Source code for wbia.web.apis

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Dependencies: flask, tornado
import logging
from os.path import join, exists
import zipfile
import time
from io import BytesIO
from flask import request, current_app, send_file
from wbia.control import controller_inject
from wbia.web import appfuncs as appf
import utool as ut
import vtool as vt
import uuid as uuid_module
from import PROMETHEUS

print, rrr, profile = ut.inject2(__name__)
logger = logging.getLogger('wbia')

CLASS_INJECT_KEY, register_ibs_method = controller_inject.make_ibs_register_decorator(
register_api = controller_inject.get_wbia_flask_api(__name__)
register_route = controller_inject.get_wbia_flask_route(__name__)

[docs]@register_api('/api/embed/', methods=['GET']) def web_embed(*args, **kwargs): ibs = current_app.ibs # NOQA ut.embed()
[docs]@register_route( '/api/image/src/<rowid>.jpg', methods=['GET'], __route_prefix_check__=False, __route_postfix_check__=False, __route_authenticate__=False, ) def image_src_api_ext(*args, **kwargs): return image_src_api(*args, **kwargs)
# Special function that is a route only to ignore the JSON response, but is # actually (and should be) an API call
[docs]@register_route( '/api/image/src/<rowid>/', methods=['GET'], __route_prefix_check__=False, __route_authenticate__=False, ) def image_src_api(rowid=None, thumbnail=False, fresh=False, **kwargs): r""" Returns the image file of image <gid> Example: >>> from import * # NOQA >>> import wbia >>> with wbia.opendb_with_web('testdb1') as (ibs, client): ... resp = client.get('/api/image/src/1/') >>> print( b'\xff\xd8\xff\xe0\x00\x10JFIF... RESTful: Method: GET URL: /api/image/src/<rowid>/ """ from PIL import Image # NOQA thumbnail = thumbnail or 'thumbnail' in request.args or 'thumbnail' in request.form ibs = current_app.ibs if thumbnail: gpath = ibs.get_image_thumbpath(rowid, ensure_paths=True) fresh = fresh or 'fresh' in request.args or 'fresh' in request.form if fresh: # import os # os.remove(gpath) ut.delete(gpath) gpath = ibs.get_image_thumbpath(rowid, ensure_paths=True) else: gpath = ibs.get_image_paths(rowid) # Load image assert gpath is not None, 'image path should not be None' orient = ibs.get_image_orientation(rowid) image = vt.imread(gpath, orient=orient) image = appf.resize_via_web_parameters(image) image = image[:, :, ::-1] # Encode image image_pil = Image.fromarray(image) img_io = BytesIO(), 'JPEG', quality=100) return send_file(img_io, mimetype='image/jpeg')
# return send_file(gpath, mimetype='application/unknown') # Special function that is a route only to ignore the JSON response, but is # actually (and should be) an API call
[docs]@register_route( '/api/annot/src/<rowid>/', methods=['GET'], __route_prefix_check__=False, __route_authenticate__=False, ) def annot_src_api(rowid=None, fresh=False, **kwargs): r""" Returns the image file of annot <aid> Example: >>> # xdoctest: +REQUIRES(--slow) >>> # xdoctest: +REQUIRES(--web-tests) >>> from import * # NOQA >>> import wbia >>> with wbia.opendb_with_web('testdb1') as (ibs, client): ... resp = client.get('/api/annot/src/1/') >>> print( b'\xff\xd8\xff\xe0\x00\x10JFIF... RESTful: Method: GET URL: /api/annot/src/<rowid>/ """ from PIL import Image # NOQA ibs = current_app.ibs gpath = ibs.get_annot_chip_fpath(rowid, ensure=True) # Load image assert gpath is not None, 'image path should not be None' image = vt.imread(gpath, orient='auto') image = appf.resize_via_web_parameters(image) image = image[:, :, ::-1] # Encode image image_pil = Image.fromarray(image) img_io = BytesIO(), 'JPEG', quality=100) return send_file(img_io, mimetype='image/jpeg')
