# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import logging
import numpy as np
import vtool as vt
import utool as ut
import itertools
from wbia.algo.hots import hstypes
from wbia.algo.hots import _pipeline_helpers as plh # NOQA
from collections import namedtuple
(print, rrr, profile) = ut.inject2(__name__, '[nscoring]')
logger = logging.getLogger('wbia')
NameScoreTup = namedtuple(
'NameScoreTup', ('sorted_nids', 'sorted_nscore', 'sorted_aids', 'sorted_scores')
[docs]def testdata_chipmatch():
from wbia.algo.hots import chip_match
# only the first indicies will matter in these test
# feature matches
fm_list = [
np.array([(0, 9), (1, 9), (2, 9), (3, 9)], dtype=np.int32),
np.array([(0, 9), (1, 9), (2, 9), (3, 9)], dtype=np.int32),
np.array([(0, 9), (1, 9), (2, 9), (3, 9)], dtype=np.int32),
np.array([(4, 9), (5, 9), (6, 9), (3, 9)], dtype=np.int32),
np.array([(0, 9), (1, 9), (2, 9), (3, 9), (4, 9)], dtype=np.int32),
# score each feature match as 1
fsv_list = [
np.array([(1,), (1,), (1,), (1,)], dtype=hstypes.FS_DTYPE),
np.array([(1,), (1,), (1,), (1,)], dtype=hstypes.FS_DTYPE),
np.array([(1,), (1,), (1,), (1,)], dtype=hstypes.FS_DTYPE),
np.array([(1,), (1,), (1,), (1,)], dtype=hstypes.FS_DTYPE),
np.array([(1,), (1,), (1,), (1,), (1,)], dtype=hstypes.FS_DTYPE),
cm = chip_match.ChipMatch(
daid_list=np.array([1, 2, 3, 4, 5], dtype=np.int32),
dnid_list=np.array([1, 1, 2, 2, 3], dtype=np.int32),
return cm
def compute_fmech_score(cm, qreq_=None, hack_single_ori=False):
nsum. This is the fmech scoring mechanism.
cm (wbia.ChipMatch):
tuple: (unique_nids, nsum_score_list)
python -m wbia.algo.hots.name_scoring --test-compute_fmech_score
python -m wbia.algo.hots.name_scoring --test-compute_fmech_score:0
python -m wbia.algo.hots.name_scoring --test-compute_fmech_score:2
utprof.py -m wbia.algo.hots.name_scoring --test-compute_fmech_score:2
utprof.py -m wbia.algo.hots.pipeline --test-request_wbia_query_L0:0 --db PZ_Master1 -a timectrl:qindex=0:256
>>> from wbia.algo.hots.name_scoring import * # NOQA
>>> cm = testdata_chipmatch()
>>> nsum_score_list = compute_fmech_score(cm)
>>> assert np.all(nsum_score_list == [ 4., 7., 5.])
>>> from wbia.algo.hots.name_scoring import * # NOQA
>>> ibs, qreq_, cm_list = plh.testdata_post_sver('PZ_MTEST', qaid_list=[18])
>>> cm = cm_list[0]
>>> cm.evaluate_dnids(qreq_)
>>> cm._cast_scores()
>>> #cm.qnid = 1 # Hack for testdb1 names
>>> nsum_score_list = compute_fmech_score(cm, qreq_)
>>> #assert np.all(nsum_nid_list == cm.unique_nids), 'nids out of alignment'
>>> flags = (cm.unique_nids == cm.qnid)
>>> max_true = nsum_score_list[flags].max()
>>> max_false = nsum_score_list[~flags].max()
>>> assert max_true > max_false, 'is this truely a hard case?'
