Source code for wbia.tag_funcs

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import logging
import numpy as np
import vtool as vt
import utool as ut
from wbia.control import controller_inject

print, rrr, profile = ut.inject2(__name__)
logger = logging.getLogger('wbia')

# Create dectorator to inject functions in this module into the IBEISController
CLASS_INJECT_KEY, register_ibs_method = controller_inject.make_ibs_register_decorator(

# TODO : make a annot_tags file

    # 'SceneryMatch',
    # 'Photobomb',
    # 'Hard',
    # 'NonDistinct',

    'Quality',  # quality causes failure
    'Orientation',  # orientation caused failure
    'EdgeMatch',  # descriptors on the edge of the naimal produce strong matches
    'Interesting',  # flag a case as interesting
    'JoinCase',  # case should actually be marked as correct
    'SplitCase',  # case should actually be marked as correct
    'random',  # gf case has random matches, the gt is to blame
    'BadShoulder',  # gf is a bad shoulder match
    'BadTail',  # gf is a bad tail match
    # These annots have almost the same information
    'CorrectPhotobomb',  # FIXME: this is a terrible name

    'TooLargeMatches',  # really big nondistinct matches
    'TooSmallMatches',  # really big nondistinct matches
    'ScoringIssue',  # matches should be scored differently
    'BadCoverage',  # matches were not in good places (missing matches)
    'ViewpointOMG',  # gf is a bad tail match
    'ViewpointCanDo',  # gf is a bad tail match
    'Shadowing',  # shadow causes failure
    'success',  # A good success case
    'GoodCoverage',  # matches were spread out correctly (scoring may be off though)

# Changes to prop names
    'ViewpointCanDo': 'Correctable',
    'ViewpointOMG': 'Uncorrectable',
    'Shadowing': 'Lighting',
    'success': None,
    'GoodCoverage': None,
    # 'Hard'           : 'NeedsWork',
    'shouldhavemore': 'NeedsWork',
    'BadCoverage': 'NeedsWork',
    'ScoringIssue': 'NeedsWork',
    'TooSmallMatches': 'FeatureScale',
    'TooLargeMatches': 'FeatureScale',
    # 'BadShoulder' : 'BadShoulder',
    # 'GoodCoverage': None,

for key, val in PROP_MAPPING.items():
    if val is not None and val not in ANNOTMATCH_PROPS_OTHER:


[docs]def consolodate_annotmatch_tags(old_tags): # return case_tags remove_tags = [ 'hard', 'needswork', 'correctable', 'uncorrectable', 'interesting', 'splitcase', 'joincase', # 'orientation', 'random', # 'badtail', 'badshoulder', 'splitcase', 'joincase', 'goodcoverage', 'interesting', 'hard' ] tags_dict = { # 'quality': 'Quality', # 'scoringissue': 'ScoringIssue', # 'orientation': 'Orientation', # 'orientation': 'MildViewpoint', 'orientation': 'Viewpoint', # 'pose': 'SimilarPose', 'pose': 'NonDistinct', # 'lighting': 'Lighting', # 'occlusion': 'Occlusion', # 'featurescale': 'FeatureScale', # 'edgematch': 'EdgeMatches', # 'featurescale': 'Pose', # 'featurescale': 'FeatureScale', 'nondistinct': 'NonDistinct', 'featurescale': 'NonDistinct', 'edgematch': 'SimilarPose', 'badtail': 'NonDistinct', 'badshoulder': 'NonDistinct', # 'mildviewpoint': 'MildViewpoint', 'mildviewpoint': 'Viewpoint', # 'toolargematches': 'CoarseFeatures', # 'badcoverage': 'LowCoverage', # 'shouldhavemore': 'LowCoverage', # 'viewpoint': 'Viewpoint', } def filter_tags(tags): return [t for t in tags if t.lower() not in remove_tags] def map_tags(tags): return [tags_dict.get(t.lower(), t) for t in tags] def cap_tags(tags): return [t[0].upper() + t[1:] for t in tags] filtered_tags = list(map(filter_tags, old_tags)) mapped_tags = list(map(map_tags, filtered_tags)) unique_tags = list(map(ut.unique_ordered, mapped_tags)) new_tags = list(map(cap_tags, unique_tags)) return new_tags
