

steps to setup dev environment

  1. cd to the root folder of your codebase, for example /Wildbook
  2. run npm install
  3. run chmod +x .husky/pre-commit to enable husky pre-commit hooks
  4. cd to the react folder Wildbook/frontend/,
  5. also run npm install to install all dependencies
  6. now you should be able to commit and Husky will check your code for any issues before each commit
  7. create a .env for React environment variables under the root of REPO/frontend/. In this file:
    1. Add the public URL. For local tomcat development, use PUBLIC_URL=http://localhost:81/react/ (or whatever port your local server is running on). For public deployment, use the following, where public.url.example.com is your deployed URL: PUBLIC_URL=https://public.url.example.com/react/
    2. Add site name like this: SITE_NAME=Amphibian Wildbook

steps to set up deploy directory

  1. create a folder react under deployed wildbook/ dir

steps to build and deploy react

using npm to build and deploy to your local deployment

If you have your dev environment set up correctly, this will build the React app and copy it into your local deployment directory for you.

  1. cd to REPO/frontend/
  2. run npm run deploy-dev
  3. refresh your browser page by visiting either http://localhost:81/react/ for local testing or https://public.url.example.com/react/ for the public-facing deployment

manually building and deploying

  1. cd to REPO/frontend/ and run npm run build
  2. copy everything under frontend/build/ to the deployed wildbook/react/ directory you created during setup
  3. refresh your browser page by visiting either http://localhost:81/react/ for local testing or https://public.url.example.com/react/ for the public-facing deployment