>>> assert max_true > 1.2, 'score=%r should be higher for aid=18' % (max_true,)
>>> from wbia.algo.hots.name_scoring import * # NOQA
>>> ibs, qreq_, cm_list = plh.testdata_post_sver('PZ_MTEST', qaid_list=[18], cfgdict=dict(query_rotation_heuristic=True))
>>> cm = cm_list[0]
>>> cm.score_name_nsum(qreq_)
>>> ut.quit_if_noshow()
>>> cm.show_ranked_matches(qreq_, ori=True)
>>> from wbia.algo.hots.name_scoring import * # NOQA
>>> #ibs, qreq_, cm_list = plh.testdata_pre_sver('testdb1', qaid_list=[1])
>>> ibs, qreq_, cm_list = plh.testdata_post_sver('testdb1', qaid_list=[1], cfgdict=dict(query_rotation_heuristic=True))
>>> cm = cm_list[0]
>>> cm.score_name_nsum(qreq_)
>>> ut.quit_if_noshow()
>>> cm.show_ranked_matches(qreq_, ori=True)
# assert qreq_ is not None
if hack_single_ori is None:
hack_single_ori = qreq_ is not None and (
or qreq_.qparams.rotation_invariance
except AttributeError:
hack_single_ori = True
# The core for each feature match
# The query feature index for each feature match
fm_list = cm.fm_list
fs_list = cm.get_fsv_prod_list()
fx1_list = [fm.T[0] for fm in fm_list]
if hack_single_ori:
# Group keypoints with the same xy-coordinate.
# Combine these feature so each only recieves one vote
kpts1 = qreq_.ibs.get_annot_kpts(cm.qaid, config2_=qreq_.extern_query_config2)
xys1_ = vt.get_xys(kpts1).T
fx1_to_comboid = vt.compute_unique_arr_dataids(xys1_)
fcombo_ids = [fx1_to_comboid.take(fx1) for fx1 in fx1_list]
# use the feature index itself as a combo id
# so each feature only recieves one vote
fcombo_ids = fx1_list
if False:
import ubelt as ub
for ids in fcombo_ids:
# Group annotation matches by name
# nsum_nid_list, name_groupxs = vt.group_indices(cm.dnid_list)
# nsum_nid_list = cm.unique_nids
name_groupxs = cm.name_groupxs
nsum_score_list = []
# For all indicies matched to a particular name
for name_idxs in name_groupxs:
# Get feat indicies and scores corresponding to the name's annots
name_combo_ids = ut.take(fcombo_ids, name_idxs)
name_fss = ut.take(fs_list, name_idxs)
# Flatten over annots in the name
fs = np.hstack(name_fss)
if len(fs) == 0:
combo_ids = np.hstack(name_combo_ids)
# Features (with the same id) can't vote for this name twice
group_idxs = vt.group_indices(combo_ids)[1]
flagged_idxs = [idxs[fs.take(idxs).argmax()] for idxs in group_idxs]
# Detail: sorting the idxs preseveres summation order
# this fixes the numerical issue where nsum and csum were off
flagged_idxs = np.sort(flagged_idxs)
name_score = fs.take(flagged_idxs).sum()
nsum_score_list = np.array(nsum_score_list)
return nsum_score_list
def get_chipmatch_namescore_nonvoting_feature_flags(cm, qreq_=None):
Computes flags to desribe which features can or can not vote
python -m wbia.algo.hots.name_scoring --exec-get_chipmatch_namescore_nonvoting_feature_flags
>>> # FIXME: breaks when fg_on=True
>>> from wbia.algo.hots.name_scoring import * # NOQA
>>> from wbia.algo.hots import name_scoring
>>> # Test to make sure name score and chips score are equal when per_name=1
>>> qreq_, args = plh.testdata_pre('spatial_verification', defaultdb='PZ_MTEST', a=['default:dpername=1,qsize=1,dsize=10'], p=['default:K=1,fg_on=True'])
>>> cm_list = args.cm_list_FILT
>>> ibs = qreq_.ibs
>>> cm = cm_list[0]
>>> cm.evaluate_dnids(qreq_)
>>> featflat_list = get_chipmatch_namescore_nonvoting_feature_flags(cm, qreq_)
>>> assert all(list(map(np.all, featflat_list))), 'all features should be able to vote in K=1, per_name=1 case'
hack_single_ori = qreq_ is not None and (
qreq_.qparams.query_rotation_heuristic or qreq_.qparams.rotation_invariance
except AttributeError:
hack_single_ori = True
# The core for each feature match
fs_list = cm.get_fsv_prod_list()