[docs]def rename_and_reduce_tags(ibs, annotmatch_rowids): """ Script to update tags to newest values CommandLine: python -m wbia.tag_funcs --exec-rename_and_reduce_tags --db PZ_Master1 Ignore: >>> from wbia.tag_funcs import * # NOQA >>> import wbia >>> #ibs = wbia.opendb(defaultdb='PZ_Master1') >>> ibs = wbia.opendb(defaultdb='testdb1') >>> annotmatch_rowids = filter_annotmatch_by_tags(ibs, min_num=1) >>> rename_and_reduce_tags(ibs, annotmatch_rowids) """ tags_list_ = get_annotmatch_case_tags(ibs, annotmatch_rowids) def fix_tags(tags): return {str(t.lower()) for t in tags} tags_list = list(map(fix_tags, tags_list_)) prop_mapping = {str(key.lower()): val for key, val in PROP_MAPPING.items()} bad_tags = fix_tags(prop_mapping.keys()) for rowid, tags in zip(annotmatch_rowids, tags_list): old_tags = tags.intersection(bad_tags) for tag in old_tags: ibs.set_annotmatch_prop(tag, [rowid], [False]) new_tags = ut.dict_take(prop_mapping, old_tags) for tag in new_tags: if tag is not None: ibs.set_annotmatch_prop(tag, [rowid], [True])
[docs]def get_cate_categories(): standard = ANNOTMATCH_PROPS_STANDARD other = ANNOTMATCH_PROPS_OTHER # case_list = standard + other return standard, other
[docs]def export_tagged_chips(ibs, aid_list, dpath='.'): """ DEPRICATE CommandLine: python -m wbia.tag_funcs --exec-export_tagged_chips --tags Hard interesting needswork --db PZ_Master1 python -m wbia.tag_funcs --exec-export_tagged_chips --logic=or --any_startswith quality occlusion --has_any lighting needswork interesting hard --db GZ_Master1 --dpath=/media/raid python -m wbia.tag_funcs --exec-export_tagged_chips --db GZ_Master1 --min_num=1 --dpath /media/raid Example: >>> # SCRIPT >>> from wbia.tag_funcs import * # NOQA >>> import wbia >>> ibs = wbia.opendb(defaultdb='testdb1') >>> kwargs = ut.argparse_dict(ut.get_kwdefaults2(filterflags_general_tags), type_hint=ut.ddict(list, logic=str)) >>> ut.print_dict(kwargs, 'filter args') >>> aid_list = ibs.filter_annots_by_tags(**kwargs) >>> print('len(aid_list) = %r' % (len(aid_list),)) >>> dpath = ut.get_argval('--dpath', default='') >>> all_tags = ut.flatten(ibs.get_annot_all_tags(aid_list)) >>> filtered_tag_hist = ut.dict_hist(all_tags) >>> ut.print_dict(filtered_tag_hist, key_order_metric='val') >>> export_tagged_chips(ibs, aid_list, dpath) """ visual_uuid_hashid = ibs.get_annot_hashid_visual_uuid(aid_list) zip_fpath = ut.unixjoin( dpath, 'exported_chips2_' + ibs.get_dbname() + visual_uuid_hashid + '.zip' ) chip_fpath = ibs.get_annot_chip_fpath(aid_list) ut.archive_files(zip_fpath, chip_fpath, common_prefix=True)
[docs]@register_ibs_method def filter_annots_by_tags(ibs, aid_list=None, **kwargs): """ Filter / Find / Search for annotations with particular tags CommandLine: python -m wbia.tag_funcs --exec-filter_annots_by_tags --helpx python -m wbia.tag_funcs --exec-filter_annots_by_tags --db GZ_Master1 python -m wbia.tag_funcs --exec-filter_annots_by_tags --db GZ_Master1 --min_num=1 python -m wbia.tag_funcs --exec-filter_annots_by_tags --db GZ_Master1 --has_any=lighting --has_all=lighting:underexposed --show SeeAlso: python -m wbia.init.filter_annots --exec-filter_annots_general Example: >>> # ENABLE_DOCTEST >>> from wbia.tag_funcs import * # NOQA >>> import wbia >>> ibs = wbia.opendb(defaultdb='testdb1') >>> aid_list = ibs.get_valid_aids() >>> kwargs = ut.argparse_dict(ut.get_kwdefaults2(filterflags_general_tags), type_hint=ut.ddict(list, logic=str)) >>> ut.print_dict(kwargs, 'filter args') >>> aid_list = ibs.filter_annots_by_tags(aid_list, **kwargs) >>> print('len(aid_list) = %r' % (len(aid_list),)) >>> # print results >>> all_tags = ut.flatten(ibs.get_annot_all_tags(aid_list)) >>> filtered_tag_hist = ut.dict_hist(all_tags) >>> ut.print_dict(filtered_tag_hist, key_order_metric='val') >>> print('len(aid_list) = %r' % (len(aid_list),)) >>> print('sum(tags) = %r' % (sum(filtered_tag_hist.values()),)) >>> ut.quit_if_noshow() >>> import wbia.viz.interact >>> wbia.viz.interact.interact_chip.interact_multichips(ibs, aid_list) >>> ut.show_if_requested() """ if aid_list is None: aid_list = ibs.get_valid_aids() tags_list = ibs.get_annot_all_tags(aid_list) flags = filterflags_general_tags(tags_list, **kwargs) aid_list = ut.compress(aid_list, flags) return aid_list
[docs]@register_ibs_method def filterflags_annot_tags(ibs, aid_list, **kwargs): """ Filter / Find / Search for annotations with particular tags """ tags_list = ibs.get_annot_all_tags(aid_list) flags = filterflags_general_tags(tags_list, **kwargs) return flags
