Source code for wbia.algo.preproc.preproc_image

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import logging
import os
from os.path import splitext, basename, isabs
import warnings
import vtool.exif as vtexif
import utool as ut
from wbia.utils import call_houston


(print, rrr, profile) = ut.inject2(__name__)
logger = logging.getLogger('wbia')

[docs]def parse_exif(pil_img): """Image EXIF helper""" exif_dict = vtexif.get_exif_dict(pil_img) # TODO: More tags # (mainly the orientation tag) lat, lon = vtexif.get_lat_lon(exif_dict) orient = vtexif.get_orientation(exif_dict, on_error='warn') time = vtexif.get_unixtime(exif_dict) return time, lat, lon, orient
[docs]def get_standard_ext(gpath): """Returns standardized image extension""" ext = splitext(gpath)[1].lower() return '.jpg' if ext == '.jpeg' else ext
[docs]@profile def parse_imageinfo(gpath): """Worker function: gpath must be in UNIX-PATH format! Args: gpath (str): image path Returns: tuple: param_tup - if successful returns a tuple of image parameters which are values for SQL columns on else returns None CommandLine: python -m wbia.algo.preproc.preproc_image --exec-parse_imageinfo Doctest: >>> from wbia.algo.preproc.preproc_image import * # NOQA >>> gpath = ut.grab_test_imgpath('patsy.jpg') >>> param_tup = parse_imageinfo(gpath) >>> result = ('param_tup = %s' % (str(param_tup),)) >>> print(result) >>> uuid = param_tup[0] >>> assert str(uuid) == '16008058-788c-2d48-cd50-f6029f726cbf' """ # Try to open the image from PIL import Image import tempfile import requests import cv2 import urllib if gpath is None: return None urlsplit = urllib.parse.urlsplit urlquote = urllib.parse.quote urlunquote = urllib.parse.unquote gpath = gpath.strip() url_protos = ['https://', 'http://'] s3_proto = ['s3://'] houston_proto = ['houston+'] valid_protos = s3_proto + url_protos + houston_proto def isproto(gpath, valid_protos): return any(gpath.startswith(proto) for proto in valid_protos) def islocal(gpath): return not (isabs(gpath) and isproto(gpath, valid_protos)) with warnings.catch_warnings(record=True) as w: try: if isproto(gpath, valid_protos): # suffix = '.%s' % (basename(gpath), ) filename = basename(gpath) _, ext = splitext(filename) # base = filename base = ut.random_nonce(16) suffix = '.%s%s' % (base, ext) temp_file, temp_filepath = tempfile.mkstemp(suffix=suffix) args = ( gpath, temp_filepath, ) '[preproc] Caching remote %s file to temporary file %r' % args ) if isproto(gpath, s3_proto): s3_dict = ut.s3_str_decode_to_dict(gpath) ut.grab_s3_contents(temp_filepath, **s3_dict) if isproto(gpath, url_protos): # Ensure that the Unicode string is properly encoded for web requests uri_ = urlunquote(gpath) uri_ = urlsplit(uri_, allow_fragments=False) uri_path = urlquote(uri_.path.encode('utf8')) uri_ = uri_._replace(path=uri_path) uri_ = uri_.geturl() try: response = requests.get(uri_, stream=True, allow_redirects=True) assert ( response.status_code == 200 ), '200 code not received on download' except Exception: parts = urlsplit(uri_, allow_fragments=False) uri_ = uri_[len('%s://' % (parts.scheme,)) :] hostname = urlquote(parts.hostname.encode('utf8')) if parts.port: hostname = f'{hostname}:{parts.port}' uri_ = '%s://%s%s' % (parts.scheme, hostname, parts.path) response = requests.get(uri_, stream=True, allow_redirects=True) assert ( response.status_code == 200 ), '200 code not received on download' # Save with open(temp_filepath, 'wb') as temp_file_: for chunk in response.iter_content(1024): temp_file_.write(chunk) elif isproto(gpath, houston_proto): response = call_houston(gpath) assert ( response.status_code == 200 ), f'200 code not received on download: {gpath}' with open(temp_filepath, 'wb') as temp_file_: for chunk in response.iter_content(1024): temp_file_.write(chunk) gpath_ = temp_filepath else: temp_file, temp_filepath = None, None gpath_ = gpath except ( AssertionError, IOError, requests.HTTPError, urllib.error.HTTPError, Image.DecompressionBombError, ) as ex: # ut.embed()'[preproc] IOError: %s' % (str(ex),)) return None if len(w) > 0: # for warn in w: # warnings.showwarning(warn.message, warn.category, # warn.filename, warn.lineno, warn.file, # warn.line) # warnstr = warnings.formatwarning #'%d warnings issued by %r' % (len(w), gpath)) try: # Open image with EXIF support to get time, GPS, and the original orientation pil_img =, 'r') # Convert 16-bit RGBA images on disk to 8-bit RGB if pil_img.mode == 'RGBA': pil_img.load() canvas ='RGB', pil_img.size, (255, 255, 255)) canvas.paste(pil_img, mask=pil_img.split()[3]) # 3 is the alpha channel pil_img.close() # Reload image pil_img =, 'r') time, lat, lon, orient = parse_exif(pil_img) # Read exif tags pil_img.close() # OpenCV >= 3.1 supports EXIF tags, which will load correctly img = cv2.imread(gpath_) assert img is not None if orient not in [EXIF_UNDEFINED, EXIF_NORMAL]: try: # Sanitize weird behavior and standardize EXIF orientation to 1 cv2.imwrite(gpath_, img) orient = EXIF_NORMAL except AssertionError: return None except (FileNotFoundError): return None # Parse out the data height, width = img.shape[:2] # Read width, height # We cannot use pixel data as libjpeg is not deterministic (even for reads!) image_uuid = ut.get_file_uuid(gpath_) # Read file ]-hash-> guid = gid # orig_gpath = gpath orig_gname = basename(gpath) ext = get_standard_ext(gpath) notes = '' # Build parameters tuple param_tup = ( image_uuid, gpath, gpath, orig_gname, # orig_gpath, ext, width, height, time, lat, lon, orient, notes, ) if temp_filepath is not None: os.close(temp_file) os.unlink(temp_filepath) #'[ginfo] %r %r' % (image_uuid, orig_gname)) return param_tup
# def add_images_params_gen(gpath_list): # """ # generates values for add_images sqlcommands asychronously # Args: # gpath_list (list): # Kwargs: # ordered, force_serial, chunksize, prog, verbose, quiet, nTasks, freq, # adjust # Returns: # generator: params_gen # CommandLine: # python -m wbia.algo.preproc.preproc_image --exec-add_images_params_gen # Example: # >>> # ENABLE_DOCTEST # >>> from wbia.algo.preproc.preproc_image import * # NOQA # >>> from vtool.tests import grabdata # >>> gpath_list = grabdata.get_test_gpaths(ndata=3) + ['doesnotexist.jpg'] # >>> params_list = list(add_images_params_gen(gpath_list)) # >>> assert str(params_list[0][0]) == '66ec193a-1619-b3b6-216d-1784b4833b61', 'UUID gen method changed' # >>> assert str(params_list[0][3]) == 'easy1.JPG', 'orig name is different' # >>> assert params_list[3] is None # """ # params_gen = ut.generate2(parse_imageinfo, zip(gpath_list), adjust=True, # force_serial=True) # return params_gen
[docs]def on_delete(ibs, featweight_rowid_list, qreq_=None):'Warning: Not Implemented')