Source code for wbia.web.job_engine

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Accepts and handles requests for tasks.

Each of the following runs in its own Thread/Process.


    Receives tasks and requests
    Delegates tasks and responds to requests
    Tasks are delgated to an engine

    the engine accepts requests.
    the engine immediately responds WHERE it will be ready.
    the engine sends a message to the collector saying that something will be ready.
    the engine then executes a task.
    The engine is given direct access to the data.

    The collector accepts requests
    The collector can respond:
    * <ResultContent>
    * Results are ready.
    * Results are not ready.
    * Unknown jobid.
    * Error computing results.
    * Progress percent.

    Simple task farm, with routed replies in pyzmq

    We are essentially goint to be spawning two processes.
    We can test these simultaniously using

    python -m wbia.web.job_engine job_engine_tester

    We can test these separately by first starting the background server
    python -m wbia.web.job_engine job_engine_tester --bg

    python -m wbia.web.job_engine job_engine_tester --bg --no-engine
    python -m wbia.web.job_engine job_engine_tester --bg --only-engine --fg-engine

    And then running the forground process
    python -m wbia.web.job_engine job_engine_tester --fg
# if False:
#    import os
#    os.environ['UTOOL_NOCNN'] = 'True'
# import logging
import utool as ut
import time
import zmq
import uuid  # NOQA
import numpy as np
import shelve
import random
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
import pytz
import flask
from os.path import join, exists, abspath, splitext, basename
from functools import partial
from wbia.control import controller_inject
from wbia.utils import call_houston
import multiprocessing

print, rrr, profile = ut.inject2(__name__)  # NOQA
# logger = logging.getLogger('wbia')

CLASS_INJECT_KEY, register_ibs_method = controller_inject.make_ibs_register_decorator(
register_api = controller_inject.get_wbia_flask_api(__name__)

ctx = zmq.Context.instance()

# FIXME: needs to use correct number of ports
URL = 'tcp://'
NUM_DEFAULT_ENGINES = ut.get_argval('--engine-lane-workers', int, 2)
NUM_SLOW_ENGINES = ut.get_argval('--engine-slow-lane-workers', int, NUM_DEFAULT_ENGINES)
NUM_FAST_ENGINES = ut.get_argval('--engine-fast-lane-workers', int, NUM_DEFAULT_ENGINES)
    'slow': NUM_SLOW_ENGINES,
    'fast': NUM_FAST_ENGINES,
#     ut.get_argflag('--bg') or ut.get_argflag('--fg') or ut.get_argflag('--verbose-jobs')
# )

GLOBAL_SHELVE_LOCK = multiprocessing.Lock()

TIMESTAMP_FMTSTR = '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S %Z'


