Source code for wbia.plottool.interact_annotations

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Interactive tool to draw mask on an image or image-like array.

    * need concept of subannotation
    * need to take options on a right click of an annotation
    * add support for arbitrary polygons back in .
    * rename species_list to label_list or category_list
    * Just use metadata instead of species / category / label
    # Need to incorporate parts into metadata

    3. Change bounding box and update continuously to the original image the

    2. Make new window and frames inside, double click to pull up normal window
    with editing start with just taking in 6 images and ANNOTATIONs

    1. ANNOTATION ID number, then list of 4 tuples

    python -m utool.util_inspect check_module_usage --pat=""

    Adapted from matplotlib/examples/event_handling/
    Jan 9 2014: taken from:

    python -m wbia.plottool.interact_annotations --test-test_interact_annots --show
import logging
import re
import numpy as np

    import vtool as vt
except ImportError:
import utool as ut
import itertools as it
import matplotlib as mpl
from . import draw_func2 as df2
from wbia.plottool import abstract_interaction

print, rrr, profile = ut.inject2(__name__)
logger = logging.getLogger('wbia')

ACCEPT_SAVE_HOTKEY = None  # 'ctrl+a'
ADD_RECTANGLE_HOTKEY = 'ctrl+a'  # 'ctrl+d'
DEL_RECTANGLE_HOTKEY = 'ctrl+d'  # 'ctrl+r'

    ADD_RECTANGLE_HOTKEY = 'a'  # 'ctrl+d'
    DEL_RECTANGLE_HOTKEY = 'd'  # 'ctrl+r'

NEXT_IMAGE_HOTKEYS = ['right', 'pagedown']
PREV_IMAGE_HOTKEYS = ['left', 'pageup']