[docs]@register_ibs_method def get_aidpair_tags(ibs, aid1_list, aid2_list, directed=True): r""" Args: ibs (IBEISController): wbia controller object aid1_list (list): aid2_list (list): directed (bool): (default = True) Returns: list: tags_list CommandLine: python -m wbia.tag_funcs --exec-get_aidpair_tags --db PZ_Master1 --tags Hard interesting Example: >>> # DISABLE_DOCTEST >>> from wbia.tag_funcs import * # NOQA >>> import wbia >>> ibs = wbia.opendb(defaultdb='testdb1') >>> has_any = ut.get_argval('--tags', type_=list, default=None) >>> min_num = ut.get_argval('--min_num', type_=int, default=1) >>> aid_pairs = filter_aidpairs_by_tags(ibs, has_any=has_any, min_num=1) >>> aid1_list = aid_pairs.T[0] >>> aid2_list = aid_pairs.T[1] >>> undirected_tags = get_aidpair_tags(ibs, aid1_list, aid2_list, directed=False) >>> tagged_pairs = list(zip(aid_pairs.tolist(), undirected_tags)) >>> print(ut.repr2(tagged_pairs)) >>> tag_dict = ut.groupby_tags(tagged_pairs, undirected_tags) >>> print(ut.repr2(tag_dict, nl=2)) >>> print(ut.repr2(ut.map_dict_vals(len, tag_dict))) """ aid_pairs = np.vstack([aid1_list, aid2_list]).T if directed: annotmatch_rowid = ibs.get_annotmatch_rowid_from_superkey( aid_pairs.T[0], aid_pairs.T[1] ) tags_list = ibs.get_annotmatch_case_tags(annotmatch_rowid) else: annotmatch_rowid = ibs.get_annotmatch_rowid_from_undirected_superkey( aid_pairs.T[0], aid_pairs.T[1] ) tags_list = ibs.get_annotmatch_case_tags(annotmatch_rowid) if False: expanded_aid_pairs = np.vstack([aid_pairs, aid_pairs[:, ::-1]]) expanded_annotmatch_rowid = ibs.get_annotmatch_rowid_from_superkey( expanded_aid_pairs.T[0], expanded_aid_pairs.T[1] ) expanded_edgeids = vt.get_undirected_edge_ids(expanded_aid_pairs) unique_edgeids, groupxs = vt.group_indices(expanded_edgeids) expanded_tags_list = ibs.get_annotmatch_case_tags(expanded_annotmatch_rowid) grouped_tags = vt.apply_grouping( np.array(expanded_tags_list, dtype=object), groupxs ) undirected_tags = [list(set(ut.flatten(tags))) for tags in grouped_tags] edgeid2_tags = dict(zip(unique_edgeids, undirected_tags)) input_edgeids = expanded_edgeids[: len(aid_pairs)] tags_list = ut.dict_take(edgeid2_tags, input_edgeids) return tags_list
[docs]@register_ibs_method def filter_aidpairs_by_tags( ibs, has_any=None, has_all=None, min_num=None, max_num=None, am_rowids=None ): """ list(zip(aid_pairs, undirected_tags)) """ # annotmatch_rowids = ibs.get_annotmatch_rowids_from_aid(aid_list) filtered_annotmatch_rowids = filter_annotmatch_by_tags( ibs, am_rowids, has_any=has_any, has_all=has_all, min_num=min_num, max_num=max_num, ) aid1_list = np.array(ibs.get_annotmatch_aid1(filtered_annotmatch_rowids)) aid2_list = np.array(ibs.get_annotmatch_aid2(filtered_annotmatch_rowids)) aid_pairs = np.vstack([aid1_list, aid2_list]).T # Dont double count vt.get_undirected_edge_ids(aid_pairs) xs = vt.find_best_undirected_edge_indexes(aid_pairs) aid1_list = aid1_list.take(xs) aid2_list = aid2_list.take(xs) aid_pairs = np.vstack([aid1_list, aid2_list]).T return aid_pairs
# directed_tags = get_aidpair_tags(ibs, aid_pairs.T[0], aid_pairs.T[1], directed=True) # valid_tags_list = ibs.get_annotmatch_case_tags(filtered_annotmatch_rowids)
[docs]def filter_annotmatch_by_tags(ibs, annotmatch_rowids=None, **kwargs): r""" ignores case Args: ibs (IBEISController): wbia controller object flags (?): Returns: list CommandLine: python -m wbia.tag_funcs --exec-filter_annotmatch_by_tags --show python -m wbia.tag_funcs --exec-filter_annotmatch_by_tags --show --db PZ_Master1 --min-num=1 python -m wbia.tag_funcs --exec-filter_annotmatch_by_tags --show --db PZ_Master1 --tags JoinCase python -m wbia.tag_funcs --exec-filter_annotmatch_by_tags --show --db PZ_Master1 --tags SplitCase python -m wbia.tag_funcs --exec-filter_annotmatch_by_tags --show --db PZ_Master1 --tags occlusion python -m wbia.tag_funcs --exec-filter_annotmatch_by_tags --show --db PZ_Master1 --tags viewpoint python -m wbia.tag_funcs --exec-filter_annotmatch_by_tags --show --db PZ_Master1 --tags SceneryMatch python -m wbia.tag_funcs --exec-filter_annotmatch_by_tags --show --db PZ_Master1 --tags Photobomb python -m wbia.tag_funcs --exec-filter_annotmatch_by_tags --show --db GZ_Master1 --tags needswork Example: >>> # DISABLE_DOCTEST >>> from