Source code for wbia.control.controller_inject

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
    Move flask registering into another file.
    Should also make the actual flask registration lazy.
    It should only be executed if a web instance is being started.

python -c "import wbia"
import logging
import utool as ut
import sys
from wbia import dtool
from datetime import timedelta
from functools import update_wrapper
import warnings
from functools import wraps
from os.path import abspath, join, dirname

# import simplejson as json
# import json
# import pickle
import traceback
from hashlib import sha1
import os

# import numpy as np
import hmac
from wbia import constants as const
import string
import random
import base64

# <flask>
# TODO: allow optional flask import
    import flask
    from flask import session, request

    HAS_FLASK = True
except Exception:
    HAS_FLASK = False
    msg = 'Missing flask and/or Flask-session.\n' 'pip install Flask'
    if ut.STRICT:

    # from flask.ext.cors import CORS
    from flask_cors import CORS

except Exception:
    HAS_FLASK_CORS = False
    warnings.warn('Missing flask.ext.cors')
    if ut.SUPER_STRICT:

    from flask_cas import CAS  # NOQA
    from flask_cas import login_required as login_required_cas

    # from flask.ext.cas import CAS
    # from flask.ext.cas import login_required
    # HAS_FLASK_CAS = True
    HAS_FLASK_CAS = False
except Exception:
    HAS_FLASK_CAS = False
    login_required_cas = ut.identity
    msg = (
        'Missing flask.ext.cas.\n'
        'To install try pip install git+'
    # sudo
    if ut.SUPER_STRICT:

# </flask>
print, rrr, profile = ut.inject2(__name__)
logger = logging.getLogger('wbia')

    os.environ.get('UTOOL_AUTOGEN_SPHINX_RUNNING', 'OFF') == 'OFF'

    not UTOOL_AUTOGEN_SPHINX_RUNNING and not ut.get_argflag('--no-flask') and HAS_FLASK
GLOBAL_APP_SECRET = os.urandom(64)





MICROSOFT_API_ENABLED = ut.get_argflag('--web') and ut.get_argflag(
)  # True == Microsoft Deployment (i.e., only allow MICROSOFT_API_PREFIX prefix below)
MICROSOFT_API_PREFIX = '/v0.1/wildbook/'


    False  # True == Microsoft Deployment (i.e., only allow /wildme/v0.1/ prefixes)