TAU = np.pi * 2

[docs]class AnnotPoly(mpl.patches.Polygon, ut.NiceRepr): """ Helper to represent an annotation polygon wbia --aidcmd='Interact image' --aid=1 Example: >>> # DISABLE_DOCTEST >>> from wbia.plottool.interact_annotations import * # NOQA >>> verts = vt.verts_from_bbox([0, 0, 10, 10]) >>> poly = AnnotPoly(None, 0, verts, 0, '____') """ def __init__( poly, ax, num, verts, theta, species, fc=(0, 0, 0), line_color=(1, 1, 1), line_width=4, is_orig=False, metadata=None, valid_species=None, manager=None, ): super(AnnotPoly, poly).__init__(verts, animated=True, fc=fc, ec='none', alpha=0) poly.manager = manager # Ensure basecoords consistency poly.basecoords = vt.verts_from_bbox(vt.bbox_from_verts(poly.xy)) # poly.basecoords = poly.xy poly.num = num poly.is_orig = is_orig poly.theta = theta poly.metadata = metadata poly.valid_species = valid_species poly.tab_list = valid_species # put in previous text and tabcomplete list for autocompletion poly.tctext = '' poly.tcindex = 0 poly.anchor_idx = 2 poly.child_polys = {} # Display stuff that should be removed from constructor poly.xy = calc_display_coords(poly.basecoords, poly.theta) poly.lines = poly._make_lines(line_color, line_width) poly.handle = poly._make_handle_line() poly.species = species if ax is not None: poly.axes_init(ax)
[docs] def axes_init(poly, ax): species = poly.species metadata = poly.metadata if isinstance(metadata, ut.LazyDict): metadata_ = ut.dict_subset(metadata, metadata.cached_keys()) else: metadata_ = metadata poly.species_tag = ax.text( # tagpos[0], tagpos[1], 0, 0, species, bbox={'facecolor': 'white', 'alpha': 0.8}, verticalalignment='top', ) poly.metadata_tag = ax.text( 0, 0, # tagpos[0] + 5, tagpos[1] + 80, ut.repr3(metadata_, nobr=True), bbox={'facecolor': 'white', 'alpha': 0.7}, verticalalignment='top', ) # ??? poly.species_tag.remove() # eliminate "leftover" copies poly.metadata_tag.remove() # poly.update_display_coords()
[docs] def move_to_back(poly): # FIXME: doesnt work exactly # Probalby need to do in the context of other polys zorder = 0 poly.set_zorder(zorder) poly.lines.set_zorder(zorder) poly.handle.set_zorder(zorder)
def __nice__(poly): return '(num=%r)' % (poly.num)
[docs] def add_to_axis(poly, ax): ax.add_patch(poly) ax.add_line(poly.lines) ax.add_line(poly.handle)
[docs] def remove_from_axis(poly, ax): poly.remove() poly.lines.remove() poly.handle.remove()
[docs] def draw_self(poly, ax, show_species_tags=False, editable=True): ax.draw_artist(poly) if not editable and poly.lines.get_marker(): poly.lines.set_marker('') elif editable and not poly.lines.get_marker(): poly.lines.set_marker('o') ax.draw_artist(poly.lines) if editable: ax.draw_artist(poly.handle) if editable and show_species_tags: # Hack to fix matplotlib 1.5 bug poly.species_tag.figure = ax.figure poly.metadata_tag.figure = ax.figure ax.draw_artist(poly.species_tag) ax.draw_artist(poly.metadata_tag)
def _make_lines(poly, line_color, line_width): """verts - list of (x, y) tuples""" _xs, _ys = list(zip(*poly.xy)) color = np.array(line_color) marker_face_color = line_color line_kwargs = {'lw': line_width, 'color': color, 'mfc': marker_face_color} lines = mpl.lines.Line2D( _xs, _ys, marker='o', alpha=1, animated=True, **line_kwargs ) return lines def _make_handle_line(poly): _xs, _ys = list(zip(*poly.calc_handle_display_coords())) line_width = 4 line_color = (0, 1, 0) color = np.array(line_color) marker_face_color = line_color line_kwargs = {'lw': line_width, 'color': color, 'mfc': marker_face_color} lines = mpl.lines.Line2D( _xs, _ys, marker='o', alpha=1, animated=True, **line_kwargs ) return lines
[docs] def calc_tag_position(poly): r""" CommandLine: python -m wbia.plottool.interact_annotations --test-calc_tag_position --show Example: >>> # DISABLE_DOCTEST >>> from wbia.plottool.interact_annotations import * # NOQA >>> poly = ut.DynStruct() >>> poly.basecoords = vt.verts_from_bbox([0, 0, 400, 400], True) >>> poly.theta = 0 >>> poly.xy = vt.verts_from_bbox([0, 0, 400, 400], True) >>> tagpos = poly.calc_tag_position() >>> print('tagpos = %r' % (tagpos,)) """ points = [ [max(list(zip(*poly.basecoords))[0]), min(list(zip(*poly.basecoords))[1])] ] tagpos = rotate_points_around(points, poly.theta, *points_center(poly.xy))[0] return tagpos
[docs] def calc_handle_display_coords(poly): img_h = poly.manager.img.shape[0] handle_length = img_h // 32 # MIN_HANDLE_LENGTH = 25 # handle_length = MIN_HANDLE_LENGTH # handle_length = max(MIN_HANDLE_LENGTH, (h / 4)) cx, cy = points_center(poly.xy) w, h = vt.get_pointset_extent_wh(np.array(poly.basecoords)) x0, y0 = cx, (cy - (h / 2)) # start at top edge x1, y1 = (x0, y0 - handle_length) pts = [(x0, y0), (x1, y1)] pts = rotate_points_around(pts, poly.theta, cx, cy) return pts
[docs] def update_color(poly, selected=False, editing_parts=False): if editing_parts: poly.lines.set_color(df2.PINK) elif selected: # Add selected color sel_color = df2.ORANGE if poly.is_orig else df2.LIGHT_BLUE poly.lines.set_color(sel_color) else: line = poly.lines line_color = line.get_color() desel_color = df2.WHITE if poly.is_orig else df2.LIGHTGRAY if np.any(line_color != np.array(desel_color)): line.set_color(np.array(desel_color))
[docs] def update_lines(poly): poly.lines.set_data(list(zip(*poly.xy))) poly.handle.set_data(list(zip(*poly.calc_handle_display_coords())))
[docs] def set_species(poly, text): poly.tctext = text poly.species_tag.set_text(text)
