Source code for wbia.algo.hots.neighbor_index_cache

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import logging
from os.path import join
import utool as ut
from wbia.algo.hots import _pipeline_helpers as plh  # NOQA
from wbia.algo.hots.neighbor_index import NeighborIndex, get_support_data

(print, rrr, profile) = ut.inject2(__name__)
logger = logging.getLogger('wbia')

USE_HOTSPOTTER_CACHE = not ut.get_argflag('--nocache-hs')
NOCACHE_UUIDS = ut.get_argflag('--nocache-uuids') and USE_HOTSPOTTER_CACHE

# LRU cache for nn_indexers. Ensures that only a few are ever in memory
# MAX_NEIGHBOR_CACHE_SIZE = ut.get_argval('--max-neighbor-cachesize', type_=int, default=2)
MAX_NEIGHBOR_CACHE_SIZE = ut.get_argval('--max-neighbor-cachesize', type_=int, default=1)
# Background process for building indexes
# Global map to keep track of UUID lists with prebuild indexers.
UUID_MAP = ut.ddict(dict)

[docs]class UUIDMapHyrbridCache(object): """ Class that lets multiple ways of writing to the uuid_map be swapped in and out interchangably TODO: the global read / write should periodically sync itself to disk and it should be loaded from disk initially """ def __init__(self): self.uuid_maps = ut.ddict(dict) # self.uuid_map_fpath = uuid_map_fpath # self.init(uuid_map_fpath, min_reindex_thresh)
[docs] def init(self, *args, **kwargs): self.args = args self.kwargs = kwargs # self.read_func = self.read_uuid_map_cpkl # self.write_func = self.write_uuid_map_cpkl self.read_func = self.read_uuid_map_dict self.write_func = self.write_uuid_map_dict
[docs] def dump(self, cachedir): # TODO: DUMP AND LOAD THIS HYBRID CACHE TO DISK # write_uuid_map_cpkl fname = 'uuid_maps_hybrid_cache.cPkl' cpkl_fpath = join(cachedir, fname) ut.lock_and_save_cPkl(cpkl_fpath, self.uuid_maps)
[docs] def load(self, cachedir): """ Returns a cache UUIDMap """ fname = 'uuid_maps_hybrid_cache.cPkl' cpkl_fpath = join(cachedir, fname) self.uuid_maps = ut.lock_and_load_cPkl(cpkl_fpath)
# def __call__(self): # return self.read_func(*self.args, **self.kwargs) # def __setitem__(self, daids_hashid, visual_uuid_list): # uuid_map_fpath = self.uuid_map_fpath # self.write_func(uuid_map_fpath, visual_uuid_list, daids_hashid) # @profile # def read_uuid_map_shelf(self, uuid_map_fpath, min_reindex_thresh): # #with ut.EmbedOnException(): # with lockfile.LockFile(uuid_map_fpath + '.lock'): # with ut.shelf_open(uuid_map_fpath) as uuid_map: # candidate_uuids = { # key: val for key, val in uuid_map.items() # if len(val) >= min_reindex_thresh # } # return candidate_uuids # @profile # def write_uuid_map_shelf(self, uuid_map_fpath, visual_uuid_list, daids_hashid): #'Writing %d visual uuids to uuid map' % (len(visual_uuid_list))) # with lockfile.LockFile(uuid_map_fpath + '.lock'): # with ut.shelf_open(uuid_map_fpath) as uuid_map: # uuid_map[daids_hashid] = visual_uuid_list # @profile # def read_uuid_map_cpkl(self, uuid_map_fpath, min_reindex_thresh): # with lockfile.LockFile(uuid_map_fpath + '.lock'): # #with ut.shelf_open(uuid_map_fpath) as uuid_map: # try: # uuid_map = ut.load_cPkl(uuid_map_fpath) # candidate_uuids = { # key: val for key, val in uuid_map.items() # if len(val) >= min_reindex_thresh # } # except IOError: # return {} # return candidate_uuids # @profile # def write_uuid_map_cpkl(self, uuid_map_fpath, visual_uuid_list, daids_hashid): # """ # let the multi-indexer know about any big caches we've