[docs]def get_flask_app(templates_auto_reload=True): # TODO this should be initialized explicity in only if needed global GLOBAL_APP global GLOBAL_CORS global GLOBAL_CAS global HAS_FLASK if not HAS_FLASK:'flask is not installed') return None if GLOBAL_APP is None: if hasattr(sys, '_MEIPASS'): # hack for pyinstaller directory root_dpath = sys._MEIPASS else: root_dpath = abspath(dirname(dirname(__file__))) tempalte_dpath = join(root_dpath, 'web', 'templates') static_dpath = join(root_dpath, 'web', 'static') if ut.VERBOSE:'[get_flask_app] root_dpath = %r' % (root_dpath,))'[get_flask_app] tempalte_dpath = %r' % (tempalte_dpath,))'[get_flask_app] static_dpath = %r' % (static_dpath,))'[get_flask_app] GLOBAL_APP_NAME = %r' % (GLOBAL_APP_NAME,)) GLOBAL_APP = flask.Flask( GLOBAL_APP_NAME, template_folder=tempalte_dpath, static_folder=static_dpath ) if ut.VERBOSE: '[get_flask_app] USING FLASK SECRET KEY: %r' % (GLOBAL_APP_SECRET,) ) GLOBAL_APP.secret_key = GLOBAL_APP_SECRET if templates_auto_reload: GLOBAL_APP.config['TEMPLATES_AUTO_RELOAD'] = True GLOBAL_APP.QUERY_OBJECT = None GLOBAL_APP.QUERY_OBJECT_JOBID = None GLOBAL_APP.QUERY_OBJECT_FEEDBACK_BUFFER = [] GLOBAL_APP.GRAPH_CLIENT_DICT = {} if HAS_FLASK_CORS: GLOBAL_CORS = CORS( GLOBAL_APP, resources={r'/api/*': {'origins': '*'}} ) # NOQA # if HAS_FLASK_CAS: # GLOBAL_CAS = CAS(GLOBAL_APP, '/cas') # GLOBAL_APP.config['SESSION_TYPE'] = 'memcached' # GLOBAL_APP.config['SECRET_KEY'] = GLOBAL_APP_SECRET # GLOBAL_APP.config['CAS_SERVER'] = '' # GLOBAL_APP.config['CAS_AFTER_LOGIN'] = 'root' return GLOBAL_APP
# try and load flask try: if GLOBAL_APP_ENABLED: get_flask_app() except AttributeError:'Warning flask is broken in python-3.4.0') GLOBAL_APP_ENABLED = False HAS_FLASK = False
[docs]class WebException(ut.NiceRepr, Exception): def __init__(self, message, rawreturn=None, code=400): self.code = code self.message = message self.rawreturn = rawreturn from import PROMETHEUS if PROMETHEUS: ibs = flask.current_app.ibs tag = '%s' % (self.code,) ibs.prometheus_increment_exception(tag)
[docs] def get_rawreturn(self, debug_stack_trace=False): if self.rawreturn is None: if debug_stack_trace: return str(traceback.format_exc()) else: return None else: return self.rawreturn
def __nice__(self): return '(%r: %r)' % (self.code, self.message)
[docs]class WebMissingUUIDException(WebException): def __init__(self, missing_image_uuid_list=[], missing_annot_uuid_list=[]): args = ( len(missing_image_uuid_list), len(missing_annot_uuid_list), ) message = 'Missing image and/or annotation UUIDs (%d, %d)' % args rawreturn = { 'missing_image_uuid_list': missing_image_uuid_list, 'missing_annot_uuid_list': missing_annot_uuid_list, } code = 600 super(WebMissingUUIDException, self).__init__(message, rawreturn, code)
[docs]class WebDuplicateUUIDException(WebException): def __init__(self, qdup_pos_map={}, ddup_pos_map={}): message = ( 'Some UUIDs are specified more than once at positions:\n' 'duplicate_database_uuids=%s\n' 'duplicate_query_uuids=%s\n' ) % (ut.repr3(qdup_pos_map, nl=1), ut.repr3(ddup_pos_map, nl=1)) qdup_pos_map_ = {str(k): v for k, v in qdup_pos_map.items()} ddup_pos_map_ = {str(k): v for k, v in ddup_pos_map.items()} rawreturn = { 'qdup_pos_map': qdup_pos_map_, 'ddup_pos_map': ddup_pos_map_, } code = 601 super(WebDuplicateUUIDException, self).__init__(message, rawreturn, code)
[docs]class WebUnknownUUIDException(WebException): def __init__(self, unknown_uuid_type_list, unknown_uuid_list): uuid_type_str = ', '.join(sorted(set(unknown_uuid_type_list))) args = ( uuid_type_str, len(unknown_uuid_list), ) message = 'Unknown %s UUIDs (%d)' % args rawreturn = { 'unknown_uuid_type_list': unknown_uuid_type_list, 'unknown_uuid_list': unknown_uuid_list, } code = 602 super(WebUnknownUUIDException, self).__init__(message, rawreturn, code)
[docs]class WebReviewNotReadyException(WebException): def __init__(self, query_uuid): args = (query_uuid,) message = 'The query_uuid %r is not yet ready for review' % args rawreturn = { 'query_uuid': query_uuid, } code = 603 super(WebReviewNotReadyException, self).__init__(message, rawreturn, code)
[docs]class WebUnavailableUUIDException(WebException): def __init__(self, unavailable_annot_uuid_list, query_uuid): self.query_uuid = query_uuid args = (query_uuid,) message = ( 'A running query %s is using (at least one of) the requested annotations. Filter out these annotations from the new query or stop the previous query.' % args ) rawreturn = { 'unavailable_annot_uuid_list': unavailable_annot_uuid_list, 'query_uuid': query_uuid, } code = 604 super(WebUnavailableUUIDException, self).__init__(message, rawreturn, code)