[docs] def increment_species(poly, amount=1): if len(poly.tab_list) > 0: tci = (poly.tcindex + amount) % len(poly.tab_list) poly.tcindex = tci # All tab is going to do is go through the possibilities poly.species_tag.set_text(poly.tab_list[poly.tcindex])
[docs] def resize_poly(poly, x, y, idx, ax): """ Resize a rectangle using idx as the given anchor point. Respects current rotation. CommandLine: python -m wbia.plottool.interact_annotations --exec-resize_poly --show Example: >>> # DISABLE_DOCTEST >>> from wbia.plottool.interact_annotations import * # NOQA >>> (h, w) = img.shape[0:2] >>> x1, y1 = 10, 10 >>> x2, y2 = w - 10, h - 10 >>> coords = ((x1, y1), (x1, y2), (x2, y2), (x2, y1)) >>> x = 3 * w / 4 >>> y = 3 * h / 4 >>> idx = 3 >>> resize_poly(poly, x, y, idx) >>> update_UI() >>> import wbia.plottool as pt >>> pt.show_if_requested() """ # TODO: allow resize by middle click to scale from the center # the minus one is because the last coordinate is duplicated (by # matplotlib) to get a closed polygon tmpcoords = poly.xy[:-1] idx = idx % len(tmpcoords) previdx = (idx - 1) % len(tmpcoords) nextidx = (idx + 1) % len(tmpcoords) (dx, dy) = (x - poly.xy[idx][0], y - poly.xy[idx][1]) # Fudge factor is due to gravity vectors constants fudge_factor = (idx) * TAU / 4 poly_theta = poly.theta + fudge_factor polar_idx2prev = polarDelta(tmpcoords[idx], tmpcoords[previdx]) polar_idx2next = polarDelta(tmpcoords[idx], tmpcoords[nextidx]) tmpcoords[idx] = (tmpcoords[idx][0] + dx, tmpcoords[idx][1] + dy) mag_delta = np.linalg.norm((dx, dy)) theta_delta = np.arctan2(dy, dx) theta_rot = theta_delta - (poly_theta + TAU / 4) rotx = mag_delta * np.cos(theta_rot) roty = mag_delta * np.sin(theta_rot) polar_idx2prev[0] -= rotx polar_idx2next[0] += roty tmpcoords[previdx] = apply_polarDelta(polar_idx2prev, tmpcoords[idx]) tmpcoords[nextidx] = apply_polarDelta(polar_idx2next, tmpcoords[idx]) # rotate the points by -theta to get the "unrotated" points for use as # basecoords tmpcoords = rotate_points_around(tmpcoords, -poly.theta, *points_center(poly.xy)) # ensure the poly is closed, matplotlib might do this, but I'm not sure # if it preserves the ordering we depend on, even if it does add the # point tmpcoords = tmpcoords[:] + [tmpcoords[0]] dispcoords = calc_display_coords(tmpcoords, poly.theta) if check_valid_coords(ax, dispcoords) and check_min_wh(tmpcoords): poly.basecoords = tmpcoords poly.update_display_coords()
[docs] def rotate_poly(poly, dtheta, ax): coords_lis = calc_display_coords(poly.basecoords, poly.theta + dtheta) if check_valid_coords(ax, coords_lis): poly.theta += dtheta poly.update_display_coords()
[docs] def move_poly(poly, dx, dy, ax): new_coords = [(x + dx, y + dy) for (x, y) in poly.basecoords] coords_list = calc_display_coords(new_coords, poly.theta) if check_valid_coords(ax, coords_list): poly.basecoords = new_coords poly.update_display_coords()
[docs] def update_display_coords(poly): poly.xy = calc_display_coords(poly.basecoords, poly.theta) tag_pos = poly.calc_tag_position() poly.species_tag.set_position((tag_pos[0] + 5, tag_pos[1])) poly.metadata_tag.set_position((tag_pos[0] + 5, tag_pos[1] + 50))
[docs] def print_info(poly):'poly = %r' % (poly,))'poly.tag_text = %r' % (poly.species_tag.get_text(),))'poly.metadata = %r' % (poly.metadata,))
[docs] def get_poly_mask(poly, shape): h, w = shape[0:2] y, x = np.mgrid[:h, :w] points = np.transpose((x.ravel(), y.ravel())) verts = poly.xy path = mpl.path.Path(verts) mask = path.contains_points(points) # mask = nxutils.points_inside_poly(points, verts) return mask.reshape(h, w)
[docs] def is_near_handle(poly, xy_pt, max_dist): line = poly.calc_handle_display_coords() return is_within_distance_from_line(xy_pt, line, max_dist)
@property def size(poly): return vt.bbox_from_verts(poly.xy)[2:4]
[docs]@ut.reloadable_class class AnnotationInteraction(abstract_interaction.AbstractInteraction): """ An interactive polygon editor. SeeAlso: wbia.viz.interact.interact_annotations2 (ensure that any updates here are propogated there) Args: verts_list (list) : list of lists of (float, float) List of (x, y) coordinates used as vertices of the polygon. """ # --- Initialization and Figure Widgets def __init__( self, img, img_ind=None, commit_callback=None, verts_list=None, bbox_list=None, theta_list=None, species_list=None, metadata_list=None, line_width=4, line_color=(1, 1, 1), face_color=(0, 0, 0), fnum=None, default_species=DEFAULT_SPECIES_TAG, next_callback=None, prev_callback=None, do_mask=False, valid_species=[], **kwargs, ): super(AnnotationInteraction, self).__init__(fnum=fnum, **kwargs) self.valid_species = valid_species self.commit_callback = commit_callback # commit_callback self.but_width = 0.14 # self.but_height = .08 self.next_prev_but_height = 0.08 self.but_height = self.next_prev_but_height - 0.01 self.callback_funcs = dict( [ ('close_event', self.on_close), ('draw_event', self.draw_callback), ('button_press_event', self.on_click), ('button_release_event', self.on_click_release), ('figure_leave_event', self.on_figure_leave), ('key_press_event', self.on_key_press), ('motion_notify_event', self.on_motion), ('pick_event', self.on_pick), # ('resize_event', self.on_resize), ] ) self.mpl_callback_ids = {} self.img = img self.show_species_tags = True self.max_dist = 10 def _reinitialize_variables(): self.do_mask = do_mask self.img_ind = img_ind self.species_tag = default_species self.showverts = True self.fc_default = face_color self.mouseX = None # mouse X coordinate self.mouseY = None # mouse Y coordinate self.ind_xy = None self._autoinc_polynum = it.count(0) # num polys in image self._poly_held = False # if any poly is active self._selected_poly = None # active polygon self.parent_poly = None # level of parts heirarchy self.background = None # Ensure nothing is down self.reset_mouse_state() _reinitialize_variables() # hack involving exploting lexical scoping to save defaults for a # restore operation self.reinitialize_variables = _reinitialize_variables try: self.fig = df2.figure(fnum=self.fnum, doclf=True, docla=True) df2.close_figure(self.fig) except AttributeError: pass self.fig = df2.figure(fnum=self.fnum, doclf=True, docla=True) self.reinitialize_figure(fnum=self.fnum) assert verts_list is None or bbox_list is None, 'only one can be specified' # bbox_list will get converted to verts_list if verts_list is not None: bbox_list = vt.bboxes_from_vert_list(verts_list) if bbox_list is not None: verts_list = [vt.verts_from_bbox(bbox) for bbox in bbox_list] if theta_list is None: theta_list = [0 for _ in verts_list] if species_list is None: species_list = [self.species_tag for _ in verts_list] if metadata_list is None: metadata_list = [None for _ in verts_list] # Create the list of polygons self.handle_polygon_creation(bbox_list, theta_list, species_list, metadata_list) self._ind = None # the active vert self._current_rotate_poly = None self.mpl_callback_ids = {} self.connect_mpl_callbacks(self.fig.canvas) self.add_action_buttons() self.update_callbacks(next_callback, prev_callback)
[docs] def reinitialize_figure(self, fnum=None): self.fig.clear() self.fig.clf() # self.fig.cla() # ut.qflag() self.fnum = fnum # ax = df2.gca() # = ax = ax df2.remove_patches( df2.imshow(self.img, fnum=fnum) ax.set_clip_on(False) ax.set_title( ( '\n'.join( [ 'Click and drag to select/move/resize/orient an ANNOTATION', # 'Press enter to clear the species tag of the selected ANNOTATION', 'Press tab to cycle through annotation species', # 'Type to edit the ANNOTATION species (press tab to autocomplete)' ] ) ) )
[docs] def add_action_buttons(self): self.append_button( 'Add Annotation\n' + pretty_hotkey_map(ADD_RECTANGLE_HOTKEY), rect=[0.18, 0.015, self.but_width, self.but_height], callback=self.add_new_poly, ) # self.append_button( # 'Add Full Annotation\n' + pretty_hotkey_map(ADD_RECTANGLE_FULL_HOTKEY), # rect=[0.34, 0.015, self.but_width, self.but_height], # callback=ut.partial(self.add_new_poly, full=True) # ) self.append_button( 'Delete Annotation\n' + pretty_hotkey_map(DEL_RECTANGLE_HOTKEY), rect=[0.50, 0.015, self.but_width, self.but_height], callback=self.delete_current_poly, ) self.append_button( 'Save and Exit\n' + pretty_hotkey_map(ACCEPT_SAVE_HOTKEY), rect=[0.66, 0.015, self.but_width, self.but_height], callback=self.save_and_exit, )
[docs] def disconnect_mpl_callbacks(self, canvas): """disconnects all connected matplotlib callbacks""" for name, callbackid in self.mpl_callback_ids.items(): canvas.mpl_disconnect(callbackid) self.mpl_callback_ids = {}
[docs] def connect_mpl_callbacks(self, canvas): """ disconnects matplotlib callbacks specified in the self.mpl_callback_ids dict """ # # Create callback ids self.disconnect_mpl_callbacks(canvas) self.mpl_callback_ids = { name: canvas.mpl_connect(name, func) for name, func in self.callback_funcs.items() } self.fig.canvas = canvas
# --- Updates
[docs] def update_callbacks(self, next_callback, prev_callback): self.prev_callback = prev_callback self.next_callback = next_callback # Hack because the callbacks actually need to be wrapped _next_callback = None if self.next_callback is None else self.next_image _prev_callback = None if self.prev_callback is None else self.prev_image self.append_button( 'Previous Image\n' + pretty_hotkey_map(PREV_IMAGE_HOTKEYS), rect=[0.02, 0.01, self.but_width, self.next_prev_but_height], callback=_prev_callback, ) self.append_button( 'Next Image\n' + pretty_hotkey_map(NEXT_IMAGE_HOTKEYS), rect=[0.82, 0.01, self.but_width, self.next_prev_but_height], callback=_next_callback, )
[docs] def update_image_and_callbacks( self, img, bbox_list, theta_list, species_list, metadata_list, next_callback, prev_callback, ): self.disconnect_mpl_callbacks(self.fig.canvas) for poly in self.polys.values(): poly.remove() self.polys = {} self.reinitialize_variables() self.img = img self.reinitialize_figure(fnum=self.fnum) self.handle_polygon_creation(bbox_list, theta_list, species_list, metadata_list) self.add_action_buttons() self.draw() self.connect_mpl_callbacks(self.fig.canvas) self.update_callbacks(next_callback, prev_callback)'[interact_annot] drawing') self.draw() self.update_UI()
def _update_poly_colors(self): for poly in self.uneditable_polys.values(): poly.update_color() for ind, poly in self.editable_polys.items(): assert poly.num == ind selected = poly is self._selected_poly editing_parts = poly is self.parent_poly poly.update_color(selected, editing_parts) self.draw() def _update_poly_lines(self): for poly in self.uneditable_polys.values(): # self.last_vert_ind = len(poly.xy) - 1 poly.update_lines() for poly in self.editable_polys.values(): self.last_vert_ind = len(poly.xy) - 1 poly.update_lines()
[docs] def update_UI(self): self._update_poly_lines() self._update_poly_colors() self.fig.canvas.restore_region(self.background) self.draw_artists() self.fig.canvas.blit(
