Source code for wbia.control.manual_wildbook_funcs

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
    # Reset IBEIS database (can skip if done)
    python -m wbia.tests.reset_testdbs --reset_mtest
    python -m wbia --tf reset_mtest

    Moving components: java, tomcat, wildbook.war.

    python -m utool.util_inspect check_module_usage --pat=""

    # Start IA server
    python -m wbia --web --db PZ_MTEST

    # Reset Wildbook database
    python -m wbia purge_local_wildbook

    # Install Wildbook
    python -m wbia install_wildbook

    # Startup Wildbook
    python -m wbia startup_wildbook_server

    # Poll wildbook info
    python -m wbia get_wildbook_ia_url

    # Login to wildbook (can skip)
    python -m wbia test_wildbook_login

    # Ship ImageSets to wildbook
    python -m wbia wildbook_signal_imgsetid_list

    # Change annotations names to a single name
    python -m wbia wildbook_signal_annot_name_changes:1

    # Change annotations names back to normal
    python -m wbia wildbook_signal_annot_name_changes:2
import logging
import utool as ut
import requests
from wbia.control import controller_inject
from wbia.control import wildbook_manager as wb_man  # NOQA
from wbia.control.controller_inject import make_ibs_register_decorator

from wbia.constants import WILDBOOK_TARGET

print, rrr, profile = ut.inject2(__name__)
logger = logging.getLogger('wbia')

DISABLE_WILDBOOK_SIGNAL = ut.get_argflag('--no-wb-signal')

CLASS_INJECT_KEY, register_ibs_method = make_ibs_register_decorator(__name__)

register_api = controller_inject.get_wbia_flask_api(__name__)