[docs]class WebReviewFinishedException(WebException): def __init__(self, query_uuid): args = (query_uuid,) message = 'The query_uuid %r has nothing more to review' % args rawreturn = { 'query_uuid': query_uuid, } code = 605 super(WebReviewFinishedException, self).__init__(message, rawreturn, code)
[docs]class WebMultipleNamedDuplicateException(WebException): def __init__(self, bad_dict): message = ( 'Duplcate UUIDs are specified with more than one name:\n' 'bad_database_uuids=%s\n' ) % ( ut.repr3(bad_dict, nl=1), ) bad_dict = {str(k): v for k, v in bad_dict.items()} rawreturn = { 'bad_dict': bad_dict, } code = 606 super(WebMultipleNamedDuplicateException, self).__init__(message, rawreturn, code)
[docs]class WebMatchThumbException(WebException): def __init__(self, reference, qannot_uuid, dannot_uuid, version, message): rawreturn = { 'reference': reference, 'qannot_uuid': qannot_uuid, 'dannot_uuid': dannot_uuid, 'version': version, } code = 607 super(WebMatchThumbException, self).__init__(message, rawreturn, code)
[docs]class WebInvalidUUIDException(WebException): def __init__(self, invalid_image_uuid_list=[], invalid_annot_uuid_list=[]): args = ( len(invalid_image_uuid_list), len(invalid_annot_uuid_list), ) message = 'Invalid image and/or annotation UUIDs (%d, %d)' % args rawreturn = { 'invalid_image_uuid_list': invalid_image_uuid_list, 'invalid_annot_uuid_list': invalid_annot_uuid_list, } code = 608 super(WebInvalidUUIDException, self).__init__(message, rawreturn, code)
[docs]class WebInvalidMatchException(WebException): def __init__(self, qaid_list, daid_list): message = 'The ID request is invalid because the daid_list is empty (after filtering out the qaid_list)' rawreturn = { 'qaid_list': qaid_list, 'daid_list': daid_list, } code = 609 super(WebInvalidMatchException, self).__init__(message, rawreturn, code)
[docs]class WebMissingInput(WebException): def __init__(self, message, key=None): rawreturn = {} if key is not None: rawreturn['parameter'] = key if message is not None: rawreturn['message'] = message code = 400 super(WebMissingInput, self).__init__(message, rawreturn, code)
[docs]class WebInvalidInput(WebException): def __init__(self, message, key=None, value=None, image=False): rawreturn = {} if key is not None: rawreturn['parameter'] = key if value is not None: rawreturn['value'] = value if message is not None: rawreturn['message'] = message code = 415 if image else 400 super(WebInvalidInput, self).__init__(message, rawreturn, code)
[docs]class WebRuntimeException(WebException): def __init__(self, message): rawreturn = {'message': message} code = 500 super(WebRuntimeException, self).__init__(message, rawreturn, code)
[docs]def translate_wbia_webreturn( rawreturn, success=True, code=None, message=None, jQuery_callback=None, cache=None, __skip_microsoft_validation__=False, ): if MICROSOFT_API_ENABLED and not __skip_microsoft_validation__: if rawreturn is not None: assert isinstance( rawreturn, dict ), 'Microsoft APIs must return a Python dictionary' template = rawreturn else: if code is None: code = '' if message is None: message = '' if cache is None: cache = -1 template = { 'status': { 'success': success, 'code': code, 'message': message, 'cache': cache, # 'debug': {} # TODO }, 'response': rawreturn, } response = ut.to_json(template) if jQuery_callback is not None and isinstance(jQuery_callback, str):'[web] Including jQuery callback function: %r' % (jQuery_callback,)) response = '%s(%s)' % (jQuery_callback, response) return response
def _process_input(multidict=None): if multidict is None: return {} if isinstance(multidict, dict): from werkzeug.datastructures import ImmutableMultiDict multidict = ImmutableMultiDict([item for item in multidict.items()]) kwargs2 = {} for (arg, value) in multidict.lists(): if len(value) > 1: raise WebException('Cannot specify a parameter more than once: %r' % (arg,)) # value = str(value[0]) value = value[0] if ( ',' in value and '[' not in value and ']' not in value and '{' not in value and '}' not in value ): value = '[%s]' % (value,) if value in ['True', 'False']: value = value.lower() try: converted = ut.from_json(value) except Exception: # try making string and try again... try: value_ = '"%s"' % (value,) converted = ut.from_json(value_) except Exception as ex:'FAILED TO JSON CONVERT: %s' % (ex,)) converted = value if arg.endswith('_list') and not isinstance(converted, (list, tuple)): if isinstance(converted, str) and ',' in converted: converted = converted.strip().split(',') else: converted = [converted] # Allow JSON formatted strings to be placed into note fields if (arg.endswith('note_list') or arg.endswith('notes_list')) and isinstance( converted, (list, tuple) ): type_ = type(converted) temp_list = [] for _ in converted: if isinstance(_, dict): temp_list.append('%s' % (_,)) else: temp_list.append(_) converted = type_(temp_list) kwargs2[arg] = converted return kwargs2
