Source code for wbia.algo.hots.nn_weights

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import logging
import utool as ut
import numpy as np
import vtool as vt
import functools
from wbia.algo.hots import hstypes
from wbia.algo.hots import _pipeline_helpers as plh

print, rrr, profile = ut.inject2(__name__)
logger = logging.getLogger('wbia')

FIXME: qfx2_ no longer applies due to fgw_thresh. Need to change names in this file

TODO: replace testdata_pre_weight_neighbors with

        >>> qreq_, args = plh.testdata_pre('weight_neighbors', defaultdb='testdb1',
        >>>                                a=['default:qindex=0:1,dindex=0:5,hackerrors=False'],
        >>>                                p=['default:codename=vsmany,bar_l2_on=True,fg_on=False'], verbose=True)


EPS = 1e-8

def _register_nn_normalized_weight_func(func):
    Decorator for weighting functions

    Registers a nearest neighbor normalized weighting
    Used for LNBNN
    filtkey = ut.get_funcname(func).replace('_fn', '').lower()
    if ut.VERYVERBOSE:'[nn_weights] registering norm func: %r' % (filtkey,))
    filtfunc = functools.partial(nn_normalized_weight, func)
    NN_WEIGHT_FUNC_DICT[filtkey] = filtfunc
    return func

def _register_nn_simple_weight_func(func):
    Used for things that dont require a normalizer like const
    filtkey = ut.get_funcname(func).replace('_match_weighter', '').lower()
    if ut.VERYVERBOSE:'[nn_weights] registering simple func: %r' % (filtkey,))
    NN_WEIGHT_FUNC_DICT[filtkey] = func
    return func

def _register_misc_weight_func(func):
    filtkey = ut.get_funcname(func).replace('_match_weighter', '').lower()
    if ut.VERYVERBOSE:'[nn_weights] registering simple func: %r' % (filtkey,))
    MISC_WEIGHT_FUNC_DICT[filtkey] = func
    return func

