Source code for wbia.dtool.depcache_table

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Module contining DependencyCacheTable

python -m dtool.depcache_control --exec-make_graph --show
python -m dtool.depcache_control --exec-make_graph --show --reduce

    RECTIFY: ismulti / ismodel need to be rectified. This indicate that this
        table recieves multiple inputs from at least one parent table.

    RECTIFY: Need to standardize parent rowids -vs- parent args.
        in one-to-one cases they are the same. In multi cases the rowids indicate
        a uuid and the args are the saved set of rowids that exist in the manifest.

    RECTIFY: is rowid_list row-major or column-major?
        I think currently rowid_list is row-major and rowid_listT is column-major
        but this may not be consistent.

import logging
import re
import itertools as it
from os.path import join, exists

import networkx as nx
import utool as ut
import ubelt as ub

from wbia.dtool import sqlite3 as lite
from wbia.dtool.sql_control import SQLDatabaseController, compare_coldef_lists
from wbia.dtool.types import TYPE_TO_SQLTYPE

import time
import random
import tqdm

(print, rrr, profile) = ut.inject2(__name__, '[depcache_table]')
logger = logging.getLogger('wbia.dtool')

EXTERN_SUFFIX = '_extern_uri'

CONFIG_TABLE = 'config'
CONFIG_ROWID = 'config_rowid'
CONFIG_HASHID = 'config_hashid'
CONFIG_TABLENAME = 'config_tablename'  # tablename associated with config
CONFIG_STRID = 'config_strid'
CONFIG_DICT = 'config_dict'

# if ut.is_developer():
#     GRACE_PERIOD = 10
# else:
GRACE_PERIOD = ut.get_argval('--grace', type_=int, default=0)

[docs]class TableOutOfSyncError(Exception): """Raised when the code's table definition doesn't match the defition in the database""" def __init__(self, db, tablename, extended_msg): db_name = db._engine.url.database if getattr(db, 'schema', None): under_schema = f"under schema '{db.schema}' " else: # Not a table under a schema under_schema = '' msg = ( f"database '{db_name}' " + under_schema + f"with table '{tablename}' does not match the code definition; " f"it's likely the database needs upgraded; {extended_msg}" ) super().__init__(msg)
[docs]class ExternType(ub.NiceRepr): """ Type to denote an external resource not saved in an SQL table """ def __init__(self, read_func, write_func, extern_ext=None, extkey=None): self.write_func = write_func self.read_func = read_func self.extern_ext = extern_ext self.extkey = extkey def __nice__(self): ext = None ext = self.extkey if self.extkey else ext ext = self.extern_ext if self.extern_ext and ext else ext return '(%s, %s, %s)' % ( ut.get_funcname(self.read_func), ut.get_funcname(self.write_func), ext, )
[docs]class ExternalStorageException(Exception): """Indicates a missing external file""" def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(ExternalStorageException, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
[docs]def predrop_grace_period(tablename, seconds=None): """Hack that gives the user some time to abort deleting everything""" global GRACE_PERIOD warnmsg_fmt = ut.codeblock( """ WARNING TABLE={tablename} IS MODIFIED About to reset (DROP) entire cache={tablename}. Generally this is OK and you shouldnt worry because depcache information should be recomputable. If you really dont want this to happen you have {seconds} seconds to kill this process before deletion occurs. """ ) if seconds is None: seconds = GRACE_PERIOD GRACE_PERIOD = max(0, GRACE_PERIOD // 2) warnmsg = warnmsg_fmt.format(tablename=tablename, seconds=seconds) # return ut.are_you_sure(warnmsg) return ut.grace_period(warnmsg, seconds)
[docs]def make_extern_io_funcs(table, cls): """Hack in read/write defaults for pickleable classes""" def _read_func(fpath, verbose=ut.VERBOSE): state_dict = ut.load_data(fpath, verbose=verbose) # FIXME: The constructor should not be called by default to conform to # pickle standards self = cls() self.__setstate__(state_dict) if hasattr(self, 'on_load'): self.on_load(table.depc) return self def _write_func(fpath, self, verbose=ut.VERBOSE): if hasattr(self, 'on_save'): self.on_save(table.depc, fpath) ut.save_data(fpath, self.__getstate__(), verbose=verbose, n=4) return _read_func, _write_func
[docs]@profile def ensure_config_table(db): """SQL definition of configuration table.""" config_addtable_kw = ut.odict( [ ('tablename', CONFIG_TABLE), ( 'coldef_list', [ (CONFIG_ROWID, 'INTEGER PRIMARY KEY'), (CONFIG_HASHID, 'TEXT'), (CONFIG_TABLENAME, 'TEXT'), (CONFIG_STRID, 'TEXT'), (CONFIG_DICT, 'DICT'), ], ), ('docstr', 'table for algo configurations'), ('superkeys', [(CONFIG_HASHID,)]), ('dependson', []), ] ) if not db.has_table(CONFIG_TABLE): db.add_table(**config_addtable_kw) else: current_state = db.get_table_autogen_dict(CONFIG_TABLE) new_state = config_addtable_kw results = compare_coldef_lists( current_state['coldef_list'], new_state['coldef_list'] ) if results: current_coldef, new_coldef = results raise TableOutOfSyncError( db, CONFIG_TABLE, f'Current schema: {current_coldef} Expected schema: {new_coldef}', )
@ut.reloadable_class class _TableConfigHelper(object): """helper for configuration table""" def get_parent_rowids(self, rowid_list): """ Args: rowid_list (list): native table rowids Returns: parent_rowids (list of tuples): tuples of parent rowids Example: >>> # TODO: Need a test that creates a table >>> # with two multi-dependencies and a two single dependencies >>> # Then add two items to this table, and for each item >>> # Find their parent inputs """ parent_rowids = self.get_internal_columns( rowid_list, self.parent_id_colnames, unpack_scalars=True, keepwrap=True ) return parent_rowids def get_parent_rowargs(self, rowid_list): """ Args: rowid_list (list): native table rowids Returns: parent_rowids (list of tuples): tuples of parent rowids Example: >>> # TODO: Need a test that creates a table >>> # with two multi-dependencies and a two single dependencies >>> # Then add two items to this table, and for each item >>> # Find their parent inputs """ parent_rowids = self.get_parent_rowids(rowid_list) parent_ismulti = self.get_parent_col_attr('ismulti') if any(parent_ismulti): # If any of the parent columns are multi-indexes, then lookup the # mapping from the aggregated uuid to the expanded rowid set. parent_args = [] model_uuids = self.get_model_uuid(rowid_list) for rowid, uuid, p_id_list in zip(rowid_list, model_uuids, parent_rowids): input_info = self.get_model_inputs(uuid) fixed_args = [] for p_name, p_id, flag in zip( self.parent_id_colnames, p_id_list, parent_ismulti ): if flag: new_p_id = input_info[p_name + '_model_input'] col_uuid = input_info[p_name + '_multi_id'] assert ( col_uuid == p_id ), 'the model input has unexpectedly changed' fixed_args.append(new_p_id) else: fixed_args.append(p_id) parent_args.append(fixed_args) else: parent_args = parent_rowids return parent_args def get_row_parent_rowid_map(self, rowid_list): """ >>> from wbia.dtool.depcache_table import * # NOQA parent_rowid_dict = depc.['feat'].get_row_parent_rowid_map(rowid_list) key = parent_rowid_dict.keys()[0] val = parent_rowid_dict.values()[0] """ parent_rowids = self.get_parent_rowids(rowid_list) parent_rowid_dict = dict( zip(self.parent_id_tablenames, ut.list_transpose(parent_rowids)) ) return parent_rowid_dict def get_config_history(self, rowid_list, assume_unique=True): """ Returns the list of config objects for all properties in the dependency history of this object. Multi-edges are handled. Set assume_unique to be false if there might be parents with different configs for the same table. >>> from wbia.dtool.depcache_table import * # NOQA parent_rowid_dict = depc.['feat'].get_row_parent_rowid_map(rowid_list) key = parent_rowid_dict.keys()[0] val = parent_rowid_dict.values()[0] """ if assume_unique: rowid_list = rowid_list[0:1] tbl_cfgids = self.get_row_cfgid(rowid_list) cfgid2_rowids = ut.group_items(rowid_list, tbl_cfgids) unique_cfgids = cfgid2_rowids.keys() unique_cfgids = ut.filter_Nones(unique_cfgids) if len(unique_cfgids) == 0: return None unique_configs = self.get_config_from_rowid(unique_cfgids) # parent_rowids = self.get_parent_rowids(rowid_list) parent_rowargs = self.get_parent_rowargs(rowid_list) ret_list = [unique_configs] depc = self.depc rowargsT = ut.listT(parent_rowargs) parent_ismulti = self.get_parent_col_attr('ismulti') for tblname, ismulti, ids in zip( self.parent_id_tablenames, parent_ismulti, rowargsT ): if tblname == depc.root: continue if ismulti: ids = ids[0] parent_tbl = depc[tblname] ancestor_configs = parent_tbl.get_config_history(ids) if ancestor_configs is not None: ret_list.extend(ancestor_configs) return ret_list def __remove_old_configs(self): """ table = ibs.depc['pairwise_match'] """ # developing # c = self.db.get_table_as_pandas('config') # t = self.db.get_table_as_pandas(self.tablename) # config_rowids = self.db.get_all_rowids(CONFIG_TABLE) # cfgdict_list = self.db.get( # CONFIG_TABLE, colnames=(CONFIG_DICT,), id_iter=config_rowids, # id_colname=CONFIG_ROWID) # bad_rowids = [] # for rowid, cfgdict in zip(config_rowids, cfgdict_list): # if cfgdict['version'] < 7: # bad_rowids.append(rowid) command = ut.codeblock( """ SELECT rowid, {} from {} """ ).format(CONFIG_DICT, CONFIG_TABLE) self.db.cur.execute(command) bad_rowids = [] for rowid, cfgdict in self.db.cur.fetchall(): # MAKE GENERAL CONDITION if cfgdict['version'] < 7: bad_rowids.append(rowid) in_str = '(' + ', '.join(map(str, bad_rowids)) + ')' command = ut.codeblock( """ SELECT rowid from {tablename} WHERE config_rowid IN {bad_rowids} """ ).format(tablename=self.tablename, bad_rowids=in_str) # self.db.cur.execute(command) rowids = ut.flatten(self.db.cur.fetchall()) self.delete_rows(rowids, dry=True, verbose=True, delete_extern=True) def get_ancestor_rowids(self, rowid_list, target_table): parent_rowids = self.get_parent_rowids(rowid_list) depc = self.depc for tblname, ids in zip( self.parent_id_tablenames, ut.list_transpose(parent_rowids) ): if tblname == target_table: return ids parent_tbl = depc[tblname] ancestor_ids = parent_tbl.get_ancestor_rowids(ids, target_table) if ancestor_ids is not None: return ancestor_ids return None # Base case def get_row_cfgid(self, rowid_list): """ >>> from wbia.dtool.depcache_table import * # NOQA """ config_rowids = self.get_internal_columns(rowid_list, (CONFIG_ROWID,)) return config_rowids def get_row_configs(self, rowid_list): """ Example: >>> # ENABLE_DOCTEST >>> # xdoctest: +REQUIRES(module:wbia) >>> from wbia.algo.hots.query_request import * # NOQA >>> from wbia.dtool.example_depcache import * # NOQA >>> depc = testdata_depc() >>> table = depc['chip'] >>> rowid_list = depc.get_rowids('chip', [1, 2], config={}) >>> configs = table.get_row_configs(rowid_list) """ config_rowids = self.get_row_cfgid(rowid_list) # Only look up the configs that are needed unique_config_rowids, groupxs = ut.group_indices(config_rowids) unique_configs = self.get_config_from_rowid(unique_config_rowids) configs = ut.ungroup_unique(unique_configs, groupxs, maxval=len(rowid_list) - 1) return configs def get_row_cfghashid(self, rowid_list): config_rowids = self.get_row_cfgid(rowid_list) config_hashids = self.get_config_hashid(config_rowids) return config_hashids def get_row_cfgstr(self, rowid_list): config_rowids = self.get_row_cfgid(rowid_list) cfgstr_list = self.db.get( CONFIG_TABLE, colnames=(CONFIG_STRID,), id_iter=config_rowids, id_colname=CONFIG_ROWID, ) return cfgstr_list def get_config_rowid(self, config=None, _debug=None): if isinstance(config, int): config_rowid = config else: config_rowid = self.add_config(config) return config_rowid def get_config_hashid(self, config_rowid_list): hashid_list = self.db.get( CONFIG_TABLE, colnames=(CONFIG_HASHID,), id_iter=config_rowid_list, id_colname=CONFIG_ROWID, ) return hashid_list def get_config_rowid_from_hashid(self, config_hashid_list): config_rowid_list = self.db.get( CONFIG_TABLE, colnames=(CONFIG_ROWID,), id_iter=config_hashid_list, id_colname=CONFIG_HASHID, ) return config_rowid_list def get_config_from_rowid(self, config_rowids): cfgdict_list = self.db.get( CONFIG_TABLE, colnames=(CONFIG_DICT,), id_iter=config_rowids, id_colname=CONFIG_ROWID, ) return [ None if dict_ is None else self.configclass(**dict_) for dict_ in cfgdict_list ] # @profile def add_config(self, config, _debug=None): try: # assume config is AlgoRequest or TableConfig config_strid = config.get_cfgstr() except AttributeError: config_strid = ut.to_json(config) config_hashid = ut.hashstr27(config_strid) logger.debug('config_strid = %r' % (config_strid,)) logger.debug('config_hashid = %r' % (config_hashid,)) get_rowid_from_superkey = self.get_config_rowid_from_hashid colnames = (CONFIG_HASHID, CONFIG_TABLENAME, CONFIG_STRID, CONFIG_DICT) if hasattr(config, 'config'): # Hack for requests config = config.config cfgdict = config.__getstate__() param_list = [(config_hashid, self.tablename, config_strid, cfgdict)] config_rowid_list = self.db.add_cleanly( CONFIG_TABLE, colnames, param_list, get_rowid_from_superkey ) config_rowid = config_rowid_list[0] logger.debug('config_rowid_list = %r' % (config_rowid_list,)) return config_rowid @ut.reloadable_class class _TableDebugHelper(object): """ Contains printing and debug things """ def print_sql_info(self): add_op = self.db._make_add_table_sqlstr(sep='\n ', **self._get_addtable_kw()) ut.cprint(add_op, 'sql') def print_internal_info(self, all_attrs=False): """ CommandLine: python -m dtool.depcache_table --exec-print_internal_info Example: >>> # DISABLE_DOCTEST >>> from wbia.dtool.depcache_table import * # NOQA >>> from wbia.dtool.example_depcache2 import testdata_depc3 >>> depc = testdata_depc3() >>> tablenames = ['labeler', 'vsone', 'neighbs', 'indexer'] >>> for table in ut.take(depc, tablenames): # .tables: >>> table.print_internal_info() """'----') # Print the other inferred attrs 'self.parent_col_attrs = %s' % (ut.repr3(self.parent_col_attrs, nl=2),) )'self.data_col_attrs = %s' % (ut.repr3(self.data_col_attrs, nl=2),)) # Print the inferred allcol attrs ut.cprint( 'self.internal_col_attrs = %s' % (ut.repr3(self.internal_col_attrs, nl=1, sorted_=False)), 'python', ) add_table_kw = self._get_addtable_kw()'self.add_table_kw = %s' % (ut.repr2(add_table_kw, nl=2),)) self.print_sql_info() if all_attrs: # Print all attributes for a in ut.get_instance_attrnames(self, with_properties=True, default=False):' self.%s = %r' % (a, getattr(self, a))) def print_table(self): self.db.print_table_csv(self.tablename) # if self.ismulti: # self.print_model_manifests() def print_info(self, with_colattrs=True, with_graphattrs=True): """debug function"""'TABLE ATTRIBUTES')'self.tablename = %r' % (self.tablename,))'self.rm_extern_on_delete = %r' % (self.rm_extern_on_delete,))'self.chunksize = %r' % (self.chunksize,))'self.fname = %r' % (self.fname,))'self.docstr = %r' % (self.docstr,))'self.data_colnames = %r' % (self.data_colnames,))'self.data_coltypes = %r' % (self.data_coltypes,)) if with_graphattrs:'TABLE GRAPH ATTRIBUTES')'self.children = %r' % (self.children,))'self.parent = %r' % (self.parent,))'self.configclass = %r' % (self.configclass,))'self.requestclass = %r' % (self.requestclass,)) if with_colattrs: nl = 1'TABEL COLUMN ATTRIBUTES') 'self.data_col_attrs = %s' % (ut.repr3(self.data_col_attrs, nl=nl),) ) 'self.parent_col_attrs = %s' % (ut.repr3(self.parent_col_attrs, nl=nl),) ) 'self.internal_data_col_attrs = %s' % (ut.repr3(self.internal_data_col_attrs, nl=nl),) ) 'self.internal_parent_col_attrs = %s' % (ut.repr3(self.internal_parent_col_attrs, nl=nl),) ) 'self.internal_col_attrs = %s' % (ut.repr3(self.internal_col_attrs, nl=nl),) ) def print_schemadef(self):'\n'.join(self.db.get_table_autogen_str(self.tablename))) def print_configs(self): """ CommandLine: python -m dtool.depcache_table --exec-print_configs Example: >>> # ENABLE_DOCTEST >>> from wbia.dtool.depcache_table import * # NOQA >>> from wbia.dtool.example_depcache import testdata_depc >>> depc = testdata_depc() >>> table = depc['keypoint'] >>> config = table.configclass() >>> rowids = table.get_rowids_from_root([1, 2], config=config) >>> config = table.configclass(adapt_shape=False) >>> rowids = table.get_rowids_from_root([1, 2], config=config) >>> table.print_configs() >>> table = depc['chip'] >>> rowids = depc.get_rowids('spam', [1, 2]) >>> table.print_configs() """ text = self.db.get_table_csv(CONFIG_TABLE) def print_csv(self, truncate=True):, truncate=truncate)) def print_model_manifests(self):'manifests') rowids = self._get_all_rowids() uuids = self.get_model_uuid(rowids) for rowid, uuid in zip(rowids, uuids):'rowid = %r' % (rowid,)), nl=1)) def _assert_self(self): assert len(self.data_colnames) == len( self.data_coltypes ), 'specify same number of colnames and coltypes' if self.preproc_func is not None: # Check that preproc_func has a valid signature # ie (depc, parent_ids, config) argspec = ut.get_func_argspec(self.preproc_func) args = argspec.args if argspec.varargs and (hasattr(argspec, 'keywords') and argspec.keywords): assert len(args) == 1, 'varargs and kwargs must have one arg for depcache' else: if len(args) < 3:'args = %r' % (args,)) msg = ( 'preproc_func=%r for table=%s must have a ' 'depcache arg, at least one parent rowid arg, ' 'and a config arg' ) % (self.preproc_func, self.tablename) raise AssertionError(msg) rowid_args = args[1:-1] if len(rowid_args) != len(self.parents()):'self.preproc_func = %r' % (self.preproc_func,))'args = %r' % (args,))'rowid_args = %r' % (rowid_args,)) msg = ( 'preproc function for table=%s must have as many ' 'rowids %d args as parent %d' ) % (self.tablename, len(rowid_args), len(self.parents())) raise AssertionError(msg) extern_class_colattrs = [ colattr for colattr in self.data_col_attrs if colattr.get('is_external_class') ] for colattr in extern_class_colattrs: cls = colattr['coltype'] # Check external column class funcs argspec = ut.get_func_argspec(cls.__init__) if argspec.defaults is not None: num_nondefault = len(argspec.args) - len(argspec.defaults) else: num_nondefault = len(argspec.args) if num_nondefault > 1: msg = ut.codeblock( """ External args must be able to be constructed without any args. IE: You need a default __init__(self) method """ ) raise AssertionError(msg) @ut.reloadable_class class _TableInternalSetup(ub.NiceRepr): """helper that sets up column information""" @profile def _infer_datacol(self): """ Constructs the columns needed to represent relationship to data Infers interal properties about this table given the colnames and datatypes CommandLine: python -m dtool.depcache_table --exec-_infer_datacol --show Example: >>> # ENABLE_DOCTEST >>> from wbia.dtool.depcache_table import * # NOQA >>> from wbia.dtool.example_depcache import testdata_depc >>> depc = testdata_depc() >>> for table in depc.tables: >>> print('----') >>> table._infer_datacol() >>> print(table) >>> print('table.data_col_attrs = %s' % >>> ut.repr3(table.data_col_attrs, nl=8)) >>> table = depc['probchip'] >>> table = depc['spam'] >>> table = depc['vsone'] """ data_col_attrs = [] # Parse column datatypes _iter = enumerate(zip(self.data_colnames, self.data_coltypes)) for data_colx, (colname, coltype) in _iter: colattr = ut.odict() # Check column input subtypes is_tuple = isinstance(coltype, tuple) is_func = ut.is_func_or_method(coltype) is_externtup = is_tuple and coltype[0] == 'extern' is_functup = is_tuple and ut.is_func_or_method(coltype[0]) is_exttype = isinstance(coltype, ExternType) # Check column input main types is_normal = coltype in TYPE_TO_SQLTYPE # is_normal = not (is_tuple or is_func) isnested = is_tuple and not (is_func or is_externtup) is_external = is_func or is_functup or is_externtup or is_exttype # Switch on input types colattr['colname'] = colname colattr['coltype'] = coltype colattr['data_colx'] = data_colx if is_normal: # Normal non-nested column sqltype = TYPE_TO_SQLTYPE[coltype] colattr['intern_colname'] = colname colattr['sqltype'] = sqltype colattr['is_normal'] = is_normal elif isnested: # Nested non-function normal columns colattr['isnested'] = isnested nestattrs = colattr['nestattrs'] = [] for count, subtype in enumerate(coltype): nestattr = ut.odict() nestattrs.append(nestattr) flat_colname = '%s_%d' % (colname, count) sqltype = TYPE_TO_SQLTYPE[subtype] nestattr['flat_colname'] = flat_colname nestattr['sqltype'] = sqltype elif is_external: # Nested external funcs write_func = None if is_exttype: read_func = coltype.read_func write_func = coltype.write_func if coltype.extern_ext is not None: colattr['extern_ext'] = coltype.extern_ext if coltype.extkey is not None: colattr['extkey'] = coltype.extkey elif is_externtup: read_func = coltype[1] if len(coltype) > 2: write_func = coltype[2] if len(coltype) > 3: colattr['extern_ext'] = coltype[3] elif is_functup: read_func = coltype[0] else: read_func = coltype intern_colname = colname + EXTERN_SUFFIX sqltype = TYPE_TO_SQLTYPE[str] colattr['is_external'] = True colattr['intern_colname'] = intern_colname colattr['write_func'] = write_func colattr['read_func'] = read_func colattr['sqltype'] = sqltype else: # External class column assert hasattr(coltype, '__getstate__') and hasattr( coltype, '__setstate__' ), ('External classes must have __getstate__ and ' '__setstate__ methods') read_func, write_func = make_extern_io_funcs(self, coltype) sqltype = TYPE_TO_SQLTYPE[str] intern_colname = colname + EXTERN_SUFFIX # raise AssertionError('external class columns') colattr['is_external'] = True colattr['is_external_class'] = True colattr['coltype'] = coltype colattr['intern_colname'] = intern_colname colattr['write_func'] = write_func colattr['read_func'] = read_func colattr['sqltype'] = sqltype data_col_attrs.append(colattr) return data_col_attrs @profile def _infer_parentcol(self): """ construct columns to represent