Source code for wbia.dtool.sql_control

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Interface into SQL for the IBEIS Controller

TODO; need to use some sort of sticky bit so
sql files are created with reasonable permissions.
import functools
import logging
import collections
import os
import parse
import re
import uuid
from import Mapping, MutableMapping
from contextlib import contextmanager
from os.path import join, exists

import sqlalchemy
import utool as ut
from deprecated import deprecated

    from sqlalchemy.engine import LegacyRow
except ImportError:
    LegacyRow = None
from sqlalchemy.schema import Table
from sqlalchemy.sql import bindparam, text, ClauseElement

from wbia.dtool import lite
from wbia.dtool.dump import dumps
from wbia.dtool.types import Integer, TYPE_TO_SQLTYPE
from wbia.dtool.types import initialize_postgresql_types

import tqdm


print, rrr, profile = ut.inject2(__name__)
logger = logging.getLogger('wbia.dtool')

READ_ONLY = ut.get_argflag(('--readonly-mode', '--read-only', '--readonly'))
VERBOSE_SQL = ut.get_argflag(('--print-sql', '--verbose-sql', '--verb-sql', '--verbsql'))
NOT_QUIET = not (ut.QUIET or ut.get_argflag('--quiet-sql'))


TIMEOUT = 600  # Wait for up to 600 seconds for the database to return from a locked state

BATCH_SIZE = int(1e4)

SQLColumnRichInfo = collections.namedtuple(
    'SQLColumnRichInfo', ('column_id', 'name', 'type_', 'notnull', 'dflt_value', 'pk')

# FIXME (31-Jul-12020) Duplicate definition of wbia.constants.METADATA_TABLE
#       Use this definition as the authority because it's within the context of its use.
# Defines the columns used within the metadata table.
    # Dictionary of metadata column names pair with:
    #  - is_coded_data: bool showing if the value is a data type (True) or string (False)
    # <column-name>: <info-dict>
    'dependson': dict(is_coded_data=True),
    'docstr': dict(is_coded_data=False),
    'relates': dict(is_coded_data=True),
    'shortname': dict(is_coded_data=True),
    'superkeys': dict(is_coded_data=True),
    'extern_tables': dict(is_coded_data=True),
    'dependsmap': dict(is_coded_data=True),
    'primary_superkey': dict(is_coded_data=True),
    'constraint': dict(is_coded_data=False),

[docs]def create_engine(uri, POSTGRESQL_POOL_SIZE=20, ENGINES={}, timeout=TIMEOUT): pid = os.getpid() if ENGINES.get('pid') != pid: # ENGINES contains engines from the parent process that the # child process can't use ENGINES.clear() ENGINES['pid'] = pid kw = { # The echo flag is a shortcut to set up SQLAlchemy logging 'echo': False, 'connect_args': { 'timeout': timeout, }, } if uri.startswith('sqlite:') and ':memory:' in uri: # Don't share engines for in memory sqlite databases return sqlalchemy.create_engine(uri, **kw) if uri not in ENGINES: if uri.startswith('postgresql:'): # pool_size is not available for sqlite kw['pool_size'] = POSTGRESQL_POOL_SIZE kw['connect_args'] = { 'connect_timeout': timeout, } ENGINES[uri] = sqlalchemy.create_engine(uri, **kw) return ENGINES[uri]
[docs]def compare_coldef_lists(coldef_list1, coldef_list2): def normalize(coldef_list): for name, coldef in coldef_list: # Remove "rowid" which is added to postgresql tables if name != 'rowid': coldef_ = coldef.lower() # Remove "default nextval" for postgresql auto-increment fields # as sqlite doesn't need it coldef_ = re.sub(r' default \(nextval\(.*', '', coldef_) # Consider bigint and integer the same if 'bigint' in coldef_: coldef_ = re.sub(r"'([^']*)'::bigint", r'\1', coldef_) coldef_ = re.sub(r'\bbigint\b', 'integer', coldef_) # Consider double precision and real the same if 'double precision' in coldef_: coldef_ = re.sub(r'\bdouble precision\b', 'real', coldef_) yield name.lower(), coldef_ coldef_list1 = list(normalize(coldef_list1)) coldef_list2 = list(normalize(coldef_list2)) if len(coldef_list1) != len(coldef_list2): return coldef_list1, coldef_list2 for i in range(len(coldef_list1)): name1, coldef1 = coldef_list1[i] name2, coldef2 = coldef_list2[i] if name1 != name2: return coldef_list1, coldef_list2 if coldef1 != coldef2: return coldef_list1, coldef_list2 return
def _unpacker(results): """HELPER: Unpacks results if unpack_scalars is True.""" if not results: # Check for None or empty list results = None else: assert len(results) <= 1, 'throwing away results! { %r }' % (results,) results = results[0] return results
[docs]def tuplize(list_): """Converts each scalar item in a list to a dimension-1 tuple""" tup_list = [item if ut.isiterable(item) else (item,) for item in list_] return tup_list
[docs]def sanitize_sql(db, tablename_, columns=None): """Sanatizes an sql tablename and column. Use sparingly""" tablename = re.sub('[^a-zA-Z_0-9]', '', tablename_) valid_tables = db.get_table_names() if tablename not in valid_tables:'tablename_ = %r' % (tablename_,))'valid_tables = %r' % (valid_tables,)) raise Exception( 'UNSAFE TABLE: tablename=%r. ' 'Column names and table names should be different' % tablename ) if columns is None: return tablename else: def _sanitize_sql_helper(column): column_ = re.sub('[^a-zA-Z_0-9]', '', column) valid_columns = db.get_column_names(tablename) if column_ not in valid_columns: raise Exception( 'UNSAFE COLUMN: must be all lowercase. ' 'tablename={}, column={}, valid_columns={} column_={}'.format( tablename, column, valid_columns, column_ ) ) return None else: return column_ columns = [_sanitize_sql_helper(column) for column in columns] columns = [column for column in columns if columns is not None] return tablename, columns
[docs]@ut.reloadable_class class SQLDatabaseController(object): """ Interface to an SQL database """
[docs] class Metadata(Mapping): """Metadata is an attribute of the ``SQLDatabaseController`` that facilitates easy usages by internal and exteral users. Each metadata attributes represents a table (i.e. an instance of ``TableMetadata``). Each ``TableMetadata`` instance has metadata names as attributes. The ``TableMetadata`` can also be adapated to a dictionary for compatability. The the ``database`` attribute is a special case that results in a ``DatabaseMetadata`` instance rather than ``TableMetadata``. This primarily give access to the version and initial UUID, respectively as ``database.version`` and ``database.init_uuid``. Args: ctrlr (SQLDatabaseController): parent controller object """
[docs] class DatabaseMetadata(MutableMapping): """Special metadata for database information""" __fields = ( 'version', 'init_uuid', ) def __init__(self, ctrlr): self.ctrlr = ctrlr @property def version(self): stmt = text( f'SELECT metadata_value FROM {METADATA_TABLE_NAME} WHERE metadata_key = :key' ) try: return self.ctrlr.executeone( stmt, {'key': 'database_version'}, use_fetchone_behavior=True )[0] except TypeError: # NoneType return None @version.setter def version(self, value): if not value: raise ValueError(value) dialect = if dialect == 'sqlite': stmt = text( f'INSERT OR REPLACE INTO {METADATA_TABLE_NAME} (metadata_key, metadata_value)' 'VALUES (:key, :value)' ) elif dialect == 'postgresql': stmt = text( f"""\ INSERT INTO {METADATA_TABLE_NAME} (metadata_key, metadata_value) VALUES (:key, :value) ON CONFLICT (metadata_key) DO UPDATE SET metadata_value = EXCLUDED.metadata_value""" ) else: raise RuntimeError(f'Unknown dialect {dialect}') params = {'key': 'database_version', 'value': value} self.ctrlr.executeone(stmt, params) @property def init_uuid(self): stmt = text( f'SELECT metadata_value FROM {METADATA_TABLE_NAME} WHERE metadata_key = :key' ) try: value = self.ctrlr.executeone( stmt, {'key': 'database_init_uuid'}, use_fetchone_behavior=True )[0] except TypeError: # NoneType return None if value is not None: value = uuid.UUID(value) return value @init_uuid.setter def init_uuid(self, value): if not value: raise ValueError(value) elif isinstance(value, uuid.UUID): value = str(value) dialect = if dialect == 'sqlite': stmt = text( f'INSERT OR REPLACE INTO {METADATA_TABLE_NAME} (metadata_key, metadata_value) ' 'VALUES (:key, :value)' ) elif dialect == 'postgresql': stmt = text( f"""\ INSERT INTO {METADATA_TABLE_NAME} (metadata_key, metadata_value) VALUES (:key, :value) ON CONFLICT (metadata_key) DO UPDATE SET metadata_value = EXCLUDED.metadata_value""" ) else: raise RuntimeError(f'Unknown dialect {dialect}') params = {'key': 'database_init_uuid', 'value': value} self.ctrlr.executeone(stmt, params) # abstract methods def __getitem__(self, key): try: return getattr(self, key) except AttributeError as exc: raise KeyError(*exc.args) def __setitem__(self, key, value): if key not in self.__fields: raise AttributeError(key) setattr(self, key, value) def __delitem__(self, key): raise RuntimeError(f"'{key}' cannot be deleted") def __iter__(self): for name in self.__fields: yield name def __len__(self): return len(self.__fields)
[docs] class TableMetadata(MutableMapping): """Metadata on a particular SQL table""" def __init__(self, ctrlr, table_name): super().__setattr__('ctrlr', ctrlr) super().__setattr__('table_name', table_name) def _get_key_name(self, name): """Because keys are `<table-name>_<name>`""" return '_'.join([self.table_name, name])
[docs] def update(self, **kwargs): """Update or insert the value into the metadata table with the given keyword arguments of metadata field names""" for keyword, value in kwargs.items(): if keyword not in METADATA_TABLE_COLUMN_NAMES: # ignore unknown keywords continue setattr(self, keyword, value)
def __getattr__(self, name): # Query the database for the value represented as name key = '_'.join([self.table_name, name]) statement = text( 'SELECT metadata_value ' f'FROM {METADATA_TABLE_NAME} ' 'WHERE metadata_key = :key' ) try: value = self.ctrlr.executeone( statement, {'key': key}, use_fetchone_behavior=True )[0] except TypeError: # NoneType return None if METADATA_TABLE_COLUMNS[name]['is_coded_data']: value = eval(value) if name == 'superkeys' and isinstance(value, list): # superkeys looks like [('image_rowid, encounter_rowid',)] # instead of [('image_rowid',), ('encounter_rowid',)] if len(value) == 1 and len(value[0]) == 1: value = [tuple(value[0][0].split(', '))] return value def __getattribute__(self, name): return super().__getattribute__(name) def __setattr__(self, name, value): try: info = METADATA_TABLE_COLUMNS[name] except KeyError: # This prevents setting of any attributes outside of the known names raise AttributeError # Delete the record if given None if value is None: return self.__delattr__(name) if info['is_coded_data']: # Treat the data as code. value = repr(value) key = self._get_key_name(name) # Insert or update the record dialect = if dialect == 'sqlite': statement = text( f'INSERT OR REPLACE INTO {METADATA_TABLE_NAME} ' f'(metadata_key, metadata_value) VALUES (:key, :value)' ) elif dialect == 'postgresql': statement = text( f"""\ INSERT INTO {METADATA_TABLE_NAME} (metadata_key, metadata_value) VALUES (:key, :value) ON CONFLICT (metadata_key) DO UPDATE SET metadata_value = EXCLUDED.metadata_value""" ) else: raise RuntimeError(f'Unknown dialect {dialect}') params = { 'key': key, 'value': value, } self.ctrlr.executeone(statement, params) def __delattr__(self, name): if name not in METADATA_TABLE_COLUMN_NAMES: # This prevents deleting of any attributes outside of the known names raise AttributeError # Insert or update the record statement = text( f'DELETE FROM {METADATA_TABLE_NAME} where metadata_key = :key' ) params = {'key': self._get_key_name(name)} self.ctrlr.executeone(statement, params) def __dir__(self): return METADATA_TABLE_COLUMN_NAMES # abstract methods def __getitem__(self, key): try: return self.__getattr__(key) except AttributeError as exc: raise KeyError(*exc.args) def __setitem__(self, key, value): try: setattr(self, key, value) except AttributeError as exc: raise KeyError(*exc.args) def __delitem__(self, key): try: setattr(self, key, None) except AttributeError as exc: raise KeyError(*exc.args) def __iter__(self): for name in METADATA_TABLE_COLUMN_NAMES: yield name def __len__(self): return len(METADATA_TABLE_COLUMN_NAMES)
def __init__(self, ctrlr): super().__setattr__('ctrlr', ctrlr) def __getattr__(self, name): # If the table exists pass back a ``TableMetadata`` instance if name == 'database': value = self.DatabaseMetadata(self.ctrlr) else: if name not in self.ctrlr.get_table_names(): raise AttributeError(f'not a valid tablename: {name}') value = self.TableMetadata(self.ctrlr, name) return value def __getattribute__(self, name): return super().__getattribute__(name) def __setattr__(self, name, value): # This is inaccessible since any changes # to a TableMetadata instance would make on-demand mutations. raise NotImplementedError def __delattr__(self, name): # no-op pass def __dir__(self): # List all available tables, plus 'database' raise NotImplementedError # abstract methods def __getitem__(self, key): try: return self.__getattr__(key) except AttributeError as exc: raise KeyError(*exc.args) def __iter__(self): for name in self.ctrlr.get_table_names(): yield name yield 'database' def __len__(self): return len(self.ctrlr.get_table_names()) + 1 # for 'database'