made multi-indexer. # Also lets nnindexer know about other prebuilt indexers so it can attempt to # just add points to them as to avoid a rebuild. # """ #'Writing %d visual uuids to uuid map' % (len(visual_uuid_list))) # with lockfile.LockFile(uuid_map_fpath + '.lock'): # try: # uuid_map = ut.load_cPkl(uuid_map_fpath) # except IOError: # uuid_map = {} # uuid_map[daids_hashid] = visual_uuid_list # ut.save_cPkl(uuid_map_fpath, uuid_map)
[docs] @profile def read_uuid_map_dict(self, uuid_map_fpath, min_reindex_thresh): """uses in memory dictionary instead of disk""" uuid_map = self.uuid_maps[uuid_map_fpath] candidate_uuids = { key: val for key, val in uuid_map.items() if len(val) >= min_reindex_thresh } return candidate_uuids
[docs] @profile def write_uuid_map_dict(self, uuid_map_fpath, visual_uuid_list, daids_hashid): """ uses in memory dictionary instead of disk let the multi-indexer know about any big caches we've made multi-indexer. Also lets nnindexer know about other prebuilt indexers so it can attempt to just add points to them as to avoid a rebuild. """ if NOCACHE_UUIDS:'uuid cache is off') return # with ut.EmbedOnException(): uuid_map = self.uuid_maps[uuid_map_fpath] uuid_map[daids_hashid] = visual_uuid_list
UUID_MAP_CACHE = UUIDMapHyrbridCache() # @profile
[docs]def get_nnindexer_uuid_map_fpath(qreq_): """ CommandLine: python -m wbia.algo.hots.neighbor_index_cache get_nnindexer_uuid_map_fpath Example: >>> # ENABLE_DOCTEST >>> from wbia.algo.hots.neighbor_index_cache import * # NOQA >>> import wbia >>> qreq_ = wbia.testdata_qreq_(defaultdb='testdb1', p='default:fgw_thresh=.3') >>> uuid_map_fpath = get_nnindexer_uuid_map_fpath(qreq_) >>> result = str(ut.path_ndir_split(uuid_map_fpath, 3)) >>> print(result) .../_wbia_cache/flann/uuid_map_mzwwsbjisbkdxorl.cPkl .../_wbia_cache/flann/uuid_map_FLANN(8_kdtrees_fgwthrsh=0.3)_Feat(hesaff+sift)_Chip(sz700,width).cPkl .../_wbia_cache/flann/uuid_map_FLANN(8_kdtrees)_Feat(hesaff+sift)_Chip(sz700,width).cPkl .../_wbia_cache/flann/uuid_map_FLANN(8_kdtrees)_FEAT(hesaff+sift_)_CHIP(sz450).cPkl """ flann_cachedir = qreq_.ibs.get_flann_cachedir() # Have uuid shelf conditioned on the baseline flann and feature parameters flann_cfgstr = qreq_.qparams.flann_cfgstr feat_cfgstr = qreq_.qparams.feat_cfgstr chip_cfgstr = qreq_.qparams.chip_cfgstr featweight_cfgstr = qreq_.qparams.featweight_cfgstr if qreq_.qparams.fgw_thresh is None or qreq_.qparams.fgw_thresh == 0: uuid_map_cfgstr = ''.join((flann_cfgstr, feat_cfgstr, chip_cfgstr)) else: uuid_map_cfgstr = ''.join( (flann_cfgstr, featweight_cfgstr, feat_cfgstr, chip_cfgstr) ) # uuid_map_ext = '.shelf' uuid_map_ext = '.cPkl' uuid_map_prefix = 'uuid_map' uuid_map_fname = ut.consensed_cfgstr(uuid_map_prefix, uuid_map_cfgstr) + uuid_map_ext uuid_map_fpath = join(flann_cachedir, uuid_map_fname) return uuid_map_fpath
[docs]def build_nnindex_cfgstr(qreq_, daid_list): """ builds a string that uniquely identified an indexer built with parameters from the input query requested and indexing descriptor from the input annotation ids Args: qreq_ (QueryRequest): query request object with hyper-parameters daid_list (list): Returns: str: nnindex_cfgstr CommandLine: python -m wbia.algo.hots.neighbor_index_cache --test-build_nnindex_cfgstr Example: >>> # ENABLE_DOCTEST >>> from wbia.algo.hots.neighbor_index_cache import * # NOQA >>> import wbia >>> ibs = wbia.opendb(db='testdb1') >>> daid_list = ibs.get_valid_aids(species=wbia.const.TEST_SPECIES.ZEB_PLAIN) >>> qreq_ = ibs.new_query_request(daid_list, daid_list, cfgdict=dict(fg_on=False)) >>> nnindex_cfgstr = build_nnindex_cfgstr(qreq_, daid_list) >>> result = str(nnindex_cfgstr) >>> print(result) _VUUIDS((6)ylydksaqdigdecdd)_FLANN(8_kdtrees)_FeatureWeight(detector=cnn,sz256,thresh=20,ksz=20,enabled=False)_FeatureWeight(detector=cnn,sz256,thresh=20,ksz=20,enabled=False) _VUUIDS((6)ylydksaqdigdecdd)_FLANN(8_kdtrees)_FEATWEIGHT(OFF)_FEAT(hesaff+sift_)_CHIP(sz450) """ flann_cfgstr = qreq_.qparams.flann_cfgstr featweight_cfgstr = qreq_.qparams.featweight_cfgstr feat_cfgstr = qreq_.qparams.feat_cfgstr chip_cfgstr = qreq_.qparams.chip_cfgstr # FIXME; need to include probchip (or better yet just use depcache) # probchip_cfgstr = qreq_.qparams.chip_cfgstr data_hashid = get_data_cfgstr(qreq_.ibs, daid_list) nnindex_cfgstr = ''.join( (data_hashid, flann_cfgstr, featweight_cfgstr, feat_cfgstr, chip_cfgstr) ) return nnindex_cfgstr
[docs]def clear_memcache(): global NEIGHBOR_CACHE NEIGHBOR_CACHE.clear()
[docs]def clear_uuid_cache(qreq_): """ CommandLine: python -m wbia.algo.hots.neighbor_index_cache --test-clear_uuid_cache Example: >>> # DISABLE_DOCTEST >>> from wbia.algo.hots.neighbor_index_cache import * # NOQA >>> import wbia >>> qreq_ = wbia.testdata_qreq_(defaultdb='testdb1', p='default:fg_on=True') >>> fgws_list = clear_uuid_cache(qreq_) >>> result = str(fgws_list) >>> print(result) """'[nnindex] clearing uuid cache') uuid_map_fpath = get_nnindexer_uuid_map_fpath(qreq_) ut.delete(uuid_map_fpath) ut.delete(uuid_map_fpath + '.lock')'[nnindex] finished uuid cache clear')
[docs]def request_wbia_nnindexer(qreq_, verbose=True, **kwargs): """ CALLED BY QUERYREQUST::LOAD_INDEXER IBEIS interface into neighbor_index_cache Args: qreq_ (QueryRequest): hyper-parameters Returns: NeighborIndexer: nnindexer CommandLine: python -m wbia.algo.hots.neighbor_index_cache request_wbia_nnindexer Example: >>> # ENABLE_DOCTEST >>> from wbia.algo.hots.neighbor_index_cache import * # NOQA >>> nnindexer, qreq_, ibs = testdata_nnindexer(None) >>> nnindexer = request_wbia_nnindexer(qreq_) """ daid_list = qreq_.get_internal_daids() if not hasattr(qreq_.qparams, 'use_augmented_indexer'): qreq_.qparams.use_augmented_indexer = True if False and qreq_.qparams.use_augmented_indexer: nnindexer = request_augmented_wbia_nnindexer(qreq_, daid_list, **kwargs) else: nnindexer = request_memcached_wbia_nnindexer(qreq_, daid_list, **kwargs) return nnindexer
[docs]def request_augmented_wbia_nnindexer( qreq_, daid_list, verbose=True, use_memcache=True, force_rebuild=False, memtrack=None ): r""" DO NOT USE. THIS FUNCTION CAN CURRENTLY CAUSE A SEGFAULT tries to give you an indexer for the requested daids using the least amount of computation possible. By loading and adding to a partially build nnindex if possible and if that fails fallbs back to request_memcache. Args: qreq_ (QueryRequest): query request object with hyper-parameters daid_list (list): Returns: str: nnindex_cfgstr CommandLine: python -m wbia.algo.hots.neighbor_index_cache --test-request_augmented_wbia_nnindexer Example: >>> # ENABLE_DOCTEST >>> from wbia.algo.hots.neighbor_index_cache import * # NOQA >>> import wbia >>> # build test data >>> ZEB_PLAIN = wbia.const.TEST_SPECIES.ZEB_PLAIN >>> ibs = wbia.opendb('testdb1') >>> use_memcache, max_covers, verbose = True, None, True >>> daid_list = sorted(ibs.get_valid_aids(species=ZEB_PLAIN))[0:6] >>> qreq_ = ibs.new_query_request(daid_list, daid_list) >>> qreq_.qparams.min_reindex_thresh = 1 >>> min_reindex_thresh = qreq_.qparams.min_reindex_thresh >>> # CLEAR CACHE for clean test >>> clear_uuid_cache(qreq_) >>> # LOAD 3 AIDS INTO CACHE >>> aid_list = sorted(ibs.get_valid_aids(species=ZEB_PLAIN))[0:3] >>> # Should fallback >>> nnindexer = request_augmented_wbia_nnindexer(qreq_, aid_list) >>> # assert the fallback >>> uncovered_aids, covered_aids_list = group_daids_by_cached_nnindexer( ... qreq_, daid_list, min_reindex_thresh, max_covers) >>> result2 = uncovered_aids, covered_aids_list >>> ut.assert_eq(result2, ([4, 5, 6], [[1, 2, 3]]), 'pre augment') >>> # Should augment >>> nnindexer = request_augmented_wbia_nnindexer(qreq_, daid_list) >>> uncovered_aids, covered_aids_list = group_daids_by_cached_nnindexer( ... qreq_, daid_list, min_reindex_thresh, max_covers) >>> result3 = uncovered_aids, covered_aids_list >>> ut.assert_eq(result3, ([], [[1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]]), 'post augment') >>> # Should fallback >>> nnindexer2 = request_augmented_wbia_nnindexer(qreq_, daid_list) >>> assert nnindexer is nnindexer2 """ global NEIGHBOR_CACHE min_reindex_thresh = qreq_.qparams.min_reindex_thresh if not force_rebuild: new_daid_list, covered_aids_list = group_daids_by_cached_nnindexer( qreq_, daid_list, min_reindex_thresh, max_covers=1 ) can_augment = len(covered_aids_list) > 0 and not ut.list_set_equal( covered_aids_list[0], daid_list ) else: can_augment = False if verbose:'[aug] Requesting augmented nnindexer') if can_augment: covered_aids = covered_aids_list[0] if verbose: '[aug] Augmenting index %r old daids with %d new daids' % (len(covered_aids), len(new_daid_list)) ) # Load the base covered indexer # THIS SHOULD LOAD NOT REBUILD IF THE UUIDS ARE COVERED base_nnindexer = request_memcached_wbia_nnindexer( qreq_, covered_aids, verbose=verbose, use_memcache=use_memcache ) # Remove this indexer from the memcache because we are going to change it if NEIGHBOR_CACHE.has_key( # NOQA (has_key is for a lru cache) base_nnindexer.cfgstr ):'Removing key from memcache') NEIGHBOR_CACHE[base_nnindexer.cfgstr] = None del NEIGHBOR_CACHE[base_nnindexer.cfgstr] support_data = get_support_data(qreq_, new_daid_list) (new_vecs_list, new_fgws_list, new_fxs_list) = support_data base_nnindexer.add_support( new_daid_list, new_vecs_list, new_fgws_list, new_fxs_list, verbose=True ) # FIXME: pointer issues nnindexer = base_nnindexer # Change to the new cfgstr nnindex_cfgstr = build_nnindex_cfgstr(qreq_, daid_list) nnindexer.cfgstr = nnindex_cfgstr cachedir = qreq_.ibs.get_flann_cachedir() # Write to inverse uuid if len(daid_list) > min_reindex_thresh: uuid_map_fpath = get_nnindexer_uuid_map_fpath(qreq_) daids_hashid = get_data_cfgstr(qreq_.ibs, daid_list) visual_uuid_list = qreq_.ibs.get_annot_visual_uuids(daid_list) UUID_MAP_CACHE.write_uuid_map_dict( uuid_map_fpath, visual_uuid_list, daids_hashid ) # Write to memcache if ut.VERBOSE:'[aug] Wrote to memcache=%r' % (nnindex_cfgstr,)) NEIGHBOR_CACHE[nnindex_cfgstr] = nnindexer return nnindexer else: # if ut.VERBOSE: if verbose:'[aug] Nothing to augment, fallback to memcache') # Fallback nnindexer = request_memcached_wbia_nnindexer( qreq_, daid_list, verbose=verbose, use_memcache=use_memcache, force_rebuild=force_rebuild, memtrack=memtrack, ) return nnindexer
