Source code for wbia.plottool.mpl_sift

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import itertools as it
import numpy as np
import matplotlib as mpl
import utool as ut
from wbia.plottool import color_funcs as color_fns

ut.noinject(__name__, '[pt.mpl_sift]')

TAU = 2 * np.pi  # References:
BLACK = np.array((0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0))
RED = np.array((1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0))

[docs]def testdata_sifts(): # make random sifts randstate = np.random.RandomState(1) sifts_float = randstate.rand(1, 128) sifts_float = sifts_float / np.linalg.norm(sifts_float) sifts_float[sifts_float > 0.2] = 0.2 sifts_float = sifts_float / np.linalg.norm(sifts_float) sifts = (sifts_float * 512).astype(np.uint8) return sifts
# Create a patch collection with attributes def _circl_collection(patch_list, color, alpha): coll = mpl.collections.PatchCollection(patch_list) coll.set_alpha(alpha) coll.set_edgecolor(color) coll.set_facecolor('none') return coll
[docs]def get_sift_collection( sift, aff=None, bin_color=BLACK, arm1_color=RED, arm2_color=BLACK, arm_alpha=1.0, arm1_lw=1.0, arm2_lw=2.0, stroke=1.0, circ_alpha=0.5, fidelity=256, scaling=True, **kwargs, ): """ Creates a collection of SIFT matplotlib patches get_sift_collection Args: sift (?): aff (None): bin_color (ndarray): arm1_color (ndarray): arm2_color (ndarray): arm_alpha (float): arm1_lw (float): arm2_lw (float): circ_alpha (float): fidelity (int): quantization factor Returns: ?: coll_tup CommandLine: python -m wbia.plottool.mpl_sift --test-get_sift_collection Example: >>> from wbia.plottool.mpl_sift import * # NOQA >>> sift = testdata_sifts()[0] >>> aff = None >>> bin_color = np.array([ 0., 0., 0., 1.]) >>> arm1_color = np.array([ 1., 0., 0., 1.]) >>> arm2_color = np.array([ 0., 0., 0., 1.]) >>> arm_alpha = 1.0 >>> arm1_lw = 0.5 >>> arm2_lw = 1.0 >>> circ_alpha = 0.5 >>> coll_tup = get_sift_collection(sift, aff, bin_color, arm1_color, >>> arm2_color, arm_alpha, arm1_lw, >>> arm2_lw, circ_alpha) >>> print(coll_tup) """ # global offset scale adjustments if aff is None: aff = mpl.transforms.Affine2D() MULTI_COLORED_ARMS = kwargs.pop('multicolored_arms', False) _kwarm = kwargs.copy() _kwarm.update( dict(head_width=1e-10, length_includes_head=False, transform=aff, color=[1, 1, 0]) ) _kwcirc = dict(transform=aff) DSCALE = 0.25 # Descriptor scale factor XYSCALE = 0.5 # Position scale factor XYOFFST = -0.75 # Position offset NORI, NX, NY = 8, 4, 4 # SIFT BIN CONSTANTS NBINS = NX * NY discrete_ori = np.arange(0, NORI) * (TAU / NORI) # import utool # utool.embed() # Arm magnitude and orientations # arm_mag = sift / 255.0 # If given the correct fidelity, each arm will have a max magnitude of 1.0 # Because the diameter of each circle is 1.0 arm_mag = sift / (float(fidelity)) # arm_mag = sift / 512.0 # technically correct # arm_mag = sift / 256.0 # but use this instead as it is max bin arm_ori = np.tile(discrete_ori, (NBINS, 1)).flatten() if scaling and False: # Use entropy as a scaling factor to more clearly visualize differences p = np.bincount(sift) / len(sift) maximum_entropy = -np.log2(1 / len(sift)) entropy = -np.nansum(p * np.log2(p)) # Alpha is 1 when entropy is maximum # When entropy is maximum, we want to scale things up a bit alpha = entropy / maximum_entropy max_ = arm_mag.max() # Always scale up, but no more than max. pt1 = min(max_, 1) # max_ pt2 = max(max_, 1) # 1 denom = (pt2 * alpha) + (pt1 * (1 - alpha)) scale_factor = 1 / denom arm_mag = arm_mag * scale_factor # arm_mag *= 4 ori_dxy = np.hstack([np.cos(arm_ori)[:, None], np.sin(arm_ori)[:, None]]) # Arm orientation in dxdy format # arm_dx = np.cos(arm_ori) * arm_mag # arm_dy = np.sin(arm_ori) * arm_mag # arm_dxy = np.hstack([arm_dx[:, None], arm_dy[:, None]]) # assert np.all(np.isclose(np.sqrt(arm_dy ** 2 + arm_dx ** 2), arm_mag)) # np.linalg.norm(arm_dxy, axis=1).max() # Arm locations and dxdy index yxt_gen = it.product(range(NY), range(NX), range(NORI)) # Circle x,y locations yx_gen = it.product(range(NY), range(NX)) # Draw 8 directional arms in each of the 4x4 grid cells # MOVETO = mpl.path.Path.MOVETO # LINETO = mpl.path.Path.LINETO # STOP = mpl.path.Path.STOP arm_patches = [] for y, x, t in yxt_gen: index = (y * NX * NORI) + (x * NORI) + (t) (dx, dy) = ori_dxy[index] mag = arm_mag[index] # (mdx, mdy) = arm_dxy[index] arm_x = (x * XYSCALE) + XYOFFST # MULTIPLY BY -1 to invert X axis arm_y = (y * XYSCALE) + XYOFFST arm_dy = dy * mag * DSCALE arm_dx = dx * mag * DSCALE # Move arms a little bit away from the center nudge = 0.05 arm_x = arm_x + dx * (nudge * DSCALE) arm_y = arm_y + dy * (nudge * DSCALE) arm_dx = arm_dx + dx * (nudge * DSCALE) arm_dy = arm_dy + dy * (nudge * DSCALE) if 0: _args = [arm_x, arm_y, arm_dx, arm_dy] arm_patch = mpl.patches.FancyArrow(*_args, **_kwarm) else: arm_x2 = arm_x + arm_dx arm_y2 = arm_y + arm_dy pt1 = np.array([arm_x, arm_y]) pt2 = np.array([arm_x2, arm_y2]) # Hack a small eps rectangle to make the ends of the line also have # a stroke eps = 1e-6 verts = [pt1, pt2, pt2 + eps, pt2 - eps] path = mpl.path.Path(verts, closed=True) arm_patch = mpl.patches.PathPatch( path, # joinstyle='bevel', # joinstyle='round', edgecolor='k', transform=aff, ) arm_patches.append(arm_patch) # Draw circles around each of the 4x4 grid cells circle_patches = [] for y, x in yx_gen: circ_xy = (x * XYSCALE + XYOFFST, y * XYSCALE + XYOFFST) circ_radius = DSCALE patch = mpl.patches.Circle(circ_xy, circ_radius, **_kwcirc) circle_patches.append(patch) circ_coll = mpl.collections.PatchCollection(circle_patches) circ_coll.set_alpha(circ_alpha) circ_coll.set_edgecolor(bin_color) circ_coll.set_facecolor('none') # arm2_coll = _arm_collection(arm_patches, arm2_color, arm_alpha, arm2_lw) # Add stroke instead of another arm path_effects = [] ENABLE_PATH_EFFECTS = 0 if ENABLE_PATH_EFFECTS: from matplotlib import patheffects print('stroke = %r' % (stroke,)) if stroke > 0: path_effects.append( patheffects.withStroke(linewidth=arm1_lw + stroke, foreground='k') ) path_effects.append(patheffects.Normal()) if MULTI_COLORED_ARMS: # Hack in same colorscheme for arms as the sift bars ori_colors = color_fns.distinct_colors(16) arm_collections = [ mpl.collections.PatchCollection(patches) for patches in ut.ichunks(arm_patches, 8) ] for col, color in zip(arm_collections, ori_colors): col.set_color(color) else: # Just use a single color for all the arms arm1_coll = mpl.collections.PatchCollection(arm_patches) arm1_coll.set_color(arm1_color) arm_collections = [arm1_coll] for col in arm_collections: col.set_alpha(arm_alpha) col.set_path_effects(path_effects) col.set_linewidth(arm1_lw) coll_tup = [circ_coll] + arm_collections return coll_tup
[docs]def draw_sifts(ax, sifts, invVR_aff2Ds=None, **kwargs): """ Gets sift patch collections, transforms them and then draws them. CommandLine: python -m wbia.plottool.mpl_sift --test-draw_sifts --show Example: >>> # ENABLE_DOCTEST >>> from wbia.plottool.mpl_sift import * # NOQA >>> # build test data >>> import wbia.plottool as pt >>> pt.figure(1) >>> ax = pt.gca() >>> ax.set_xlim(-1.1, 1.1) >>> ax.set_ylim(-1.1, 1.1) >>> sifts = testdata_sifts() >>> sifts[:, 0:8] = 0 >>> invVR_aff2Ds = None >>> kwargs = dict(multicolored_arms=False) >>> kwargs['arm1_lw'] = 3 >>> kwargs['stroke'] = 5 >>> result = draw_sifts(ax, sifts, invVR_aff2Ds, **kwargs) >>> ax.set_aspect('equal') >>> print(result) >>> pt.show_if_requested() """ if invVR_aff2Ds is None: invVR_aff2Ds = [mpl.transforms.Affine2D() for _ in range(len(sifts))] if isinstance(invVR_aff2Ds, (list, np.ndarray)): invVR_aff2Ds = [ aff_ if isinstance(aff_, mpl.transforms.Affine2D) else mpl.transforms.Affine2D(matrix=aff_) for aff_ in invVR_aff2Ds ] colltup_list = [ get_sift_collection(sift, aff, **kwargs) for sift, aff in zip(sifts, invVR_aff2Ds) ] ax.invert_xaxis() for coll_tup in colltup_list: for coll in coll_tup: coll.set_transform(ax.transData) for coll_tup in colltup_list: for coll in coll_tup: ax.add_collection(coll) ax.invert_xaxis()
[docs]def draw_sift_on_patch(patch, sift, **kwargs): import wbia.plottool as pt pt.imshow(patch) ax = pt.gca() half_size = patch.shape[0] / 2 invVR = np.array([[half_size, 0, half_size], [0, half_size, half_size], [0, 0, 1]]) invVR_aff2Ds = np.array([invVR]) sifts = np.array([sift]) return draw_sifts(ax, sifts, invVR_aff2Ds)
[docs]def render_sift_on_patch(patch, sift): import wbia.plottool as pt with pt.RenderingContext() as render: draw_sift_on_patch(patch, sift) rendered = render.image return rendered