Source code for wbia.algo.smk.pickle_flann

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import logging
from vtool._pyflann_backend import pyflann as pyflann
import utool as ut
import uuid
from os.path import exists, join
import lockfile

(print, rrr, profile) = ut.inject2(__name__)
logger = logging.getLogger('wbia')

[docs]class Win32CompatTempFile(object): """ mimics tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile but allows the file to be closed without being deleted. This lets a second process (like the FLANN) read/write to the file in a win32 system. The file is instead deleted after the Win32CompatTempFile object goes out of scope. Example: >>> # ENABLE_DOCTEST >>> from wbia.algo.smk.pickle_flann import * # NOQA >>> verbose = True >>> temp = Win32CompatTempFile(verbose=verbose) >>> data = '10010' >>> data = data.encode() >>> print('data = %r' % (data,)) >>> data1 = >>> print('data1 = %r' % (data1,)) >>> temp.write(data) >>> data2 = >>> print('data2 = %r' % (data2,)) >>> temp.close() >>> assert data != data1 >>> assert data == data2 >>> ut.assert_raises(ValueError, temp.close) >>> assert not ut.checkpath(temp.fpath, verbose=verbose) """ def __init__(temp, delete=True, verbose=False): temp.delete = delete appname = 'wbia' temp.dpath = ut.ensure_app_resource_dir(appname, 'tempfiles') temp.fpath = None temp.fname = None temp._isclosed = False temp.verbose = verbose temp._create_unique_file() @property def name(temp): return temp.fpath
[docs] def read(temp): temp._check_open() with open(temp.fpath, 'rb') as file_: return
[docs] def write(temp, data): temp._check_open() with open(temp.fpath, 'wb') as file_: file_.write(data) file_.flush()
[docs] def close(temp): temp._check_open() if temp.delete and exists(temp.fpath): ut.delete(temp.fpath, verbose=temp.verbose) temp._isclosed = True
def _create_unique_file(temp): temp._check_open() with lockfile.LockFile(join(temp.dpath, 'tempfile.lock')): flag = True while flag or exists(temp.fpath): temp.fname = str(uuid.uuid4()) + '.temp' temp.fpath = join(temp.dpath, temp.fname) flag = False ut.touch(temp.fpath, verbose=temp.verbose) def _check_open(temp): if temp._isclosed: raise ValueError('I/O operation on closed object') def __del__(temp): if not temp._isclosed: temp.close()
if pyflann is not None:
[docs] class PickleFLANN(pyflann.FLANN): """ Adds the ability to pickle a flann class on a unix system. (Actually, pickle still wont work because we need the original point data. But we can do a custom dumps and a loads) CommandLine: python -m wbia.algo.smk.pickle_flann PickleFLANN Example: >>> # ENABLE_DOCTEST >>> from wbia.algo.smk.pickle_flann import * # NOQA >>> import numpy as np >>> rng = np.random.RandomState(42) >>> data = rng.rand(10, 2) >>> query = rng.rand(5, 2) >>> flann = PickleFLANN() >>> flann.build_index(data, random_seed=42) >>> index_bytes = flann.dumps() >>> flann2 = PickleFLANN() >>> flann2.loads(index_bytes, data) >>> assert flann2 is not flann >>> assert flann2.dumps() == index_bytes >>> idx1 = flann.nn_index(query)[0] >>> idx2 = flann2.nn_index(query)[0] >>> assert np.all(idx1 == idx2) """
[docs] def dumps(self): """ # Make a special wordflann pickle sudo mkdir /tmp/ramdisk; chmod 777 /tmp/ramdisk sudo mount -t tmpfs -o size=256M tmpfs /tmp/ramdisk/ """ # import tempfile # assert not ut.WIN32, 'Fix on WIN32. Cannot write to temp file' # temp = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(delete=True) temp = Win32CompatTempFile(delete=True, verbose=False) try: self.save_index( index_bytes = except Exception: raise finally: temp.close() return index_bytes
[docs] def loads(self, index_bytes, pts): # import tempfile # assert not ut.WIN32, 'Fix on WIN32. Cannot write to temp file' # temp = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(delete=True) temp = Win32CompatTempFile(delete=True, verbose=False) try: temp.write(index_bytes) # temp.file.flush() self.load_index(, pts) except Exception: raise finally: temp.close()
else: PickleFLANN = None