Wildbook’s Image Analysis (IA)
For details about the Wildbook project see the Wild Me website.
Wildbook’s Image Analysis is colloquially known as Wildbook-IA and by developers as wbia (wib-ee-A). Any references to WBIA in this documentation should be assumed to therefore mean Wildbook-IA.
The Wildbook-IA application is used for the storage, management, and analysis of images and derived data used by computer vision algorithms. It aims to compute who an animal is, what species an animal is, and where an animal is with the ultimate goal being to ask important biological questions.
This project is the Machine Learning (ML) / computer vision component of the WildBook project. This project is an actively maintained fork of the popular IBEIS (Image Based Ecological Information System) software suite for wildlife conservation. The original IBEIS project is maintained by Jon Crall (@Erotemic) at https://github.com/Erotemic/ibeis. The IBEIS toolkit was originally a wrapper around HotSpotter, for which the original binaries can be downloaded here:
- Windows: hotspotter-win32-setup.exe (53.7 MB)
- MacOS (Intel): data/hotspotter_installer_mac.dmg (101.1 MB)
Warning: The HotSpotter application has severe limitations and is buggy, with sometimes non-intuitive behavior. If you use it, please make sure that you routinely back up your data. A recommended alternative to the installable HotSpotter app is to use "pip install ibeis" on a Linux machine with either Python 3.7 or Python 3.8.
Currently the system is build around a SQLite database, a web UI, and matplotlib visualizations. Algorithms employed are:
- convolutional neural network detection and localization and classification
- hessian-affine keypoint detection
- SIFT keypoint description
- LNBNN identification using approximate nearest neighbors
- wbia.algo package
- Subpackages
- wbia.algo.detect package
- Subpackages
- Submodules
- wbia.algo.detect.azure module
- wbia.algo.detect.canonical module
- wbia.algo.detect.darknet module
- wbia.algo.detect.densenet module
- wbia.algo.detect.fasterrcnn module
- wbia.algo.detect.grabmodels module
- wbia.algo.detect.lightnet module
- wbia.algo.detect.orientation module
- wbia.algo.detect.randomforest module
- wbia.algo.detect.rf module
- wbia.algo.detect.selectivesearch module
- wbia.algo.detect.ssd module
- wbia.algo.detect.svm module
- wbia.algo.detect.yolo module
- Module contents
- wbia.algo.graph package
- Subpackages
- Submodules
- wbia.algo.graph.__main__ module
- wbia.algo.graph.core module
- wbia.algo.graph.demo module
- wbia.algo.graph.mixin_dynamic module
- wbia.algo.graph.mixin_groundtruth module
- wbia.algo.graph.mixin_helpers module
- wbia.algo.graph.mixin_loops module
- wbia.algo.graph.mixin_matching module
- wbia.algo.graph.mixin_priority module
- wbia.algo.graph.mixin_simulation module
- wbia.algo.graph.mixin_viz module
- wbia.algo.graph.mixin_wbia module
- wbia.algo.graph.nx_dynamic_graph module
- wbia.algo.graph.nx_edge_augmentation module
- wbia.algo.graph.nx_edge_kcomponents module
- wbia.algo.graph.nx_utils module
- wbia.algo.graph.refresh module
- wbia.algo.graph.state module
- Module contents
- wbia.algo.hots package
- Submodules
- wbia.algo.hots._pipeline_helpers module
- wbia.algo.hots.chip_match module
- wbia.algo.hots.exceptions module
- wbia.algo.hots.hstypes module
- wbia.algo.hots.match_chips4 module
- wbia.algo.hots.name_scoring module
- wbia.algo.hots.neighbor_index module
- wbia.algo.hots.neighbor_index_cache module
- wbia.algo.hots.nn_weights module
- wbia.algo.hots.old_chip_match module
- wbia.algo.hots.pipeline module
- wbia.algo.hots.query_params module
- wbia.algo.hots.query_request module
- wbia.algo.hots.requery_knn module
- wbia.algo.hots.scoring module
- wbia.algo.hots.toy_nan_rf module
- Module contents
