Source code for wbia.plottool.interact_matches

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Unfinished non-wbia dependent version of interact matches
import utool as ut
import numpy as np
from wbia.plottool import abstract_interaction

BASE_CLASS = abstract_interaction.AbstractInteraction

# TODO: move to plottool and decouple with IBEIS
# TODO: abstract interaction
[docs]@ut.reloadable_class class MatchInteraction2(BASE_CLASS): """ TODO: replace functional version with this class Plots a chip result and sets up callbacks for interaction. SeeAlso: wbia.viz.interact.interact_matches.MatchInteraction CommandLine: python -m wbia.plottool.interact_matches --test-MatchInteraction2 --show Example: >>> # xdoctest: +REQUIRES(module:wbia, --slow) >>> from wbia.plottool.interact_matches import * # NOQA >>> import wbia >>> # build test data >>> ibs = wbia.opendb('testdb1') >>> qreq_ = ibs.new_query_request([1], [2, 3, 4, 5], cfgdict=dict(query_rotation_heuristic=True)) >>> cm = qreq_.execute()[0] >>> qaid = cm.qaid >>> daid = cm.get_top_aids()[0] >>> rchip1 = ibs.get_annot_chips([qaid], config2_=qreq_.extern_query_config2)[0] >>> rchip2 = ibs.get_annot_chips([daid], config2_=qreq_.extern_data_config2)[0] >>> kpts1 = ibs.get_annot_kpts([qaid], config2_=qreq_.extern_query_config2)[0] >>> kpts2 = ibs.get_annot_kpts([daid], config2_=qreq_.extern_data_config2)[0] >>> vecs1 = ibs.get_annot_vecs([qaid], config2_=qreq_.extern_query_config2)[0] >>> vecs2 = ibs.get_annot_vecs([daid], config2_=qreq_.extern_data_config2)[0] >>> fm = cm.aid2_fm[daid] >>> fs = cm.aid2_fs[daid] >>> fsv = cm.aid2_fsv[daid] >>> H1 = cm.aid2_H[daid] >>> self = MatchInteraction2(rchip1, rchip2, kpts1, kpts2, fm, fs, fsv, >>> vecs1, vecs2, H1) >>> self.show_page() >>> import wbia.plottool as pt >>> pt.show_if_requested() """ def __init__( self, rchip1, rchip2, kpts1, kpts2, fm, fs, fsv, vecs1, vecs2, H1=None, H2=None, fnum=None, **kwargs ): import wbia.plottool as pt kwargs = kwargs.copy() # Drawing Data self.rchip1 = rchip1 self.rchip2 = rchip2 self.kpts1 = kpts1 self.kpts2 = kpts2 = fm self.fs = fs = kwargs.pop('fk', None) self.fsv = fsv self.vecs1 = vecs1 self.vecs2 = vecs2 self.H1 = H1 self.H2 = H2 # Drawing settings self.warp_homog = False self.mode = kwargs.pop('mode', 0) = kwargs.pop('mx', None) self.vert = kwargs.pop('vert', None) self.same_fig = kwargs.get('same_fig', True) self.last_fx = 0 # self.figtitle = kwargs.get('figtitle', 'Inspect Matches') self.xywh2 = None self.fnum2 = pt.ensure_fnum(fnum) self.title = kwargs.get('title', True) self.truth = kwargs.pop('truth', None) # self.fnum2 = pt.next_fnum() # if BASE_CLASS is not object: kwargs['interaction_name'] = 'matches' super(MatchInteraction2, self).__init__(**kwargs) # self.begin(**kwargs)
[docs] def plot(self, *args, **kwargs): self.chipmatch_view(*args, **kwargs)
[docs] def chipmatch_view(self, fnum=None, pnum=(1, 1, 1), verbose=None, **kwargs_): """ just visualizes the matches using some type of lines """ import wbia.plottool as pt from wbia.plottool import plot_helpers as ph if fnum is None: fnum = self.fnum if verbose is None: verbose = ut.VERBOSE if verbose: print('-- CHIPMATCH VIEW --') print('[ichipmatch_view] self.mode = %r' % (self.mode,)) mode = kwargs_.get('mode', self.mode) draw_ell = mode >= 1 draw_lines = mode == 2 if verbose: print('[ichipmatch_view] draw_lines = %r' % (draw_lines,)) print('[ichipmatch_view] draw_ell = %r' % (draw_ell,)) # pt.figure(fnum=fnum, docla=True, doclf=True) # NOTE: i remove the clf here. might cause issues pt.figure(fnum=fnum, docla=True, doclf=False) # show_matches_kw = self.