[docs] def draw_artists(self): for poly in self.uneditable_polys.values(): poly.draw_self(, editable=False) for poly in self.editable_polys.values(): poly.draw_self(, self.show_species_tags)
# --- Data Matainence / Other @property def uneditable_polys(self): if self.in_edit_parts_mode: return {self.parent_poly.num: self.parent_poly} # return self.polys else: return {} @property def editable_polys(self): # return self.polys if self.in_edit_parts_mode: return self.parent_poly.child_polys else: if self.polys is None: self.polys = {} return self.polys
[docs] def get_poly_under_cursor(self, x, y): """ get the index of the vertex under cursor if within max_dist tolerance """ # Remove any deleted polygons poly_dict = {k: v for k, v in self.editable_polys.items() if v is not None} if len(poly_dict) > 0: poly_inds = list(poly_dict.keys()) poly_list = ut.take(poly_dict, poly_inds) # Put polygon coords into figure space poly_pts = [ poly.get_transform().transform(np.asarray(poly.xy)) for poly in poly_list ] # Find the nearest vertex from the annotations ind_dist_list = [vt.nearest_point(x, y, polypts) for polypts in poly_pts] dist_lists = ut.take_column(ind_dist_list, 1) min_idx = np.argmin(dist_lists) sel_polyind = poly_inds[min_idx] sel_vertx, sel_dist = ind_dist_list[min_idx] # Ensure nearest distance is within threshold if sel_dist >= self.max_dist ** 2: sel_polyind, sel_vertx = (None, None) else: sel_polyind, sel_vertx = (None, None) return sel_polyind, sel_vertx
[docs] def get_most_recently_added_poly(self): if len(self.editable_polys) == 0: return None else: # most recently added polygon has the highest index poly_ind = max(list(self.editable_polys.keys())) return self.editable_polys[poly_ind]
[docs] def new_polygon( self, verts, theta, species, fc=(0, 0, 0), line_color=(1, 1, 1), line_width=4, is_orig=False, metadata=None, ): """verts - list of (x, y) tuples""" # create new polygon from verts num = next(self._autoinc_polynum) poly = AnnotPoly(, num=num, verts=verts, theta=theta, species=species, fc=fc, line_color=line_color, line_width=line_width, is_orig=is_orig, metadata=metadata, valid_species=self.valid_species, manager=self, ) poly.set_picker(self.is_poly_pickable) return poly
[docs] def handle_polygon_creation(self, bbox_list, theta_list, species_list, metadata_list): """Maintain original input""" assert bbox_list is not None if theta_list is None: theta_list = [0.0 for _ in range(len(bbox_list))] if species_list is None: species_list = ['' for _ in range(len(bbox_list))] assert len(bbox_list) == len(theta_list), 'inconconsitent data1' assert len(bbox_list) == len(species_list), 'inconconsitent data2' assert len(bbox_list) == len(metadata_list), 'inconconsitent data2' self.original_indices = list(range(len(bbox_list))) self.original_bbox_list = bbox_list self.original_theta_list = theta_list self.original_species_list = species_list self.original_metadata_list = metadata_list # Convert bbox to verticies verts_list = [vt.verts_from_bbox(bbox) for bbox in bbox_list] for verts in verts_list: verts = np.array(verts) for vert in verts: enforce_dims(, vert) # Create polygons poly_list = [ self.new_polygon(verts_, theta, species, is_orig=True, metadata=metadata) for (verts_, theta, species, metadata) in zip( verts_list, theta_list, species_list, metadata_list ) ] self.polys = {poly.num: poly for poly in poly_list} if len(self.polys) != 0: # Select poly with largest area wh_list = np.array([poly.size for poly in self.polys.values()]) poly_index = list(self.polys.keys())[] self._selected_poly = self.polys[poly_index] self._update_poly_colors() self._update_poly_lines() else: self._selected_poly = None # Add polygons to the axis for poly in self.polys.values(): poly.add_to_axis(
# Give polygons mpl change callbacks # for poly in self.polys.values(): # poly.add_callback(self.poly_changed) # --- Actions
[docs] def add_new_poly(self, event=None, full=False): """Adds a new annotation to the image""" if full: (h, w) = self.img.shape[0:2] x1, y1 = 1, 1 x2, y2 = w - 1, h - 1 coords = ((x1, y1), (x1, y2), (x2, y2), (x2, y1)) else: if self._selected_poly is not None: defaultshape_polys = {self._selected_poly.num: self._selected_poly} else: defaultshape_polys = self.editable_polys coords = default_vertices( self.img, defaultshape_polys, self.mouseX, self.mouseY ) poly = self.new_polygon(verts=coords, theta=0, species=self.species_tag) poly.parent = self.parent_poly # Add to the correct place in current heirarchy self.editable_polys[poly.num] = poly poly.add_to_axis( # self.polys[poly.num] = poly # poly.add_callback(self.poly_changed) self._ind = None # the active vert self._selected_poly = self.get_most_recently_added_poly() self._update_poly_lines() self._update_poly_colors() self.draw()
[docs] def delete_current_poly(self, event=None): """ Removes an annotation """ if self._selected_poly is None:'[interact_annot] No polygon selected to delete') else:'[interact_annot] delete annot') poly = self._selected_poly # self.polys.pop(poly.num) del self.editable_polys[poly.num] # remove the poly from the figure itself poly.remove_from_axis( # reset anything that has to do with current poly self._selected_poly = self.get_most_recently_added_poly() self._poly_held = False if self._selected_poly is not None: self._update_poly_colors() self.draw()