wbia.tag_funcs import * # NOQA >>> import wbia >>> #ibs = wbia.opendb(defaultdb='testdb1') >>> ibs = wbia.opendb(defaultdb='PZ_Master1') >>> #tags = ['Photobomb', 'SceneryMatch'] >>> has_any = ut.get_argval('--tags', type_=list, default=['SceneryMatch', 'Photobomb']) >>> min_num = ut.get_argval('--min_num', type_=int, default=1) >>> prop = has_any[0] >>> filtered_annotmatch_rowids = filter_annotmatch_by_tags(ibs, None, has_any=has_any, min_num=min_num) >>> aid1_list = np.array(ibs.get_annotmatch_aid1(filtered_annotmatch_rowids)) >>> aid2_list = np.array(ibs.get_annotmatch_aid2(filtered_annotmatch_rowids)) >>> aid_pairs = np.vstack([aid1_list, aid2_list]).T >>> # Dont double count >>> xs = vt.find_best_undirected_edge_indexes(aid_pairs) >>> aid1_list = aid1_list.take(xs) >>> aid2_list = aid2_list.take(xs) >>> valid_tags_list = ibs.get_annotmatch_case_tags(filtered_annotmatch_rowids) >>> print('valid_tags_list = %s' % (ut.repr2(valid_tags_list, nl=1),)) >>> # >>> print('Aid pairs with has_any=%s' % (has_any,)) >>> print('Aid pairs with min_num=%s' % (min_num,)) >>> print('aid_pairs = ' + ut.repr2(list(zip(aid1_list, aid2_list)))) >>> # Show timedelta info >>> ut.quit_if_noshow() >>> timedelta_list = ibs.get_annot_pair_timedelta(aid1_list, aid2_list) >>> import wbia.plottool as pt >>> pt.draw_timedelta_pie(timedelta_list, label='timestamp of tags=%r' % (has_any,)) >>> ut.show_if_requested() """ if annotmatch_rowids is None: annotmatch_rowids = ibs._get_all_annotmatch_rowids() tags_list = ibs.get_annotmatch_case_tags(annotmatch_rowids) flags = filterflags_general_tags(tags_list, **kwargs) filtered_annotmatch_rowids = ut.compress(annotmatch_rowids, flags) return filtered_annotmatch_rowids
# TODO: ut.filterflags_general_tags
[docs]def filterflags_general_tags( tags_list, has_any=None, has_all=None, has_none=None, min_num=None, max_num=None, any_startswith=None, any_endswith=None, any_match=None, none_match=None, logic='and', ): r""" maybe integrate into utool? Seems pretty general Args: tags_list (list): has_any (None): (default = None) has_all (None): (default = None) min_num (None): (default = None) max_num (None): (default = None) CommandLine: python -m wbia.tag_funcs --exec-filterflags_general_tags python -m wbia.tag_funcs --exec-filterflags_general_tags:0 --helpx python -m wbia.tag_funcs --exec-filterflags_general_tags:0 python -m wbia.tag_funcs --exec-filterflags_general_tags:0 --none_match n python -m wbia.tag_funcs --exec-filterflags_general_tags:0 --has_none=n,o python -m wbia.tag_funcs --exec-filterflags_general_tags:1 python -m wbia.tag_funcs --exec-filterflags_general_tags:2 Example: >>> # DISABLE_DOCTEST >>> from wbia.tag_funcs import * # NOQA >>> tags_list = [['v'], [], ['P'], ['P', 'o'], ['n', 'o',], [], ['n', 'N'], ['e', 'i', 'p', 'b', 'n'], ['q', 'v'], ['n'], ['n'], ['N']] >>> kwargs = ut.argparse_dict(ut.get_kwdefaults2(filterflags_general_tags), type_hint=list) >>> print('kwargs = %r' % (kwargs,)) >>> flags = filterflags_general_tags(tags_list, **kwargs) >>> print(flags) >>> result = ut.compress(tags_list, flags) >>> print('result = %r' % (result,)) Example: >>> # ENABLE_DOCTEST >>> from wbia.tag_funcs import * # NOQA >>> tags_list = [['v'], [], ['P'], ['P'], ['n', 'o',], [], ['n', 'N'], ['e', 'i', 'p', 'b', 'n'], ['n'], ['n'], ['N']] >>> has_all = 'n' >>> min_num = 1 >>> flags = filterflags_general_tags(tags_list, has_all=has_all, min_num=min_num) >>> result = ut.compress(tags_list, flags) >>> print('result = %r' % (result,)) Example: >>> # DISABLE_DOCTEST >>> from wbia.tag_funcs import * # NOQA >>> tags_list = [['vn'], ['vn', 'no'], ['P'], ['P'], ['n', 'o',], [], ['n', 'N'], ['e', 'i', 'p', 'b', 'n'], ['n'], ['n', 'nP'], ['NP']] >>> kwargs = { >>> 'any_endswith': 'n', >>> 'any_match': None, >>> 'any_startswith': 'n', >>> 'has_all': None, >>> 'has_any': None, >>> 'has_none': None, >>> 'max_num': 3, >>> 'min_num': 1, >>> 'none_match': ['P'], >>> } >>> flags = filterflags_general_tags(tags_list, **kwargs) >>> filtered = ut.compress(tags_list, flags) >>> result = ('result = %s' % (ut.repr2(filtered),)) result = [['vn', 'no'], ['n', 'o'], ['n', 'N'], ['n'], ['n', 