__dict__.copy() show_matches_kw = dict( # fnum=fnum, pnum=pnum, draw_lines=draw_lines, draw_ell=draw_ell, colorbar_=True, vert=self.vert, white_background=False, ) show_matches_kw.update(kwargs_) if verbose: print('self.warp_homog = %r' % (self.warp_homog,)) if self.warp_homog: show_matches_kw['H1'] = self.H1 show_matches_kw['H2'] = self.H2 if verbose: print('show_matches_kw = %s' % (ut.repr2(show_matches_kw, truncate=True))) # tup = show_matches(fm, fs, **show_matches_kw) ax, xywh1, xywh2 = pt.show_chipmatch2( self.rchip1, self.rchip2, self.kpts1, self.kpts2,, fs=self.fs, pnum=pnum, **show_matches_kw ) self.xywh2 = xywh2 ph.set_plotdat(ax, 'viztype', 'matches') if self.truth is not None and self.truth: truth_color = pt.TRUE_BLUE # if else pt.FALSE_RED pt.draw_border(ax, color=truth_color, lw=4) if self.title is not None: pt.set_title(self.title, ax=ax)
# pt.set_figtitle(figtitle + ' ' + vh.get_vsstr(qaid, aid)) # Draw clicked selection
[docs] def select_ith_match(self, mx): """ Selects the ith match and visualizes and prints information concerning features weights, keypoint details, and sift descriptions """ import wbia.plottool as pt from wbia.plottool import viz_featrow from wbia.plottool import interact_helpers as ih fnum = self.fnum same_fig = self.same_fig rchip1 = self.rchip1 rchip2 = self.rchip2 = mx print('+--- SELECT --- ') print('... selecting mx-th=%r feature match' % mx) fsv = self.fsv fs = self.fs print('score stats:') print(ut.repr2(ut.get_stats(fsv, axis=0), nl=1)) print('fsv[mx] = %r' % (fsv[mx],)) print('fs[mx] = %r' % (fs[mx],)) # ---------------------- # Get info for the select_ith_match plot self.mode = 1 # Get the mx-th feature match fx1, fx2 =[mx] # Older info fscore2 = self.fs[mx] fk2 = None if is None else[mx] kp1, kp2 = self.kpts1[fx1], self.kpts2[fx2] vecs1, vecs2 = self.vecs1[fx1], self.vecs2[fx2] info1 = '\nquery' info2 = '\nk=%r fscore=%r' % (fk2, fscore2) # self.last_fx = fx1 self.last_fx = fx1 # Extracted keypoints to draw extracted_list = [ (rchip1, kp1, vecs1, fx1, 'aid1', info1), (rchip2, kp2, vecs2, fx2, 'aid2', info2), ] # Normalizng Keypoint # if hasattr(cm, 'filt2_meta') and 'lnbnn' in cm.filt2_meta: # qfx2_norm = cm.filt2_meta['lnbnn'] # # Normalizing chip and feature # (aid3, fx3, normk) = qfx2_norm[fx1] # rchip3 = ibs.get_annot_chips(aid3) # kp3 = ibs.get_annot_kpts(aid3)[fx3] # sift3 = ibs.get_annot_vecs(aid3)[fx3] # info3 = '\nnorm %s k=%r' % (vh.get_aidstrs(aid3), normk) # extracted_list.append((rchip3, kp3, sift3, fx3, aid3, info3)) # else: # pass # #print('WARNING: meta doesnt exist') # ---------------------- # Draw the select_ith_match plot nRows, nCols = len(extracted_list) + same_fig, 3 # Draw matching chips and features sel_fm = np.array([(fx1, fx2)]) pnum1 = (nRows, 1, 1) if same_fig else (1, 1, 1) vert = self.vert if self.vert is not None else False self.chipmatch_view( pnum=pnum1, ell_alpha=0.4, ell_linewidth=1.8, colors=pt.BLUE, sel_fm=sel_fm, vert=vert, ) # Draw selected feature matches px = nCols * same_fig # plot offset prevsift = None if not same_fig: # fnum2 = fnum + len(viz.FNUMS) fnum2 = self.fnum2 fig2 = pt.figure(fnum=fnum2, docla=True, doclf=True) else: fnum2 = fnum for (rchip, kp, sift, fx, aid, info) in extracted_list: px = viz_featrow.draw_feat_row( rchip, fx, kp, sift, fnum2, nRows, nCols, px, prevsift=prevsift, aid=aid, info=info, ) prevsift = sift if not same_fig: ih.connect_callback(fig2, 'button_press_event', self.on_click)
