Source code for wbia.plottool.viz_image2

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import utool
from . import draw_func2 as df2
from wbia.plottool import custom_constants

# (print, print_, printDBG, rrr, profile) = utool.inject(__name__, '[viz_img2]', DEBUG=False)
utool.noinject(__name__, '[viz_img2]')

[docs]def draw_chip_overlay(ax, bbox, theta, text, is_sel): """Draw an annotation around a chip in the image""" lbl_alpha = 0.75 if is_sel else 0.6 bbox_alpha = 0.95 if is_sel else 0.6 lbl_color = custom_constants.BLACK * lbl_alpha bbox_color = ( custom_constants.ORANGE if is_sel else custom_constants.DARK_ORANGE ) * bbox_alpha df2.draw_bbox(bbox, text, bbox_color, lbl_color, theta=theta, ax=ax)
[docs]def draw_image_overlay( ax, bbox_list=[], theta_list=None, text_list=None, sel_list=None, draw_lbls=True ): if not draw_lbls: text_list = [''] * len(bbox_list) if theta_list is None: theta_list = [0] * len(bbox_list) if text_list is None: text_list = list(map(str, range(len(bbox_list)))) if sel_list is None: sel_list = [False] * len(bbox_list) # Draw all bboxes on top on image annotation_iter = zip(bbox_list, theta_list, text_list, sel_list) for bbox, theta, text, is_sel in annotation_iter: draw_chip_overlay(ax, bbox, theta, text, is_sel)
# @utool.indent_func
[docs]def show_image( img, bbox_list=[], title='', theta_list=None, text_list=None, sel_list=None, draw_lbls=True, fnum=None, annote=True, **kwargs, ): """Driver function to show images""" # Shows an image with annotations if fnum is None: fnum = df2.next_fnum() fig, ax = df2.imshow(img, title=title, fnum=fnum, docla=True, **kwargs) df2.remove_patches(ax) if annote: draw_image_overlay(ax, bbox_list, theta_list, text_list, sel_list, draw_lbls) return fig, ax