'nP']] """ import re import operator def fix_tags(tags): return {str(t.lower()) for t in tags} if logic is None: logic = 'and' logic_func = {'and': np.logical_and, 'or': np.logical_or}[logic] default_func = {'and': np.ones, 'or': np.zeros}[logic] tags_list_ = [fix_tags(tags_) for tags_ in tags_list] flags = default_func(len(tags_list_), dtype=np.bool) if min_num is not None: flags_ = [len(tags_) >= min_num for tags_ in tags_list_] logic_func(flags, flags_, out=flags) if max_num is not None: flags_ = [len(tags_) <= max_num for tags_ in tags_list_] logic_func(flags, flags_, out=flags) if has_any is not None: has_any = fix_tags(set(ut.ensure_iterable(has_any))) flags_ = [len(has_any.intersection(tags_)) > 0 for tags_ in tags_list_] logic_func(flags, flags_, out=flags) if has_none is not None: has_none = fix_tags(set(ut.ensure_iterable(has_none))) flags_ = [len(has_none.intersection(tags_)) == 0 for tags_ in tags_list_] logic_func(flags, flags_, out=flags) if has_all is not None: has_all = fix_tags(set(ut.ensure_iterable(has_all))) flags_ = [ len(has_all.intersection(tags_)) == len(has_all) for tags_ in tags_list_ ] logic_func(flags, flags_, out=flags) def check_item(tags_, fields, op, compare): t_flags = [any([compare(t, f) for f in fields]) for t in tags_] num_passed = sum(t_flags) flag = op(num_passed, 0) return flag def flag_tags(tags_list, fields, op, compare): flags = [check_item(tags_, fields, op, compare) for tags_ in tags_list_] return flags def execute_filter(flags, tags_list, fields, op, compare): if fields is not None: fields = ut.ensure_iterable(fields) flags_ = flag_tags(tags_list, fields, op, compare) logic_func(flags, flags_, out=flags) return flags flags = execute_filter(flags, tags_list, any_startswith,, str.startswith) flags = execute_filter(flags, tags_list, any_endswith,, str.endswith) flags = execute_filter( flags, tags_list, any_match,, lambda t, f: re.match(f, t) ) flags = execute_filter( flags, tags_list, none_match, operator.eq, lambda t, f: re.match(f, t) ) return flags
[docs]@register_ibs_method @profile def get_annotmatch_case_tags(ibs, annotmatch_rowids): r""" Args: ibs (IBEISController): wbia controller object annotmatch_rowids (?): Returns: list: filtered_aid_list CommandLine: python -m wbia.tag_funcs --exec-get_annotmatch_case_tags Example: >>> # DISABLE_DOCTEST >>> from wbia.tag_funcs import * # NOQA >>> import wbia >>> ibs = wbia.opendb(defaultdb='PZ_Master1') >>> annotmatch_rowids = ibs._get_all_annotmatch_rowids() >>> tags_list = get_annotmatch_case_tags(ibs, annotmatch_rowids) >>> result = ('tags_list = %s' % (str(tags_list),)) >>> print(result) tags_list = [[u'occlusion', u'pose', 'Hard', 'NonDistinct'], [], ['Hard']] """ standard, other = get_cate_categories() annotmatch_tag_texts_list = ibs.get_annotmatch_tag_text(annotmatch_rowids) tags_list = [ [] if note is None else _parse_tags(note) for note in annotmatch_tag_texts_list ] # NEW = False # if NEW: # # hack for faster tag parsing # from wbia.control import _autogen_annotmatch_funcs as _aaf # import itertools # colnames = (_aaf.ANNOTMATCH_IS_HARD, _aaf.ANNOTMATCH_IS_SCENERYMATCH, # _aaf.ANNOTMATCH_IS_PHOTOBOMB, _aaf.ANNOTMATCH_IS_NONDISTINCT) # id_iter = annotmatch_rowids # annotmatch_is_col = ibs.db.get( # ibs.const.ANNOTMATCH_TABLE, colnames, id_iter, id_colname='rowid', # eager=True, nInput=None, unpack_scalars=True) # annotmatch_is_col = [col if col is not None else [None] * len(colnames) # for col in annotmatch_is_col] # standardtags = [x[len('annotmatch_is_'):] for x in colnames] # standard_tags_list = ut.list_zipcompress(itertools.repeat(standardtags), annotmatch_is_col) # tags_list = [tags1 + tags2 for tags1, tags2 in zip(tags_list, standard_tags_list)] # else: # for case in standard: # flag_list = ibs.get_annotmatch_prop(case, annotmatch_rowids) # for tags in ut.compress(tags_list, flag_list): # tags.append(case) tags_list = [[str(t) for t in tags] for tags in tags_list] # if ut.get_argval('--consol') or True: # tags_list = consolodate_annotmatch_tags(tags_list) return tags_list
[docs]@profile def get_annotmatch_standard_prop(ibs, prop, annotmatch_rowids): getter = getattr(ibs, 'get_annotmatch_is_' + prop.lower()) flag_list = getter(annotmatch_rowids) return flag_list
