Source code for wbia.algo.preproc.preproc_occurrence

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import logging
import utool as ut
import numpy as np
import vtool as vt
from scipy.spatial import distance
import scipy.cluster.hierarchy
import sklearn.cluster

(print, rrr, profile) = ut.inject2(__name__, '[preproc_occurrence]')
logger = logging.getLogger('wbia')

[docs]def wbia_compute_occurrences(ibs, gid_list, config=None, verbose=None): """ clusters occurrences togethers (by time, not yet space) An occurrence is a meeting, localized in time and space between a camera and a group of animals. Animals are identified within each occurrence. Does not modify database state, just returns cluster ids Args: ibs (IBEISController): wbia controller object gid_list (list): Returns: tuple: (None, None) CommandLine: python -m wbia --tf wbia_compute_occurrences:0 --show TODO: FIXME: good example of autogen doctest return failure """ if config is None: config = {'use_gps': False, 'seconds_thresh': 600} # from wbia.algo import Config # config = Config.OccurrenceConfig().asdict() occur_labels, occur_gids = compute_occurrence_groups( ibs, gid_list, config, verbose=verbose ) if True: gid2_label = { gid: label for label, gids in zip(occur_labels, occur_gids) for gid in gids } # Assert that each gid only belongs to one occurrence flat_imgsetids = ut.dict_take(gid2_label, gid_list) flat_gids = gid_list else: # Flatten gids list by enounter flat_imgsetids, flat_gids = ut.flatten_membership_mapping( occur_labels, occur_gids ) return flat_imgsetids, flat_gids
[docs]def compute_occurrence_groups(ibs, gid_list, config={}, use_gps=False, verbose=None): r""" Args: ibs (IBEISController): wbia controller object gid_list (list): Returns: tuple: (None, None) CommandLine: python -m wbia compute_occurrence_groups Example: >>> # DISABLE_DOCTEST >>> from wbia.algo.preproc.preproc_occurrence import * # NOQA >>> import wbia >>> ibs = wbia.opendb(defaultdb='testdb1') >>> verbose = True >>> images = ibs.images() >>> gid_list = images.gids >>> config = {} # wbia.algo.Config.OccurrenceConfig().asdict() >>> tup = wbia_compute_occurrences(ibs, gid_list) >>> (flat_imgsetids, flat_gids) >>> aids_list = list(ut.group_items(aid_list_, flat_imgsetids).values()) >>> metric = list(map(len, aids_list)) >>> sortx = ut.list_argsort(metric)[::-1] >>> index = sortx[1] >>> aids = aids_list[index] >>> gids = list(set(ibs.get_annot_gids(aids))) """ if verbose is None: verbose = ut.NOT_QUIET # Config info gid_list = np.unique(gid_list) if verbose:'[occur] Computing occurrences on %r images.' % (len(gid_list)))'[occur] config = ' + ut.repr3(config)) use_gps = config['use_gps'] datas = prepare_X_data(ibs, gid_list, use_gps=use_gps) from wbia.algo.preproc import occurrence_blackbox cluster_algo = config.get('cluster_algo', 'agglomerative') km_per_sec = config.get('km_per_sec', occurrence_blackbox.KM_PER_SEC) thresh_sec = config.get('seconds_thresh', 30 * 60.0) min_imgs_per_occurence = config.get('min_imgs_per_occurence', 1) # 30 minutes = 3.6 kilometers # 5 minutes = 0.6 kilometers assert cluster_algo == 'agglomerative', 'only agglomerative is supported' # Group datas with different values separately all_gids = [] all_labels = [] for key in datas.keys(): val = datas[key] gids, latlons, posixtimes = val labels = occurrence_blackbox.cluster_timespace_sec( latlons, posixtimes, thresh_sec, km_per_sec=km_per_sec ) if labels is None: labels = np.zeros(len(gids), all_gids.append(gids) all_labels.append(labels) # Combine labels across different groups pads = [vt.safe_max(ys, fill=0) + 1 for ys in all_labels] offsets = np.array([0] + pads[:-1]).cumsum() all_labels_ = [ys + offset for ys, offset in zip(all_labels, offsets)] label_arr = np.array(ut.flatten(all_labels_)) gid_arr = np.array(ut.flatten(all_gids)) # Group images by unique label labels, label_gids = group_images_by_label(label_arr, gid_arr) # Remove occurrences less than the threshold occur_labels = labels occur_gids = label_gids occur_unixtimes = compute_occurrence_unixtime(ibs, occur_gids) occur_labels, occur_gids = filter_and_relabel( labels, label_gids, min_imgs_per_occurence, occur_unixtimes ) if verbose:'[occur] Found %d clusters.' % len(occur_labels)) if len(label_gids) > 0 and verbose:'[occur] Cluster image size stats:') ut.print_dict( ut.get_stats(list(map(len, occur_gids)), use_median=True, use_sum=True), 'occur image stats', ) return occur_labels, occur_gids
[docs]def compute_occurrence_unixtime(ibs, occur_gids): # assert isinstance(ibs, IBEISController) # TODO: account for -1 from wbia.other import ibsfuncs unixtimes = ibsfuncs.unflat_map(ibs.get_image_unixtime, occur_gids) time_arrs = list(map(np.array, unixtimes)) occur_unixtimes = list(map(np.mean, time_arrs)) return occur_unixtimes
def _compute_occurrence_datetime(ibs, occur_gids): # assert isinstance(ibs, IBEISController) # from wbia.other import ibsfuncs occur_unixtimes = compute_occurrence_unixtime(ibs, occur_gids) occur_datetimes = list(map(ut.unixtime_to_datetimestr, occur_unixtimes)) return occur_datetimes
[docs]def prepare_X_data(ibs, gid_list, use_gps=True): """ Splits data into groups with/without gps and time Example: >>> # ENABLE_DOCTEST >>> from wbia.algo.preproc.preproc_occurrence import * # NOQA >>> import wbia >>> ibs = wbia.opendb(defaultdb='testdb1') >>> images = ibs.images() >>> # wbia.control.accessor_decors.DEBUG_GETTERS = True >>> use_gps = True >>> gid_list = images.gids >>> datas = prepare_X_data(ibs, gid_list, use_gps) >>> print(ut.repr2(datas, nl=2, precision=2)) >>> assert len(datas['both'][0]) == 12 >>> assert len(datas['neither'][0]) == 0 """ images = ibs.images(gid_list, caching=True) gps_list_ = images.gps2 unixtime_list_ = images.unixtime2 gps_list_ = vt.ensure_shape(gps_list_, (None, 2)) has_gps = np.all(np.logical_not(np.isnan(gps_list_)), axis=1) has_time = np.logical_not(np.isnan(unixtime_list_)) if not use_gps: has_gps[:] = False has_both = np.logical_and(has_time, has_gps) has_either = np.logical_or(has_time, has_gps) has_gps_only = np.logical_and(has_gps, np.logical_not(has_both)) has_time_only = np.logical_and(has_time, np.logical_not(has_both)) has_neither = np.logical_not(has_either) both = images.compress(has_both) xgps = images.compress(has_gps_only) xtime = images.compress(has_time_only) neither = images.compress(has_neither) # Group imagse with different attributes separately datas = { 'both': (both.gids, both.unixtime2, both.gps2), 'gps_only': (xgps.gids, None, xgps.gps2), 'time_only': (xtime.gids, xtime.unixtime2, None), 'neither': (neither.gids, None, None), } return datas
