut.invert_dict(INT_TO_CODE) NICE_TO_CODE = ut.invert_dict(CODE_TO_NICE) NICE_TO_INT = ut.invert_dict(INT_TO_NICE)
[docs]@six.add_metaclass(_ConstHelper) class QUAL(object): EXCELLENT = 5 GOOD = 4 OK = 3 POOR = 2 JUNK = 1 UNKNOWN = None INT_TO_CODE = ut.odict( [ (EXCELLENT, 'excellent'), (GOOD, 'good'), (OK, 'ok'), (POOR, 'poor'), (JUNK, 'junk'), (UNKNOWN, 'unspecified'), ] ) INT_TO_NICE = ut.odict( [ (EXCELLENT, 'Excellent'), (GOOD, 'Good'), (OK, 'OK'), (POOR, 'Poor'), (JUNK, 'Junk'), (UNKNOWN, 'Unspecified'), ] ) CODE_TO_NICE = ut.map_keys(INT_TO_CODE, INT_TO_NICE) CODE_TO_INT = ut.invert_dict(INT_TO_CODE) NICE_TO_CODE = ut.invert_dict(CODE_TO_NICE) NICE_TO_INT = ut.invert_dict(INT_TO_NICE)
[docs]@six.add_metaclass(_ConstHelper) class VIEW(object): """ categorical viewpoint using the faces of a Rhombicuboctahedron References: """ UNKNOWN = None R = 1 FR = 2 F = 3 FL = 4 L = 5 BL = 6 B = 7 BR = 8 U = 9 UF = 10 UB = 11 UL = 12 UR = 13 UFL = 14 UFR = 15 UBL = 16 UBR = 17 D = 18 DF = 19 DB = 20 DL = 21 DR = 22 DFL = 23 DFR = 24 DBL = 25 DBR = 26 INT_TO_CODE = ut.odict( [ (UNKNOWN, 'unknown'), (R, 'right'), (FR, 'frontright'), (F, 'front'), (FL, 'frontleft'), (L, 'left'), (BL, 'backleft'), (B, 'back'), (BR, 'backright'), (U, 'up'), (UF, 'upfront'), (UB, 'upback'), (UL, 'upleft'), (UR, 'upright'), (UFL, 'upfrontleft'), (UFR, 'upfrontright'), (UBL, 'upbackleft'), (UBR, 'upbackright'), (D, 'down'), (DF, 'downfront'), (DB, 'downback'), (DL, 'downleft'), (DR, 'downright'), (DFL, 'downfrontleft'), (DFR, 'downfrontright'), (DBL, 'downbackleft'), (DBR, 'downbackright'), ] ) INT_TO_NICE = ut.odict( [ (UNKNOWN, 'Unknown'), (R, 'Right'), (FR, 'Front-Right'), (F, 'Front'), (FL, 'Front-Left'), (L, 'Left'), (BL, 'Back-Left'), (B, 'Back'), (BR, 'Back-Right'), (U, 'Up'), (UF, 'Up-Front'), (UB, 'Up-Back'), (UL, 'Up-Left'), (UR, 'Up-Right'), (UFL, 'Up-Front-Left'), (UFR, 'Up-Front-Right'), (UBL, 'Up-Back-Left'), (UBR, 'Up-Back-Right'), (D, 'Down'), (DF, 'Down-Front'), (DB, 'Down-Back'), (DL, 'Down-Left'), (DR, 'Down-Right'), (DFL, 'Down-Front-Left'), (DFR, 'Down-Front-Right'), (DBL, 'Down-Back-Left'), (DBR, 'Down-Back-Right'), ] ) CODE_TO_NICE = ut.map_keys(INT_TO_CODE, INT_TO_NICE) CODE_TO_INT = ut.invert_dict(INT_TO_CODE) NICE_TO_CODE = ut.invert_dict(CODE_TO_NICE) NICE_TO_INT = ut.invert_dict(INT_TO_NICE) DIST = { # DIST 0 PAIRS (B, B): 0, (BL, BL): 0, (BR, BR): 0, (D, D): 0, (DB, DB): 0, (DBL, DBL): 0, (DBR, DBR): 0, (DF, DF): 0, (DFL, DFL): 0, (DFR, DFR): 0, (DL, DL): 0, (DR, DR): 0, (F, F): 0, (FL, FL): 0, (FR, FR): 0, (L, L): 0, (R, R): 0, (U, U): 0, (UB, UB): 0, (UBL, UBL): 0, (UBR, UBR): 0, (UF, UF): 0, (UFL, UFL): 0, (UFR, UFR): 0, (UL, UL): 0, (UR, UR): 0, # DIST 1 PAIRS (B, BL): 1, (B, BR): 1, (B, DB): 1, (B, DBL): 