Source code for wbia.plottool.interactions

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import utool as ut
from .. import plottool as pt
from . import abstract_interaction
from . import interact_helpers as ih

[docs]def check_if_subinteract(func): try: if ut.VERBOSE: print('Checking if subinteraction') print('func = %r' % (func,)) is_sub = issubclass(func, abstract_interaction.AbstractInteraction) except TypeError: is_sub = False if ut.VERBOSE: if is_sub: print('... yup') else: print('... nope') return is_sub
[docs]class ExpandableInteraction(abstract_interaction.AbstractInteraction): """ Append a list of functions that draw plots and this interaction will plot them in appropriate subplots and let you click on them to zoom in. Args: fnum (int): figure number(default = None) _pnumiter (None): (default = None) interactive (None): (default = None) **kwargs: nRows, nCols CommandLine: python -m wbia.plottool.interactions --exec-ExpandableInteraction --show Example: >>> # DISABLE_DOCTEST >>> from wbia.plottool.interactions import * # NOQA >>> import numpy as np >>> import wbia.plottool as pt >>> inter = pt.interactions.ExpandableInteraction() >>> inter.append_plot(ut.partial(pt.plot_func, np.sin, stop=np.pi * 2)) >>> inter.append_plot(ut.partial(pt.plot_func, np.cos, stop=np.pi * 2)) >>> inter.append_plot(ut.partial(pt.plot_func, np.tan, stop=np.pi * 2)) >>> inter.start() >>> pt.show_if_requested() """ def __init__(self, fnum=None, _pnumiter=None, interactive=None, **kwargs): self.nRows = kwargs.get('nRows', None) self.nCols = kwargs.get('nCols', None) self._pnumiter = _pnumiter self.pnum_list = [] self.interactive = interactive self.ishow_func_list = [] self.func_list = [] self.fnum = pt.ensure_fnum(fnum) self.fig = None autostart = False super(ExpandableInteraction, self).__init__(autostart=autostart, **kwargs) def __iadd__(self, func): """inplace apppend a plot function""" self.append_plot(func) return self
[docs] def append_plot(self, func, pnum=None, ishow_func=None, px=None): """ Register a plotting function Args: func (callable): must take fnum and pnum as keyword arguments. pnum (tuple): plot num / gridspec. Defaults based on append order ishow_func (callable): an interactive version of func px (int): None or a plot index into (nRows, nCols) """ if pnum is None: if px is None: if self._pnumiter is None: pnum = None else: pnum = self._pnumiter() else: if isinstance(px, tuple): rx, cx = px px = (rx * self.nCols) + cx + 1 pnum = (self.nRows, self.nCols, px) self.pnum_list.append(pnum) self.func_list.append(func) self.ishow_func_list.append(ishow_func)
[docs] def append_partial(self, func, *args, **kwargs): """ Register a plotting function with default arguments Args: func (callable): plotting function (does NOT need fnum/pnum). *args: args to be passed to func **kwargs: kwargs to be passed to func """ def _partial(fnum=None, pnum=None): pt.figure(fnum=fnum, pnum=pnum) func(*args, **kwargs) self.append_plot(_partial)
# pnum = None # if pnum is None: # if self._pnumiter is None: # pnum = None # else: # pnum = self._pnumiter() # self.pnum_list.append(pnum) # self.func_list.append(_partial) # self.ishow_func_list.append(None)
[docs] def show_page(self): if self.fig is None: raise AssertionError('fig is None, did you run interction.start()?') import wbia.plottool as pt fig = ih.begin_interaction('expandable', self.fnum) if not any(self.pnum_list): # If no pnum was given, find a set that agrees with constraints self.nRows, self.nCols = pt.get_num_rc( len(self.pnum_list), nRows=self.nRows, nCols=self.nCols ) nSubplots = len(self.func_list) pnum_ = pt.make_pnum_nextgen(self.nRows, self.nCols, nSubplots=nSubplots) pnum_list = [pnum_() for _ in self.pnum_list] else: pnum_list = self.pnum_list for index, (pnum, func) in enumerate(zip(pnum_list, self.func_list)): if check_if_subinteract(func): # Hack interclass = func interclass.static_plot(fnum=self.fnum, pnum=pnum) elif hasattr(func, 'plot'): inter = func inter.plot(fnum=self.fnum, pnum=pnum) else: try: func(fnum=self.fnum, pnum=pnum) except Exception as ex: ut.printex(ex, 'failed plotting', keys=['func', 'fnum', 'pnum']) raise ax = pt.gca() pt.set_plotdat(ax, 'plot_func', func) pt.set_plotdat(ax, 'expandable_index', index) # if self.interactive is None or self.interactive: # ih.connect_callback(fig, 'button_press_event', self.onclick) self.connect_callbacks() self.fig = fig return fig