[docs]def translate_wbia_webcall(func, *args, **kwargs): r""" Called from flask request context Args: func (function): live python function Returns: tuple: (output, True, 200, None, jQuery_callback) Example: >>> # xdoctest: +REQUIRES(--web-tests) >>> from wbia.control.controller_inject import * # NOQA >>> import wbia >>> with wbia.opendb_with_web('testdb1') as (ibs, client): ... aids = client.get('/api/annot/').json ... failrsp ='/api/annot/uuids/') ... failrsp2 = client.get('/api/query/chips/simple_dict//', data={'qaid_list': [0], 'daid_list': [0]}) ... log_text = client.get('/api/query/chips/simple_dict/', data={'qaid_list': [0], 'daid_list': [0]}) >>> print('\n---\nfailrsp =\n%s' % (,)) >>> print('\n---\nfailrsp2 =\n%s' % (,)) >>> print('Finished test') Finished test """ assert len(args) == 0, 'There should not be any args=%r' % (args,) #'Calling: %r with args: %r and kwargs: %r' % (func, args, kwargs, )) ibs = flask.current_app.ibs funcstr = ut.func_str(func, (ibs,) + args, kwargs=kwargs, truncate=True) if 'heartbeat' in funcstr: pass elif 'metrics' in funcstr: pass else:'[TRANSLATE] Calling: %s' % (funcstr,)) try: key_list = sorted(list(kwargs.keys())) type_list = [] message_list = [] for key in key_list: try: values = kwargs[key] type_ = type(values).__name__ if type_ == 'list': if len(values) == 0: type_ = 'empty list' message_ = '[]' else: value = values[0] type_ += ' of ' + type(value).__name__ length1 = len(values) try: length2 = len(set(values)) except TypeError: length2 = len(set(map(str, values))) length3 = min(length1, 3) mod = '...' if length1 != length3 else '' message_ = 'length %d with unique %d of %s%s' % ( length1, length2, values[:length3], mod, ) else: message_ = '%s' % (values,) except Exception: type_ = 'UNKNOWN' message_ = 'ERROR IN PARSING' type_list.append(type_) message_list.append(message_) zipped = list(zip(key_list, type_list, message_list)) if len(zipped) > 0: length1 = max(list(map(len, key_list))) length2 = max(list(map(len, type_list))) for key_, type_, message_ in zipped: key_ = key_.rjust(length1) type_ = type_.ljust(length2) try:'[TRANSLATE] \t %s (%s) : %s' % (key_, type_, message_)) except UnicodeEncodeError:'[TRANSLATE] \t %s (%s) : UNICODE ERROR') except Exception:'[TRANSLATE] ERROR IN KWARGS PARSING') try: # TODO, have better way to differentiate ibs funcs from other funcs output = func(**kwargs) except TypeError: try: output = func(ibs, **kwargs) except WebException: raise except Exception as ex2: # NOQA if MICROSOFT_API_ENABLED: if isinstance(ex2, TypeError) and 'required positional' in str(ex2): parameter = str(ex2).split(':')[1].strip().strip("'") raise WebMissingInput('Missing required parameter', parameter) elif isinstance(ex2, WebException): raise else: raise WebRuntimeException( 'An unknown error has occurred, please contact the API administrator at' ) else: msg_list = [] # msg_list.append('Error in translate_wbia_webcall') msg_list.append('Expected Function Definition: ' + ut.func_defsig(func)) msg_list.append('Received Function Definition: %s' % (funcstr,)) msg_list.append('Received Function Parameters:') for key in kwargs: value = kwargs[key] value_str = '%r' % (value,) value_str = ut.truncate_str(value_str, maxlen=256) msg_list.append('\t%r: %s' % (key, value_str)) # msg_list.append('\targs = %r' % (args,)) # msg_list.append('flask.request.args = %r' % (flask.request.args,)) # msg_list.append('flask.request.form = %r' % (flask.request.form,)) msg_list.append('%s: %s' % (type(ex2).__name__, ex2)) if WEB_DEBUG_INCLUDE_TRACE: trace = str(traceback.format_exc()) msg_list.append(trace) msg = '\n'.join(msg_list) # error_msg = ut.formatex(ex2, msg, tb=True) # # error_msg = ut.strip_ansi(error_msg) # raise Exception(error_msg) raise Exception(msg) # raise resp_tup = (output, True, 200, None) return resp_tup
[docs]def authentication_challenge(): """Sends a 401 response that enables basic auth.""" rawreturn = '' success = False code = 401 message = 'Could not verify your authentication, login with proper credentials.' jQuery_callback = None webreturn = translate_wbia_webreturn( rawreturn, success, code, message, jQuery_callback ) response = flask.make_response(webreturn, code) response.headers['WWW-Authenticate'] = 'Basic realm="Login Required"' return response
[docs]def authentication_user_validate(): """ This function is called to check if a username / password combination is valid. """ auth = flask.request.authorization if auth is None: return False username = auth.username password = auth.password return username == 'wbia' and password == 'wbia'
