Source code for wbia.control.docker_control

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import logging
from wbia.control import controller_inject
import utool as ut
import time

(print, rrr, profile) = ut.inject2(__name__)
logger = logging.getLogger('wbia')

    import docker

    assert docker.from_env() is not None
except Exception:
    logger.warning('Local docker client is not available')

_, register_ibs_method = controller_inject.make_ibs_register_decorator(__name__)

DOCKER_DEFAULT_RUN_ARGS = {'detach': True, 'restart_policy': {'Name': 'on-failure'}}

DOCKER_CLONE_FMTSTR = '%s_clone_%d'

[docs]@register_ibs_method def docker_container_clone_name(container_name, clone=None): if clone is None: return container_name container_clone_name = DOCKER_CLONE_FMTSTR % (container_name, clone) return container_clone_name
[docs]@register_ibs_method # don't rely on the ibs object in this method; needs to be callable on import # container_check_func takes a url and returns a boolean def docker_register_config( ibs, container_name, image_name, container_check_func=None, run_args={}, ensure_new=False, ): if container_name in DOCKER_CONFIG_REGISTRY: if ensure_new: raise RuntimeError( 'Container name has already been added to the config registry' ) else: 'Warning: docker_register_config called on an existing config. Already have container named %s' % (container_name,) ) valid = False for prefix in DOCKER_IMAGE_PREFIX: if image_name.startswith(prefix): valid = True break if not valid: raise RuntimeError( 'Cannot register an image name that does not have a prefix in %r' % (DOCKER_IMAGE_PREFIX,) ) DOCKER_CONFIG_REGISTRY[container_name] = { 'image': image_name, 'run_args': run_args, 'container_check_func': container_check_func, }
[docs]def is_local_port_open(port): """ Args: port (int): Returns: bool: References: CommandLine: python -m utool.util_web is_local_port_open --show Example: >>> # DISABLE_DOCTEST >>> from utool.util_web import * # NOQA >>> port = 32183 >>> assert is_local_port_open(80) is False, 'port 80 should always be closed' >>> assert is_local_port_open(port) is True, 'maybe this port is actually used?' """ import socket s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) result1 = s.connect_ex(('localhost', port)) result2 = s.connect_ex(('', port)) result3 = s.connect_ex(('', port)) # Support for Docker networking s.close() return (result1 != 0 and result2 != 0) or (result3 != 0)
[docs]def find_open_port(base=5000, blacklist=[]): port = base while port in blacklist or not is_local_port_open(port): port += 1 return port
[docs]@register_ibs_method # runs an image, returns url to container def docker_run( ibs, image_name, container_name, override_run_args, clone=None, ensure_new=False ): if '_external_suggested_port' not in override_run_args: override_run_args['_external_suggested_port'] = 5000 assert '_external_suggested_port' in override_run_args assert '_internal_port' in override_run_args blacklist_ports = [] container_dict = ibs.docker_container_status_dict() for status in container_dict: for container_name_ in container_dict[status]: container_ = ibs.docker_get_container(container_name_) option_list = ibs.docker_container_IP_port_options(container_) print(container_name_, option_list) for option in option_list: url, port = option if port is not None: port = int(port) blacklist_ports.append(port) blacklist_ports = sorted(list(set(blacklist_ports))) ext_port = find_open_port( override_run_args['_external_suggested_port'], blacklist_ports ) port_key = '%d/tcp' % (override_run_args['_internal_port'],) # remove underscore args from run_args key_list = list(override_run_args.keys()) for key in key_list: if key.startswith('_'): override_run_args.pop(key) # update default args with run_args run_args = DOCKER_DEFAULT_RUN_ARGS.copy() run_args.update(override_run_args) # add other args run_args['ports'] = {port_key: ext_port} container_clone_name = docker_container_clone_name(container_name, clone=clone) run_args['name'] = container_clone_name "We're starting image_name %s as %s with args %r" % (image_name, container_clone_name, run_args) ) docker_client = docker.from_env() try: container =, **run_args) except docker.errors.APIError as ex: if ensure_new: raise ex # get the container that's already running container = ibs.docker_get_container(container_name, clone=clone) # h/t container.reload() docker_get_config = ibs.docker_get_config(container_name) url_list = ibs.docker_container_urls(container, docker_get_config) return url_list
[docs]@register_ibs_method def docker_image_list(ibs): tag_list = [] docker_client = docker.from_env() for image in docker_client.images.list(): tag_list += image.tags tag_list = sorted(list(set(tag_list))) return tag_list
[docs]@register_ibs_method def docker_get_image(ibs, image_name): docker_client = docker.from_env() for image in docker_client.images.list(): if image_name in image.tags: return image return None
# TODO download the image from remote server
[docs]@register_ibs_method def docker_ensure_image(ibs, image_name): image = ibs.docker_get_image(image_name) if image is None: image = ibs.docker_pull_image(image_name) return image
