Source code for wbia.plottool.mpl_keypoint

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from wbia.plottool import mpl_sift
import numpy as np
import matplotlib as mpl
import utool as ut

ut.noinject(__name__, '[pt.mpl_keypoint]')

# TOOD: move to util
[docs]def pass_props(dict1, dict2, *args): # Passes props from one kwargs dict to the next for key in args: if key in dict1: dict2[key] = dict1[key]
def _draw_patches(ax, patch_list, color, alpha, lw, fcolor='none'): # creates a collection from a patch list and sets properties # print('new collecitn') # print(alpha) coll = mpl.collections.PatchCollection(patch_list) coll.set_facecolor(fcolor) coll.set_alpha(alpha) coll.set_linewidth(lw) coll.set_edgecolor(color) # coll.set_transform(ax.transData) ax.add_collection(coll) # ----------------------------
[docs]def draw_keypoints( ax, kpts_, scale_factor=1.0, offset=(0.0, 0.0), rotation=0.0, ell=True, pts=False, rect=False, eig=False, ori=False, sifts=None, siftkw={}, H=None, **kwargs ): """ draws keypoints extracted by pyhesaff onto a matplotlib axis FIXME: There is probably a matplotlib bug here. If you specify two different alphas in a collection, whatever the last alpha was gets applied to everything Args: ax (mpl.Axes): kpts (ndarray): keypoints [[x, y, a, c, d, theta], ...] scale_factor (float): offset (tuple): rotation (float): ell (bool): pts (bool): rect (bool): eig (bool): ori (bool): sifts (None): References: CommandLine: python -m wbia.plottool.mpl_keypoint draw_keypoints --show Example: >>> # ENABLE_DOCTEST >>> from wbia.plottool.mpl_keypoint import * # NOQA >>> from wbia.plottool.mpl_keypoint import _draw_patches, _draw_pts # NOQA >>> import wbia.plottool as pt >>> import vtool as vt >>> imgBGR = vt.get_star_patch(jitter=True) >>> H = np.array([[1, 0, 0], [.5, 2, 0], [0, 0, 1]]) >>> H = np.array([[.8, 0, 0], [0, .8, 0], [0, 0, 1]]) >>> H = None >>> TAU = 2 * np.pi >>> kpts_ = vt.make_test_image_keypoints(imgBGR, scale=.5, skew=2, theta=TAU / 8.0) >>> scale_factor=1.0 >>> #offset=(0.0, -4.0) >>> offset=(0.0, 0.0) >>> rotation=0.0 >>> ell=True >>> pts=True >>> rect=True >>> eig=True >>> ori=True >>> # make random sifts >>> sifts = mpl_sift.testdata_sifts() >>> siftkw = {} >>> kwargs = dict(ori_color=[0, 1, 0], rect_color=[0, 0, 1], >>> eig_color=[1, 1, 0], pts_size=.1) >>> w, h = imgBGR.shape[0:2][::-1] >>> imgBGR_ = imgBGR if H is None else vt.warpAffine( >>> imgBGR, H, (int(w * .8), int(h * .8))) >>> fig, ax = pt.imshow(imgBGR_ * 255) >>> draw_keypoints(ax, kpts_, scale_factor, offset, rotation, ell, pts, ... rect, eig, ori, sifts, siftkw, H=H, **kwargs) >>> pt.iup() >>> pt.show_if_requested() """ import vtool.keypoint as ktool if kpts_.shape[1] == 2: # pad out structure if only xy given kpts = np.zeros((len(kpts_), 6)) kpts[:, 0:2] = kpts_ kpts[:, 2] = 1 kpts[:, 4] = 1 kpts_ = kpts if scale_factor is None: scale_factor = 1.0 # print('[mpl_keypoint.draw_keypoints] kwargs = ' + ut.repr2(kwargs)) # ellipse and point properties pts_size = kwargs.get('pts_size', 2) pts_alpha = kwargs.get('pts_alpha', 1.0) ell_alpha = kwargs.get('ell_alpha', 1.0) ell_linewidth = kwargs.get('ell_linewidth', 2) ell_color = kwargs.get('ell_color', None) if ell_color is None: ell_color = [1, 0, 0] # colors pts_color = kwargs.get('pts_color', ell_color) rect_color = kwargs.get('rect_color', ell_color) eig_color = kwargs.get('eig_color', ell_color) ori_color = kwargs.get('ori_color', ell_color) # linewidths eig_linewidth = kwargs.get('eig_linewidth', ell_linewidth) rect_linewidth = kwargs.get('rect_linewidth', ell_linewidth) ori_linewidth = kwargs.get('ori_linewidth', ell_linewidth) # Offset keypoints assert len(kpts_) > 0, 'cannot draw no