Source code for wbia.plottool.nx_helpers

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Helpers for graph plotting


    pip uninstall pydot
    pip uninstall pyparsing
    pip install -Iv
    pip install pydot
    sudo apt-get  install libgraphviz4 libgraphviz-dev -y
    sudo apt-get install libgraphviz-dev
    pip install pygraphviz
    sudo pip3 install pygraphviz \
        --install-option="--include-path=/usr/include/graphviz" \
    python -c "import pygraphviz; print(pygraphviz.__file__)"
    python3 -c "import pygraphviz; print(pygraphviz.__file__)"

import logging

    from wbia import dtool as dt
except ImportError:
import numpy as np
import utool as ut

# from wbia.plottool import colorfuncs
from functools import reduce

(print, rrr, profile) = ut.inject2(__name__)
logger = logging.getLogger('wbia')


[docs]def dump_nx_ondisk(graph, fpath): agraph = make_agraph(graph.copy()) # agraph = nx.nx_agraph.to_agraph(graph) agraph.layout(prog='dot') agraph.draw(ut.truepath(fpath))
[docs]def ensure_nonhex_color(orig_color): # TODO: move to ensure color if isinstance(orig_color, str) and orig_color.startswith('#'): hex_color = orig_color import matplotlib.colors as colors color = colors.hex2color(hex_color[0:7]) if len(hex_color) > 8: alpha_hex = hex_color[7:9] alpha_float = int(alpha_hex, 16) / 255.0 color = color + (alpha_float,) else: color = orig_color return color
[docs]@profile def show_nx( graph, with_labels=True, fnum=None, pnum=None, layout='agraph', ax=None, pos=None, img_dict=None, title=None, layoutkw=None, verbose=None, **kwargs ): r""" Args: graph (networkx.Graph): with_labels (bool): (default = True) fnum (int): figure number(default = None) pnum (tuple): plot number(default = None) layout (str): (default = 'agraph') ax (None): (default = None) pos (None): (default = None) img_dict (dict): (default = None) title (str): (default = None) layoutkw (None): (default = None) verbose (bool): verbosity flag(default = None) Kwargs: use_image, framewidth, modify_ax, as_directed, hacknoedge, hacknode, arrow_width, fontsize, fontweight, fontname, fontfamilty, fontproperties CommandLine: python -m wbia.plottool.nx_helpers show_nx --show python -m dtool --tf DependencyCache.make_graph --show python -m wbia.scripts.specialdraw double_depcache_graph --show --testmode python -m vtool.clustering2 unsupervised_multicut_labeling --show Example: >>> # ENABLE_DOCTEST >>> # xdoctest: +REQUIRES(module:pygraphviz) >>> from wbia.plottool.nx_helpers import * # NOQA >>> import networkx as nx >>> graph = nx.DiGraph() >>> graph.add_nodes_from(['a', 'b', 'c', 'd']) >>> graph.add_edges_from({'a': 'b', 'b': 'c', 'b': 'd', 'c': 'd'}.items()) >>> nx.set_node_attributes(graph, name='shape', values='rect') >>> nx.set_node_attributes(graph, name='image', values={'a': ut.grab_test_imgpath('carl.jpg')}) >>> nx.set_node_attributes(graph, name='image', values={'d': ut.grab_test_imgpath('lena.png')}) >>> #nx.set_node_attributes(graph, name='height', values=100) >>> with_labels = True >>> fnum = None >>> pnum = None >>> e = show_nx(graph, with_labels, fnum, pnum, layout='agraph') >>> import wbia.plottool as pt >>> pt.show_if_requested() """ import wbia.plottool as pt import networkx as nx if ax is None: fnum = pt.ensure_fnum(fnum) pt.figure(fnum=fnum, pnum=pnum) ax = pt.gca() if img_dict is None: img_dict = nx.get_node_attributes(graph, 'image') if verbose is None: verbose = ut.VERBOSE use_image = kwargs.get('use_image', True) if verbose:'Getting layout') layout_info = get_nx_layout(graph, layout, layoutkw=layoutkw, verbose=verbose) if verbose:'Drawing graph') # zoom = kwargs.pop('zoom', .4) framewidth = kwargs.pop('framewidth', 1.0) patch_dict = draw_network2(graph, layout_info, ax, verbose=verbose, **kwargs) layout_info.update(patch_dict) if kwargs.get('modify_ax', True): ax.grid(False) pt.plt.axis('equal') ax.patch.set_facecolor('white') ax.autoscale() ax.autoscale_view(True, True, True) # axes.facecolor node_size = layout_info['node'].get('size') node_pos = layout_info['node'].get('pos') if node_size is not None: size_arr = np.array(ut.take(node_size, graph.nodes())) half_size_arr = size_arr / 2.0 pos_arr = np.array(ut.take(node_pos, graph.nodes())) # autoscale does not seem to work # ul_pos = pos_arr - half_size_arr # br_pos = pos_arr + half_size_arr # hack because edges are cut off. # need to take into account extent of edges as well ul_pos = pos_arr - half_size_arr * 1.5 br_pos = pos_arr + half_size_arr * 1.5 xmin, ymin = ul_pos.min(axis=0) xmax, ymax = br_pos.max(axis=0) ax.set_xlim(xmin, xmax) ax.set_ylim(ymin, ymax) # pt.plt.axis('off') ax.set_xticks([]) ax.set_yticks([]) if use_image and img_dict is not None and len(img_dict) > 0: if verbose:'Drawing images') node_list = sorted(img_dict.keys()) pos_list = ut.dict_take(node_pos, node_list) img_list = ut.dict_take(img_dict, node_list) size_list = ut.dict_take(node_size, node_list) # color_list = ut.dict_take(nx.get_node_attributes(graph, 'color'), node_list, None) color_list = ut.dict_take( nx.get_node_attributes(graph, 'framecolor'), node_list, None ) framewidth_list = ut.dict_take( nx.get_node_attributes(graph, 'framewidth'), node_list, framewidth ) pt.netx_draw_images_at_positions( img_list, pos_list, size_list, color_list, framewidth_list=framewidth_list ) # Hack in older interface imgdat = {} imgdat['node_list'] = node_list layout_info['imgdat'] = imgdat else: if verbose:'Not drawing images') if title is not None: pt.set_title(title) return layout_info
[docs]def netx_draw_images_at_positions( img_list, pos_list, size_list, color_list, framewidth_list ): """ Overlays images on a networkx graph References: """ import vtool as vt import wbia.plottool as pt # Ensure all images have been read img_list_ = [ vt.convert_colorspace(vt.imread(img), 'RGB') if isinstance(img, str) else img for img in img_list ] size_list_ = [ vt.get_size(img) if size is None else size for size, img in zip(size_list, img_list) ] for pos, img, size in zip(pos_list, img_list_, size_list_): bbox = vt.bbox_from_center_wh(pos, size) extent = vt.extent_from_bbox(bbox) pt.plt.imshow(img, extent=extent)