1, (B, DBR): 1, (B, UB): 1, (B, UBL): 1, (B, UBR): 1, (BL, DBL): 1, (BL, L): 1, (BL, UBL): 1, (BR, DBR): 1, (BR, R): 1, (BR, UBR): 1, (D, DB): 1, (D, DBL): 1, (D, DBR): 1, (D, DF): 1, (D, DFL): 1, (D, DFR): 1, (D, DL): 1, (D, DR): 1, (DB, DBL): 1, (DB, DBR): 1, (DBL, DL): 1, (DBL, L): 1, (DBR, DR): 1, (DBR, R): 1, (DF, DFL): 1, (DF, DFR): 1, (DF, F): 1, (DFL, DL): 1, (DFL, F): 1, (DFL, FL): 1, (DFL, L): 1, (DFR, DR): 1, (DFR, F): 1, (DFR, FR): 1, (DFR, R): 1, (DL, L): 1, (DR, R): 1, (F, FL): 1, (F, FR): 1, (F, UF): 1, (F, UFL): 1, (F, UFR): 1, (FL, L): 1, (FL, UFL): 1, (FR, R): 1, (FR, UFR): 1, (L, UBL): 1, (L, UFL): 1, (L, UL): 1, (R, UBR): 1, (R, UFR): 1, (R, UR): 1, (U, UB): 1, (U, UBL): 1, (U, UBR): 1, (U, UF): 1, (U, UFL): 1, (U, UFR): 1, (U, UL): 1, (U, UR): 1, (UB, UBL): 1, (UB, UBR): 1, (UBL, UL): 1, (UBR, UR): 1, (UF, UFL): 1, (UF, UFR): 1, (UFL, UL): 1, (UFR, UR): 1, # DIST 2 PAIRS (B, D): 2, (B, DL): 2, (B, DR): 2, (B, L): 2, (B, R): 2, (B, U): 2, (B, UL): 2, (B, UR): 2, (BL, BR): 2, (BL, D): 2, (BL, DB): 2, (BL, DBR): 2, (BL, DFL): 2, (BL, DL): 2, (BL, FL): 2, (BL, U): 2, (BL, UB): 2, (BL, UBR): 2, (BL, UFL): 2, (BL, UL): 2, (BR, D): 2, (BR, DB): 2, (BR, DBL): 2, (BR, DFR): 2, (BR, DR): 2, (BR, FR): 2, (BR, U): 2, (BR, UB): 2, (BR, UBL): 2, (BR, UFR): 2, (BR, UR): 2, (D, F): 2, (D, FL): 2, (D, FR): 2, (D, L): 2, (D, R): 2, (DB, DF): 2, (DB, DFL): 2, (DB, DFR): 2, (DB, DL): 2, (DB, DR): 2, (DB, L): 2, (DB, R): 2, (DB, UB): 2, (DB, UBL): 2, (DB, UBR): 2, (DBL, DBR): 2, (DBL, DF): 2, (DBL, DFL): 2, (DBL, DFR): 2, (DBL, DR): 2, (DBL, FL): 2, (DBL, UB): 2, (DBL, UBL): 2, (DBL, UBR): 2, (DBL, UFL): 2, (DBL, UL): 2, (DBR, DF): 2, (DBR, DFL): 2, (DBR, DFR): 2, (DBR, DL): 2, (DBR, FR): 2, (DBR, UB): 2, (DBR, UBL): 2, (DBR, UBR): 2, (DBR, UFR): 2, (DBR, UR): 2, (DF, DL): 2, (DF, DR): 2, (DF, FL): 2, (DF, FR): 2, (DF, L): 2, (DF, R): 2, (DF, UF): 2, (DF, UFL): 2, (DF, UFR): 2, (DFL, DFR): 2, (DFL, DR): 2, (DFL, FR): 2, (DFL, UBL): 2, (DFL, UF): 2, (DFL, UFL): 2, (DFL, UFR): 2, (DFL, UL): 2, (DFR, DL): 2, (DFR, FL): 2, (DFR, UBR): 2, (DFR, UF): 2, (DFR, UFL): 2, (DFR, UFR): 2, (DFR, UR): 2, (DL, DR): 2, (DL, F): 2, (DL, FL): 2, (DL, UBL): 2, (DL, UFL): 2, (DL, UL): 2, (DR, F): 2, (DR, FR): 2, (DR, UBR): 2, (DR, UFR): 2, (DR, UR): 2, (F, L): 2, (F, R): 2, (F, U): 2, (F, UL): 2, (F, UR): 2, (FL, FR): 2, (FL, U): 2, (FL, UBL): 2, (FL, UF): 2, (FL, UFR): 2, (FL, UL): 2, (FR, U): 2, (FR, UBR): 2, (FR, UF): 2, (FR, UFL): 2, (FR, UR): 2, (L, U): 2, (L, UB): 2, (L, UF): 2, (R, U): 2, (R, UB): 2, (R, UF): 2, (UB, UF): 2, (UB, UFL): 2, (UB, UFR): 2, (UB, UL): 2, (UB, UR): 2, (UBL, UBR): 2, (UBL, UF): 2, (UBL, UFL): 2, (UBL, UFR): 2, (UBL, UR): 2, (UBR, UF): 2, (UBR, UFL): 2, (UBR, UFR): 2, (UBR, UL): 2, (UF, UL): 