Source code for wbia.plottool.fig_presenter

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import sys
import time
import utool as ut
import matplotlib as mpl
from wbia.plottool import custom_figure

# from .custom_constants import golden_wh

__QT4_WINDOW_LIST__ = []
ut.noinject(__name__, '[fig_presenter]')

VERBOSE = ut.get_argflag(('--verbose-fig', '--verbfig', '--verb-pt'))
# (print, print_, printDBG, rrr, profile) = ut.inject(__name__, '[fig_presenter]', DEBUG=True)

[docs]def unregister_qt4_win(win): global __QT4_WINDOW_LIST__ if win == 'all': __QT4_WINDOW_LIST__ = [] else: try: # index = __QT4_WINDOW_LIST__.index(win) __QT4_WINDOW_LIST__.remove(win) except ValueError: pass
[docs]def register_qt4_win(win): global __QT4_WINDOW_LIST__ __QT4_WINDOW_LIST__.append(win)
[docs]def set_geometry(fnum, x, y, w, h): fig = custom_figure.ensure_fig(fnum) qtwin = get_figure_window(fig) qtwin.setGeometry(x, y, w, h)
[docs]def get_geometry(fnum): fig = custom_figure.ensure_fig(fnum) qtwin = get_figure_window(fig) (x1, y1, x2, y2) = qtwin.geometry().getCoords() (x, y, w, h) = (x1, y1, x2 - x1, y2 - y1) return (x, y, w, h)
# def get_screen_info(): # # TODO Move dependency to guitool # desktop = QtWidgets.QDesktopWidget() # mask = desktop.mask() # NOQA # layout_direction = desktop.layoutDirection() # NOQA # screen_number = desktop.screenNumber() # NOQA # normal_geometry = desktop.normalGeometry() # NOQA # num_screens = desktop.screenCount() # NOQA # avail_rect = desktop.availableGeometry() # NOQA # screen_rect = desktop.screenGeometry() # NOQA # QtWidgets.QDesktopWidget().availableGeometry().center() # NOQA # normal_geometry = desktop.normalGeometry() # NOQA # @profile
[docs]def get_all_figures(): manager_list = mpl._pylab_helpers.Gcf.get_all_fig_managers() all_figures = [] # Make sure you dont show figures that this module closed for manager in manager_list: try: fig = manager.canvas.figure except AttributeError: continue if not fig.__dict__.get('df2_closed', False): all_figures.append(fig) # Return all the figures sorted by their number all_figures = sorted(all_figures, key=lambda fig: fig.number) return all_figures
[docs]def get_all_qt4_wins(): return __QT4_WINDOW_LIST__
[docs]def all_figures_show(): if VERBOSE: print('all_figures_show') if not ut.get_argflag('--noshow'): for fig in get_all_figures(): time.sleep(SLEEP_TIME) show_figure(fig)
# # fig.canvas.draw()
[docs]def show_figure(fig): try: fig.canvas.draw() except AttributeError as ex: if not hasattr(fig, '_no_raise_plottool'): ut.printex( ex, '[pt] probably registered made figure with Qt.', iswarning=True )
[docs]def all_figures_tight_layout(): if '--noshow' not in sys.argv: for fig in iter(get_all_figures()): fig.tight_layout() time.sleep(SLEEP_TIME)
[docs]def get_main_win_base(): if hasattr(mpl.backends, 'backend_qt4'): backend = mpl.backends.backend_qt4 else: backend = mpl.backends.backend_qt5 try: QMainWin = backend.MainWindow except Exception as ex: try: ut.printex(ex, 'warning', '[fig_presenter]') # from wbia.guitool.__PYQT__ import QtGui QMainWin = backend.QtWidgets.QMainWindow except Exception as ex1: ut.printex(ex1, 'warning', '[fig_presenter]') QMainWin = object return QMainWin
[docs]def get_all_windows(): """Returns all mpl figures and registered qt windows""" try: all_figures = get_all_figures() all_qt4wins = get_all_qt4_wins() all_wins = all_qt4wins + [get_figure_window(fig) for fig in all_figures] return all_wins except AttributeError as ex: ut.printex(ex, 'probably using a windowless backend', iswarning=True) return []
