Source code for wbia.plottool.draw_sv

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import utool as ut
import numpy as np
from . import draw_func2 as df2
from wbia.plottool import custom_constants

# from vtool import keypoint as ktool
# (print, print_, printDBG, rrr, profile) = ut.inject(__name__, '[viz_sv]', DEBUG=False)
ut.noinject(__name__, '[viz_sv]')

[docs]def get_blended_chip(chip1, chip2, M): """ warps chip1 into chip2 space """ import vtool as vt wh2 = vt.get_size(chip2) chip1_Mt = vt.warpHomog(chip1, M, wh2) chip2_blendM = vt.blend_images(chip1_Mt, chip2) return chip2_blendM
# @ut.indent_func
[docs]def show_sv( chip1, chip2, kpts1, kpts2, fm, homog_tup=None, aff_tup=None, mx=None, show_assign=True, show_lines=True, show_kpts=True, show_aff=None, fnum=1, refine_method=None, **kwargs ): """Visualizes spatial verification CommandLine: python -m vtool.spatial_verification --test-spatially_verify_kpts --show """ import vtool as vt # import wbia.plottool as pt # GEt Matching chips kpts1_m = kpts1[fm.T[0]] kpts2_m = kpts2[fm.T[1]] wh2 = vt.get_size(chip2) # # Get Affine Chips, Keypoints, Inliers if show_aff is None: show_aff_ = aff_tup is not None else: show_aff_ = show_aff if show_aff_: (aff_inliers, Aff) = aff_tup chip1_At = vt.warpAffine(chip1, Aff, wh2) # kpts1_mAt = ktool.transform_kpts(kpts1_m, Aff) chip2_blendA = vt.blend_images(chip1_At, chip2) # # Get Homog Chips, Keypoints, Inliers show_homog = homog_tup is not None if show_homog: (hom_inliers, H) = homog_tup # kpts1_mHt = ktool.transform_kpts(kpts1_m, H) chip1_Ht = vt.warpHomog(chip1, H, wh2) chip2_blendH = vt.blend_images(chip1_Ht, chip2) # # Drawing settings nRows = (show_assign) + (show_aff_) + (show_homog) nCols1 = (show_assign) + (show_aff_) + (show_homog) nCols2 = 2 pnum1_ = df2.get_pnum_func(nRows, nCols1) pnum2_ = df2.get_pnum_func(nRows, nCols2) # in_kwargs = dict(rect=True, ell_alpha=.7, eig=False, ori=True, pts=True) # out_kwargs = dict(rect=False, ell_alpha=.3, eig=False) in_kwargs = dict(rect=False, ell_alpha=0.7, eig=False, ori=False, pts=False) out_kwargs = dict(rect=False, ell_alpha=0.7, eig=False, ori=False) def _draw_kpts(*args, **kwargs): if not show_kpts: return df2.draw_kpts2(*args, **kwargs) def draw_inlier_kpts(kpts_m, inliers, color, H=None): _draw_kpts(kpts_m[inliers], color=color, H=H, **in_kwargs) if mx is not None: _draw_kpts( kpts_m[mx : (mx + 1)], color=color, ell_linewidth=3, H=H, **in_kwargs ) def _draw_matches(px, title, inliers): dmkwargs = dict( fs=None, title=title, all_kpts=False, draw_lines=True, docla=True, draw_border=True, fnum=fnum, pnum=pnum1_(px), colors=df2.ORANGE, ) __fm = np.vstack((inliers, inliers)).T df2.show_chipmatch2(chip1, chip2, kpts1_m, kpts2_m, __fm, **dmkwargs) return px + 1 from wbia.plottool import color_funcs colors = df2.distinct_colors(2, brightness=0.95) color1, color2 = colors[0], colors[1] color1_dark = color_funcs.darken_rgb(color1, 0.2) color2_dark = color_funcs.darken_rgb(color2, 0.2) def _draw_chip(px, title, chip, inliers, kpts1_m, kpts2_m, H1=None): if isinstance(px, tuple): pnum = px df2.imshow(chip, title=title, fnum=fnum, pnum=pnum) px = pnum[2] else: df2.imshow(chip, title=title, fnum=fnum, pnum=pnum2_(px)) if kpts1_m is not None: _draw_kpts(kpts1_m, color=color1_dark, H=H1, **out_kwargs) draw_inlier_kpts(kpts1_m, inliers, color1, H=H1) if kpts2_m is not None: _draw_kpts(kpts2_m, color=color2_dark, **out_kwargs) draw_inlier_kpts(kpts2_m, inliers, color2) if kpts2_m is not None and kpts1_m is not None and show_lines: __fm = np.vstack((inliers, inliers)).T df2.draw_lines2( kpts1_m, kpts2_m, __fm, color_list=[custom_constants.ORANGE], lw=2, line_alpha=1, H1=H1, ) return px + 1 # # Begin the drawing df2.figure(fnum=fnum, pnum=(nRows, nCols1, 1), docla=True, doclf=True) px = 0 if show_assign: # Draw the Assigned -> Affine -> Homography matches px = _draw_matches(px, '%d Assigned matches ' % len(fm), np.arange(len(fm))) if show_aff_: px = _draw_matches( px, '%d Initial inliers ' % len(aff_inliers), aff_inliers ) if show_homog: if refine_method is None: refine_method = '' if len(refine_method) > 0: refine_method_ = '(%s) ' % (refine_method,) else: refine_method_ = '' px = _draw_matches( px, '%d Refined %sinliers' % (len(hom_inliers), refine_method_), hom_inliers, ) # # Draw the Affine Transformations px = nCols2 * show_assign # if show_aff_ or show_homog: if show_aff_: # px = _draw_chip(px, 'Source', chip1, aff_inliers, kpts1_m, None) # px = _draw_chip(px, 'Dest', chip2, aff_inliers, None, kpts2_m) px = _draw_chip( px, 'Initial Warped', chip1_At, aff_inliers, kpts1_m, None, H1=Aff ) px = _draw_chip( px, 'Initial Blend', chip2_blendA, aff_inliers, kpts1_m, kpts2_m, H1=Aff ) # px = _draw_chip(px, 'Affine', chip1_At, aff_inliers, kpts1_mAt, None) # px = _draw_chip(px, 'Aff Blend', chip2_blendA, aff_inliers, kpts1_mAt, kpts2_m) pass # # Draw the Homography Transformation if show_homog: # px = _draw_chip(px, 'Source', chip1, hom_inliers, kpts1_m, None) # px = _draw_chip(px, 'Dest', chip2, hom_inliers, None, kpts2_m) # px = _draw_chip(px, 'Homog', chip1_Ht, hom_inliers, kpts1_mHt, None) # px = _draw_chip(px, 'Homog Blend', chip2_blendH, hom_inliers, kpts1_mHt, kpts2_m) px = _draw_chip(px, 'Refined Warped', chip1_Ht, hom_inliers, kpts1_m, None, H1=H) px = _draw_chip( px, 'Refined Blend', chip2_blendH, hom_inliers, kpts1_m, kpts2_m, H1=H )
# # Adjust subplots
[docs]def show_sv_simple( chip1, chip2, kpts1, kpts2, fm, inliers, mx=None, fnum=1, vert=None, **kwargs ): """ CommandLine: python -m wbia.plottool.draw_sv --test-show_sv_simple --show Example: >>> # DISABLE_DOCTEST >>> from wbia.plottool.draw_sv import * # NOQA >>> import vtool as vt >>> kpts1, kpts2, fm, aff_inliers, chip1, chip2, xy_thresh_sqrd = vt.testdata_matching_affine_inliers() >>> inliers = aff_inliers >>> mx = None >>> fnum = 1 >>> vert = None # ut.get_argval('--vert', type_=bool, default=None) >>> result = show_sv_simple(chip1, chip2, kpts1, kpts2, fm, inliers, mx, fnum, vert=vert) >>> print(result) >>> import wbia.plottool as pt >>> pt.show_if_requested() """ import wbia.plottool as pt import vtool as vt colors = pt.distinct_colors(2, brightness=0.95) color1, color2 = colors[0:2] # Begin the drawing fnum = pt.ensure_fnum(fnum) pt.figure(fnum=fnum, pnum=(1, 1, 1), docla=True, doclf=True) # dmkwargs = dict(fs=None, title='Inconsistent Matches', all_kpts=False, draw_lines=True, # docla=True, draw_border=True, fnum=fnum, pnum=(1, 1, 1), colors=pt.ORANGE) inlier_mask = vt.index_to_boolmask(inliers, maxval=len(fm)) fm_inliers = fm.compress(inlier_mask, axis=0) fm_outliers = fm.compress(np.logical_not(inlier_mask), axis=0) xywh1, xywh2, sf_tup = pt.show_chipmatch2( chip1, chip2, vert=vert, modifysize=True, new_return=True ) sf1, sf2 = sf_tup fmatch_kw = dict(ell_linewidth=2, ell_alpha=0.7, line_alpha=0.7) pt.plot_fmatch( xywh1, xywh2, kpts1, kpts2, fm_inliers, colors=color1, scale_factor1=sf1, scale_factor2=sf2, **fmatch_kw ) pt.plot_fmatch( xywh1, xywh2, kpts1, kpts2, fm_outliers, colors=color2, scale_factor1=sf1, scale_factor2=sf2, **fmatch_kw )