# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import numpy as np
# from . import draw_func2 as df2
from wbia.plottool import fig_presenter
# from wbia.plottool import custom_figure
# from wbia.plottool import custom_constants
# from os.path import join
import utool as ut
ut.noinject(__name__, '[plot_helpers]')
# (print, print_, printDBG, rrr, profile) = ut.inject(__name__, '[plot_helpers]', DEBUG=False)
SIFT_OR_VECFIELD = ut.get_argval('--vecfield', type_=bool)
[docs]def draw():
# def dump_figure(dumpdir, subdir=None, quality=False, overwrite=False, verbose=2,
# reset=True):
# """ Dumps figure to disk based on the figurename """
# if quality is True:
# custom_constants.FIGSIZE = custom_constants.golden_wh2(14)
# #custom_constants.DPI = 120
# custom_constants.DPI = 120
# #custom_constants.FIGSIZE = custom_constants.golden_wh2(12)
# #custom_constants.DPI = 120
# custom_constants.FONTS.figtitle = custom_constants.FONTS.small
# elif quality is False:
# #custom_constants.FIGSIZE = custom_constants.golden_wh2(8)
# #custom_constants.FIGSIZE = custom_constants.golden_wh2(14)
# #custom_constants.DPI = 100
# custom_constants.FIGSIZE = custom_constants.golden_wh2(8)
# custom_constants.DPI = 90
# custom_constants.FONTS.figtitle = custom_constants.FONTS.smaller
# fpath = dumpdir
# if subdir is not None:
# fpath = join(fpath, subdir)
# ut.ensurepath(fpath)
# fpath_clean = custom_figure.save_figure(fpath=fpath, usetitle=True, overwrite=overwrite, verbose=verbose)
# return fpath_clean
[docs]def get_square_row_cols(nSubplots, max_cols=None, fix=False, inclusive=True):
nSubplots (?):
max_cols (None):
tuple: (None, None)
python -m wbia.plottool.plot_helpers --test-get_square_row_cols
>>> from wbia.plottool.plot_helpers import * # NOQA
>>> # build test data
>>> nSubplots = 9
>>> nSubplots_list = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11]
>>> max_cols = None
>>> # execute function
>>> rc_list = [get_square_row_cols(nSubplots, fix=True) for nSubplots in nSubplots_list]
>>> # verify results
>>> result = repr(np.array(rc_list).T)
>>> print(result)
array([[1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3],
[1, 2, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 4, 4]])
if nSubplots == 0:
return 0, 0
if inclusive:
rounder = np.ceil
rounder = np.floor
if fix:
# This function is very broken, but it might have dependencies
# this is the correct version
nCols = int(rounder(np.sqrt(nSubplots)))
nRows = int(rounder(nSubplots / nCols))
return nRows, nCols
# This is the clamped num cols version
# probably used in wbia.viz
if max_cols is None:
max_cols = 5
if nSubplots in [4]:
max_cols = 2
if nSubplots in [5, 6, 7]:
max_cols = 3
if nSubplots in [8]:
max_cols = 4
nCols = int(min(nSubplots, max_cols))
# nCols = int(min(rounder(np.sqrt(nrids)), 5))
nRows = int(rounder(nSubplots / nCols))
return nRows, nCols
[docs]def get_plotdat(ax, key, default=None):
"""returns internal property from a matplotlib axis"""
_plotdat = get_plotdat_dict(ax)
val = _plotdat.get(key, default)
return val
[docs]def set_plotdat(ax, key, val):
"""sets internal property to a matplotlib axis"""
_plotdat = get_plotdat_dict(ax)
_plotdat[key] = val
[docs]def del_plotdat(ax, key):
"""sets internal property to a matplotlib axis"""
_plotdat = get_plotdat_dict(ax)
if key in _plotdat:
del _plotdat[key]
[docs]def get_plotdat_dict(ax):
"""sets internal property to a matplotlib axis"""
if '_plotdat' not in ax.__dict__:
ax.__dict__['_plotdat'] = {}
plotdat_dict = ax.__dict__['_plotdat']
return plotdat_dict
[docs]def get_bbox_centers(bbox_list):
bbox_centers = np.array(
[np.array([x + (w / 2), y + (h / 2)]) for (x, y, w, h) in bbox_list]
return bbox_centers
[docs]def qt4ensure():
# if ut.inIPython():
# import IPython
# #IPython.get_ipython().magic('pylab qt4')
# IPython.get_ipython().magic('pylab qt4 --no-import-all')
[docs]def qtensure():
import wbia.guitool as gt
if ut.inIPython():
import IPython
ipython = IPython.get_ipython()
if ipython is None:
# we must have exited ipython at some point
sudo apt-get install python3-pyqt5.qtsvg
# import os
# os.environ['QT_API'] = 'pyqt5'
# import matplotlib
# matplotlib.use('Qt5Agg')
# IPython.get_ipython().magic('matplotlib qt5')
# IPython.get_ipython().magic('pylab qt4')
ipython.magic('pylab qt5 --no-import-all')
# IPython.get_ipython().magic('pylab qt4')
ipython.magic('pylab qt4 --no-import-all')
ensureqt = qt4ensure
# ==========================#
# --- TESTING FUNCS --- #
# ==========================#
[docs]def kp_info(kp):
import vtool.keypoint as ktool
kpts = np.array([kp])
xy_str = ktool.get_xy_strs(kpts)[0]
shape_str = ktool.get_shape_strs(kpts)[0]
ori_ = ktool.get_oris(kpts)[0]
ori_str = 'ori=%.2f' % ori_
scale = ktool.get_scales(kpts)[0]
return xy_str, shape_str, scale, ori_str