Source code for wbia.control.wildbook_manager

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Manages local wildbook installations.

    python -m utool.util_inspect check_module_usage --pat=""

    # TODO go to http://localhost:8080/wbia/createAssetStore.jsp
    tail -f ~/.config/wbia/tomcat/logs/catalina.out
    cat ~/.config/wbia/tomcat/logs/catalina.out
    python -m wbia shutdown_wildbook_server
    python -m wbia update_wildbook_install_config

import logging
import utool as ut
import subprocess
import re
import time
import os
from os.path import dirname, join, basename, splitext

print, rrr, profile = ut.inject2(__name__)
logger = logging.getLogger('wbia')

# webbrowser._tryorder
if ut.get_computer_name() == 'hyrule':
    PREFERED_BROWSER = 'firefox'

# FIXME add as controller config
# ALLOW_SYSTEM_TOMCAT = ut.get_argflag('--allow-system-tomcat')

[docs]def get_tomcat_startup_tmpdir(): dpath_list = [ # os.environ.get('CATALINA_TMPDIR', None), ut.ensure_app_resource_dir('wbia', 'tomcat', 'wbia_startup_tmpdir'), ] tomcat_startup_dir = ut.search_candidate_paths(dpath_list, verbose=True) return tomcat_startup_dir
[docs]@ut.tracefunc_xml def find_tomcat(verbose=ut.NOT_QUIET): r""" Searches likely places for tomcat to be installed Returns: str: tomcat_dpath Ignore: locate --regex "tomcat/webapps$" CommandLine: python -m wbia find_tomcat Example: >>> # SCRIPT >>> from wbia.control.wildbook_manager import * # NOQA >>> tomcat_dpath = find_tomcat() >>> result = ('tomcat_dpath = %s' % (str(tomcat_dpath),)) >>> print(result) """ # Tomcat folder must be named one of these and contain specific files fname_list = ['Tomcat', 'tomcat'] # required_subpaths = ['webapps', 'bin', 'bin/'] required_subpaths = ['webapps'] # Places for local install of tomcat priority_paths = [ # Number one preference is the CATALINA_HOME directory os.environ.get('CATALINA_HOME', None), # We put tomcat here if we can't find it ut.get_app_resource_dir('wbia', 'tomcat'), ] if ut.is_developer(): # For my machine to use local catilina dpath_list = [] else: # Places for system install of tomcat if ut.WIN32: dpath_list = ['C:/Program Files (x86)', 'C:/Program Files'] elif ut.DARWIN: dpath_list = ['/Library'] # + dpath_list else: dpath_list = ['/var/lib', '/usr/share', '/opt', '/lib'] return_path = ut.search_candidate_paths( dpath_list, fname_list, priority_paths, required_subpaths, verbose=verbose ) tomcat_dpath = return_path'tomcat_dpath = %r ' % (tomcat_dpath,)) return tomcat_dpath
[docs]@ut.tracefunc_xml def download_tomcat(): """ Put tomcat into a directory controlled by wbia CommandLine: # Reset python -c "import utool as ut; ut.delete(ut.unixjoin(ut.get_app_resource_dir('wbia'), 'tomcat'))" """'Grabbing tomcat') # FIXME: need to make a stable link if ut.WIN32: tomcat_binary_url = '' else: tomcat_binary_url = '' zip_fpath = ut.grab_file_url(tomcat_binary_url, appname='wbia') # Download tomcat into the IBEIS resource directory tomcat_dpath = join(dirname(zip_fpath), 'tomcat') if not ut.checkpath(tomcat_dpath, verbose=True): # hack because unzipping is still weird ut.unzip_file(zip_fpath) tomcat_dpath_tmp = splitext(zip_fpath)[0] ut.move(tomcat_dpath_tmp, tomcat_dpath) if ut.checkpath(join(tomcat_dpath, 'bin'), verbose=True): scriptnames = ['', '', ''] for fname in scriptnames: fpath = join(tomcat_dpath, 'bin', fname) if not ut.is_file_executable(fpath):'Adding executable bits to script %r' % (fpath,)) ut.chmod_add_executable(fpath) return tomcat_dpath