keypoints1' kpts = ktool.offset_kpts(kpts_, offset, scale_factor) assert len(kpts) > 0, 'cannot draw no keypoints2' # Build list of keypoint shape transforms from unit circles to ellipes invVR_aff2Ds = get_invVR_aff2Ds(kpts, H=H) try: if sifts is not None: # SIFT descriptors pass_props( kwargs, siftkw, 'bin_color', 'arm1_color', 'arm2_color', 'arm1_lw', 'arm2_lw', 'stroke', 'arm_alpha', 'arm_alpha', 'multicolored_arms', ) mpl_sift.draw_sifts(ax, sifts, invVR_aff2Ds, **siftkw) if rect: # Bounding Rectangles rect_patches = rectangle_actors(invVR_aff2Ds) _draw_patches(ax, rect_patches, rect_color, ell_alpha, rect_linewidth) if ell: # Keypoint shape ell_patches = ellipse_actors(invVR_aff2Ds) _draw_patches(ax, ell_patches, ell_color, ell_alpha, ell_linewidth) if eig: # Shape eigenvectors eig_patches = eigenvector_actors(invVR_aff2Ds) _draw_patches(ax, eig_patches, eig_color, ell_alpha, eig_linewidth) if ori: # Keypoint orientation ori_patches = orientation_actors(kpts, H=H) _draw_patches(ax, ori_patches, ori_color, ell_alpha, ori_linewidth, ori_color) if pts: # Keypoint locations _xs, _ys = ktool.get_xys(kpts) if H is not None: # adjust for homogrpahy import vtool as vt _xs, _ys = vt.transform_points_with_homography(H, np.vstack((_xs, _ys))) pts_patches = _draw_pts(ax, _xs, _ys, pts_size, pts_color, pts_alpha) if pts_patches is not None: _draw_patches(ax, pts_patches, 'none', pts_alpha, pts_size, pts_color) except ValueError as ex: ut.printex(ex, '\n[mplkp] !!! ERROR') # print('_oris.shape = %r' % (_oris.shape,)) # print('_xs.shape = %r' % (_xs.shape,)) # print('_iv11s.shape = %r' % (_iv11s.shape,)) raise
# ---------------------------- def _draw_pts(ax, _xs, _ys, pts_size, pts_color, pts_alpha=None): ptskw = dict(c=pts_color, s=(2 * pts_size), marker='o', edgecolor='none') OLD_WAY = False # if pts_alpha is not None: # ptskw['alpha'] = pts_alpha if OLD_WAY: # print(ut.repr2(ptskw)) ax.scatter(_xs, _ys, **ptskw) # FIXME: THIS MIGHT CAUSE ISSUES: UNEXPECTED CALL # ax.autoscale(enable=False) else: pts_patches = [ mpl.patches.Circle((x, y), radius=(pts_size / 2), fill=True) for x, y in zip(_xs, _ys) ] # print(pts_color) return pts_patches
[docs]class HomographyTransform(mpl.transforms.Transform): """ References: """ input_dims = 2 output_dims = 2 is_separable = False def __init__(self, H, axis=None, use_rmin=True): mpl.transforms.Transform.__init__(self) self._axis = axis self._use_rmin = use_rmin self.H = H
[docs] def transform_non_affine(self, input_xy): """ The input and output are Nx2 numpy arrays. """ import vtool as vt _xys = input_xy.T xy_t = vt.transform_points_with_homography(self.H, _xys) output_xy = xy_t.T return output_xy
# transform_non_affine.__doc__ = mpl.transforms.Transform.transform_non_affine.__doc__
[docs] def transform_path_non_affine(self, path): vertices = path.vertices if len(vertices) == 2 and vertices[0, 0] == vertices[1, 0]: return mpl.path.Path(self.transform(vertices), ipath = path.interpolated(path._interpolation_steps) return mpl.path.Path(self.transform(ipath.vertices),
# transform_path_non_affine.__doc__ = mpl.transforms.Transform.transform_path_non_affine.__doc__
[docs]def get_invVR_aff2Ds(kpts, H=None): """ Returns matplotlib keypoint transformations (circle -> ellipse) Example: >>> # Test CV2 ellipse vs mine using MSER >>> import vtool as vt >>> import cv2 >>> import wbia.plottool as pt >>> img_fpath = ut.grab_test_imgpath(ut.get_argval('--fname', default='zebra.png')) >>> imgBGR = vt.imread(img_fpath) >>> imgGray = cv2.cvtColor(imgBGR, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY) >>> mser = cv2.MSER_create() >>> regions, bboxs = mser.detectRegions(imgGray) >>> region = regions[0] >>> bbox = bboxs[0] >>> vis = imgBGR.copy() >>> vis[region.T[1], region.T[0], :] = 0 >>> hull = cv2.convexHull(region.reshape(-1, 1, 2)) >>> cv2.polylines(vis, [hull], 1, (0, 255, 0)) >>> ell = cv2.fitEllipse(region) >>> cv2.ellipse(vis, ell, (255)) >>> ((cx, cy), (rx, ry), degrees) = ell >>> # Convert diameter to radians >>> rx /= 2 >>> ry /= 2 >>> # Make my version of ell >>> theta = np.radians(degrees) # opencv lives in radians >>> S = vt.scale_mat3x3(rx, ry) >>> T = vt.translation_mat3x3(cx, cy) >>> R = vt.rotation_mat3x3(theta) >>> #R = np.eye(3) >>> invVR = >>> kpts = vt.flatten_invV_mats_to_kpts(np.array([invVR])) >>> pt.imshow(vis) >>> # MINE IS MUCH LARGER (by factor of 2)) WHY? >>> # we start out with a unit circle not a half circle >>> pt.draw_keypoints(pt.gca(), kpts, pts=True, ori=True, eig=True, rect=True) """ import vtool.keypoint as ktool # invVR_mats = ktool.get_invV_mats(kpts, with_trans=True, with_ori=True) invVR_mats = ktool.get_invVR_mats3x3(kpts) if H is None: invVR_aff2Ds = [mpl.transforms.Affine2D(invVR) for invVR in invVR_mats] else: invVR_aff2Ds = [HomographyTransform( for invVR in invVR_mats] return invVR_aff2Ds
[docs]def ellipse_actors(invVR_aff2Ds): # warp unit circles to keypoint shapes ell_actors = [ mpl.patches.Circle((0, 0), 1, transform=invVR) for invVR in invVR_aff2Ds ] return ell_actors
[docs]def rectangle_actors(invVR_aff2Ds): Rect = mpl.patches.Rectangle Arrow = mpl.patches.FancyArrow rect_xywh = (-1, -1), 2, 2 arw_xydxdy = (-1, -1, 2, 0) arw_kw = dict(head_width=0.1, length_includes_head=True) # warp unit rectangles to keypoint shapes rect_actors = [Rect(*rect_xywh, transform=invVR) for invVR in invVR_aff2Ds] # an overhead arrow indicates the top of the rectangle arw_actors = [Arrow(*arw_xydxdy, transform=invVR, **arw_kw) for invVR in invVR_aff2Ds] return rect_actors + arw_actors
[docs]def eigenvector_actors(invVR_aff2Ds): # warps arrows into eigenvector directions kwargs = { 'head_width': 0.01, 'length_includes_head': False, } eig1 = [ mpl.patches.FancyArrow(0, 0, 0, 1, transform=invV, **kwargs) for invV in invVR_aff2Ds ] eig2 = [ mpl.patches.FancyArrow(0, 0, 1, 0, transform=invV, **kwargs) for invV in invVR_aff2Ds ] eig_actors = eig1 + eig2 return eig_actors
[docs]def orientation_actors(kpts, H=None): """creates orientation actors w.r.t. the gravity vector""" import vtool.keypoint as ktool try: # Get xy diretion of the keypoint orientations _xs, _ys = ktool.get_xys(kpts) _iv11s, _iv21s, _iv22s = ktool.get_invVs(kpts) _oris = ktool.get_oris(kpts) # mpl's 0 ori == (-tau / 4) w.r.t GRAVITY_THETA abs_oris = _oris + ktool.GRAVITY_THETA _sins = np.sin(abs_oris) _coss = np.cos(abs_oris) # The following is essentially # _dxs = _coss * _iv11s _dys = _coss * _iv21s + _sins * _iv22s # ut.embed() # if H is not None: # # adjust for homogrpahy # import vtool as vt # _xs, _ys = vt.transform_points_with_homography(H, np.vstack((_xs, _ys))) # _dxs, _dys = vt.transform_points_with_homography(H, np.vstack((_dxs, _dys))) # head_width_list = np.log(_iv11s * _iv22s) / 5 head_width_list = np.ones(len(_iv11s)) / 10 kwargs = { 'length_includes_head': True, 'shape': 'full', 'overhang': 0, 'head_starts_at_zero': False, } if H is not None: kwargs['transform'] = HomographyTransform(H) ori_actors = [ mpl.patches.FancyArrow(x, y, dx, dy, head_width=hw, **kwargs) for (x, y, dx, dy, hw) in zip(_xs, _ys, _dxs, _dys, head_width_list) ] except ValueError as ex: print('\n[mplkp.2] !!! ERROR %s: ' % str(ex)) print('_oris.shape = %r' % (_oris.shape,)) # print('x, y, dx, dy = %r' % ((x, y, dx, dy),)) print('_dxs = %r' % (_dxs,)) print('_dys = %r' % (_dys,)) print('_xs = %r' % (_xs,)) print('_ys = %r' % (_ys,)) raise return ori_actors