Source code for wbia.plottool.tests.test_helpers

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[docs]def dummy_bbox(img, shiftxy=(0.0, 0.0), scale=0.25): """Default to rectangle that has a quarter-width/height border.""" (gh, gw) = img.shape[0:2] half_w = gw / 2 half_h = gh / 2 w = gw * scale h = gh * scale x = half_w - (w / 2) + shiftxy[0] * gw y = half_h - (h / 2) + shiftxy[1] * gh bbox = tuple(map(int, map(round, [x, y, w, h]))) return bbox
[docs]def imread_many(imgpaths): import cv2 img_list = [cv2.imread(img_fpath) for img_fpath in imgpaths] return img_list