relationship to parent CommandLine: python -m dtool.depcache_table _infer_parentcol --show Returns: list: list of dictionaries for each parent Example: >>> # DISABLE_DOCTEST >>> from wbia.dtool.depcache_table import * # NOQA >>> from wbia.dtool.example_depcache2 import testdata_depc3 >>> depc = testdata_depc3() >>> table = depc['vsone'] >>> table = depc['smk_match'] >>> table = depc['neighbs'] >>> table = depc['indexer'] >>> parent_col_attrs = table._infer_parentcol() >>> result = ('parent_col_attrs = %s' % (ut.repr2(parent_col_attrs, nl=2),)) >>> print(result) Ignore: >>> from wbia.dtool.depcache_table import * # NOQA >>> from wbia.dtool.example_depcache2 import testdata_depc3 >>> depc = testdata_depc3() >>> depc.d.get_indexer_data([1, 2, 3]) >>> import uuid >>> depc.d.get_indexer_data([ >>> uuid.UUID('a01eda32-e4e0-b139-3274-e91d1b3e9ecf')]) """ parent_tablenames = self.parent_tablenames parent_col_attrs = [] # Handle dependencies when a parent are pairwise between tables parent_id_prefixs1 = [] parent_id_prefixs2 = [] seen_ = ut.ddict(lambda: 1) for parent_colx, col in enumerate(parent_tablenames): colattr = ut.odict() # Detect multicolumns if col.endswith('*'): ismulti = True parent_table = col[:-1] else: ismulti = False parent_table = col colattr['col'] = col colattr['ismulti'] = ismulti # Local input-id helps specify branch ordering colattr['local_input_id'] = '' if ismulti: colattr['local_input_id'] += '*' colattr['parent_table'] = parent_table colattr['parent_colx'] = parent_colx parent_id_prefixs1.append(parent_table) parent_col_attrs.append(colattr) colhist = ut.dict_hist(parent_id_prefixs1) for parent_colx, col in enumerate(parent_id_prefixs1): colattr = parent_col_attrs[parent_colx] if colhist[col] > 1: # Duplicate column names recieve indicies nwise_idx = seen_[col] nwise_total = colhist[col] prefix = col + str(nwise_idx) seen_[col] += 1 colattr['isnwise'] = True colattr['nwise_total'] = nwise_total colattr['nwise_idx'] = nwise_idx colattr['local_input_id'] += str(nwise_idx) else: if not colattr['local_input_id']: colattr['local_input_id'] = '1' prefix = col colattr['isnwise'] = False colattr['prefix'] = prefix parent_id_prefixs2.append(prefix) # Handle case when parent are a set of ids for colattr, prefix in zip(parent_col_attrs, parent_id_prefixs2): column_ismulti = colattr['ismulti'] if column_ismulti: # Case when dependencies are many to one hash of set items colname = prefix + '_setuuid' sqltype = 'UUID NOT NULL' INPUT_SIZE_SUFFIX = 'setsize' extra_cols = [] extra_cols += [ { 'intern_colname': prefix + '_' + INPUT_SIZE_SUFFIX, 'sqltype': 'INTEGER NOT NULL', # 'doc': 'size of an input set for this model', } ] # File that maintains manifest of model inputs # INPUT_FPATH_SUFFIX = 'setfpath' # extra_cols += [{ # 'intern_colname': prefix + '_' + INPUT_FPATH_SUFFIX, # 'sqltype': 'TEXT' # }] colattr['extra_cols'] = extra_cols # colattr['issuper'] = True else: # Normal case when dependencies are one to one colname = prefix + '_rowid' sqltype = 'INTEGER NOT NULL' colattr['intern_colname'] = colname colattr['sqltype'] = sqltype parent_col_attrs = [ ut.order_dict_by(colattr, ['intern_colname', 'sqltype']) for colattr in parent_col_attrs ] return parent_col_attrs @profile def _infer_allcol(self): r""" Combine information from parentcol and datacol Build column definitions that will directly define SQL columns """ internal_col_attrs = [] # Append primary column colattr = ut.odict( [ ('intern_colname', self.rowid_colname), ('sqltype', 'INTEGER PRIMARY KEY'), ('isprimary', True), ] ) colattr['intern_colx'] = len(internal_col_attrs) internal_col_attrs.append(colattr) # Append parent columns ismulti = False for parent_colattr in self.parent_col_attrs: colattr = ut.odict() colattr['intern_colname'] = parent_colattr['intern_colname'] colattr['parent_table'] = parent_colattr['parent_table'] if parent_colattr['ismulti']: ismulti = True colattr['ismulti'] = parent_colattr['ismulti'] colattr['isnwise'] = parent_colattr['isnwise'] if colattr['isnwise']: colattr['nwise_total'] = parent_colattr['nwise_total'] colattr['nwise_idx'] = parent_colattr['nwise_idx'] colattr['sqltype'] = parent_colattr['sqltype'] colattr['parent_colx'] = parent_colattr['parent_colx'] colattr['intern_colx'] = len(internal_col_attrs) colattr['isparent'] = True colattr['issuper'] = True internal_col_attrs.append(colattr) # Append config columns colattr = ut.odict( [ ('intern_colname', CONFIG_ROWID), ('sqltype', 'INTEGER DEFAULT 0'), ('issuper', True), ] ) colattr['intern_colx'] = len(internal_col_attrs) internal_col_attrs.append(colattr) # Append quick access column # return any(self.get_parent_col_attr('ismulti')) # if self.ismulti: if ismulti: # Append model uuid column colattr = ut.odict() colattr['intern_colname'] = self.model_uuid_colname colattr['sqltype'] = 'UUID NOT NULL' colattr['intern_colx'] = len(internal_col_attrs) internal_col_attrs.append(colattr) # Append model uuid column colattr = ut.odict() colattr['intern_colname'] = self.is_augmented_colname colattr['sqltype'] = 'INTEGER DEFAULT 0' colattr['intern_colx'] = len(internal_col_attrs) internal_col_attrs.append(colattr) if False: # TODO: eventually enable if self.taggable: colattr = ut.odict() colattr['intern_colname'] = 'model_tag' colattr['sqltype'] = 'TEXT' colattr['intern_colx'] = len(internal_col_attrs) internal_col_attrs.append(colattr) pass else: # Append primary rowid column pass # Append data columns for data_colattr in self.data_col_attrs: colname = data_colattr['colname'] if data_colattr.get('isnested', False): for nestcol in data_colattr['nestattrs']: colattr = ut.odict() colattr['intern_colname'] = nestcol['flat_colname'] colattr['sqltype'] = nestcol['sqltype'] colattr['intern_colx'] = len(internal_col_attrs) colattr['data_colx'] = data_colattr['data_colx'] colattr['colname'] = colname colattr['isdata'] = True internal_col_attrs.append(colattr) else: colattr = ut.odict() colattr['intern_colname'] = data_colattr['intern_colname'] colattr['sqltype'] = data_colattr['sqltype'] colattr['intern_colx'] = len(internal_col_attrs) colattr['data_colx'] = data_colattr['data_colx'] colattr['isdata'] = True colattr['colname'] = colname if data_colattr.get('is_external', False): colattr['is_external_pointer'] = True colattr['write_func'] = data_colattr['write_func'] colattr['read_func'] = data_colattr['read_func'] internal_col_attrs.append(colattr) # Append extra columns for parent_colattr in self.parent_col_attrs: for extra_colattr in parent_colattr.get('extra_cols', []): colattr = ut.odict() colattr['intern_colname'] = extra_colattr['intern_colname'] colattr['sqltype'] = extra_colattr['sqltype'] colattr['intern_colx'] = len(internal_col_attrs) colattr['isextra'] = True internal_col_attrs.append(colattr) return internal_col_attrs @ut.reloadable_class class _TableGeneralHelper(ub.NiceRepr): """helper""" def __nice__(self): num_parents = len(self.parent_tablenames) num_cols = len(self.data_colnames) return '(%s) nP=%d%s nC=%d' % ( self.tablename, num_parents, '*' if False and self.ismulti else '', num_cols, ) # @property # def _table_colnames(self): # return @property def extern_dpath(self): cache_dpath = self.depc.cache_dpath extern_dname = 'extern_' + self.tablename extern_dpath = join(cache_dpath, extern_dname) return extern_dpath @property def dpath(self): # assert table.ismulti, 'only valid for models' dname = self.tablename + '_storage' dpath = join(self.depc.cache_dpath, dname) # ut.ensuredir(dpath) return dpath # def dpath(self): # from os.path import dirname # dpath = dirname(self.db.fpath) # return dpath @property @ut.memoize def ismulti(self): # TODO: or has multi parent return any(self.get_parent_col_attr('ismulti')) @property def configclass(self): return self.depc.configclass_dict[self.tablename] @property def requestclass(self): return self.depc.requestclass_dict.get(self.tablename, None) def new_request(self, qaids, daids, cfgdict=None): request = self.depc.new_request(self.tablename, qaids, daids, cfgdict=cfgdict) return request # --- Standard Properties @property def internal_data_col_attrs(self): flags = self.get_intern_col_attr('isdata') return ut.compress(self.internal_col_attrs, flags) @property def internal_parent_col_attrs(self): flags = self.get_intern_col_attr('isparent') return ut.compress(self.internal_col_attrs, flags) # --- / Standard Properties @ut.memoize def get_parent_col_attr(self, key): return ut.dict_take_column(self.parent_col_attrs, key) @ut.memoize def get_intern_data_col_attr(self, key): return ut.dict_take_column(self.internal_data_col_attrs, key) @ut.memoize def get_intern_parent_col_attr(self, key): return ut.dict_take_column(self.internal_parent_col_attrs, key) @ut.memoize def get_intern_col_attr(self, key): return ut.dict_take_column(self.internal_col_attrs, key) @ut.memoize def get_data_col_attr(self, key): return ut.dict_take_column(self.data_col_attrs, key) @property @ut.memoize def parent_id_tablenames(self): tablenames = tuple( [parent_colattr['parent_table'] for parent_colattr in self.parent_col_attrs] ) return tablenames @property @ut.memoize def parent_id_prefix(self): prefixes = tuple( [parent_colattr['prefix'] for parent_colattr in self.parent_col_attrs] ) return prefixes @property def extern_columns(self): colnames = self.get_data_col_attr('colname') flags = self.get_data_col_attr('is_extern') return ut.compress(colnames, flags) @property def rowid_colname(self): """rowid of this table used by other dependant tables""" return self.tablename + '_rowid' @property def superkey_colnames(self): return self.parent_id_colnames + (CONFIG_ROWID,) @property def model_uuid_colname(self): return 'model_uuid' @property def is_augmented_colname(self): return 'augment_bit' @property def parent_id_colnames(self): return tuple([colattr['intern_colname'] for colattr in self.parent_col_attrs]) def get_rowids_from_root(self, root_rowids, config=None): return self.depc.get_rowids(self.tablename, root_rowids, config=config) @property @ut.memoize def parent(self): return ut.odict( [ (parent_colattr['parent_table'], parent_colattr) for parent_colattr in self.parent_col_attrs ] ) # return tuple([parent_colattr['parent_table'] # for parent_colattr in self.parent_col_attrs]) @ut.memoize def parents(self, data=None): if data: return [ (parent_colattr['parent_table'], parent_colattr) for parent_colattr in self.parent_col_attrs ] else: return [ parent_colattr['parent_table'] for parent_colattr in self.parent_col_attrs ] @property def children(self): graph = self.depc.explicit_graph children_tablenames = list(nx.neighbors(graph, self.tablename)) return children_tablenames @property def ancestors(self): graph = self.depc.explicit_graph children_tablenames = list(nx.ancestors(graph, self.tablename)) return children_tablenames def show_dep_subgraph(self, inter=None): from wbia.plottool.interactions import ExpandableInteraction autostart = inter is None if inter is None: inter = ExpandableInteraction(nCols=2) import wbia.plottool as pt graph = self.depc.explicit_graph nodes = ut.nx_all_nodes_between(graph, None, self.tablename) G = graph.subgraph(nodes) plot_kw = {'fontname': 'Ubuntu'} inter.append_plot( ut.partial( pt.show_nx, G, title='Dependency Subgraph (%s)' % (self.tablename), **plot_kw, ) ) if autostart: inter.start() def show_input_graph(self, inter=None): """ CommandLine: python -m dtool.depcache_table show_input_graph --show Example: >>> # DISABLE_DOCTEST >>> from wbia.dtool.example_depcache2 import * # NOQA >>> depc = testdata_depc3() >>> # xdoctest: +REQUIRES(--show) >>> ut.quit_if_noshow() >>> import wbia.plottool as pt >>> table = depc['smk_match'] >>> table.show_input_graph() >>> #print(depc['smk_match'].flat_compute_rmi_edges) >>> ut.show_if_requested() """ from wbia.plottool.interactions import ExpandableInteraction autostart = inter is None if inter is None: inter = ExpandableInteraction(nCols=2) self.show_dep_subgraph(inter) inputs = self.rootmost_inputs inter = inputs.show_exi_graph(inter) if autostart: inter.start() return inter @property @ut.memoize def expanded_input_graph(self): """ CommandLine: python -m dtool.depcache_table --exec-expanded_input_graph --show --table=neighbs python -m dtool.depcache_table --exec-expanded_input_graph --show --table=vsone python -m dtool.depcache_table --exec-expanded_input_graph --show --table=smk_match TODO: * determine root argument structure * ??? * compute dependencies in order Example: >>> # ENABLE_DOCTEST >>> from wbia.dtool.depcache_control import * # NOQA >>> from wbia.dtool.example_depcache2 import * # NOQA >>> depc = testdata_depc3() >>> tablename = ut.get_argval('--table', default='vsone') >>> table = depc[tablename] >>> # xdoctest: +REQUIRES(--show) >>> import wbia.plottool as pt >>> pt.ensureqt() >>> table.show_input_graph() >>> pt.interactions.zoom_factory() >>> ut.show_if_requested() """ from wbia.dtool import input_helpers graph = self.depc.explicit_graph.copy() target = self.tablename exi_graph = input_helpers.make_expanded_input_graph(graph, target) return exi_graph @property def rootmost_inputs(self): """ CommandLine: python -m dtool.depcache_table rootmost_inputs --show Example: >>> # DISABLE_DOCTEST >>> from wbia.dtool.depcache_control import * # NOQA >>> from wbia.dtool.example_depcache2 import * # NOQA >>> depc = testdata_depc3() >>> #tablename = 'multitest_score' >>> tablename = 'smk_match' >>> table = depc[tablename] >>> inputs = table.rootmost_inputs >>> result = ('inputs = %s' % (inputs,)) >>> print('compute_order = %s' % (ut.repr2(inputs.flat_compute_rmi_edges(), nl=1))) ...... >>> print(result) inputs = <TableInput [annot[t], vocab[t], inv_index[t]]> """ from wbia.dtool import input_helpers exi_graph = self.expanded_input_graph rootmost_inputs = input_helpers.get_rootmost_inputs(exi_graph, self) return rootmost_inputs @ut.memoize def requestable_col_attrs(self): """ Maps names of requestable columns to indicies of internal columns """ requestable_col_attrs = {} for colattr in self.internal_data_col_attrs: rattr = {} colname = colattr['intern_colname'] rattr['intern_colx'] = colattr['intern_colx'] rattr['intern_colname'] = colattr['intern_colname'] requestable_col_attrs[colname] = rattr for colattr in self.data_col_attrs: rattr = {} if colattr.get('isnested'): nest_internal_names = ut.take_column(colattr['nestattrs'], 'flat_colname') nest_attrs = ut.dict_take(requestable_col_attrs, nest_internal_names) rattr['intern_colname'] = nest_internal_names rattr['intern_colx'] = ut.take_column(nest_attrs, 'intern_colx') rattr['isnested'] = True elif colattr.get('is_external'): intern_attr = requestable_col_attrs[colattr['intern_colname']] rattr['intern_colname'] = intern_attr['intern_colname'] rattr['intern_colx'] = intern_attr['intern_colx'] rattr['read_func'] = colattr['read_func'] rattr['write_func'] = colattr['write_func'] rattr['is_extern'] = True else: continue colname = colattr['colname'] rattr['colname'] = colname requestable_col_attrs[colname] = rattr return requestable_col_attrs @ut.memoize def computable_colnames(self): # These are the colnames that we expect to be computed intern_colnames = ut.take_column(self.internal_col_attrs, 'intern_colname') insertable_flags = [ not colattr.get('isprimary') for colattr in self.internal_col_attrs ] colnames = tuple(ut.compress(intern_colnames, insertable_flags)) return colnames @ut.reloadable_class class _TableComputeHelper(object): """helper for computing functions""" # @profile def prepare_storage( self, dirty_parent_ids, proptup_gen, dirty_preproc_args, config_rowid, config ): """ Converts output from ``preproc_func`` to data that can be stored in SQL CommandLine: python -m dtool.depcache_table prepare_storage Example: >>> # DISABLE_DOCTEST >>> from wbia.dtool.depcache_table import * # NOQA >>> from wbia.dtool.example_depcache2 import * # NOQA >>> depc = testdata_depc3(in_memory=False) >>> depc.clear_all() >>> tablename = 'labeler' >>> tablename = 'indexer' >>> config = {tablename + '_param': None, 'foo': 'bar'} >>> data = depc.get('labeler', [1, 2, 3], 'data') >>> data = depc.get('labeler', [1, 2, 3], 'data', config=config) >>> data = depc.get('indexer', [[1, 2, 3]], 'data') >>> data = depc.get('indexer', [[1, 2, 3]], 'data', config=config) >>> rowids = depc.get_rowids('indexer', [[1, 2, 3]], config=config) >>> table = depc[tablename] >>> model_uuid_list = table.get_internal_columns(rowids, ('model_uuid',)) >>> model_uuid = model_uuid_list[0] >>> rowids2 = table.get_model_rowids(model_uuid_list) >>> assert rowids == rowids2, 'bad rowid computation' >>> table.print_table() >>> table.print_internal_info() >>> table.print_configs() >>> table.print_model_manifests() >>> #ut.vd(depc.cache_dpath) """ if self.default_to_unpack: # Hack for tables explicilty specified with a single column proptup_gen = (None if data is None else (data,) for data in proptup_gen) # Flatten nested columns if any(self.get_data_col_attr('isnested')): proptup_gen = self._prepare_storage_nested(proptup_gen) # Write external columns if any(self.get_data_col_attr('write_func')): proptup_gen = self._prepare_storage_extern( dirty_parent_ids, config_rowid, config, proptup_gen ) if self.ismulti: manifest_dpath = self.dpath ut.ensuredir(manifest_dpath) # Concatenate data with internal rowids / config-id for ids_, data_cols, args_ in zip( dirty_parent_ids, proptup_gen, dirty_preproc_args ): try: if data_cols is None: yield None else: multi_parent_flags = self.get_parent_col_attr('ismulti') parent_colnames = self.get_parent_col_attr('intern_colname') multi_id_names = ut.compress(parent_colnames, multi_parent_flags) multi_ids = ut.compress(ids_, multi_parent_flags) multi_args = ut.compress(args_, multi_parent_flags) if self.ismulti: multi_setsizes = [] manifest_data = {} for multi_id, arg_, name in zip( multi_ids, multi_args, multi_id_names ): assert self.ismulti, 'only valid for models' # TODO: need to get back to root ids manifest_data.update( **{ name + '_multi_id': multi_id, name + '_primary_ids': 'FIXME' + str(arg_), name + '_model_input': list(arg_), } ) multi_setsizes.append(len(arg_)) # Make a new model uuid # TODO: maybe we should not do this here model_uuid = ut.hashable_to_uuid((multi_ids, config.get_cfgstr())) manifest_data['config'] = config manifest_data['model_uuid'] = model_uuid manifest_data['augmented'] = False manifest_fpath = self.get_model_manifest_fpath(model_uuid) ut.save_json(manifest_fpath, manifest_data, pretty=1) # TODO: hash all input UUIDs and the full config together quick_access_tup = (model_uuid, 0) # Give the setsize and setfpath data if needed parent_extra = tuple(ut.flatten(zip(multi_setsizes))) else: quick_access_tup = tuple() parent_extra = tuple() # parent_extra = tuple(ut.flatten(zip(multi_setsizes, multi_setfpaths))) # parent_extra = tuple(ut.flatten([(len(arg), fname) for arg, # fname in zip(multi_args, # multi_fpaths)])) row_tup = ( tuple(ids_) + (config_rowid,) + quick_access_tup + data_cols + parent_extra ) #'row_tup = %r' % (row_tup,)) yield row_tup except Exception as ex: ut.printex( ex, 'cat error', keys=['config_rowid', 'data_cols', 'parent_rowids'] ) raise def get_model_manifest_fname(self, model_uuid): manifest_fname = 'input_manifest_%s.json' % (model_uuid,) return manifest_fname def get_model_manifest_fpath(self, model_uuid): manifest_fname = self.get_model_manifest_fname(model_uuid) manifest_fpath = join(self.dpath, manifest_fname) return manifest_fpath def get_model_inputs(self, model_uuid): """ Ignore: >>> table.get_model_uuid([2]) [UUID('5b66772c-e654-dd9a-c9de-0ccc1bb6861c')] """ assert self.ismulti, 'must be a model' manifest_fpath = self.get_model_manifest_fpath(model_uuid) manifest_data = ut.load_json(manifest_fpath) return manifest_data def get_model_uuid(self, rowids): """ Ignore: >>> table.get_model_uuid([2]) [UUID('5b66772c-e654-dd9a-c9de-0ccc1bb6861c')] """ assert self.ismulti, 'must be a model' model_uuid_list = self.get_internal_columns(rowids, ('model_uuid',)) return model_uuid_list def get_model_rowids(self, model_uuid_list): """ Get the rowid of a model given its uuid Ignore: >>> import uuid >>> table.get_model_rowids([uuid.UUID('5b66772c-e654-dd9a-c9de-0ccc1bb6861c')]) [2] """ assert self.ismulti, 'must be a model' colnames = (self.rowid_colname,) andwhere_colnames = (self.model_uuid_colname,) params_iter = list(zip(model_uuid_list)) rowid_list = self.db.get_where_eq( self.tablename, colnames, params_iter, andwhere_colnames, eager=True, nInput=len(model_uuid_list), ) return rowid_list @profile def _prepare_storage_nested(self, proptup_gen): """ Hack for when a sql schema has tuples defined in it. Accepts nested tuples and flattens them to fit into the sql tables """ nCols = len(self.data_colnames) idxs1 = ut.where(self.get_data_col_attr('isnested')) idxs2 = ut.index_complement(idxs1, nCols) for data in proptup_gen: if data is None: yield None continue # Split data into nested and unnested columns unnested_cols = list(zip(ut.take(data, idxs2))) nested_cols = ut.take(data, idxs1) grouped_items = [nested_cols, unnested_cols] groupxs = [idxs1, idxs2] # Flatten nested columns unflat = ut.ungroup(grouped_items, groupxs, nCols - 1) # Recombine the data data_new = tuple(ut.flatten(unflat)) yield data_new # @profile def _prepare_storage_extern( self, dirty_parent_ids, config_rowid, config, proptup_gen ): """ Writes external data to disk if write function is specified. """ internal_data_col_attrs = self.internal_data_col_attrs writable_flags = ut.dict_take_column(internal_data_col_attrs, 'write_func', False) extern_colattrs = ut.compress(internal_data_col_attrs, writable_flags) # extern_colnames = ut.dict_take_column(extern_colattrs, 'colname') extern_writers = ut.dict_take_column(extern_colattrs, 'write_func') nCols = len(internal_data_col_attrs) idxs1 = ut.where(writable_flags) idxs2 = ut.index_complement(idxs1, nCols) extern_fnames_list = list( zip( *[ self._get_extern_fnames( dirty_parent_ids, config_rowid, config, extern_colattr ) for extern_colattr in extern_colattrs ] ) ) # get extern cache directory and fpaths extern_dpath = self.extern_dpath ut.ensuredir(extern_dpath) # extern_fpaths_list = [ # [join(extern_dpath, fname) for fname in fnames] # for fnames in extern_fnames_list # ] for data, extern_fpaths in zip(proptup_gen, extern_fnames_list): if data is None: yield None continue normal_data = ut.take(data, idxs2) try: extern_data = ut.take(data, idxs1) except Exception as ex: ut.printex(ex, 'Did you forget to return/yeild your data as a tuple?') raise # Write external data to disk try: _iter = zip(extern_data, extern_fpaths, extern_writers) for obj, fpath, write_func in _iter: abs_fpath = join(extern_dpath, fpath) #'WRITE fpath = %r, abs_fpath = %r' % (fpath, abs_fpath, )) write_func(abs_fpath, obj) ut.assert_exists(abs_fpath, verbose=False) except Exception as ex: ut.printex(ex, 'external write', keys=['config_rowid', 'data']) raise # Return path instead of data grouped_items = [extern_fpaths, normal_data] groupxs = [idxs1, idxs2] data_new = tuple(ut.ungroup(grouped_items, groupxs, nCols - 1)) yield data_new def get_extern_fnames(self, parent_rowids, config, extern_col_index=0): """ convinience function around get_extern_fnames Exmaple: >>> from wbia.dtool.depcache_table import * # NOQA >>> import wbia >>> ibs = wbia.opendb(defaultdb='testdb1') >>> depc = ibs.depc_annot >>> tablename = 'chips' >>> table = depc[tablename] >>> extern_col_index = 0 >>> info_props = ['image_uuid', 'verts', 'theta'] >>> config = depc.configclass_dict[tablename]() >>> root_rowids = [1, 2, 3] >>> rowid_list = depc.get_rowids(tablename, root_rowids) >>> parent_rowids = table.get_parent_rowids(rowid_list) >>> fname_list = table.get_extern_fnames(parent_rowids, config) >>> print('fname_list = %r' % (fname_list,)) """ config_rowid = self.get_config_rowid(config) # depc.get_rowids(tablename, root_rowids, config) internal_data_col_attrs = self.internal_data_col_attrs writable_flags = ut.dict_take_column(internal_data_col_attrs, 'write_func', False) extern_colattrs = ut.compress(internal_data_col_attrs, writable_flags) extern_colattr = extern_colattrs[extern_col_index] fname_list = self._get_extern_fnames( parent_rowids, config_rowid, config, extern_colattr ) # if False: # root_rowids = self.depc.get_root_rowids(self.tablename, rowid_list) # info_props = ['image_uuid', 'verts', 'theta'] # self.depc.make_root_info_uuid(root_rowids, info_props) return fname_list def _get_extern_fnames( self, parent_rowids, config_rowid, config, extern_colattr=None ): """ TODO: * Clean up signature * Make this function return the filenames used by a specific external column in this table. The inputs are the parent_rowids, (and the root rowids?), and the config. Args: parent_rowids (list of tuples) - list of tuples of rowids """ config_hashid = self.get_config_hashid([config_rowid])[0] prefix = self.tablename prefix += '_' + extern_colattr['colname'] colattrs = self.data_col_attrs[extern_colattr['data_colx']] # if colname is not None: # prefix += '_' + colname # TODO: Put relevant root properties into the hash of the filename # (like bbox, parent image. basically the general vuuid and suuid. fmtstr = '{prefix}_id={rowids}_{config_hashid}{ext}' # HACK: check if the config specifies the extension type # extkey = self.extern_ext_config_keys.get(colname, 'ext') if 'extern_ext' in colattrs: ext = colattrs['extern_ext'] else: extkey = colattrs.get('extkey', 'ext') ext = config[extkey] if extkey in config else '.cPkl' fname_list = [ fmtstr.format( prefix=prefix, rowids='_'.join(list(map(str, rowids))), config_hashid=config_hashid, ext=ext, ) for rowids in parent_rowids ] return fname_list def _compute_dirty_rows( self, dirty_parent_ids, dirty_preproc_args, config_rowid, config, verbose=True ): """ dirty_preproc_args = preproc_args dirty_parent_ids = parent_rowids config_ = config """ nInput = len(dirty_parent_ids) # if verbose: #'[deptbl.compute] nInput = %r' % (nInput,)) # Pack arguments into column-wise order to send to the func argsT = zip(*dirty_preproc_args) argsT = list(argsT) # TODO: remove # HACK extract config if given a request config_ = config.config if hasattr(config, 'config') else config # call registered worker function if self.vectorized: # Function is written in a way that only accepts multiple inputs at # once and generates output proptup_gen = self.preproc_func(self.depc, *argsT, config=config_) else: # Function is written in a way that only accepts a single row of # input at a time proptup_gen = ( self.preproc_func(self.depc, *argrow, config=config_) for argrow in zip(*argsT) ) DEBUG_LIST_MODE = True if DEBUG_LIST_MODE: proptup_gen = list(proptup_gen) num_output = len(proptup_gen) assert ( num_output == nInput ), 'Input and output sizes do not agree. ' 'num_output=%r, num_input=%r' % ( num_output, nInput, ) # Append rowids and rectify nested and external columns dirty_params_iter = self.prepare_storage( dirty_parent_ids, proptup_gen, dirty_preproc_args, config_rowid, config_ ) if DEBUG_LIST_MODE: dirty_params_iter = list(dirty_params_iter) assert len(dirty_params_iter) == nInput # None data means that there was an error for a specific row return dirty_params_iter def _chunk_compute_dirty_rows( self, dirty_parent_ids, dirty_preproc_args, config_rowid, config, verbose=True ): """ Executes registered functions, does external storage and yeilds results to be stored internally in SQL. CommandLine: python -m dtool.depcache_table _chunk_compute_dirty_rows Example: >>> # ENABLE_DOCTEST >>> from wbia.dtool.depcache_table import * # NOQA >>> from wbia.dtool.example_depcache2 import * # NOQA >>> depc = testdata_depc3(in_memory=False) >>> depc.clear_all() >>> data = depc.get('labeler', [1, 2, 3], 'data') >>> data = depc.get('indexer', [[1, 2, 3]], 'data') >>> depc.print_all_tables() """ nInput = len(dirty_parent_ids) chunksize = nInput if self.chunksize is None else self.chunksize '[deptbl.compute] nInput={}, chunksize={}, tbl={}'.format( nInput, self.chunksize, self.tablename ) ) # Report computation progress dirty_iter = list(zip(dirty_parent_ids, dirty_preproc_args)) prog_iter = ut.ProgChunks( dirty_iter, chunksize, nInput, lbl='[deptbl.compute] add %s chunk' % (self.tablename), ) # These are the colnames that we expect to be computed colnames = self.computable_colnames() # CALL EXTERNAL PREPROCESSING / GENERATION FUNCTION try: # prog_iter = list(prog_iter) for dirty_chunk in tqdm.tqdm(prog_iter): nChunkInput = len(dirty_chunk) if nChunkInput == 0: return dirty_parent_ids_chunk, dirty_preproc_args_chunk = zip(*dirty_chunk) dirty_params_iter = self._compute_dirty_rows( dirty_parent_ids_chunk, dirty_preproc_args_chunk, config_rowid, config, ) DEBUG_LIST_MODE = True if DEBUG_LIST_MODE: dirty_params_iter = list(dirty_params_iter) assert len(dirty_params_iter) == nChunkInput # TODO: Separate into func which can be specified as a callback. # None data means that there was an error for a specific row dirty_params_iter = ut.filter_Nones(dirty_params_iter) nChunkInput = len(dirty_params_iter) yield colnames, dirty_params_iter, nChunkInput except Exception as ex: ut.printex( ex, 'error in add_rowids', keys=[ 'table', 'self.parents()', 'config', 'argsT', 'config_rowid', 'dirty_parent_ids', 'self.preproc_func', ], tb=True, ) raise
[docs]@ut.reloadable_class class DependencyCacheTable( _TableGeneralHelper, _TableInternalSetup, _TableDebugHelper, _TableComputeHelper, _TableConfigHelper, ): r""" An individual node in the dependency graph. All SQL column information is stored in: internal_col_attrs - keeps track of internal info Additional metadata about specific columns is stored in parent_col_attrs - keeps track of parent info data_col_attrs - keeps track of computed data Attributes: db (dtool.SQLDatabaseController): pointer to underlying database depc (dtool.DependencyCache): pointer to parent cache tablename (str): name of the table docstr (str): documentation for table parent_tablenames (str): parent tables in depcache data_colnames (List[str]): columns produced by preproc_func data_coltypes (List[str]): column SQL types produced by preproc_func preproc_func (func): worker function vectorized (bool): by defaults it is assumed registered functions can process multiple inputs at once. taggable (bool): specifies if a computed object can be disconected from its ancestors and accessed via a tag. CommandLine: python -m dtool.depcache_table --exec-DependencyCacheTable Example: >>> # ENABLE_DOCTEST >>> from wbia.dtool.depcache_table import * # NOQA >>> from wbia.dtool.example_depcache import testdata_depc >>> depc = testdata_depc() >>> print(depc['vsmany']) >>> print(depc['spam']) >>> print(depc['vsone']) >>> print(depc['nnindexer']) """ @profile def __init__( self, depc=None, parent_tablenames=None, tablename=None, data_colnames=None, data_coltypes=None, preproc_func=None, docstr='no docstr', fname=None, asobject=False, chunksize=None, isinteractive=False, # no-op default_to_unpack=False, default_onthefly=False, # no-op rm_extern_on_delete=False, vectorized=True, taggable=False, ): """ recieves kwargs from depc._register_prop """ try: self.db = None except Exception: # HACK: jedi type hinting. Need to have non-obvious condition self.db = SQLDatabaseController() assert ('[0-9]', tablename) is None ), 'tablename=%r cannot contain numbers' % (tablename,) # parent depcache self.depc = depc # Definitions self.tablename = tablename self.docstr = docstr self.parent_tablenames = parent_tablenames self.data_colnames = tuple(data_colnames) self.data_coltypes = data_coltypes self.preproc_func = preproc_func self._db_name = fname # Behavior self.on_delete = None self.default_to_unpack = default_to_unpack self.vectorized = vectorized self.taggable = taggable # self.store_modification_time = True # Use the filesystem to accomplish this # self.store_access_time = True # self.store_create_time = True # self.store_delete_time = True self.chunksize = chunksize # SQL Internals self.sqldb_fpath = None self.rm_extern_on_delete = rm_extern_on_delete # Update internals self.parent_col_attrs = self._infer_parentcol() self.data_col_attrs = self._infer_datacol() self.internal_col_attrs = self._infer_allcol() # Check for errors if ut.SUPER_STRICT: self._assert_self() # ??? Clearly a hack, but to what end? self._hack_chunk_cache = None