def __init_engine(self): """Create the SQLAlchemy Engine""" self._engine = create_engine(self.uri) def __init__(self, uri, name, readonly=READ_ONLY, timeout=TIMEOUT): """Creates a controller instance from a connection URI The name is primarily used with Postgres. In Postgres the the name acts as the database schema name, because all the "databases" are stored within one Postgres database that is namespaced with the given ``name``. (Special names like ``_ibeis_database`` are translated to the correct schema name during the connection process.) Args: uri (str): connection string or uri name (str): name of the database (e.g. chips, _ibeis_database, staging) """ self.uri = uri = name self.timeout = timeout self.metadata = self.Metadata(self) self.readonly = readonly self.__init_engine() # Create a _private_ SQLAlchemy metadata instance # TODO (27-Sept-12020) Develop API to expose elements of SQLAlchemy. # The MetaData is unbound to ensure we don't accidentally misuse it. self._sa_metadata = sqlalchemy.MetaData(schema=self.schema_name) # Reflect all known tables self._sa_metadata.reflect(bind=self._engine) self._tablenames = None if not self.readonly: # Ensure the metadata table is initialized. self._ensure_metadata_table() # TODO (31-Jul-12020) Move to Operations code. # Optimization is going to depends on the operational deployment of this codebase. # Optimize the database self.optimize() @property def is_using_sqlite(self): return == 'sqlite' @property def is_using_postgres(self): return == 'postgresql' @property def schema_name(self): """The name of the namespace schema (using with Postgres).""" if self.is_using_postgres: if == '_ibeis_database': schema = 'main' elif == '_ibeis_staging': schema = 'staging' else: schema = else: schema = None return schema
[docs] def ensure_postgresql_types(self, conn): """Create a connection instance to wrap a SQL execution block as a context manager""" if not self.is_using_postgres: return global TYPE_INITIALIZED_CACHE type_cache_tag = ( self.uri, self.schema_name, ) type_cache_flag = True if type_cache_tag not in TYPE_INITIALIZED_CACHE: try: conn.execute(f'CREATE SCHEMA IF NOT EXISTS {self.schema_name}') conn.execute(text('SET SCHEMA :schema'), schema=self.schema_name) initialize_postgresql_types(conn, self.schema_name) except Exception: type_cache_flag = False TYPE_INITIALIZED_CACHE[type_cache_tag] = type_cache_flag
[docs] @contextmanager def connect(self): """Create a connection instance to wrap a SQL execution block as a context manager""" with self._engine.connect() as conn: self.ensure_postgresql_types(conn) yield conn
@profile def _ensure_metadata_table(self): """ Creates the metadata table if it does not exist We need this to be done every time so that the update code works correctly. """ try: orig_table_kw = self.get_table_autogen_dict(METADATA_TABLE_NAME) except ( sqlalchemy.exc.OperationalError, # sqlite error sqlalchemy.exc.ProgrammingError, # postgres error NameError, ): orig_table_kw = None # Reset connection because schema was rolled back due to # the error self._connection = None meta_table_kw = ut.odict( [ ('tablename', METADATA_TABLE_NAME), ( 'coldef_list', [ ('metadata_rowid', 'INTEGER PRIMARY KEY'), ('metadata_key', 'TEXT'), ('metadata_value', 'TEXT'), ], ), ( 'docstr', """ The table that stores permanently all of the metadata about the database (tables, etc)""", ), ('superkeys', [('metadata_key',)]), ('dependson', None), ] ) if meta_table_kw != orig_table_kw: # Don't execute a write operation if we don't have to self.add_table(**meta_table_kw) # METADATA_TABLE_NAME, # superkeys=[('metadata_key',)], # IMPORTANT: Yes, we want this line to be tabbed over for the # schema auto-generation # Ensure that a version number exists self.get_db_version(ensure=True) # Ensure that an init UUID exists self.get_db_init_uuid(ensure=True)
[docs] def get_db_version(self, ensure=True): version = self.metadata.database.version if version is None and ensure: BASE_DATABASE_VERSION = '0.0.0' version = BASE_DATABASE_VERSION colnames = ['metadata_key', 'metadata_value'] params_iter = zip(['database_version'], [version]) # We don't care to find any, because we know there is no version def get_rowid_from_superkey(x): return [None] * len(x) self.add_cleanly( METADATA_TABLE_NAME, colnames, params_iter, get_rowid_from_superkey ) return version
[docs] def get_db_init_uuid(self, ensure=True): """ Get the database initialization (creation) UUID CommandLine: python -m dtool.sql_control get_db_init_uuid Example: >>> # ENABLE_DOCTEST >>> import uuid >>> import os >>> from wbia.dtool.sql_control import * # NOQA >>> # Check random database gets new UUID on init >>> db = SQLDatabaseController('sqlite:///', 'testing') >>> uuid_ = db.get_db_init_uuid() >>> print('New Database: %r is valid' % (uuid_, )) >>> assert isinstance(uuid_, uuid.UUID) >>> # Check existing database keeps UUID >>> sqldb_dpath = ut.ensure_app_resource_dir('dtool') >>> sqldb_fname = u'test_database.sqlite3' >>> path = os.path.join(sqldb_dpath, sqldb_fname) >>> db_uri = 'sqlite:///{}'.format(os.path.realpath(path)) >>> db1 = SQLDatabaseController(db_uri, 'db1') >>> uuid_1 = db1.get_db_init_uuid() >>> db2 = SQLDatabaseController(db_uri, 'db2') >>> uuid_2 = db2.get_db_init_uuid() >>> print('Existing Database: %r == %r' % (uuid_1, uuid_2, )) >>> assert uuid_1 == uuid_2 """ db_init_uuid = self.metadata.database.init_uuid if db_init_uuid is None and ensure: db_init_uuid = uuid.uuid4() self.metadata.database.init_uuid = db_init_uuid return db_init_uuid
[docs] def reboot(self):'[sql] reboot') self._engine.dispose() # Re-initialize the engine self.__init_engine()
[docs] def backup(self, backup_filepath): """ backup_filepath = dst_fpath """ if self.is_using_postgres: # TODO postgresql backup return else: # Assert the database file exists, and copy to backup path path = self.uri.replace('sqlite://', '') if not exists(path): raise IOError( 'Could not backup the database as the URI does not exist: %r' % (self.uri,) ) # Start Exclusive transaction, lock out all other writers from making database changes with self.connect() as conn: conn.execute('BEGIN EXCLUSIVE') ut.copy(path, backup_filepath)
[docs] def optimize(self): if != 'sqlite': return # #'[sql] running sql pragma optimizions on %r' % (self.uri,)) with self.connect() as conn: # conn.execute('PRAGMA cache_size = 0;') # conn.execute('PRAGMA cache_size = 1024;') # conn.execute('PRAGMA page_size = 1024;') #'[sql] running sql pragma optimizions') conn.execute('PRAGMA cache_size = 10000;') # Default: 2000 conn.execute('PRAGMA temp_store = MEMORY;') conn.execute('PRAGMA synchronous = OFF;')
# conn.execute('PRAGMA synchronous = NORMAL;') # conn.execute('PRAGMA synchronous = FULL;') # Default # conn.execute('PRAGMA parser_trace = OFF;') # conn.execute('PRAGMA busy_timeout = 1;') # conn.execute('PRAGMA default_cache_size = 0;')
[docs] def shrink_memory(self): if not self.is_using_sqlite: return'[sql] shrink_memory') with self.connect() as conn: conn.execute('PRAGMA shrink_memory;')
[docs] def vacuum(self): if not self.is_using_sqlite: return'[sql] vaccum') with self.connect() as conn: conn.execute('VACUUM;')
[docs] def integrity(self): if not self.is_using_sqlite: return'[sql] vaccum') with self.connect() as conn: conn.execute('PRAGMA integrity_check;')
[docs] def squeeze(self): if not self.is_using_sqlite: return'[sql] squeeze') self.shrink_memory() self.vacuum()
def _reflect_table(self, table_name): """Produces a SQLAlchemy Table object from the given ``table_name``""" # Note, this on introspects once. Repeated calls will pull the Table object # from the MetaData object. kw = {} if self.is_using_postgres: kw = {'schema': self.schema_name} return Table( table_name, self._sa_metadata, autoload=True, autoload_with=self._engine, **kw ) # ============== # API INTERFACE # ==============
[docs] def get_row_count(self, tblname): fmtdict = { 'tblname': tblname, } operation_fmt = 'SELECT COUNT(*) FROM {tblname}' count = self._executeone_operation_fmt(operation_fmt, fmtdict)[0] return count
[docs] def get_all_rowids(self, tblname, **kwargs): """returns a list of all rowids from a table in ascending order""" operation = text(f'SELECT rowid FROM {tblname} ORDER BY rowid ASC') return self.executeone(operation, **kwargs)
[docs] def get_all_col_rows(self, tblname, colname): """returns a list of all rowids from a table in ascending order""" fmtdict = { 'colname': colname, 'tblname': tblname, } operation_fmt = 'SELECT {colname} FROM {tblname} ORDER BY rowid ASC' return self._executeone_operation_fmt(operation_fmt, fmtdict)
[docs] def get_all_rowids_where(self, tblname, where_clause, params, **kwargs): """ returns a list of rowids from a table in ascending order satisfying a condition """ fmtdict = { 'tblname': tblname, 'where_clause': where_clause, } operation_fmt = """ SELECT rowid FROM {tblname} WHERE {where_clause} ORDER BY rowid ASC """ return self._executeone_operation_fmt(operation_fmt, fmtdict, params, **kwargs)
[docs] def check_rowid_exists(self, tablename, rowid_iter, eager=True, **kwargs): """Check for the existence of rows (``rowid_iter``) in a table (``tablename``). Returns as sequence of rowids that exist in the given sequence. The 'rowid' term is an alias for the primary key. When calling this method, you should know that the primary key may be more than one column. """ # BBB (10-Oct-12020) 'rowid' only exists in SQLite and auto-magically gets mapped # to an integer primary key. However, SQLAlchemy doesn't abide by this magic. # The aliased column is not part of a reflected table. # So we find and use the primary key instead. table = self._reflect_table(tablename) columns = tuple( for c in table.primary_key.columns) rowid_list1 = self.get(tablename, columns, rowid_iter) exists_list = [rowid is not None for rowid in rowid_list1] return exists_list
def _add(self, tblname, colnames, params_iter, unpack_scalars=True, **kwargs): """ADDER NOTE: use add_cleanly""" parameterized_values = [ {col: val for col, val in zip(colnames, params)} for params in params_iter ] if self.is_using_postgres: # postgresql column names are lowercase parameterized_values = [ {col.lower(): val for col, val in params.items()} for params in parameterized_values ] table = self._reflect_table(tblname) # It would be possible to do one insert, # but SQLite is not capable of returning the primary key value after a multi-value insert. # Thus, we are stuck doing several inserts... ineffecient. insert_stmt = sqlalchemy.insert(table) primary_keys = [] with self.connect() as conn: with conn.begin(): # new nested database transaction for vals in parameterized_values: result = conn.execute(insert_stmt.values(vals)) pk = result.inserted_primary_key if unpack_scalars: # Assumption at the time of writing this is that the primary key is the SQLite rowid. # Therefore, we can assume the primary key is a single column value. pk = pk[0] primary_keys.append(pk) return primary_keys
[docs] def add_cleanly( self, tblname, colnames, params_iter, get_rowid_from_superkey, superkey_paramx=(0,), **kwargs, ): """ ADDER Extra input: the first item of params_iter must be a superkey (like a uuid), Does not add None values. Does not add duplicate values. For each None input returns None ouptut. For each duplicate input returns existing rowid Args: tblname (str): table name to add into colnames (tuple of strs): columns whos values are specified in params_iter params_iter (iterable): an iterable of tuples where each tuple corresonds to a row get_rowid_from_superkey (func): function that tests if a row needs to be added. It should return None for any new rows to be inserted. It should return the existing rowid if one exists superkey_paramx (tuple of ints): indices of tuples in params_iter which correspond to superkeys. defaults to (0,) Returns: iterable: rowid_list_ -- list of newly added or previously added rowids Example: >>> # ENABLE_DOCTEST >>> from wbia.dtool.sql_control import * # NOQA >>> db = SQLDatabaseController('sqlite:///', 'testing') >>> db.add_table('dummy_table', ( >>> ('rowid', 'INTEGER PRIMARY KEY'), >>> ('key', 'TEXT'), >>> ('superkey1', 'TEXT'), >>> ('superkey2', 'TEXT'), >>> ('val', 'TEXT'), >>> ), >>> superkeys=[('key',), ('superkey1', 'superkey2')], >>> docstr='') >>> db.print_schema() >>> tblname = 'dummy_table' >>> colnames = ('key', 'val') >>> params_iter = [('spam', 'eggs'), ('foo', 'bar')] >>> # Find a useable superkey >>> superkey_colnames = db.get_table_superkey_colnames(tblname) >>> superkey_paramx = None >>> for superkey in superkey_colnames: >>> if all(k in colnames for k in superkey): >>> superkey_paramx = [colnames.index(k) for k in superkey] >>> superkey_colnames = ut.take(colnames, superkey_paramx) >>> break >>> def get_rowid_from_superkey(superkeys_list): >>> return db.get_where_eq(tblname, ('rowid',), zip(superkeys_list), superkey_colnames) >>> rowid_list_ = db.add_cleanly( >>> tblname, colnames, params_iter, get_rowid_from_superkey, superkey_paramx) >>> print(rowid_list_) """ # ADD_CLEANLY_1: PREPROCESS INPUT # eagerly evaluate for superkeys params_list = list(params_iter) # Extract superkeys from the params list (requires eager eval) superkey_lists = [ [None if params is None else params[x] for params in params_list] for x in superkey_paramx ] # ADD_CLEANLY_2: PREFORM INPUT CHECKS # check which parameters are valid # and not any(ut.flag_None_items(params)) isvalid_list = [params is not None for params in params_list] # Check for duplicate inputs isunique_list = ut.flag_unique_items(list(zip(*superkey_lists))) # Check to see if this already exists in the database # superkey_params_iter = list(zip(*superkey_lists)) # get_rowid_from_superkey functions take each list separately here rowid_list_ = get_rowid_from_superkey(*superkey_lists) isnew_list = [rowid is None for rowid in rowid_list_] if VERBOSE_SQL and not all(isunique_list):'[WARNING]: duplicate inputs to db.add_cleanly') # Flag each item that needs to added to the database needsadd_list = list(map(all, zip(isvalid_list, isunique_list, isnew_list))) # ADD_CLEANLY_3.1: EXIT IF CLEAN if not any(needsadd_list): return rowid_list_ # There is nothing to add. Return the rowids # ADD_CLEANLY_3.2: PERFORM DIRTY ADDITIONS dirty_params = ut.compress(params_list, needsadd_list) if ut.VERBOSE: '[sql] adding %r/%r new %s' % (len(dirty_params), len(params_list), tblname) ) # Add any unadded parameters to the database try: self._add(tblname, colnames, dirty_params, **kwargs) except Exception as ex: nInput = len(params_list) # NOQA ut.printex( ex, key_list=[ 'dirty_params', 'needsadd_list', 'superkey_lists', 'nInput', 'rowid_list_', ], ) raise # TODO: We should only have to preform a subset of adds here # (at the positions where rowid_list was None in the getter check) rowid_list = get_rowid_from_superkey(*superkey_lists) # ADD_CLEANLY_4: SANITY CHECK AND RETURN assert len(rowid_list) == len(params_list), 'failed sanity check' return rowid_list
[docs] def rows_exist(self, tblname, rowids): """ Checks if rowids exist. Yields True if they do """ operation = 'SELECT count(1) FROM {tblname} WHERE rowid=?'.format(tblname=tblname) for rowid in rowids: yield bool(self.connection.execute(operation, (rowid,)).fetchone()[0])
[docs] def get_where_eq( self, tblname, colnames, params_iter, where_colnames, unpack_scalars=True, op='AND', batch_size=BATCH_SIZE, **kwargs, ): """Executes a SQL select where the given parameters match/equal the specified where columns. Args: tblname (str): table name colnames (tuple[str]): sequence of column names params_iter (list[list]): a sequence of a sequence with parameters, where each item in the sequence is used in a SQL execution where_colnames (list[str]): column names to match for equality against the same index of the param_iter values op (str): SQL boolean operator (e.g. AND, OR) unpack_scalars (bool): [deprecated] use to unpack a single result from each query only use with operations that return a single result for each query (default: True) """ if len(where_colnames) == 1: return self.get( tblname, colnames, id_iter=(p[0] for p in params_iter), id_colname=where_colnames[0], unpack_scalars=unpack_scalars, batch_size=batch_size, **kwargs, ) params_iter = list(params_iter) table = self._reflect_table(tblname) if op.lower() != 'and' or not params_iter: # Build the equality conditions using column type information. # This allows us to bind the parameter with the correct type. equal_conditions = [ (table.c[c] == bindparam(c, type_=table.c[c].type)) for c in where_colnames ] gate_func = {'and': sqlalchemy.and_, 'or': sqlalchemy.or_}[op.lower()] where_clause = gate_func(*equal_conditions) params = [dict(zip(where_colnames, p)) for p in params_iter] return self.get_where( tblname, colnames, params, where_clause, unpack_scalars=unpack_scalars, **kwargs, ) params_per_batch = int(batch_size / len(params_iter[0])) result_map = {} stmt = [table.c[c] for c in tuple(where_colnames) + tuple(colnames)] ) stmt = stmt.where( sqlalchemy.tuple_(*[table.c[c] for c in where_colnames]).in_( sqlalchemy.sql.bindparam('params', expanding=True) ) ) batch_list = list(range(int(len(params_iter) / params_per_batch) + 1)) for batch in tqdm.tqdm( batch_list, disable=len(batch_list) <= 1, desc='[db.get(%s)]' % (tblname,) ): val_list = self.executeone( stmt, { 'params': params_iter[ batch * params_per_batch : (batch + 1) * params_per_batch ] }, ) for val in val_list: key = val[: len(params_iter[0])] values = val[len(params_iter[0]) :] if not kwargs.get('keepwrap', False) and len(values) == 1: values = values[0] existing = result_map.setdefault(key, set()) if isinstance(existing, set): try: existing.add(values) except TypeError: # unhashable type result_map[key] = list(result_map[key]) if values not in result_map[key]: result_map[key].append(values) elif values not in existing: existing.append(values) results = [] processors = [] for c in tuple(where_colnames): def process(column, a): processor = column.type.bind_processor(self._engine.dialect) if processor: a = processor(a) result_processor = column.type.result_processor( self._engine.dialect, str(column.type) ) if result_processor: return result_processor(a) return a processors.append(functools.partial(process, table.c[c])) if params_iter: first_params = params_iter[0] if any( not isinstance(a, bool) and TYPE_TO_SQLTYPE.get(type(a)) != str(table.c[c].type) for a, c in zip(first_params, where_colnames) ): params_iter = ( (processor(raw_id) for raw_id, processor in zip(id_, processors)) for id_ in params_iter ) for id_ in params_iter: result = sorted(list(result_map.get(tuple(id_), set()))) if unpack_scalars and isinstance(result, list): results.append(_unpacker(result)) else: results.append(result) return results
[docs] def get_where_eq_set( self, tblname, colnames, params_iter, where_colnames, unpack_scalars=True, eager=True, op='AND', **kwargs, ): params_iter_ = list(params_iter) params_length = len(params_iter_) if params_length > 0: args = ( tblname, params_length, )'Using sql_control.get_where_eq_set() for %r on %d params' % args) if params_length == 0: return [] assert len(where_colnames) == 1 assert len(params_iter_[0]) == 1 where_colname = where_colnames[0] where_set = list(set(ut.flatten(params_iter_))) where_set_str = ['%r' % (where_value,) for where_value in where_set] operation_fmt = """ SELECT {colnames} FROM {tblname} WHERE {where_colname} IN ( {where_set} ) """ fmtdict = { 'tblname': tblname, 'colnames': ', '.join(colnames), 'where_colname': where_colname, 'where_set': ', '.join(where_set_str), } return self._executeone_operation_fmt(operation_fmt, fmtdict, **kwargs)
[docs] def get_where( self, tblname, colnames, params_iter, where_clause, unpack_scalars=True, eager=True, **kwargs, ): """ Interface to do a SQL select with a where clause Args: tblname (str): table name colnames (tuple[str]): sequence of column names params_iter (list[dict]): a sequence of dicts with parameters, where each item in the sequence is used in a SQL execution where_clause (str|Operation): conditional statement used in the where clause unpack_scalars (bool): [deprecated] use to unpack a single result from each query only use with operations that return a single result for each query (default: True) """ if not isinstance(colnames, (tuple, list)): raise TypeError('colnames must be a sequence type of strings') elif where_clause is not None: if '?' in str(where_clause): # cast in case it's an SQLAlchemy object raise ValueError( "Statements cannot use '?' parameterization, " "use ':name' parameters instead." ) elif isinstance(where_clause, str): where_clause = text(where_clause) table = self._reflect_table(tblname) stmt =[table.c[c] for c in colnames]) if where_clause is None: val_list = self.executeone(stmt, **kwargs) else: stmt = stmt.where(where_clause) val_list = self.executemany( stmt, params_iter, unpack_scalars=unpack_scalars, eager=eager, **kwargs, ) # This code is specifically for handling duplication in colnames # because sqlalchemy removes them. # e.g. select field1, field1, field2 from table; # becomes # select field1, field2 from table; # so the items in val_list only have 2 values # but the caller isn't expecting it so it causes problems returned_columns = tuple([ for c in stmt.columns]) if colnames == returned_columns: return val_list result = [] for val in val_list: if LegacyRow is not None and isinstance(val, LegacyRow): result.append(tuple(val[returned_columns.index(c)] for c in colnames)) else: result.append(val) return result
[docs] def exists_where_eq( self, tblname, params_iter, where_colnames, op='AND', unpack_scalars=True, eager=True, **kwargs, ): """hacked in function for nicer templates""" andwhere_clauses = [colname + '=?' for colname in where_colnames] where_clause = (' %s ' % (op,)).join(andwhere_clauses) fmtdict = { 'tblname': tblname, 'where_clauses': where_clause, } operation_fmt = ut.codeblock( """ SELECT EXISTS( SELECT 1 FROM {tblname} WHERE {where_clauses} LIMIT 1) """ ) val_list = self._executemany_operation_fmt( operation_fmt, fmtdict, params_iter=params_iter, unpack_scalars=unpack_scalars, eager=eager, **kwargs, ) return val_list
[docs] def get_rowid_from_superkey( self, tblname, params_iter=None, superkey_colnames=None, **kwargs ): """getter which uses the constrained superkeys instead of rowids""" # ??? Why can this be called with params_iter=None & superkey_colnames=None? table = self._reflect_table(tblname) columns = tuple( for c in table.primary_key.columns) return self.get_where_eq( tblname, columns, params_iter, superkey_colnames, op='AND', **kwargs )
[docs] def get( self, tblname, colnames, id_iter=None, id_colname='rowid', eager=True, assume_unique=False, batch_size=BATCH_SIZE, **kwargs, ): """Get rows of data by ID Args: tblname (str): table name to get from colnames (tuple of str): column names to grab from id_iter (iterable): iterable of search keys id_colname (str): column to be used as the search key (default: rowid) eager (bool): use eager evaluation assume_unique (bool): default False. Experimental feature that could result in a 10x speedup unpack_scalars (bool): default True Example: >>> # ENABLE_DOCTEST >>> from wbia.dtool.example_depcache import testdata_depc >>> depc = testdata_depc() >>> depc.clear_all() >>> rowids = depc.get_rowids('notch', [1, 2, 3]) >>> table = depc['notch'] >>> db = table.db >>> table.print_csv() >>> # Break things to test set >>> colnames = ('dummy_annot_rowid',) >>> got_data = db.get('notch', colnames, id_iter=rowids) >>> assert got_data == [1, 2, 3] """ logger.debug( '[sql]' + ut.get_caller_name(list(range(1, 4))) + ' db.get(%r, %r, ...)' % (tblname, colnames) ) if not isinstance(colnames, (tuple, list)): raise TypeError('colnames must be a sequence type of strings') # ??? Getting a single column of unique values that is matched on rowid? # And sorts the results after the query? # ??? This seems oddly specific for a generic method. # Perhaps the logic should be in its own method? if ( assume_unique and id_iter is not None and id_colname == 'rowid' and len(colnames) == 1 ): id_iter = list(id_iter) columns = ', '.join(colnames) ids_listing = ', '.join(map(str, id_iter)) operation = f'SELECT {columns} FROM {tblname} WHERE rowid in ({ids_listing}) ORDER BY rowid ASC' with self.connect() as conn: results = conn.execute(operation).fetchall() import numpy as np # ??? Why order the results if they are going to be sorted here? sortx = np.argsort(np.argsort(id_iter)) results = ut.take(results, sortx) if kwargs.get('unpack_scalars', True): results = ut.take_column(results, 0) return results else: if id_iter is None: where_clause = None params_iter = [] return self.get_where( tblname, colnames, params_iter, where_clause, eager=eager, **kwargs ) id_iter = list(id_iter) # id_iter could be a set table = self._reflect_table(tblname) result_map = {} if id_colname == 'rowid': # rowid isn't an actual column in sqlite id_column = sqlalchemy.sql.column('rowid', Integer) else: id_column = table.c[id_colname] stmt =[id_column] + [table.c[c] for c in colnames]) stmt = stmt.where(id_column.in_(bindparam('value', expanding=True))) batch_list = list(range(int(len(id_iter) / batch_size) + 1)) for batch in tqdm.tqdm( batch_list, disable=len(batch_list) <= 1, desc='[db.get(%s)]' % (tblname,) ): val_list = self.executeone( stmt, {'value': id_iter[batch * batch_size : (batch + 1) * batch_size]}, ) for val in val_list: if not kwargs.get('keepwrap', False) and len(val[1:]) == 1: values = val[1] else: values = val[1:] existing = result_map.setdefault(val[0], set()) if isinstance(existing, set): try: existing.add(values) except TypeError: # unhashable type result_map[val[0]] = list(result_map[val[0]]) if values not in result_map[val[0]]: result_map[val[0]].append(values) elif values not in existing: existing.append(values) results = [] def process(a): processor = id_column.type.bind_processor(self._engine.dialect) if processor: a = processor(a) result_processor = id_column.type.result_processor( self._engine.dialect, str(id_column.type) ) if result_processor: return result_processor(a) return a if id_iter: first_id = id_iter[0] if isinstance(first_id, bool) or TYPE_TO_SQLTYPE.get( type(first_id) ) != str(id_column.type): id_iter = (process(id_) for id_ in id_iter) for id_ in id_iter: result = sorted(list(result_map.get(id_, set()))) if kwargs.get('unpack_scalars', True) and isinstance(result, list): results.append(_unpacker(result)) else: results.append(result) return results
