Source code for wbia.web.prometheus

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import logging
from prometheus_client import Info, Gauge, Counter, Enum, Histogram  # NOQA
from wbia.control import controller_inject
from wbia.web.apis_query import RENDER_STATUS  # NOQA
import wbia.constants as const
import utool as ut

(print, rrr, profile) = ut.inject2(__name__)
logger = logging.getLogger('wbia')

CLASS_INJECT_KEY, register_ibs_method = controller_inject.make_ibs_register_decorator(
register_api = controller_inject.get_wbia_flask_api(__name__)


    'info': Info(
        'Description of WBIA database',
    'update': Gauge(
        'Number of seconds for the most recent Prometheus update',
    'imagesets': Gauge(
        'Number of imagesets in WBIA database',
    'images': Gauge(
        'Number of images in WBIA database',
    'annotations': Gauge(
        'Number of annotations in WBIA database',
    'parts': Gauge(
        'Number of parts in WBIA database',
    'names': Gauge(
        'Number of names in WBIA database',
    'species': Gauge(
        'Number of species in WBIA database',
    'renders': Gauge(
        'Number of rendered images in WBIA database',
        ['name', 'status'],
    'engine': Gauge(
        'Job engine status',
        ['name', 'status', 'endpoint'],
    'process': Gauge(
        'Job engine status',
        ['name', 'process'],
    'elapsed': Gauge(
        'Number of elapsed seconds for the current working job',
        ['name', 'endpoint'],
    'runtime': Gauge(
        'Number of runtime seconds for the current working job',
        ['name', 'endpoint'],
    'turnaround': Gauge(
        'Number of turnaround seconds for the current working job',
        ['name', 'endpoint'],
    'api': Counter(
        'Number of calls per WBIA API',
        ['name', 'tag'],
    'route': Counter(
        'Number of calls per WBIA route endpoint',
        ['name', 'tag'],
    'exception': Counter(
        'Number of web exceptions',
        ['name', 'tag'],