[docs]def update_proctitle(procname, dbname=None): try: import setproctitle print('CHANGING PROCESS TITLE') old_title = setproctitle.getproctitle() print('old_title = %r' % (old_title,)) hostname = ut.get_computer_name() new_title = 'WBIA_%s_%s_%s' % (dbname, hostname, procname) print('new_title = %r' % (new_title,)) setproctitle.setproctitle(new_title) except ImportError: print('pip install setproctitle')
def _get_engine_job_paths(ibs): shelve_path = ibs.get_shelves_path() ut.ensuredir(shelve_path) record_filepath_list = list(ut.iglob(join(shelve_path, '*.pkl'))) return record_filepath_list def _get_engine_lock_paths(ibs): shelve_path = ibs.get_shelves_path() ut.ensuredir(shelve_path) lock_filepath_list = list(ut.iglob(join(shelve_path, '*.lock'))) return lock_filepath_list
[docs]@register_ibs_method def retry_job(ibs, jobid): from os.path import exists shelve_path = ibs.get_shelves_path() job_record_filename = '%s.pkl' % (jobid,) job_record_filepath = join(shelve_path, job_record_filename) assert exists(job_record_filepath) job_record = ut.load_cPkl(job_record_filepath) job_action = job_record['request']['action'] job_args = job_record['request']['args'] job_kwargs = job_record['request']['kwargs'] job_func = getattr(ibs, job_action, None) if job_func is not None: job_result = job_func(*job_args, **job_kwargs) return job_action, job_func, job_args, job_kwargs, job_result
[docs]@register_ibs_method def initialize_job_manager(ibs): """ Starts a background zmq job engine. Initializes a zmq object in this thread that can talk to the background processes. Run from the webserver CommandLine: python -m wbia.web.job_engine --exec-initialize_job_manager:0 Example: >>> # DISABLE_DOCTEST >>> # xdoctest: +REQUIRES(--job-engine-tests) >>> from wbia.web.job_engine import * # NOQA >>> import wbia >>> ibs = wbia.opendb(defaultdb='testdb1') >>> from wbia.web import apis_engine >>> from wbia.web import job_engine >>> ibs.load_plugin_module(job_engine) >>> ibs.load_plugin_module(apis_engine) >>> ibs.initialize_job_manager() >>> print('Initializqation success. Now closing') >>> ibs.close_job_manager() >>> print('Closing success.') """ ibs.job_manager = ut.DynStruct() use_static_ports = False if ut.get_argflag('--web-deterministic-ports'): use_static_ports = True if ut.get_argflag('--fg'): ibs.job_manager.reciever = JobBackend(use_static_ports=True) else: ibs.job_manager.reciever = JobBackend(use_static_ports=use_static_ports) ibs.job_manager.reciever.initialize_background_processes( dbdir=ibs.get_dbdir(), containerized=ibs.containerized ) # Delete any leftover locks from before lock_filepath_list = _get_engine_lock_paths(ibs) print('Deleting %d leftover engine locks' % (len(lock_filepath_list),)) for lock_filepath in lock_filepath_list: ut.delete(lock_filepath) ibs.job_manager.jobiface = JobInterface( 0, ibs.job_manager.reciever.port_dict, ibs=ibs ) ibs.job_manager.jobiface.initialize_client_thread() # Wait until the collector becomes live while 0 and True: result = ibs.get_job_status(-1) print('result = %r' % (result,)) if result['status'] == 'ok': break ibs.job_manager.jobiface.queue_interrupted_jobs()
# import wbia # #dbdir = '/media/raid/work/testdb1' # from wbia.web import app # web_port = ibs.get_web_port_via_scan() # if web_port is None: # raise ValueError('IA web server is not running on any expected port') # proc = ut.spawn_background_process(app.start_from_wbia, ibs, port=web_port)
[docs]@register_ibs_method def close_job_manager(ibs): # if hasattr(ibs, 'job_manager') and ibs.job_manager is not None: # pass del ibs.job_manager.reciever del ibs.job_manager.jobiface ibs.job_manager = None
[docs]@register_ibs_method @register_api('/api/engine/job/', methods=['GET', 'POST'], __api_plural_check__=False) def get_job_id_list(ibs): """ Web call that returns the list of job ids CommandLine: # Run Everything together python -m wbia.web.job_engine --exec-get_job_status # Start job queue in its own process python -m wbia.web.job_engine job_engine_tester --bg # Start web server in its own process ./ --web --fg pass # Run foreground process python -m wbia.web.job_engine --exec-get_job_status:0 --fg Example: >>> # xdoctest: +REQUIRES(--web-tests) >>> # xdoctest: +REQUIRES(--job-engine-tests) >>> from wbia.web.job_engine import * # NOQA >>> import wbia >>> with wbia.opendb_bg_web('testdb1', managed=True) as web_ibs: # , domain='') ... # Test get status of a job id that does not exist ... response = web_ibs.send_wbia_request('/api/engine/job/', jobid='badjob') """ status = ibs.job_manager.jobiface.get_job_id_list() jobid_list = status['jobid_list'] return jobid_list
[docs]@register_ibs_method @register_api( '/api/engine/process/status/', methods=['GET', 'POST'], __api_plural_check__=False ) def get_process_alive_status(ibs): status_dict = ibs.job_manager.reciever.get_process_alive_status() print('status_dict = %r' % (status_dict,)) return status_dict
[docs]@register_ibs_method @register_api( '/api/engine/job/status/', methods=['GET', 'POST'], __api_plural_check__=False ) def get_job_status(ibs, jobid=None): """ Web call that returns the status of a job Returns one of: received - job has been received, but not ingested yet accepted - job has been accepted (validated) queued - job has been transferred to the engine queue working - job is being worked on by the engine publishing - job is done on the engine, pushing results to collector completed | exception - job is complete or has an error CommandLine: # Run Everything together python -m wbia.web.job_engine --exec-get_job_status # Start job queue in its own process python -m wbia.web.job_engine job_engine_tester --bg # Start web server in its own process ./ --web --fg pass # Run foreground process python -m wbia.web.job_engine --exec-get_job_status:0 --fg Example: >>> # xdoctest: +REQUIRES(--web-tests) >>> # xdoctest: +REQUIRES(--job-engine-tests) >>> from wbia.web.job_engine import * # NOQA >>> import wbia >>> with wbia.opendb_bg_web('testdb1', managed=True) as web_ibs: # , domain='') ... # Test get status of a job id that does not exist ... response = web_ibs.send_wbia_request('/api/engine/job/status/', jobid='badjob') """ if jobid is None: status = ibs.job_manager.jobiface.get_job_status_dict() else: status = ibs.job_manager.jobiface.get_job_status(jobid) return status
# @register_ibs_method # @register_api('/api/engine/job/terminate/', methods=['GET', 'POST']) # def send_job_terminate(ibs, jobid): # """ # Web call that terminates a job # """ # success = ibs.job_manager.jobiface.terminate_job(jobid) # return success
[docs]@register_ibs_method @register_api( '/api/engine/job/metadata/', methods=['GET', 'POST'], __api_plural_check__=False ) def get_job_metadata(ibs, jobid): """ Web call that returns the metadata of a job CommandLine: # Run Everything together python -m wbia.web.job_engine --exec-get_job_metadata # Start job queue in its own process python -m wbia.web.job_engine job_engine_tester --bg # Start web server in its own process ./ --web --fg pass # Run foreground process python -m wbia.web.job_engine --exec-get_job_metadata:0 --fg Example: >>> # xdoctest: +REQUIRES(--web-tests) >>> # xdoctest: +REQUIRES(--slow) >>> # xdoctest: +REQUIRES(--job-engine-tests) >>> # xdoctest: +REQUIRES(--web-tests) >>> from wbia.web.job_engine import * # NOQA >>> import wbia >>> with wbia.opendb_bg_web('testdb1', managed=True) as web_ibs: # , domain='') ... # Test get metadata of a job id that does not exist ... response = web_ibs.send_wbia_request('/api/engine/job/metadata/', jobid='badjob') """ status = ibs.job_manager.jobiface.get_job_metadata(jobid) return status
[docs]@register_ibs_method @register_api('/api/engine/job/result/', methods=['GET', 'POST']) def get_job_result(ibs, jobid): """ Web call that returns the result of a job """ result = ibs.job_manager.jobiface.get_job_result(jobid) return result
[docs]@register_ibs_method @register_api('/api/engine/job/result/wait/', methods=['GET', 'POST']) def wait_for_job_result(ibs, jobid, timeout=10, freq=0.1): ibs.job_manager.jobiface.wait_for_job_result(jobid, timeout=timeout, freq=freq) result = ibs.job_manager.jobiface.get_unpacked_result(jobid) return result
def _get_random_open_port(): port = random.randint(1024, 49151) while not ut.is_local_port_open(port): port = random.randint(1024, 49151) assert ut.is_local_port_open(port) return port