[docs]def agglomerative_cluster_occurrences(X_data, thresh_sec): """ Agglomerative occurrence clustering algorithm Args: X_data (ndarray): Length N array of data to cluster thresh_sec (float): Returns: ndarray: (label_arr) - Length N array of cluster indexes CommandLine: python -m wbia.algo.preproc.preproc_occurrence --exec-agglomerative_cluster_occurrences References: Example: >>> # DISABLE_DOCTEST >>> from wbia.algo.preproc.preproc_occurrence import * # NOQA >>> X_data = '?' >>> thresh_sec = '?' >>> (occur_ids, occur_gids) = agglomerative_cluster_occurrences(X_data, thresh_sec) >>> result = ('(occur_ids, occur_gids) = %s' % (str((occur_ids, occur_gids)),)) >>> print(result) """ label_arr = scipy.cluster.hierarchy.fclusterdata( X_data, thresh_sec, criterion='distance' ) return label_arr
[docs]def meanshift_cluster_occurrences(X_data, quantile): """Meanshift occurrence clustering algorithm Args: X_data (ndarray): Length N array of data to cluster quantile (float): quantile should be between [0, 1]. eg: quantile=.5 represents the median of all pairwise distances Returns: ndarray : Length N array of labels CommandLine: python -m wbia.algo.preproc.preproc_occurrence --exec-meanshift_cluster_occurrences Example: >>> # DISABLE_DOCTEST >>> from wbia.algo.preproc.preproc_occurrence import * # NOQA >>> X_data = '?' >>> quantile = '?' >>> result = meanshift_cluster_occurrences(X_data, quantile) >>> print(result) """ try: bandwidth = sklearn.cluster.estimate_bandwidth( X_data, quantile=quantile, n_samples=500 ) assert bandwidth != 0, '[occur] bandwidth is 0. Cannot cluster' # bandwidth is with respect to the RBF used in clustering # ms = sklearn.cluster.MeanShift(bandwidth=bandwidth, bin_seeding=True, cluster_all=True) ms = sklearn.cluster.MeanShift( bandwidth=bandwidth, bin_seeding=True, cluster_all=False ) label_arr = ms.labels_ unique_labels = np.unique(label_arr) max_label = max(0, unique_labels.max()) num_orphans = (label_arr == -1).sum() label_arr[label_arr == -1] = np.arange(max_label + 1, max_label + 1 + num_orphans) except Exception as ex: ut.printex( ex, 'error computing meanshift', key_list=['X_data', 'quantile'], iswarning=True, ) # Fallback to all from same occurrence label_arr = np.zeros(X_data.size) return label_arr
[docs]def group_images_by_label(label_arr, gid_arr): """ Input: Length N list of labels and ids Output: Length M list of unique labels, and lenth M list of lists of ids """ # Reverse the image to cluster index mapping import vtool as vt labels_, groupxs_ = vt.group_indices(label_arr) sortx = np.array(list(map(len, groupxs_))).argsort()[::-1] labels = labels_.take(sortx, axis=0) groupxs = ut.take(groupxs_, sortx) label_gids = vt.apply_grouping(gid_arr, groupxs) return labels, label_gids
[docs]def filter_and_relabel(labels, label_gids, min_imgs_per_occurence, occur_unixtimes=None): """ Removes clusters with too few members. Relabels clusters-labels such that label 0 has the most members """ label_nGids = np.array(list(map(len, label_gids))) label_isvalid = label_nGids >= min_imgs_per_occurence occur_gids = ut.compress(label_gids, label_isvalid) if occur_unixtimes is not None: occur_unixtimes = ut.compress(occur_unixtimes, label_isvalid) # Rebase ids so occurrence0 has the most images # occur_ids = list(range(label_isvalid.sum())) # else: # sort by time instead unixtime_arr = np.array(occur_unixtimes) # Reorder occurrences so the oldest has the lowest number occur_gids = ut.take(label_gids, unixtime_arr.argsort()) occur_ids = list(range(len(occur_gids))) return occur_ids, occur_gids