[docs]def authentication_user_only(func): @wraps(func) def wrp_authenticate_user(*args, **kwargs): if not authentication_user_validate(): return authentication_challenge() return func(*args, **kwargs) # wrp_authenticate_user = ut.preserve_sig(wrp_authenticate_user, func) return wrp_authenticate_user
[docs]def create_key(): hyphen_list = [8, 13, 18, 23] key_list = [ '-' if _ in hyphen_list else random.choice(string.hexdigits) for _ in range(36) ] return ''.join(key_list).upper()
[docs]def get_signature(key, message): def encode(x): if not isinstance(x, bytes): x = bytes(x, 'utf-8') return x def decode(x): return x.decode('utf-8') key = encode(key) message = encode(message) signature =, message, sha1) signature = signature.digest() signature = base64.b64encode(signature) signature = decode(signature) signature = str(signature) signature = signature.strip() return signature
[docs]def get_url_authorization(url): hash_ = get_signature(GLOBAL_APP_SECRET, url) hash_challenge = '%s:%s' % (GLOBAL_APP_NAME, hash_) return hash_challenge
[docs]def authentication_hash_validate(): """ This function is called to check if a username / password combination is valid. """ def last_occurence_delete(string, character): index = string.rfind(character) if index is None or index < 0: return string return string[:index] + string[index + 1 :] hash_response = str(flask.request.headers.get('Authorization', '')) if len(hash_response) == 0: return False hash_challenge_list = [] # Check normal url url = str(flask.request.url) hash_challenge = get_url_authorization(url) hash_challenge_list.append(hash_challenge) # If hash at the end of the url, try alternate hash as well url = last_occurence_delete(url, '/') hash_challenge = get_url_authorization(url) hash_challenge_list.append(hash_challenge) if '?' in url: url.replace('?', '/?') hash_challenge = get_url_authorization(url) hash_challenge_list.append(hash_challenge) return hash_response in hash_challenge_list
[docs]def authentication_hash_only(func): @wraps(func) def wrp_authentication_hash(*args, **kwargs): if not authentication_hash_validate(): return authentication_challenge() return func(*args, **kwargs) return wrp_authentication_hash
[docs]def authentication_either(func): """authenticated by either hash or user""" @wraps(func) def wrp_authentication_either(*args, **kwargs): if not (authentication_hash_validate() or authentication_user_validate()): return authentication_challenge() return func(*args, **kwargs) return wrp_authentication_either
[docs]def crossdomain( origin=None, methods=None, headers=None, max_age=21600, attach_to_all=True, automatic_options=True, ): if methods is not None: methods = ', '.join(sorted(x.upper() for x in methods)) if headers is not None and not isinstance(headers): headers = ', '.join(x.upper() for x in headers) if not isinstance(origin): origin = ', '.join(origin) if isinstance(max_age, timedelta): max_age = max_age.total_seconds() def get_methods(): if methods is not None: return methods options_resp = flask.current_app.make_default_options_response() return options_resp.headers['allow'] def decorator(f): def wrapped_function(*args, **kwargs): if automatic_options and flask.request.method == 'OPTIONS': resp = flask.current_app.make_default_options_response() else: resp = flask.make_response(f(*args, **kwargs)) if not attach_to_all and flask.request.method != 'OPTIONS': return resp h = resp.headers h['Access-Control-Allow-Origin'] = origin h['Access-Control-Allow-Origin'] = '*' h['Access-Control-Allow-Methods'] = get_methods() h['Access-Control-Max-Age'] = str(max_age) if headers is not None: h['Access-Control-Allow-Headers'] = headers return resp f.provide_automatic_options = False return update_wrapper(wrapped_function, f) return decorator
[docs]def remote_api_wrapper(func): def remote_api_call(ibs, *args, **kwargs): if REMOTE_PROXY_URL is None: return func(ibs, *args, **kwargs) else: co_varnames = func.func_code.co_varnames if co_varnames[0] == 'ibs': co_varnames = tuple(co_varnames[1:]) kwargs_ = dict(zip(co_varnames, args)) kwargs.update(kwargs_) kwargs.pop('ibs', None) return api_remote_wbia(REMOTE_PROXY_URL, func, REMOTE_PROXY_PORT, **kwargs) remote_api_call = ut.preserve_sig(remote_api_call, func) return remote_api_call
API_SEEN_SET = set([])
