Source code for wbia.algo.detect.randomforest

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Interface to pyrf random forest object detection.
import logging
from os.path import exists, join
from wbia.algo.detect import grabmodels
import utool as ut
import vtool as vt
import cv2
import random

(print, rrr, profile) = ut.inject2(__name__, '[randomforest]')
logger = logging.getLogger('wbia')

if not ut.get_argflag('--no-pyrf'):
        import pyrf
    except ImportError:
            'WARNING Failed to import pyrf. ' 'Randomforest detection is unavailable'
        if ut.SUPER_STRICT:

VERBOSE_RF = ut.get_argflag('--verbrf') or ut.VERBOSE

[docs]def train_gid_list( ibs, gid_list, trees_path=None, species=None, setup=True, teardown=False, **kwargs ): """ Args: gid_list (list of int): the list of IBEIS image_rowids that need detection trees_path (str): the path that the trees will be saved into (along with temporary training inventory folders that are deleted once training is finished) species (str): the species that should be used to assign to the newly trained trees Kwargs (optional): refer to the PyRF documentation for configuration settings Returns: None """ '[randomforest.train()] training with %d gids and species=%r' % (len(gid_list), species) ) if trees_path is None and species is not None: trees_path = join(ibs.get_cachedir(), 'trees', species) # Get positive chip paths if species is None: aids_list = ibs.get_image_aids(gid_list) else: aids_list = ibs.get_image_aids_of_species(gid_list, species) # ##### TEMP ##### # gid_list_ = [] # aids_list_ = [] # for gid, aid_list in zip(gid_list, aids_list): # if len(aid_list) > 1: # gid_list_.append(gid) # aids_list_.append(aid_list) # elif len(aid_list) == 1: # (xtl, ytl, width, height) = ibs.get_annot_bboxes(aid_list)[0] # if xtl > 5 and ytl > 5: # gid_list_.append(gid) # aids_list_.append(aid_list) # gid_list = gid_list_ # aids_list = aids_list_ # kwargs['trees_max_patches'] = 100000 # ##### TEMP ##### aid_list = ut.flatten(aids_list) train_pos_cpath_list = ibs.get_annot_chip_fpath(aid_list) # Ensure directories for negatives negatives_cache = join(ibs.get_cachedir(), 'pyrf_train_negatives') if (setup and not exists(negatives_cache)) or setup == 'force': # Force Check if exists(negatives_cache): ut.remove_dirs(negatives_cache) ut.ensuredir(negatives_cache) # Get negative chip paths '[randomforest.train()] Mining %d negative patches' % (len(train_pos_cpath_list),) ) train_neg_cpath_list = [] while len(train_neg_cpath_list) < len(train_pos_cpath_list): sample = random.randint(0, len(gid_list) - 1) gid = gid_list[sample] img_width, img_height = ibs.get_image_sizes(gid) size = min(img_width, img_height) if species is None: aid_list = ibs.get_image_aids(gid) else: aid_list = ibs.get_image_aids_of_species(gid, species) annot_bbox_list = ibs.get_annot_bboxes(aid_list) # Find square patches square = random.randint(int(size / 4), int(size / 2)) xmin = random.randint(0, img_width - square) xmax = xmin + square ymin = random.randint(0, img_height - square) ymax = ymin + square if _valid_candidate((xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax), annot_bbox_list): if VERBOSE_RF: '[%d / %d] MINING NEGATIVE PATCH (%04d, %04d, %04d, %04d) FROM GID %d' % ( len(train_neg_cpath_list), len(train_pos_cpath_list), xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax, gid, ) ) img = ibs.get_images(gid) img_path = join( negatives_cache, 'neg_%07d.JPEG' % (len(train_neg_cpath_list),) ) img = img[ymin:ymax, xmin:xmax] cv2.imwrite(img_path, img) train_neg_cpath_list.append(img_path) else: train_neg_cpath_list =, '*.JPEG') # direct = Directory(negatives_cache, include_file_extensions=['JPEG']) # train_neg_cpath_list = direct.files() # Train trees train_gpath_list( ibs, train_pos_cpath_list, train_neg_cpath_list, trees_path=trees_path, species=species, **kwargs, ) # Remove cached negatives directory if teardown: ut.remove_dirs(negatives_cache)