[docs]@ut.tracefunc_xml def find_installed_tomcat(check_unpacked=True, strict=True): """ Asserts that tomcat was properly installed Args: check_unpacked (bool): (default = True) Returns: str: tomcat_dpath CommandLine: python -m wbia find_installed_tomcat Example: >>> # ENABLE_DOCTEST >>> from wbia.control.wildbook_manager import * # NOQA >>> check_unpacked = False >>> strict = False >>> tomcat_dpath = find_installed_tomcat(check_unpacked, strict) >>> result = ('tomcat_dpath = %s' % (str(tomcat_dpath),)) >>> print(result) """ tomcat_dpath = find_tomcat() if tomcat_dpath is None: msg = 'Cannot find tomcat' if strict: raise ImportError(msg) else: return None if check_unpacked: import wbia # Check that webapps was unpacked wb_target = wbia.const.WILDBOOK_TARGET webapps_dpath = join(tomcat_dpath, 'webapps') unpacked_war_dpath = join(webapps_dpath, wb_target) ut.assertpath(unpacked_war_dpath) return tomcat_dpath
[docs]def find_or_download_tomcat(): r""" Returns: str: tomcat_dpath CommandLine: # Reset python -m purge_local_wildbook python -m wbia --tf purge_local_wildbook python -m wbia --tf find_or_download_tomcat Example: >>> # SCRIPT >>> from wbia.control.wildbook_manager import * # NOQA >>> tomcat_dpath = find_or_download_tomcat() >>> result = ('tomcat_dpath = %s' % (str(tomcat_dpath),)) >>> print(result) """ tomcat_dpath = find_tomcat() if tomcat_dpath is None: tomcat_dpath = download_tomcat() else: ut.assertpath(tomcat_dpath) return tomcat_dpath
[docs]def find_java_jvm(): r""" CommandLine: python -m wbia find_java_jvm Example: >>> # DISABLE_DOCTEST >>> from wbia.control.wildbook_manager import * # NOQA >>> jvm_fpath = find_java_jvm() >>> result = ('jvm_fpath = %r' % (jvm_fpath,)) >>> print(result) """ candidate_path_list = [ os.environ.get('JAVA_HOME', None), '/usr/lib/jvm/java-7-openjdk-amd64', ] jvm_fpath = ut.search_candidate_paths(candidate_path_list, verbose=True) ut.assertpath(jvm_fpath, 'IBEIS cannot find Java Runtime Environment') return jvm_fpath
[docs]def find_or_download_wilbook_warfile(ensure=True, redownload=False): r""" scp \ ~/Downloads/pachy_wbia.war wget """ # war_url = '' war_url = '' war_fpath = ut.grab_file_url( war_url, appname='wbia', ensure=ensure, redownload=redownload, fname='wbia.war' ) return war_fpath
[docs]def purge_local_wildbook(): r""" Shuts down the server and then purges the server on disk CommandLine: python -m wbia purge_local_wildbook python -m wbia purge_local_wildbook --purge-war Example: >>> # SCRIPT >>> from wbia.control.wildbook_manager import * # NOQA >>> purge_local_wildbook() """ try: shutdown_wildbook_server() except ImportError: pass ut.delete(ut.unixjoin(ut.get_app_resource_dir('wbia'), 'tomcat')) if ut.get_argflag('--purge-war'): war_fpath = find_or_download_wilbook_warfile(ensure=False) ut.delete(war_fpath)
[docs]def ensure_wb_mysql(): r""" CommandLine: python -m wbia ensure_wb_mysql Example: >>> # SCRIPT >>> from wbia.control.wildbook_manager import * # NOQA >>> result = ensure_wb_mysql() """'Execute the following code to install mysql') ut.codeblock( r""" # STARTBLOCK bash # Install sudo apt-get install mysql-server-5.6 -y sudo apt-get install mysql-common-5.6 -y sudo apt-get install mysql-client-5.6 -y mysql_config_editor set --login-path=local --host=localhost --user=root --password # Initialize mysql --login-path=local -e "create user 'wbiawb'@'localhost' identified by 'somepassword';" mysql --login-path=local -e "create database wbiawbtestdb;" mysql --login-path=local -e "grant all privileges on wbiawbtestdb.* to 'wbiawb'@'localhost';" # Reset mysql --login-path=local -e "drop database wbiawbtestdb" mysql --login-path=local -e "create database wbiawbtestdb" mysql --login-path=local -e "grant all privileges on wbiawbtestdb.* to 'wbiawb'@'localhost'" # Check if running mysqladmin --login-path=local status # mysql --login-path=local -e "status" # mysql -u root -proot status # mysql -u root -proot # ENDBLOCK bash """ ) )