[docs]def job_engine_tester(): """ CommandLine: python -m wbia.web.job_engine --exec-job_engine_tester python -b -m wbia.web.job_engine --exec-job_engine_tester python -m wbia.web.job_engine job_engine_tester python -m wbia.web.job_engine job_engine_tester --bg python -m wbia.web.job_engine job_engine_tester --fg Example: >>> # SCRIPT >>> from wbia.web.job_engine import * # NOQA >>> job_engine_tester() """ _init_signals() # now start a few clients, and fire off some requests client_id = np.random.randint(1000) reciever = JobBackend(use_static_ports=True) jobiface = JobInterface(client_id, reciever.port_dict) from wbia.init import sysres if ut.get_argflag('--bg'): dbdir = sysres.get_args_dbdir( defaultdb='cache', allow_newdir=False, db=None, dbdir=None ) reciever.initialize_background_processes(dbdir) print('[testzmq] parent process is looping forever') while True: time.sleep(1) elif ut.get_argflag('--fg'): jobiface.initialize_client_thread() else: dbdir = sysres.get_args_dbdir( defaultdb='cache', allow_newdir=False, db=None, dbdir=None ) reciever.initialize_background_processes(dbdir) jobiface.initialize_client_thread() # Foreground test script print('... waiting for jobs') if ut.get_argflag('--cmd'): ut.embed() # jobiface.queue_job() else: print('[test] ... emit test1') callback_url = None callback_method = None args = (1,) jobid1 = jobiface.queue_job( action='helloworld', callback_url=callback_url, callback_method=callback_method, args=args, ) jobiface.wait_for_job_result(jobid1) jobid_list = [] args = ([1], [3, 4, 5]) kwargs = dict(cfgdict={'K': 1}) identify_jobid = jobiface.queue_job( action='query_chips_simple_dict', callback_url=callback_url, callback_method=callback_method, args=args, kwargs=kwargs, ) for jobid in jobid_list: jobiface.wait_for_job_result(jobid) jobiface.wait_for_job_result(identify_jobid) print('FINISHED TEST SCRIPT')
[docs]def spawn_background_process(func, *args, **kwargs): import utool as ut func_name = ut.get_funcname(func) name = 'job-engine.Progress-' + func_name proc_obj = multiprocessing.Process(target=func, name=name, args=args, kwargs=kwargs) proc_obj.daemon = True proc_obj.start() return proc_obj
[docs]class JobBackend(object): def __init__(self, **kwargs): # self.num_engines = 3 self.engine_queue_proc = None self.engine_lanes = ['fast', 'slow'] self.engine_lanes = [lane.lower() for lane in self.engine_lanes] assert 'slow' in self.engine_lanes self.num_engines = {lane: NUM_ENGINES[lane] for lane in self.engine_lanes} self.engine_procs = None self.collect_queue_proc = None self.collect_proc = None # -- only_engine = ut.get_argflag('--only-engine') self.spawn_collector = not only_engine self.spawn_engine = not ut.get_argflag('--no-engine') self.fg_engine = ut.get_argflag('--fg-engine') self.spawn_queue = not only_engine # Find ports self.port_dict = None self._initialize_job_ports(**kwargs) print('JobBackend ports:') ut.print_dict(self.port_dict) def __del__(self): if VERBOSE_JOBS: print('Cleaning up job backend') if self.engine_procs is not None: for lane in self.engine_procs: for engine in self.engine_procs[lane]: try: engine.terminate() except Exception: pass if self.engine_queue_proc is not None: try: self.engine_queue_proc.terminate() except Exception: pass if self.collect_proc is not None: try: self.collect_proc.terminate() except Exception: pass if self.collect_queue_proc is not None: try: self.collect_queue_proc.terminate() except Exception: pass if VERBOSE_JOBS: print('Killed external procs') def _initialize_job_ports(self, use_static_ports=False, static_root=51381): # _portgen = functools.partial(next, itertools.count(51381)) key_list = [ 'collect_pull_url', 'collect_push_url', 'engine_pull_url', # 'engine_push_url', # 'collect_pushpull_url', ] for lane in self.engine_lanes: key_list.append('engine_%s_push_url' % (lane,)) # Get ports if use_static_ports: port_list = range(static_root, static_root + len(key_list)) else: port_list = [] while len(port_list) < len(key_list): port = _get_random_open_port() if port not in port_list: port_list.append(port) port_list = sorted(port_list) # Assign ports assert len(key_list) == len(port_list) self.port_dict = { key: '%s:%d' % (URL, port) for key, port in list(zip(key_list, port_list)) }
[docs] def initialize_background_processes( self, dbdir=None, containerized=False, thread=False ): # if VERBOSE_JOBS: print('Initialize Background Processes') def _spawner(func, *args, **kwargs): # if thread: # _spawner_func_ = ut.spawn_background_daemon_thread # else: # _spawner_func_ = ut.spawn_background_process _spawner_func_ = spawn_background_process proc = _spawner_func_(func, *args, **kwargs) assert proc.is_alive(), 'proc (%s) died too soon' % (ut.get_funcname(func)) return proc if self.spawn_queue: self.engine_queue_proc = _spawner( engine_queue_loop, self.port_dict, self.engine_lanes ) self.collect_queue_proc = _spawner(collect_queue_loop, self.port_dict) if self.spawn_collector: self.collect_proc = _spawner( collector_loop, self.port_dict, dbdir, containerized ) if self.spawn_engine: if self.fg_engine: print('ENGINE IS IN DEBUG FOREGROUND MODE') # Spawn engine in foreground process assert self.num_engines == 1, 'fg engine only works with one engine' engine_loop(0, self.port_dict, dbdir) assert False, 'should never see this' else: # Normal case if self.engine_procs is None: self.engine_procs = {} for lane in self.engine_lanes: if lane not in self.engine_procs: self.engine_procs[lane] = [] for i in range(self.num_engines[lane]): proc = _spawner( engine_loop, i, self.port_dict, dbdir, containerized, lane ) self.engine_procs[lane].append(proc) # Check if online # wait for processes to spin up if self.spawn_queue: assert self.engine_queue_proc.is_alive(), 'engine died too soon' assert self.collect_queue_proc.is_alive(), 'collector queue died too soon' if self.spawn_collector: assert self.collect_proc.is_alive(), 'collector died too soon' if self.spawn_engine: for lane in self.engine_procs: for engine in self.engine_procs[lane]: assert engine.is_alive(), 'engine died too soon'
[docs] def get_process_alive_status(self): status_dict = {} if self.spawn_queue: status_dict['engine_queue'] = self.engine_queue_proc.is_alive() status_dict['collect_queue'] = self.collect_queue_proc.is_alive() if self.spawn_collector: status_dict['collector'] = self.collect_proc.is_alive() if self.spawn_engine: for lane in self.engine_procs: for id_, engine in enumerate(self.engine_procs[lane]): engine_str = 'engine.%s.%s' % (lane, id_) status_dict[engine_str] = engine.is_alive() return status_dict
[docs]def get_shelve_lock_filepath(shelve_filepath): shelve_lock_filepath = '%s.lock' % (shelve_filepath,) return shelve_lock_filepath
[docs]def touch_shelve_lock_file(shelve_filepath): shelve_lock_filepath = get_shelve_lock_filepath(shelve_filepath) assert not exists(shelve_lock_filepath) ut.touch(shelve_lock_filepath, verbose=False) assert exists(shelve_lock_filepath)
[docs]def delete_shelve_lock_file(shelve_filepath): shelve_lock_filepath = get_shelve_lock_filepath(shelve_filepath) assert exists(shelve_lock_filepath) ut.delete(shelve_lock_filepath, verbose=False) assert not exists(shelve_lock_filepath)
[docs]def wait_for_shelve_lock_file(shelve_filepath, timeout=600): shelve_lock_filepath = get_shelve_lock_filepath(shelve_filepath) start_time = time.time() while exists(shelve_lock_filepath): current_time = time.time() elapsed = current_time - start_time if elapsed >= timeout: return False time.sleep(1) if int(elapsed) % 5 == 0: print('Waiting for %0.02f seconds for lock so far' % (elapsed,)) return True
[docs]def get_shelve_value(shelve_filepath, key): if shelve_filepath in [None, 'None', 'None.lock']: return None wait_for_shelve_lock_file(shelve_filepath) with GLOBAL_SHELVE_LOCK: wait_for_shelve_lock_file(shelve_filepath) touch_shelve_lock_file(shelve_filepath) value = None try: with, 'r') as shelf: value = shelf.get(key) except Exception: pass delete_shelve_lock_file(shelve_filepath) return value
[docs]def set_shelve_value(shelve_filepath, key, value): if shelve_filepath in [None, 'None', 'None.lock']: return False wait_for_shelve_lock_file(shelve_filepath) with GLOBAL_SHELVE_LOCK: wait_for_shelve_lock_file(shelve_filepath) touch_shelve_lock_file(shelve_filepath) flag = False try: with as shelf: shelf[key] = value flag = True except Exception: pass delete_shelve_lock_file(shelve_filepath) return flag