[docs]@register_ibs_method def docker_pull_image(ibs, image_name): u""" The process of logging into the Azure Container Registry is arcane and complex. In the meantime we'll assume that any image we need in the ACR has been downloaded by a logged-in user. Host: Username: Password: asecurepassword Login Script: Install Azure CLI az logout Logout of any user you may already be using with az-cli az login Follow instructions to, input the code Login as with password above az acr login --name wildme Login to the Azure Container Registry (ACR) for Docker Verify login with “cat ~/.docker/config.json | jq ".auths" and look for “” docker pull Pull latest nightly image """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs]@register_ibs_method def docker_login(ibs): # login to the ACR with credentials from "somewhere" raise NotImplementedError
[docs]@register_ibs_method def docker_image_run(ibs, port=6000, volumes=None): raise NotImplementedError
[docs]@register_ibs_method def docker_container_status_dict(ibs): container_dict = {} docker_client = docker.from_env() for container in docker_client.containers.list(): if container.status not in container_dict: container_dict[container.status] = [] container_dict[container.status].append( for status in container_dict: container_dict[status] = sorted(list(set(container_dict[status]))) return container_dict
[docs]@register_ibs_method def docker_container_status(ibs, container_name, clone=None): container_dict = ibs.docker_container_status_dict() clone_name = docker_container_clone_name(container_name, clone) for status in container_dict: if clone_name in container_dict[status]: return status return None
[docs]@register_ibs_method def docker_container_IP_port_options(ibs, container): networksettings = container.attrs['NetworkSettings'] option_list = [] networks = networksettings['Networks'] for network in networks: ipaddress = networks[network]['IPAddress'] option = (ipaddress, None) option_list.append(option) # TODO: understand the container.attrs['NetworkSettings']['Ports']: a dict (??) of lists (??) of dicts (only one '?') ports = networksettings['Ports'] for key in ports: # ports is a dict keyed by e.g. '5000/tcp'. This is the only key I've seen so far on our containers. dict_list = ports[key] if dict_list is None: continue for dict_ in dict_list: # ports[key] is a list of dicts if 'HostPort' in dict_: # just return the first HostPort we find. Doesn't seem right... but what better logic? option = ( dict_['HostIp'], dict_['HostPort'], ) option_list.append(option) # should we throw an assert/error here? return option_list
[docs]@register_ibs_method def docker_container_urls_from_name(ibs, container_name, clone=None): if ibs.docker_container_status(container_name, clone=clone) != 'running': return None container = ibs.docker_get_container(container_name, clone=clone) docker_get_config = ibs.docker_get_config(container_name) url_list = ibs.docker_container_urls(container, docker_get_config) return url_list
[docs]@register_ibs_method def docker_container_urls(ibs, container, docker_get_config): _internal_port = docker_get_config.get('run_args', {}).get('_internal_port', None)'[docker_container_urls] Found _internal_port: %s' % (_internal_port,)) option_list = ibs.docker_container_IP_port_options(container) url_list = [] for option in option_list: ip, port = option if port is None: # Try to use internal port, if known port = _internal_port if port is None: url = '%s' % (ip,) else: url = '%s:%s' % (ip, port) url_list.append(url) return url_list
[docs]@register_ibs_method def docker_get_container(ibs, container_name, clone=None): container_clone_name = docker_container_clone_name(container_name, clone) docker_client = docker.from_env() for container in docker_client.containers.list(): if == container_clone_name: return container return None
[docs]@register_ibs_method def docker_ensure(ibs, container_name, check_container=True, clone=None): config = ibs.docker_get_config(container_name) # Check for container in running containers if ibs.docker_container_status(container_name, clone=clone) != 'running': image_name = config['image'] ibs.docker_ensure_image(image_name) run_args = config['run_args'].copy() ibs.docker_run(image_name, container_name, run_args, clone=clone) original_url_list = ibs.docker_container_urls_from_name(container_name, clone=clone) # If not, check if the image has been downloaded from the config if check_container: valid_url_list = ibs.docker_check_container(container_name, clone=clone) assert len(valid_url_list) > 0, 'Could not validate container' return valid_url_list else: return original_url_list
[docs]@register_ibs_method def docker_check_container( ibs, container_name, clone=None, retry_count=20, retry_timeout=15 ): config = ibs.docker_get_config(container_name) check_func = config['container_check_func'] url_list = ibs.docker_container_urls_from_name(container_name, clone=clone) if check_func is None: return url_list valid_url_list = [] for retry_index in range(retry_count): '[docker_control] Performing container check (attempt %d, max %d)' % (retry_index + 1, retry_count) ) for url in url_list:'\tChecking URL: %s' % (url,)) if check_func(url): valid_url_list.append(url) if len(valid_url_list) > 0: break '[docker_control] ERROR! Container failed the plugin-defined check, sleeping for %d seconds and will try again' % (retry_timeout,) ) time.sleep(retry_timeout) return valid_url_list
[docs]@register_ibs_method def docker_get_config(ibs, container_name): config = DOCKER_CONFIG_REGISTRY.get(container_name, None) message = "The container name '%s' has not been registered" % container_name assert config is not None, message return config
# @register_ibs_method # def docker_embed(ibs): # ut.embed()