[docs]def parse_html_graphviz_attrs(): # Parse the documentation table import bs4 import requests r = requests.get(r'') data = r.text soup = bs4.BeautifulSoup(data, 'html5lib') for table in soup.findAll('table'): if len(list(table.descendants)) > 2000: break columns = [th.text.strip() for th in table.find_all('th')] data = [] for tr in table.find_all('tr'): row = [td.text.strip() for td in tr.find_all('td')] if row: data.append(row) import pandas as pd pd.options.display.max_rows = 20 pd.options.display.max_columns = 40 pd.options.display.width = 160 pd.options.display.float_format = lambda x: '%.4f' % (x,) full_df = pd.DataFrame(data, columns=columns) # Find valid progs that can be used all_progs = [] for n in full_df['Notes'].tolist(): line = n.replace(' only', '').replace('not ', '') found = [_.strip() for _ in line.split(',')] all_progs.extend(found) all_progs = set(all_progs) - {''} # Find which progs are supported by which rows supported_progs = [] for n in full_df['Notes'].tolist(): line = n.replace(' only', '').replace('not ', '') if n.endswith('only'): only = {_.strip() for _ in line.split(',')} supported_progs.append(only) elif n.startswith('not'): noneof = {_.strip() for _ in line.split(',')} supported_progs.append(all_progs - noneof) else: supported_progs.append(all_progs) # Find subset that supports dot or neato dot_or_neato = [len({'dot', 'neato'}.intersection(p)) > 0 for p in supported_progs] df = full_df[dot_or_neato] df = full_df neato_ = [len({'neato'}.intersection(p)) > 0 for p in supported_progs] df = full_df # types are: # edges, nodes, the root graph, subgraphs and cluster subgraphs typed_keys = {} for t in {'E', 'N', 'G', 'S', 'C'}: flags = [t in x for x in df['Used By']] typed_keys[t] = df[flags]['Name'].tolist()', '.join(typed_keys['G']))) df = full_df[neato_] neato_keys = {} for t in {'E', 'N', 'G', 'S', 'C'}: flags = [t in x for x in df['Used By']] neato_keys[t] = df[flags]['Name'].tolist()', '.join(neato_keys['G'])))
[docs]class GRAPHVIZ_KEYS(object): # NOQA N = { 'URL', 'area', 'color', 'colorscheme', 'comment', 'distortion', 'fillcolor', 'fixedsize', 'fontcolor', 'fontname', 'fontsize', 'gradientangle', 'group', 'height', 'href', 'id', 'image', 'imagepos', 'imagescale', 'label', 'labelloc', 'layer', 'margin', 'nojustify', 'ordering', 'orientation', 'penwidth', 'peripheries', 'pin', 'pos', 'rects', 'regular', 'root', 'samplepoints', 'shape', 'shapefile', 'showboxes', 'sides', 'skew', 'sortv', 'style', 'target', 'tooltip', 'vertices', 'width', 'xlabel', 'xlp', 'z', } E = { 'URL', 'arrowhead', 'arrowsize', 'arrowtail', 'color', 'colorscheme', 'comment', 'constraint', 'decorate', 'dir', 'edgeURL', 'edgehref', 'edgetarget', 'edgetooltip', 'fillcolor', 'fontcolor', 'fontname', 'fontsize', 'headURL', 'head_lp', 'headclip', 'headhref', 'headlabel', 'headport', 'headtarget', 'headtooltip', 'href', 'id', 'label', 'labelURL', 'labelangle', 'labeldistance', 'labelfloat', 'labelfontcolor', 'labelfontname', 'labelfontsize', 'labelhref', 'labeltarget', 'labeltooltip', 'layer', 'len', 'lhead', 'lp', 'ltail', 'minlen', 'nojustify', 'penwidth', 'pos', 'samehead', 'sametail', 'showboxes', 'style', 'tailURL', 'tail_lp', 'tailclip', 'tailhref', 'taillabel', 'tailport', 'tailtarget', 'tailtooltip', 'target', 'tooltip', 'weight', 'xlabel', 'xlp', } G = { 'Damping', 'K', 'URL', '_background', 'bb', 'bgcolor', 'center', 'charset', 'clusterrank', 'colorscheme', 'comment', 'compound', 'concentrate', 'defaultdist', 'dim', 'dimen', 'diredgeconstraints', 'dpi', 'epsilon', 'esep', 'fontcolor', 'fontname', 'fontnames', 'fontpath', 'fontsize', 'forcelabels', 'gradientangle', 'href', 'id', 'imagepath', 'inputscale', 'label', 'label_scheme', 'labeljust', 'labelloc', 'landscape', 'layerlistsep', 'layers', 'layerselect', 'layersep', 'layout', 'levels', 'levelsgap', 'lheight', 'lp', 'lwidth', 'margin', 'maxiter', 'mclimit', 'mindist', 'mode', 'model', 'mosek', 'newrank', 'nodesep', 'nojustify', 'normalize', 'notranslate', 'nslimit\nnslimit1', 'ordering', 'orientation', 'outputorder', 'overlap', 'overlap_scaling', 'overlap_shrink', 'pack', 'packmode', 'pad', 'page', 'pagedir', 'quadtree', 'quantum', 'rankdir', 'ranksep', 'ratio', 'remincross', 'repulsiveforce', 'resolution', 'root', 'rotate', 'rotation', 'scale', 'searchsize', 'sep', 'showboxes', 'size', 'smoothing', 'sortv', 'splines', 'start', 'style', 'stylesheet', 'target', 'truecolor', 'viewport', 'voro_margin', 'xdotversion', }
[docs] class GraphVizLayoutConfig(dt.Config): r""" Ignore: Node Props: colorscheme CEGN string NaN fontcolor CEGN color NaN fontname CEGN string NaN fontsize CEGN double NaN label CEGN lblString NaN nojustify CEGN bool NaN style CEGN style NaN color CEN colorcolorList NaN fillcolor CEN colorcolorList NaN layer CEN layerRange NaN penwidth CEN double NaN radientangle CGN int NaN labelloc CGN string NaN margin CGN doublepoint NaN sortv CGN int NaN peripheries CN int NaN showboxes EGN int dot only comment EGN string NaN pos EN pointsplineType NaN xlabel EN lblString NaN ordering GN string dot only group N string dot only pin N bool fdp | neato only distortion N double NaN fixedsize N boolstring NaN height N double NaN image N string NaN imagescale N boolstring NaN orientation N double NaN regular N bool NaN samplepoints N int NaN shape N shape NaN shapefile N string NaN sides N int NaN skew N double NaN width N double NaN z N double NaN """ # TODO: make a gridsearchable config for layouts