[docs]def ensure_local_war(verbose=ut.NOT_QUIET): """ Ensures tomcat has been unpacked and the war is localized CommandLine: wbia ensure_local_war Example: >>> # SCRIPT >>> from wbia.control.wildbook_manager import * # NOQA >>> result = ensure_local_war() >>> print(result) """ # TODO: allow custom specified tomcat directory try: output = subprocess.check_output(['java', '-version'], stderr=subprocess.STDOUT) _java_version = output.split('\n')[0] _java_version = _java_version.replace('java version ', '') java_version = _java_version.replace('"', '')'java_version = %r' % (java_version,)) if not java_version.startswith('1.7'):'Warning wildbook is only supported for java 1.7') except OSError: output = None if output is None: raise ImportError( 'Cannot find java on this machine. ' 'Please install java:' ) tomcat_dpath = find_or_download_tomcat() assert tomcat_dpath is not None, 'Could not find tomcat' redownload = ut.get_argflag('--redownload-war') war_fpath = find_or_download_wilbook_warfile(redownload=redownload) war_fname = basename(war_fpath) # Move the war file to tomcat webapps if not there webapps_dpath = join(tomcat_dpath, 'webapps') deploy_war_fpath = join(webapps_dpath, war_fname) if not ut.checkpath(deploy_war_fpath, verbose=verbose): ut.copy(war_fpath, deploy_war_fpath) wb_target = splitext(war_fname)[0] return tomcat_dpath, webapps_dpath, wb_target
[docs]@ut.tracefunc_xml def install_wildbook(verbose=ut.NOT_QUIET): """ Script to setup wildbook on a unix based system (hopefully eventually this will generalize to win32) CommandLine: # Reset wbia purge_local_wildbook wbia ensure_wb_mysql wbia ensure_local_war # Setup wbia install_wildbook # wbia install_wildbook --nomysql # Startup wbia startup_wildbook_server --show Alternates: wbia install_wildbook --redownload-war wbia install_wildbook --assets wbia startup_wildbook_server --show Example: >>> # SCRIPT >>> from wbia.control.wildbook_manager import * # NOQA >>> verbose = True >>> result = install_wildbook() >>> print(result) """ import requests # Ensure that the war file has been unpacked tomcat_dpath, webapps_dpath, wb_target = ensure_local_war() unpacked_war_dpath = join(webapps_dpath, wb_target) tomcat_startup_dir = get_tomcat_startup_tmpdir() fresh_install = not ut.checkpath(unpacked_war_dpath, verbose=verbose) if fresh_install: # Need to make sure you start catalina in the same directory otherwise # the derby databsae gets put in in cwd with ut.ChdirContext(tomcat_startup_dir): # Starting and stoping catalina should be sufficient to unpack the # war startup_fpath = join(tomcat_dpath, 'bin', '') # shutdown_fpath = join(tomcat_dpath, 'bin', '') ut.cmd(ut.quote_single_command(startup_fpath))'It is NOT ok if the fails\n') # wait for the war to be unpacked for retry_count in range(0, 6): time.sleep(1) if ut.checkpath(unpacked_war_dpath, verbose=True): break else:'Retrying') # ensure that the server is ruuning'Checking if we can ping the server') response = requests.get('http://localhost:8080') if response is None or response.status_code != 200:'There may be an error starting the server') else:'Seem able to ping the server') # assert tht the war was unpacked ut.assertpath( unpacked_war_dpath, ( 'Wildbook war might have not unpacked correctly. This may ' 'be ok. Try again. If it fails a second time, then there is a ' 'problem.' ), verbose=True, ) # Don't shutdown just yet. Need to create assets update_wildbook_install_config(webapps_dpath, unpacked_war_dpath) asset_flag_fpath = join(tomcat_startup_dir, 'made_assets.flag') # Pinging the server to create asset store # Ensureing that createAssetStore exists if not ut.checkpath(asset_flag_fpath): if not fresh_install: startup_wildbook_server() # web_url = startup_wildbook_server(verbose=False)'Creating asset store') wb_url = 'http://localhost:8080/' + wb_target response = requests.get(wb_url + '/createAssetStore.jsp') if response is None or response.status_code != 200:'There may be an error starting the server') # if response.status_code == 500: assert False, 'response error' else:'Created asset store') # Create file signaling we did this ut.writeto(asset_flag_fpath, 'True') shutdown_wildbook_server(verbose=False)'It is ok if the shutdown fails') elif fresh_install: shutdown_wildbook_server(verbose=False) #'Wildbook is installed and waiting to be started')