[docs]def request_memcached_wbia_nnindexer( qreq_, daid_list, use_memcache=True, verbose=ut.NOT_QUIET, veryverbose=False, force_rebuild=False, memtrack=None, prog_hook=None, ): r""" FOR INTERNAL USE ONLY takes custom daid list. might not be the same as what is in qreq_ CommandLine: python -m wbia.algo.hots.neighbor_index_cache --test-request_memcached_wbia_nnindexer Example: >>> # DISABLE_DOCTEST >>> from wbia.algo.hots.neighbor_index_cache import * # NOQA >>> import wbia >>> # build test data >>> ibs = wbia.opendb('testdb1') >>> qreq_.qparams.min_reindex_thresh = 3 >>> ZEB_PLAIN = wbia.const.TEST_SPECIES.ZEB_PLAIN >>> daid_list = ibs.get_valid_aids(species=ZEB_PLAIN)[0:3] >>> qreq_ = ibs.new_query_request(daid_list, daid_list) >>> verbose = True >>> use_memcache = True >>> # execute function >>> nnindexer = request_memcached_wbia_nnindexer(qreq_, daid_list, use_memcache) >>> # verify results >>> result = str(nnindexer) >>> print(result) """ global NEIGHBOR_CACHE # try: if veryverbose: '[nnindex.MEMCACHE] len(NEIGHBOR_CACHE) = %r' % (len(NEIGHBOR_CACHE),) ) # the lru cache wont be recognized by get_object_size_str, cast to pure python objects '[nnindex.MEMCACHE] size(NEIGHBOR_CACHE) = %s' % (ut.get_object_size_str(NEIGHBOR_CACHE.items()),) ) # if memtrack is not None: #'IN REQUEST MEMCACHE') nnindex_cfgstr = build_nnindex_cfgstr(qreq_, daid_list) # neighbor memory cache if ( not force_rebuild and use_memcache and NEIGHBOR_CACHE.has_key(nnindex_cfgstr) # NOQA (has_key is for a lru cache) ): if veryverbose or ut.VERYVERBOSE or ut.VERBOSE:'... nnindex memcache hit: cfgstr=%s' % (nnindex_cfgstr,)) nnindexer = NEIGHBOR_CACHE[nnindex_cfgstr] else: if veryverbose or ut.VERYVERBOSE or ut.VERBOSE:'... nnindex memcache miss: cfgstr=%s' % (nnindex_cfgstr,)) # Write to inverse uuid nnindexer = request_diskcached_wbia_nnindexer( qreq_, daid_list, nnindex_cfgstr, verbose, force_rebuild=force_rebuild, memtrack=memtrack, prog_hook=prog_hook, ) NEIGHBOR_CACHE_WRITE = True if NEIGHBOR_CACHE_WRITE: # Write to memcache if ut.VERBOSE or ut.VERYVERBOSE:'[disk] Write to memcache=%r' % (nnindex_cfgstr,)) NEIGHBOR_CACHE[nnindex_cfgstr] = nnindexer else: if ut.VERBOSE or ut.VERYVERBOSE:'[disk] Did not write to memcache=%r' % (nnindex_cfgstr,)) return nnindexer
[docs]def request_diskcached_wbia_nnindexer( qreq_, daid_list, nnindex_cfgstr=None, verbose=True, force_rebuild=False, memtrack=None, prog_hook=None, ): r""" builds new NeighborIndexer which will try to use a disk cached flann if available Args: qreq_ (QueryRequest): query request object with hyper-parameters daid_list (list): nnindex_cfgstr (?): verbose (bool): Returns: NeighborIndexer: nnindexer CommandLine: python -m wbia.algo.hots.neighbor_index_cache --test-request_diskcached_wbia_nnindexer Example: >>> # DISABLE_DOCTEST >>> from wbia.algo.hots.neighbor_index_cache import * # NOQA >>> import wbia >>> # build test data >>> ibs = wbia.opendb('testdb1') >>> daid_list = ibs.get_valid_aids(species=wbia.const.TEST_SPECIES.ZEB_PLAIN) >>> qreq_ = ibs.new_query_request(daid_list, daid_list) >>> nnindex_cfgstr = build_nnindex_cfgstr(qreq_, daid_list) >>> verbose = True >>> # execute function >>> nnindexer = request_diskcached_wbia_nnindexer(qreq_, daid_list, nnindex_cfgstr, verbose) >>> # verify results >>> result = str(nnindexer) >>> print(result) """ if nnindex_cfgstr is None: nnindex_cfgstr = build_nnindex_cfgstr(qreq_, daid_list) cfgstr = nnindex_cfgstr cachedir = qreq_.ibs.get_flann_cachedir() flann_params = qreq_.qparams.flann_params flann_params['checks'] = qreq_.qparams.checks # if memtrack is not None: #'[PRE SUPPORT]') # Get annot descriptors to index if prog_hook is not None: prog_hook.set_progress(1, 3, 'Loading support data for indexer')'[nnindex] Loading support data for indexer') vecs_list, fgws_list, fxs_list = get_support_data(qreq_, daid_list) if memtrack is not None:'[AFTER GET SUPPORT DATA]') try: nnindexer = new_neighbor_index( daid_list, vecs_list, fgws_list, fxs_list, flann_params, cachedir, cfgstr=cfgstr, verbose=verbose, force_rebuild=force_rebuild, memtrack=memtrack, prog_hook=prog_hook, ) except Exception as ex: ut.printex( ex, True, msg_='cannot build inverted index', key_list=['ibs.get_infostr()'] ) raise # Record these uuids in the disk based uuid map so they can be augmented if # needed min_reindex_thresh = qreq_.qparams.min_reindex_thresh if len(daid_list) > min_reindex_thresh: uuid_map_fpath = get_nnindexer_uuid_map_fpath(qreq_) daids_hashid = get_data_cfgstr(qreq_.ibs, daid_list) visual_uuid_list = qreq_.ibs.get_annot_visual_uuids(daid_list) UUID_MAP_CACHE.write_uuid_map_dict(uuid_map_fpath, visual_uuid_list, daids_hashid) if memtrack is not None:'[AFTER WRITE_UUID_MAP]') return nnindexer
[docs]def group_daids_by_cached_nnindexer( qreq_, daid_list, min_reindex_thresh, max_covers=None ): r""" CommandLine: python -m wbia.algo.hots.neighbor_index_cache --test-group_daids_by_cached_nnindexer Example: >>> # ENABLE_DOCTEST >>> from wbia.algo.hots.neighbor_index_cache import * # NOQA >>> import wbia >>> ibs = wbia.opendb('testdb1') >>> ZEB_PLAIN = wbia.const.TEST_SPECIES.ZEB_PLAIN >>> daid_list = ibs.get_valid_aids(species=ZEB_PLAIN) >>> qreq_ = ibs.new_query_request(daid_list, daid_list) >>> # Set the params a bit lower >>> max_covers = None >>> qreq_.qparams.min_reindex_thresh = 1 >>> min_reindex_thresh = qreq_.qparams.min_reindex_thresh >>> # STEP 0: CLEAR THE CACHE >>> clear_uuid_cache(qreq_) >>> # STEP 1: ASSERT EMPTY INDEX >>> daid_list = sorted(ibs.get_valid_aids(species=ZEB_PLAIN))[0:3] >>> uncovered_aids, covered_aids_list = group_daids_by_cached_nnindexer( ... qreq_, daid_list, min_reindex_thresh, max_covers) >>> result1 = uncovered_aids, covered_aids_list >>> ut.assert_eq(result1, ([], [[1, 2, 3]]), 'pre request') >>> # TEST 2: SHOULD MAKE 123 COVERED >>> nnindexer = request_memcached_wbia_nnindexer(qreq_, daid_list) >>> uncovered_aids, covered_aids_list = group_daids_by_cached_nnindexer( ... qreq_, daid_list, min_reindex_thresh, max_covers) >>> result2 = uncovered_aids, covered_aids_list >>> ut.assert_eq(result2, ([], [[1, 2, 3]]), 'post request') """ ibs = qreq_.ibs # read which annotations have prebuilt caches uuid_map_fpath = get_nnindexer_uuid_map_fpath(qreq_) candidate_uuids = UUID_MAP_CACHE.read_uuid_map_dict( uuid_map_fpath, min_reindex_thresh ) # find a maximum independent set cover of the requested annotations annot_vuuid_list = ibs.get_annot_visual_uuids(daid_list) # 3.2 % covertup = ut.greedy_max_inden_setcover( candidate_uuids, annot_vuuid_list, max_covers ) # 0.2 % uncovered_vuuids, covered_vuuids_list, accepted_keys = covertup # return the grouped covered items (so they can be loaded) and # the remaining uuids which need to have an index computed. # uncovered_aids_ = ibs.get_annot_aids_from_visual_uuid(uncovered_vuuids) # 28.0% covered_aids_list_ = ibs.unflat_map( ibs.get_annot_aids_from_visual_uuid, covered_vuuids_list ) # 68% # FIXME: uncovered_aids = sorted(uncovered_aids_) # covered_aids_list = list(map(sorted, covered_aids_list_)) covered_aids_list = covered_aids_list_ return uncovered_aids, covered_aids_list