# return send_file(gpath, mimetype='application/unknown') # Special function that is a route only to ignore the JSON response, but is # actually (and should be) an API call
[docs]@register_route( '/api/background/src/<rowid>/', methods=['GET'], __route_prefix_check__=False, __route_authenticate__=False, ) def background_src_api(rowid=None, fresh=False, **kwargs): r""" Returns the image file of annot <aid> Example: >>> # xdoctest: +REQUIRES(--slow) >>> # xdoctest: +REQUIRES(--web-tests) >>> # xdoctest: +REQUIRES(module:wbia_cnn) >>> from import * # NOQA >>> import wbia >>> with wbia.opendb_with_web('testdb1') as (ibs, client): ... resp = client.get('/api/background/src/1/') >>> print( b'\xff\xd8\xff\xe0\x00\x10JFIF... RESTful: Method: GET URL: /api/annot/src/<rowid>/ """ from PIL import Image # NOQA ibs = current_app.ibs gpath = ibs.get_annot_probchip_fpath(rowid) # Load image assert gpath is not None, 'image path should not be None' image = vt.imread(gpath, orient='auto') image = appf.resize_via_web_parameters(image) image = image[:, :, ::-1] # Encode image image_pil = Image.fromarray(image) img_io = BytesIO(), 'JPEG', quality=100) return send_file(img_io, mimetype='image/jpeg')
# return send_file(gpath, mimetype='application/unknown') # Special function that is a route only to ignore the JSON response, but is # actually (and should be) an API call
[docs]@register_route( '/api/image/src/json/<uuid>/', methods=['GET'], __route_prefix_check__=False, __route_authenticate__=False, ) def image_src_api_json(uuid=None, **kwargs): r""" Returns the image file of image <gid> Example: >>> # xdoctest: +REQUIRES(--web-tests) >>> from import * # NOQA >>> import wbia >>> with wbia.opendb_with_web('testdb1') as (ibs, client): ... resp = client.get('/api/image/src/json/0a9bc03d-a75e-8d14-0153-e2949502aba7/') >>> print( b'\xff\xd8\xff\xe0\x00\x10JFIF... RESTful: Method: GET URL: /api/image/src/<gid>/ """ ibs = current_app.ibs try: if isinstance(uuid, str): uuid = uuid_module.UUID(uuid) except Exception: from wbia.control.controller_inject import translate_wbia_webreturn return translate_wbia_webreturn( None, success=False, code=500, message='Invalid image UUID' ) gid = ibs.get_image_gids_from_uuid(uuid) return image_src_api(gid, **kwargs)
def _image_conv_feature(ibs, gid, model): model = model.lower() model_list = ['vgg16', 'vgg19', 'resnet50', 'inception_v3'] assert model in model_list, 'model must be one of %s' % (model_list,) config = {'algo': model} gid_list = [gid] feature_list = ibs.depc_image.get_property( 'features', gid_list, 'vector', config=config ) feature = feature_list[0] byte_str = feature.tobytes() return byte_str
[docs]@register_api('/api/image/feature/<rowid>/', methods=['GET']) def image_conv_feature_api(rowid=None, model='resnet50', **kwargs): r""" RESTful: Method: GET URL: /api/image/feature/json/<uuid>/ """ ibs = current_app.ibs gid = rowid assert gid is not None return _image_conv_feature(ibs, gid, model)
[docs]@register_api('/api/image/feature/json/<uuid>/', methods=['GET']) def image_conv_feature_api_json(uuid=None, model='resnet50', **kwargs): r""" RESTful: Method: GET URL: /api/image/feature/json/<uuid>/ """ ibs = current_app.ibs try: if isinstance(uuid, str): uuid = uuid_module.UUID(uuid) assert uuid is not None except Exception: from wbia.control.controller_inject import translate_wbia_webreturn return translate_wbia_webreturn( None, success=False, code=500, message='Invalid image UUID' ) gid = ibs.get_image_gids_from_uuid(uuid) return _image_conv_feature(ibs, gid, model)
[docs]@register_api('/api/upload/image/', methods=['POST']) def image_upload(cleanup=True, **kwargs): r""" Returns the gid for an uploaded image. Args: image (image binary): the POST variable containing the binary (multi-form) image data **kwargs: Arbitrary keyword arguments; the kwargs are passed down to the add_images function Returns: gid (rowids): gid corresponding to the image submitted. lexigraphical order. RESTful: Method: POST URL: /api/upload/image/ """ ibs = current_app.ibs'request.files = %s' % (request.files,)) filestore = request.files.get('image', None) if filestore is None: raise controller_inject.WebMissingInput( 'Missing required image parameter', 'image' ) # raise IOError('Image not given') uploads_path = ibs.get_uploadsdir() ut.ensuredir(uploads_path) current_time = time.strftime('%Y_%m_%d_%H_%M_%S') modifier = 1 upload_filename = 'upload_%s.png' % (current_time) while exists(upload_filename): upload_filename = 'upload_%s_%04d.png' % (current_time, modifier) modifier += 1 upload_filepath = join(uploads_path, upload_filename) gid_list = ibs.add_images([upload_filepath], **kwargs) gid = gid_list[0] if cleanup and exists(upload_filepath): ut.delete(upload_filepath) return gid