[docs] def set( self, tblname, colnames, val_iter, id_iter, id_colname='rowid', duplicate_behavior='error', duplcate_auto_resolve=True, **kwargs, ): """ setter CommandLine: python -m dtool.sql_control set Example: >>> # ENABLE_DOCTEST >>> from wbia.dtool.example_depcache import testdata_depc >>> depc = testdata_depc() >>> depc.clear_all() >>> rowids = depc.get_rowids('notch', [1, 2, 3]) >>> table = depc['notch'] >>> db = table.db >>> table.print_csv() >>> # Break things to test set >>> colnames = ('dummy_annot_rowid',) >>> val_iter = [(9003,), (9001,), (9002,)] >>> orig_data = db.get('notch', colnames, id_iter=rowids) >>> db.set('notch', colnames, val_iter, id_iter=rowids) >>> new_data = db.get('notch', colnames, id_iter=rowids) >>> assert new_data == [x[0] for x in val_iter] >>> assert new_data != orig_data >>> table.print_csv() >>> depc.clear_all() """ if not isinstance(colnames, (tuple, list)): raise TypeError('colnames must be a sequence type of strings') val_list = list(val_iter) # eager evaluation id_list = list(id_iter) # eager evaluation logger.debug('[sql] SETTER: ' + ut.get_caller_name()) logger.debug('[sql] * tblname=%r' % (tblname,)) logger.debug('[sql] * val_list=%r' % (val_list,)) logger.debug('[sql] * id_list=%r' % (id_list,)) logger.debug('[sql] * id_colname=%r' % (id_colname,)) if duplicate_behavior == 'error': try: has_duplicates = ut.duplicates_exist(id_list) if duplcate_auto_resolve: # Check if values being set are equivalent if has_duplicates: debug_dict = ut.debug_duplicate_items(id_list) key_list = list(debug_dict.keys()) assert len(key_list) > 0, 'has_duplicates sanity check failed' pop_list = [] for key in key_list: index_list = debug_dict[key] assert len(index_list) > 1 value_list = ut.take(val_list, index_list) assert all( value == value_list[0] for value in value_list ), 'Passing a non-unique list of ids with different set values' pop_list += index_list[1:] for index in sorted(pop_list, reverse=True): del id_list[index] del val_list[index] logger.debug( '[!set] Auto Resolution: Removed %d duplicate (id, value) pairs from the database operation' % (len(pop_list),) ) has_duplicates = ut.duplicates_exist(id_list) assert not has_duplicates, 'Passing a not-unique list of ids' except Exception as ex: ut.printex( ex, 'len(id_list) = %r, len(set(id_list)) = %r' % (len(id_list), len(set(id_list))), ) ut.print_traceback() raise elif duplicate_behavior == 'filter': # Keep only the first setting of every row isunique_list = ut.flag_unique_items(id_list) id_list = ut.compress(id_list, isunique_list) val_list = ut.compress(val_list, isunique_list) else: raise AssertionError( ( 'unknown duplicate_behavior=%r. ' 'known behaviors are: error and filter' ) % (duplicate_behavior,) ) # Check for incongruity between values and identifiers try: num_val = len(val_list) num_id = len(id_list) assert num_val == num_id, 'list inputs have different lengths' except AssertionError as ex: ut.printex(ex, key_list=['num_val', 'num_id']) raise # BBB (28-Sept-12020) This method's usage throughout the codebase allows # for items in `val_iter` to be a non-sequence value. has_unsequenced_values = val_list and not isinstance(val_list[0], (tuple, list)) if has_unsequenced_values: val_list = [(v,) for v in val_list] # BBB (28-Sept-12020) This method's usage throughout the codebase allows # for items in `id_iter` to be a tuple of one value. has_sequenced_ids = id_list and isinstance(id_list[0], (tuple, list)) if has_sequenced_ids: id_list = [x[0] for x in id_list] # Execute the SQL updates for each set of values id_param_name = '_identifier' table = self._reflect_table(tblname) stmt = table.update().values( **{col: bindparam(f'e{i}') for i, col in enumerate(colnames)} ) where_clause = text(id_colname + f' = :{id_param_name}') if id_colname == 'rowid': # Cast all item values to in, in case values are numpy.integer* # Strangely allow for None values id_list = [id_ if id_ is None else int(id_) for id_ in id_list] else: # b/c rowid doesn't really exist as a column id_column = table.c[id_colname] where_clause = where_clause.bindparams( bindparam(id_param_name, type_=id_column.type) ) stmt = stmt.where(where_clause) with self.connect() as conn: with conn.begin(): for i, id in enumerate(id_list): params = {id_param_name: id} params.update({f'e{e}': p for e, p in enumerate(val_list[i])}) conn.execute(stmt, **params)
[docs] def delete(self, tblname, id_list, id_colname='rowid', **kwargs): """Deletes rows from a SQL table (``tblname``) by ID, given a sequence of IDs (``id_list``). Optionally a different ID column can be specified via ``id_colname``. """ id_param_name = '_identifier' table = self._reflect_table(tblname) stmt = table.delete() where_clause = text(id_colname + f' = :{id_param_name}') if id_colname == 'rowid': # Cast all item values to in, in case values are numpy.integer* # Strangely allow for None values id_list = [id_ if id_ is None else int(id_) for id_ in id_list] else: # b/c rowid doesn't really exist as a column id_column = table.c[id_colname] where_clause = where_clause.bindparams( bindparam(id_param_name, type_=id_column.type) ) stmt = stmt.where(where_clause) with self.connect() as conn: with conn.begin(): for id in id_list: conn.execute(stmt, {id_param_name: id})
[docs] def delete_rowids(self, tblname, rowid_list, **kwargs): """deletes the the rows in rowid_list""" self.delete(tblname, rowid_list, id_colname='rowid', **kwargs)
# ============== # CORE WRAPPERS # ============== def _executeone_operation_fmt( self, operation_fmt, fmtdict, params=None, eager=True, **kwargs ): if params is None: params = [] operation = operation_fmt.format(**fmtdict) return self.executeone(text(operation), params, eager=eager, **kwargs) @profile def _executemany_operation_fmt( self, operation_fmt, fmtdict, params_iter, unpack_scalars=True, eager=True, dryrun=False, **kwargs, ): operation = operation_fmt.format(**fmtdict) if dryrun:'Dry Run') return return self.executemany( operation, params_iter, unpack_scalars=unpack_scalars, eager=eager, **kwargs ) # ========= # SQLDB CORE # =========
[docs] def executeone( self, operation, params=(), eager=True, verbose=VERBOSE_SQL, use_fetchone_behavior=False, keepwrap=False, ): """Executes the given ``operation`` once with the given set of ``params`` Args: operation (str|TextClause): SQL statement params (sequence|dict): parameters to pass in with SQL execution eager: [deprecated] no-op verbose: [deprecated] no-op use_fetchone_behavior (bool): Use DBAPI ``fetchone`` behavior when outputing no rows (i.e. None) """ if not isinstance(operation, ClauseElement): raise TypeError( "'operation' needs to be a sqlalchemy textual sql instance " "see docs on 'sqlalchemy.sql:text' factory function; " f"'operation' is a '{type(operation)}'" ) # FIXME (12-Sept-12020) Allows passing through '?' (question mark) parameters. with self.connect() as conn: results = conn.execute(operation, params) # BBB (12-Sept-12020) Retaining insertion rowid result # FIXME postgresql (12-Sept-12020) This won't work in postgres. # Maybe see if ResultProxy.inserted_primary_key will work if ( 'insert' in str(operation).lower() ): # cast in case it's an SQLAlchemy object # BBB (12-Sept-12020) Retaining behavior to unwrap single value rows. return [results.lastrowid] elif not results.returns_rows: return None else: if isinstance(operation, sqlalchemy.sql.selectable.Select): # This code is specifically for handling duplication in colnames # because sqlalchemy removes them. # e.g. select field1, field1, field2 from table; # becomes # select field1, field2 from table; # so the items in val_list only have 2 values # but the caller isn't expecting it so it causes problems returned_columns = tuple([ for c in operation.columns]) raw_columns = tuple([ for c in operation._raw_columns]) if raw_columns != returned_columns: results_ = [] for r in results: results_.append( tuple(r[returned_columns.index(c)] for c in raw_columns) ) results = results_ values = list( [ # BBB (12-Sept-12020) Retaining behavior to unwrap single value rows. row[0] if not keepwrap and len(row) == 1 else row for row in results ] ) # FIXME (28-Sept-12020) No rows results in an empty list. This behavior does not # match the resulting expectations of `fetchone`'s DBAPI spec. # If executeone is the shortcut of `execute` and `fetchone`, # the expectation should be to return according to DBAPI spec. if use_fetchone_behavior and not values: # empty list values = None return values
[docs] def executemany( self, operation, params_iter, unpack_scalars=True, keepwrap=False, **kwargs ): """Executes the given ``operation`` once for each item in ``params_iter`` Args: operation (str): SQL operation params_iter (sequence): a sequence of sequences containing parameters in the sql operation unpack_scalars (bool): [deprecated] use to unpack a single result from each query only use with operations that return a single result for each query (default: True) """ if not isinstance(operation, ClauseElement): raise TypeError( "'operation' needs to be a sqlalchemy textual sql instance " "see docs on 'sqlalchemy.sql:text' factory function; " f"'operation' is a '{type(operation)}'" ) results = [] with self.connect() as conn: with conn.begin(): for params in params_iter: value = self.executeone(operation, params, keepwrap=keepwrap) # Should only be used when the user wants back on value. # Let the error bubble up if used wrong. # Deprecated... Do not depend on the unpacking behavior. if unpack_scalars: value = _unpacker(value) results.append(value) return results
[docs] def print_dbg_schema(self): '\n\nCREATE'.join(dumps(self.connection, schema_only=True).split('CREATE')) )
# ========= # SQLDB METADATA # =========
[docs] def get_metadata_items(self): r""" Returns: list: metadata_items CommandLine: python -m dtool.sql_control --exec-get_metadata_items Example: >>> # ENABLE_DOCTEST >>> from wbia.dtool.example_depcache import testdata_depc >>> from wbia.dtool.sql_control import * # NOQA >>> db = testdata_depc()['notch'].db >>> metadata_items = db.get_metadata_items() >>> result = ('metadata_items = %s' % (ut.repr2(sorted(metadata_items)),)) >>> print(result) """ metadata_rowids = self.get_all_rowids(METADATA_TABLE_NAME) metadata_items = self.get( METADATA_TABLE_NAME, ('metadata_key', 'metadata_value'), metadata_rowids ) return metadata_items
[docs] @deprecated('Use the metadata property instead') def set_metadata_val(self, key, val): """ key must be given as a repr-ed string """ fmtkw = { 'tablename': METADATA_TABLE_NAME, 'columns': 'metadata_key, metadata_value', } dialect = if dialect == 'sqlite': op_fmtstr = ( 'INSERT OR REPLACE INTO {tablename} ({columns}) VALUES (:key, :val)' ) elif dialect == 'postgresql': op_fmtstr = f"""\ INSERT INTO {METADATA_TABLE_NAME} (metadata_key, metadata_value) VALUES (:key, :val) ON CONFLICT (metadata_key) DO UPDATE SET metadata_value = EXCLUDED.metadata_value""" else: raise RuntimeError(f'Unknown dialect {dialect}') operation = text(op_fmtstr.format(**fmtkw)) params = {'key': key, 'val': val} self.executeone(operation, params, verbose=False)
[docs] @deprecated('Use metadata property instead') def get_metadata_val(self, key, eval_=False, default=None): """ val is the repr string unless eval_ is true """ colnames = ('metadata_value',) params_iter = [(key,)] vals = self.get_where_eq( METADATA_TABLE_NAME, colnames, params_iter, ('metadata_key',) ) assert len(vals) == 1, 'duplicate keys in metadata table' val = vals[0] if val is None: if default == ut.NoParam: assert val is not None, 'metadata_table key=%r does not exist' % (key,) else: val = default # if key.endswith('_constraint') or if key.endswith('_docstr'): # Hack eval off for constriant and docstr return val try: if eval_ and val is not None: # eventually we will not have to worry about # mid level representations by default, for now flag it val = eval(val, {}, {}) except Exception as ex: ut.printex(ex, keys=['key', 'val']) raise return val
# ============== # SCHEMA MODIFICATION # ==============
[docs] def add_column(self, tablename, colname, coltype): if VERBOSE_SQL: '[sql] add column=%r of type=%r to tablename=%r' % (colname, coltype, tablename) ) fmtkw = { 'tablename': tablename, 'colname': colname, 'coltype': coltype, } op_fmtstr = 'ALTER TABLE {tablename} ADD COLUMN {colname} {coltype}' operation = op_fmtstr.format(**fmtkw) self.executeone(operation, [], verbose=False)