[docs]def get_shelve_filepaths(ibs, jobid): shelve_path = ibs.get_shelves_path() shelve_input_filepath = abspath(join(shelve_path, '%s.input.shelve' % (jobid,))) shelve_output_filepath = abspath(join(shelve_path, '%s.output.shelve' % (jobid,))) return shelve_input_filepath, shelve_output_filepath
[docs]def initialize_process_record( record_filepath, shelve_input_filepath, shelve_output_filepath, shelve_path, shelve_archive_path, jobiface_id, ): MAX_ATTEMPTS = 20 ARCHIVE_DAYS = 3 timezone = pytz.timezone(TIMESTAMP_TIMEZONE) now = now = now.replace(microsecond=0) now = now.replace(second=0) now = now.replace(minute=0) now = now.replace(hour=0) archive_delta = timedelta(days=ARCHIVE_DAYS) archive_date = now - archive_delta archive_timestamp = archive_date.strftime(TIMESTAMP_FMTSTR) jobid = splitext(basename(record_filepath))[0] jobcounter = None # Load the engine record record = ut.load_cPkl(record_filepath, verbose=False) # Load the record info engine_request = record.get('request', None) attempts = record.get('attempts', 0) completed = record.get('completed', False) # Check status suppressed = attempts >= MAX_ATTEMPTS corrupted = engine_request is None # Load metadata metadata = get_shelve_value(shelve_input_filepath, 'metadata') if metadata is None: print('Missing metadata...corrupted') corrupted = True archived = False if not corrupted: jobcounter = metadata.get('jobcounter', None) times = metadata.get('times', {}) if jobcounter is None: print('Missing jobcounter...corrupted') corrupted = True job_age = None if not corrupted and completed: completed_timestamp = times.get('completed', None) if completed_timestamp is not None: try: archive_elapsed = calculate_timedelta( completed_timestamp, archive_timestamp ) job_age = archive_elapsed[-1] archived = job_age > 0 except Exception: args = ( completed_timestamp, archive_timestamp, ) print( '[job_engine] Could not determine archive status!\n\tCompleted: %r\n\tArchive: %r' % args ) if archived: with ut.Indenter('[client %d] ' % (jobiface_id)): color = 'brightmagenta' print_ = partial(ut.colorprint, color=color) print_('ARCHIVING JOB (AGE: %d SECONDS)' % (job_age,)) job_scr_filepath_list = list( ut.iglob(join(shelve_path, '%s*' % (jobid,))) ) for job_scr_filepath in job_scr_filepath_list: job_dst_filepath = job_scr_filepath.replace( shelve_path, shelve_archive_path ) ut.copy( job_scr_filepath, job_dst_filepath, overwrite=True ) # ut.copy allows for overwrite, ut.move does not ut.delete(job_scr_filepath) if archived: # We have archived the job, don't bother registering it engine_request = None else: if completed or suppressed or corrupted: # Register the job, pass the jobcounter and jobid only engine_request = None else: # We have a pending job, restart with the original request with ut.Indenter('[client %d] ' % (jobiface_id)): color = 'brightblue' if attempts == 0 else 'brightred' print_ = partial(ut.colorprint, color=color) print_( 'RESTARTING FAILED JOB FROM RESTART (ATTEMPT %d)' % (attempts + 1,) ) print_(ut.repr3(record_filepath)) # print_(ut.repr3(record)) times = metadata.get('times', {}) received = times['received'] engine_request['restart_jobid'] = jobid engine_request['restart_jobcounter'] = jobcounter engine_request['restart_received'] = received record['attempts'] = attempts + 1 ut.save_cPkl(record_filepath, record, verbose=False) values = jobcounter, jobid, engine_request, archived, completed, suppressed, corrupted return values
[docs]class JobInterface(object): def __init__(jobiface, id_, port_dict, ibs=None): jobiface.id_ = id_ jobiface.ibs = ibs jobiface.verbose = 2 if VERBOSE_JOBS else 1 jobiface.port_dict = port_dict print('JobInterface ports:') ut.print_dict(jobiface.port_dict) def __del__(jobiface): if VERBOSE_JOBS: print('Cleaning up job frontend') if jobiface.engine_recieve_socket is not None: jobiface.engine_recieve_socket.disconnect( jobiface.port_dict['engine_pull_url'] ) jobiface.engine_recieve_socket.close() if jobiface.collect_recieve_socket is not None: jobiface.collect_recieve_socket.disconnect( jobiface.port_dict['collect_pull_url'] ) jobiface.collect_recieve_socket.close() # def init(jobiface): # # Starts several new processes # jobiface.initialize_background_processes() # # Does not create a new process, but connects sockets on this process # jobiface.initialize_client_thread()
[docs] def initialize_client_thread(jobiface): """ Creates a ZMQ object in this thread. This talks to background processes. """ if jobiface.verbose: print('Initializing JobInterface') jobiface.engine_recieve_socket = ctx.socket(zmq.DEALER) # CHECK2 - REQ jobiface.engine_recieve_socket.setsockopt_string( zmq.IDENTITY, 'client%s.engine.DEALER' % (jobiface.id_,) ) jobiface.engine_recieve_socket.connect(jobiface.port_dict['engine_pull_url']) if jobiface.verbose: print( 'connect engine_pull_url = %r' % (jobiface.port_dict['engine_pull_url'],) ) jobiface.collect_recieve_socket = ctx.socket(zmq.DEALER) # CHECK2 - REQ jobiface.collect_recieve_socket.setsockopt_string( zmq.IDENTITY, 'client%s.collect.DEALER' % (jobiface.id_,) ) jobiface.collect_recieve_socket.connect(jobiface.port_dict['collect_pull_url']) if jobiface.verbose: print( 'connect collect_pull_url = %r' % (jobiface.port_dict['collect_pull_url'],) )
[docs] def queue_interrupted_jobs(jobiface): import tqdm ibs = jobiface.ibs if ibs is not None: shelve_path = ibs.get_shelves_path() shelve_path = shelve_path.rstrip('/') shelve_archive_path = '%s_ARCHIVE' % (shelve_path,) ut.ensuredir(shelve_archive_path) record_filepath_list = _get_engine_job_paths(ibs) num_records = len(record_filepath_list) print('Reloading %d engine jobs...' % (num_records,)) shelve_input_filepath_list = [] shelve_output_filepath_list = [] for record_filepath in record_filepath_list: jobid = splitext(basename(record_filepath))[0] shelve_input_filepath, shelve_output_filepath = get_shelve_filepaths( ibs, jobid ) shelve_input_filepath_list.append(shelve_input_filepath) shelve_output_filepath_list.append(shelve_output_filepath) arg_iter = list( zip( record_filepath_list, shelve_input_filepath_list, shelve_output_filepath_list, [shelve_path] * num_records, [shelve_archive_path] * num_records, [jobiface.id_] * num_records, ) ) if len(arg_iter) > 0: values_list = ut.util_parallel.generate2( initialize_process_record, arg_iter ) values_list = list(values_list) else: values_list = [] print('Processed %d records' % (len(values_list),)) restart_jobcounter_list = [] restart_jobid_list = [] restart_request_list = [] global_jobcounter = 0 num_registered, num_restarted = 0, 0 num_completed, num_archived, num_suppressed, num_corrupted = 0, 0, 0, 0 for values in tqdm.tqdm(values_list): ( jobcounter, jobid, engine_request, archived, completed, suppressed, corrupted, ) = values if archived: assert engine_request is None num_archived += 1 continue if jobcounter is not None: global_jobcounter = max(global_jobcounter, jobcounter) if engine_request is None: assert not archived if completed: status = 'completed' num_completed += 1 elif suppressed: status = 'suppressed' num_suppressed += 1 else: status = 'corrupted' num_corrupted += 1 reply_notify = { 'jobid': jobid, 'status': status, 'action': 'register', } print('Sending register: %r' % (reply_notify,)) jobiface.collect_recieve_socket.send_json(reply_notify) reply = jobiface.collect_recieve_socket.recv_json() jobid_ = reply['jobid'] assert jobid_ == jobid else: num_restarted += 1 restart_jobcounter_list.append(jobcounter) restart_jobid_list.append(jobid) restart_request_list.append(engine_request) num_registered += 1 assert num_restarted == len(restart_jobcounter_list) print('Registered %d jobs...' % (num_registered,)) print('\t %d completed jobs' % (num_completed,)) print('\t %d restarted jobs' % (num_restarted,)) print('\t %d suppressed jobs' % (num_suppressed,)) print('\t %d corrupted jobs' % (num_corrupted,)) print('Archived %d jobs...' % (num_archived,)) # Update the jobcounter to be up to date update_notify = { '__set_jobcounter__': global_jobcounter, } print('Updating completed job counter: %r' % (update_notify,)) jobiface.engine_recieve_socket.send_json(update_notify) reply = jobiface.engine_recieve_socket.recv_json() jobcounter_ = reply['jobcounter'] assert jobcounter_ == global_jobcounter print('Re-sending %d engine jobs...' % (len(restart_jobcounter_list),)) index_list = np.argsort(restart_jobcounter_list) zipped = list( zip(restart_jobcounter_list, restart_jobid_list, restart_request_list) ) zipped = ut.take(zipped, index_list) for jobcounter, jobid, engine_request in tqdm.tqdm(zipped): jobiface.engine_recieve_socket.send_json(engine_request) reply = jobiface.engine_recieve_socket.recv_json() jobcounter_ = reply['jobcounter'] jobid_ = reply['jobid'] assert jobcounter_ == jobcounter assert jobid_ == jobid