[docs] @staticmethod def get_param_info_list(): param_info_list = [ # GENERAL ut.ParamInfo( 'splines', 'spline', valid_values=[ 'none', 'line', 'polyline', 'curved', 'ortho', 'spline', ], ), ut.ParamInfo('pack', True), ut.ParamInfo('packmode', 'cluster'), # ut.ParamInfo('nodesep', ?), # NOT DOT ut.ParamInfo( 'overlap', 'prism', valid_values=['true', 'false', 'prism', 'ipsep'] ), ut.ParamInfo('sep', 1 / 8), ut.ParamInfo('esep', 1 / 8), # stricly less than sep # NEATO ONLY ut.ParamInfo('mode', 'major', valid_values=['heir', 'KK', 'ipsep']), # kwargs['diredgeconstraints'] = 'heir' # kwargs['inputscale'] = kwargs.get('inputscale', 72) # kwargs['Damping'] = kwargs.get('Damping', .1) # DOT ONLY ut.ParamInfo('rankdir', 'LR', valid_values=['LR', 'RL', 'TB', 'BT']), ut.ParamInfo('ranksep', 2.5), ut.ParamInfo('nodesep', 2.0), ut.ParamInfo('clusterrank', 'local', valid_values=['local', 'global']) # OUTPUT ONLY # kwargs['dpi'] = kwargs.get('dpi', 1.0) ] return param_info_list
except Exception: pass
[docs]def get_explicit_graph(graph): """ Args: graph (nx.Graph) """ import copy def get_nx_base(graph): import networkx as nx if isinstance(graph, nx.MultiDiGraph): base_class = nx.MultiDiGraph elif isinstance(graph, nx.MultiGraph): base_class = nx.MultiGraph elif isinstance(graph, nx.DiGraph): base_class = nx.DiGraph elif isinstance(graph, nx.Graph): base_class = nx.Graph else: assert False return base_class base_class = get_nx_base(graph) explicit_graph = base_class() explicit_graph.graph = copy.deepcopy(graph.graph) explicit_nodes = graph.nodes(data=True) explicit_edges = [ (n1, n2, data) for (n1, n2, data) in graph.edges(data=True) if data.get('implicit', False) is not True ] explicit_graph.add_nodes_from(explicit_nodes) explicit_graph.add_edges_from(explicit_edges) return explicit_graph
[docs]def get_nx_layout(graph, layout, layoutkw=None, verbose=None): import networkx as nx if layoutkw is None: layoutkw = {} layout_info = {} if layout == 'custom': edge_keys = list( reduce( set.union, [set(edge[-1].keys()) for edge in graph.edges(data=True)], set([]), ) ) node_keys = list( reduce( set.union, [set(node[-1].keys()) for node in graph.nodes(data=True)], set([]), ) ) graph_keys = list(graph.graph.keys()) layout_info = { 'graph': {k: graph.graph.get(k) for k in graph_keys}, 'node': {k: nx.get_node_attributes(graph, k) for k in node_keys}, 'edge': {k: nx.get_edge_attributes(graph, k) for k in edge_keys}, } # Post checks node_info = layout_info['node'] if 'size' not in node_info: if 'width' in node_info and 'height' in node_info: node_info['size'] = { node: (node_info['width'][node], node_info['height'][node]) for node in graph.nodes() } # node_info['size'] = list(zip(node_info['width'], # node_info['height'])) elif layout == 'agraph': # PREFERED LAYOUT WITH MOST CONTROL _, layout_info = nx_agraph_layout(graph, verbose=verbose, **layoutkw) else: raise ValueError('Undefined layout = %r' % (layout,)) return layout_info
[docs]def apply_graph_layout_attrs(graph, layout_info): import networkx as nx def noneish(v): isNone = v is None isNoneStr = isinstance(v, str) and v.lower() == 'none' return isNone or isNoneStr for key, vals in layout_info['node'].items(): vals = {n: v for n, v in vals.items() if not noneish(n)} nx.set_node_attributes(graph, name=key, values=vals) for key, vals in layout_info['edge'].items(): vals = {e: v for e, v in vals.items() if not noneish(e)} nx.set_edge_attributes(graph, name=key, values=vals) graph_attrs = {k: v for k, v in layout_info['graph'].items() if not noneish(k)} graph.graph.update(graph_attrs)
[docs]def patch_pygraphviz(): """ Hacks around a python3 problem in 1.3.1 of pygraphviz """ import pygraphviz if pygraphviz.__version__ != '1.3.1': return if hasattr(pygraphviz.agraph.AGraph, '_run_prog_patch'): return def _run_prog(self, prog='nop', args=''): """Apply graphviz program to graph and return the result as a string. >>> A = AGraph() >>> s = A._run_prog() # doctest: +SKIP >>> s = A._run_prog(prog='acyclic') # doctest: +SKIP Use keyword args to add additional arguments to graphviz programs. """ from pygraphviz.agraph import shlex, subprocess, PipeReader, warnings runprog = r'"%s"' % self._get_prog(prog) cmd = ' '.join([runprog, args]) dotargs = shlex.split(cmd) p = subprocess.Popen( dotargs, shell=False, stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, close_fds=False, ) (child_stdin, child_stdout, child_stderr) = (p.stdin, p.stdout, p.stderr) # Use threading to avoid blocking data = [] errors = [] threads = [PipeReader(data, child_stdout), PipeReader(errors, child_stderr)] for t in threads: t.start() self.write(child_stdin) child_stdin.close() for t in threads: t.join() if not data: raise IOError(b''.join(errors)) if len(errors) > 0: warnings.warn(str(b''.join(errors)), RuntimeWarning) return b''.join(data) # Patch error in pygraphviz pygraphviz.agraph.AGraph._run_prog_patch = _run_prog pygraphviz.agraph.AGraph._run_prog_orig = pygraphviz.agraph.AGraph._run_prog pygraphviz.agraph.AGraph._run_prog = _run_prog
[docs]def make_agraph(graph_): # FIXME; make this not an inplace operation import networkx as nx import pygraphviz patch_pygraphviz() # Convert to agraph format num_nodes = len(graph_) is_large = num_nodes > LARGE_GRAPH if is_large: 'Making agraph for large graph %d nodes. ' 'May take time' % (num_nodes) ) ut.nx_ensure_agraph_color(graph_) # Reduce size to be in inches not pixels # FIXME: make robust to param settings # Hack to make the w/h of the node take thae max instead of # dot which takes the minimum shaped_nodes = [n for n, d in graph_.nodes(data=True) if 'width' in d] node_dict = ut.nx_node_dict(graph_) node_attrs = ut.dict_take(node_dict, shaped_nodes) width_px = np.array(ut.take_column(node_attrs, 'width')) height_px = np.array(ut.take_column(node_attrs, 'height')) scale = np.array(ut.dict_take_column(node_attrs, 'scale', default=1.0)) inputscale = 72.0 width_in = width_px / inputscale * scale height_in = height_px / inputscale * scale width_in_dict = dict(zip(shaped_nodes, width_in)) height_in_dict = dict(zip(shaped_nodes, height_in)) nx.set_node_attributes(graph_, name='width', values=width_in_dict) nx.set_node_attributes(graph_, name='height', values=height_in_dict) ut.nx_delete_node_attr(graph_, name='scale') # Check for any nodes with groupids node_to_groupid = nx.get_node_attributes(graph_, 'groupid') if