- wbia.algo.preproc package
- wbia.algo.smk package
- wbia.algo.verif package
- Subpackages
- wbia.algo.verif.torch package
- Submodules
- wbia.algo.verif.torch.fit_harness module
- wbia.algo.verif.torch.gpu_util module
- wbia.algo.verif.torch.lr_schedule module
- wbia.algo.verif.torch.models module
- wbia.algo.verif.torch.netmath module
- wbia.algo.verif.torch.old_harness module
- wbia.algo.verif.torch.siamese module
- wbia.algo.verif.torch.train_main module
- Module contents
- wbia.algo.verif.torch package
- Submodules
- wbia.algo.verif.clf_helpers module
- wbia.algo.verif.deploy module
- wbia.algo.verif.oldvsone module
- wbia.algo.verif.pairfeat module
- wbia.algo.verif.ranker module
- wbia.algo.verif.sklearn_utils module
- wbia.algo.verif.verifier module
- wbia.algo.verif.vsone module
- Module contents
- Subpackages
- wbia.algo.detect package
- Submodules
- wbia.algo.Config module
- Module contents
- Subpackages
- wbia.control package
- Submodules
- wbia.control.DB_SCHEMA module
- wbia.control.DB_SCHEMA_CURRENT module
- wbia.control.IBEISControl module
- wbia.control.STAGING_SCHEMA module
- wbia.control.STAGING_SCHEMA_CURRENT module
- wbia.control._autogen_party_funcs module
- wbia.control._sql_helpers module
- wbia.control.accessor_decors module
- wbia.control.autowrap_api_decorators module
- wbia.control.controller_inject module
- wbia.control.docker_control module
- wbia.control.manual_annot_funcs module
- wbia.control.manual_annotgroup_funcs module
- wbia.control.manual_annotmatch_funcs module
- wbia.control.manual_chip_funcs module
- wbia.control.manual_feat_funcs module
- wbia.control.manual_featweight_funcs module
- wbia.control.manual_garelate_funcs module
- wbia.control.manual_gsgrelate_funcs module
- wbia.control.manual_image_funcs module
- wbia.control.manual_imageset_funcs module
- wbia.control.manual_lblannot_funcs module
- wbia.control.manual_lblimage_funcs module
- wbia.control.manual_lbltype_funcs module
- wbia.control.manual_meta_funcs module
- wbia.control.manual_name_funcs module
- wbia.control.manual_part_funcs module
- wbia.control.manual_review_funcs module
- wbia.control.manual_species_funcs module
- wbia.control.manual_test_funcs module
- wbia.control.manual_wbiacontrol_funcs module
- wbia.control.manual_wildbook_funcs module
- wbia.control.wildbook_manager module
- Module contents
- wbia.dbio package
- wbia.detecttools package
- wbia.dtool package
- wbia.expt package
- Submodules
- wbia.expt.annotation_configs module
- wbia.expt.cfghelpers module
- wbia.expt.draw_helpers module
- wbia.expt.experiment_configs module
- wbia.expt.experiment_drawing module
- wbia.expt.experiment_helpers module
- wbia.expt.experiment_printres module
- wbia.expt.harness module
- wbia.expt.old_storage module
- wbia.expt.test_result module
- Module contents
- wbia.gui package
- Submodules
- wbia.gui.clock_offset_gui module
- wbia.gui.guiback module
- wbia.gui.guiexcept module
- wbia.gui.guiexceptions module
- wbia.gui.guiheaders module
- wbia.gui.guimenus module
- wbia.gui.id_review_api module
- wbia.gui.inspect_gui module
- wbia.gui.models_and_views module
- wbia.gui.newgui module
- Module contents
- wbia.guitool package
- Subpackages
- Submodules
- wbia.guitool.PrefWidget2 module
- wbia.guitool.PreferenceWidget module
- wbia.guitool.api_button_delegate module
- wbia.guitool.api_item_model module
- wbia.guitool.api_item_view module
- wbia.guitool.api_item_widget module
- wbia.guitool.api_table_view module
- wbia.guitool.api_thumb_delegate module
- wbia.guitool.api_timestamp_delegate module
- wbia.guitool.api_tree_node module
- wbia.guitool.api_tree_view module
- wbia.guitool.filter_proxy_model module
- wbia.guitool.guitool_components module
- wbia.guitool.guitool_decorators module
- wbia.guitool.guitool_delegates module