[docs]@register_api('/api/upload/zip/', methods=['POST']) def image_upload_zip(**kwargs): r""" Returns the gid_list for image files submitted in a ZIP archive. The image archive should be flat (no folders will be scanned for images) and must be smaller than 100 MB. The archive can submit multiple images, ideally in JPEG format to save space. Duplicate image uploads will result in the duplicate images receiving the same gid based on the hashed pixel values. Args: image_zip_archive (binary): the POST variable containing the binary (multi-form) image archive data **kwargs: Arbitrary keyword arguments; the kwargs are passed down to the add_images function Returns: gid_list (list if rowids): the list of gids corresponding to the images submitted. The gids correspond to the image names sorted in lexigraphical order. RESTful: Method: POST URL: /api/image/zip """ ibs = current_app.ibs # Get image archive image_archive = request.files.get('image_zip_archive', None) if image_archive is None: raise IOError('Image archive not given') # If the directory already exists, delete it uploads_path = ibs.get_uploadsdir() ut.ensuredir(uploads_path) current_time = time.strftime('%Y_%m_%d_%H_%M_%S') modifier = 1 upload_path = '%s' % (current_time) while exists(upload_path): upload_path = '%s_%04d' % (current_time, modifier) modifier += 1 upload_path = join(uploads_path, upload_path) ut.ensuredir(upload_path) # Extract the content try: with zipfile.ZipFile(image_archive, 'r') as zfile: zfile.extractall(upload_path) except Exception: ut.remove_dirs(upload_path) raise IOError('Image archive extracton failed') """ test to ensure Directory and utool do the same thing from import Directory upload_path = ut.truepath('~/Pictures') gpath_list1 = sorted(ut.list_images(upload_path, recursive=False, full=True)) direct = Directory(upload_path, include_file_extensions='images', recursive=False) gpath_list = direct.files() gpath_list = sorted(gpath_list) assert gpath_list1 == gpath_list """ gpath_list = sorted(ut.list_images(upload_path, recursive=False, full=True)) # direct = Directory(upload_path, include_file_extensions='images', recursive=False) # gpath_list = direct.files() # gpath_list = sorted(gpath_list) gid_list = ibs.add_images(gpath_list, **kwargs) return gid_list
[docs]@register_api('/api/test/helloworld/', methods=['GET', 'POST', 'DELETE', 'PUT']) def hello_world(*args, **kwargs): """ Example: >>> # xdoctest: +REQUIRES(--web-tests) >>> from import * # NOQA >>> import wbia >>> import requests >>> import wbia >>> with wbia.opendb_with_web('testdb1') as (ibs, client): ... resp = client.get('/api/test/helloworld/?test0=0') ... payload = { ... 'test1' : 'test1', ... 'test2' : None, # NOTICE test2 DOES NOT SHOW UP ... } ... resp ='/api/test/helloworld/', data=payload) """'+------------ HELLO WORLD ------------')'Args: %r' % (args,))'Kwargs: %r' % (kwargs,))'request.args: %r' % (request.args,))'request.form: %r' % (request.form,))'request.url; %r' % (request.url,))'request.environ: %s' % (ut.repr3(request.environ),))'request: %s' % (ut.repr3(request.__dict__),))'L____________ HELLO WORLD ____________')
[docs]@register_ibs_method @register_api('/api/test/heartbeat/', methods=['GET', 'POST', 'DELETE', 'PUT']) def heartbeat(ibs, *args, **kwargs): """""" # ut.embed() if PROMETHEUS: ibs.prometheus_update() return True
[docs]@register_ibs_method @register_api('/api/test/dataset/id/', methods=['GET', 'POST', 'DELETE', 'PUT']) def api_test_datasets_id(ibs, dataset, *args, **kwargs): assert dataset in ['zebra', 'dolphin', 'humpback'] if dataset in ['zebra']: qtext = "Grevy's Zebra Query" dtext = "Grevy's Zebra Database" elif dataset in ['dolphin']: qtext = 'Dorsal Query' dtext = 'Dorsal Database' elif dataset in ['humpback']: qtext = 'Fluke Query' dtext = 'Fluke Database' imageset_rowid_list = ibs.get_imageset_imgsetids_from_text([qtext, dtext]) qaid_list, daid_list = ibs.get_imageset_aids(imageset_rowid_list) response = { 'query': qaid_list, 'database': daid_list, } return response