node_to_groupid: groupid_to_nodes = ut.group_items(*zip(*node_to_groupid.items())) else: groupid_to_nodes = {} # Initialize agraph format # import utool # utool.embed() ut.nx_delete_None_edge_attr(graph_) agraph = nx.nx_agraph.to_agraph(graph_) # Add subgraphs labels # TODO: subgraph attrs group_attrs = graph_.graph.get('groupattrs', {}) for groupid, nodes in groupid_to_nodes.items(): # subgraph_attrs = {} subgraph_attrs = group_attrs.get(groupid, {}).copy() cluster_flag = True # FIXME: make this more natural to specify if 'cluster' in subgraph_attrs: cluster_flag = subgraph_attrs['cluster'] del subgraph_attrs['cluster'] # subgraph_attrs = dict(rankdir='LR') # subgraph_attrs = dict(rankdir='LR') # subgraph_attrs['rank'] = 'min' # subgraph_attrs['rank'] = 'source' name = groupid if cluster_flag: # graphviz treast subgraphs labeld with cluster differently name = 'cluster_' + groupid else: name = groupid agraph.add_subgraph(nodes, name, **subgraph_attrs) import re for node in graph_.nodes(): anode = pygraphviz.Node(agraph, node) # TODO: Generally fix node positions ptstr_ = anode.attr['pos'] if ptstr_ is not None and len(ptstr_) > 0 and not ptstr_.endswith('!'): ptstr = ptstr_.strip('[]').strip(' ').strip('()') ptstr_list = [x.rstrip(',') for x in re.split(r'\s+', ptstr)] pt_list = list(map(float, ptstr_list)) pt_arr = np.array(pt_list) / inputscale new_ptstr_list = list(map(str, pt_arr)) new_ptstr_ = ','.join(new_ptstr_list) if anode.attr['pin'] is True: anode.attr['pin'] = 'true' if anode.attr['pin'] == 'true': new_ptstr = new_ptstr_ + '!' else: new_ptstr = new_ptstr_ anode.attr['pos'] = new_ptstr if graph_.graph.get('ignore_labels', False): for node in graph_.nodes(): anode = pygraphviz.Node(agraph, node) if 'label' in anode.attr: try: del anode.attr['label'] except KeyError: pass return agraph
def _groupby_prelayout(graph_, layoutkw, groupby): """ sets `pin` attr of `graph_` inplace in order to nodes according to specified layout. """ import networkx as nx has_pins = any( [v.lower() == 'true' for v in nx.get_node_attributes(graph_, 'pin').values()] ) has_pins &= all('pos' in d for n, d in graph_.nodes(data=True)) if not has_pins: # Layout groups separately node_to_group = nx.get_node_attributes(graph_, groupby) group_to_nodes = ut.invert_dict(node_to_group, unique_vals=False) subgraph_list = [] def subgraph_grid(subgraphs, hpad=None, vpad=None): n_cols = int(np.ceil(np.sqrt(len(subgraphs)))) columns = [ ut.stack_graphs(chunk, vert=False, pad=hpad) for chunk in ut.ichunks(subgraphs, n_cols) ] new_graph = ut.stack_graphs(columns, vert=True, pad=vpad) return new_graph group_grid = graph_.graph.get('group_grid', None) for group, nodes in group_to_nodes.items(): if group_grid: subnode_list = [graph_.subgraph([node]) for node in nodes] for sub in subnode_list: sub.graph.update(graph_.graph) nx_agraph_layout(sub, inplace=True, groupby=None, **layoutkw) subgraph = subgraph_grid(subnode_list) # subgraph = graph_.subgraph(nodes) else: subgraph = graph_.subgraph(nodes) subgraph.graph.update(graph_.graph) nx_agraph_layout(subgraph, inplace=True, groupby=None, **layoutkw) subgraph_list.append(subgraph) hpad = graph_.graph.get('hpad', None) vpad = graph_.graph.get('vpad', None) graph_ = subgraph_grid(subgraph_list, hpad, vpad) # graph_ = ut.stack_graphs(subgraph_list) nx.set_node_attributes(graph_, name='pin', values='true') return True, graph_ else: return False, graph_ #'WARNING: GROUPING WOULD CLOBBER PINS. NOT GROUPING')
[docs]def nx_agraph_layout( orig_graph, inplace=False, verbose=None, return_agraph=False, groupby=None, **layoutkw ): r""" Uses graphviz and custom code to determine position attributes of nodes and edges. Args: groupby (str): if not None then nodes will be grouped by this attributes and groups will be layed out separately and then stacked together in a grid Ignore: orig_graph = graph graph = layout_graph References: CommandLine: python -m wbia.plottool.nx_helpers nx_agraph_layout --show Doctest: >>> # FIXME failing-test (22-Jul-2020) This test is failing and it's not clear how to fix it >>> # xdoctest: +SKIP >>> # xdoctest: +REQUIRES(module:pygraphviz) >>> from wbia.plottool.nx_helpers import * # NOQA >>> import wbia.plottool as pt >>> import networkx as nx >>> import utool as ut >>> n, s = 9, 4 >>> offsets = list(range(0, (1 + n) * s, s)) >>> node_groups = [ut.lmap(str, range(*o)) for o in ut.itertwo(offsets)] >>> edge_groups = [ut.combinations(nodes, 2) for nodes in node_groups] >>> graph = nx.Graph() >>> [graph.add_nodes_from(nodes) for nodes in node_groups] >>> [graph.add_edges_from(edges) for edges in edge_groups] >>> for count, nodes in enumerate(node_groups): ... nx.set_node_attributes(graph, name='id', values=ut.dzip(nodes, [count])) >>> layoutkw = dict(prog='neato') >>> graph1, info1 = nx_agraph_layout(graph.copy(), inplace=True, groupby='id', **layoutkw) >>> graph2, info2 = nx_agraph_layout(graph.copy(), inplace=True, **layoutkw) >>> graph3, _ = nx_agraph_layout(graph1.copy(), inplace=True, **layoutkw) >>> nx.set_node_attributes(graph1, name='pin', values='true') >>> graph4, _ = nx_agraph_layout(graph1.copy(), inplace=True, **layoutkw) >>> if pt.show_was_requested(): >>> pt.show_nx(graph1, layout='custom', pnum=(2, 2, 1), fnum=1) >>> pt.show_nx(graph2, layout='custom', pnum=(2, 2, 2), fnum=1) >>> pt.show_nx(graph3, layout='custom', pnum=(2, 2, 3), fnum=1) >>> pt.show_nx(graph4, layout='custom', pnum=(2, 2, 4), fnum=1) >>> pt.show_if_requested() >>> g1pos = nx.get_node_attributes(graph1, 'pos')['1'] >>> g4pos = nx.get_node_attributes(graph4, 'pos')['1'] >>> g2pos = nx.get_node_attributes(graph2, 'pos')['1'] >>> g3pos = nx.get_node_attributes(graph3, 'pos')['1'] >>> print('g1pos = {!r}'.format(g1pos)) >>> print('g4pos = {!r}'.format(g4pos)) >>> print('g2pos = {!r}'.format(g2pos)) >>> print('g3pos = {!r}'.format(g3pos)) >>> assert np.all(g1pos == g4pos), 'points between 1 and 4 were pinned so they should be equal' >>> #assert np.all(g2pos != g3pos), 'points