[docs] def edit_poly_parts(self, poly): if poly is None and self.parent_poly is not None: self._selected_poly = self.parent_poly'self.parent_poly = %r' % (self.parent_poly,)) self.parent_poly = poly if poly is not None: self._selected_poly = self.get_most_recently_added_poly()'self._selected_poly = %r' % (self._selected_poly,)) if poly is None:, 'RGB')) else: # Mask the part of the image not belonging to the annotation mask = poly.get_poly_mask(self.img.shape) masked_img = apply_mask(self.img, mask), 'RGB')) self._update_poly_colors()
@property def in_edit_parts_mode(self): return self.parent_poly is not None
[docs] def toggle_species_label(self):'[interact_annot] toggle_species_label()') self.show_species_tags = not self.show_species_tags self.update_UI()
[docs] def save_and_exit(self, event, do_close=True): """ The Save and Exit Button write a callback to redraw viz for bbox_list """'[interact_annot] Pressed Accept Button') def _get_annottup_list(): annottup_list = [] indices_list = [] # theta_list = [] for poly in self.polys.values(): assert poly is not None index = poly.num bbox = tuple(map(int, vt.bbox_from_verts(poly.basecoords))) theta = poly.theta species = poly.species_tag.get_text() annottup = (bbox, theta, species) indices_list.append(index) annottup_list.append(annottup) return indices_list, annottup_list def _send_back_annotations():'[interact_annot] _send_back_annotations') indices_list, annottup_list = _get_annottup_list() # Delete if index is in original_indices but no in indices_list deleted_indices = list(set(self.original_indices) - set(indices_list)) changed_indices = [] unchanged_indices = [] # sanity check changed_annottups = [] new_annottups = [] original_annottup_list = list( zip( self.original_bbox_list, self.original_theta_list, self.original_species_list, ) ) for index, annottup in zip(indices_list, annottup_list): # If the index is not in the originals then it is new if index not in self.original_indices: new_annottups.append(annottup) else: if annottup not in original_annottup_list: changed_annottups.append(annottup) changed_indices.append(index) else: unchanged_indices.append(index) self.commit_callback( unchanged_indices, deleted_indices, changed_indices, changed_annottups, new_annottups, ) if self.commit_callback is not None: _send_back_annotations() # Make mask from selection if self.do_mask is True: self.fig.clf() = ax = self.fig.subplot(111) mask_list = [ poly.get_poly_mask(self.img.shape) for poly in self.polys.values() ] if len(mask_list) == 0:'[interact_annot] No polygons to make mask out of') return 0 mask = mask_list[0] for mask_ in mask_list: mask = np.maximum(mask, mask_) # mask = self.get_poly_mask() # User must close previous figure # Modify the image with the mask masked_img = apply_mask(self.img, mask) # show the modified image ax.imshow(masked_img) ax.title('Region outside of mask is darkened') return'[interact_annot] Accept Over') if do_close: df2.close_figure(self.fig)
# --- Connected Slots and Callbacks
[docs] def next_image(self, event): if self.next_callback is not None: self.next_callback()
[docs] def prev_image(self, event): if self.prev_callback is not None: self.prev_callback()
[docs] def start(self): # FIXME: conform to abstract_interaction start conventions # self._ensure_running() # self.show_page()
[docs] def show(self): self.draw() self.bring_to_front()
[docs] def draw_callback(self, event): self.background = self.fig.canvas.copy_from_bbox( self.draw_artists()
def _show_poly_context_menu(self, event): def _make_options(): metadata = self._selected_poly.metadata options = [] options += [ # ('Foo: ', ut.partial(print, 'bar')), # ('Move to back ', self._selected_poly.move_to_back), ('PolyInfo: ', self._selected_poly.print_info), ] if isinstance(metadata, ut.LazyDict): options += metadata.nocache_eval('annot_context_options') return options options = _make_options() self.show_popup_menu(options, event)
[docs] def is_poly_pickable(self, artist, event): if artist.num in self.editable_polys: mouse_xy = event.x, event.y hit = artist.contains_point(mouse_xy) else: hit = False # import utool # utool.embed() props = {'dblclick': event.dblclick} return hit, props
[docs] def on_pick(self, event): """Makes selected polygon translucent""" if self.debug > 0 or True:'[interact_annot] on_pick') if not self._poly_held: artist = event.artist'[interact_annot] picked artist = %r' % (artist,)) self._selected_poly = artist self._poly_held = True if event.dblclick and not self.in_edit_parts_mode: self.edit_poly_parts(self._selected_poly) pass
# x, y = event.mouseevent.xdata, event.mouseevent.xdata
[docs] def on_click(self, event): """ python -m wbia.viz.interact.interact_annotations2 --test-ishow_image2 --show """ super(AnnotationInteraction, self).on_click(event) if self._ind is not None: self._ind = None return if not self.showverts: return if event.inaxes is None: return if len(self.editable_polys) == 0:'[interact_annot] No polygons on screen') return # Right click - context menu if event.button == self.RIGHT_BUTTON: self._show_poly_context_menu(event) # Left click, indicate that a mouse button is down if event.button == self.LEFT_BUTTON: # if event.dblclick and not self.in_edit_parts_mode: # # On double click enter a single annotation to annotation parts #"DOUBLECLICK") # #self.edit_poly_parts(self._selected_poly) if event.key == 'shift': self._current_rotate_poly = self._selected_poly else: # Determine if we are clicking the rotation line mouse_xy = (event.xdata, event.ydata) for poly in self.editable_polys.values(): if