[docs]@ut.tracefunc_xml def update_wildbook_install_config(webapps_dpath, unpacked_war_dpath): """ CommandLine: python -m wbia ensure_local_war python -m wbia update_wildbook_install_config python -m wbia update_wildbook_install_config --show Example: >>> # xdoctest: +REQUIRES(--tomcat) >>> from wbia.control.wildbook_manager import * # NOQA >>> import wbia >>> tomcat_dpath = find_installed_tomcat() >>> webapps_dpath = join(tomcat_dpath, 'webapps') >>> wb_target = wbia.const.WILDBOOK_TARGET >>> unpacked_war_dpath = join(webapps_dpath, wb_target) >>> locals_ = ut.exec_func_src(update_wildbook_install_config, globals()) >>> #update_wildbook_install_config(webapps_dpath, unpacked_war_dpath) >>> ut.quit_if_noshow() >>> ut.vd(unpacked_war_dpath) >>> ut.editfile(locals_['permission_fpath']) >>> ut.editfile(locals_['jdoconfig_fpath']) >>> ut.editfile(locals_['asset_store_fpath']) """ mysql_mode = not ut.get_argflag('--nomysql') # if ut.get_argflag('--vd'): # ut.vd(unpacked_war_dpath) # find_installed_tomcat # Make sure permissions are correctly set in wildbook # Comment out the line that requires authentication permission_fpath = join(unpacked_war_dpath, 'WEB-INF/web.xml') ut.assertpath(permission_fpath) permission_text = ut.readfrom(permission_fpath) lines_to_remove = [ # '/ImageSetSetMarkedIndividual = authc, roles[admin]' '/EncounterSetMarkedIndividual = authc, roles[admin]' ] new_permission_text = permission_text[:] for line in lines_to_remove:, permission_text) prefix = ut.named_field('prefix', '\\s*') suffix = ut.named_field('suffix', '\\s*\n') pattern = '^' + prefix + re.escape(line) + suffix match =, permission_text, flags=re.MULTILINE | re.DOTALL) if match is None: continue newline = '<!--%s -->' % (line,) repl = ut.bref_field('prefix') + newline + ut.bref_field('suffix') new_permission_text = re.sub( pattern, repl, permission_text, flags=re.MULTILINE | re.DOTALL ) assert new_permission_text != permission_text, 'text should have changed' if new_permission_text != permission_text:'Need to write new permission texts') ut.writeto(permission_fpath, new_permission_text) else:'Permission file seems to be ok') # Make sure we are using a non-process based database jdoconfig_fpath = join( unpacked_war_dpath, 'WEB-INF/classes/bundles/' )'Fixing backend database config')'jdoconfig_fpath = %r' % (jdoconfig_fpath,)) ut.assertpath(jdoconfig_fpath) jdoconfig_text = ut.readfrom(jdoconfig_fpath) # ut.vd(dirname(jdoconfig_fpath)) # ut.editfile(jdoconfig_fpath) if mysql_mode: jdoconfig_text = ut.toggle_comment_lines(jdoconfig_text, 'mysql', False) jdoconfig_text = ut.toggle_comment_lines(jdoconfig_text, 'derby', 1) jdoconfig_text = ut.toggle_comment_lines(jdoconfig_text, 'sqlite', 1) mysql_user = 'wbiawb' mysql_passwd = 'somepassword' mysql_dbname = 'wbiawbtestdb' # Use mysql jdoconfig_text = re.sub( 'datanucleus.ConnectionUserName = .*$', 'datanucleus.ConnectionUserName = ' + mysql_user, jdoconfig_text, flags=re.MULTILINE, ) jdoconfig_text = re.sub( 'datanucleus.ConnectionPassword = .*$', 'datanucleus.ConnectionPassword = ' + mysql_passwd, jdoconfig_text, flags=re.MULTILINE, ) jdoconfig_text = re.sub( 'datanucleus.ConnectionURL *= *jdbc:mysql:.*$', 'datanucleus.ConnectionURL = jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/' + mysql_dbname, jdoconfig_text, flags=re.MULTILINE, ) jdoconfig_text = re.sub( '^.*jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/shepherd.