- wbia.guitool.guitool_dialogs module
- wbia.guitool.guitool_main module
- wbia.guitool.guitool_misc module
- wbia.guitool.guitool_tables module
- wbia.guitool.mpl_embed module
- wbia.guitool.mpl_widget module
- wbia.guitool.qt_enums module
- wbia.guitool.qtype module
- wbia.guitool.stripe_proxy_model module
- Module contents
- wbia.init package
- wbia.other package
- wbia.plottool package
- Subpackages
- Submodules
- wbia.plottool.__MPL_INIT__ module
- wbia.plottool.__main__ module
- wbia.plottool._cv2_impaint module
- wbia.plottool._oldimpaint module
- wbia.plottool.abstract_interaction module
- wbia.plottool.color_funcs module
- wbia.plottool.custom_constants module
- wbia.plottool.custom_figure module
- wbia.plottool.draw_func2 module
- wbia.plottool.draw_sv module
- wbia.plottool.fig_presenter module
- wbia.plottool.interact_annotations module
- wbia.plottool.interact_helpers module
- wbia.plottool.interact_impaint module
- wbia.plottool.interact_keypoints module
- wbia.plottool.interact_matches module
- wbia.plottool.interact_multi_image module
- wbia.plottool.interactions module
- wbia.plottool.mpl_keypoint module
- wbia.plottool.mpl_sift module
- wbia.plottool.nx_helpers module
- wbia.plottool.other module
- wbia.plottool.plot_helpers module
- wbia.plottool.plots module
- wbia.plottool.screeninfo module
- wbia.plottool.test_colorsys module
- wbia.plottool.test_vtk_poly module
- wbia.plottool.viz_featrow module
- wbia.plottool.viz_image2 module
- wbia.plottool.viz_keypoints module
- Module contents
- wbia.scripts package
- Submodules
- wbia.scripts._neighbor_experiment module
- wbia.scripts._thesis_helpers module
- wbia.scripts.classify_shark module
- wbia.scripts.fix_annotation_orientation_issue module
- wbia.scripts.getshark module
- wbia.scripts.getshark_old module
- wbia.scripts.labelShark module
- wbia.scripts.name_recitifer module
- wbia.scripts.postdoc module
- wbia.scripts.rsync_wbiadb module
- wbia.scripts.specialdraw module
- wbia.scripts.thesis module
- Module contents
- wbia.templates package
- wbia.viz package
- Subpackages
- wbia.viz.interact package
- Submodules
- wbia.viz.interact.interact_annotations2 module
- wbia.viz.interact.interact_chip module
- wbia.viz.interact.interact_image module
- wbia.viz.interact.interact_matches module
- wbia.viz.interact.interact_name module
- wbia.viz.interact.interact_qres module
- wbia.viz.interact.interact_query_decision module
- wbia.viz.interact.interact_sver module
- Module contents
- wbia.viz.interact package
- Submodules
- wbia.viz.viz_chip module
- wbia.viz.viz_graph module
- wbia.viz.viz_graph2 module
- wbia.viz.viz_helpers module
- wbia.viz.viz_hough module
- wbia.viz.viz_image module
- wbia.viz.viz_matches module
- wbia.viz.viz_name module
- wbia.viz.viz_nearest_descriptors module
- wbia.viz.viz_other module
- wbia.viz.viz_qres module
- wbia.viz.viz_sver module
- Module contents
- Subpackages
- wbia.web package
- Submodules
- wbia.web.apis module
- wbia.web.apis_detect module
- wbia.web.apis_engine module
- wbia.web.apis_json module
- wbia.web.apis_query module
- wbia.web.apis_sync module
- wbia.web.app module
- wbia.web.appfuncs module
- wbia.web.graph_server module
- wbia.web.job_engine module
- wbia.web.prometheus module
- wbia.web.routes module
- wbia.web.routes_ajax module
- wbia.web.routes_csv module
- wbia.web.routes_demo module
- wbia.web.routes_experiments module
- wbia.web.routes_submit module
- wbia.web.test_api module
- Module contents
- wbia.__main__
- wbia._devcmds_wbia
- wbia._devscript
- wbia._wbia_object
- wbia.annotmatch_funcs
- wbia.annots
- wbia.constants
- wbia.core_annots
- wbia.core_images
- wbia.core_parts
- wbia.demodata
- wbia.dev
- wbia.filter_configs
- wbia.images
- wbia.params
- wbia.tag_funcs
- Module contents
- wbia.algo package