# The query feature index for each feature match
fm_list = cm.fm_list
kpts1 = (
if not hack_single_ori
else qreq_.ibs.get_annot_kpts(cm.qaid, config2_=qreq_.extern_query_config2)
dnid_list = cm.dnid_list
name_groupxs = cm.name_groupxs
featflag_list = get_namescore_nonvoting_feature_flags(
fm_list, fs_list, dnid_list, name_groupxs, kpts1=kpts1
return featflag_list
def get_namescore_nonvoting_feature_flags(
fm_list, fs_list, dnid_list, name_groupxs, kpts1=None
fm_list = [fm[:min(len(fm), 10)] for fm in fm_list]
fs_list = [fs[:min(len(fs), 10)] for fs in fs_list]
fx1_list = [fm.T[0] for fm in fm_list]
# Group annotation matches by name
name_grouped_fx1_list = vt.apply_grouping_(fx1_list, name_groupxs)
name_grouped_fs_list = vt.apply_grouping_(fs_list, name_groupxs)
# Stack up all matches to a particular name, keep track of original indicies via offets
name_invertable_flat_fx1_list = list(
map(ut.invertible_flatten2_numpy, name_grouped_fx1_list)
name_grouped_fx1_flat = ut.get_list_column(name_invertable_flat_fx1_list, 0)
name_grouped_invertable_cumsum_list = ut.get_list_column(
name_invertable_flat_fx1_list, 1
name_grouped_fs_flat = list(map(np.hstack, name_grouped_fs_list))
if kpts1 is not None:
xys1_ = vt.get_xys(kpts1).T
kpts_xyid_list = vt.compute_unique_data_ids(xys1_)
# Make nested group for every name by query feature index (accounting for duplicate orientation)
name_grouped_comboid_flat = list(
kpts_xyid_list.take(fx1) for fx1 in name_grouped_fx1_flat
xyid_groupxs_list = list(
vt.group_indices(xyid_flat)[1] for xyid_flat in name_grouped_comboid_flat
name_group_fx1_groupxs_list = xyid_groupxs_list
# Make nested group for every name by query feature index
fx1_groupxs_list = [
vt.group_indices(fx1_flat)[1] for fx1_flat in name_grouped_fx1_flat
name_group_fx1_groupxs_list = fx1_groupxs_list
name_grouped_fid_grouped_fs_list = [
vt.apply_grouping(fs_flat, fid_groupxs)
for fs_flat, fid_groupxs in zip(name_grouped_fs_flat, name_group_fx1_groupxs_list)
# Flag which features are valid in this grouped space. Only one keypoint should be able to vote
# for each group
name_grouped_fid_grouped_isvalid_list = [
np.array([fs_group.max() == fs_group for fs_group in fid_grouped_fs_list])
for fid_grouped_fs_list in name_grouped_fid_grouped_fs_list
# Go back to being grouped only in name space
# dtype = np.bool
name_grouped_isvalid_flat_list = [
vt.invert_apply_grouping2(fid_grouped_isvalid_list, fid_groupxs, dtype=np.bool)
for fid_grouped_isvalid_list, fid_groupxs in zip(
name_grouped_fid_grouped_isvalid_list, name_group_fx1_groupxs_list
name_grouped_isvalid_unflat_list = [
ut.unflatten2(isvalid_flat, invertable_cumsum_list)
for isvalid_flat, invertable_cumsum_list in zip(
name_grouped_isvalid_flat_list, name_grouped_invertable_cumsum_list
# Reports which features were valid in name scoring for every annotation
featflag_list = vt.invert_apply_grouping(
name_grouped_isvalid_unflat_list, name_groupxs
return featflag_list
def align_name_scores_with_annots(
annot_score_list, annot_aid_list, daid2_idx, name_groupxs, name_score_list
takes name scores and gives them to the best annotation
score_list: list of scores aligned with cm.daid_list and cm.dnid_list
annot_score_list (list): score associated with each annot
name_groupxs (list): groups annot_score lists into groups compatible with name_score_list
name_score_list (list): score assocated with name
nid2_nidx (dict): mapping from nids to index in name score list
python -m wbia.algo.hots.name_scoring --test-align_name_scores_with_annots
python -m wbia.algo.hots.name_scoring --test-align_name_scores_with_annots --show
>>> from wbia.algo.hots.name_scoring import * # NOQA