between 2 and 3 were not pinned, so they should be different' assert np.all(nx.get_node_attributes(graph1, 'pos')['1'] == nx.get_node_attributes(graph4, 'pos')['1']) assert np.all(nx.get_node_attributes(graph2, 'pos')['1'] == nx.get_node_attributes(graph3, 'pos')['1']) """ # import networkx as nx import pygraphviz # graph_ = get_explicit_graph(orig_graph).copy() graph_ = get_explicit_graph(orig_graph) # only_explicit = True # if only_explicit: num_nodes = len(graph_) is_large = num_nodes > LARGE_GRAPH # layoutkw = layoutkw.copy() draw_implicit = layoutkw.pop('draw_implicit', True) pinned_groups = False if groupby is not None: pinned_groups, graph_ = _groupby_prelayout( graph_, layoutkw=layoutkw, groupby=groupby ) prog = layoutkw.pop('prog', 'dot') if prog != 'dot': layoutkw['overlap'] = layoutkw.get('overlap', 'false') layoutkw['splines'] = layoutkw.get('splines', 'spline') if prog == 'neato': layoutkw['notranslate'] = 'true' # for neato postprocessing if True: argparts = ['-G%s=%s' % (key, str(val)) for key, val in layoutkw.items()] splines = layoutkw['splines'] else: # layoutkw is allowed to overwrite graph.graph['graph'] args_kw = graph_.graph.get('graph', {}).copy() for key, val in layoutkw.items(): if key in GRAPHVIZ_KEYS.G and val is not None: if key not in args_kw: args_kw[key] = val # del args_kw['sep'] # del args_kw['nodesep'] # del args_kw['overlap'] # del args_kw['notranslate'] argparts = ['-G{}={}'.format(key, val) for key, val in args_kw.items()] splines = args_kw['splines'] args = ' '.join(argparts) if verbose is None: verbose = ut.VERBOSE if verbose or is_large:'[nx_agraph_layout] args = %r' % (args,)) # Convert to agraph format agraph = make_agraph(graph_) # Run layout #'prog = %r' % (prog,)) if verbose > 3:'BEFORE LAYOUT\n' + str(agraph)) if is_large: 'Preforming agraph layout on graph with %d nodes.' 'May take time' % (num_nodes) ) # import warnings # warnings.filterwarnings("error") # import warnings # flag = False # for node in graph_.nodes(): # anode = pygraphviz.Node(agraph, node) # ptstr_ = anode.attr['pos'] #'ptstr_ = %r' % (ptstr_,)) # FIXME; This spits out warnings on weird color input # import warnings # with warnings.catch_warnings(record=True): # # warnings.filterwarnings('error') # warnings.filterwarnings('ignore') try: agraph.layout(prog=prog, args=args) except Exception as ex: ut.printex(ex, tb=True) # import utool # utool.embed() raise # except RuntimeWarning as ex: # ut.printex(ex, iswarning=True) # flag = True # if flag: # import utool # utool.embed() if is_large:'Finished agraph layout.') if 0: test_fpath = ut.truepath('~/test_graphviz_draw.png') agraph.draw(test_fpath) ut.startfile(test_fpath) if verbose > 3:'AFTER LAYOUT\n' + str(agraph)) # TODO: just replace with a single dict of attributes node_layout_attrs = ut.ddict(dict) edge_layout_attrs = ut.ddict(dict) # for node in agraph.nodes(): for node in graph_.nodes(): anode = pygraphviz.Node(agraph, node) node_attrs = parse_anode_layout_attrs(anode) for key, val in node_attrs.items(): node_layout_attrs[key][node] = val edges = list(ut.nx_edges(graph_, keys=True)) for edge in edges: aedge = pygraphviz.Edge(agraph, *edge) edge_attrs = parse_aedge_layout_attrs(aedge) for key, val in edge_attrs.items(): edge_layout_attrs[key][edge] = val if draw_implicit: # ADD IN IMPLICIT EDGES layout_edges = set(ut.nx_edges(graph_, keys=True)) orig_edges = set(ut.nx_edges(orig_graph, keys=True)) implicit_edges = list(orig_edges - layout_edges) # all_edges = list(set.union(orig_edges, layout_edges)) needs_implicit = len(implicit_edges) > 0 if needs_implicit: # Pin down positions for node in agraph.nodes(): anode = pygraphviz.Node(agraph, node) anode.attr['pin'] = 'true' anode.attr['pos'] += '!' # Add new edges to route for iedge in implicit_edges: data = orig_graph.get_edge_data(*iedge) agraph.add_edge(*iedge, **data) if ut.VERBOSE or verbose:'BEFORE IMPLICIT LAYOUT\n' + str(agraph)) # Route the implicit edges (must use neato) control_node = pygraphviz.Node(agraph, node) #'control_node = %r' % (control_node,)) node1_attr1 = parse_anode_layout_attrs(control_node) #'node1_attr1 = %r' % (node1_attr1,)) implicit_kw = layoutkw.copy() implicit_kw['overlap'] = 'true' # del implicit_kw['overlap'] # can cause node positions to change argparts = ['-G%s=%s' % (key, str(val)) for key, val in implicit_kw.items()] args = ' '.join(argparts) if is_large: '[nx_agraph_layout] About to draw implicit layout ' 'for large graph.' ) agraph.layout(prog='neato', args='-n ' + args) if is_large: '[nx_agraph_layout] done with implicit layout for ' 'large graph.' ) if False: agraph.draw(ut.truepath('~/implicit_test_graphviz_draw.png')) if ut.VERBOSE or verbose:'AFTER IMPLICIT LAYOUT\n' + str(agraph)) control_node = pygraphviz.Node(agraph, node) #'control_node = %r' % (control_node,)) node1_attr2 = parse_anode_layout_attrs(control_node) #'node1_attr2 = %r' % (node1_attr2,)) # graph positions shifted # This is not the right place to divide by 72 translation = node1_attr1['pos'] - node1_attr2['pos'] #'translation = %r' % (translation,)) # translation = np.array([0, 0]) #'translation = %r' % (translation,)) # for iedge in all_edges: for iedge in implicit_edges: aedge = pygraphviz.Edge(agraph, *iedge) iedge_attrs = parse_aedge_layout_attrs(aedge, translation) for key, val in iedge_attrs.items(): edge_layout_attrs[key][iedge] = val if pinned_groups: # Remove temporary pins put in place by groups ut.nx_delete_node_attr(graph_, 'pin') graph_layout_attrs = dict(splines=splines) layout_info = { 'graph': graph_layout_attrs, 'edge': dict(edge_layout_attrs), 'node': dict(node_layout_attrs), } if inplace: apply_graph_layout_attrs(orig_graph, layout_info) graph = orig_graph else: # FIXME: there is really no point to returning graph unless we actually # modify its attributes graph = graph_ if return_agraph: return graph, layout_info, agraph else: return graph, layout_info
[docs]def parse_point(ptstr): try: xx, yy = ptstr.strip('!').split(',') xy = np.array((float(xx), float(yy))) except Exception: xy = None return xy