# @profile
[docs]def all_figures_tile( max_rows=None, row_first=True, no_tile=False, monitor_num=None, percent_w=None, percent_h=None, hide_toolbar=True, ): """ Lays out all figures in a grid. if wh is a scalar, a golden ratio is used """ # print('[plottool] all_figures_tile()') if no_tile: return current_backend = mpl.get_backend() if not current_backend.startswith('Qt'): # print('current_backend=%r is not a Qt backend. cannot tile.' % current_backend) return all_wins = get_all_windows() num_wins = len(all_wins) if num_wins == 0: return from wbia.plottool import screeninfo valid_positions = screeninfo.get_valid_fig_positions( num_wins, max_rows, row_first, monitor_num, percent_w=percent_w, percent_h=percent_h, ) QMainWin = get_main_win_base() for ix, win in enumerate(all_wins): isqt4_mpl = isinstance(win, QMainWin) from wbia.guitool.__PYQT__ import QtGui # NOQA from wbia.guitool.__PYQT__ import QtWidgets # NOQA isqt4_back = isinstance(win, QtWidgets.QMainWindow) isqt4_widget = isinstance(win, QtWidgets.QWidget) (x, y, w, h) = valid_positions[ix] # printDBG('tile %d-th win: xywh=%r' % (ix, (x, y, w, h))) if not isqt4_mpl and not isqt4_back and not isqt4_widget: raise NotImplementedError('%r-th Backend %r is not a Qt Window' % (ix, win)) try: if hide_toolbar: toolbar = win.findChild(QtWidgets.QToolBar) toolbar.setVisible(False) win.setGeometry(x, y, w, h) except Exception as ex: ut.printex(ex)
[docs]def all_figures_bring_to_front(): try: all_figures = get_all_figures() for fig in iter(all_figures): bring_to_front(fig) except Exception as ex: if not hasattr(fig, '_no_raise_plottool'): ut.printex(ex, iswarning=True)
[docs]def close_all_figures(): print('[pt] close_all_figures') all_figures = get_all_figures() for fig in iter(all_figures): close_figure(fig)
[docs]def close_figure(fig): print('[pt] close_figure') fig.clf() fig.df2_closed = True qtwin = get_figure_window(fig) qtwin.close()
[docs]def get_figure_window(fig): try: qwin = fig.canvas.manager.window except AttributeError: qwin = fig.canvas.window() return qwin
[docs]def bring_to_front(fig): if VERBOSE: print('[pt] bring_to_front') # what is difference between show and show normal? qtwin = get_figure_window(fig) qtwin.raise_() # if not ut.WIN32: # NOT sure on the correct order of these # can cause the figure geometry to be unset from wbia.guitool.__PYQT__.QtCore import Qt qtwin.activateWindow() qtwin.setWindowFlags(Qt.WindowStaysOnTopHint) qtwin.setWindowFlags(Qt.WindowFlags(0))
[docs]def show(): if VERBOSE: print('[pt] show') all_figures_show() all_figures_bring_to_front()
[docs]def reset(): if VERBOSE: print('[pt] reset') close_all_figures()
[docs]def draw(): if VERBOSE: print('[pt] draw') all_figures_show()
[docs]def update(): if VERBOSE: print('[pt] update') draw() all_figures_bring_to_front()
[docs]def iupdate(): if VERBOSE: print('[pt] iupdate') if ut.inIPython(): update()
iup = iupdate
[docs]def present(*args, **kwargs): """ basically calls show if not embeded. Kwargs: max_rows, row_first, no_tile, monitor_num, percent_w, percent_h, hide_toolbar CommandLine: python -m wbia.plottool.fig_presenter present Example: >>> # DISABLE_DOCTEST >>> from wbia.plottool.fig_presenter import * # NOQA >>> result = present() >>> print(result) >>> import wbia.plottool as pt >>> pt.show_if_requested() """ if VERBOSE: print('[pt] present') if not ut.get_argflag('--noshow'): # print('[fig_presenter] Presenting figures...') # with warnings.catch_warnings(): # warnings.simplefilter("ignore") all_figures_tile(*args, **kwargs) # Both of these lines cause the weird non-refresh black border behavior all_figures_show() all_figures_bring_to_front()