[docs]def train_gpath_list( ibs, train_pos_cpath_list, train_neg_cpath_list, trees_path=None, **kwargs ): """ Args: train_pos_cpath_list (list of str): the list of positive image paths for training train_neg_cpath_list (list of str): the list of negative image paths for training trees_path (str): the path that the trees will be saved into (along with temporary training inventory folders that are deleted once training is finished) species (str, optional): the species that should be used to assign to the newly trained trees Kwargs (optional): refer to the PyRF documentation for configuration settings Returns: None """ if trees_path is None: trees_path = join(ibs.get_treesdir(), 'generic') # Train trees detector = pyrf.Random_Forest_Detector() detector.train(train_pos_cpath_list, train_neg_cpath_list, trees_path, **kwargs)
[docs]def detect_gpath_list_with_species(ibs, gpath_list, species, **kwargs): """ Args: gpath_list (list of str): the list of image paths that need detection species (str): the species that should be used to select the pre-trained random forest model downsample (bool, optional): a flag to indicate if the original image sizes should be used; defaults to True True: ibs.get_image_detectpaths() is used False: ibs.get_image_paths() is used Kwargs (optional): refer to the PyRF documentation for configuration settings Yields: iter """ tree_path_list = _get_models(ibs, species) results_iter = detect(ibs, gpath_list, tree_path_list, **kwargs) return results_iter
[docs]def detect_gid_list_with_species(ibs, gid_list, species, downsample=True, **kwargs): """ Args: gid_list (list of int): the list of IBEIS image_rowids that need detection species (str): the species that should be used to select the pre-trained random forest model downsample (bool, optional): a flag to indicate if the original image sizes should be used; defaults to True True: ibs.get_image_detectpaths() is used False: ibs.get_image_paths() is used Kwargs (optional): refer to the PyRF documentation for configuration settings Returns: iter CommandLine: python -m wbia.algo.detect.randomforest --test-detect_gid_list_with_species Example: >>> # DISABLE_DOCTEST >>> from wbia.algo.detect.randomforest import * # NOQA >>> from wbia.algo.detect.randomforest import _get_models # NOQA >>> import wbia >>> # build test data >>> ibs = wbia.opendb('testdb1') >>> species = wbia.const.TEST_SPECIES.ZEB_PLAIN >>> gid_list = ibs.get_valid_gids() >>> downsample = True >>> kwargs = {} >>> # execute function >>> result = detect_gid_list_with_species(ibs, gid_list, species, downsample) >>> # verify results >>> print(result) """ tree_path_list = _get_models(ibs, species) results_iter = detect_gid_list( ibs, gid_list, tree_path_list, downsample=downsample, verbose=False, **kwargs ) return results_iter
[docs]def detect_gid_list(ibs, gid_list, tree_path_list, downsample=True, **kwargs): """ Args: gid_list (list of int): the list of IBEIS image_rowids that need detection tree_path_list (list of str): the list of trees to load for detection downsample (bool, optional): a flag to indicate if the original image sizes should be used; defaults to True True: ibs.get_image_detectpaths() is used False: ibs.get_image_paths() is used Kwargs (optional): refer to the PyRF documentation for configuration settings Yields: results (list of dict) """ # Get new gpaths if downsampling if downsample: gpath_list = ibs.get_image_detectpaths(gid_list) neww_list = [vt.open_image_size(gpath)[0] for gpath in gpath_list] oldw_list = [oldw for (oldw, oldh) in ibs.get_image_sizes(gid_list)] downsample_list = [oldw / neww for oldw, neww in zip(oldw_list, neww_list)] else: gpath_list = ibs.get_image_paths(gid_list) downsample_list = [None] * len(gpath_list) # Run detection results_iter = detect(ibs, gpath_list, tree_path_list, **kwargs) # Upscale the results for gid, downsample, (gpath, result_list) in zip( gid_list, downsample_list, results_iter ): # Upscale the results back up to the original image size if downsample is not None and downsample != 1.0: for result in result_list: for key in ['centerx', 'centery', 'xtl', 'ytl', 'width', 'height']: result[key] = int(result[key] * downsample) yield gid, gpath, result_list