[docs] def on_click(self, event): print('[inter] clicked in expandable interact') ax = event.inaxes if ih.clicked_inside_axis(event): func = pt.get_plotdat(ax, 'plot_func', None) if ut.VERBOSE: print('func = %r' % (func,)) if func is not None: if ut.VERBOSE: print('calling func = %r' % (func,)) fnum = pt.next_fnum() # pt.figure(fnum=fnum) pnum = (1, 1, 1) index = pt.get_plotdat(ax, 'expandable_index', None) if index is not None: ishow_func = self.ishow_func_list[index] else: ishow_func = None if ishow_func is not None: inter = ishow_func(fnum=fnum) else: if check_if_subinteract(func): inter = func(fnum=fnum) inter.show_page() elif hasattr(func, 'plot'): inter = func inter.start() # func.plot(fnum=self.fnum, pnum=pnum) else: func(fnum=fnum, pnum=pnum) # inter.show_page() fig = pt.gcf() pt.show_figure(fig)
# extra
[docs]def zoom_factory(ax=None, zoomable_list=[], base_scale=1.1): """ References: """ if ax is None: ax = pt.gca() def zoom_fun(event): # print('zooming') # get the current x and y limits cur_xlim = ax.get_xlim() cur_ylim = ax.get_ylim() xdata = event.xdata # get event x location ydata = event.ydata # get event y location if xdata is None or ydata is None: return if event.button == 'up': # deal with zoom in scale_factor = 1 / base_scale elif event.button == 'down': # deal with zoom out scale_factor = base_scale else: raise NotImplementedError('event.button=%r' % (event.button,)) # deal with something that should never happen scale_factor = 1 print(event.button) for zoomable in zoomable_list: zoom = zoomable.get_zoom() new_zoom = zoom / (scale_factor ** (1.2)) zoomable.set_zoom(new_zoom) # Get distance from the cursor to the edge of the figure frame x_left = xdata - cur_xlim[0] x_right = cur_xlim[1] - xdata y_top = ydata - cur_ylim[0] y_bottom = cur_ylim[1] - ydata ax.set_xlim([xdata - x_left * scale_factor, xdata + x_right * scale_factor]) ax.set_ylim([ydata - y_top * scale_factor, ydata + y_bottom * scale_factor]) # ---- ax.figure.canvas.draw() # force re-draw fig = ax.get_figure() # get the figure of interest # attach the call back fig.canvas.mpl_connect('scroll_event', zoom_fun) # return the function return zoom_fun
[docs]def pan_factory(ax=None): if ax is None: ax = pt.gca() self = PanEvents(ax) ax = fig = ax.get_figure() # get the figure of interest self.cidBP = fig.canvas.mpl_connect('button_press_event', self.pan_on_press) self.cidBR = fig.canvas.mpl_connect('button_release_event', self.pan_on_release) self.cidBM = fig.canvas.mpl_connect('motion_notify_event', self.pan_on_motion) # attach the call back return self
[docs]class PanEvents(object): def __init__(self, ax=None): = None self.cur_xlim = None self.cur_ylim = None self.x0 = None self.y0 = None self.x1 = None self.y1 = None self.xpress = None self.ypress = None self.xzoom = True self.yzoom = True self.cidBP = None self.cidBR = None self.cidBM = None self.cidKeyP = None self.cidKeyR = None self.cidScroll = None = ax # if ax is None: # import wbia.plottool as pt # ax = pt.gca() # = ax # self.connect()
[docs] def pan_on_press(self, event): if event.button != 1: return ax = if event.inaxes != ax: return self.cur_xlim = ax.get_xlim() self.cur_ylim = ax.get_ylim() = self.x0, self.y0, event.xdata, event.ydata self.x0, self.y0, self.xpress, self.ypress =
[docs] def pan_on_release(self, event): if event.button != 1: return ax = = None ax.figure.canvas.draw()
[docs] def pan_on_motion(self, event): ax = if is None: return if event.inaxes != ax: return dx = event.xdata - self.xpress dy = event.ydata - self.ypress self.cur_xlim -= dx self.cur_ylim -= dy ax.set_xlim(self.cur_xlim) ax.set_ylim(self.cur_ylim) ax.figure.canvas.draw() ax.figure.canvas.flush_events()