[docs] def queue_job( jobiface, action, callback_url=None, callback_method=None, callback_detailed=False, lane='slow', jobid=None, args=None, kwargs=None, ): r""" IBEIS: This is just a function that lives in the main thread and ships off a job. FIXME: I do not like having callback_url and callback_method specified like this with args and kwargs. If these must be there then they should be specified first, or THE PREFERED OPTION IS args and kwargs should not be specified without the * syntax The client - sends messages, and receives replies after they have been processed by the """ # NAME: job_client with ut.Indenter('[client %d] ' % (jobiface.id_)): if jobiface.verbose >= 1: print('----') request = {} try: if flask.request: request = { 'endpoint': flask.request.path, 'function': flask.request.endpoint, 'input': flask.request.processed, } except RuntimeError: pass if args is None: args = tuple([]) if kwargs is None: kwargs = {} if jobid is not None: assert isinstance(jobid, str) jobid_ = uuid.UUID(jobid) assert jobid_ is not None and isinstance(jobid_, uuid.UUID) engine_request = { 'action': action, 'args': args, 'kwargs': kwargs, 'callback_url': callback_url, 'callback_method': callback_method, 'callback_detailed': callback_detailed, 'request': request, 'restart_jobid': jobid, 'restart_jobcounter': None, 'restart_received': None, 'lane': lane, } if jobiface.verbose >= 2: print('Queue job: %s' % (ut.repr2(engine_request, truncate=True),)) # Send request to job jobiface.engine_recieve_socket.send_json(engine_request) reply_notify = jobiface.engine_recieve_socket.recv_json() print('reply_notify = %r' % (reply_notify,)) jobid_ = reply_notify['jobid'] if jobid is not None: assert jobid == jobid_ jobid = jobid_ ibs = jobiface.ibs if ibs is not None: shelve_path = ibs.get_shelves_path() ut.ensuredir(shelve_path) record_filename = '%s.pkl' % (jobid,) record_filepath = join(shelve_path, record_filename) record = { 'request': engine_request, 'attempts': 0, 'completed': False, } ut.save_cPkl(record_filepath, record, verbose=False) # Release memory action = None args = None kwargs = None callback_url = None callback_method = None callback_detailed = None request = None engine_request = None return jobid
[docs] def get_job_id_list(jobiface): with ut.Indenter('[client %d] ' % (jobiface.id_)): if False: # jobiface.verbose >= 1: print('----') print('Request list of job ids') pair_msg = dict(action='job_id_list') # CALLS: collector_request_status jobiface.collect_recieve_socket.send_json(pair_msg) reply = jobiface.collect_recieve_socket.recv_json() return reply
[docs] def get_job_status(jobiface, jobid): with ut.Indenter('[client %d] ' % (jobiface.id_)): if jobiface.verbose >= 1: print('----') print('Request status of jobid=%r' % (jobid,)) pair_msg = dict(action='job_status', jobid=jobid) # CALLS: collector_request_status jobiface.collect_recieve_socket.send_json(pair_msg) reply = jobiface.collect_recieve_socket.recv_json() return reply
[docs] def get_job_status_dict(jobiface): with ut.Indenter('[client %d] ' % (jobiface.id_)): if False: # jobiface.verbose >= 1: print('----') print('Request list of job ids') pair_msg = dict(action='job_status_dict') # CALLS: collector_request_status jobiface.collect_recieve_socket.send_json(pair_msg) reply = jobiface.collect_recieve_socket.recv_json() return reply
[docs] def get_job_metadata(jobiface, jobid): with ut.Indenter('[client %d] ' % (jobiface.id_)): if jobiface.verbose >= 1: print('----') print('Request metadata of jobid=%r' % (jobid,)) pair_msg = dict(action='job_input', jobid=jobid) # CALLS: collector_request_metadata jobiface.collect_recieve_socket.send_json(pair_msg) reply = jobiface.collect_recieve_socket.recv_json() return reply
[docs] def get_job_result(jobiface, jobid): with ut.Indenter('[client %d] ' % (jobiface.id_)): if jobiface.verbose >= 1: print('----') print('Request result of jobid=%r' % (jobid,)) pair_msg = dict(action='job_result', jobid=jobid) # CALLER: collector_request_result jobiface.collect_recieve_socket.send_json(pair_msg) reply = jobiface.collect_recieve_socket.recv_json() return reply
[docs] def get_unpacked_result(jobiface, jobid): reply = jobiface.get_job_result(jobid) json_result = reply['json_result'] try: result = ut.from_json(json_result) except TypeError as ex: ut.printex(ex, keys=['json_result'], iswarning=True) result = json_result except Exception as ex: ut.printex(ex, 'Failed to unpack result', keys=['json_result']) result = reply['json_result'] # Release raw JSON result json_result = None return result
[docs] def wait_for_job_result(jobiface, jobid, timeout=10, freq=0.1): t = ut.Timer(verbose=False) t.tic() while True: reply = jobiface.get_job_status(jobid) if reply['jobstatus'] == 'completed': return elif reply['jobstatus'] == 'exception': result = jobiface.get_unpacked_result(jobid) # raise Exception(result) print('Exception occured in engine') return result elif reply['jobstatus'] == 'working': pass elif reply['jobstatus'] == 'unknown': pass else: raise Exception('Unknown jobstatus=%r' % (reply['jobstatus'],)) reply = None # Release memory time.sleep(freq) if timeout is not None and t.toc() > timeout: raise Exception('Timeout')
[docs]def collect_queue_loop(port_dict): name = 'collect' assert name is not None, 'must name queue' queue_name = name + '_queue' loop_name = queue_name + '_loop' update_proctitle(queue_name) interface_pull = port_dict['%s_pull_url' % (name,)] interface_push = port_dict['%s_push_url' % (name,)] with ut.Indenter('[%s] ' % (queue_name,)): if VERBOSE_JOBS: print('Init make_queue_loop: name=%r' % (name,)) # bind the client dealer to the queue router recieve_socket = ctx.socket(zmq.ROUTER) # CHECKED - ROUTER recieve_socket.setsockopt_string(zmq.IDENTITY, 'queue.' + name + '.' + 'ROUTER') recieve_socket.bind(interface_pull) if VERBOSE_JOBS: print('bind %s_url1 = %r' % (name, interface_pull)) # bind the server router to the queue dealer send_socket = ctx.socket(zmq.DEALER) # CHECKED - DEALER send_socket.setsockopt_string(zmq.IDENTITY, 'queue.' + name + '.' + 'DEALER') send_socket.bind(interface_push) if VERBOSE_JOBS: print('bind %s_url2 = %r' % (name, interface_push)) try: zmq.device(zmq.QUEUE, recieve_socket, send_socket) # CHECKED - QUEUE except KeyboardInterrupt: print('Caught ctrl+c in queue loop. Gracefully exiting') recieve_socket.unbind(interface_pull) recieve_socket.close() send_socket.unbind(interface_push) send_socket.close() if VERBOSE_JOBS: print('Exiting %s' % (loop_name,))
[docs]def engine_queue_loop(port_dict, engine_lanes): """ Specialized queue loop """ # Flow of information tags: # NAME: engine_queue name = 'engine' queue_name = name + '_queue' loop_name = queue_name + '_loop' update_proctitle(queue_name) print = partial(ut.colorprint, color='red') interface_engine_pull = port_dict['engine_pull_url'] interface_engine_push_dict = { lane: port_dict['engine_%s_push_url' % (lane,)] for lane in engine_lanes } interface_collect_pull = port_dict['collect_pull_url'] with ut.Indenter('[%s] ' % (queue_name,)): print('Init specialized make_queue_loop: name=%r' % (name,)) # bind the client dealer to the queue router engine_receive_socket = ctx.socket(zmq.ROUTER) # CHECK2 - REP engine_receive_socket.setsockopt_string( zmq.IDENTITY, 'special_queue.' + name + '.' + 'ROUTER' ) engine_receive_socket.bind(interface_engine_pull) if VERBOSE_JOBS: print('bind %s_url2 = %r' % (name, interface_engine_pull)) # bind the server router to the queue dealer engine_send_socket_dict = {} for lane in interface_engine_push_dict: engine_send_socket = ctx.socket(zmq.DEALER) # CHECKED - DEALER engine_send_socket.setsockopt_string( zmq.IDENTITY, 'special_queue.' + lane + '.' + name + '.' + 'DEALER' ) engine_send_socket.bind(interface_engine_push_dict[lane]) if VERBOSE_JOBS: print( 'bind %s %s_url2 = %r' % (name, lane, interface_engine_push_dict[lane]) ) engine_send_socket_dict[lane] = engine_send_socket collect_recieve_socket = ctx.socket(zmq.DEALER) # CHECKED - DEALER collect_recieve_socket.setsockopt_string( zmq.IDENTITY, queue_name + '.collect.DEALER' ) collect_recieve_socket.connect(interface_collect_pull) if VERBOSE_JOBS: print('connect collect_pull_url = %r' % (interface_collect_pull)) # but