[docs]def detect(ibs, gpath_list, tree_path_list, **kwargs): """ Args: gpath_list (list of str): the list of image paths that need detection tree_path_list (list of str): the list of trees to load for detection Kwargs (optional): refer to the PyRF documentation for configuration settings Returns: iter """ # Get scales from detect config, if not specified if 'scale_list' not in kwargs.keys(): kwargs['scale_list'] = list(map(float, ibs.cfg.detect_cfg.scale_list.split(','))) assert all([isinstance(scale, float) for scale in kwargs['scale_list']]) verbose = kwargs.get('verbose', ut.VERBOSE) if verbose: '[randomforest.detect()] Detecting with %d trees with scale_list=%r' % (len(tree_path_list), kwargs['scale_list']) ) # Run detection detector = pyrf.Random_Forest_Detector(verbose=verbose) forest = detector.forest(tree_path_list) results_iter = detector.detect(forest, gpath_list, **kwargs) return results_iter
######################## def _overlap_percentage(minmax_tup1, minmax_tup2): (xmin1, xmax1, ymin1, ymax1) = minmax_tup1 (xmin2, xmax2, ymin2, ymax2) = minmax_tup2 width1, height1 = xmax1 - xmin1, ymax1 - ymin1 width2, height2 = xmax2 - xmin2, ymax2 - ymin2 x_overlap = max(0, min(xmax1, xmax2) - max(xmin1, xmin2)) y_overlap = max(0, min(ymax1, ymax2) - max(ymin1, ymin2)) area_overlap = float(x_overlap * y_overlap) area_total = min(width1 * height1, width2 * height2) percentage = area_overlap / area_total return percentage def _valid_candidate(candidate, annot_bbox_list, overlap=0.0, tries=10): for i in range(tries): valid = True for annot_bbox in annot_bbox_list: xtl, ytl, width, height = annot_bbox xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax = xtl, xtl + width, ytl, ytl + height if _overlap_percentage(candidate, (xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax)) > overlap: valid = False break # break inner loop if valid: return True return False def _get_models(ibs, species, modeldir='default', cfg_override=True, verbose=VERBOSE_RF): r""" Args: ibs (IBEISController): wbia controller object species (?): modeldir (str): (default = 'default') cfg_override (bool): (default = True) verbose (bool): verbosity flag(default = False) Returns: ?: fpath_list CommandLine: python -m wbia.algo.detect.randomforest --test-_get_models Example: >>> # ENABLE_DOCTEST >>> from wbia.algo.detect.randomforest import * # NOQA >>> import wbia >>> ibs = wbia.opendb(defaultdb='testdb1') >>> species = wbia.const.TEST_SPECIES.ZEB_PLAIN >>> modeldir = 'default' >>> cfg_override = True >>> verbose = False >>> fpath_list = _get_models(ibs, species, modeldir, cfg_override, verbose) >>> result = ('fpath_list = %s' % (str(fpath_list),)) >>> print(result) """ # with ut.embed_on_exception_context: if cfg_override and len(ibs.cfg.detect_cfg.trees_path) > 0: trees_path = ibs.cfg.detect_cfg.trees_path else: # Ensure all models downloaded and accounted for assert ( species is not None ), '[_get_models] Cannot detect without specifying a species' grabmodels.ensure_models(modeldir=modeldir, verbose=verbose) trees_path = grabmodels.get_species_trees_paths(species, modeldir=modeldir) # Load tree paths if ut.checkpath(trees_path, verbose=verbose): fpath_list =, '*.txt') # direct = Directory(trees_path, include_file_extensions=['txt']) # files = direct.files() else: # If the models do not exist, return None fpath_list = None if fpath_list is None or len(fpath_list) == 0: msg = ( ut.codeblock( """ [_get_models] Error loading trees, either directory or fpath_list not found * trees_path = %r * fpath_list = %r * species = %r * model_dir = %r * cfg_override = %r """ ) % (trees_path, fpath_list, species, modeldir, cfg_override) ) raise AssertionError(msg) return fpath_list