[docs] @classmethod def from_name( cls, db_name, table_name, depcache_controller, parent_tablenames=None, data_colnames=None, data_coltypes=None, preproc_func=None, docstr='no docstr', asobject=False, chunksize=None, default_to_unpack=False, rm_extern_on_delete=False, vectorized=True, taggable=False, ): """Build the instance based on a database and table name.""" self = cls.__new__(cls) self._db_name = db_name # Set the table name if'[0-9]', table_name): raise ValueError(f"tablename = '{table_name}' cannot contain numbers") self.tablename = table_name # Set the parent depcache controller self.depc = depcache_controller # Definitions self.docstr = docstr self.parent_tablenames = parent_tablenames self.data_colnames = tuple(data_colnames) self.data_coltypes = data_coltypes self.preproc_func = preproc_func #: Optional specification of the amount of blobs to modify in one SQL operation self.chunksize = chunksize # FIXME (20-Oct-12020) This definition of behavior by external means is a scope issue # Another object should not be directly manipulating this object. #: functions defined and populated through DependencyCache._register_subprop self.subproperties = {} # Behavior self.on_delete = None self.default_to_unpack = default_to_unpack self.vectorized = vectorized self.taggable = taggable #: Flag to enable the deletion of external files on associated SQL row deletion. self.rm_extern_on_delete = rm_extern_on_delete # XXX (20-Oct-12020) It's not clear if these attributes are absolutely necessary. # Update internals self.parent_col_attrs = self._infer_parentcol() self.data_col_attrs = self._infer_datacol() self.internal_col_attrs = self._infer_allcol() # /XXX # Check for errors # FIXME (20-Oct-12020) This seems like a bad idea... # Why would you sometimes want to check and not at other times? if ut.SUPER_STRICT: self._assert_self() # ??? Clearly a hack, but to what end? self._hack_chunk_cache = None return self
@property def fname(self): """Backwards compatible name of the database this Table belongs to""" # BBB (20-Oct-12020) 'fname' is the legacy name for the database name return self._db_name
[docs] def initialize(self, _debug=None): """ Ensures the SQL schema for this cache table """ self.db = self.depc.get_db_by_name(self._db_name) #'Checking sql for table=%r' % (self.tablename,)) if not self.db.has_table(self.tablename): logger.debug('Initializing table=%r' % (self.tablename,)) new_state = self._get_addtable_kw() self.db.add_table(**new_state) else: # TODO: Check for table modifications new_state = self._get_addtable_kw() try: current_state = self.db.get_table_autogen_dict(self.tablename) except Exception as ex: strict = True ut.printex( ex, 'TABLE %s IS CORRUPTED' % (self.tablename,), iswarning=not strict, ) if strict: raise self.clear_table() current_state = self.db.get_table_autogen_dict(self.tablename) results = compare_coldef_lists( current_state['coldef_list'], new_state['coldef_list'] ) if results: current_coldef, new_coldef = results raise TableOutOfSyncError( self.db, self.tablename, f'Current schema: {current_coldef} Expected schema: {new_coldef}', )
def _get_addtable_kw(self): """ Information that defines the SQL table CommandLine: python -m dtool.depcache_table _get_addtable_kw Example: >>> # DISABLE_DOCTEST >>> from wbia.dtool.depcache_table import * # NOQA >>> from wbia.dtool.example_depcache2 import testdata_depc3 >>> depc = testdata_depc3() >>> table1 = depc['indexer'] >>> table2 = depc['neighbs'] >>> add_table_kw1 = table1._get_addtable_kw() >>> add_table_kw2 = table2._get_addtable_kw() >>> result1 = ('%s.add_table_kw = %s' % (table1.tablename, ut.repr2(add_table_kw1, nl=2),)) >>> result2 = ('%s.add_table_kw = %s' % (table2.tablename, ut.repr2(add_table_kw2, nl=2),)) >>> print(result1) >>> print(result2) """ coldef_list = [ (colattr['intern_colname'], colattr['sqltype']) for colattr in self.internal_col_attrs ] superkeys = [self.superkey_colnames] add_table_kw = ut.odict( [ ('tablename', self.tablename), ('coldef_list', coldef_list), ('docstr', self.docstr), ('superkeys', superkeys), ('dependson', self.parents()), ] ) return add_table_kw # ---------------------- # --- GETTERS NATIVE --- # ---------------------- def _get_all_rowids(self): return self.db.get_all_rowids(self.tablename) @property def number_of_rows(self): return self.db.get_row_count(self.tablename) # @profile
[docs] def ensure_rows( self, parent_ids_, preproc_args, config=None, verbose=True, _debug=None, retry=3, retry_delay_min=1, retry_delay_max=10, ): """ Lazy addition Example: >>> # ENABLE_DOCTEST >>> from wbia.dtool.depcache_table import * # NOQA >>> from wbia.dtool.example_depcache2 import testdata_depc3 >>> depc = testdata_depc3() >>> table = depc['vsone'] >>> exec(ut.execstr_funckw(table.get_rowid), globals()) >>> config = table.configclass() >>> verbose = True >>> # test duplicate inputs are detected and accounted for >>> parent_rowids = [(i, i) for i in list(range(100))] * 100 >>> rectify_tup = table._rectify_ids(parent_rowids) >>> (parent_ids_, preproc_args, idxs1, idxs2) = rectify_tup >>> rowids = table.ensure_rows(parent_ids_, preproc_args, config=config) >>> result = ('rowids = %r' % (rowids,)) >>> print(result) """ try: # Get requested configuration id config_rowid = self.get_config_rowid(config) # Check which rows are already computed initial_rowid_list = self._get_rowid(parent_ids_, config=config) initial_rowid_list = list(initial_rowid_list) logger.debug( '[deptbl.ensure] initial_rowid_list = %s' % (ut.trunc_repr(initial_rowid_list),) ) logger.debug('[deptbl.ensure] config_rowid = %r' % (config_rowid,)) # Get corresponding "dirty" parent rowids isdirty_list = ut.flag_None_items(initial_rowid_list) num_dirty = sum(isdirty_list) num_total = len(parent_ids_) if num_dirty > 0: logger.debug( 'Add %d / %d new rows to %r' % (num_dirty, num_total, self.tablename) ) logger.debug( '[deptbl.add] * config_rowid = {}, config={}'.format( config_rowid, str(config) ) ) dirty_parent_ids_ = ut.compress(parent_ids_, isdirty_list) dirty_preproc_args_ = ut.compress(preproc_args, isdirty_list) # Process only unique items unique_flags = ut.flag_unique_items(dirty_parent_ids_) dirty_parent_ids = ut.compress(dirty_parent_ids_, unique_flags) dirty_preproc_args = ut.compress(dirty_preproc_args_, unique_flags) # Break iterator into chunks if False and verbose: # check parent configs we are working with for x, parname in enumerate(self.parents()): if parname == self.depc.root: continue parent_table = self.depc[parname] ut.take_column(parent_ids_, x) rowid_list = ut.take_column(parent_ids_, x) try: parent_history = parent_table.get_config_history(rowid_list)'parent_history = %r' % (parent_history,)) except KeyError: '[depcache_table] WARNING: config history is having troubles... says Jon' ) # Gives the function a hacky cache to use between chunks self._hack_chunk_cache = {} gen = self._chunk_compute_dirty_rows( dirty_parent_ids, dirty_preproc_args, config_rowid, config ) for colnames, dirty_params_iter, nChunkInput in gen: self.db._add( self.tablename, colnames, dirty_params_iter, nInput=nChunkInput, ) # Remove cache when main add is done self._hack_chunk_cache = None logger.debug('[deptbl.add] finished add') # # The requested data is clean and must now exist in the parent # database, do a lookup to ensure the correct order. rowid_list = self._get_rowid(parent_ids_, config=config) else: rowid_list = initial_rowid_list logger.debug('[deptbl.add] rowid_list = %s' % ut.trunc_repr(rowid_list)) except lite.IntegrityError: if retry <= 0: raise logger.error( 'DEPC ENSURE_ROWS FOR TABLE %r FAILED DUE TO INTEGRITY ERROR (RETRY %d)!' % (self, retry) ) retry_delay = random.uniform(retry_delay_min, retry_delay_max) logger.error('\t WAITING %0.02f SECONDS THEN RETRYING' % (retry_delay,)) time.sleep(retry_delay) retry_ = retry - 1 rowid_list = self.ensure_rows( parent_ids_, preproc_args, config=config, verbose=verbose, retry=retry_, retry_delay_min=retry_delay_min, retry_delay_max=retry_delay_max, ) return rowid_list
def _rectify_ids(self, parent_rowids): r""" Filters any rows containing None ids and transforms many-to-one sets of rowids into hashable UUIDS. Example: >>> from wbia.dtool.depcache_table import * # NOQA >>> from wbia.dtool.example_depcache2 import * # NOQA >>> depc = testdata_depc3() >>> depc.clear_all() >>> tablename = 'vocab' >>> tablename = 'indexer' >>> table = depc[tablename] >>> parent_rowids = [[1, 2, 3]] >>> rectify_tup = table._rectify_ids(parent_rowids) >>> parent_ids_, preproc_args, idxs1, idxs2 = rectify_tup ...... >>> result = ('parent_ids_ = %r' % (parent_ids_,)) + '\n' >>> result += ('preproc_args = %r' % (preproc_args,)) >>> print(result) parent_ids_ = [(UUID('356a192b-7913-b04c-5457-4d18c28d46e6'),)] preproc_args = [[1, 2, 3]] Example: >>> from wbia.dtool.depcache_table import * # NOQA >>> from wbia.dtool.example_depcache2 import * # NOQA >>> depc = testdata_depc3() >>> depc.clear_all() >>> tablename = 'vocab' >>> tablename = 'indexer' >>> table = depc[tablename] >>> parent_rowids = [[1, 2, 3]] >>> rowids = depc.get_rowids(tablename, parent_rowids) >>> model_uuid_list = table.get_internal_columns(rowids, ('model_uuid',)) >>> model_uuid = model_uuid_list[0] >>> print('model_uuid = %r' % (model_uuid,)) >>> rowids2 = table.get_model_rowids(model_uuid_list) """ # Force entire row to be none if any are none anyNone_flags = [x is None or any(ut.flag_None_items(x)) for x in parent_rowids] idxs2 = ut.where(anyNone_flags) idxs1 = ut.index_complement(idxs2, len_=len(parent_rowids)) valid_parent_ids_ = ut.take(parent_rowids, idxs1) preproc_args = valid_parent_ids_ if self.ismulti: # Convert any parent-id containing multiple values into a hash of uuids multi_parent_flags = self.get_parent_col_attr('ismulti') num_parents = len(multi_parent_flags) multi_parent_colxs = ut.where(multi_parent_flags) normal_colxs = ut.index_complement(multi_parent_colxs, num_parents) multi_parents = [ ut.apply_grouping(ids_, multi_parent_colxs) for ids_ in valid_parent_ids_ ] normal_parents = [ ut.apply_grouping(ids_, normal_colxs) for ids_ in valid_parent_ids_ ] # TODO: give each table a uuid getter function that derives from # get_root_uuids multicol_tables = ut.take(self.parents(), multi_parent_colxs) parent_uuid_getters = [ self.depc.get_root_uuid if col == self.depc.root else ut.identity for col in multicol_tables ] parent_uuids_list = [ [ uuid_getter(ids_) for uuid_getter, ids_ in zip(parent_uuid_getters, ids_tup) ] for ids_tup in multi_parents ] multiset_uuid_list = [ [ut.hashable_to_uuid(uuids) for uuids in parent_uuids_tup] for parent_uuids_tup in parent_uuids_list ] # preproc args are usually the same as parent ids. Model tables # are the exception. parent_ids_ = [ tuple( ut.ungroup( [uuids, normalids], [multi_parent_colxs, normal_colxs], num_parents - 1, ) ) for uuids, normalids in zip(multiset_uuid_list, normal_parents) ] else: parent_ids_ = valid_parent_ids_ rectify_tup = parent_ids_, preproc_args, idxs1, idxs2 return rectify_tup def _unrectify_ids(self, rowid_list_, parent_rowids, idxs1, idxs2): """ Ensures that output is the same length as input. Inserts necessary Nones where the original input was also None. """ # FIXME: turn into generator rowid_list = ut.ungroup([rowid_list_], [idxs1], len(parent_rowids) - 1) return rowid_list