[docs]def get_wbia_flask_api(__name__, DEBUG_PYTHON_STACK_TRACE_JSON_RESPONSE=False): """For function calls that resolve to api calls and return json.""" if __name__ == '__main__': return ut.dummy_args_decor if GLOBAL_APP_ENABLED: def register_api( rule, __api_plural_check__=True, __api_microsoft_check__=True, **options ): global API_SEEN_SET assert rule.endswith('/'), 'An API should always end in a forward-slash' assert ( 'methods' in options ), 'An api should always have a specified methods list' rule_ = rule + ':'.join(options['methods']) if rule_ in API_SEEN_SET: msg = 'An API rule (%s) has been duplicated' % (rule_,) warnings.warn(msg + '. Ignoring duplicate (may break web)') return ut.identity # raise AssertionError(msg) API_SEEN_SET.add(rule_) if MICROSOFT_API_ENABLED and __api_microsoft_check__: if not rule.startswith(MICROSOFT_API_PREFIX): # msg = 'API rule=%r is does not adhere to the Microsoft format, ignoring.' % (rule_, ) # warnings.warn(msg) return ut.identity else:'Registering API rule=%r' % (rule_,)) try: if not MICROSOFT_API_ENABLED: if not rule.startswith('/v0.1/wildbook/'): assert ( 'annotation' not in rule ), 'An API rule should use "annot" instead of annotation(s)"' assert ( 'imgset' not in rule ), 'An API should use "imageset" instead of imgset(s)"' assert '_' not in rule, 'An API should never contain an underscore' assert '-' not in rule, 'An API should never contain a hyphen' if __api_plural_check__: assert 's/' not in rule, 'Use singular (non-plural) URL routes' check_list = [ 'annotgroup', 'autogen', 'chip', 'config', # 'contributor', 'gar', 'metadata', ] for check in check_list: assert '/api/%s/' % (check,) not in rule, 'failed check=%r' % (check,) except Exception: iswarning = not ut.SUPER_STRICT ut.printex( 'CONSIDER RENAMING API RULE: %r' % (rule,), iswarning=iswarning, tb=True, ) if not iswarning: raise # accpet args to flask.route def regsiter_closure(func): # make translation function in closure scope # and register it with flask. app = get_flask_app() @app.route(rule, **options) # @crossdomain(origin='*') # @authentication_either @wraps(func) # def translated_call(*args, **kwargs): def translated_call(**kwargs): def html_newlines(text): r = '<br />\n' text = text.replace(' ', '&nbsp;') text = ( text.replace('\r\n', r) .replace('\n\r', r) .replace('\r', r) .replace('\n', r) ) return text __format__ = False # Default __format__ value ignore_cookie_set = False try: #'Processing: %r with args: %r and kwargs: %r' % (func, args, kwargs, )) # Pipe web input into Python web call kwargs2 = _process_input(flask.request.args) kwargs3 = _process_input(flask.request.form) try: # kwargs4 = _process_input(flask.request.get_json()) kwargs4 = ut.from_json( except Exception: kwargs4 = {} kwargs.update(kwargs2) kwargs.update(kwargs3) kwargs.update(kwargs4) # Update the request object to include the final rectified inputs for possible future reference flask.request.processed = ut.to_json(kwargs) jQuery_callback = None if 'callback' in kwargs and 'jQuery' in kwargs['callback']: jQuery_callback = str(kwargs.pop('callback', None)) kwargs.pop('_', None) #'KWARGS: %s' % (kwargs, )) #'COOKIES: %s' % (request.cookies, )) __format__ = request.cookies.get('__format__', None) __format__ = kwargs.pop('__format__', __format__) if __format__ is not None: __format__ = str(__format__).lower() ignore_cookie_set = __format__ in ['onetime', 'true'] __format__ = __format__ in ['true', 'enabled', 'enable'] from import PROMETHEUS if PROMETHEUS: exclude_tag_list = [ '/api/test/heartbeat/', '/v0.1/wildbook/status/', '/v0.1/vulcan/status/', ] tag = request.url_rule.rule if tag not in exclude_tag_list: ibs = flask.current_app.ibs ibs.prometheus_increment_api(tag) resp_tup = translate_wbia_webcall(func, **kwargs) rawreturn, success, code, message = resp_tup except WebException as webex: # ut.printex(webex)'CAUGHT2: %r' % (webex,)) rawreturn = webex.get_rawreturn( DEBUG_PYTHON_STACK_TRACE_JSON_RESPONSE ) success = False code = webex.code message = webex.message jQuery_callback = None except Exception as ex:'CAUGHT2: %r' % (ex,)) # ut.printex(ex) rawreturn = None if DEBUG_PYTHON_STACK_TRACE_JSON_RESPONSE: rawreturn = str(traceback.format_exc()) success = False code = 500 message = str(ex) # errmsg = str(ex) # message = 'API error, Python Exception thrown: %s' % (errmsg) if "'int' object is not iterable" in message: rawreturn = """ HINT: the input for this call is most likely expected to be a list. Try adding a comma at the end of the input (to cast the conversion into a list) or encapsulate the input with []. """ jQuery_callback = None #'RECEIVED FORMAT: %r' % (__format__, )) if __format__: # Hack for readable error messages webreturn = translate_wbia_webreturn( rawreturn, success, code, message, jQuery_callback ) webreturn = ut.repr3(ut.from_json(webreturn), strvals=True) try: from ansi2html import Ansi2HTMLConverter conv = Ansi2HTMLConverter() webreturn = conv.convert(webreturn) except ImportError as ex: ut.printex(ex, 'pip install ansi2html', iswarning=True) webreturn = ut.strip_ansi(webreturn) webreturn = ( '<p><samp>\n' + html_newlines(webreturn) + '\n</samp></p>' ) webreturn = ( '<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html;charset=ISO-8859-8">\n' + webreturn ) def get_func_href(funcname): url = ( 'http://' + request.environ['HTTP_HOST'] + flask.url_for(funcname) + '?