[docs]def parse_anode_layout_attrs(anode): node_attrs = {} # try: xx, yy = anode.attr['pos'].strip('!').split(',') xy = np.array((float(xx), float(yy))) # except Exception: # xy = np.array((0.0, 0.0)) adpi = 72.0 width = float(anode.attr['width']) * adpi height = float(anode.attr['height']) * adpi node_attrs['width'] = width node_attrs['height'] = height node_attrs['size'] = (width, height) node_attrs['pos'] = xy return node_attrs
[docs]def parse_aedge_layout_attrs(aedge, translation=None): """ parse grpahviz splineType """ if translation is None: translation = np.array([0, 0]) edge_attrs = {} apos = aedge.attr['pos'] #'apos = %r' % (apos,)) end_pt = None start_pt = None # if '-' in apos: # import utool # utool.embed() def safeadd(x, y): if x is None or y is None: return None return x + y strpos_list = apos.split(' ') strtup_list = [ea.split(',') for ea in strpos_list] ctrl_ptstrs = [ea for ea in strtup_list if ea[0] not in 'es'] end_ptstrs = [ea[1:] for ea in strtup_list[0:2] if ea[0] == 'e'] start_ptstrs = [ea[1:] for ea in strtup_list[0:2] if ea[0] == 's'] assert len(end_ptstrs) <= 1 assert len(start_ptstrs) <= 1 if len(end_ptstrs) == 1: end_pt = np.array([float(f) for f in end_ptstrs[0]]) if len(start_ptstrs) == 1: start_pt = np.array([float(f) for f in start_ptstrs[0]]) ctrl_pts = np.array([tuple([float(f) for f in ea]) for ea in ctrl_ptstrs]) adata = aedge.attr ctrl_pts = ctrl_pts edge_attrs['pos'] = apos edge_attrs['ctrl_pts'] = safeadd(ctrl_pts, translation) edge_attrs['start_pt'] = safeadd(start_pt, translation) edge_attrs['end_pt'] = safeadd(end_pt, translation) edge_attrs['lp'] = safeadd(parse_point(adata.get('lp', None)), translation) edge_attrs['label'] = adata.get('label', None) edge_attrs['headlabel'] = adata.get('headlabel', None) edge_attrs['taillabel'] = adata.get('taillabel', None) edge_attrs['head_lp'] = safeadd(parse_point(adata.get('head_lp', None)), translation) edge_attrs['tail_lp'] = safeadd(parse_point(adata.get('tail_lp', None)), translation) return edge_attrs
[docs]def format_anode_pos(xy, pin=True): xx, yy = xy return '%f,%f%s' % (xx, yy, '!' * pin)
def _get_node_size(graph, node, node_size): if node_size is not None and node in node_size: return node_size[node] node_dict = ut.nx_node_dict(graph) nattrs = node_dict[node] scale = nattrs.get('scale', 1.0) if 'width' in nattrs and 'height' in nattrs: width = nattrs['width'] * scale height = nattrs['height'] * scale elif 'radius' in nattrs: width = height = nattrs['radius'] * scale else: if 'image' in nattrs: img_fpath = nattrs['image'] import vtool as vt width, height = vt.image.open_image_size(img_fpath) else: height = width = 1100 / 50 * scale return width, height
[docs]@profile def draw_network2( graph, layout_info, ax, as_directed=None, hacknoedge=False, hacknode=False, verbose=None, **kwargs ): """ Kwargs: use_image, arrow_width, fontsize, fontweight, fontname, fontfamilty, fontproperties fancy way to draw networkx graphs without directly using networkx # python -m wbia.annotmatch_funcs review_tagged_joins --dpath ~/latex/crall-candidacy-2015/ --save figures4/mergecase.png --figsize=15,15 --clipwhite --diskshow # python -m dtool --tf DependencyCache.make_graph --show """ import wbia.plottool as pt import matplotlib as mpl figsize = ut.get_argval('--figsize', type_=list, default=None) patch_dict = { 'patch_frame_dict': {}, 'node_patch_dict': {}, 'edge_patch_dict': {}, 'arrow_patch_list': {}, } text_pseudo_objects = [] # TODO: get font properties from nodes as well font_prop = pt.parse_fontkw(**kwargs) #'font_prop = %r' % (font_prop,)) #'font_prop.get_name() = %r' % (font_prop.get_name() ,)) node_pos = layout_info['node'].get('pos', {}) node_size = layout_info['node'].get('size', {}) splines = layout_info['graph'].get('splines', 'line') # edge_startpoints = layout_info['edge']['start_pt'] if as_directed is None: as_directed = graph.is_directed() # Draw nodes large_graph = len(graph) > LARGE_GRAPH # for edge, pts in ut.ProgIter(edge_pos.items(), length=len(edge_pos), enabled=large_graph, lbl='drawing edges'): for node, nattrs in ut.ProgIter( graph.nodes(data=True), length=len(graph), lbl='drawing nodes', enabled=large_graph, ): # shape = nattrs.get('shape', 'circle') if nattrs is None: nattrs = {} label = nattrs.get('label', None) alpha = nattrs.get('alpha', 1.0) node_color = nattrs.get('color', pt.NEUTRAL_BLUE) if node_color is None: node_color = pt.NEUTRAL_BLUE xy = node_pos[node] using_image = kwargs.get('use_image', True) and 'image' in nattrs if using_image: if hacknode: alpha_ = 0.7 else: alpha_ = 0.0 else: alpha_ = alpha node_color = ensure_nonhex_color(node_color) # intcolor = int(node_color.replace('#', '0x'), 16) node_color = node_color[0:3] patch_kw = dict(alpha=alpha_, color=node_color) node_shape = nattrs.get('shape', 'ellipse') if node_shape == 'circle': # divide by 2 seems to work for agraph radius = max(_get_node_size(graph, node, node_size)) / 2.0 patch = mpl.patches.Circle(xy, radius=radius, **patch_kw) elif node_shape == 'ellipse': # divide by 2 seems to work for agraph width, height = np.array(_get_node_size(graph, node, node_size)) patch = mpl.patches.Ellipse(xy, width, height, **patch_kw) elif node_shape in ['none', 'box', 'rect', 'rectangle', 'rhombus']: width, height = _get_node_size(graph, node, node_size) angle = 45 if node_shape == 'rhombus' else 0 # Convert xy to center position xy_bl = (xy[0] - width // 2, xy[1] - height // 2) # rounded = angle == 0 node_dict = ut.nx_node_dict(graph) rounded = 'rounded' in node_dict.get(node, {}).get('style', '') isdiag = 'diagonals' in node_dict.get(node, {}).get('style', '') from matplotlib import patches if rounded: rpad = 20 xy_bl = np.array(xy_bl) + rpad width -= rpad * 2 height -= rpad * 2 boxstyle = patches.BoxStyle.Round(pad=rpad) patch = patches.FancyBboxPatch( xy_bl, width, height, boxstyle=boxstyle, **patch_kw ) else: bbox = list(xy_bl) + [width, height] if