# webbrowser._tryorder
if ut.get_computer_name() == 'hyrule':
    PREFERED_BROWSER = 'firefox'

[docs]@register_ibs_method def get_wildbook_base_url(ibs, wb_target=None): if DISABLE_WILDBOOK_SIGNAL: message = 'Wildbook signals are turned off via the command line' raise IOError(message) wb_port = 8080 wb_target = WILDBOOK_TARGET if wb_target is None else wb_target if ibs.containerized: wb_hostname = 'nginx' wb_target = '' else: wb_hostname = '' wb_hostname = str(wb_hostname) wb_port = str(wb_port) wb_target = str(wb_target) wildbook_base_url = 'http://%s:%s/%s/' % (wb_hostname, wb_port, wb_target) wildbook_base_url = wildbook_base_url.strip('/')'USING WB BASEURL: %r' % (wildbook_base_url,)) return wildbook_base_url
[docs]@register_ibs_method def assert_ia_available_for_wb(ibs, wb_target=None): # Test if we have a server alive try: ia_url = ibs.get_wildbook_ia_url(wb_target) if ia_url is None: message = 'Wildbook signals are turned off via the command line' raise IOError(message) except IOError:'[ibs.assert_ia_available_for_wb] Caught IOError, returning None') return None except Exception as ex: ut.printex(ex, 'Could not get IA url. BLINDLY CHARCHING FORWARD!', iswarning=True) else: have_server = False for count in ut.delayed_retry_gen([1], timeout=3, raise_=False): try: rsp = requests.get(ia_url + '/api/test/heartbeat/', timeout=3) have_server = rsp.status_code == 200 break except requests.ConnectionError: pass if not have_server: raise Exception('The image analysis server is not started.') return have_server
[docs]@register_ibs_method def get_wildbook_ia_url(ibs, wb_target=None): """ Where does wildbook expect us to be? CommandLine: python -m wbia get_wildbook_ia_url Example: >>> # DISABLE_DOCTEST >>> from wbia.control.manual_wildbook_funcs import * # NOQA >>> import wbia >>> ibs = wbia.opendb(defaultdb='PZ_MTEST') >>> ia_url = ibs.get_wildbook_ia_url() >>> print('ia_url = %r' % (ia_url,)) """ import requests try: wb_url = ibs.get_wildbook_base_url(wb_target) except IOError:'[ibs.get_wildbook_ia_url] Caught IOError, returning None') return None response = requests.get(wb_url + '/ia?status') status = response.status_code == 200 if not status: raise Exception('Could not get IA status from wildbook') json_response = response.json() ia_url = json_response.get('iaURL') #'response = %r' % (response,)) return ia_url
[docs]@register_ibs_method @register_api('/api/wildbook/signal/annot/name/', methods=['PUT']) def wildbook_signal_annot_name_changes(ibs, aid_list=None, wb_target=None, dryrun=False): r""" Args: aid_list (int): list of annotation ids(default = None) tomcat_dpath (None): (default = None) wb_target (None): (default = None) dryrun (bool): (default = False) CommandLine: python -m wbia wildbook_signal_annot_name_changes:0 --dryrun python -m wbia wildbook_signal_annot_name_changes:1 --dryrun python -m wbia wildbook_signal_annot_name_changes:1 python -m wbia wildbook_signal_annot_name_changes:2 Setup: >>> wb_target = None >>> dryrun = ut.get_argflag('--dryrun') Example: >>> # DISABLE_DOCTEST >>> from wbia.control.manual_wildbook_funcs import * # NOQA >>> import wbia >>> ibs = wbia.opendb(defaultdb='PZ_MTEST') >>> #gid_list = ibs.get_valid_gids()[0:10] >>> gid_list = ibs.get_valid_gids()[3:5] >>> aid_list = ut.flatten(ibs.get_image_aids(gid_list)) >>> # Test case where some names change, some do not. There are no new names. >>> old_nid_list = ibs.get_annot_name_rowids(aid_list) >>> new_nid_list = ut.list_roll(old_nid_list, 1) >>> ibs.set_annot_name_rowids(aid_list, new_nid_list) >>> result = ibs.wildbook_signal_annot_name_changes(aid_list, wb_target, dryrun) >>> ibs.set_annot_name_rowids(aid_list, old_nid_list) Example: >>> # DISABLE_DOCTEST >>> from wbia.control.manual_wildbook_funcs import * # NOQA >>> import wbia >>> ibs = wbia.opendb(defaultdb='PZ_MTEST') >>> #gid_list = ibs.get_valid_gids()[0:10] >>> gid_list = ibs.get_valid_gids()[3:5] >>> aid_list = ut.flatten(ibs.get_image_aids(gid_list)) >>> # Test case where all names change to one known name >>> #old_nid_list = ibs.get_annot_name_rowids(aid_list) >>> #new_nid_list = [old_nid_list[0]] * len(old_nid_list) >>> old_nid_list = [1, 2] >>> new_nid_list = [1, 1] >>> print('old_nid_list = %r' % (old_nid_list,)) >>> print('new_nid_list = %r' % (new_nid_list,)) >>> ibs.set_annot_name_rowids(aid_list, new_nid_list) >>> result = ibs.wildbook_signal_annot_name_changes(aid_list, wb_target, dryrun) >>> # Undo changes here (not undone in wildbook) >>> #ibs.set_annot_name_rowids(aid_list, old_nid_list) Example: >>> # DISABLE_DOCTEST >>> from wbia.control.manual_wildbook_funcs import * # NOQA >>> import wbia >>> ibs = wbia.opendb(defaultdb='PZ_MTEST') >>> gid_list = ibs.get_valid_gids()[3:5] >>> aid_list = ut.flatten(ibs.get_image_aids(gid_list)) >>> old_nid_list = [1, 2] >>> ibs.set_annot_name_rowids(aid_list, old_nid_list) >>> # Signal what currently exists (should put them back to normal) >>> result = ibs.wildbook_signal_annot_name_changes(aid_list, wb_target, dryrun) """ '[ibs.wildbook_signal_annot_name_changes] signaling annot name changes to wildbook' ) try: wb_url = ibs.get_wildbook_base_url(wb_target) except IOError: '[ibs.wildbook_signal_annot_name_changes] Caught IOError, returning None' ) return None try: ibs.assert_ia_available_for_wb(wb_target) except Exception: pass if aid_list is None: aid_list = ibs.get_valid_aids(is_known=True) annot_uuid_list = ibs.get_annot_uuids(aid_list) annot_name_text_list = ibs.get_annot_name_texts(aid_list) grouped_uuids = ut.group_items(annot_uuid_list, annot_name_text_list) url = wb_url + '/ia' payloads = [ { 'resolver': { 'assignNameToAnnotations': { 'name': new_name, 'annotationIds': ut.lmap(str, annot_uuids), } } } for new_name, annot_uuids in grouped_uuids.items() ] status_list = [] for json_payload in ut.ProgressIter(payloads, lbl='submitting URL', freq=1):'[_send] URL=%r with json_payload=%r' % (url, json_payload)) if dryrun: status = False else: response =, json=json_payload) status = response.status_code == 200 if not status:'Failed to push new names') # status_list.append(status) return status_list
[docs]@register_ibs_method @register_api('/api/wildbook/signal/name/', methods=['PUT']) def wildbook_signal_name_changes( ibs, nid_list, new_name_list, wb_target=None, dryrun=False ): r""" Args: nid_list (int): list of name ids new_name_list (str): list of corresponding names wb_target (None): (default = None) dryrun (bool): (default = False) CommandLine: python -m wbia wildbook_signal_name_changes:0 --dryrun python -m wbia wildbook_signal_name_changes:1 --dryrun python -m wbia wildbook_signal_name_changes:1 python -m wbia wildbook_signal_name_changes:2 Setup: >>> wb_target = None >>> dryrun = ut.get_argflag('--dryrun') """'[ibs.wildbook_signal_name_changes] signaling name changes to wildbook') try: wb_url = ibs.get_wildbook_base_url(wb_target) except IOError:'[ibs.wildbook_signal_name_changes] Caught IOError, returning None') return None try: ibs.assert_ia_available_for_wb(wb_target) except Exception: pass current_name_list = ibs.get_name_texts(nid_list) combined_list = sorted(list(zip(new_name_list, current_name_list)), reverse=True) url = wb_url + '/ia' json_payload = { 'resolver': { 'renameIndividuals': { 'new': [_[0] for _ in combined_list], 'old': [_[1] for _ in combined_list], } } } status_list = []'[_send] URL=%r with json_payload=%r' % (url, json_payload)) if dryrun: status = False else: response =, json=json_payload) response_json = response.json() status = response.status_code == 200 and response_json['success'] if not status: status_list = False'Failed to update names') # else: for name_response in response_json['results']: status = name_response['success'] error = name_response.get('error', '') status = status or 'unknown MarkedIndividual' in error status_list.append(status) # ut.embed() return status_list
[docs]@register_ibs_method def wildbook_get_existing_names(ibs, wb_target=None): '[ibs.wildbook_get_existing_names] getting existing names out of wildbook' ) try: wb_url = ibs.get_wildbook_base_url(wb_target) except IOError:'[ibs.wildbook_get_existing_names] Caught IOError, returning None') return None try: ibs.assert_ia_available_for_wb(wb_target) except Exception: pass url = wb_url + '/rest/org.ecocean.MarkedIndividual' response = requests.get(url) response_json = response.json() try: wildbook_existing_name_list = [_['individualID'] for _ in response_json] wildbook_existing_name_list = list(set(wildbook_existing_name_list)) except Exception: wildbook_existing_name_list = [] return wildbook_existing_name_list