[docs]@register_ibs_method def prometheus_increment_api(ibs, tag): try: if ibs.containerized: container_name = const.CONTAINER_NAME else: container_name = ibs.dbname PROMETHEUS_DATA['api'].labels(name=container_name, tag=tag).inc() except Exception: pass
[docs]@register_ibs_method def prometheus_increment_route(ibs, tag): try: if ibs.containerized: container_name = const.CONTAINER_NAME else: container_name = ibs.dbname PROMETHEUS_DATA['route'].labels(name=container_name, tag=tag).inc() except Exception: pass
[docs]@register_ibs_method def prometheus_increment_exception(ibs, tag): try: if ibs.containerized: container_name = const.CONTAINER_NAME else: container_name = ibs.dbname PROMETHEUS_DATA['exception'].labels(name=container_name, tag=tag).inc() except Exception: pass
[docs]@register_ibs_method @register_api( '/api/test/prometheus/', methods=['GET', 'POST', 'DELETE', 'PUT'], __api_plural_check__=False, ) def prometheus_update(ibs, *args, **kwargs): try: with ut.Timer(verbose=False) as timer: if ibs.containerized: container_name = const.CONTAINER_NAME else: container_name = ibs.dbname global PROMETHEUS_COUNTER global RENDER_STATUS if RENDER_STATUS is None: RENDER_STATUS = ibs._init_render_status() PROMETHEUS_COUNTER = PROMETHEUS_COUNTER + 1 # NOQA #'PROMETHEUS LIMIT %d / %d' % (PROMETHEUS_COUNTER, PROMETHEUS_LIMIT, )) if PROMETHEUS_COUNTER >= PROMETHEUS_LIMIT: PROMETHEUS_COUNTER = 0 try: PROMETHEUS_DATA['info'].info( { 'uuid': str(ibs.get_db_init_uuid()), 'dbname': ibs.dbname, 'hostname': ut.get_computer_name(), 'container': container_name, 'version': ibs.db.get_db_version(), 'containerized': str(int(ibs.containerized)), 'production': str(int(ibs.production)), } ) except Exception: pass try: if ibs.production: num_imageset_rowids = 0 num_gids = 0 num_aids = 0 num_pids = 0 num_nids = 0 num_species = 0 else: num_imageset_rowids = len(ibs._get_all_imageset_rowids()) num_gids = len(ibs._get_all_gids()) num_aids = len(ibs._get_all_aids()) num_pids = len(ibs._get_all_part_rowids()) num_nids = len(ibs._get_all_name_rowids()) num_species = len(ibs._get_all_species_rowids()) PROMETHEUS_DATA['imagesets'].labels(name=container_name).set( num_imageset_rowids ) PROMETHEUS_DATA['images'].labels(name=container_name).set(num_gids) PROMETHEUS_DATA['annotations'].labels(name=container_name).set( num_aids ) PROMETHEUS_DATA['parts'].labels(name=container_name).set(num_pids) PROMETHEUS_DATA['names'].labels(name=container_name).set(num_nids) PROMETHEUS_DATA['species'].labels(name=container_name).set( num_species ) except Exception: pass try: job_status_dict = ibs.get_job_status()['json_result'] except Exception: pass try: job_uuid_list = list(job_status_dict.keys()) status_dict_template = { 'received': 0, 'accepted': 0, 'queued': 0, 'working': 0, 'publishing': 0, 'completed': 0, 'exception': 0, 'suppressed': 0, 'corrupted': 0, '_error': 0, } status_dict = { '*': status_dict_template.copy(), 'max': status_dict_template.copy(), } endpoints = set([]) working_endpoint = None except Exception: pass for job_uuid in job_uuid_list: try: job_status = job_status_dict[job_uuid] status = job_status['status'] endpoint = job_status['endpoint'] jobcounter = job_status['jobcounter'] status = '%s' % (status,) endpoint = '%s' % (endpoint,) if status not in status_dict_template.keys(): status = '_error' if endpoint not in status_dict: status_dict[endpoint] = status_dict_template.copy() endpoints.add(endpoint) except Exception: pass try: if status in ['working']: from wbia.web.job_engine import ( calculate_timedelta, _timestamp, ) started = job_status['time_started'] now = _timestamp() ( hours, minutes, seconds, total_seconds, ) = calculate_timedelta(started, now) 'ELAPSED (%s): %d seconds...' % (job_uuid, total_seconds) ) PROMETHEUS_DATA['elapsed'].labels( name=container_name, endpoint=endpoint ).set(total_seconds) PROMETHEUS_DATA['elapsed'].labels( name=container_name, endpoint='*' ).set(total_seconds) working_endpoint = endpoint except Exception: pass try: if status not in status_dict_template:'UNRECOGNIZED STATUS %r' % (status,)) status_dict[endpoint][status] += 1 status_dict['*'][status] += 1 current_max = status_dict['max'][status] status_dict['max'][status] = max(current_max, jobcounter) if job_uuid not in PROMETHUS_JOB_CACHE_DICT: PROMETHUS_JOB_CACHE_DICT[job_uuid] = {} except Exception: pass try: runtime_sec = job_status.get('time_runtime_sec', None) if ( runtime_sec is not None and 'runtime' not in PROMETHUS_JOB_CACHE_DICT[job_uuid] ): PROMETHUS_JOB_CACHE_DICT[job_uuid]['runtime'] = runtime_sec PROMETHEUS_DATA['runtime'].labels( name=container_name, endpoint=endpoint ).set(runtime_sec) PROMETHEUS_DATA['runtime'].labels( name=container_name, endpoint='*' ).set(runtime_sec) except Exception: pass try: turnaround_sec = job_status.get('time_turnaround_sec', None) if ( turnaround_sec is not None and 'turnaround' not in PROMETHUS_JOB_CACHE_DICT[job_uuid] ): PROMETHUS_JOB_CACHE_DICT[job_uuid][ 'turnaround' ] = turnaround_sec PROMETHEUS_DATA['turnaround'].labels( name=container_name, endpoint=endpoint ).set(turnaround_sec) PROMETHEUS_DATA['turnaround'].labels( name=container_name, endpoint='*' ).set(turnaround_sec) except Exception: pass try: if working_endpoint is None: PROMETHEUS_DATA['elapsed'].labels( name=container_name, endpoint='*' ).set(0.0) for endpoint in endpoints: if endpoint == working_endpoint: continue PROMETHEUS_DATA['elapsed'].labels( name=container_name, endpoint=endpoint ).set(0.0) except Exception: pass try: # for endpoint in status_dict: for status in status_dict[endpoint]: number = status_dict[endpoint][status] PROMETHEUS_DATA['engine'].labels( status=status, name=container_name, endpoint=endpoint ).set(number) except Exception: pass try: for status in RENDER_STATUS: number = RENDER_STATUS[status] PROMETHEUS_DATA['renders'].labels( status=status, name=container_name ).set(number) except Exception: pass try: # process_status_dict = ibs.get_process_alive_status() for process in process_status_dict: number = 0 if process_status_dict.get(process, False) else 1 PROMETHEUS_DATA['process'].labels( process=process, name=container_name ).set(number) except Exception: pass try: PROMETHEUS_DATA['update'].labels(name=container_name).set(timer.ellapsed) except Exception: pass except Exception: pass