[docs]@_register_nn_simple_weight_func def const_match_weighter(nns_list, nnvalid0_list, qreq_): r""" Example: >>> # DISABLE_DOCTEST >>> from wbia.algo.hots.nn_weights import * # NOQA >>> #tup = plh.testdata_pre_weight_neighbors('PZ_MTEST') >>> qreq_, args = plh.testdata_pre('weight_neighbors', defaultdb='PZ_MTEST') >>> nns_list, nnvalid0_list = args >>> ibs, qreq_, nns_list, nnvalid0_list = tup >>> constvote_weight_list = const_match_weighter(nns_list, nnvalid0_list, qreq_) >>> result = ('constvote_weight_list = %s' % (str(constvote_weight_list),)) >>> print(result) """ constvote_weight_list = [] # K = qreq_.qparams.K # Dont use K because K is dynamic per query # Subtract Knorm from size instead Knorm = qreq_.qparams.Knorm for nns in nns_list: (neighb_idx, neighb_dist) = nns neighb_constvote = np.ones( (len(neighb_idx), len(neighb_idx.T) - Knorm), dtype=np.float ) constvote_weight_list.append(neighb_constvote) return constvote_weight_list
[docs]@_register_nn_simple_weight_func def fg_match_weighter(nns_list, nnvalid0_list, qreq_): r""" foreground feature match weighting CommandLine: python -m wbia.algo.hots.nn_weights --exec-fg_match_weighter Example: >>> # xdoctest: +REQUIRES(module:wbia_cnn) >>> from wbia.algo.hots.nn_weights import * # NOQA >>> #tup = plh.testdata_pre_weight_neighbors('PZ_MTEST') >>> #ibs, qreq_, nns_list, nnvalid0_list = tup >>> qreq_, args = plh.testdata_pre('weight_neighbors', defaultdb='PZ_MTEST') >>> nns_list, nnvalid0_list = args >>> print(ut.repr2(qreq_.qparams.__dict__, sorted_=True)) >>> assert qreq_.qparams.fg_on == True, 'bug setting custom params fg_on' >>> fgvotes_list = fg_match_weighter(nns_list, nnvalid0_list, qreq_) >>> print('fgvotes_list = %r' % (fgvotes_list,)) """ Knorm = qreq_.qparams.Knorm config2_ = qreq_.get_internal_query_config2() # Database feature index to chip index fgvotes_list = [] for nn in nns_list: # database forground weights neighb_dfgws = qreq_.indexer.get_nn_fgws(nn.neighb_idxs.T[0:-Knorm].T) # query forground weights qfx2_qfgw = qreq_.ibs.get_annot_fgweights( [nn.qaid], ensure=False, config2_=config2_ )[0] qfgws = qfx2_qfgw.take(nn.qfx_list, axis=0) # feature match forground weight is geometric mean neighb_fgvote_weight = np.sqrt(qfgws[:, None] * neighb_dfgws) fgvotes_list.append(neighb_fgvote_weight) return fgvotes_list
[docs]def nn_normalized_weight(normweight_fn, nns_list, nnvalid0_list, qreq_): r""" Generic function to weight nearest neighbors ratio, lnbnn, and other nearest neighbor based functions use this Args: normweight_fn (func): chosen weight function e.g. lnbnn nns_list (dict): query descriptor nearest neighbors and distances. nnvalid0_list (list): list of neighbors preflagged as valid qreq_ (QueryRequest): hyper-parameters Returns: list: weights_list CommandLine: python -m wbia.algo.hots.nn_weights nn_normalized_weight --show Example: >>> # ENABLE_DOCTEST >>> from wbia.algo.hots.nn_weights import * # NOQA >>> #tup = plh.testdata_pre_weight_neighbors('PZ_MTEST') >>> #ibs, qreq_, nns_list, nnvalid0_list = tup >>> qreq_, args = plh.testdata_pre('weight_neighbors', >>> defaultdb='PZ_MTEST') >>> nns_list, nnvalid0_list = args >>> normweight_fn = lnbnn_fn >>> weights_list1, normk_list1 = nn_normalized_weight( >>> normweight_fn, nns_list, nnvalid0_list, qreq_) >>> weights1 = weights_list1[0] >>> nn_normonly_weight = NN_WEIGHT_FUNC_DICT['lnbnn'] >>> weights_list2, normk_list2 = nn_normonly_weight(nns_list, nnvalid0_list, qreq_) >>> weights2 = weights_list2[0] >>> assert np.all(weights1 == weights2) >>> ut.assert_inbounds(weights1.sum(), 100, 510) Example: >>> # ENABLE_DOCTEST >>> from wbia.algo.hots.nn_weights import * # NOQA >>> #tup = plh.testdata_pre_weight_neighbors('PZ_MTEST') >>> qreq_, args = plh.testdata_pre('weight_neighbors', >>> defaultdb='PZ_MTEST') >>> nns_list, nnvalid0_list = args >>> normweight_fn = ratio_fn >>> weights_list1, normk_list1 = nn_normalized_weight(normweight_fn, nns_list, nnvalid0_list, qreq_) >>> weights1 = weights_list1[0] >>> nn_normonly_weight = NN_WEIGHT_FUNC_DICT['ratio'] >>> weights_list2, normk_list2 = nn_normonly_weight(nns_list, nnvalid0_list, qreq_) >>> weights2 = weights_list2[0] >>> assert np.all(weights1 == weights2) >>> ut.assert_inbounds(weights1.sum(), 1500, 4500) """ Knorm = qreq_.qparams.Knorm normalizer_rule = qreq_.qparams.normalizer_rule # Database feature index to chip index qaid_list = qreq_.get_internal_qaids() normk_list = [ get_normk(qreq_, qaid, neighb_idx, Knorm, normalizer_rule) for qaid, (neighb_idx, neighb_dist) in zip(qaid_list, nns_list) ] weight_list = [ apply_normweight(normweight_fn, neighb_normk, neighb_idx, neighb_dist, Knorm) for neighb_normk, (neighb_idx, neighb_dist) in zip(normk_list, nns_list) ] return weight_list, normk_list
[docs]def get_normk(qreq_, qaid, neighb_idx, Knorm, normalizer_rule): """ Get positions of the LNBNN/ratio tests normalizers Example: >>> # ENABLE_DOCTEST >>> from wbia.algo.hots.nn_weights import * # NOQA >>> cfgdict = {'K':10, 'Knorm': 10, 'normalizer_rule': 'name', >>> 'dim_size': 450, 'resize_dim': 'area'} >>> #tup = plh.testdata_pre_weight_neighbors(cfgdict=cfgdict) >>> qreq_, args = plh.testdata_pre('weight_neighbors', defaultdb='testdb1', >>> p=['default:K=10,Knorm=10,normalizer_rule=name,dim_size=450,resize_dim=area']) >>> nns_list, nnvalid0_list = args >>> (neighb_idx, neighb_dist) = nns_list[0] >>> qaid = qreq_.qaids[0] >>> K = qreq_.qparams.K >>> Knorm = qreq_.qparams.Knorm >>> neighb_normk1 = get_normk(qreq_, qaid, neighb_idx, Knorm, 'last') >>> neighb_normk2 = get_normk(qreq_, qaid, neighb_idx, Knorm, 'name') >>> assert np.all(neighb_normk1 == Knorm + K) >>> assert np.all(neighb_normk2 <= Knorm + K) and np.all(neighb_normk2 > K) """ K = len(neighb_idx.T) - Knorm assert K > 0, 'K=%r cannot be 0' % (K,) # neighb_nndist = neighb_dist.T[0:K].T if normalizer_rule == 'last': neighb_normk = np.zeros(len(neighb_idx), hstypes.FK_DTYPE) + (K + Knorm - 1) elif normalizer_rule == 'name': neighb_normk = get_name_normalizers(qaid, qreq_, Knorm, neighb_idx) elif normalizer_rule == 'external': pass else: raise NotImplementedError('[nn_weights] no normalizer_rule=%r' % normalizer_rule) return neighb_normk
[docs]def apply_normweight(normweight_fn, neighb_normk, neighb_idx, neighb_dist, Knorm): r""" helper applies the normalized weight function to one query annotation Args: normweight_fn (func): chosen weight function e.g. lnbnn qaid (int): query annotation id neighb_idx (ndarray[int32_t, ndims=2]): mapping from query feature index to db neighbor index neighb_dist (ndarray): mapping from query feature index to dist Knorm (int): qreq_ (QueryRequest): query request object with hyper-parameters Returns: ndarray: neighb_normweight CommandLine: python -m wbia.algo.hots.nn_weights --test-apply_normweight Example: >>> # ENABLE_DOCTEST >>> from wbia.algo.hots.nn_weights import * # NOQA >>> from wbia.algo.hots import nn_weights >>> #cfgdict = {'K':10, 'Knorm': 10, 'normalizer_rule': 'name', >>> # 'dim_size': 450, 'resize_dim': 'area'} >>> #tup = plh.testdata_pre_weight_neighbors(cfgdict=cfgdict) >>> qreq_, args = plh.testdata_pre('weight_neighbors', defaultdb='testdb1', >>> p=['default:K=10,Knorm=10,normalizer_rule=name,dim_size=450,resize_dim=area']) >>> nns_list, nnvalid0_list = args >>> qaid = qreq_.qaids[0] >>> Knorm = qreq_.qparams.Knorm >>> normweight_fn = lnbnn_fn >>> normalizer_rule = qreq_.qparams.normalizer_rule >>> (neighb_idx, neighb_dist) = nns_list[0] >>> neighb_normk = get_normk(qreq_, qaid, neighb_idx, Knorm, normalizer_rule) >>> neighb_normweight = nn_weights.apply_normweight( >>> normweight_fn, neighb_normk, neighb_idx, neighb_dist, Knorm) >>> ut.assert_inbounds(neighb_normweight.sum(), 600, 950) """ K = len(neighb_idx.T) - Knorm # neighb_normdist = np.array( # [dists[normk] for (dists, normk) in zip(neighb_dist, neighb_normk)]) neighb_normdist = vt.take_col_per_row(neighb_dist, neighb_normk) neighb_normdist.shape = (len(neighb_idx), 1) neighb_nndist = neighb_dist.T[0:K].T vdist = neighb_nndist # voting distance ndist = neighb_normdist # normalizer distance neighb_normweight = normweight_fn(vdist, ndist) return neighb_normweight