this shows what is really going on: poller = zmq.Poller() poller.register(engine_receive_socket, zmq.POLLIN) for lane in engine_send_socket_dict: engine_send_socket = engine_send_socket_dict[lane] poller.register(engine_send_socket, zmq.POLLIN) # always start at 0 global_jobcounter = 0 try: while True: evts = dict(poller.poll()) if engine_receive_socket in evts: # CALLER: job_client idents, engine_request = rcv_multipart_json( engine_receive_socket, num=1, print=print ) set_jobcounter = engine_request.get('__set_jobcounter__', None) if set_jobcounter is not None: global_jobcounter = set_jobcounter reply_notify = { 'jobcounter': global_jobcounter, } print( '... notifying client that jobcounter was updated to %d' % (global_jobcounter,) ) # RETURNS: job_client_return send_multipart_json(engine_receive_socket, idents, reply_notify) continue # jobid = 'jobid-%04d' % (jobcounter,) jobid = '%s' % (uuid.uuid4(),) jobcounter = global_jobcounter + 1 received = _timestamp() action = engine_request['action'] args = engine_request['args'] kwargs = engine_request['kwargs'] callback_url = engine_request['callback_url'] callback_method = engine_request['callback_method'] callback_detailed = engine_request.get('callback_detailed', False) request = engine_request['request'] restart_jobid = engine_request.get('restart_jobid', None) restart_jobcounter = engine_request.get('restart_jobcounter', None) restart_received = engine_request.get('restart_received', None) lane = engine_request.get('lane', 'slow') if lane not in engine_lanes: print( 'WARNING: did not recognize desired lane %r from %r' % (lane, engine_lanes) ) print('WARNING: Defaulting to slow lane') lane = 'slow' engine_request['lane'] = lane if restart_jobid is not None: '[RESTARTING] Replacing jobid=%s with previous restart_jobid=%s' % ( jobid, restart_jobid, ) jobid = restart_jobid if restart_jobcounter is not None: '[RESTARTING] Replacing jobcounter=%s with previous restart_jobcounter=%s' % ( jobcounter, restart_jobcounter, ) jobcounter = restart_jobcounter print('Creating jobid %r (counter %d)' % (jobid, jobcounter)) if restart_received is not None: received = restart_received ###################################################################### # Status: Received (Notify Collector) # Reply immediately with a new jobid reply_notify = { 'jobid': jobid, 'jobcounter': jobcounter, 'status': 'received', 'action': 'notification', } if VERBOSE_JOBS: print('...notifying collector about new job') # CALLS: collector_notify collect_recieve_socket.send_json(reply_notify) ###################################################################### # Status: Received (Notify Client) if VERBOSE_JOBS: print('... notifying client that job was accepted') print('%r' % (idents,)) print('%r' % (reply_notify,)) # RETURNS: job_client_return send_multipart_json(engine_receive_socket, idents, reply_notify) ###################################################################### # Status: Metadata # Reply immediately with a new jobid metadata_notify = { 'jobid': jobid, 'metadata': { 'jobcounter': jobcounter, 'action': action, 'args': args, 'kwargs': kwargs, 'callback_url': callback_url, 'callback_method': callback_method, 'callback_detailed': callback_detailed, 'request': request, 'times': { 'received': received, 'started': None, 'updated': None, 'completed': None, 'runtime': None, 'turnaround': None, 'runtime_sec': None, 'turnaround_sec': None, }, 'lane': lane, }, 'action': 'metadata', } if VERBOSE_JOBS: print('...notifying collector about job metadata') # CALLS: collector_notify collect_recieve_socket.send_json(metadata_notify) ###################################################################### # Status: Accepted (Metadata Processed) # We have been accepted, let's update the global_jobcounter global_jobcounter = jobcounter # Reply immediately with a new jobid reply_notify = { 'jobid': jobid, 'status': 'accepted', 'action': 'notification', } if VERBOSE_JOBS: print('...notifying collector about new job') # CALLS: collector_notify collect_recieve_socket.send_json(reply_notify) ###################################################################### # Status: Queueing on the Engine assert 'jobid' not in engine_request engine_request['jobid'] = jobid if VERBOSE_JOBS: print('... notifying backend engine to start') # CALL: engine_ engine_send_socket = engine_send_socket_dict[lane] send_multipart_json(engine_send_socket, idents, engine_request) # Release idents = None engine_request = None ###################################################################### # Status: Queued queued_notify = { 'jobid': jobid, 'status': 'queued', 'action': 'notification', } if VERBOSE_JOBS: print('...notifying collector that job was queued') # CALLS: collector_notify collect_recieve_socket.send_json(queued_notify) except KeyboardInterrupt: print('Caught ctrl+c in %s queue. Gracefully exiting' % (loop_name,)) poller.unregister(engine_receive_socket) for lane in engine_send_socket_dict: engine_send_socket = engine_send_socket_dict[lane] poller.unregister(engine_send_socket) engine_receive_socket.unbind(interface_engine_pull) engine_receive_socket.close() for lane in interface_engine_push_dict: engine_send_socket = engine_send_socket_dict[lane] engine_send_socket.unbind(interface_engine_push_dict[lane]) engine_send_socket.close() collect_recieve_socket.disconnect(interface_collect_pull) collect_recieve_socket.close() if VERBOSE_JOBS: print('Exiting %s queue' % (loop_name,))
[docs]def engine_loop(id_, port_dict, dbdir, containerized, lane): r""" IBEIS: This will be part of a worker process with its own IBEISController instance. Needs to send where the results will go and then publish the results there. The engine_loop - receives messages, performs some action, and sends a reply, preserving the leading two message parts as routing identities """ # NAME: engine_ # CALLED_FROM: engine_queue import wbia try: import tensorflow as tf # NOQA from keras import backend as K # NOQA config = tf.ConfigProto() config.gpu_options.allow_growth = True sess = tf.Session(config=config) K.set_session(sess) except (ImportError, RuntimeError): pass # base_print = print # NOQA print = partial(ut.colorprint, color='brightgreen') with ut.Indenter('[engine %s %d] ' % (lane, id_)): interface_engine_push = port_dict['engine_%s_push_url' % (lane,)] interface_collect_pull = port_dict['collect_pull_url'] if VERBOSE_JOBS: print('Initializing %s engine %s' % (lane, id_)) print('connect engine_%s_push_url = %r' % (lane, interface_engine_push)) assert dbdir is not None engine_send_sock = ctx.socket(zmq.ROUTER) # CHECKED - ROUTER engine_send_sock.setsockopt_string( zmq.IDENTITY, 'engine.%s.%s' % (lane, id_), ) engine_send_sock.connect(interface_engine_push) collect_recieve_socket = ctx.socket(zmq.DEALER) collect_recieve_socket.setsockopt_string( zmq.IDENTITY, 'engine.%s.%s.collect.DEALER' % (lane, id_), ) collect_recieve_socket.connect(interface_collect_pull) if VERBOSE_JOBS: print('connect collect_pull_url = %r' % (interface_collect_pull,)) print('engine is initialized') ibs = wbia.opendb(dbdir=dbdir, use_cache=False, web=False, daily_backup=False) update_proctitle('engine_loop.%s.