[docs]@register_ibs_method @profile def get_annotmatch_prop(ibs, prop, annotmatch_rowids): r""" hacky getter for dynamic properties of annotmatches using notes table Args: prop (str): annotmatch_rowids (?): Returns: list: filtered_aid_list CommandLine: python -m wbia.tag_funcs --exec-get_annotmatch_prop Example: >>> # DISABLE_DOCTEST >>> # Test setting and getting standard keys >>> from wbia.tag_funcs import * # NOQA >>> import wbia >>> ibs = wbia.opendb(defaultdb='testdb1') >>> prop = 'hard' >>> annotmatch_rowids = ibs._get_all_annotmatch_rowids() >>> flag_list = get_annotmatch_prop(ibs, prop, annotmatch_rowids) >>> flag_list = ('filtered_aid_list = %s' % (str(flag_list),)) >>> subset_rowids = annotmatch_rowids[::2] >>> set_annotmatch_prop(ibs, prop, subset_rowids, [True] * len(subset_rowids)) >>> flag_list2 = get_annotmatch_prop(ibs, prop, annotmatch_rowids) >>> print('flag_list2 = %r' % (flag_list2,)) Example: >>> # DISABLE_DOCTEST >>> # Test setting and getting non-standard keys >>> from wbia.tag_funcs import * # NOQA >>> import wbia >>> ibs = wbia.opendb(defaultdb='testdb1') >>> prop = 'occlusion' >>> annotmatch_rowids = ibs._get_all_annotmatch_rowids() >>> flag_list = get_annotmatch_prop(ibs, prop, annotmatch_rowids) >>> flag_list = ('filtered_aid_list = %s' % (str(flag_list),)) >>> subset_rowids = annotmatch_rowids[1::2] >>> subset_rowids1 = annotmatch_rowids[::2] >>> set_annotmatch_prop(ibs, prop, subset_rowids1, [True] * len(subset_rowids)) >>> set_annotmatch_prop(ibs, 'pose', subset_rowids1, [True] * len(subset_rowids)) >>> flag_list2 = get_annotmatch_prop(ibs, prop, annotmatch_rowids) >>> print('flag_list2 = %r' % (flag_list2,)) """ # if prop.lower() in ANNOTMATCH_PROPS_STANDARD_SET: # return ibs.get_annotmatch_standard_prop(prop, annotmatch_rowids) for prop_ in ut.ensure_iterable(prop): flag1 = prop_.lower() not in ANNOTMATCH_PROPS_OTHER_SET flag2 = prop_.lower() not in ANNOTMATCH_PROPS_OLD_SET if flag1 and flag2: raise NotImplementedError('Unknown prop_=%r' % (prop_,)) return get_annotmatch_other_prop(ibs, prop, annotmatch_rowids)
[docs]@register_ibs_method def set_annotmatch_prop(ibs, prop, annotmatch_rowids, flags): """ hacky setter for dynamic properties of annotmatches using notes table """ '[ibs] set_annotmatch_prop prop=%s for %d pairs' % (prop, len(annotmatch_rowids)) ) # if prop.lower() in ANNOTMATCH_PROPS_STANDARD_SET: # setter = getattr(ibs, 'set_annotmatch_is_' + prop.lower()) # return setter(annotmatch_rowids, flags) if ( prop.lower() in ANNOTMATCH_PROPS_OTHER_SET or prop.lower() in ANNOTMATCH_PROPS_OLD_SET ): return set_annotmatch_other_prop(ibs, prop, annotmatch_rowids, flags) else: raise NotImplementedError( 'Unknown prop=%r not in %r' % (prop, ANNOTMATCH_PROPS_OTHER_SET) )
def _parse_tags(note): """convert a note into tags""" return [tag.strip() for tag in note.split(';') if len(tag) > 0] def _remove_tag(tags, prop): """convert a note into tags""" try: tags.remove(prop) except ValueError: pass return tags
[docs]@profile def get_annotmatch_other_prop(ibs, prop, annotmatch_rowids): annotmatch_tag_texts_list = ibs.get_annotmatch_tag_text(annotmatch_rowids) flag_list = get_textformat_tag_flags(prop, annotmatch_tag_texts_list) return flag_list
[docs]def set_annotmatch_other_prop(ibs, prop, annotmatch_rowids, flags): """ sets nonstandard properties using the notes column """ annotmatch_tag_texts_list = ibs.get_annotmatch_tag_text(annotmatch_rowids) new_notes_list = set_textformat_tag_flags(prop, annotmatch_tag_texts_list, flags) ibs.set_annotmatch_tag_text(annotmatch_rowids, new_notes_list)
[docs]@profile def get_textformat_tag_flags(prop, text_list): """general text tag getter hack""" tags_list = [None if note is None else _parse_tags(note) for note in text_list] if ut.isiterable(prop): props_ = [p.lower() for p in prop] flags_list = [ [None if tags is None else int(prop_ in tags) for tags in tags_list] for prop_ in props_ ] return flags_list else: prop = prop.lower() flag_list = [None if tags is None else int(prop in tags) for tags in tags_list] return flag_list