*$', '', jdoconfig_text, flags=re.MULTILINE, ) else: # Use SQLIIte jdoconfig_text = ut.toggle_comment_lines(jdoconfig_text, 'derby', 1) jdoconfig_text = ut.toggle_comment_lines(jdoconfig_text, 'mysql', 1) jdoconfig_text = ut.toggle_comment_lines(jdoconfig_text, 'sqlite', False) ut.writeto(jdoconfig_fpath, jdoconfig_text) # Need to make sure wildbook can store information in a reasonalbe place # tomcat_data_dir = join(tomcat_startup_dir, 'webapps', 'wildbook_data_dir') tomcat_data_dir = join(webapps_dpath, 'wildbook_data_dir') ut.ensuredir(tomcat_data_dir) ut.writeto(join(tomcat_data_dir, 'test.txt'), 'A hosted test file') asset_store_fpath = join(unpacked_war_dpath, 'createAssetStore.jsp') asset_store_text = ut.read_from(asset_store_fpath) # data_path_pat = ut.named_field('data_path', 'new File(".*?").toPath') new_line = ( 'LocalAssetStore as = new LocalAssetStore("example Local AssetStore", new File("%s").toPath(), "%s", true);' % (tomcat_data_dir, 'http://localhost:8080/' + basename(tomcat_data_dir)) ) # HACKY asset_store_text2 = re.sub( '^LocalAssetStore as = .*$', new_line, asset_store_text, flags=re.MULTILINE ) ut.writeto(asset_store_fpath, asset_store_text2)
# ut.editfile(asset_store_fpath)
[docs]@ut.tracefunc_xml def update_wildbook_ia_config(ibs, wildbook_tomcat_path, dryrun=False): """ #if use_config_file and wildbook_tomcat_path: # # Update the Wildbook configuration to see *THIS* wbia database # with lockfile.LockFile(lock_fpath): # update_wildbook_ia_config(ibs, wildbook_tomcat_path, dryrun) """ wildbook_properteis_dpath = join(wildbook_tomcat_path, 'WEB-INF/classes/bundles/') '[ibs.update_wildbook_ia_config()] Wildbook properties=%r' % (wildbook_properteis_dpath,) ) # The src file is non-standard. It should be remove here as well wildbook_config_fpath_dst = join( wildbook_properteis_dpath, '' ) ut.assert_exists(wildbook_properteis_dpath) # for come reason the .default file is not there, that should be ok though orig_content = ut.read_from(wildbook_config_fpath_dst) content = orig_content # Make sure wildbook knows where to find us if False: # Old way of telling WB where to find IA content = re.sub( 'IBEIS_DB_path = .*', 'IBEIS_DB_path = ' + ibs.get_db_core_path(), content ) content = re.sub( 'IBEIS_image_path = .*', 'IBEIS_image_path = ' + ibs.get_imgdir(), content ) web_port = ibs.get_web_port_via_scan() if web_port is None: raise ValueError('IA web server is not running on any expected port') ia_hostport = 'http://localhost:%s' % (web_port,) ia_rest_prefix = ut.named_field('prefix', 'IBEISIARestUrl.*') host_port = ut.named_field('host_port', 'http://.*?:[0-9]+') content = re.sub( ia_rest_prefix + host_port, ut.bref_field('prefix') + ia_hostport, content ) # Write to the configuration if it is different if orig_content != content: need_sudo = not ut.is_file_writable(wildbook_config_fpath_dst) if need_sudo: quoted_content = '"%s"' % (content,)'Attempting to gain sudo access to update wildbook config') command = [ 'sudo', 'sh', '-c', "'", 'echo', quoted_content, '>', wildbook_config_fpath_dst, "'", ] # ut.cmd(command, sudo=True) command = ' '.join(command) if not dryrun: os.system(command) else: ut.write_to(wildbook_config_fpath_dst, content)
[docs]@ut.tracefunc_xml def startup_wildbook_server(verbose=ut.NOT_QUIET): r""" Args: verbose (bool): verbosity flag(default = True) CommandLine: python -m wbia startup_wildbook_server python -m wbia startup_wildbook_server --show Example: >>> # DISABLE_DOCTEST >>> from wbia.control.wildbook_manager import * # NOQA >>> verbose = True >>> wb_url = startup_wildbook_server() >>> ut.quit_if_noshow() >>> ut.get_prefered_browser(PREFERED_BROWSER).open_new_tab(wb_url) """ # TODO: allow custom specified tomcat directory import wbia tomcat_dpath = find_installed_tomcat() with ut.ChdirContext(get_tomcat_startup_tmpdir()): startup_fpath = join(tomcat_dpath, 'bin', '') ut.cmd(ut.quote_single_command(startup_fpath)) time.sleep(1) wb_url = 'http://localhost:8080/' + wbia.const.WILDBOOK_TARGET # TODO go to http://localhost:8080/wbia/createAssetStore.jsp return wb_url