__format__=True' ) return '<a href="{url}">{url}</a>'.format(url=url) if not success: webreturn += ( '<pre>See logs for details: %s</pre>' % get_func_href('get_current_log_text') ) webreturn += ( '<pre>Might also look into db_info: %s</pre>' % get_func_href('get_dbinfo') ) else: webreturn = translate_wbia_webreturn( rawreturn, success, code, message, jQuery_callback ) webreturn = ut.strip_ansi(webreturn) resp = flask.make_response(webreturn, code) resp.status_code = code if not __format__: resp.headers['Content-Type'] = 'application/json; charset=utf-8' resp.headers['mimetype'] = 'application/json' if not ignore_cookie_set: if __format__: resp.set_cookie('__format__', 'enabled') else: resp.set_cookie('__format__', '', expires=0) return resp # return the original unmodified function if REMOTE_PROXY_URL is None: return func else: return remote_api_wrapper(func) return regsiter_closure return register_api else: return ut.dummy_args_decor
[docs]def authenticated(): return get_user(username=None) is not None
[docs]def authenticate(username, **kwargs): get_user(username=username, **kwargs)
[docs]def deauthenticate(): get_user(username=False)
[docs]def get_user(username=None, name=None, organization=None): USER_KEY = '_USER_' if USER_KEY not in session: session[USER_KEY] = None if username is not None: if username in [False]: # De-authenticate session[USER_KEY] = None else: # Authenticate assert isinstance(username, str), 'user must be a string' username = username.lower() session[USER_KEY] = { 'username': username, 'name': name, 'organization': organization, } return session[USER_KEY]
[docs]def login_required_session(function): @wraps(function) def wrap(*args, **kwargs): if not authenticated(): from wbia.web import appfuncs as appf refer = flask.request.url.replace(flask.request.url_root, '') refer = appf.encode_refer_url(refer) return flask.redirect(flask.url_for('login', refer=refer)) else: return function(*args, **kwargs) return wrap
[docs]def get_wbia_flask_route(__name__): """For function calls that resolve to webpages and return html.""" if __name__ == '__main__': return ut.dummy_args_decor if GLOBAL_APP_ENABLED: def register_route( rule, __route_prefix_check__=True, __route_postfix_check__=True, __route_authenticate__=True, __route_microsoft_check__=True, **options, ): # GLOBALLY DISABLE LOGINS __route_authenticate__ = False if MICROSOFT_API_ENABLED and __route_microsoft_check__: __route_authenticate__ = False if not rule.startswith(MICROSOFT_API_PREFIX): # msg = 'Route rule=%r not allowed with the Microsoft format, ignoring.' % (rule, ) # warnings.warn(msg) return ut.identity else:'Registering Route rule=%r' % (rule,)) if __route_prefix_check__: assert not rule.startswith( '/api/' ), 'Cannot start a route rule (%r) with the prefix "/api/"' % (rule,) else: __route_authenticate__ = False if __route_postfix_check__: assert rule.endswith('/'), 'A route should always end in a forward-slash' assert ( 'methods' in options ), 'A route should always have a specified methods list' # if '_' in rule: #'CONSIDER RENAMING RULE: %r' % (rule, )) # accpet args to flask.route def regsiter_closure(func): # make translation function in closure scope # and register it with flask. app = get_flask_app() # login_required = login_required_cas if HAS_FLASK_CAS else login_required_session login_required = login_required_session if not __route_authenticate__: login_required = ut.identity @app.route(rule, **options) # @crossdomain(origin='*') # @authentication_user_only @login_required @wraps(func) def translated_call(**kwargs): # debug = {'kwargs': kwargs} try: # Pipe web input into Python web call kwargs2 = _process_input(flask.request.args) kwargs3 = _process_input(flask.request.form) try: # kwargs4 = _process_input(flask.request.get_json()) kwargs4 = ut.from_json( except Exception: kwargs4 = {} kwargs.update(kwargs2) kwargs.update(kwargs3) kwargs.update(kwargs4) jQuery_callback = None if 'callback' in kwargs and 'jQuery' in kwargs['callback']: jQuery_callback = str(kwargs.pop('callback', None)) kwargs.pop('_', None) args = () 'Processing: %r with args: %r and kwargs: %r' % (func, args, kwargs) ) from import PROMETHEUS if PROMETHEUS: ibs = flask.current_app.ibs tag = request.url_rule.rule ibs.prometheus_increment_route(tag) result = func(**kwargs) except Exception as ex: rawreturn = str(traceback.format_exc()) success = False code = 400 message = 'Route error, Python Exception thrown: %r' % (str(ex),) jQuery_callback = None result = translate_wbia_webreturn( rawreturn, success, code, message, jQuery_callback, __skip_microsoft_validation__=True, ) return result # wrp_getter_cacher = ut.preserve_sig(wrp_getter_cacher, getter_func) # return the original unmodified function return func return regsiter_closure return register_route else: return ut.dummy_args_decor