def __make_unique_constraint(self, table_name, column_or_columns): """Creates a SQL ``CONSTRAINT`` clause for ``UNIQUE`` column data""" if not isinstance(column_or_columns, (list, tuple)): columns = [column_or_columns] else: # Cast as list incase it's a tuple, b/c tuple + list = error columns = list(column_or_columns) constraint_name = '_'.join(['unique', table_name] + columns) columns_listing = ', '.join(columns) return f'CONSTRAINT {constraint_name} UNIQUE ({columns_listing})' def __make_column_definition(self, name: str, definition: str) -> str: """Creates SQL for the given column `name` and type, default & constraint (i.e. `definition`).""" if not name: raise ValueError(f'name cannot be an empty string paired with {definition}') elif not definition: raise ValueError(f'definition cannot be an empty string paired with {name}') if self.is_using_postgres: if ( name.endswith('rowid') and 'INTEGER' in definition and 'PRIMARY KEY' in definition ): definition = definition.replace('INTEGER', 'BIGSERIAL') definition = definition.replace('REAL', 'DOUBLE PRECISION').replace( 'INTEGER', 'BIGINT' ) return f'{name} {definition}' def _make_add_table_sqlstr( self, tablename: str, coldef_list: list, sep=' ', **metadata_keyval ): """Creates the SQL for a CREATE TABLE statement Args: tablename (str): table name coldef_list (list): list of tuples (name, type definition) sep (str): clause separation character(s) (default: space) kwargs: metadata specifications Returns: str: operation """ if not coldef_list: raise ValueError(f'empty coldef_list specified for {tablename}') if self.is_using_postgres and 'rowid' not in [name for name, _ in coldef_list]: coldef_list = [('rowid', 'BIGSERIAL UNIQUE')] + list(coldef_list) # Check for invalid keyword arguments bad_kwargs = set(metadata_keyval.keys()) - set(METADATA_TABLE_COLUMN_NAMES) if len(bad_kwargs) > 0: raise TypeError(f'got unexpected keyword arguments: {bad_kwargs}') logger.debug('[sql] schema ensuring tablename=%r' % tablename) logger.debug( ut.func_str(self.add_table, [tablename, coldef_list], metadata_keyval) ) # Create the main body of the CREATE TABLE statement with column definitions # coldef_list = [(<column-name>, <definition>,), ...] body_list = [self.__make_column_definition(c, d) for c, d in coldef_list] # Make a list of constraints to place on the table # superkeys = [(<column-name>, ...), ...] constraint_list = [ self.__make_unique_constraint(tablename, x) for x in metadata_keyval.get('superkeys') or [] ] constraint_list = ut.unique_ordered(constraint_list) comma = ',' + sep table_body = comma.join(body_list + constraint_list) return text(f'CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS {tablename} ({sep}{table_body}{sep})')
[docs] def add_table(self, tablename=None, coldef_list=None, **metadata_keyval): """ add_table Args: tablename (str): coldef_list (list): constraint (list or None): docstr (str): superkeys (list or None): list of tuples of column names which uniquely identifies a rowid """ operation = self._make_add_table_sqlstr(tablename, coldef_list, **metadata_keyval) self.executeone(operation, [], verbose=False) self.metadata[tablename].update(**metadata_keyval) if self._tablenames is not None: self._tablenames.add(tablename)
[docs] def modify_table( self, tablename=None, colmap_list=None, tablename_new=None, drop_columns=[], add_columns=[], rename_columns=[], # transform_columns=[], # constraint=None, docstr=None, superkeys=None, **metadata_keyval, ): """ function to modify the schema - only columns that are being added, removed or changed need to be enumerated Args: tablename (str): tablename colmap_list (list): of tuples (orig_colname, new_colname, new_coltype, convert_func) orig_colname - the original name of the column, None to append, int for index new_colname - the new column name ('' for same, None to delete) new_coltype - New Column Type. None to use data unmodified convert_func - Function to convert data from old to new constraint (str): superkeys (list) docstr (str) tablename_new (?) Example: >>> # DISABLE_DOCTEST >>> def loc_zip_map(x): ... return x >>> db.modify_table(const.CONTRIBUTOR_TABLE, ( >>> # orig_colname, new_colname, new_coltype, convert_func >>> # a non-needed, but correct mapping (identity function) >>> ('contrib_rowid', '', '', None), >>> # for new columns, function is ignored (TYPE CANNOT BE EMPTY IF ADDING) >>> (None, 'contrib_loc_address', 'TEXT', None), >>> # adding a new column at index 4 (if index is invalid, None is used) >>> (4, 'contrib_loc_address', 'TEXT', None), >>> # for deleted columns, type and function are ignored >>> ('contrib_loc_city', None, '', None), >>> # for renamed columns, type and function are ignored >>> ('contrib_loc_city', 'contrib_loc_town', '', None), >>> ('contrib_loc_zip', 'contrib_loc_zip', 'TEXT', loc_zip_map), >>> # type not changing, only NOT NULL provision >>> ('contrib_loc_country', '', 'TEXT NOT NULL', None), >>> ), >>> superkeys=[('contributor_rowid',)], >>> constraint=[], >>> docstr='Used to store the contributors to the project' >>> ) """ # assert colmap_list is not None, 'must specify colmaplist' assert tablename is not None, 'tablename must be given' if VERBOSE_SQL or ut.VERBOSE:'[sql] schema modifying tablename=%r' % tablename) '[sql] * colmap_list = ' + 'None' if colmap_list is None else ut.repr2(colmap_list) ) if colmap_list is None: colmap_list = [] # Augment colmap_list using convience mappings for drop_col in drop_columns: colmap_list += [(drop_col, None, '', None)] for add_col, add_type in add_columns: colmap_list += [(None, add_col, add_type, None)] for old_col, new_col in rename_columns: colmap_list += [(old_col, new_col, None, None)] coldef_list = self.get_coldef_list(tablename) colname_list = ut.take_column(coldef_list, 0) coltype_list = ut.take_column(coldef_list, 1) # Find all dependent sequences so we can change the owners of the # sequences to the new table (for postgresql) dependent_sequences = [ (colname,"nextval\('([^']*)'", coldef).group(1)) for colname, coldef in self.get_coldef_list(tablename) if 'nextval' in coldef ] colname_original_list = colname_list[:] colname_dict = {colname: colname for colname in colname_list} colmap_dict = {} insert = False for colmap in colmap_list: (src, dst, type_, map_) = colmap if src is None or isinstance(src, int): # Add column assert ( dst is not None and len(dst) > 0 ), 'New column name must be valid in colmap=%r' % (colmap,) assert ( type_ is not None and len(type_) > 0 ), 'New column type must be specified in colmap=%r' % (colmap,) if isinstance(src, int) and (src < 0 or len(colname_list) <= src): src = None if src is None: colname_list.append(dst) coltype_list.append(type_) else: if insert: '[sql] WARNING: multiple index inserted add ' 'columns, may cause alignment issues' ) if self.is_using_postgres: # adjust for the additional "rowid" field src += 1 colname_list.insert(src, dst) coltype_list.insert(src, type_) insert = True else: # Modify column try: assert ( src in colname_list ), 'Unkown source colname=%s in tablename=%s' % (src, tablename) except AssertionError as ex: ut.printex(ex, keys=['colname_list']) index = colname_list.index(src) if dst is None: # Drop column assert ( src is not None and len(src) > 0 ), 'Deleted column name must be valid' del colname_list[index] del coltype_list[index] del colname_dict[src] elif len(src) > 0 and len(dst) > 0 and src != dst: # Rename column colname_list[index] = dst colname_dict[src] = dst # Check if type should change as well if ( type_ is not None and len(type_) > 0 and type_ != coltype_list[index] ): coltype_list[index] = type_ elif len(type_) > 0 and type_ != coltype_list[index]: # Change column type if len(dst) == 0: dst = src coltype_list[index] = type_ elif map_ is not None: # Simply map function across table's data if len(dst) == 0: dst = src if len(type_) == 0: type_ = coltype_list[index] else: # Identity, this can be ommited as it is automatically done if len(dst) == 0: dst = src if type_ is None or len(type_) == 0: type_ = coltype_list[index] if map_ is not None: colmap_dict[src] = map_ coldef_list = list(zip(colname_list, coltype_list)) tablename_orig = tablename tablename_temp = tablename_orig + '_temp' + ut.random_nonce(length=8) metadata_keyval2 = metadata_keyval.copy() for suffix in METADATA_TABLE_COLUMN_NAMES: if suffix not in metadata_keyval2 or metadata_keyval2[suffix] is None: val = getattr(self.metadata[tablename_orig], suffix) metadata_keyval2[suffix] = val self.add_table(tablename_temp, coldef_list, **metadata_keyval2) # Change owners of sequences from old table to new table if self.is_using_postgres: new_colnames = [name for name, _ in coldef_list] for colname, sequence in dependent_sequences: if colname in new_colnames: self.executeone( text( f'ALTER SEQUENCE {sequence} OWNED BY {tablename_temp}.{colname}' ) ) # Copy data src_list = [] dst_list = [] for name in colname_original_list: if name in colname_dict.keys(): src_list.append(name) dst_list.append(colname_dict[name]) if len(src_list) > 0: data_list_ = self.get(tablename, tuple(src_list)) else: data_list_ = [] # Run functions across all data for specified callums data_list = [ tuple( [ colmap_dict[src_](d) if src_ in colmap_dict.keys() else d for d, src_ in zip(data, src_list) ] ) for data in data_list_ ] # Add the data to the database def get_rowid_from_superkey(x): return [None] * len(x) self.add_cleanly(tablename_temp, dst_list, data_list, get_rowid_from_superkey) if tablename_new is None: # i.e. not renaming the table # Drop original table self.drop_table(tablename, invalidate_cache=False) # Rename temp table to original table name self.rename_table(tablename_temp, tablename, invalidate_cache=False) else: # Rename new table to new name self.rename_table(tablename_temp, tablename_new, invalidate_cache=False) # Any modifications are going to invalidate the cached tables. self.invalidate_tables_cache()
[docs] def rename_table(self, tablename_old, tablename_new, invalidate_cache=True): '[sql] schema renaming tablename=%r -> %r' % (tablename_old, tablename_new) ) # Technically insecure call, but all entries are statically inputted by # the database's owner, who could delete or alter the entire database # anyway. operation = text(f'ALTER TABLE {tablename_old} RENAME TO {tablename_new}') self.executeone(operation, []) # Rename table's metadata key_old_list = [ tablename_old + '_' + suffix for suffix in METADATA_TABLE_COLUMN_NAMES ] key_new_list = [ tablename_new + '_' + suffix for suffix in METADATA_TABLE_COLUMN_NAMES ] id_iter = [key for key in key_old_list] val_iter = [(key,) for key in key_new_list] colnames = ('metadata_key',) self.set( METADATA_TABLE_NAME, colnames, val_iter, id_iter, id_colname='metadata_key' ) if invalidate_cache: self.invalidate_tables_cache()
[docs] def drop_table(self, tablename, invalidate_cache=True):'[sql] schema dropping tablename=%r' % tablename) # Technically insecure call, but all entries are statically inputted by # the database's owner, who could delete or alter the entire database # anyway. operation = f'DROP TABLE IF EXISTS {tablename}' if self.uri.startswith('postgresql'): operation = f'{operation} CASCADE' self.executeone(text(operation), []) # Delete table's metadata key_list = [tablename + '_' + suffix for suffix in METADATA_TABLE_COLUMN_NAMES] self.delete(METADATA_TABLE_NAME, key_list, id_colname='metadata_key') if invalidate_cache: self.invalidate_tables_cache()
[docs] def drop_all_tables(self): """ DELETES ALL INFO IN TABLE """ self._tablenames = None for tablename in self.get_table_names(): if tablename != 'metadata': self.drop_table(tablename, invalidate_cache=False) self.invalidate_tables_cache()
# ============== # CONVINENCE # ==============
[docs] def dump_tables_to_csv(self, dump_dir=None): """Convenience: Dumps all csv database files to disk""" if dump_dir is None: dump_dir = join(self.dir_, 'CSV_DUMP') ut.ensuredir(dump_dir) for tablename in self.get_table_names(): table_fname = tablename + '.csv' table_fpath = join(dump_dir, table_fname) table_csv = self.get_table_csv(tablename) ut.writeto(table_fpath, table_csv)
[docs] def get_schema_current_autogeneration_str(self, autogen_cmd=''): """Convenience: Autogenerates the most up-to-date database schema CommandLine: python -m dtool.sql_control --exec-get_schema_current_autogeneration_str Example: >>> # ENABLE_DOCTEST >>> from wbia.dtool.sql_control import * # NOQA >>> from wbia.dtool.example_depcache import testdata_depc >>> depc = testdata_depc() >>> tablename = 'keypoint' >>> db = depc[tablename].db >>> result = db.get_schema_current_autogeneration_str('') >>> print(result) """ db_version_current = self.get_db_version() # Define what tab space we want to save tab1 = ' ' * 4 line_list = [] # autogen_cmd = 'python -m dtool.DB_SCHEMA --test-test_dbschema # --force-incremental-db-update --dump-autogen-schema' # File Header line_list.append(ut.TRIPLE_DOUBLE_QUOTE) line_list.append('AUTOGENERATED ON ' + ut.timestamp('printable')) line_list.append('AutogenCommandLine:') # TODO: Fix autogen command line_list.append(ut.indent(autogen_cmd, tab1)) line_list.append(ut.TRIPLE_DOUBLE_QUOTE) line_list.append('# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-') # line_list.append('from wbia import constants as const') line_list.append('\n') line_list.append('# =======================') line_list.append('# Schema Version Current') line_list.append('# =======================') line_list.append('\n') line_list.append('VERSION_CURRENT = %s' % ut.repr2(db_version_current)) line_list.append('\n') line_list.append('def update_current(db, ibs=None):') # Function content first = True for tablename in sorted(self.get_table_names()): if first: first = False else: line_list.append('%s' % '') line_list += self.get_table_autogen_str(tablename) pass line_list.append('') return '\n'.join(line_list)