isdiag: import vtool as vt center_xy = vt.bbox_center(bbox) _xy = np.array(center_xy) newverts_ = [ _xy + [0, -height / 2], _xy + [-width / 2, 0], _xy + [0, height / 2], _xy + [width / 2, 0], ] patch = patches.Polygon(newverts_, **patch_kw) else: patch = patches.Rectangle( xy_bl, width, height, angle=angle, **patch_kw ) = xy # if style == 'rounded' # elif node_shape in ['roundbox']: elif node_shape == 'stack': width, height = _get_node_size(graph, node, node_size) xy_bl = (xy[0] - width // 2, xy[1] - height // 2) depth = nattrs.get('depth', 4) stackkw = patch_kw.copy() stackkw['linewidths'] = 0.2 stackkw['edgecolor'] = 'k' # xshift = -width * (.1 / (depth ** (1 / 3))) / 3 # yshift = height * (.1 / (depth ** (1 / 3))) / 2 # xshift = -width * (.05) / 6 # yshift = height * (.05) / 2 xshift = -200 * (0.05) / 6 yshift = 200 * (0.05) / 2 stackkw['shift'] = np.array([xshift, yshift]) patch = pt.cartoon_stacked_rects(xy_bl, width, height, num=depth, **stackkw) patch.xy = xy else: raise NotImplementedError('Unknown node_shape=%r' % (node_shape,)) show_center = 0 if show_center: pt.plot(xy[0], xy[1], 'xr') zorder = nattrs.get('zorder', None) if True: # Add a frame around the node framewidth = nattrs.get('framewidth', 0) framealpha = nattrs.get('framealpha', 1.0) framealign = nattrs.get('framealign', 'center') if framewidth > 0: framecolor = nattrs.get('framecolor', node_color) framecolor = ensure_nonhex_color(framecolor) #'framecolor = %r' % (framecolor,)) if framecolor is None: framecolor = pt.BLACK framealpha = 0.0 if framewidth is True: if figsize is not None: # HACK graphsize = max(figsize) framewidth = graphsize / 4 else: framewidth = 3.0 lw = framewidth frame = pt.make_bbox( bbox, bbox_color=framecolor, ax=ax, lw=lw, align=framealign, alpha=framealpha, ) if zorder is not None: frame.set_zorder(zorder) # frame.set_zorder() patch_dict['patch_frame_dict'][node] = frame # import utool # utool.embed() picker = nattrs.get('picker', True) patch.set_picker(picker) if zorder is not None: patch.set_zorder(zorder) pt.set_plotdat(patch, 'node_data', nattrs) pt.set_plotdat(patch, 'node', node) x, y = xy text = str(node) if label is not None: # text += ': ' + str(label) text = label if kwargs.get('node_labels', hacknode or not using_image): text_args = ( (x, y, text), dict(ax=ax, ha='center', va='center', fontproperties=font_prop), ) text_pseudo_objects.append((text_args, zorder)) patch_dict['node_patch_dict'][node] = patch def get_default_edge_data(graph, edge): data = graph.get_edge_data(*edge) if data is None: if len(edge) == 3 and edge[2] is not None: data = graph.get_edge_data(edge[0], edge[1], int(edge[2])) else: data = graph.get_edge_data(edge[0], edge[1]) if data is None: data = {} return data ### # Draw Edges # NEW WAY OF DRAWING EDGEES edge_pos = layout_info['edge'].get('ctrl_pts', None) n_invis_edge = 0 if edge_pos is not None: for edge, pts in ut.ProgIter( edge_pos.items(), length=len(edge_pos), enabled=large_graph, lbl='drawing edges', ): data = get_default_edge_data(graph, edge) if data.get('style', None) == 'invis': n_invis_edge += 1 continue alpha = data.get('alpha', None) defaultcolor = pt.BLACK[0:3] if alpha is None: if data.get('implicit', False): alpha = 0.5 defaultcolor = pt.GREEN[0:3] else: alpha = 1.0 color = data.get('color', defaultcolor) if color is None: color = defaultcolor color = ensure_nonhex_color(color) color = color[0:3] # layout_info['edge']['ctrl_pts'][edge] # layout_info['edge']['start_pt'][edge] offset = 0 if graph.is_directed() else 0 # color = data.get('color', color)[0:3] start_point = pts[offset] other_points = pts[offset + 1 :].tolist() # [0:3] verts = [start_point] + other_points MOVETO = mpl.path.Path.MOVETO LINETO = mpl.path.Path.LINETO # STOP = mpl.path.Path.STOP if splines in ['line', 'polyline', 'ortho']: CODE = LINETO elif splines == 'curved': # CODE = mpl.path.Path.CURVE3 # CODE = mpl.path.Path.CURVE3 CODE = mpl.path.Path.CURVE4 elif splines == 'spline': CODE = mpl.path.Path.CURVE4 else: raise AssertionError('splines = %r' % (splines,)) astart_code = MOVETO astart_code = MOVETO verts = [start_point] + other_points codes = [astart_code] + [CODE] * len(other_points) end_pt = layout_info['edge'].get('end_pt', {}).get(edge, None) # HACK THE ENDPOINTS TO TOUCH THE BOUNDING BOXES if end_pt is not None: verts += [end_pt] codes += [LINETO] path = mpl.path.Path(verts, codes) figsize = ut.get_argval('--figsize', type_=list, default=None) if figsize is not None: # HACK graphsize = max(figsize) lw = graphsize / 8 width = graphsize / 15 width = ut.get_argval('--arrow-width', default=width) lw = ut.get_argval('--line-width', default=lw) #'width = %r' % (width,)) else: width = 0.5 lw = 1.0 try: import vtool as vt # Compute arrow width using estimated graph size if node_size is not None and node_pos is not None: xys = np.array(ut.take(node_pos, node_pos.keys())).T whs = np.array(ut.take(node_size, node_pos.keys())).T bboxes = vt.bbox_from_xywh(xys, whs, [0.5, 0.5]) extents = vt.extent_from_bbox(bboxes) tl_pts = np.array([extents[0], extents[2]]).T br_pts = np.array([extents[1], extents[3]]).T pts = np.vstack([tl_pts, br_pts]) extent = vt.get_pointset_extents(pts) graph_w, graph_h = vt.bbox_from_extent(extent)[2:4] graph_dim = np.sqrt(graph_w ** 2 + graph_h ** 2) # width = graph_dim * .0005 width = graph_dim * 0.005 except Exception: pass arrow_width = kwargs.get('arrow_width', width) if not as_directed and end_pt is not None: pass lw = data.get('linewidth', data.get('lw', lw)) linestyle = 'solid' linestyle = data.get('linestyle', linestyle) hatch = data.get('hatch', '') # keep track of the linewidth as path effects (like stroke) are # added full_lw = lw # effects = data.get('stroke', None) from matplotlib import patheffects path_effects = [] sketch_params = data.get('sketch') if sketch_params is not None: if sketch_params is True: # scale, length, randomness # sketch_params = (10.0, 128.0, 16.0) sketch_params = dict(scale=10.0, length=128.0, randomness=16.0) stroke_info = data.get('stroke', None) if stroke_info not in [None, False]: if stroke_info is True: strokekw = {} elif isinstance(stroke_info, dict): strokekw = stroke_info.copy() else: # linewidth=3, foreground='r' assert False if strokekw is not None: # Hack to increase lw full_lw = lw + strokekw.get('linewidth', 3) strokekw['linewidth'] = full_lw path_effects += [patheffects.withStroke(**strokekw)] # if data.get('shadow', None) is not None: shadowkw = data['shadow'] if shadowkw is not False: if shadowkw is True: shadowkw = {} linewidth = shadowkw.pop('linewidth', full_lw) scale = shadowkw.pop('scale', 1.0) shadow_color = shadowkw.pop('color', 'k') shadow_color = shadowkw.pop('shadow_color', shadow_color) offset = ut.ensure_iterable(shadowkw.pop('offset', (2, -2))) if len(offset) == 1: offset = offset * 2 shadowkw_ = dict( offset=offset, shadow_color=shadow_color, alpha=0.3, rho=0.3, linewidth=linewidth * scale, ) shadowkw_.update(shadowkw) path_effects += [patheffects.SimpleLineShadow(**shadowkw_)] # for vert, code in path.iter_segments(): #'code = %r' % (code,)) #'vert = %r' % (vert,)) # if code == MOVETO: # pass # for verts, code in path.cleaned().iter_segments(): #'code = %r' % (code,)) #'verts = %r' % (verts,)) # pass path_effects += [patheffects.Normal()] picker = data.get('picker', 5) zorder = data.get('zorder', 5) patch = mpl.patches.PathPatch( path, facecolor='none', lw=lw, path_effects=path_effects, edgecolor=color, picker=picker, # facecolor=color, linestyle=linestyle, alpha=alpha, joinstyle='bevel', hatch=hatch, # sketch_params=sketch_params, zorder=zorder, ) if sketch_params is not None: patch.set_sketch_params(**sketch_params) pt.set_plotdat(patch, 'edge_data', data) pt.set_plotdat(patch, 'edge', edge) if as_directed: if end_pt is not None: dxy = np.array(end_pt) - other_points[-1] dxy = (dxy / np.sqrt(np.sum(dxy ** 2))) * 0.1 dx, dy = dxy rx, ry = end_pt[0], end_pt[1] patch1 = mpl.patches.FancyArrow( rx, ry, dx, dy, width=arrow_width, length_includes_head=True, color=color, head_starts_at_zero=False, ) else: dxy = np.array(other_points[-1]) - other_points[-2] dxy = (dxy / np.sqrt(np.sum(dxy ** 2))) * 0.1 dx, dy = dxy rx, ry = other_points[-1][0], other_points[-1][1] patch1 = mpl.patches.FancyArrow( rx, ry, dx, dy, width=arrow_width, length_includes_head=True, color=color, head_starts_at_zero=True, ) # ax.add_patch(patch1) patch_dict['arrow_patch_list'][edge] = patch1 taillabel = layout_info['edge'].get('taillabel', {}).get(edge, None) headlabel = layout_info['edge'].get('headlabel', {}).get(edge, None) label = layout_info['edge'].get('label', {}).get(edge, None) # hack if isinstance(taillabel, str) and taillabel == 'None': taillabel = None if isinstance(headlabel, str) and headlabel == 'None': headlabel = None if isinstance(label, str) and label == 'None': label = None # ha = 'left' # ha = 'right' ha = 'center' va = 'center' labelcolor = color # TODO allow for different colors labelcolor = data.get('labelcolor', color) labelcolor = ensure_nonhex_color(labelcolor) labelcolor = labelcolor[0:3] if taillabel: taillabel_pos = layout_info['edge']['tail_lp'][edge] ax.annotate( taillabel, xy=taillabel_pos, xycoords='data', color=labelcolor, va=va, ha=ha, fontproperties=font_prop, ) if headlabel: headlabel_pos = layout_info['edge']['head_lp'][edge] ax.annotate( headlabel, xy=headlabel_pos, xycoords='data', color=labelcolor, va=va, ha=ha, fontproperties=font_prop, ) if label: label_pos = layout_info['edge']['lp'][edge] ax.annotate( label, xy=label_pos, xycoords='data', color=labelcolor, va=va, ha=ha, fontproperties=font_prop, ) patch_dict['edge_patch_dict'][edge] = patch # ax.add_patch(patch) if verbose:'Adding %r node patches ' % (len(patch_dict['node_patch_dict'])))'Adding %r edge patches ' % (len(patch_dict['edge_patch_dict'])))'n_invis_edge = %r' % (n_invis_edge,)) for frame in patch_dict['patch_frame_dict'].values(): ax.add_patch(frame) for patch1 in patch_dict['arrow_patch_list'].values(): ax.add_patch(patch1) use_collections = False if use_collections: edge_coll = mpl.collections.PatchCollection( patch_dict['edge_patch_dict'].values() ) node_coll = mpl.collections.PatchCollection( patch_dict['node_patch_dict'].values() ) # coll.set_facecolor(fcolor) # coll.set_alpha(alpha) # coll.set_linewidth(lw) # coll.set_edgecolor(color) # coll.set_transform(ax.transData) ax.add_collection(node_coll) ax.add_collection(edge_coll) else: for patch in patch_dict['node_patch_dict'].values(): if isinstance(patch, mpl.collections.PatchCollection): ax.add_collection(patch) else: ax.add_patch(patch) if not hacknoedge: for patch in patch_dict['edge_patch_dict'].values(): ax.add_patch(patch) for text_args, zorder in text_pseudo_objects: textobj = pt.ax_absolute_text(*text_args[0], **text_args[1]) if zorder is not None: textobj.set_zorder(zorder) return patch_dict
# def arrowed_spines(ax=None, arrow_length=20, labels=('', ''), arrowprops=None): # """ # TODO arrow splines not spines # References: # # """ # xlabel, ylabel = labels # import wbia.plottool as pt # if ax is None: # ax = pt.plt.gca() # if arrowprops is None: # arrowprops = dict(arrowstyle='<|-', facecolor='black') # for i, spine in enumerate(['left', 'bottom']): # # Set up the annotation parameters # t = ax.spines[spine].get_transform() # xy, xycoords = [1, 0], ('axes fraction', t) # xytext, textcoords = [arrow_length, 0], ('offset points', t) # ha, va = 'left', 'bottom' # # If axis is reversed, draw the arrow the other way # top, bottom = ax.spines[spine].axis.get_view_interval() # if top < bottom: # xy[0] = 0 # xytext[0] *= -1 # ha, va = 'right', 'top' # if spine is 'bottom': # xarrow = ax.annotate(xlabel, xy, xycoords=xycoords, xytext=xytext, # textcoords=textcoords, ha=ha, va='center', # arrowprops=arrowprops) # else: # yarrow = ax.annotate(ylabel, xy[::-1], xycoords=xycoords[::-1], # xytext=xytext[::-1], textcoords=textcoords[::-1], # ha='center', va=va, arrowprops=arrowprops) # return xarrow, yarrow