[docs]def get_name_normalizers(qaid, qreq_, Knorm, neighb_idx): r""" helper normalizers for 'name' normalizer_rule Args: qaid (int): query annotation id qreq_ (wbia.QueryRequest): hyper-parameters Knorm (int): neighb_idx (ndarray): Returns: ndarray : neighb_normk Example: >>> # ENABLE_DOCTEST >>> from wbia.algo.hots.nn_weights import * # NOQA >>> from wbia.algo.hots import nn_weights >>> #cfgdict = {'K':10, 'Knorm': 10, 'normalizer_rule': 'name'} >>> #tup = plh.testdata_pre_weight_neighbors(cfgdict=cfgdict) >>> qreq_, args = plh.testdata_pre('weight_neighbors', defaultdb='testdb1', >>> p=['default:K=10,Knorm=10,normalizer_rule=name']) >>> nns_list, nnvalid0_list = args >>> Knorm = qreq_.qparams.Knorm >>> (neighb_idx, neighb_dist) = nns_list[0] >>> qaid = qreq_.qaids[0] >>> neighb_normk = get_name_normalizers(qaid, qreq_, Knorm, neighb_idx) """ assert Knorm == qreq_.qparams.Knorm, 'inconsistency in qparams' # Get the top names you do not want your normalizer to be from # qnid = qreq_.internal_qannots.loc([qaid]).nids[0] qnid = qreq_.get_qreq_annot_nids(qaid) K = len(neighb_idx.T) - Knorm assert K > 0, 'K cannot be 0' # Get the 0th - Kth matching neighbors neighb_topidx = neighb_idx.T[0:K].T # Get tke Kth - KNth normalizing neighbors neighb_normidx = neighb_idx.T[-Knorm:].T # Apply temporary uniquish name neighb_topaid = qreq_.indexer.get_nn_aids(neighb_topidx) neighb_normaid = qreq_.indexer.get_nn_aids(neighb_normidx) neighb_topnid = qreq_.get_qreq_annot_nids(neighb_topaid) neighb_normnid = qreq_.get_qreq_annot_nids(neighb_normaid) # Inspect the potential normalizers neighb_selnorm = mark_name_valid_normalizers(qnid, neighb_topnid, neighb_normnid) neighb_normk = neighb_selnorm + (K + Knorm) # convert form negative to pos indexes return neighb_normk
[docs]def mark_name_valid_normalizers(qnid, neighb_topnid, neighb_normnid): r""" Helper func that allows matches only to the first result for a name Each query feature finds its K matches and Kn normalizing matches. These are the candidates from which it can choose a set of matches and a single normalizer. A normalizer is marked as invalid if it belongs to a name that was also in its feature's candidate matching set. Args: neighb_topnid (ndarray): marks the names a feature matches neighb_normnid (ndarray): marks the names of the feature normalizers qnid (int): query name id Returns: neighb_selnorm - index of the selected normalizer for each query feature CommandLine: python -m wbia.algo.hots.nn_weights --exec-mark_name_valid_normalizers Example: >>> # ENABLE_DOCTEST >>> from wbia.algo.hots.nn_weights import * # NOQA >>> qnid = 1 >>> neighb_topnid = np.array([[1, 1, 1, 1, 1], ... [1, 2, 1, 1, 1], ... [1, 2, 2, 3, 1], ... [5, 8, 9, 8, 8], ... [5, 8, 9, 8, 8], ... [6, 6, 9, 6, 8], ... [5, 8, 6, 6, 6], ... [1, 2, 8, 6, 6]], dtype=np.int32) >>> neighb_normnid = np.array([[ 1, 1, 1], ... [ 2, 3, 1], ... [ 2, 3, 1], ... [ 6, 6, 6], ... [ 6, 6, 8], ... [ 2, 6, 6], ... [ 6, 6, 1], ... [ 4, 4, 9]], dtype=np.int32) >>> neighb_selnorm = mark_name_valid_normalizers(qnid, neighb_topnid, neighb_normnid) >>> K = len(neighb_topnid.T) >>> Knorm = len(neighb_normnid.T) >>> neighb_normk_ = neighb_selnorm + (Knorm) # convert form negative to pos indexes >>> result = str(neighb_normk_) >>> print(result) [2 1 2 0 0 0 2 0] Ignore:, 'neighb_normnid', verbose=False)), 'neighb_topnid', verbose=False)) """ # TODO?: warn if any([np.any(flags) for flags in neighb_invalid]), ( # 'Normalizers are potential matches. Increase Knorm') neighb_valid = np.logical_and.reduce( [col1[:, None] != neighb_normnid for col1 in neighb_topnid.T] ) # Mark self as invalid, if given that information neighb_valid = np.logical_and(neighb_normnid != qnid, neighb_valid) # For each query feature find its best normalizer (using negative indices) Knorm = neighb_normnid.shape[1] neighb_validxs = [np.nonzero(normrow)[0] for normrow in neighb_valid] neighb_selnorm = np.array( [validxs[0] - Knorm if len(validxs) != 0 else -1 for validxs in neighb_validxs], hstypes.FK_DTYPE, ) return neighb_selnorm
[docs]@_register_nn_normalized_weight_func def lnbnn_fn(vdist, ndist): r""" Locale Naive Bayes Nearest Neighbor weighting References: Sympy: >>> import sympy >>> # >>> from sympy import log >>> from sympy.stats import P, E, variance, Die, Normal, FiniteRV >>> C, Cbar = sympy.symbols('C Cbar') >>> d_i = Die(sympy.symbols('di'), 6) >>> log(P(di, C) / P(di, Cbar)) >>> # >>> PdiC, PdiCbar = sympy.symbols('PdiC, PdiCbar') >>> oddsC = log(PdiC / PdiCbar) >>> sympy.simplify(oddsC) >>> import vtool as vt >>> vt.check_expr_eq(oddsC, log(PdiC) - log(PdiCbar)) Example: >>> # ENABLE_DOCTEST >>> from wbia.algo.hots.nn_weights import * # NOQA >>> vdist, ndist = testdata_vn_dists() >>> out = lnbnn_fn(vdist, ndist) >>> result = ut.hz_str('lnbnn = ', ut.repr2(out, precision=2)) >>> print(result) lnbnn = np.array([[0.62, 0.22, 0.03], [0.35, 0.22, 0.01], [0.87, 0.58, 0.27], [0.67, 0.42, 0.25], [0.59, 0.3 , 0.27]]) """ return ndist - vdist
[docs]@_register_nn_normalized_weight_func def ratio_fn(vdist, ndist): r""" Args: vdist (ndarray): voting array ndist (ndarray): normalizing array Returns: ndarray: out Example: >>> # ENABLE_DOCTEST >>> from wbia.algo.hots.nn_weights import * # NOQA >>> vdist, ndist = testdata_vn_dists() >>> out = ratio_fn(vdist, ndist) >>> result = ut.hz_str('ratio = ', ut.repr2(out, precision=2)) >>> print(result) ratio = np.array([[0. , 0.65, 0.95], [0.33, 0.58, 0.98], [0.13, 0.42, 0.73], [0.15, 0.47, 0.68], [0.23, 0.61, 0.65]]) """ return np.divide(vdist, ndist)
[docs]@_register_nn_normalized_weight_func def bar_l2_fn(vdist, ndist): r""" The feature weight is (1 - the euclidian distance between the features). The normalizers are unused. (not really a normaalized function) Example: >>> # ENABLE_DOCTEST >>> from wbia.algo.hots.nn_weights import * # NOQA >>> vdist, ndist = testdata_vn_dists() >>> out = bar_l2_fn(vdist, ndist) >>> result = ut.hz_str('barl2 = ', ut.repr2(out, precision=2)) >>> print(result) barl2 = np.array([[1. , 0.6 , 0.41], [0.83, 0.7 , 0.49], [0.87, 0.58, 0.27], [0.88, 0.63, 0.46], [0.82, 0.53, 0.5 ]]) """ return 1.0 - vdist
[docs]@_register_nn_normalized_weight_func def loglnbnn_fn(vdist, ndist): r""" Ignore: import vtool as vt vt.check_expr_eq('log(d) - log(n)', 'log(d / n)') # True vt.check_expr_eq('log(d) / log(n)', 'log(d - n)') Example: >>> # ENABLE_DOCTEST >>> from wbia.algo.hots.nn_weights import * # NOQA >>> vdist, ndist = testdata_vn_dists() >>> out = loglnbnn_fn(vdist, ndist) >>> result = ut.hz_str('loglnbnn = ', ut.repr2(out, precision=2)) >>> print(result) loglnbnn = np.array([[0.48, 0.2 , 0.03], [0.3 , 0.2 , 0.01], [0.63, 0.46, 0.24], [0.51, 0.35, 0.22], [0.46, 0.26, 0.24]]) """ return np.log(ndist - vdist + 1.0)
[docs]@_register_nn_normalized_weight_func def logratio_fn(vdist, ndist): r""" Example: >>> # ENABLE_DOCTEST >>> from wbia.algo.hots.nn_weights import * # NOQA >>> vdist, ndist = testdata_vn_dists() >>> out = normonly_fn(vdist, ndist) >>> result = ut.repr2(out) >>> print(result) np.array([[0.62, 0.62, 0.62], [0.52, 0.52, 0.52], [1. , 1. , 1. ], [0.79, 0.79, 0.79], [0.77, 0.77, 0.77]]) """ return np.log(np.divide(ndist, vdist + EPS) + 1.0)