# pt.set_figtitle(figtitle + vh.get_vsstr(qaid, aid)) # Callback
[docs] def on_click_inside(self, event, ax): from wbia.plottool import plot_helpers as ph (x, y) = (event.xdata, event.ydata) viztype = ph.get_plotdat(ax, 'viztype', '') if event.button == 3: self.show_popup_menu(self.get_popup_options(), event) return # key = '' if event.key is None else event.key # ctrl_down = key.find('control') == 0 if viztype in ['matches', 'multi_match']: if len( == 0: print('[inter] no feature matches to click') else: # Normal Click # Select nearest feature match to the click kpts1_m = self.kpts1[[:, 0]] kpts2_m = self.kpts2[[:, 1]] x2, y2, w2, h2 = self.xywh2 import vtool as vt _mx1, _dist1 = vt.nearest_point(x, y, kpts1_m) _mx2, _dist2 = vt.nearest_point(x - x2, y - y2, kpts2_m) mx = _mx1 if _dist1 < _dist2 else _mx2 print('... clicked mx=%r' % mx) self.select_ith_match(mx) # elif viztype in ['warped', 'unwarped']: # pass # #hs_aid = ax.__dict__.get('_hs_aid', None) # #hs_fx = ax.__dict__.get('_hs_fx', None) # #if hs_aid is not None and viztype == 'unwarped': # # ishow_chip(ibs, hs_aid, fx=hs_fx, fnum=pt.next_fnum()) # #elif hs_aid is not None and viztype == 'warped': # # viz.show_keypoint_gradient_orientations(ibs, hs_aid, # # hs_fx, fnum=pt.next_fnum()) # Click in match axes # elif viztype == 'matches' and ctrl_down: # # Ctrl-Click # print('.. control click') # return self.sv_view() elif viztype.startswith('colorbar'): # Hack to get a specific scoring feature sortx = self.fs.argsort() idx = np.clip(int(np.round(y * len(sortx))), 0, len(sortx) - 1) mx = sortx[idx] (fx1, fx2) =[mx] (fx1, fx2) =[mx] print('... selected score at rank idx=%r' % (idx,)) print('... selected score with fs=%r' % (self.fs[mx],)) print('... resolved to mx=%r' % mx) print('... fx1, fx2 = %r, %r' % (fx1, fx2)) self.select_ith_match(mx) else: print('...Unknown viztype: %r' % viztype) self.draw()
[docs] def on_click_outside(self, event): if event.button != 1: return print('... out of axis') # self.warp_homog = not self.warp_homog self.mode = (self.mode + 1) % 3 # self.chipmatch_view() self.show_page() self.draw()
[docs] def get_popup_options(self): def toggle_attr_item(attr, num_states=2): value = getattr(self, attr) type_ = type(value) def toggle_attr(): new_value = (value + 1) % (num_states) new_value = type_(new_value) print('new_value(%s) = %r' % (attr, new_value)) setattr(self, attr, new_value) self.show_page() self.draw() itemstr = 'Toggle %s=%r' % (attr, value) return (itemstr, toggle_attr) options = [ toggle_attr_item('warp_homog'), toggle_attr_item('mode', 3), ] return options
[docs]def show_keypoint_gradient_orientations( ibs, rchip, kp, vec, fnum=None, pnum=None, config2_=None ): # Draw the gradient vectors of a patch overlaying the keypoint import wbia.plottoola as pt if fnum is None: fnum = pt.next_fnum() # rchip = ibs.get_annot_chips(aid, config2_=config2_) # kp = ibs.get_annot_kpts(aid, config2_=config2_)[fx] # sift = ibs.get_annot_vecs(aid, config2_=config2_)[fx] pt.draw_keypoint_gradient_orientations( rchip, kp, sift=vec, mode='vec', fnum=fnum, pnum=pnum )
# pt.set_title('Gradient orientation\n %s, fx=%d' % (get_aidstrs(aid), fx))