[docs]def get_data_cfgstr(ibs, daid_list): """part 2 data hash id""" daids_hashid = ibs.get_annot_hashid_visual_uuid(daid_list) return daids_hashid
[docs]def new_neighbor_index( daid_list, vecs_list, fgws_list, fxs_list, flann_params, cachedir, cfgstr, force_rebuild=False, verbose=True, memtrack=None, prog_hook=None, ): r""" constructs neighbor index independent of wbia Args: daid_list (list): vecs_list (list): fgws_list (list): flann_params (dict): flann_cachedir (None): nnindex_cfgstr (str): use_memcache (bool): Returns: nnindexer CommandLine: python -m wbia.algo.hots.neighbor_index_cache --test-new_neighbor_index Example: >>> # ENABLE_DOCTEST >>> from wbia.algo.hots.neighbor_index_cache import * # NOQA >>> import wbia >>> qreq_ = wbia.testdata_qreq_(defaultdb='testdb1', a='default:species=zebra_plains', p='default:fgw_thresh=.999') >>> daid_list = qreq_.daids >>> nnindex_cfgstr = build_nnindex_cfgstr(qreq_, daid_list) >>> ut.exec_funckw(new_neighbor_index, globals()) >>> cfgstr = nnindex_cfgstr >>> cachedir = qreq_.ibs.get_flann_cachedir() >>> flann_params = qreq_.qparams.flann_params >>> # Get annot descriptors to index >>> vecs_list, fgws_list, fxs_list = get_support_data(qreq_, daid_list) >>> nnindexer = new_neighbor_index(daid_list, vecs_list, fgws_list, fxs_list, flann_params, cachedir, cfgstr, verbose=True) >>> result = ('nnindexer.ax2_aid = %s' % (str(nnindexer.ax2_aid),)) >>> print(result) nnindexer.ax2_aid = [1 2 3 4 5 6] """ nnindexer = NeighborIndex(flann_params, cfgstr) # if memtrack is not None: #'CREATEED NEIGHTOB INDEX') # Initialize neighbor with unindexed data nnindexer.init_support(daid_list, vecs_list, fgws_list, fxs_list, verbose=verbose) if memtrack is not None:'AFTER INIT SUPPORT') # Load or build the indexing structure nnindexer.ensure_indexer( cachedir, verbose=verbose, force_rebuild=force_rebuild, memtrack=memtrack, prog_hook=prog_hook, ) if memtrack is not None:'AFTER LOAD OR BUILD') return nnindexer
[docs]def testdata_nnindexer(dbname='testdb1', with_indexer=True, use_memcache=True): r""" Ignore: >>> # ENABLE_DOCTEST >>> from wbia.algo.hots.neighbor_index_cache import * # NOQA >>> nnindexer, qreq_, ibs = testdata_nnindexer('PZ_Master1') >>> S = np.cov(nnindexer.idx2_vec.T) >>> import wbia.plottool as pt >>> pt.ensureqt() >>> pt.plt.imshow(S) Example: >>> # ENABLE_DOCTEST >>> from wbia.algo.hots.neighbor_index_cache import * # NOQA >>> nnindexer, qreq_, ibs = testdata_nnindexer() """ import wbia daid_list = [7, 8, 9, 10, 11] ibs = wbia.opendb(db=dbname) # use_memcache isn't use here because we aren't lazy loading the indexer cfgdict = dict(fg_on=False) qreq_ = ibs.new_query_request( daid_list, daid_list, use_memcache=use_memcache, cfgdict=cfgdict ) if with_indexer: # we do an explicit creation of an indexer for these tests nnindexer = request_wbia_nnindexer(qreq_, use_memcache=use_memcache) else: nnindexer = None return nnindexer, qreq_, ibs