2, (UF, UR): 2, (UFL, UFR): 2, (UFL, UR): 2, (UFR, UL): 2, (UL, UR): 2, # DIST 3 PAIRS (B, DF): 3, (B, DFL): 3, (B, DFR): 3, (B, FL): 3, (B, FR): 3, (B, UF): 3, (B, UFL): 3, (B, UFR): 3, (BL, DF): 3, (BL, DFR): 3, (BL, DR): 3, (BL, F): 3, (BL, R): 3, (BL, UF): 3, (BL, UFR): 3, (BL, UR): 3, (BR, DF): 3, (BR, DFL): 3, (BR, DL): 3, (BR, F): 3, (BR, L): 3, (BR, UF): 3, (BR, UFL): 3, (BR, UL): 3, (D, UB): 3, (D, UBL): 3, (D, UBR): 3, (D, UF): 3, (D, UFL): 3, (D, UFR): 3, (D, UL): 3, (D, UR): 3, (DB, F): 3, (DB, FL): 3, (DB, FR): 3, (DB, U): 3, (DB, UFL): 3, (DB, UFR): 3, (DB, UL): 3, (DB, UR): 3, (DBL, F): 3, (DBL, FR): 3, (DBL, R): 3, (DBL, U): 3, (DBL, UF): 3, (DBL, UR): 3, (DBR, F): 3, (DBR, FL): 3, (DBR, L): 3, (DBR, U): 3, (DBR, UF): 3, (DBR, UL): 3, (DF, U): 3, (DF, UBL): 3, (DF, UBR): 3, (DF, UL): 3, (DF, UR): 3, (DFL, R): 3, (DFL, U): 3, (DFL, UB): 3, (DFL, UR): 3, (DFR, L): 3, (DFR, U): 3, (DFR, UB): 3, (DFR, UL): 3, (DL, FR): 3, (DL, R): 3, (DL, U): 3, (DL, UB): 3, (DL, UBR): 3, (DL, UF): 3, (DL, UFR): 3, (DR, FL): 3, (DR, L): 3, (DR, U): 3, (DR, UB): 3, (DR, UBL): 3, (DR, UF): 3, (DR, UFL): 3, (F, UB): 3, (F, UBL): 3, (F, UBR): 3, (FL, R): 3, (FL, UB): 3, (FL, UBR): 3, (FL, UR): 3, (FR, L): 3, (FR, UB): 3, (FR, UBL): 3, (FR, UL): 3, (L, UBR): 3, (L, UFR): 3, (L, UR): 3, (R, UBL): 3, (R, UFL): 3, (R, UL): 3, # DIST 4 PAIRS (B, F): 4, (BL, FR): 4, (BR, FL): 4, (D, U): 4, (DB, UF): 4, (DBL, UFR): 4, (DBR, UFL): 4, (DF, UB): 4, (DFL, UBR): 4, (DFR, UBL): 4, (DL, UR): 4, (DR, UL): 4, (L, R): 4, # UNDEFINED DIST PAIRS (B, UNKNOWN): None, (BL, UNKNOWN): None, (BR, UNKNOWN): None, (D, UNKNOWN): None, (DB, UNKNOWN): None, (DBL, UNKNOWN): None, (DBR, UNKNOWN): None, (DF, UNKNOWN): None, (DFL, UNKNOWN): None, (DFR, UNKNOWN): None, (DL, UNKNOWN): None, (DR, UNKNOWN): None, (F, UNKNOWN): None, (FL, UNKNOWN): None, (FR, UNKNOWN): None, (L, UNKNOWN): None, (R, UNKNOWN): None, (U, UNKNOWN): None, (UB, UNKNOWN): None, (UBL, UNKNOWN): None, (UBR, UNKNOWN): None, (UF, UNKNOWN): None, (UFL, UNKNOWN): None, (UFR, UNKNOWN): None, (UL, UNKNOWN): None, (UNKNOWN, B): None, (UNKNOWN, BL): None, (UNKNOWN, BR): None, (UNKNOWN, D): None, (UNKNOWN, DB): None, (UNKNOWN, DBL): None, (UNKNOWN, DBR): None, (UNKNOWN, DF): None, (UNKNOWN, DFL): None, (UNKNOWN, DFR): None, (UNKNOWN, DL): None, (UNKNOWN, DR): None, (UNKNOWN, F): None, (UNKNOWN, FL): None, (UNKNOWN, FR): None, (UNKNOWN, L): None, (UNKNOWN, R): None, (UNKNOWN, U): None, (UNKNOWN, UB): None, (UNKNOWN, UBL): None, (UNKNOWN, UBR): None, (UNKNOWN, UF): None, (UNKNOWN, UFL): None, (UNKNOWN, UFR): None, (UNKNOWN, UL): None, (UNKNOWN, UR): None, (UR, UNKNOWN): None, (UNKNOWN, UNKNOWN): None, } # make distance symmetric for (f1, f2), d in list(DIST.items()): DIST[(f2, f1)] = d