[docs]def set_textformat_tag_flags(prop, text_list, flags): """general text tag setter hack""" prop = prop.lower() ensured_text = ['' if note is None else note for note in text_list] tags_list = [_parse_tags(note) for note in ensured_text] # Remove from all new_tags_list = [_remove_tag(tags, prop) for tags in tags_list] # then add to specified ones for tags, flag in zip(new_tags_list, flags): if flag: tags.append(prop) new_text_list = [';'.join(tags) for tags in new_tags_list] return new_text_list
ANNOT_TAGS = [ 'occlusion', 'lighting', 'quality', 'pose', 'error', 'interesting', 'error:viewpoint', 'error:quality', 'occlusion:large', 'occlusion:medium', 'occlusion:small', 'lighting:shadowed', 'lighting:overexposed', 'lighting:underexposed', 'quality:washedout', 'quality:blury', 'pose:novel', 'pose:common', 'error:bbox', 'error:mask', 'error:other', ]
[docs]def get_available_annot_tags(): return ANNOT_TAGS
[docs]def get_annot_prop(ibs, prop, aid_list): """ Annot tags """ text_list = ibs.get_annot_tag_text(aid_list) flag_list = get_textformat_tag_flags(prop, text_list) return flag_list
[docs]@register_ibs_method def set_annot_prop(ibs, prop, aid_list, flags): """ sets nonstandard properties using the notes column """ text_list = ibs.get_annot_tag_text(aid_list) new_text_list = set_textformat_tag_flags(prop, text_list, flags) ibs.set_annot_tag_text(aid_list, new_text_list)
[docs]@register_ibs_method def append_annot_case_tags(ibs, aid_list, tag_list): """ Generally appends tags to annotations. Careful not to introduce too many random tags. Maybe we should just let that happen and introduce tag-aliases Note: this is more of a set add rather than a list append TODO: remove """ # Ensure each item is a list # tags_list = [tag if isinstance(tag, list) else [tag] for tag in tag_list] if isinstance(tag_list, str): # Apply single tag to everybody tag_list = [tag_list] * len(aid_list) tags_list = [ut.ensure_iterable(tag) for tag in tag_list] text_list = ibs.get_annot_tag_text(aid_list) orig_tags_list = [[] if note is None else _parse_tags(note) for note in text_list] new_tags_list = [ut.unique(t1 + t2) for t1, t2 in zip(tags_list, orig_tags_list)] ibs.set_annot_case_tags(aid_list, new_tags_list)
[docs]@register_ibs_method def set_annot_case_tags(ibs, aid_list, new_tags_list): """ Completely overwrite case tags """ for tag in new_tags_list: assert isinstance(tag, list), 'each set of tags must be a list of strs' new_text_list = [';'.join(tags) for tags in new_tags_list] ibs.set_annot_tag_text(aid_list, new_text_list)
[docs]@register_ibs_method def remove_annot_case_tags(ibs, aid_list, tag_list): if isinstance(tag_list, str): # Apply single tag to everybody tag_list = [tag_list] * len(aid_list) tags_list = [ut.ensure_iterable(tag) for tag in tag_list] text_list = ibs.get_annot_tag_text(aid_list) orig_tags_list = [[] if note is None else _parse_tags(note) for note in text_list] new_tags_list = [ut.setdiff(t2, t1) for t1, t2 in zip(tags_list, orig_tags_list)] new_text_list = [';'.join(tags) for tags in new_tags_list] ibs.set_annot_tag_text(aid_list, new_text_list)
[docs]@register_ibs_method def overwrite_annot_case_tags(ibs, aid_list, tag_list): """ Completely replaces annotation tags. BE VERY CAREFUL WITH THIS FUNCTION """ assert all([ut.isiterable(tag) for tag in tag_list]) # text_list = ibs.get_annot_tag_text(aid_list) # orig_tags_list = [[] if note is None else _parse_tags(note) for note in text_list] new_tags_list = tag_list new_text_list = [';'.join(tags) for tags in new_tags_list] ibs.set_annot_tag_text(aid_list, new_text_list)
[docs]@register_ibs_method def remove_all_annot_case_tags(ibs, aid_list): ibs.set_annot_tag_text(aid_list, [''] * len(aid_list))