# ------------ # NEW
[docs]def check_background_process(): r""" checks to see if the process has finished and then writes the uuid map to disk """ global CURRENT_THREAD if CURRENT_THREAD is None or CURRENT_THREAD.is_alive():'[FG] background thread is not ready yet') return False # Get info set in background process finishtup = CURRENT_THREAD.finishtup (uuid_map_fpath, daids_hashid, visual_uuid_list, min_reindex_thresh) = finishtup # Clean up background process CURRENT_THREAD.join() CURRENT_THREAD = None # Write data to current uuidcache if len(visual_uuid_list) > min_reindex_thresh: UUID_MAP_CACHE.write_uuid_map_dict(uuid_map_fpath, visual_uuid_list, daids_hashid) return True
[docs]def can_request_background_nnindexer(): return CURRENT_THREAD is None or not CURRENT_THREAD.is_alive()
[docs]def request_background_nnindexer(qreq_, daid_list): r"""FIXME: Duplicate code Args: qreq_ (QueryRequest): query request object with hyper-parameters daid_list (list): CommandLine: python -m wbia.algo.hots.neighbor_index_cache --test-request_background_nnindexer Example: >>> # DISABLE_DOCTEST >>> from wbia.algo.hots.neighbor_index_cache import * # NOQA >>> import wbia >>> # build test data >>> ibs = wbia.opendb('testdb1') >>> daid_list = ibs.get_valid_aids(species=wbia.const.TEST_SPECIES.ZEB_PLAIN) >>> qreq_ = ibs.new_query_request(daid_list, daid_list) >>> # execute function >>> request_background_nnindexer(qreq_, daid_list) >>> # verify results >>> result = str(False) >>> print(result) """ global CURRENT_THREAD'Requesting background reindex') if not can_request_background_nnindexer(): # Make sure this function doesn't run if it is already running'REQUEST DENIED') return False'REQUEST ACCPETED') daids_hashid = qreq_.ibs.get_annot_hashid_visual_uuid(daid_list) cfgstr = build_nnindex_cfgstr(qreq_, daid_list) cachedir = qreq_.ibs.get_flann_cachedir() # Save inverted cache uuid mappings for min_reindex_thresh = qreq_.qparams.min_reindex_thresh # Grab the keypoints names and image ids before query time? flann_params = qreq_.qparams.flann_params # Get annot descriptors to index vecs_list, fgws_list, fxs_list = get_support_data(qreq_, daid_list) # Dont hash rowids when given enough info in nnindex_cfgstr flann_params['cores'] = 2 # Only ues a few cores in the background # Build/Load the flann index uuid_map_fpath = get_nnindexer_uuid_map_fpath(qreq_) visual_uuid_list = qreq_.ibs.get_annot_visual_uuids(daid_list) # set temporary attribute for when the thread finishes finishtup = (uuid_map_fpath, daids_hashid, visual_uuid_list, min_reindex_thresh) CURRENT_THREAD = ut.spawn_background_process( background_flann_func, cachedir, daid_list, vecs_list, fgws_list, fxs_list, flann_params, cfgstr, ) CURRENT_THREAD.finishtup = finishtup
[docs]def background_flann_func( cachedir, daid_list, vecs_list, fgws_list, fxs_list, flann_params, cfgstr, uuid_map_fpath, daids_hashid, visual_uuid_list, min_reindex_thresh, ): r"""FIXME: Duplicate code"""'[BG] Starting Background FLANN') # FIXME. dont use flann cache nnindexer = NeighborIndex(flann_params, cfgstr) # Initialize neighbor with unindexed data nnindexer.init_support(daid_list, vecs_list, fgws_list, fxs_list, verbose=True) # Load or build the indexing structure nnindexer.ensure_indexer(cachedir, verbose=True) if len(visual_uuid_list) > min_reindex_thresh: UUID_MAP_CACHE.write_uuid_map_dict(uuid_map_fpath, visual_uuid_list, daids_hashid)'[BG] Finished Background FLANN')