[docs]@register_ibs_method @register_api('/api/wildbook/signal/imageset/', methods=['PUT']) def wildbook_signal_imgsetid_list( ibs, imgsetid_list=None, set_shipped_flag=True, open_url_on_complete=True, wb_target=None, dryrun=False, ): """ Exports specified imagesets to wildbook. This is a synchronous call. Args: imgsetid_list (list): (default = None) set_shipped_flag (bool): (default = True) open_url_on_complete (bool): (default = True) RESTful: Method: PUT URL: /api/wildbook/signal/imageset/ Ignore: cd $CODE_DIR/Wildbook/tmp # Ensure IA server is up python -m wbia --web --db PZ_MTEST # Reset IBEIS database python -m wbia.tests.reset_testdbs --reset_mtest python -m wbia reset_mtest # Completely remove Wildbook database python -m wbia purge_local_wildbook # Install Wildbook python -m wbia install_wildbook # Startup Wildbook python -m wbia startup_wildbook_server # Login to wildbook python -m wbia test_wildbook_login # Ship ImageSets to wildbook python -m wbia wildbook_signal_imgsetid_list # Change annotations names to a single name python -m wbia wildbook_signal_annot_name_changes:1 # Change annotations names back to normal python -m wbia wildbook_signal_annot_name_changes:2 CommandLine: python -m wbia wildbook_signal_imgsetid_list python -m wbia wildbook_signal_imgsetid_list --dryrun python -m wbia wildbook_signal_imgsetid_list --break SeeAlso: ~/local/build_scripts/ Example: >>> # DISABLE_DOCTEST >>> from wbia.control.manual_wildbook_funcs import * # NOQA >>> dryrun = ut.get_argflag('--dryrun') >>> wb_target = None >>> import wbia >>> # Need to start a web server for wildbook to hook into >>> defaultdb = 'PZ_MTEST' >>> ibs = wbia.opendb(defaultdb=defaultdb) >>> #gid_list = ibs.get_valid_gids()[0:10] >>> gid_list = ibs.get_valid_gids()[3:6] >>> new_imgsetid = ibs.create_new_imageset_from_images(gid_list) # NOQA >>> imgsetid = new_imgsetid >>> print('new imageset uuid = %r' % (ibs.get_imageset_uuid(new_imgsetid),)) >>> print('new imageset text = %r' % (ibs.get_imageset_text(new_imgsetid),)) >>> imgsetid_list = [new_imgsetid] >>> ibs.set_imageset_processed_flags([new_imgsetid], [1]) >>> gid_list = ibs.get_imageset_gids(new_imgsetid) >>> ibs.set_image_reviewed(gid_list, [1] * len(gid_list)) >>> set_shipped_flag = True >>> open_url_on_complete = True >>> if ut.get_argflag('--bg'): >>> with wbia.opendb_bg_web(defaultdb, managed=True) as web_ibs: ... result = web_ibs.wildbook_signal_imgsetid_list(imgsetid_list, set_shipped_flag, open_url_on_complete, wb_target, dryrun) >>> else: ... result = ibs.wildbook_signal_imgsetid_list(imgsetid_list, set_shipped_flag, open_url_on_complete, wb_target, dryrun) >>> # cleanup >>> #ibs.delete_imagesets(new_imgsetid) >>> print(result) """ try: wb_url = ibs.get_wildbook_base_url(wb_target) except IOError:'[ibs.wildbook_signal_imgsetid_list] Caught IOError, returning None') return None try: ibs.assert_ia_available_for_wb(wb_target) except Exception: pass if imgsetid_list is None: imgsetid_list = ibs.get_valid_imgsetids() # Check to make sure imagesets are ok: for imgsetid in imgsetid_list: # First, check if imageset can be pushed aid_list = ibs.get_imageset_aids(imgsetid) assert ( len(aid_list) > 0 ), 'ImageSet imgsetid=%r cannot be shipped with0 annots' % (imgsetid,) unknown_flags = ibs.is_aid_unknown(aid_list) unnamed_aid_list = ut.compress(aid_list, unknown_flags) unnamed_ok_aid_list = ibs.filter_annots_general(unnamed_aid_list, minqual='ok') nUnnamedOk = sum(unnamed_ok_aid_list) assert nUnnamedOk == 0, ( 'ImageSet imgsetid=%r1 cannot be shipped becuase ' 'annotation(s) %r with an identifiable quality have ' 'not been named' ) % (imgsetid, unnamed_ok_aid_list) # Call Wildbook url to signal update '[ibs.wildbook_signal_imgsetid_list] ship imgsetid_list = %r to wildbook' % (imgsetid_list,) ) imageset_uuid_list = ibs.get_imageset_uuid(imgsetid_list) '[ibs.wildbook_signal_imgsetid_list] ship imgset_uuid_list = %r to wildbook' % (imageset_uuid_list,) ) url = wb_url + '/ia' dbname = ibs.db.get_db_init_uuid() occur_url_fmt = wb_url + '/occurrence.jsp?number={uuid}&dbname={dbname}' # enc_url_fmt = (wb_url + '/encounters/encounter.jsp?number={uuid}') # Check and push 'done' imagesets status_list = [] for imgsetid, imageset_uuid in zip(imgsetid_list, imageset_uuid_list):'[_send] URL=%r' % (url,)) json_payload = {'resolver': {'fromIAImageSet': str(imageset_uuid)}} if dryrun: status = False else: response =, json=json_payload) status = response.status_code == 200'response = %r' % (response,)) if set_shipped_flag: ibs.set_imageset_shipped_flags([imgsetid], [status]) if status and open_url_on_complete: view_occur_url = occur_url_fmt.format( uuid=imageset_uuid, dbname=dbname ) _browser = ut.get_prefered_browser(PREFERED_BROWSER) _browser.open_new_tab(view_occur_url) status_list.append(status) try: ibs.update_special_imagesets() ibs.notify_observers() except Exception: pass return status_list
[docs]@register_ibs_method def get_wildbook_image_uuids(ibs): from datetime import datetime import uuid import pytz PST = pytz.timezone('US/Pacific') assert WILDBOOK_TARGET is not None url = 'https://%s/acmIdSync.jsp' % (WILDBOOK_TARGET,) now = timestamp = now.strftime('%Y-%m-%d-%H-00-00') filename = 'wildbook.image.admid.%s.json' % (timestamp,) filepath = ut.grab_file_url(url, appname='wbia', fname=filename) with open(filepath, 'r') as file: file_content = file_json = ut.from_json(file_content) 'Loaded %d Image ACM string UUIDs from Wildbook: %r' % ( len(file_json), url, ) ) uuid_list = [] for uuid_str in file_json: try: uuid_ = uuid.UUID(uuid_str) uuid_list.append(uuid_) except ValueError: continue'Validated %d Image UUIDs from Wildbook' % (len(uuid_list),)) wildbook_image_uuid_list = list(set(uuid_list)) 'Validated %d de-duplicated Image UUIDs from Wildbook' % (len(uuid_list),) ) return wildbook_image_uuid_list
[docs]@register_ibs_method def delete_wildbook_orphaned_image_uuids(ibs, auto_delete=True): wildbook_image_uuid_list = ibs.get_wildbook_image_uuids() gid_list = ibs.get_valid_gids() local_image_uuid_list = ibs.get_image_uuids(gid_list) unknown_uuid_list = list(set(wildbook_image_uuid_list) - set(local_image_uuid_list)) candidate_uuid_list = list(set(local_image_uuid_list) - set(wildbook_image_uuid_list)) 'There are %d Image UUIDs in Wildbook that are not here' % (len(unknown_uuid_list),) ) 'There are %d Image UUIDs in here that are not in Wildbook' % (len(candidate_uuid_list),) ) if auto_delete and len(candidate_uuid_list) > 0: candidate_gid_list = ibs.get_image_gids_from_uuid(candidate_uuid_list) assert None not in candidate_gid_list ibs.delete_images(candidate_gid_list, trash_images=False) return candidate_uuid_list
[docs]@register_ibs_method def get_wildbook_annot_uuids(ibs, filter_match_against_on=True): from datetime import datetime import uuid import pytz PST = pytz.timezone('US/Pacific') assert WILDBOOK_TARGET is not None url = 'https://%s/acmIdSync.jsp?annotations' % (WILDBOOK_TARGET,) now = timestamp = now.strftime('%Y-%m-%d-%H-00-00') filename = 'wildbook.annot.admid.%s.json' % (timestamp,) filepath = ut.grab_file_url(url, appname='wbia', fname=filename) with open(filepath, 'r') as file: file_content = file_json = ut.from_json(file_content) print( 'Loaded %d Annot ACM string UUIDs from Wildbook: %r' % ( len(file_json), url, ) ) # KEY = 'species' SPECIES_KEY = 'iaClass' bad_mapping = { 'None,whale_fluke': 'whale_fluke', 'dolphin_bottlenose+fin_dorsal,tursiops_truncatus': 'dolphin_bottlenose+fin_dorsal', 'dolphin_bottlenose_fin,tursiops_truncatus': 'dolphin_bottlenose_fin', 'dolphin_spotted,stenella_frontalis': 'dolphin_spotted', 'tursiops_truncatus,whale_orca+fin_dorsal': 'whale_orca+fin_dorsal', 'turtle_hawksbill,turtle_hawksbill+head': 'turtle_hawksbill+head', } bad_list = [] uuid_list = [] species_list = [] for uuid_str in file_json: content = file_json[uuid_str] try: uuid_ = uuid.UUID(uuid_str) except ValueError: continue match = content.get('match', None) species = content.get(SPECIES_KEY, None) assert None not in [match, species] assert len(match) == len(species) if len(match) > 1: match_ = set(match) species_ = set(species) if len(match_) == 