[docs]@_register_nn_normalized_weight_func def normonly_fn(vdist, ndist): r""" Example: >>> # ENABLE_DOCTEST >>> from wbia.algo.hots.nn_weights import * # NOQA >>> vdist, ndist = testdata_vn_dists() >>> out = normonly_fn(vdist, ndist) >>> result = ut.repr2(out) >>> print(result) np.array([[0.62, 0.62, 0.62], [0.52, 0.52, 0.52], [1. , 1. , 1. ], [0.79, 0.79, 0.79], [0.77, 0.77, 0.77]]) """ return np.tile(ndist[:, 0:1], (1, vdist.shape[1]))
# return ndist[None, 0:1]
[docs]def testdata_vn_dists(nfeats=5, K=3): r""" Test voting and normalizing distances Returns: tuple : (vdist, ndist) - test voting distances and normalizer distances Example: >>> # ENABLE_DOCTEST >>> from wbia.algo.hots.nn_weights import * # NOQA >>> vdist, ndist = testdata_vn_dists() >>> result = (ut.hz_str('vdist = ', ut.repr2(vdist))) + '\n' >>> print(result + (ut.hz_str('ndist = ', ut.repr2(ndist)))) vdist = np.array([[0. , 0.4 , 0.59], [0.17, 0.3 , 0.51], [0.13, 0.42, 0.73], [0.12, 0.37, 0.54], [0.18, 0.47, 0.5 ]]) ndist = np.array([[0.62], [0.52], [1. ], [0.79], [0.77]]) """ def make_precise(dist): prec = 100 dist = (prec * dist).astype(np.uint8) / prec dist = dist.astype(hstypes.FS_DTYPE) return dist rng = np.random.RandomState(0) vdist = rng.rand(nfeats, K) ndist = rng.rand(nfeats, 1) # Ensure distance increases vdist = vdist.cumsum(axis=1) ndist = (ndist.T + vdist.max(axis=1)).T Z = ndist.max() vdist = make_precise(vdist / Z) ndist = make_precise(ndist / Z) vdist[0][0] = 0 return vdist, ndist
# @_register_nn_normalized_weight_func # def dist_fn(vdist, ndist): # """ the euclidian distance between the features """ # return vdist # @_register_nn_simple_weight_func
[docs]def gravity_match_weighter(nns_list, nnvalid0_list, qreq_): raise NotImplementedError('have not finished gv weighting')
# qfx2_nnkpts = qreq_.indexer.get_nn_kpts(qfx2_nnidx) # qfx2_nnori = ktool.get_oris(qfx2_nnkpts) # qfx2_kpts = qreq_.ibs.get_annot_kpts(qaid, config2_=qreq_.get_internal_query_config2()) # FIXME: Highly inefficient # qfx2_oris = ktool.get_oris(qfx2_kpts) # # Get the orientation distance # qfx2_oridist = vt.rowwise_oridist(qfx2_nnori, qfx2_oris) # # Normalize into a weight (close orientations are 1, far are 0) # qfx2_gvweight = (TAU - qfx2_oridist) / TAU # # Apply gravity vector weight to the score # qfx2_score *= qfx2_gvweight
[docs]def all_normalized_weights_test(): r""" CommandLine: python -m wbia.algo.hots.nn_weights --exec-all_normalized_weights_test Example: >>> # ENABLE_DOCTEST >>> from wbia.algo.hots.nn_weights import * # NOQA >>> all_normalized_weights_test() """ from wbia.algo.hots import nn_weights # ibs, qreq_, nns_list, nnvalid0_list = plh.testdata_pre_weight_neighbors() qreq_, args = plh.testdata_pre( 'weight_neighbors', defaultdb='testdb1', a=['default:qindex=0:1,dindex=0:5,hackerrors=False'], p=['default:codename=vsmany,bar_l2_on=True,fg_on=False'], verbose=True, ) nns_list = args.nns_list nnvalid0_list = args.nnvalid0_list qaid = qreq_.qaids[0] def tst_weight_fn(nn_weight, nns_list, qreq_, qaid): normweight_fn = nn_weights.__dict__[nn_weight + '_fn'] weight_list1, nomx_list1 = nn_weights.nn_normalized_weight( normweight_fn, nns_list, nnvalid0_list, qreq_ ) weights1 = weight_list1[0] # --- # test NN_WEIGHT_FUNC_DICT # --- nn_normonly_weight = nn_weights.NN_WEIGHT_FUNC_DICT[nn_weight] weight_list2, nomx_list2 = nn_normonly_weight(nns_list, nnvalid0_list, qreq_) weights2 = weight_list2[0] assert np.all(weights1 == weights2) + ' passed') for nn_weight in nn_weights.NN_WEIGHT_FUNC_DICT.keys(): normweight_key = nn_weight + '_fn' if normweight_key not in nn_weights.__dict__: continue tst_weight_fn(nn_weight, nns_list, qreq_, qaid)