[docs]def timespace_distance(pt1, pt2): (sec1, lat1, lon1) = pt1 (sec2, lat2, lon2) = pt2 km_dist = vt.haversine((lat1, lon1), (lat2, lon2)) km_per_sec = 0.002 # conversion ratio for reasonable animal walking speed # sec_dist = (((sec1 - sec2) * km_per_sec) ** 2) sec_dist = np.abs(sec1 - sec2) * km_per_sec timespace_dist = km_dist + sec_dist return timespace_dist
[docs]def timespace_pdist(X_data): if X_data.shape[1] == 3: return distance.pdist(X_data, timespace_distance) if X_data.shape[1] == 1: return distance.pdist(X_data, 'euclidian')
[docs]def cluster_timespace(X_data, thresh): """ References: scipy.cluster.hierarchy.linkage.html CommandLine: python -m wbia.algo.preproc.preproc_occurrence cluster_timespace --show Example: >>> # DISABLE_DOCTEST >>> from wbia.algo.preproc.preproc_occurrence import * # NOQA >>> X_data = testdata_gps() >>> thresh = 10 >>> X_labels = cluster_timespace(X_data, thresh) >>> fnum = pt.ensure_fnum(None) >>> fig = pt.figure(fnum=fnum, doclf=True, docla=True) >>> hier.dendrogram(linkage_mat, orientation='top') >>> plot_annotaiton_gps(X_data) >>> ut.show_if_requested() """ condenced_dist_mat = distance.pdist(X_data, timespace_distance) # Compute heirarchical linkages linkage_mat = scipy.cluster.hierarchy.linkage(condenced_dist_mat, method='centroid') # Cluster linkages X_labels = scipy.cluster.hierarchy.fcluster( linkage_mat, thresh, criterion='inconsistent', depth=2, R=None, monocrit=None ) return X_labels
[docs]def testdata_gps(): r""" Simple data to test GPS algorithm. Returns: X_name (ndarray): Nx1 matrix denoting groundtruth locations X_data (ndarray): Nx3 matrix where each columns are (time, lat, lon) """ lon = np.array( [ 4.54, 104.0, -14.9, 56.26, 103.46, 103.37, 54.22, 23.3, 25.53, 23.31, 118.0, 103.53, 54.40, 103.48, 6.14, 7.25, 2.38, 18.18, 103.54, 103.40, 28.59, 25.21, 29.35, 25.20, ] ) lat = np.array( [ 52.22, 1.14, 27.34, 25.16, 1.16, 1.11, 24.30, 37.54, 37.26, 38.1, 24.25, 1.13, 24.49, 1.13, 42.33, 43.44, 39.34, 70.30, 1.16, 1.10, 40.58, 37.34, 41.18, 38.35, ] ) time = np.zeros(len(lon)) X_data = np.vstack((time, lat, lon)).T X_name = np.array([0, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3]) # NOQA X_data = np.array( [ (0, 42.727985, -73.683994), # MRC (0, 42.657872, -73.764148), # Home (0, 42.657414, -73.774448), # Park1 (0, 42.658333, -73.770993), # Park2 (0, 42.654384, -73.768919), # Park3 (0, 42.655039, -73.769048), # Park4 (0, 42.876974, -73.819311), # CP1 (0, 42.862946, -73.804977), # CP2 (0, 42.849809, -73.758486), # CP3 ] ) return X_name, X_data