[docs]def api_remote_wbia(remote_wbia_url, remote_api_func, remote_wbia_port=5001, **kwargs): import requests if GLOBAL_APP_ENABLED and GLOBAL_APP is None: raise ValueError('Flask has not been initialized') api_name = remote_api_func.__name__ route_list = list(GLOBAL_APP.url_map.iter_rules(api_name)) assert len(route_list) == 1, 'More than one route resolved' route = route_list[0] api_route = route.rule assert api_route.startswith('/api/'), 'Must be an API route' method_list = sorted(list(route.methods - set(['HEAD', 'OPTIONS']))) remote_api_method = method_list[0].upper() assert api_route is not None, 'Route could not be found' args = (remote_wbia_url, remote_wbia_port, api_route) remote_api_url = 'http://%s:%s%s' % args headers = {'Authorization': get_url_authorization(remote_api_url)} for key in kwargs.keys(): value = kwargs[key] if isinstance(value, (tuple, list, set)): value = str(list(value)) kwargs[key] = value'[REMOTE] %s' % ('-' * 80,))'[REMOTE] Calling remote IBEIS API: %r' % (remote_api_url,))'[REMOTE] \tMethod: %r' % (remote_api_method,)) if ut.DEBUG2 or ut.VERBOSE:'[REMOTE] \tHeaders: %s' % (ut.repr2(headers),))'[REMOTE] \tKWArgs: %s' % (ut.repr2(kwargs),)) # Make request to server try: if remote_api_method == 'GET': req = requests.get(remote_api_url, headers=headers, data=kwargs, verify=False) elif remote_api_method == 'POST': req = remote_api_url, headers=headers, data=kwargs, verify=False ) elif remote_api_method == 'PUT': req = requests.put(remote_api_url, headers=headers, data=kwargs, verify=False) elif remote_api_method == 'DELETE': req = requests.delete( remote_api_url, headers=headers, data=kwargs, verify=False ) else: message = '_api_result got unsupported method=%r' % (remote_api_method,) raise KeyError(message) except requests.exceptions.ConnectionError as ex: message = '_api_result could not connect to server %s' % (ex,) raise IOError(message) response = req.text converted = ut.from_json(value) response = converted.get('response', None)'[REMOTE] got response') if ut.DEBUG2:'response = %s' % (response,)) return response
[docs]def dev_autogen_explicit_imports(): r""" CommandLine: python -m wbia --tf dev_autogen_explicit_imports Example: >>> # SCRIPT >>> from wbia.control.controller_inject import * # NOQA >>> dev_autogen_explicit_imports() """ import wbia # NOQA classname = CONTROLLER_CLASSNAME
[docs]def dev_autogen_explicit_injects(): r""" CommandLine: python -m wbia --tf dev_autogen_explicit_injects Example: >>> # SCRIPT >>> from wbia.control.controller_inject import * # NOQA >>> dev_autogen_explicit_injects() """ import wbia # NOQA import wbia.control.IBEISControl classname = CONTROLLER_CLASSNAME regen_command = 'python -m wbia dev_autogen_explicit_injects' conditional_imports = [ modname for modname in wbia.control.IBEISControl.AUTOLOAD_PLUGIN_MODNAMES if isinstance(modname, tuple) ] source_block = ut.autogen_explicit_injectable_metaclass( classname, regen_command, conditional_imports ) dpath = ut.get_module_dir(wbia.control.IBEISControl) fpath = ut.unixjoin(dpath, '') ut.writeto(fpath, source_block, verbose=2)
[docs]def make_ibs_register_decorator(modname): """builds variables and functions that controller injectable modules need.""" if __name__ == '__main__':'WARNING: cannot register controller functions as main') CLASS_INJECT_KEY = (CONTROLLER_CLASSNAME, modname) # Create dectorator to inject these functions into the IBEISController register_ibs_unaliased_method = ut.make_class_method_decorator( CLASS_INJECT_KEY, modname ) # TODO Replace IBEISContoller INEJECTED MODULES with this one # INJECTED_MODULES.append(sys.modules[modname]) def register_ibs_method(func): """registers autogenerated functions with the utool class method injector""" # func = profile(func) register_ibs_unaliased_method(func) # aliastup = (func, '_injected_' + ut.get_funcname(func)) # register_ibs_aliased_method(aliastup) return func return CLASS_INJECT_KEY, register_ibs_method
_decors_image = dtool.make_depcache_decors(const.IMAGE_TABLE) _decors_annot = dtool.make_depcache_decors(const.ANNOTATION_TABLE) _decors_part = dtool.make_depcache_decors(const.PART_TABLE) register_preprocs = { 'image': _decors_image['preproc'], 'annot': _decors_annot['preproc'], 'part': _decors_part['preproc'], } register_subprops = { 'image': _decors_image['subprop'], 'annot': _decors_annot['subprop'], 'part': _decors_part['subprop'], }