[docs] def get_table_constraints(self, tablename): """ TODO: use coldef_list with table_autogen_dict instead """ constraint = self.metadata[tablename].constraint return None if constraint is None else constraint.split(';')
[docs] def get_coldef_list(self, tablename): """ Returns: list of (str, str) : each tuple is (col_name, col_type) """ column_list = self.get_columns(tablename) coldef_list = [] for column in column_list: col_name = col_type = str(column[2]) if column[5] == 1: col_type += ' PRIMARY KEY' elif column[3] == 1: col_type += ' NOT NULL' if column[4] is not None: default_value = str(column[4]) # HACK: add parens if the value contains parens in the future # all default values should contain parens LEOPARD_HACK = True if LEOPARD_HACK and '(' not in default_value: col_type += ' DEFAULT %s' % default_value else: col_type += ' DEFAULT (%s)' % default_value coldef_list.append((col_name, col_type)) return coldef_list
[docs] @profile def get_table_autogen_dict(self, tablename): r""" Args: tablename (str): Returns: dict: autogen_dict CommandLine: python -m dtool.sql_control get_table_autogen_dict Example: >>> # ENABLE_DOCTEST >>> from wbia.dtool.sql_control import * # NOQA >>> db = SQLDatabaseController('sqlite:///', 'testing') >>> tablename = 'dummy_table' >>> db.add_table(tablename, ( >>> ('rowid', 'INTEGER PRIMARY KEY'), >>> ('value1', 'TEXT'), >>> ('value2', 'TEXT NOT NULL'), >>> ('value3', 'TEXT DEFAULT 1'), >>> ('time_added', "INTEGER DEFAULT (CAST(STRFTIME('%s', 'NOW', 'UTC') AS INTEGER))") >>> )) >>> autogen_dict = db.get_table_autogen_dict(tablename) >>> result = ut.repr2(autogen_dict, nl=2) >>> print(result) """ autogen_dict = ut.odict() autogen_dict['tablename'] = tablename autogen_dict['coldef_list'] = self.get_coldef_list(tablename) autogen_dict['docstr'] = self.get_table_docstr(tablename) autogen_dict['superkeys'] = self.get_table_superkey_colnames(tablename) autogen_dict['dependson'] = self.metadata[tablename].dependson return autogen_dict
[docs] def get_table_autogen_str(self, tablename): r""" Args: tablename (str): Returns: str: quoted_docstr CommandLine: python -m dtool.sql_control get_table_autogen_str Example: >>> # ENABLE_DOCTEST >>> from wbia.dtool.sql_control import * # NOQA >>> db = SQLDatabaseController('sqlite:///', 'testing') >>> tablename = 'dummy_table' >>> db.add_table(tablename, ( >>> ('rowid', 'INTEGER PRIMARY KEY'), >>> ('value', 'TEXT'), >>> ('time_added', "INTEGER DEFAULT (CAST(STRFTIME('%s', 'NOW', 'UTC') AS INTEGER))") >>> )) >>> result = '\n'.join(db.get_table_autogen_str(tablename)) >>> print(result) """ line_list = [] tab1 = ' ' * 4 tab2 = ' ' * 8 line_list.append(tab1 + 'db.add_table(%s, [' % (ut.repr2(tablename),)) # column_list = db.get_columns(tablename) # colnamerepr_list = [ut.repr2(str(column[1])) # for column in column_list] autogen_dict = self.get_table_autogen_dict(tablename) coldef_list = autogen_dict['coldef_list'] max_colsize = max(32, 2 + max(map(len, ut.take_column(coldef_list, 0)))) # for column, colname_repr in zip(column_list, colnamerepr_list): for col_name, col_type in coldef_list: name_part = ('%s,' % ut.repr2(col_name)).ljust(max_colsize) type_part = ut.repr2(col_type) line_list.append(tab2 + '(%s%s),' % (name_part, type_part)) line_list.append(tab1 + '],') superkeys = self.get_table_superkey_colnames(tablename) docstr = self.get_table_docstr(tablename) # Append metadata values specially_handled_table_metakeys = [ 'docstr', 'superkeys', # 'constraint', 'dependsmap', ] def quote_docstr(docstr): if docstr is None: return None import textwrap wraped_docstr = '\n'.join(textwrap.wrap(ut.textblock(docstr))) indented_docstr = ut.indent(wraped_docstr.strip(), tab2) _TSQ = ut.TRIPLE_SINGLE_QUOTE quoted_docstr = _TSQ + '\n' + indented_docstr + '\n' + tab2 + _TSQ return quoted_docstr line_list.append(tab2 + 'docstr=%s,' % quote_docstr(docstr)) line_list.append(tab2 + 'superkeys=%s,' % (ut.repr2(superkeys),)) # Hack out docstr and superkeys for now for suffix in METADATA_TABLE_COLUMN_NAMES: if suffix in specially_handled_table_metakeys: continue key = tablename + '_' + suffix val = getattr(self.metadata[tablename], suffix) if val is not None: line_list.append(tab2 + '%s=%s,' % (suffix, ut.repr2(val))) dependsmap = self.metadata[tablename].dependsmap if dependsmap is not None: _dictstr = ut.indent(ut.repr2(dependsmap, nl=1), tab2) depends_map_dictstr = ut.align(_dictstr.lstrip(' '), ':') # hack for formatting depends_map_dictstr = depends_map_dictstr.replace(tab1 + '}', '}') line_list.append(tab2 + 'dependsmap=%s,' % (depends_map_dictstr,)) line_list.append(tab1 + ')') return line_list
[docs] def dump_schema(self): """ Convenience: Dumps all csv database files to disk NOTE: This function is semi-obsolete because of the auto-generated current schema file. Use dump_schema_current_autogeneration instead for all purposes except for parsing out the database schema or for consice visual representation. """ app_resource_dir = ut.get_app_resource_dir('wbia') dump_fpath = join(app_resource_dir, 'schema.txt') with open(dump_fpath, 'w') as file_: for tablename in sorted(self.get_table_names()): file_.write(tablename + '\n') column_list = self.get_columns(tablename) for column in column_list: col_name = str(column[1]).ljust(30) col_type = str(column[2]).ljust(10) col_null = str( ('ALLOW NULL' if column[3] == 1 else 'NOT NULL') ).ljust(12) col_default = str(column[4]).ljust(10) col_key = str(('KEY' if column[5] == 1 else '')) col = (col_name, col_type, col_null, col_default, col_key) file_.write('\t%s%s%s%s%s\n' % col) ut.view_directory(app_resource_dir)
[docs] def invalidate_tables_cache(self): """Invalidates the controller's cache of table names and objects Resets the caches and/or repopulates them. """ self._tablenames = None self._sa_metadata = sqlalchemy.MetaData() self.get_table_names()
[docs] def get_table_names(self, lazy=False): """Conveinience:""" if not lazy or self._tablenames is None: dialect = if dialect == 'sqlite': stmt = "SELECT name FROM sqlite_master WHERE type='table'" params = {} elif dialect == 'postgresql': stmt = text( """\ SELECT table_name FROM information_schema.tables WHERE table_type='BASE TABLE' AND table_schema = :schema""" ) params = {'schema': self.schema_name} else: raise RuntimeError(f'Unknown dialect {dialect}') with self.connect() as conn: result = conn.execute(stmt, **params) tablename_list = result.fetchall() self._tablenames = {str(tablename[0]) for tablename in tablename_list} return self._tablenames
@property def tablenames(self): return self.get_table_names()
[docs] def has_table(self, tablename, colnames=None, lazy=True): """checks if a table exists""" # if not lazy or self._tablenames is None: return tablename in self.get_table_names(lazy=lazy)
[docs] @profile def get_table_superkey_colnames(self, tablename): """ get_table_superkey_colnames Actually resturns a list of tuples. need to change the name to get_table_superkey_colnames_list Args: tablename (str): Returns: list: superkeys CommandLine: python -m dtool.sql_control --test-get_table_superkey_colnames python -m wbia --tf get_table_superkey_colnames --tablename=contributors python -m wbia --tf get_table_superkey_colnames --db PZ_Master0 --tablename=annotations python -m wbia --tf get_table_superkey_colnames --db PZ_Master0 --tablename=contributors # NOQA Example: >>> # ENABLE_DOCTEST >>> from wbia.dtool.sql_control import * # NOQA >>> from wbia.dtool.example_depcache import testdata_depc >>> depc = testdata_depc() >>> db = depc['chip'].db >>> superkeys = db.get_table_superkey_colnames('chip') >>> result = ut.repr2(superkeys, nl=False) >>> print(result) [('dummy_annot_rowid', 'config_rowid')] """ assert tablename in self.get_table_names( lazy=True ), 'tablename=%r is not a part of this database' % (tablename,) superkeys = self.metadata[tablename].superkeys if superkeys is None: superkeys = [] return superkeys
[docs] def get_table_primarykey_colnames(self, tablename): columns = self.get_columns(tablename) primarykey_colnames = tuple( [name for (column_id, name, type_, notnull, dflt_value, pk) in columns if pk] ) return primarykey_colnames
[docs] def get_table_docstr(self, tablename): r""" CommandLine: python -m dtool.sql_control --exec-get_table_docstr Example: >>> # ENABLE_DOCTEST >>> from wbia.dtool.sql_control import * # NOQA >>> from wbia.dtool.example_depcache import testdata_depc >>> depc = testdata_depc() >>> tablename = 'keypoint' >>> db = depc[tablename].db >>> result = db.get_table_docstr(tablename) >>> print(result) Used to store individual chip features (ellipses) """ return self.metadata[tablename].docstr
[docs] def get_columns(self, tablename): """ get_columns Args: tablename (str): table name Returns: column_list : list of tuples with format: ( column_id : id of the column name : the name of the column type_ : the type of the column notnull : 0 or 1 if the column can contains null values dflt_value : the default value pk : 0 or 1 if the column partecipate to the primary key ) References: CommandLine: python -m dtool.sql_control --exec-get_columns python -m dtool.sql_control --exec-get_columns --tablename=contributors python -m dtool.sql_control --exec-get_columns --tablename=nonexist Example: >>> # ENABLE_DOCTEST >>> from wbia.dtool.sql_control import * # NOQA >>> from wbia.dtool.example_depcache import testdata_depc >>> depc = testdata_depc() >>> tablename = 'keypoint' >>> db = depc[tablename].db >>> colrichinfo_list = db.get_columns(tablename) >>> result = ('colrichinfo_list = %s' % (ut.repr2(colrichinfo_list, nl=1),)) >>> print(result) colrichinfo_list = [ (0, 'keypoint_rowid', 'INTEGER', 0, None, 1), (1, 'chip_rowid', 'INTEGER', 1, None, 0), (2, 'config_rowid', 'INTEGER', 0, '0', 0), (3, 'kpts', 'NDARRAY', 0, None, 0), (4, 'num', 'INTEGER', 0, None, 0), ] """ # check if the table exists first. Throws an error if it does not exist. with self.connect() as conn: conn.execute('SELECT 1 FROM ' + tablename + ' LIMIT 1') dialect = if dialect == 'sqlite': stmt = f"PRAGMA TABLE_INFO('{tablename}')" params = {} elif dialect == 'postgresql': stmt = text( """SELECT row_number() over () - 1, column_name, coalesce(domain_name, data_type), CASE WHEN is_nullable = 'YES' THEN 0 ELSE 1 END, column_default, column_name = ( SELECT column_name FROM information_schema.table_constraints NATURAL JOIN information_schema.constraint_column_usage WHERE table_name = :table_name AND constraint_type = 'PRIMARY KEY' AND table_schema = :table_schema LIMIT 1 ) AS pk FROM information_schema.columns WHERE table_name = :table_name AND table_schema = :table_schema""" ) params = {'table_name': tablename, 'table_schema': self.schema_name} with self.connect() as conn: result = conn.execute(stmt, **params) colinfo_list = result.fetchall() colrichinfo_list = [SQLColumnRichInfo(*colinfo) for colinfo in colinfo_list] return colrichinfo_list
[docs] def get_column_names(self, tablename): """Conveinience: Returns the sql tablename columns""" column_list = self.get_columns(tablename) column_names = ut.lmap(str, ut.take_column(column_list, 1)) return column_names
[docs] def get_column(self, tablename, name): """Get all the values for the specified column (``name``) of the table (``tablename``)""" table = self._reflect_table(tablename) stmt =[table.c[name]]).order_by( *[c.asc() for c in table.primary_key.columns] ) return self.executeone(stmt)
[docs] def get_table_as_pandas( self, tablename, rowids=None, columns=None, exclude_columns=[] ): """ aid = 30 db = ibs.staging rowids = ut.flatten(ibs.get_review_rowids_from_single([aid])) tablename = 'reviews' exclude_columns = 'review_user_confidence review_user_identity'.split(' '), rowids, exclude_columns=exclude_columns)) db = ibs.db rowids = ut.flatten(ibs.get_annotmatch_rowids_from_aid([aid])) tablename = 'annotmatch' exclude_columns = 'annotmatch_confidence annotmatch_posixtime_modified annotmatch_reviewer'.split(' '), rowids, exclude_columns=exclude_columns)) """ if rowids is None: rowids = self.get_all_rowids(tablename) column_list, column_names = self.get_table_column_data( tablename, rowids=rowids, columns=columns, exclude_columns=exclude_columns ) import pandas as pd index = pd.Index(rowids, name='rowid') df = pd.DataFrame(ut.dzip(column_names, column_list), index=index) return df
# TODO (25-Sept-12020) Deprecate once ResultProxy can be exposed, # because it will allow result access by index or column name.