[docs] def get_rowid( self, parent_rowids, config=None, ensure=True, eager=True, nInput=None, recompute=False, _debug=None, num_retries=1, ): r""" Returns the rowids of derived properties. If they do not exist it computes them. Args: parent_rowids (list): list of tuples with the parent rowids as the value of each tuple config (None): (default = None) ensure (bool): eager evaluation if True (default = True) eager (bool): (default = True) nInput (int): (default = None) recompute (bool): (default = False) _debug (None): (default = None) deprecated; no-op Returns: list: rowid_list CommandLine: python -m dtool.depcache_table --exec-get_rowid Example: >>> # ENABLE_DOCTEST >>> from wbia.dtool.depcache_table import * # NOQA >>> from wbia.dtool.example_depcache2 import testdata_depc3 >>> depc = testdata_depc3() >>> table = depc['labeler'] >>> exec(ut.execstr_funckw(table.get_rowid), globals()) >>> config = table.configclass() >>> parent_rowids = list(zip([1, None, None, 2])) >>> rowids = table.get_rowid(parent_rowids, config=config) >>> result = ('rowids = %r' % (rowids,)) >>> print(result) rowids = [1, None, None, 2] """ logger.debug( '[deptbl.get_rowid] Get %s rowids via %d parent superkeys' % (self.tablename, len(parent_rowids)) ) logger.debug('[deptbl.get_rowid] config = %r' % (config,)) logger.debug('[deptbl.get_rowid] ensure = %r' % (ensure,)) # Ensure inputs are in the correct format / remove Nones # Collapse multi-inputs into a UUID hash rectify_tup = self._rectify_ids(parent_rowids) (parent_ids_, preproc_args, idxs1, idxs2) = rectify_tup # Do the getting / adding work if recompute:'REQUESTED RECOMPUTE') # get existing rowids, delete them, recompute the request rowid_list_ = self._get_rowid( parent_ids_, config=config, eager=True, nInput=None, ) rowid_list_ = list(rowid_list_) needs_recompute_rowids = ut.filter_Nones(rowid_list_) try: self._recompute_and_store(needs_recompute_rowids) except Exception: # If the config changes, there is nothing we can do. # We have to delete the rows. self.delete_rows(rowid_list_) if ensure or recompute: # Compute properties if they do not exist for try_num in range(num_retries): try: rowid_list_ = self.ensure_rows( parent_ids_, preproc_args, config=config, ) except ExternalStorageException: if try_num == num_retries - 1: raise else: rowid_list_ = self._get_rowid( parent_ids_, config=config, eager=eager, nInput=nInput, ) # Map outputs to correspond with inputs rowid_list = self._unrectify_ids(rowid_list_, parent_rowids, idxs1, idxs2) return rowid_list
# @profile def _get_rowid(self, parent_ids_, config=None, eager=True, nInput=None): """ Returns rowids using parent superkeys. Does not add non-existing properties. """ colnames = (self.rowid_colname,) config_rowid = self.get_config_rowid(config=config) logger.debug('_get_rowid') logger.debug('_get_rowid self.tablename = %r ' % (self.tablename,)) logger.debug('_get_rowid parent_ids_ = %s' % (ut.trunc_repr(parent_ids_))) logger.debug('_get_rowid config = %s' % (config)) logger.debug('_get_rowid self.rowid_colname = %s' % (self.rowid_colname)) logger.debug('_get_rowid config_rowid = %s' % (config_rowid)) andwhere_colnames = self.superkey_colnames params_iter = (ids_ + (config_rowid,) for ids_ in parent_ids_) # TODO: make sure things that call this can accept a generator # Then remove this next line params_iter = list(params_iter) #'**params_iter = %r' % (params_iter,)) rowid_list = self.db.get_where_eq( self.tablename, colnames, params_iter, andwhere_colnames, eager=eager, nInput=nInput, ) logger.debug('_get_rowid rowid_list = %s' % (ut.trunc_repr(rowid_list))) return rowid_list
[docs] def clear_table(self): """ Deletes all data in this table """ # TODO: need to clear one-to-one dependencies as well'Clearing data in %r' % (self,)) self.db.drop_table(self.tablename) self.db.add_table(**self._get_addtable_kw())
# @profile
[docs] def delete_rows(self, rowid_list, delete_extern=None, dry=False, verbose=None): """ CommandLine: python -m dtool.depcache_table --exec-delete_rows Example: >>> # ENABLE_DOCTEST >>> from wbia.dtool.depcache_table import * # NOQA >>> from wbia.dtool.example_depcache import testdata_depc >>> depc = testdata_depc() >>> #table = depc['keypoint'] >>> table = depc['chip'] >>> exec(ut.execstr_funckw(table.delete_rows), globals()) >>> tablename = table.tablename >>> graph = depc.explicit_graph >>> config1 = None >>> config2 = table.configclass(version=-1) >>> config3 = table.configclass(version=-1, ext='.jpg') >>> config4 = table.configclass(ext='.jpg') >>> # Create several configs of rowid >>> aids = [1, 2, 3] >>> depc.get_rowids('spam', aids, config=config1) >>> depc.get_rowids('spam', aids, config=config2) >>> depc.get_rowids('spam', aids, config=config3) >>> depc.get_rowids('spam', aids, config=config4) >>> # Delete the png configs >>> rowid_list1 = depc.get_rowids(table.tablename, aids, >>> config=config2) >>> rowid_list2 = depc.get_rowids(table.tablename, aids, >>> config=config1) >>> rowid_list = rowid_list1 + rowid_list2 >>> assert len(ut.setintersect_ordered(rowid_list1, rowid_list2)) == 0 >>> table.delete_rows(rowid_list) """ # import networkx as nx # from wbia.dtool.algo.preproc import preproc_feat if self.on_delete is not None and not dry: self.on_delete() if delete_extern is None: delete_extern = self.rm_extern_on_delete if verbose is None: verbose = False if ut.NOT_QUIET: if ut.VERBOSE: 'Requested delete of %d rows from %s' % (len(rowid_list), self.tablename) ) if dry:'Dry run') #'delete_extern = %r' % (delete_extern,)) depc = self.depc # TODO: # REMOVE EXTERNAL FILES internal_colnames = self.get_intern_data_col_attr('intern_colname') is_extern = self.get_intern_data_col_attr('is_external_pointer') extern_colnames = tuple(ut.compress(internal_colnames, is_extern)) if len(extern_colnames) > 0: uris = self.get_internal_columns( rowid_list, extern_colnames, unpack_scalars=False, eager=True, keepwrap=False, ) absuris = [] for uri in it.chain.from_iterable(uris): if not isinstance(uri, tuple): uri = [uri] for uri_ in uri: absuris.append(join(self.extern_dpath, uri_)) fpaths = [fpath for fpath in absuris if exists(fpath)] if delete_extern: if ut.VERBOSE or len(fpaths) > 0:'deleting {} existing internal files'.format(len(fpaths))) if not dry: ut.remove_fpaths(fpaths, verbose=verbose) else: if ut.VERBOSE or len(fpaths) > 0:'Leaving {} dangling filepaths'.format(len(fpaths))) # DELETE EXPLICITLY DEFINED CHILDREN # (TODO: handle implicit definitions) if True: def get_child_partial_rowids(child_table, rowid_list, parent_colnames): colnames = (child_table.rowid_colname,) andwhere_colnames = parent_colnames params_iter = ((rowid,) for rowid in rowid_list) params_iter = list(params_iter) child_db = depc[child_table.tablename].db child_unflat_rowids = child_db.get_where_eq( child_table.tablename, colnames, params_iter, andwhere_colnames, unpack_scalars=False, keepwrap=False, ) child_rowids = ut.flatten(child_unflat_rowids) return child_rowids if ut.VERBOSE: if self.children:'Deleting from %r children' % (len(self.children),)) else:'Table is a leaf node') for child in self.children: child_table = self.depc[child] if not child_table.ismulti: # Hack, wont work for vsone / multisets parent_colnames = ( child_table.parent[self.tablename]['intern_colname'], ) child_rowids = get_child_partial_rowids( child_table, rowid_list, parent_colnames ) child_table.delete_rows(child_rowids, dry=dry) if ut.NOT_QUIET: non_none_rowids = ut.filter_Nones(rowid_list) if ut.VERBOSE or len(non_none_rowids) > 0: 'Deleting %d non-None rows from %s' % (len(non_none_rowids), self.tablename) )'...done!') # Finalize: Delete rows from this table if not dry: self.db.delete_rowids(self.tablename, rowid_list) num_deleted = len(ut.filter_Nones(rowid_list)) else: num_deleted = 0 return num_deleted
def _resolve_requested_columns(self, requested_colnames): ######## # Map requested colnames flat to internal colnames ######## # Get requested column information requestable_col_attrs = self.requestable_col_attrs() requested_colattrs = ut.take(requestable_col_attrs, requested_colnames) # Make column indicies iterable for grouping intern_colxs = [ xs if ut.isiterable(xs) else [xs] for xs in ut.take_column(requested_colattrs, 'intern_colx') ] nested_offsets_end = ut.cumsum(ut.lmap(len, intern_colxs)) nested_offsets_start = [0] + nested_offsets_end[:-1] # Mark any columns with external information isextern_flags = ut.dict_take_column(requested_colattrs, 'is_extern', False) extern_colattrs = ut.compress(requested_colattrs, isextern_flags) extern_resolve_colxs = ut.compress(nested_offsets_start, isextern_flags) extern_read_funcs = ut.take_column(extern_colattrs, 'read_func') intern_colnames_ = ut.take_column(self.internal_col_attrs, 'intern_colname') intern_colnames = ut.unflat_take(intern_colnames_, intern_colxs) # TODO: this can be cleaned up nesting_xs = [ x1 if x2 - x1 == 1 else list(range(x1, x2)) for x1, x2 in zip(nested_offsets_start, nested_offsets_end) ] extern_resolve_tups = list(zip(extern_resolve_colxs, extern_read_funcs)) flat_intern_colnames = tuple(ut.flatten(intern_colnames)) return nesting_xs, extern_resolve_tups, flat_intern_colnames # @profile
[docs] def get_row_data( self, tbl_rowids, colnames=None, _debug=None, read_extern=True, num_retries=1, eager=True, nInput=None, ensure=True, delete_on_fail=True, showprog=False, unpack_columns=None, ): r""" FIXME: unpacking is confusing with sql controller TODO: Clean up and allow for eager=False colnames = ('mask', 'size') CommandLine: python -m dtool.depcache_table --test-get_row_data:0 python -m dtool.depcache_table --test-get_row_data:1 Example: >>> # ENABLE_DOCTEST >>> from wbia.dtool.depcache_table import * # NOQA >>> from wbia.dtool.example_depcache import testdata_depc >>> depc = testdata_depc() >>> table = depc['chip'] >>> exec(ut.execstr_funckw(table.get_row_data), globals()) >>> tbl_rowids = depc.get_rowids('chip', [1, 2, 3], _debug=True, recompute=True) >>> colnames = ('size_1', 'size', 'chip' + EXTERN_SUFFIX, 'chip') >>> kwargs = dict(read_extern=True, num_retries=1, _debug=True) >>> prop_list = table.get_row_data(tbl_rowids, colnames, **kwargs) >>> prop_list0 = ut.take_column(prop_list, [0, 1, 2]) # data subset >>> result = (ut.repr2(prop_list0, nl=1)) >>> print(result) >>> #_debug, num_retries, read_extern = True, 1, True >>> prop_gen = table.get_row_data(tbl_rowids, colnames, eager=False) >>> prop_list2 = list(prop_gen) >>> assert len(prop_list2) == len(prop_list), 'inconsistent lens' >>> assert all([ut.lists_eq(prop_list2[1], prop_list[1]) for x in range(len(prop_list))]), 'inconsistent vals' >>> chips = table.get_row_data(tbl_rowids, 'chip', eager=False) [ [2453, (1707, 2453), 'chip_chip_id=1_pyrappzicqoskdjq.png'], [250, (300, 250), 'chip_chip_id=2_pyrappzicqoskdjq.png'], [372, (545, 372), 'chip_chip_id=3_pyrappzicqoskdjq.png'], ] Example: >>> # ENABLE_DOCTEST >>> # Test external / ensure getters >>> from wbia.dtool.example_depcache import * # NOQA >>> depc = testdata_depc() >>> table = depc['chip'] >>> exec(ut.execstr_funckw(table.get_row_data), globals()) >>> depc.clear_all() >>> config = {} >>> aids = [1,] >>> read_extern = False >>> tbl_rowids = depc.get_rowids('chip', aids, config=config) >>> data_fpaths = depc.get('chip', aids, 'chip', config=config, read_extern=False) >>> # Ensure data is recomputed if an external file is missing >>> ut.remove_fpaths(data_fpaths) >>> data = table.get_row_data(tbl_rowids, 'chip', read_extern=False, ensure=False) >>> data = table.get_row_data(tbl_rowids, 'chip', read_extern=False, ensure=True) """ logger.debug( ('Get col of tablename=%r, colnames=%r with ' 'tbl_rowids=%s') % (self.tablename, colnames, ut.trunc_repr(tbl_rowids)) ) #### # Resolve requested column names if unpack_columns is None: unpack_columns = self.default_to_unpack if colnames is None: requested_colnames = self.data_colnames elif isinstance(colnames, str): # Unpack columns if only a single column is requested. requested_colnames = (colnames,) unpack_columns = True else: requested_colnames = colnames logger.debug('requested_colnames = %r' % (requested_colnames,)) tup = self._resolve_requested_columns(requested_colnames) nesting_xs, extern_resolve_tups, flat_intern_colnames = tup logger.debug( '[deptbl.get_row_data] flat_intern_colnames = %r' % (flat_intern_colnames,) ) nonNone_flags = ut.flag_not_None_items(tbl_rowids) nonNone_tbl_rowids = ut.compress(tbl_rowids, nonNone_flags) idxs1 = ut.where(nonNone_flags) idxs2 = ut.index_complement(idxs1, len(tbl_rowids)) if nInput is None and ut.is_listlike(nonNone_tbl_rowids): nInput = len(nonNone_tbl_rowids) generator_version = not eager raw_prop_list = self.get_internal_columns( nonNone_tbl_rowids, flat_intern_colnames, eager=eager, nInput=nInput, unpack_scalars=True, keepwrap=True, showprog=showprog, ) def tup_unflat_take(items_list, unflat_index_list): r""" Hack for depcache, that needs a tuple version of ut.unflat_take """ def tuptake(list_, index_list): try: return tuple([list_[index] for index in index_list]) except TypeError: return list_[index_list] return tuple( [ tup_unflat_take(items_list, xs) if isinstance(xs, list) else tuptake(items_list, xs) for xs in unflat_index_list ] ) # if len(raw_prop_list) > 0: if nInput > 0 and len(nonNone_tbl_rowids) > 0: if generator_version: def _generator_resolve_all(): extern_dpath = self.extern_dpath for rawprop in raw_prop_list: if rawprop is None: raise Exception( 'raw prop was None, but it should always be a tuple. ' 'This may indicate that the cache needs to be cleared' ) exprop = list(rawprop) # Modify prop with external data for extern_colx, read_func in extern_resolve_tups: uri = exprop[extern_colx] uri_full = join(extern_dpath, uri) if read_extern: data = read_func(uri_full) else: data = uri_full if ensure: ut.assertpath(uri_full) exprop[extern_colx] = data # nestprop = ut.unflat_take(exprop, nesting_xs) nestprop = tup_unflat_take(exprop, nesting_xs) yield nestprop prop_gen = _generator_resolve_all() if unpack_columns: prop_gen = (None if p is None else p[0] for p in prop_gen) assert len(idxs2) == 0, 'noneager mode not fully worked out yet' return prop_gen else: #'raw_prop_list = %r' % (raw_prop_list,)) if num_retries > 0: raw_prop_list = list(raw_prop_list) # TODO tee iterator instead? for try_num in range(num_retries + 1): tries_left = num_retries - try_num try: prop_listT = self._resolve_any_external_data( nonNone_tbl_rowids, raw_prop_list, extern_resolve_tups, ensure, read_extern, delete_on_fail, tries_left, ) except ExternalStorageException: if tries_left == 0: raise else: # Things worked, dont need to try again break #### # Unflatten data into any given nested structure if len(prop_listT) > 0: nested_proplistT = ut.unflat_take(prop_listT, nesting_xs) for tx in ut.where([isinstance(xs, list) for xs in nesting_xs]): nested_proplistT[tx] = list(zip(*nested_proplistT[tx])) prop_list = list(zip(*nested_proplistT)) else: prop_list = [] #### # Unpack single column datas if requested if unpack_columns: prop_list = [None if p is None else p[0] for p in prop_list] else: prop_list = [] if len(idxs2) > 0: prop_list = ut.ungroup( [prop_list, [None] * len(idxs2)], [idxs1, idxs2], len(tbl_rowids) - 1 ) return prop_list
def _resolve_any_external_data( self, nonNone_tbl_rowids, raw_prop_list, extern_resolve_tups, ensure, read_extern, delete_on_fail, tries_left, ): #### # Read data specified by any external columns extern_dpath = self.extern_dpath try: prop_listT = list(zip(*raw_prop_list)) except TypeError as ex: ut.printex(ex, 'error on prop_list shape', keys=['raw_prop_list']) raise for extern_colx, read_func in extern_resolve_tups: logger.debug('[deptbl.get_row_data] read_func = %r' % (read_func,)) data_list = [] failed_list = [] for uri in prop_listT[extern_colx]: uri_full = join(extern_dpath, uri) try: if read_extern: data = read_func(uri_full) else: if ensure: ut.assertpath(uri_full) data = uri_full except Exception as ex: ut.printex( ex, 'failed to load external data', iswarning=(tries_left > 0), keys=[ 'tries_left', 'uri', 'uri_full', (exists, 'uri_full'), 'read_func', ], ) if tries_left == 0: raise failed_list.append(True) data = None else: failed_list.append(False) data_list.append(data) if any(failed_list): # FIXME: should directly recompute the data in the rows # rather than deleting the rowids. Need the parent ids and # config to do that. failed_uris = ut.compress(prop_listT[extern_colx], failed_list) 'Failed to read %s' % (ut.trunc_repr(failed_uris, maxlen=300)) ) failed_rowids = ut.compress(nonNone_tbl_rowids, failed_list) if delete_on_fail: self._recompute_external_storage(failed_rowids) # self.delete_rows(failed_rowids, delete_extern=None) raise ExternalStorageException( 'Some cached filenames failed to read. ' 'Need to recompute %d/%d rows' % (sum(failed_list), len(failed_list)) ) # raise Exception('Non existant data on disk. Need to recompute rows') prop_listT[extern_colx] = data_list return prop_listT def _recompute_external_storage(self, tbl_rowids): """ Recomputes the external file stored for this row. This DOES NOT modify the depcache internals. """'Recomputing external data (_recompute_external_storage)') # TODO: need to rectify parent ids? parent_rowids = self.get_parent_rowids(tbl_rowids) parent_rowargs = self.get_parent_rowargs(tbl_rowids) # configs = self.get_row_configs(tbl_rowids) # assert ut.allsame(list(map(id, configs))), 'more than one config not yet supported' # TODO; groupby config config_rowids = self.get_row_cfgid(tbl_rowids) unique_cfgids, groupxs = ut.group_indices(config_rowids) for xs, cfgid in zip(groupxs, unique_cfgids): parent_ids = ut.take(parent_rowids, xs) parent_args = ut.take(parent_rowargs, xs) config = self.get_config_from_rowid([cfgid])[0] dirty_params_iter = self._compute_dirty_rows( parent_ids, parent_args, config_rowid=cfgid, config=config ) # Evaulate just to ensure storage for _ in dirty_params_iter: pass def _recompute_and_store(self, tbl_rowids, config=None): """ Recomputes all data stored for this row. This DOES modify the depcache internals. """'Recomputing external data (_recompute_and_store)') if len(tbl_rowids) == 0: return parent_rowids = self.get_parent_rowids(tbl_rowids) parent_rowargs = self.get_parent_rowargs(tbl_rowids) # configs = self.get_row_configs(tbl_rowids) # assert ut.allsame(list(map(id, configs))), 'more than one config not yet supported' # TODO; groupby config if config is None: config_rowids = self.get_row_cfgid(tbl_rowids) unique_cfgids, groupxs = ut.group_indices(config_rowids) else: # This is incredibly hacky. pass colnames = self.computable_colnames() for xs, cfgid in zip(groupxs, unique_cfgids): parent_ids = ut.take(parent_rowids, xs) parent_args = ut.take(parent_rowargs, xs) rowids = ut.take(tbl_rowids, xs) config = self.get_config_from_rowid([cfgid])[0] dirty_params_iter = self._compute_dirty_rows( parent_ids, parent_args, config_rowid=cfgid, config=config ) # Evaulate to external and internal storage self.db.set(self.tablename, colnames, dirty_params_iter, rowids) # togroup_args = [parent_rowids] # grouped_parent_ids = ut.apply_grouping(parent_rowids, groupxs) # unique_args_list = [unique_configs] # raw_prop_lists = [] # # func = ut.partial(self.preproc_func, self.depc) # def groupmap_func(group_args, unique_args): # config_ = unique_args[0] # argsT = group_args # propgen = self.preproc_func(self.depc, *argsT, config=config_) # return list(propgen) # def grouped_map(groupmap_func, groupxs, togroup_args, unique_args_list): # # TODO; genralize to utool # grouped_args_list = [ut.apply_grouping(togroup, groupxs) for # togroup in togroup_args] # group_ret_list = [] # for group_args, unique_args in zip(grouped_args_list, # unique_args_list): # group_ret = groupmap_func(group_args, unique_args) # group_ret_list.append(group_ret) # ret_list = ut.ungroup(group_ret_list, groupxs) # return ret_list # # raw_prop_list = grouped_map(groupmap_func, groupxs, togroup_args, # unique_args_list) # @profile
[docs] def get_internal_columns( self, tbl_rowids, colnames=None, eager=True, nInput=None, unpack_scalars=True, keepwrap=False, showprog=False, ): """ Access data in this table using the table PRIMARY KEY rowids (not depc PRIMARY ids) """ prop_list = self.db.get( self.tablename, colnames, tbl_rowids, id_colname=self.rowid_colname, eager=eager, nInput=nInput, unpack_scalars=unpack_scalars, keepwrap=keepwrap, showprog=showprog, ) return prop_list
[docs] def export_rows(self, rowid, target): """ The goal of this is to export taggable data that can be used independantly of its dependant features. TODO List: * Gather information about columns * Native and (localized) external data - <table>_rowid - non-transferable - Parent UUIDS - non-transferable - config rowid - non-transferable - model_uuid - - augment_bit - transferable - trivial - words_extern_uri - copy to destination - feat_setsize - transferable - trivial - model_tag * Should also gather info from manifest: * feat_setuuid_primary_ids - non-transferable * feat_setuuid_model_input - non-transferable * Should gather exhaustive config history * Save to disk * Add function to reload data in exported format * Getters should be able to specify a tag inplace of the root input for the tagged. Additionally native root-ids should also be allowed. rowid = 1 """ raise NotImplementedError('unfinished') colnames = tuple(self.db.get_column_names(self.tablename)) colvals = self.db.get(self.tablename, colnames, [rowid])[0] # NOQA uuid = self.get_model_uuid([rowid])[0] manifest_data = self.get_model_inputs(uuid) # NOQA config_history = self.get_config_history([rowid]) # NOQA self.parent_col_attrs = self._infer_parentcol() self.data_col_attrs self.internal_col_attrs self.db.cur.execute('SELECT * FROM {tablename} WHERE rowid=?') pass