>>> ibs, qreq_, cm_list = plh.testdata_post_sver('PZ_MTEST', qaid_list=[18])
>>> cm = cm_list[0]
>>> cm.evaluate_csum_annot_score(qreq_)
>>> cm.evaluate_nsum_name_score(qreq_)
>>> # Annot aligned lists
>>> annot_score_list = cm.algo_annot_scores['csum']
>>> annot_aid_list = cm.daid_list
>>> daid2_idx = cm.daid2_idx
>>> # Name aligned lists
>>> name_score_list = cm.algo_name_scores['nsum']
>>> name_groupxs = cm.name_groupxs
>>> # Execute Function
>>> score_list = align_name_scores_with_annots(annot_score_list, annot_aid_list, daid2_idx, name_groupxs, name_score_list)
>>> # Check that the correct name gets the highest score
>>> target = name_score_list[cm.nid2_nidx[cm.qnid]]
>>> test_index = np.where(score_list == target)[0][0]
>>> cm.score_list = score_list
>>> ut.assert_eq(ibs.get_annot_name_rowids(cm.daid_list[test_index]), cm.qnid)
>>> assert ut.isunique(cm.dnid_list[score_list > 0]), 'bad name score'
>>> top_idx = cm.algo_name_scores['nsum'].argmax()
>>> assert cm.get_top_nids()[0] == cm.unique_nids[top_idx], 'bug in alignment'
>>> ut.quit_if_noshow()
>>> cm.show_ranked_matches(qreq_)
>>> ut.show_if_requested()
>>> from wbia.algo.hots.name_scoring import * # NOQA
>>> annot_score_list = []
>>> annot_aid_list = []
>>> daid2_idx = {}
>>> # Name aligned lists
>>> name_score_list = np.array([], dtype=np.float32)
>>> name_groupxs = []
>>> # Execute Function
>>> score_list = align_name_scores_with_annots(annot_score_list, annot_aid_list, daid2_idx, name_groupxs, name_score_list)
if len(name_groupxs) == 0:
score_list = np.empty(0, dtype=name_score_list.dtype)
return score_list
# Group annot aligned indicies by nid
annot_aid_list = np.array(annot_aid_list)
# nid_list, groupxs = vt.group_indices(annot_nid_list)
grouped_scores = vt.apply_grouping(annot_score_list, name_groupxs)
grouped_annot_aids = vt.apply_grouping(annot_aid_list, name_groupxs)
flat_grouped_aids = np.hstack(grouped_annot_aids)
# flat_groupxs = np.hstack(name_groupxs)
# if __debug__:
# sum_scores = np.array([scores.sum() for scores in grouped_scores])
# max_scores = np.array([scores.max() for scores in grouped_scores])
# assert np.all(name_score_list <= sum_scores)
# assert np.all(name_score_list > max_scores)
# +------------
# Find the position of the highest name_scoring annotation for each name
offset_list = np.array([annot_scores.argmax() for annot_scores in grouped_scores])
# Find the starting position of eatch group use chain to start offsets with 0
_padded_scores = itertools.chain([[]], grouped_scores[:-1])
sizeoffset_list = np.array([len(annot_scores) for annot_scores in _padded_scores])
baseindex_list = sizeoffset_list.cumsum()
# Augment starting position with offset index
annot_idx_list = np.add(baseindex_list, offset_list)
# L______________
best_aid_list = flat_grouped_aids[annot_idx_list]
best_idx_list = ut.dict_take(daid2_idx, best_aid_list)
# give the annotation domain a name score
# score_list = np.zeros(len(annot_score_list), dtype=name_score_list.dtype)
score_list = np.full(
len(annot_score_list), fill_value=-np.inf, dtype=name_score_list.dtype
# score_list = np.full(len(annot_score_list), fill_value=np.nan, dtype=name_score_list.dtype)
# score_list = np.nan(len(annot_score_list), dtype=name_score_list.dtype)
# HACK: we need to set these to 'low' values and we also have to respect negatives
# score_list[:] = -np.inf
# make sure that the nid_list from group_indicies and the nids belonging to
# name_score_list (cm.unique_nids) are in alignment
# nidx_list = np.array(ut.dict_take(nid2_nidx, nid_list))
# THIS ASSUMES name_score_list IS IN ALIGNMENT WITH BOTH cm.unique_nids and
# nid_list (which should be == cm.unique_nids)
score_list[best_idx_list] = name_score_list
return score_list