[docs]@register_ibs_method def get_annot_case_tags(ibs, aid_list): r""" returns list of tags. Use instead of get_annot_tag_text TODO: rename to get_annot_unary_tags Args: ibs (IBEISController): wbia controller object aid_list (list): list of annotation rowids Returns: list: tags_list CommandLine: python -m wbia.tag_funcs --exec-get_annot_case_tags Example: >>> # ENABLE_DOCTEST >>> from wbia.tag_funcs import * # NOQA >>> from wbia.tag_funcs import _parse_tags # NOQA >>> import wbia >>> ibs = wbia.opendb(defaultdb='testdb1') >>> aid_list = ibs.get_valid_aids() >>> tags_list = get_annot_case_tags(ibs, aid_list) >>> result = ('tags_list = %s' % (str(tags_list),)) >>> print(result) Ignore: # FIXME incorrporate old tag notes aid_list = ibs.get_valid_aids() notes_list = ibs.get_annot_notes(aid_list) flags = [len(notes) > 0 for notes in notes_list] aid_list = ut.compress(aid_list, flags) notes_list = ut.compress(notes_list, flags) import re notes_list = [note.replace('rfdetect', '') for note in notes_list] notes_list = [note.replace('<COMMA>', ';') for note in notes_list] notes_list = [note.replace('jpg', '') for note in notes_list] notes_list = [note.replace('<HARDCASE>', '') for note in notes_list] notes_list = [note.strip() for note in notes_list] notes_list = [re.sub(';;*', ';', note) for note in notes_list] notes_list = [note.strip(';') for note in notes_list] notes_list = [note.strip(':') for note in notes_list] notes_list = [note.strip() for note in notes_list] flags = [len(notes) < 70 and len(notes) > 0 for notes in notes_list] aid_list = ut.compress(aid_list, flags) notes_list = ut.compress(notes_list, flags) flags = ['M;' not in notes and 'F;' not in notes and 'H1' not in notes for notes in notes_list] flags = [ 'M;' not in notes and 'F;' not in notes and 'H1' not in notes for notes in notes_list] aid_list = ut.compress(aid_list, flags) notes_list = ut.compress(notes_list, flags) flags = ['aliases' not in notes for notes in notes_list] aid_list = ut.compress(aid_list, flags) notes_list = ut.compress(notes_list, flags) #flags = [not re.match(';\d*;', note) for note in notes_list] flags = [not re.match(r'\d\d*', note) for note in notes_list] aid_list = ut.compress(aid_list, flags) notes_list = ut.compress(notes_list, flags) flags = [not notes.startswith('Foal;') for notes in notes_list] aid_list = ut.compress(aid_list, flags) notes_list = ut.compress(notes_list, flags) old_tags_list = [_parse_tags(note) for note in notes_list] old_tags = list(set(ut.flatten(old_tags_list))) old_tags = sorted([tag for tag in old_tags if not re.match(r'\d\d*', tag)]) old_to_new = { 'gash': None, 'pose': 'novelpose', 'vocalizing': 'novelpose' 'occlusion': 'occlusion', } Ignore: python -m wbia.tag_funcs --exec-filter_annotmatch_by_tags --show --db PZ_Master1 --tags viewpoint """ text_list = ibs.get_annot_tag_text(aid_list) tags_list = [[] if note is None else _parse_tags(note) for note in text_list] return tags_list
[docs]@register_ibs_method @profile def get_annot_annotmatch_tags(ibs, aid_list): r""" Args: ibs (IBEISController): wbia controller object aid_list (list): list of annotation rowids Returns: list: annotmatch_tags_list CommandLine: python -m wbia.tag_funcs --exec-get_annot_annotmatch_tags --db GZ_Master1 Example: >>> # ENABLE_DOCTEST >>> from wbia.tag_funcs import * # NOQA >>> import wbia >>> ibs = wbia.opendb(defaultdb='testdb1') >>> aid_list = ibs.get_valid_aids() >>> all_tags = ut.flatten(get_annot_annotmatch_tags(ibs, aid_list)) >>> tag_hist = ut.dict_hist(all_tags) >>> ut.print_dict(tag_hist) """ annotmatch_rowids = ibs.get_annotmatch_rowids_from_aid(aid_list) unflat_tags_list = ibs.unflat_map(ibs.get_annotmatch_case_tags, annotmatch_rowids) annotmatch_tags_list = [ list(set(ut.flatten(_unflat_tags))) for _unflat_tags in unflat_tags_list ] return annotmatch_tags_list
[docs]@register_ibs_method @profile def get_annot_all_tags(ibs, aid_list=None): """ CommandLine: python -m wbia.tag_funcs --exec-get_annot_all_tags --db GZ_Master1 Example: >>> # ENABLE_DOCTEST >>> from wbia.tag_funcs import * # NOQA >>> import wbia >>> ibs = wbia.opendb(defaultdb='testdb1') >>> aid_list = ibs.get_valid_aids() >>> all_tags = ut.flatten(ibs.get_annot_all_tags(aid_list)) >>> tag_hist = ut.dict_hist(all_tags) >>> ut.print_dict(tag_hist) """ if aid_list is None: aid_list = ibs.get_valid_aids() annotmatch_tags_list = ibs.get_annot_annotmatch_tags(aid_list) annot_tags_list = ibs.get_annot_case_tags(aid_list) both_tags_list = list( map( ut.unique_ordered, map(ut.flatten, zip(annot_tags_list, annotmatch_tags_list)), ) ) return both_tags_list