[docs] def get_table_column_data( self, tablename, columns=None, exclude_columns=[], rowids=None ): """ Grabs a table of information Example: >>> # ENABLE_DOCTEST >>> from wbia.dtool.sql_control import * # NOQA >>> from wbia.dtool.example_depcache import testdata_depc >>> depc = testdata_depc() >>> tablename = 'keypoint' >>> db = depc[tablename].db >>> column_list, column_names = db.get_table_column_data(tablename) >>> column_list [[], [], [], [], []] >>> column_names ['keypoint_rowid', 'chip_rowid', 'config_rowid', 'kpts', 'num'] """ if columns is None: all_column_names = self.get_column_names(tablename) column_names = ut.setdiff(all_column_names, exclude_columns) else: column_names = columns if rowids is not None: column_list = [ self.get(tablename, (name,), rowids, unpack_scalars=True) for name in column_names ] else: column_list = [self.get_column(tablename, name) for name in column_names] # BBB (28-Sept-12020) The previous implementation of `executeone` returned [] # rather than None for empty rows. column_list = [x and x or [] for x in column_list] return column_list, column_names
[docs] def make_json_table_definition(self, tablename): r""" VERY HACKY FUNC RIGHT NOW. NEED TO FIX LATER Args: tablename (?): Returns: ?: new_transferdata CommandLine: python -m wbia --tf sql_control.make_json_table_definition CommandLine: python -m utool --tf iter_module_doctestable --modname=dtool.sql_control --include_inherited=True python -m dtool.sql_control --exec-make_json_table_definition Example: >>> # ENABLE_DOCTEST >>> from wbia.dtool.sql_control import * # NOQA >>> from wbia.dtool.example_depcache import testdata_depc >>> depc = testdata_depc() >>> tablename = 'keypoint' >>> db = depc[tablename].db >>> table_def = db.make_json_table_definition(tablename) >>> result = ('table_def = %s' % (ut.repr2(table_def, nl=True),)) >>> print(result) table_def = { 'keypoint_rowid': 'INTEGER', 'chip_rowid': 'INTEGER', 'config_rowid': 'INTEGER', 'kpts': 'NDARRAY', 'num': 'INTEGER', } """ new_transferdata = self.get_table_new_transferdata(tablename) ( column_list, column_names, extern_colx_list, extern_superkey_colname_list, extern_superkey_colval_list, extern_tablename_list, extern_primarycolnames_list, ) = new_transferdata dependsmap = self.metadata[tablename].dependsmap richcolinfo_list = self.get_columns(tablename) table_dict_def = ut.odict([(, r.type_) for r in richcolinfo_list]) if dependsmap is not None: for key, val in dependsmap.items(): if val[0] == tablename: del table_dict_def[key] elif val[1] is None: del table_dict_def[key] else: # replace with superkey del table_dict_def[key] _deptablecols = self.get_columns(val[0]) superkey = val[2] assert len(superkey) == 1, 'unhandled' colinfo = { _ for _ in _deptablecols}[superkey[0]] table_dict_def[superkey[0]] = colinfo.type_ # json_def_str = ut.repr2(table_dict_def, aligned=True) return table_dict_def
[docs] def get_table_new_transferdata(self, tablename, exclude_columns=[]): """ CommandLine: python -m dtool.sql_control --test-get_table_column_data python -m dtool.sql_control --test-get_table_new_transferdata python -m dtool.sql_control --test-get_table_new_transferdata:1 Example: >>> # ENABLE_DOCTEST >>> from wbia.dtool.sql_control import * # NOQA >>> from wbia.dtool.example_depcache import testdata_depc >>> depc = testdata_depc() >>> tablename = 'keypoint' >>> db = depc[tablename].db >>> tablename_list = db.get_table_names() >>> colrichinfo_list = db.get_columns(tablename) >>> for tablename in tablename_list: ... new_transferdata = db.get_table_new_transferdata(tablename) ... column_list, column_names, extern_colx_list, extern_superkey_colname_list, extern_superkey_colval_list, extern_tablename_list, extern_primarycolnames_list = new_transferdata ... print('tablename = %r' % (tablename,)) ... print('colnames = ' + ut.repr2(column_names)) ... print('extern_colx_list = ' + ut.repr2(extern_colx_list)) ... print('extern_superkey_colname_list = ' + ut.repr2(extern_superkey_colname_list)) ... print('L___') Example: >>> # SLOW_DOCTEST >>> # xdoctest: +REQUIRES(module:wbia) >>> from wbia.dtool.sql_control import * # NOQA >>> import wbia >>> ibs = wbia.opendb('testdb1') >>> db = ibs.db >>> exclude_columns = [] >>> tablename_list = ibs.db.get_table_names() >>> for tablename in tablename_list: ... new_transferdata = db.get_table_new_transferdata(tablename) ... column_list, column_names, extern_colx_list, extern_superkey_colname_list, extern_superkey_colval_list, extern_tablename_list, extern_primarycolnames_list = new_transferdata ... print('tablename = %r' % (tablename,)) ... print('colnames = ' + ut.repr2(column_names)) ... print('extern_colx_list = ' + ut.repr2(extern_colx_list)) ... print('extern_superkey_colname_list = ' + ut.repr2(extern_superkey_colname_list)) ... print('L___') Example: >>> # SLOW_DOCTEST >>> # xdoctest: +REQUIRES(module:wbia) >>> from wbia.dtool.sql_control import * # NOQA >>> import wbia >>> ibs = wbia.opendb('testdb1') >>> db = ibs.db >>> exclude_columns = [] >>> tablename = ibs.const.IMAGE_TABLE >>> new_transferdata = db.get_table_new_transferdata(tablename) >>> column_list, column_names, extern_colx_list, extern_superkey_colname_list, extern_superkey_colval_list, extern_tablename_list, extern_primarycolnames_list = new_transferdata >>> dependsmap = db.metadata[tablename].dependsmap >>> print('tablename = %r' % (tablename,)) >>> print('colnames = ' + ut.repr2(column_names)) >>> print('extern_colx_list = ' + ut.repr2(extern_colx_list)) >>> print('extern_superkey_colname_list = ' + ut.repr2(extern_superkey_colname_list)) >>> print('dependsmap = %s' % (ut.repr2(dependsmap, nl=True),)) >>> print('L___') >>> tablename = ibs.const.ANNOTATION_TABLE >>> new_transferdata = db.get_table_new_transferdata(tablename) >>> column_list, column_names, extern_colx_list, extern_superkey_colname_list, extern_superkey_colval_list, extern_tablename_list, extern_primarycolnames_list = new_transferdata >>> dependsmap = db.metadata[tablename].dependsmap >>> print('tablename = %r' % (tablename,)) >>> print('colnames = ' + ut.repr2(column_names)) >>> print('extern_colx_list = ' + ut.repr2(extern_colx_list)) >>> print('extern_superkey_colname_list = ' + ut.repr2(extern_superkey_colname_list)) >>> print('dependsmap = %s' % (ut.repr2(dependsmap, nl=True),)) >>> print('L___') """ table = self._reflect_table(tablename) column_names = [ for c in table.columns if not in exclude_columns] column_list = [self.get_column(tablename, name) for name in column_names] extern_colx_list = [] extern_tablename_list = [] extern_superkey_colname_list = [] extern_superkey_colval_list = [] extern_primarycolnames_list = [] dependsmap = self.metadata[tablename].dependsmap if dependsmap is not None: for colname, dependtup in dependsmap.items(): assert len(dependtup) == 3, 'must be 3 for now' ( extern_tablename, extern_primary_colnames, extern_superkey_colnames, ) = dependtup if extern_primary_colnames is None: # INFER PRIMARY COLNAMES extern_primary_colnames = self.get_table_primarykey_colnames( extern_tablename ) if extern_superkey_colnames is None: def get_standard_superkey_colnames(tablename_): try: # FIXME: Rectify duplicate code superkeys = self.get_table_superkey_colnames(tablename_) if len(superkeys) > 1: primary_superkey = self.metadata[ tablename_ ].primary_superkey self.get_table_superkey_colnames('contributors') if primary_superkey is None: raise AssertionError( ( 'tablename_=%r has multiple superkeys=%r, ' 'but no primary superkey.' ' A primary superkey is required' ) % (tablename_, superkeys) ) else: index = superkeys.index(primary_superkey) superkey_colnames = superkeys[index] elif len(superkeys) == 1: superkey_colnames = superkeys[0] else: self.print_table_csv( 'metadata', exclude_columns=['metadata_value'] ) # Execute hack to fix contributor tables if tablename_ == 'contributors': # hack to fix contributors table constraint_str = self.metadata[tablename_].constraint parse_result = parse.parse( 'CONSTRAINT superkey UNIQUE ({superkey})', constraint_str, ) superkey = parse_result['superkey'] assert superkey == 'contributor_tag', 'hack failed1' assert ( self.metadata['contributors'].superkey is None ), 'hack failed2' self.metadata['contributors'].superkey = [(superkey,)] return (superkey,) else: raise NotImplementedError( 'Cannot Handle: len(superkeys) == 0. ' 'Probably a degenerate case' ) except Exception as ex: ut.printex( ex, 'Error Getting superkey colnames', keys=['tablename_', 'superkeys'], ) raise return superkey_colnames try: extern_superkey_colnames = get_standard_superkey_colnames( extern_tablename ) except Exception as ex: ut.printex( ex, 'Error Building Transferdata', keys=['tablename_', 'dependtup'], ) raise # INFER SUPERKEY COLNAMES colx = ut.listfind(column_names, colname) extern_rowids = column_list[colx] superkey_column = self.get( extern_tablename, extern_superkey_colnames, extern_rowids ) extern_colx_list.append(colx) extern_superkey_colname_list.append(extern_superkey_colnames) extern_superkey_colval_list.append(superkey_column) extern_tablename_list.append(extern_tablename) extern_primarycolnames_list.append(extern_primary_colnames) new_transferdata = ( column_list, column_names, extern_colx_list, extern_superkey_colname_list, extern_superkey_colval_list, extern_tablename_list, extern_primarycolnames_list, ) return new_transferdata
# def import_table_new_transferdata(tablename, new_transferdata): # pass
[docs] def merge_databases_new(self, db_src, ignore_tables=None, rowid_subsets=None): r""" Copies over all non-rowid properties into another sql table. handles annotated dependenceis. Does not handle external files Could handle dependency tree order, but not yet implemented. FINISHME Args: db_src (SQLController): merge data from db_src into db CommandLine: python -m dtool.sql_control --test-merge_databases_new:0 python -m dtool.sql_control --test-merge_databases_new:2 Example: >>> # DISABLE_DOCTEST >>> # xdoctest: +REQUIRES(module:wbia) >>> from wbia.dtool.sql_control import * # NOQA >>> import wbia >>> #ibs_dst = wbia.opendb(dbdir='testdb_dst') >>> ibs_src = wbia.opendb(db='testdb1') >>> # OPEN A CLEAN DATABASE >>> ibs_dst = wbia.opendb(dbdir='test_sql_merge_dst1', allow_newdir=True, delete_ibsdir=True) >>> ibs_src.ensure_contributor_rowids() >>> # build test data >>> db = ibs_dst.db >>> db_src = ibs_src.db >>> rowid_subsets = None >>> # execute function >>> db.merge_databases_new(db_src) Example: >>> # DISABLE_DOCTEST >>> # xdoctest: +REQUIRES(module:wbia) >>> from wbia.dtool.sql_control import * # NOQA >>> import wbia >>> ibs_src = wbia.opendb(db='testdb2') >>> # OPEN A CLEAN DATABASE >>> ibs_dst = wbia.opendb(dbdir='test_sql_merge_dst2', allow_newdir=True, delete_ibsdir=True) >>> ibs_src.ensure_contributor_rowids() >>> # build test data >>> db = ibs_dst.db >>> db_src = ibs_src.db >>> ignore_tables = ['lblannot', 'lblimage', 'image_lblimage_relationship', 'annotation_lblannot_relationship', 'keys'] >>> rowid_subsets = None >>> # execute function >>> db.merge_databases_new(db_src, ignore_tables=ignore_tables) Example: >>> # DISABLE_DOCTEST >>> # xdoctest: +REQUIRES(module:wbia) >>> from wbia.dtool.sql_control import * # NOQA >>> import wbia >>> ibs_src = wbia.opendb(db='testdb2') >>> # OPEN A CLEAN DATABASE >>> ibs_src.fix_invalid_annotmatches() >>> ibs_dst = wbia.opendb(dbdir='test_sql_subexport_dst2', allow_newdir=True, delete_ibsdir=True) >>> ibs_src.ensure_contributor_rowids() >>> # build test data >>> db = ibs_dst.db >>> db_src = ibs_src.db >>> ignore_tables = ['lblannot', 'lblimage', 'image_lblimage_relationship', 'annotation_lblannot_relationship', 'keys'] >>> # execute function >>> aid_subset = [1, 2, 3] >>> rowid_subsets = {ANNOTATION_TABLE: aid_subset, ... NAME_TABLE: ibs_src.get_annot_nids(aid_subset), ... IMAGE_TABLE: ibs_src.get_annot_gids(aid_subset), ... ANNOTMATCH_TABLE: [], ... GSG_RELATION_TABLE: [], ... } >>> db.merge_databases_new(db_src, ignore_tables=ignore_tables, rowid_subsets=rowid_subsets) """ verbose = True veryverbose = True # Check version consistency version_dst = self.metadata.database.version version_src = db_src.metadata.database.version assert ( version_src == version_dst ), 'cannot merge databases that have different versions' # Get merge tablenames all_tablename_list = self.get_table_names() # always ignore the metadata table. ignore_tables_ = ['metadata'] if ignore_tables is None: ignore_tables = [] ignore_tables_ += ignore_tables tablename_list = [ tablename for tablename in all_tablename_list if tablename not in ignore_tables_ ] # Reorder tablenames based on dependencies. # the tables with dependencies are merged after the tables they depend on dependsmap_list = [ self.metadata[tablename].dependsmap for tablename in tablename_list ] dependency_digraph = { tablename: [] if dependsmap is None else ut.get_list_column(dependsmap.values(), 0) for dependsmap, tablename in zip(dependsmap_list, tablename_list) } def find_depth(tablename, dependency_digraph): """ depth first search to find root self cycles are counted as 0 depth will break if a true cycle exists """ depth_list = [ find_depth(depends_tablename, dependency_digraph) if depends_tablename != tablename else 0 for depends_tablename in dependency_digraph[tablename] ] depth = 0 if len(depth_list) == 0 else max(depth_list) + 1 return depth order_list = [ find_depth(tablename, dependency_digraph) for tablename in tablename_list ] sorted_tablename_list = ut.sortedby(tablename_list, order_list) # ================================ # Merge each table into new database # ================================ tablename_to_rowidmap = {} # TODO # old_rowids_to_new_roids for tablename in sorted_tablename_list: if verbose:'\n[sqlmerge] Merging tablename=%r' % (tablename,)) # Collect the data from the source table that will be merged in new_transferdata = db_src.get_table_new_transferdata(tablename) # FIXME: This needs to pass back sparser output ( column_list, column_names, # These fields are for external data dependencies. We need to find what the # new rowids will be in the destintation database extern_colx_list, extern_superkey_colname_list, extern_superkey_colval_list, extern_tablename_list, extern_primarycolnames_list, ) = new_transferdata if column_names[0] == 'rowid': # This is a postgresql database, ignore the rowid column # which is built-in to sqlite column_names = column_names[1:] column_list = column_list[1:] extern_colx_list = [i - 1 for i in extern_colx_list] # FIXME: extract the primary rowid column a little bit nicer assert column_names[0].endswith('_rowid') old_rowid_list = column_list[0] column_names_ = column_names[1:] column_list_ = column_list[1:] # +================================================= # WIP: IF SUBSET REQUSTED FILTER OUT INVALID ROWIDS if rowid_subsets is not None and tablename in rowid_subsets: valid_rowids = set(rowid_subsets[tablename]) isvalid_list = [rowid in valid_rowids for rowid in old_rowid_list] valid_old_rowid_list = ut.compress(old_rowid_list, isvalid_list) valid_column_list_ = [ ut.compress(col, isvalid_list) for col in column_list_ ] valid_extern_superkey_colval_list = [ ut.compress(col, isvalid_list) for col in extern_superkey_colval_list ] ' * filtered number of rows from %d to %d.' % (len(valid_rowids), len(valid_old_rowid_list)) ) else:' * no filtering requested') valid_extern_superkey_colval_list = extern_superkey_colval_list valid_old_rowid_list = old_rowid_list valid_column_list_ = column_list_ # if len(valid_old_rowid_list) == 0: # continue # L================================================= # ================================ # Resolve external superkey lookups # ================================ if len(extern_colx_list) > 0: if verbose: '[sqlmerge] %s has %d externaly dependant columns to resolve' % (tablename, len(extern_colx_list)) ) modified_column_list_ = valid_column_list_[:] new_extern_rowid_list = [] # Find the mappings from the old tables rowids to the new tables rowids for tup in zip( extern_colx_list, extern_superkey_colname_list, valid_extern_superkey_colval_list, extern_tablename_list, extern_primarycolnames_list, ): ( colx, extern_superkey_colname, extern_superkey_colval, extern_tablename, extern_primarycolname, ) = tup source_colname = column_names_[colx - 1] if veryverbose or verbose: if veryverbose:'[sqlmerge] +--') ( '[sqlmerge] * resolving source_colname=%r \n' ' via extern_superkey_colname=%r ...\n' ' -> extern_primarycolname=%r. colx=%r' ) % ( source_colname, extern_superkey_colname, extern_primarycolname, colx, ) ) elif verbose: '[sqlmerge] * resolving %r via %r -> %r' % ( source_colname, extern_superkey_colname, extern_primarycolname, ) ) _params_iter = list(zip(extern_superkey_colval)) new_extern_rowids = self.get_rowid_from_superkey( extern_tablename, _params_iter, superkey_colnames=extern_superkey_colname, ) num_Nones = sum(ut.flag_None_items(new_extern_rowids)) if verbose: '[sqlmerge] * there were %d none items' % (num_Nones,) ) # ut.assert_all_not_None(new_extern_rowids) new_extern_rowid_list.append(new_extern_rowids) for colx, new_extern_rowids in zip( extern_colx_list, new_extern_rowid_list ): modified_column_list_[colx - 1] = new_extern_rowids else: modified_column_list_ = valid_column_list_ # ================================ # Merge into db with add_cleanly # ================================ superkey_colnames_list = self.get_table_superkey_colnames(tablename) try: superkey_paramxs_list = [ [column_names_.index(str(superkey)) for superkey in superkey_colnames] for superkey_colnames in superkey_colnames_list ] except Exception as ex: ut.printex(ex, keys=['column_names_', 'superkey_colnames_list']) raise if len(superkey_colnames_list) > 1: # FIXME: Rectify duplicate code primary_superkey = self.metadata[tablename].primary_superkey if primary_superkey is None: raise AssertionError( ( 'tablename=%r has multiple superkey_colnames_list=%r, ' 'but no primary superkey. ' 'A primary superkey is required' ) % (tablename, superkey_colnames_list) ) else: superkey_index = superkey_colnames_list.index(primary_superkey) superkey_paramx = superkey_paramxs_list[superkey_index] superkey_colnames = superkey_colnames_list[superkey_index] elif len(superkey_colnames_list) == 1: superkey_paramx = superkey_paramxs_list[0] superkey_colnames = superkey_colnames_list[0] else: superkey_paramx = superkey_paramxs_list[0] superkey_colnames = superkey_colnames_list[0] # def get_referenced_table(): # # TODO use foreign keys to infer this data instead of hacks # pass #'superkey_paramxs_list = %r' % (superkey_paramxs_list, )) #'superkey_colnames_list = %r' % (superkey_colnames_list, )) # raise ValueError('Cannot merge %r' % (tablename, )) params_iter = list(zip(*modified_column_list_)) def get_rowid_from_superkey(*superkey_column_list): superkey_params_iter = zip(*superkey_column_list) rowid = self.get_rowid_from_superkey( tablename, superkey_params_iter, superkey_colnames=superkey_colnames ) return rowid # TODO: allow for cetrain databases to take precidence over another # basically allow insert or replace new_rowid_list = self.add_cleanly( tablename, column_names_, params_iter, get_rowid_from_superkey=get_rowid_from_superkey, superkey_paramx=superkey_paramx, ) # TODO: Use mapping generated here for new rowids old_rowids_to_new_roids = dict( zip(valid_old_rowid_list, new_rowid_list) # NOQA ) tablename_to_rowidmap[tablename] = old_rowids_to_new_roids
[docs] def get_table_csv(self, tablename, exclude_columns=[], rowids=None, truncate=False): """ Converts a tablename to csv format Args: tablename (str): exclude_columns (list): Returns: str: csv_table CommandLine: python -m dtool.sql_control --test-get_table_csv python -m dtool.sql_control --exec-get_table_csv --tablename=contributors Example: >>> # ENABLE_DOCTEST >>> from wbia.dtool.sql_control import * # NOQA >>> from wbia.dtool.example_depcache import testdata_depc >>> depc = testdata_depc() >>> depc.clear_all() >>> rowids = depc.get_rowids('notch', [1, 2, 3]) >>> table = depc['notch'] >>> db = table.db >>> ut.exec_funckw(db.get_table_csv, globals()) >>> tablename = 'notch' >>> csv_table = db.get_table_csv(tablename, exclude_columns, truncate=True) >>> print(csv_table) """ # =None, column_list=[], header='', column_type=None column_list, column_names = self.get_table_column_data( tablename, exclude_columns=exclude_columns, rowids=rowids ) # remove column prefix for more compact csvs column_lbls = [name.replace(tablename[:-1] + '_', '') for name in column_names] header = self.get_table_csv_header(tablename) # truncate = True if truncate: column_list = [ [ut.trunc_repr(col) for col in column] for column in column_list ] csv_table = ut.make_csv_table(column_list, column_lbls, header, comma_repl=';') csv_table = ut.ensure_unicode(csv_table) # csv_table = ut.make_csv_table(column_list, column_lbls, header, comma_repl='<comma>') return csv_table
[docs] def print_table_csv(self, tablename, exclude_columns=[], truncate=False): self.get_table_csv( tablename, exclude_columns=exclude_columns, truncate=truncate ) )
[docs] def get_table_csv_header(db, tablename): coldef_list = db.get_coldef_list(tablename) header_constraints = '# CONSTRAINTS: %r' % db.get_table_constraints(tablename) header_name = '# TABLENAME: %r' % tablename header_types = ut.indentjoin(coldef_list, '\n# ') docstr = db.get_table_docstr(tablename) if docstr is None: docstr = '' header_doc = ut.indentjoin(ut.unindent(docstr).split('\n'), '\n# ') header = ( header_doc + '\n' + header_name + header_types + '\n' + header_constraints ) return header
[docs] def print_schema(self): for tablename in self.get_table_names(): + '\n')
[docs] def view_db_in_external_reader(self): known_readers = ['sqlitebrowser', 'sqliteman'] sqlite3_reader = known_readers[0] os.system(sqlite3_reader + ' ' + self.uri) # ut.cmd(sqlite3_reader, sqlite3_db_fpath) pass
[docs] @deprecated("Use 'self.metadata.database.version = version' instead") def set_db_version(self, version): self.metadata.database.version = version
[docs] def get_sql_version(self): """Conveinience""" self.connection.execute('SELECT sqlite_version()') sql_version = self.connection.fetchone()'[sql] SELECT sqlite_version = %r' % (sql_version,)) # The version number sqlite3 module. NOT the version of SQLite library.'[sql] sqlite3.version = %r' % (lite.version,)) # The version of the SQLite library'[sql] sqlite3.sqlite_version = %r' % (lite.sqlite_version,)) return sql_version
def __getitem__(self, key): if not self.has_table(key): raise KeyError('Choose on of: ' + str(self.tablenames)) table = SQLTable(self, name=key) return table
[docs]@ut.reloadable_class class SQLTable(ut.NiceRepr): """ convinience object for dealing with a specific table table = db table = SQLTable(db, 'annotmatch') """ def __init__(table, db, name): table.db = db = name table._setup_column_methods()
[docs] def get(table, colnames, id_iter, id_colname='rowid', eager=True): return table.db.get(, colnames, id_iter=id_iter, id_colname=id_colname, eager=eager )
def _setup_column_methods(table): def _make_getter(column): def _getter(table, rowids): table.get(column, rowids) return _getter for column in table.db.get_column_names( getter = _make_getter(column) ut.inject_func_as_method(table, getter, '{}'.format(column))
[docs] def number_of_rows(table): return table.db.get_row_count(
[docs] def as_pandas(table, rowids=None, columns=None): return table.db.get_table_as_pandas(, rowids=rowids, columns=columns)
[docs] def rowids(table): return table.db.get_all_rowids(
[docs] def delete(table, rowids): table.db.delete_rowids(, rowids)
[docs] def clear(table): rowids = table.rowids() table.delete(rowids)
def __nice__(table): return + ', n=' + str(table.number_of_rows())