[docs]def shutdown_wildbook_server(verbose=ut.NOT_QUIET): r""" Args: verbose (bool): verbosity flag(default = True) Ignore: tail -f ~/.config/wbia/tomcat/logs/catalina.out CommandLine: python -m wbia shutdown_wildbook_server Example: >>> # DISABLE_DOCTEST >>> from wbia.control.wildbook_manager import * # NOQA >>> verbose = True >>> wb_url = shutdown_wildbook_server() >>> ut.quit_if_noshow() >>> ut.get_prefered_browser(PREFERED_BROWSER).open_new_tab(wb_url) """ # TODO: allow custom specified tomcat directory tomcat_dpath = find_installed_tomcat(check_unpacked=False, strict=False) # TODO: allow custom specified tomcat directory # tomcat_dpath = find_installed_tomcat(check_unpacked=False) # catalina_out_fpath = join(tomcat_dpath, 'logs', 'catalina.out') if tomcat_dpath is not None: with ut.ChdirContext(get_tomcat_startup_tmpdir()): shutdown_fpath = join(tomcat_dpath, 'bin', '') # ut.cmd(shutdown_fpath) ut.cmd(ut.quote_single_command(shutdown_fpath)) time.sleep(0.5)
[docs]def monitor_wildbook_logs(verbose=ut.NOT_QUIET): r""" Args: verbose (bool): verbosity flag(default = True) CommandLine: python -m wbia monitor_wildbook_logs --show Example: >>> # SCRIPT >>> from wbia.control.wildbook_manager import * # NOQA >>> monitor_wildbook_logs() """ # TODO: allow custom specified tomcat directory import wbia tomcat_dpath = find_installed_tomcat() with ut.ChdirContext(get_tomcat_startup_tmpdir()): startup_fpath = join(tomcat_dpath, 'bin', '') ut.cmd(ut.quote_single_command(startup_fpath)) time.sleep(1) wb_url = 'http://localhost:8080/' + wbia.const.WILDBOOK_TARGET return wb_url
[docs]def tryout_wildbook_login(): r""" Helper function to test wildbook login automagically Returns: tuple: (wb_target, tomcat_dpath) CommandLine: python -m wbia tryout_wildbook_login Example: >>> # DISABLE_DOCTEST >>> from wbia.control.wildbook_manager import * # NOQA >>> tryout_wildbook_login() """ # Use selenimum to login to wildbook import wbia manaul_login = False wb_target = wbia.const.WILDBOOK_TARGET wb_url = 'http://localhost:8080/' + wb_target if manaul_login: ut.get_prefered_browser(PREFERED_BROWSER).open_new_tab(wb_url) else:'Grabbing Driver') driver = ut.grab_selenium_driver(PREFERED_BROWSER)'Going to URL') if False: driver.get(wb_url)'Finding Login Button') # login_button = driver.find_element_by_partial_link_text('Log in') login_button = driver.find_element_by_partial_link_text('welcome.jps') else: driver.get(wb_url + '/login.jsp')'Finding Login Elements') username_field = driver.find_element_by_name('username') password_field = driver.find_element_by_name('password') submit_login_button = driver.find_element_by_name('submit') rememberMe_button = driver.find_element_by_name('rememberMe')'Executing Login Elements') username_field.send_keys('tomcat') password_field.send_keys('tomcat123') # Accept agreement import selenium.common.exceptions try: accept_aggrement_button = driver.find_element_by_name('acceptUserAgreement') except selenium.common.exceptions.NoSuchElementException: pass # Goto individuals page individuals = driver.find_element_by_partial_link_text('Individuals') view_all = driver.find_element_by_partial_link_text('View All')
[docs]def get_wildbook_tomcat_path(ibs, tomcat_dpath=None, wb_target=None): DEFAULT_TOMCAT_PATH = find_installed_tomcat() tomcat_dpath = DEFAULT_TOMCAT_PATH if tomcat_dpath is None else tomcat_dpath wb_target = ibs.const.WILDBOOK_TARGET if wb_target is None else wb_target wildbook_tomcat_path = join(tomcat_dpath, 'webapps', wb_target) return wildbook_tomcat_path