poly.is_near_handle(mouse_xy, self.max_dist): self._current_rotate_poly = poly break if event.dblclick: # Reset rotation if self._current_rotate_poly is not None: self._current_rotate_poly.theta = 0 self._current_rotate_poly.update_display_coords() polyind, self._ind = self.get_poly_under_cursor(event.x, event.y) if self._ind is not None and polyind is not None: self._selected_poly = self.editable_polys[polyind] if self._selected_poly is None: return self.ind_xy = self._selected_poly.xy[self._ind] self._poly_held = True self._selected_poly.anchor_idx = self._ind self.mouseX, self.mouseY = event.xdata, event.ydata if self._poly_held is True or self._ind is not None: self._selected_poly.set_alpha(0.2) self._update_poly_colors() self._update_poly_colors() self._update_poly_lines() if self.background is not None: self.fig.canvas.restore_region(self.background) else: '[interact_annot] error: self.background is none.' ' Trying refresh.' ) self.fig.canvas.restore_region(self.background) self.background = self.fig.canvas.copy_from_bbox( # Redraw blitted objects self.draw_artists() self.fig.canvas.blit(
[docs] def on_motion(self, event): if ut.VERBOSE:'[interact_annot] on_motion')'[interact_annot] Got key: %r' % event.key) super(AnnotationInteraction, self).on_motion(event) # uses boolean punning for terseness lastX = self.mouseX or None lastY = self.mouseY or None # Allow for getting coordinates outside the axes ax = mousePos = [event.x, event.y] self.mouseX, self.mouseY = ax.transData.inverted().transform(mousePos) deltaX = lastX is not None and self.mouseX - lastX deltaY = lastY is not None and self.mouseY - lastY if not self.showverts: return # if self.in_edit_parts_mode: # return quick_resize = self._poly_held is True and ( (event.button == self.MIDDLE_BUTTON) or (event.button == self.RIGHT_BUTTON) or (event.button == self.LEFT_BUTTON and event.key == 'ctrl') ) if self._poly_held is True and self._ind is not None: # Resize by dragging corner self._selected_poly.resize_poly(self.mouseX, self.mouseY, self._ind, self._selected_poly.anchor_idx = self._ind elif quick_resize: # Quick resize with special click anchor_idx = self._selected_poly.anchor_idx idx = (anchor_idx + 2) % 4 # choose opposite anchor point self._selected_poly.resize_poly(self.mouseX, self.mouseY, idx, elif self._current_rotate_poly: # Rotate using handle cx, cy = points_center(self._current_rotate_poly.xy) theta = np.arctan2(cy - self.mouseY, cx - self.mouseX) - TAU / 4 dtheta = theta - self._current_rotate_poly.theta self._current_rotate_poly.rotate_poly(dtheta, elif self._ind is None and event.button == self.LEFT_BUTTON: # Translate by dragging inside annot flag = deltaX is not None and deltaY is not None if self._poly_held is True and flag: self._selected_poly.move_poly(deltaX, deltaY, self._ind = None else: return self.update_UI()
[docs] def on_click_release(self, event): super(AnnotationInteraction, self).on_click_release(event) # if self._poly_held is True: self._poly_held = False self._current_rotate_poly = None if not self.showverts: return if self._selected_poly is None: return _flag = ( self._ind is None or self._poly_held is False or ( self._ind is not None and self.is_down['left'] is True and self._selected_poly is not None ) ) if _flag: self._selected_poly.set_alpha(0) # self._selected_poly.set_facecolor('white') self.update_UI() if self._ind is None: return if len(self.editable_polys) == 0:'[interact_annot] No polygons on screen') return if self._selected_poly is None: '[interact_annot] WARNING: Polygon unknown.' ' Using default. (2)' ) self._selected_poly = self.get_most_recently_added_poly() curr_xy = self._selected_poly.xy[self._ind] if self.ind_xy is not None: if np.all(np.fabs(self.ind_xy - curr_xy) < 3): return self._ind = None self._poly_held = False self.draw()
[docs] def on_figure_leave(self, event): if self.debug > 0:'[interact_annot] figure leave') # self.print_status() # self.on_click_release(event) self._poly_held = False self._ind = None self.reset_mouse_state()
# self.print_status()
[docs] def on_key_press(self, event): if self.debug > 0:'[interact_annot] on_key_press')'[interact_annot] Got key: %r' % event.key)'[interact_annot] Got key: %r' % event.key) if not event.inaxes: return if event.key == ACCEPT_SAVE_HOTKEY: self.save_and_exit(event) elif event.key == ADD_RECTANGLE_HOTKEY: self.add_new_poly() elif event.key == ADD_RECTANGLE_FULL_HOTKEY: self.add_new_poly(full=True) elif event.key == DEL_RECTANGLE_HOTKEY: self.delete_current_poly() elif event.key == TOGGLE_LABEL_HOTKEY: self.toggle_species_label() if re.match('escape', event.key): self.edit_poly_parts(None) if re.match('^backspace$', event.key): self._selected_poly.set_species(DEFAULT_SPECIES_TAG) if re.match('^tab$', event.key): self._selected_poly.increment_species(amount=1) if re.match(r'^ctrl\+tab$', event.key): self._selected_poly.increment_species(amount=-1) # NEXT ANND PREV COMMAND def _matches_hotkey(key, hotkeys): return any( [re.match(hk, key) is not None for hk in ut.ensure_iterable(hotkeys)] ) if _matches_hotkey(event.key, PREV_IMAGE_HOTKEYS): self.prev_image(event) if _matches_hotkey(event.key, NEXT_IMAGE_HOTKEYS): self.next_image(event) self.draw()