1 and len(species_) == 1: match = list(match_) species = list(species_) assert len(match) == len(species) if len(match) > 1: match_ = set(match) species_ = set(species) if len(species_) == 1: match = [any(match_)] species = list(species_) if len(match) == 1 and len(species) == 1: match = match[0] species = species[0] if filter_match_against_on is None or match == filter_match_against_on: uuid_list.append(uuid_) species_list.append(species) else: species_ = ['None' if val is None else val for val in species] species_ = set(species_) species_ = sorted(species_) bad_species = ','.join(species_) fixed_species = bad_mapping.get(bad_species, None) if fixed_species is not None: if filter_match_against_on is None or match == filter_match_against_on: uuid_list.append(uuid_) species_list.append(fixed_species) else: print(match, species) bad_list.append(bad_species) if len(bad_list) > 0: print('Found bad species: %r' % (set(bad_list),)) assert len(uuid_list) == len(species_list) assert len(uuid_list) == len(set(uuid_list)) print('Validated %d Annotation UUIDs from Wildbook' % (len(uuid_list),)) wildbook_annot_uuid_list = uuid_list wildbook_annot_species_list = species_list return wildbook_annot_uuid_list, wildbook_annot_species_list
[docs]@register_ibs_method def delete_wildbook_orphaned_annot_uuids(ibs, auto_delete=True): from wbia import constants as const ( wildbook_annot_uuid_list, wildbook_annot_species_list, ) = ibs.get_wildbook_annot_uuids() aid_list = ibs.get_valid_aids() local_annot_uuid_list = ibs.get_annot_uuids(aid_list) unknown_uuid_list = list(set(wildbook_annot_uuid_list) - set(local_annot_uuid_list)) candidate_uuid_list = list(set(local_annot_uuid_list) - set(wildbook_annot_uuid_list)) 'There are %d Annot UUIDs in Wildbook that are not here' % (len(unknown_uuid_list),) ) 'There are %d Annot UUIDs in here that are not in Wildbook' % (len(candidate_uuid_list),) ) if auto_delete and len(candidate_uuid_list) > 0: candidate_aid_list = ibs.get_annot_aids_from_uuid(candidate_uuid_list) assert None not in candidate_aid_list ibs.delete_annots(candidate_aid_list) # Update species aid_list = ibs.get_valid_aids() local_annot_uuid_list = ibs.get_annot_uuids(aid_list) known_uuid_list = list(set(wildbook_annot_uuid_list) & set(local_annot_uuid_list)) known_aid_list = ibs.get_annot_aids_from_uuid(known_uuid_list) assert None not in known_aid_list wildbook_species_dict = dict( zip(wildbook_annot_uuid_list, wildbook_annot_species_list) ) known_species_list = ibs.get_annot_species(known_aid_list) wildbook_species_mapping = { 'humpback_whale': 'megaptera_novaeangliae', 'tursiops_sp.': 'tursiops_sp', } update_dict = {} update_aid_list = [] update_species_list = [] for known_aid, known_uuid, known_species in zip( known_aid_list, known_uuid_list, known_species_list ): wildbook_species = wildbook_species_dict.get(known_uuid, None) if wildbook_species is None: wildbook_species = const.UNKNOWN assert wildbook_species is not None wildbook_species = wildbook_species.lower() wildbook_species = wildbook_species.replace(' ', '_') wildbook_species = wildbook_species_mapping.get( wildbook_species, wildbook_species ) if known_species != wildbook_species: if wildbook_species == const.UNKNOWN and known_species != const.UNKNOWN: continue update_aid_list.append(known_aid) update_species_list.append(wildbook_species) if known_species not in update_dict: update_dict[known_species] = {} if wildbook_species not in update_dict[known_species]: update_dict[known_species][wildbook_species] = 0 update_dict[known_species][wildbook_species] += 1 assert len(update_aid_list) == len(update_species_list) ibs.set_annot_species(update_aid_list, update_species_list) return candidate_uuid_list, update_dict
[docs]@register_ibs_method @register_api('/api/wildbook/sync/', methods=['GET', 'POST']) def wildbook_sync(ibs, **kwargs): candidate_image_uuid_list = ibs.delete_wildbook_orphaned_image_uuids() candidate_annot_uuid_list, update_dict = ibs.delete_wildbook_orphaned_annot_uuids() result_dict = { 'deleted_images': len(candidate_image_uuid_list), 'deleted_annots': len(candidate_annot_uuid_list), 'species_update': update_dict, } return result_dict