%s' % (lane, id_), dbname=ibs.dbname) try: while True: try: idents, engine_request = rcv_multipart_json( engine_send_sock, print=print ) action = engine_request['action'] jobid = engine_request['jobid'] args = engine_request['args'] kwargs = engine_request['kwargs'] callback_url = engine_request['callback_url'] callback_method = engine_request['callback_method'] callback_detailed = engine_request.get('callback_detailed', False) lane_ = engine_request['lane'] if VERBOSE_JOBS: print('\tjobid = %r' % (jobid,)) print('\taction = %r' % (action,)) print('\targs = %r' % (args,)) print('\tkwargs = %r' % (kwargs,)) print('\tlane = %r' % (lane,)) print('\tlane_ = %r' % (lane_,)) # Notify start working reply_notify = { # 'idents': idents, 'jobid': jobid, 'status': 'working', 'action': 'notification', } collect_recieve_socket.send_json(reply_notify) engine_result = on_engine_request(ibs, jobid, action, args, kwargs) exec_status = engine_result['exec_status'] # Notify start working reply_notify = { # 'idents': idents, 'jobid': jobid, 'status': 'publishing', 'action': 'notification', } collect_recieve_socket.send_json(reply_notify) # Store results in the collector collect_request = { # 'idents': idents, 'action': 'store', 'jobid': jobid, 'engine_result': engine_result, 'callback_url': callback_url, 'callback_method': callback_method, 'callback_detailed': callback_detailed, } # if VERBOSE_JOBS: print( '...done working. pushing result to collector for jobid %s' % (jobid,) ) # CALLS: collector_store collect_recieve_socket.send_json(collect_request) # Notify start working reply_notify = { # 'idents': idents, 'jobid': jobid, 'status': exec_status, 'action': 'notification', } collect_recieve_socket.send_json(reply_notify) # We no longer need the engine result, and can clear it's memory engine_request = None engine_result = None collect_request = None except KeyboardInterrupt: raise except Exception as ex: result = ut.formatex(ex, keys=['jobid'], tb=True) result = ut.strip_ansi(result) print_ = partial(ut.colorprint, color='brightred') with ut.Indenter('[job engine worker error] '): print_(result) raise except KeyboardInterrupt: print('Caught ctrl+c in engine loop. Gracefully exiting') engine_send_sock.disconnect(interface_engine_push) engine_send_sock.close() collect_recieve_socket.disconnect(interface_collect_pull) collect_recieve_socket.close() # Release the IBEIS controller for each job, hopefully freeing memory ibs = None # Explicitly try to release GPU memory try: import torch torch.cuda.empty_cache() except Exception: pass # Explicitly release Python memory try: import gc gc.collect() except Exception: pass # ---- if VERBOSE_JOBS: print('Exiting engine loop')
[docs]def on_engine_request( ibs, jobid, action, args, kwargs, attempts=3, retry_delay_min=1, retry_delay_max=60 ): """Run whenever the engine recieves a message""" assert attempts > 0 attempts = int(attempts) assert 0 <= retry_delay_min and retry_delay_min <= 60 * 60 retry_delay_min = int(retry_delay_min) assert 0 <= retry_delay_max and retry_delay_max <= 60 * 60 retry_delay_max = int(retry_delay_max) assert retry_delay_min < retry_delay_max # Start working if VERBOSE_JOBS: print('starting job=%r' % (jobid,)) # Map actions to IBEISController calls here if action == 'helloworld': def helloworld(time_=0, *args, **kwargs): time.sleep(time_) retval = ('HELLO time_=%r ' % (time_,)) + ut.repr2((args, kwargs)) return retval action_func = helloworld else: # check for ibs func action_func = getattr(ibs, action) if VERBOSE_JOBS: print('resolving action=%r to wbia function=%r' % (action, action_func)) key = '__jobid__' kwargs[key] = jobid exec_status = None while exec_status is None: try: attempt = 0 while attempt < 10: # Global max attempts of 10 attempt += 1 try: result = action_func(*args, **kwargs) break # success, no exception, break out of the loop except Exception: if attempt < attempts: print( 'JOB %r FAILED (attempt %d of %d)!' % (jobid, attempt, attempts) ) retry_delay = random.uniform(retry_delay_min, retry_delay_max) print('\t WAITING %0.02f SECONDS THEN RETRYING' % (retry_delay,)) time.sleep(retry_delay) else: raise exec_status = 'completed' except Exception as ex: # Remove __jobid__ from kwargs if it's not accepted by the action_func if key in kwargs: kwargs.pop(key, None) continue result = ut.formatex(ex, keys=['jobid'], tb=True) result = ut.strip_ansi(result) exec_status = 'exception' json_result = ut.to_json(result) result = None # Clear any used memory engine_result = { 'exec_status': exec_status, 'json_result': json_result, 'jobid': jobid, } return engine_result
[docs]def collector_loop(port_dict, dbdir, containerized): """ Service that stores completed algorithm results """ import wbia print = partial(ut.colorprint, color='yellow') with ut.Indenter('[collect] '): collect_rout_sock = ctx.socket(zmq.ROUTER) # CHECK2 - PULL collect_rout_sock.setsockopt_string(zmq.IDENTITY, 'collect.ROUTER') collect_rout_sock.connect(port_dict['collect_push_url']) if VERBOSE_JOBS: print('connect collect_push_url = %r' % (port_dict['collect_push_url'],)) ibs = wbia.opendb(dbdir=dbdir, use_cache=False, web=False, daily_backup=False) update_proctitle('collector_loop', dbname=ibs.dbname) shelve_path = ibs.get_shelves_path() ut.ensuredir(shelve_path) collector_data = {} try: while True: # several callers here # CALLER: collector_notify # CALLER: collector_store # CALLER: collector_request_status # CALLER: collector_request_metadata # CALLER: collector_request_result idents, collect_request = rcv_multipart_json( collect_rout_sock, print=print ) try: reply = on_collect_request( ibs, collect_request, collector_data, shelve_path, containerized=containerized, ) except Exception as ex: import traceback print(ut.repr3(collect_request)) ut.printex(ex, 'ERROR in collection') print(traceback.format_exc()) reply = {} send_multipart_json(collect_rout_sock, idents, reply) idents = None collect_request = None # Explicitly release Python memory try: import gc gc.collect() except Exception: pass except KeyboardInterrupt: print('Caught ctrl+c in collector loop. Gracefully exiting') collect_rout_sock.disconnect(port_dict['collect_push_url']) collect_rout_sock.close() if VERBOSE_JOBS: print('Exiting collector')
def _timestamp(): timezone = pytz.timezone(TIMESTAMP_TIMEZONE) now = timestamp = now.strftime(TIMESTAMP_FMTSTR) return timestamp
[docs]def invalidate_global_cache(jobid): global JOB_STATUS_CACHE JOB_STATUS_CACHE.pop(jobid, None)
[docs]def get_collector_shelve_filepaths(collector_data, jobid): if jobid is None: return None, None shelve_input_filepath = collector_data.get(jobid, {}).get('input', None) shelve_output_filepath = collector_data.get(jobid, {}).get('output', None) return shelve_input_filepath, shelve_output_filepath
[docs]def convert_to_date(timestamp): TIMESTAMP_FMTSTR_ = ' '.join(TIMESTAMP_FMTSTR.split(' ')[:-1]) timestamp_ = ' '.join(timestamp.split(' ')[:-1]) timestamp_date = datetime.strptime(timestamp_, TIMESTAMP_FMTSTR_) return timestamp_date
[docs]def calculate_timedelta(start, end): start_date = convert_to_date(start) end_date = convert_to_date(end) delta = end_date - start_date total_seconds = int(delta.total_seconds()) total_seconds_ = total_seconds hours = total_seconds_ // (60 * 60) total_seconds_ -= hours * 60 * 60 minutes = total_seconds_ // 60 total_seconds_ -= minutes * 60 seconds = total_seconds_ return hours, minutes, seconds, total_seconds
[docs]def on_collect_request( ibs, collect_request, collector_data, shelve_path, containerized=False ): """Run whenever the collector recieves a message""" import requests action = collect_request.get('action', None) jobid = collect_request.get('jobid', None) status = collect_request.get('status', None) reply = { 'status': 'ok', 'jobid': jobid, } # Ensure we have a collector record for the jobid if jobid is not None: if jobid not in collector_data: collector_data[jobid] = { 'status': None, 'input': None, 'output': None, } runtime_lock_filepath = join(shelve_path, '%s.lock' % (jobid,)) else: runtime_lock_filepath = None args = get_collector_shelve_filepaths(collector_data, jobid) collector_shelve_input_filepath, collector_shelve_output_filepath = args print( 'on_collect_request action = %r, jobid = %r, status = %r' % ( action, jobid, status, ) ) if action == 'notification': assert None not in [jobid, runtime_lock_filepath] # received # accepted # queued # working # publishing # completed # exception # suppressed # corrupted current_status = collector_data[jobid].get('status', None) print('Updating jobid = %r status %r -> %r' % (jobid, current_status, status)) collector_data[jobid]['status'] = status print('Notify %s' % ut.repr3(collector_data[jobid])) invalidate_global_cache(jobid) if status == 'received': ut.touch(runtime_lock_filepath) if status == 'completed': if exists(runtime_lock_filepath): ut.delete(runtime_lock_filepath) # Mark the engine request as finished record_filename = '%s.pkl' % (jobid,) record_filepath = join(shelve_path, record_filename) record = ut.load_cPkl(record_filepath, verbose=False) record['completed'] = True ut.save_cPkl(record_filepath, record, verbose=False) record = None # Update relevant times in the shelf if collector_shelve_input_filepath is None: metadata = None else: metadata = get_shelve_value(collector_shelve_input_filepath, 'metadata') if metadata is not None: times = metadata.get('times', {}) times['updated'] = _timestamp() if status == 'working': times['started'] = _timestamp() if status == 'completed': times['completed'] = _timestamp() # Calculate runtime received = times.get('received', None) started = times.get('started', None) completed = times.get('completed', None) runtime = times.get('runtime', None) turnaround = times.get('turnaround', None) if None not in [started, completed] and runtime is None: hours, minutes, seconds, total_seconds = calculate_timedelta( started, completed ) args = ( hours, minutes, seconds, total_seconds, ) times['runtime'] = '%d hours %d min. %s sec. (total: %d sec.)' % args times['runtime_sec'] = total_seconds if None not in [received, completed] and turnaround is None: hours, minutes, seconds, total_seconds = calculate_timedelta( received, completed ) args = ( hours, minutes, seconds, total_seconds, ) times['turnaround'] = '%d hours %d min. %s sec. (total: %d sec.)' % args times['turnaround_sec'] = total_seconds metadata['times'] = times set_shelve_value(collector_shelve_input_filepath, 'metadata', metadata) metadata = None # Release memory elif action == 'register': assert None not in [jobid] invalidate_global_cache(jobid) shelve_input_filepath, shelve_output_filepath = get_shelve_filepaths(ibs, jobid) metadata = get_shelve_value(shelve_input_filepath, 'metadata') engine_result = get_shelve_value(shelve_output_filepath, 'result') if status == 'completed': # Ensure we can read the data we expect out of a completed job if None in [metadata, engine_result]: status = 'corrupted' collector_data[jobid] = { 'status': status, 'input': shelve_input_filepath, 'output': shelve_output_filepath, } print('Register %s' % ut.repr3(collector_data[jobid])) metadata, engine_result = None, None # Release memory elif action == 'metadata': invalidate_global_cache(jobid) # From the Engine metadata = collect_request.get('metadata', None) shelve_input_filepath, shelve_output_filepath = get_shelve_filepaths(ibs, jobid) collector_data[jobid]['input'] = shelve_input_filepath set_shelve_value(shelve_input_filepath, 'metadata', metadata) print('Stored Metadata %s' % ut.repr3(collector_data[jobid])) metadata = None # Release memory elif action == 'store': invalidate_global_cache(jobid) # From the Engine engine_result = collect_request.get('engine_result', None) callback_url = collect_request.get('callback_url', None) callback_method = collect_request.get('callback_method', None) callback_detailed = collect_request.get('callback_detailed', False) # Get the engine result jobid jobid = engine_result.get('jobid', jobid) assert jobid in collector_data shelve_input_filepath, shelve_output_filepath = get_shelve_filepaths(ibs, jobid) collector_data[jobid]['output'] = shelve_output_filepath set_shelve_value(shelve_output_filepath, 'result', engine_result) print('Stored Result %s' % ut.repr3(collector_data[jobid])) engine_result = None # Release memory if callback_url is not None: if containerized: callback_url = callback_url.replace('://localhost/', '://wildbook:8080/') if callback_method is None: callback_method = 'POST' callback_method = callback_method.upper() message = 'callback_method %r unsupported' % (callback_method,) assert callback_method in ['POST', 'GET', 'PUT'], message try: data_dict = {'jobid': jobid} if callback_detailed: shelve_value = get_shelve_value(shelve_output_filepath, 'result') data_dict['status'] = shelve_value['exec_status'] data_dict['json_result'] = ut.from_json(shelve_value['json_result']) shelve_value = None # Release memory args = ( callback_url, callback_method, data_dict, ) print( 'Attempting job completion callback to %r\n\tHTTP Method: %r\n\tData Payload: %r' % args ) # Perform callback if callback_method == 'POST': if callback_url.startswith('houston+'): # Remove houston+ from callback_url call_houston( callback_url[8:], method='POST', data=ut.to_json(data_dict), headers={'Content-Type': 'application/json'}, ) response =, data=data_dict) elif callback_method == 'GET': if callback_url.startswith('houston+'): # Remove houston+ from callback_url call_houston(callback_url[8:], method='GET', params=data_dict) response = requests.get(callback_url, params=data_dict) elif callback_method == 'PUT': if callback_url.startswith('houston+'): # Remove houston+ from callback_url call_houston( callback_url[8:], method='PUT', data=ut.to_json(data_dict), headers={'Content-Type': 'application/json'}, ) response = requests.put(callback_url, data=data_dict) else: raise RuntimeError() # Check response try: text = unicode(response.text).encode('utf-8') # NOQA except Exception: text = None args = ( response, text, ) print('Callback completed...\n\tResponse: %r\n\tText: %r' % args) except Exception: print('Callback FAILED!') elif action == 'job_status': reply['jobstatus'] = collector_data.get(jobid, {}).get('status', 'unknown') elif action == 'job_status_dict': json_result = {} for jobid in collector_data: if jobid in JOB_STATUS_CACHE: job_status_data = JOB_STATUS_CACHE.get(jobid, None) else: status = collector_data[jobid]['status'] shelve_input_filepath, shelve_output_filepath = get_shelve_filepaths( ibs, jobid ) metadata = get_shelve_value(shelve_input_filepath, 'metadata') cache = True if metadata is None: if status in ['corrupted']: status = 'corrupted' elif status in ['suppressed']: status = 'suppressed' elif status in ['completed']: status = 'corrupted' else: # status = 'pending' cache = False metadata = { 'jobcounter': -1, } times = metadata.get('times', {}) request = metadata.get('request', {}) # Support legacy jobs if request is None: request = {} job_status_data = { 'status': status, 'jobcounter': metadata.get('jobcounter', None), 'action': metadata.get('action', None), 'endpoint': request.get('endpoint', None), 'function': request.get('function', None), 'time_received': times.get('received', None), 'time_started': times.get('started', None), 'time_runtime': times.get('runtime', None), 'time_updated': times.get('updated', None), 'time_completed': times.get('completed', None), 'time_turnaround': times.get('turnaround', None), 'time_runtime_sec': times.get('runtime_sec', None), 'time_turnaround_sec': times.get('turnaround_sec', None), 'lane': metadata.get('lane', None), } if cache: JOB_STATUS_CACHE[jobid] = job_status_data json_result[jobid] = job_status_data reply['json_result'] = json_result metadata = None # Release memory elif action == 'job_id_list': reply['jobid_list'] = sorted(list(collector_data.keys())) elif action == 'job_input': if jobid not in collector_data: reply['status'] = 'invalid' metadata = None else: metadata = get_shelve_value(collector_shelve_input_filepath, 'metadata') if metadata is None: reply['status'] = 'corrupted' reply['json_result'] = metadata metadata = None # Release memory elif action == 'job_result': if jobid not in collector_data: reply['status'] = 'invalid' result = None else: status = collector_data[jobid]['status'] engine_result = get_shelve_value(collector_shelve_output_filepath, 'result') if engine_result is None: if status in ['corrupted']: status = 'corrupted' elif status in ['suppressed']: status = 'suppressed' elif status in ['completed']: status = 'corrupted' else: # status = 'pending' pass reply['status'] = status result = None else: reply['status'] = engine_result['exec_status'] json_result = engine_result['json_result'] result = ut.from_json(json_result) reply['json_result'] = result engine_result = None # Release memory else: # Other print('...error unknown action=%r' % (action,)) reply['status'] = 'error' return reply
[docs]def send_multipart_json(sock, idents, reply): """helper""" reply_json = ut.to_json(reply).encode('utf-8') reply = None multi_reply = idents + [reply_json] sock.send_multipart(multi_reply)
[docs]def rcv_multipart_json(sock, num=2, print=print): """helper""" # note that the first two parts will be ['Controller.ROUTER', 'Client.<id_>'] # these are needed for the reply to propagate up to the right client multi_msg = sock.recv_multipart() if VERBOSE_JOBS: print('----') print('RCV Json: %s' % (ut.repr2(multi_msg, truncate=True),)) idents = multi_msg[:num] request_json = multi_msg[num] request = ut.from_json(request_json) request_json = None multi_msg = None return idents, request
def _on_ctrl_c(signal, frame): print('[wbia.zmq] Caught ctrl+c') print('[wbia.zmq] sys.exit(0)') import sys sys.exit(0) def _init_signals(): import signal signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, _on_ctrl_c) if __name__ == '__main__': """ CommandLine: python -m ibeis.web.job_engine python -m ibeis.web.job_engine --allexamples python -m ibeis.web.job_engine --allexamples --noface --nosrc """ import multiprocessing multiprocessing.freeze_support() # for win32 import utool as ut # NOQA ut.doctest_funcs()