# def poly_changed(self, poly): # """ this method is called whenever the polygon object is called """ #'poly_changed poly=%r' % (poly,)) # # only copy the artist props to the line (except visibility) # #vis = poly.lines.get_visible() # #vis = poly.handle.get_visible() # #poly.lines.set_visible(vis) # #poly.handle.set_visible(vis)
[docs]def pretty_hotkey_map(hotkeys): if hotkeys is None: return '' hotkeys = [hotkeys] if not isinstance(hotkeys, list) else hotkeys mapping = { # 'right': 'right arrow', # 'left': 'left arrow', } mapped_hotkeys = [mapping.get(hk, hk) for hk in hotkeys] hotkey_str = '(' + ut.conj_phrase(mapped_hotkeys, 'or') + ')' return hotkey_str
[docs]def apply_mask(img, mask): masked_img = img.copy() masked_img[~mask] = np.uint8(np.clip(masked_img[~mask] - 100.0, 0, 255)) return masked_img
[docs]def points_center(pts): # the polygons have the first point listed twice in order for them to be # drawn as closed, but that point shouldn't be counted twice for computing # the center (hence the [:-1] slice) return np.array(pts[:-1]).mean(axis=0)
[docs]def rotate_points_around(points, theta, ax, ay): """ References: """ # TODO: Can use vtool for this sin, cos, array = np.sin, np.cos, np.array augpts = array([array((x, y, 1)) for (x, y) in points]) ct = cos(theta) st = sin(theta) # correct matrix obtained from rot_mat = array( [(ct, -st, ax - ct * ax + st * ay), (st, ct, ay - st * ax - ct * ay), (0, 0, 1)] ) return [(x, y) for (x, y, z) in]
[docs]def calc_display_coords(oldcoords, theta): return rotate_points_around(oldcoords, theta, *points_center(oldcoords))
[docs]def polarDelta(p1, p2): mag = vt.L2(p1, p2) theta = np.arctan2(p2[1] - p1[1], p2[0] - p1[0]) return [mag, theta]
[docs]def apply_polarDelta(poldelt, cart): newx = cart[0] + (poldelt[0] * np.cos(poldelt[1])) newy = cart[1] + (poldelt[0] * np.sin(poldelt[1])) return (newx, newy)
[docs]def is_within_distance_from_line(pt, line, max_dist): pt = np.array(pt) line = np.array(line) return vt.distance_to_lineseg(pt, line[0], line[1]) <= max_dist
[docs]def check_min_wh(coords): """ Depends on hardcoded indices, which is inelegant, but we're already depending on those for the FUDGE_FACTORS array above 0----1 | | 3----2 """ MIN_W = 5 MIN_H = 5 # the seperate 1 and 2 variables are not strictly necessary, but # provide a sanity check to ensure that we're dealing with the # right shape # w, h = vt.get_pointset_extent_wh(np.array(coords)) w1 = coords[1][0] - coords[0][0] w2 = coords[2][0] - coords[3][0] h1 = coords[3][1] - coords[0][1] h2 = coords[2][1] - coords[1][1] assert np.isclose(w1, w2), 'w1: %r, w2: %r' % (w1, w2) assert np.isclose(h1, h2), 'h1: %r, h2: %r' % (h1, h2) w, h = w1, h1 #'w, h = (%r, %r)' % (w1, h1)) return (MIN_W < w) and (MIN_H < h)
[docs]def default_vertices(img, polys=None, mouseX=None, mouseY=None): """Default to rectangle that has a quarter-width/height border.""" (h, w) = img.shape[0:2] # Center the new verts around wherever the mouse is if mouseX is not None and mouseY is not None: center_x = mouseX center_h = mouseY else: center_x = w // 2 center_h = h // 2 if polys is not None and len(polys) > 0: # Use the largest polygon size as the default verts wh_list = np.array([vt.bbox_from_verts(poly.xy)[2:4] for poly in polys.values()]) w_, h_ = wh_list.max(axis=0) // 2 else: # If no poly exists use 1/4 of the image size w_, h_ = (w // 4, h // 4) # Get the x/y extents by offseting the centers x1, x2 = np.array([center_x, center_x]) + (w_ * np.array([-1, 1])) y1, y2 = np.array([center_h, center_h]) + (h_ * np.array([-1, 1])) # Clip to bounds x1 = max(x1, 1) y1 = max(y1, 1) x2 = min(x2, w - 1) y2 = min(y2, h - 1) return ((x1, y1), (x1, y2), (x2, y2), (x2, y1))
[docs]def check_valid_coords(ax, coords_list): return all([check_dims(ax, xy_pt) for xy_pt in coords_list])
[docs]def check_dims(ax, xy_pt, margin=0.5): """ checks if bounding box dims are ok Allow the bounding box to go off the image so orientations can be done correctly """ num_out = 0 xlim = ax.get_xlim() ylim = ax.get_ylim() if xy_pt[0] < xlim[0] + margin: num_out += 1 if xy_pt[0] > xlim[1] - margin: num_out += 1 if xy_pt[1] < ylim[1] + margin: num_out += 1 if xy_pt[1] > ylim[0] - margin: num_out += 1 return num_out <= 3
[docs]def enforce_dims(ax, xy_pt, margin=0.5): """ ONLY USE THIS ON UNROTATED RECTANGLES, as to do otherwise may yield arbitrary polygons """ xlim = ax.get_xlim() ylim = ax.get_ylim() if xy_pt[0] < xlim[0] + margin: xy_pt[0] = xlim[0] + margin if xy_pt[0] > xlim[1] - margin: xy_pt[0] = xlim[1] - margin if xy_pt[1] < ylim[1] + margin: xy_pt[1] = ylim[1] + margin if xy_pt[1] > ylim[0] - margin: xy_pt[1] = ylim[0] - margin return True
[docs]def test_interact_annots(): r""" CommandLine: python -m wbia.plottool.interact_annotations --test-test_interact_annots --show Example: >>> # ENABLE_DOCTEST >>> from wbia.plottool.interact_annotations import * # NOQA >>> import wbia.plottool as pt >>> # build test data >>> # execute function >>> self = test_interact_annots() >>> # verify results >>> print(self) >>> pt.show_if_requested() """'[interact_annot] *** START DEMO ***') verts_list = [ ((0, 400), (400, 400), (400, 0), (0, 0), (0, 400)), ((400, 700), (700, 700), (700, 400), (400, 400), (400, 700)), ] # if img is None: try: img_url = '' img_fpath = ut.grab_file_url(img_url) img = vt.imread(img_fpath) except Exception as ex:'[interact_annot] cant read zebra: %r' % ex) img = np.random.uniform(0, 255, size=(100, 100)) valid_species = ['species1', 'species2'] metadata_list = [{'name': 'foo'}, None] self = AnnotationInteraction( img, verts_list=verts_list, valid_species=valid_species, metadata_list=metadata_list, fnum=0, ) # NOQA return self