[docs]def plot_gps_html(gps_list): """Plots gps coordinates on a map projection InstallBasemap: sudo apt-get install libgeos-dev pip install git+ pip install gmplot sudo apt-get install netcdf-bin sudo apt-get install libnetcdf-dev pip install netCDF4 Ignore: pip install git+git:// Example: >>> # DISABLE_DOCTEST >>> from wbia.algo.preproc.preproc_occurrence import * # NOQA >>> import wbia >>> ibs = wbia.opendb(defaultdb='testdb1') >>> images = ibs.images() >>> # Setup GPS points to draw >>> print('Setup GPS points') >>> gps_list_ = np.array(images.gps2) >>> unixtime_list_ = np.array(images.unixtime2) >>> has_gps = np.all(np.logical_not(np.isnan(gps_list_)), axis=1) >>> has_unixtime = np.logical_not(np.isnan(unixtime_list_)) >>> isvalid = np.logical_and(has_gps, has_unixtime) >>> gps_list = gps_list_.compress(isvalid, axis=0) >>> unixtime_list = unixtime_list_.compress(isvalid) # NOQA >>> plot_image_gps(gps_list) """ import wbia.plottool as pt import gmplot import matplotlib as mpl import vtool as vt pt.qt4ensure() lat = gps_list.T[0] lon = gps_list.T[1] # Get extent of bbox = vt.bbox_from_verts(gps_list) centerx, centery = vt.bbox_center(bbox) gmap = gmplot.GoogleMapPlotter(centerx, centery, 13) color = mpl.colors.rgb2hex(pt.ORANGE) gmap.scatter(lat, lon, color=color, size=100, marker=False) gmap.draw('mymap.html') ut.startfile('mymap.html')
# # Scale # bbox = vt.scale_bbox(bbox, 10.0) # extent = vt.extent_from_bbox(bbox) # basemap_extent = dict(llcrnrlon=extent[2], urcrnrlon=extent[3], # llcrnrlat=extent[0], urcrnrlat=extent[1]) # # Whole globe # #basemap_extent = dict(llcrnrlon=0, llcrnrlat=-80, # # urcrnrlon=360, urcrnrlat=80) # from mpl_toolkits.basemap import Basemap # from matplotlib.colors import LightSource # NOQA # from mpl_toolkits.basemap import shiftgrid, cm # NOQA # from netCDF4 import Dataset # # Read information to make background pretty #'Grab topo information') # etopodata = Dataset('') #'Read topo information') # topoin = etopodata.variables['ROSE'][:] # lons = etopodata.variables['ETOPO05_X'][:] # lats = etopodata.variables['ETOPO05_Y'][:] # # shift data so lons go from -180 to 180 instead of 20 to 380. #'Shift data') # topoin, lons = shiftgrid(180., topoin, lons, start=False) #'Make figure') # fnum = pt.ensure_fnum(None) # fig = pt.figure(fnum=fnum, doclf=True, docla=True) # NOQA #'Draw projection') # m = Basemap(projection='mill', **basemap_extent) # # setup Lambert Conformal basemap. # #m = Basemap(projection='cea',resolution='h', **basemap_extent) # # transform to nx x ny regularly spaced 5km native projection grid #'projection grid') # nx = int((m.xmax - m.xmin) / 5000.) + 1 # ny = int((m.ymax - m.ymin) / 5000.) + 1 # topodat = m.transform_scalar(topoin, lons, lats, nx, ny) # # plot image over map with imshow. # im = m.imshow(topodat, cm.GMT_haxby) # NOQA # # draw coastlines and political boundaries. # m.drawcoastlines() # m.drawcountries() # m.drawstates() # transform to nx x ny regularly spaced 5km native projection grid # ls = LightSource(azdeg=90, altdeg=20) # rgb = ls.shade(topodat, cm.GMT_haxby) # im = m.imshow(rgb) # draw coastlines and political boundaries. # m.drawcoastlines() # m.drawcountries() # m.drawstates() # draw a boundary around the map, fill the background. # this background will end up being the ocean color, since # the continents will be drawn on top. # m.bluemarble() # m.drawmapboundary(fill_color='aqua') # m.fillcontinents(color='coral', lake_color='aqua') # Convert GPS to projected coordinates # x1, y1 = m(lon, lat) # convert to meters # lon==X, lat==Y # m.plot(x1, y1, '*', markersize=10) # fig.zoom_fac = pt.zoom_factory() # fig.pan_fac = pt.pan_factory() #