Source code for wbia.algo.graph.tests.test_neg_metagraph

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
TODO: These tests are good and important to run.
Ensure they are run via run_tests even though they are not doctests.

Consider moving to pytest and using xdoctest (because regular doctest does not
accept the syntax of IBEIS doctests)

import logging
import networkx as nx
import utool as ut

(print, rrr, profile) = ut.inject2(__name__)
logger = logging.getLogger('wbia')

[docs]def test_neg_metagraph_simple_add_remove(): """ Test that the negative metagraph tracks the number of negative edges between PCCs through non-label-changing operations """ from wbia.algo.graph import demo from wbia.algo.graph.state import POSTV, NEGTV, INCMP, UNREV, UNKWN # NOQA # Create a graph with 5-sized CCs, with 3-pos-redun, and no negative edges infr = demo.demodata_infr( num_pccs=2, pcc_size=5, pos_redun=3, ignore_pair=True, infer=True ) cc_a, cc_b = infr.positive_components() a1, a2, a3, a4, a5 = cc_a b1, b2, b3, b4, b5 = cc_b nmg = infr.neg_metagraph # Check there are 2 meta-nodes and no edges assert nmg.number_of_edges() == 0 assert nmg.number_of_nodes() == 2 # Should add 1 edge to the negative metagraph u, v = a1, b1 infr.add_feedback((u, v), NEGTV) nid1, nid2 = infr.node_labels(u, v) assert nmg.edges[nid1, nid2]['weight'] == 1 assert nmg.number_of_edges() == 1 assert nmg.number_of_nodes() == 2 # Adding a second time should do nothing edge = a1, b1 infr.add_feedback(edge, NEGTV) name_edge = infr.node_labels(*edge) assert nmg.edges[name_edge]['weight'] == 1 assert nmg.number_of_edges() == 1 assert nmg.number_of_nodes() == 2 # But adding a second between different nodes will increase the weight edge = a1, b2 infr.add_feedback(edge, NEGTV) name_edge = infr.node_labels(*edge) assert nmg.edges[name_edge]['weight'] == 2 assert nmg.number_of_edges() == 1 assert nmg.number_of_nodes() == 2 infr.add_feedback((u, v), NEGTV) assert nmg.edges[name_edge]['weight'] == 2 # Removing or relabeling the edge will decrease the weight infr.add_feedback((a1, b2), INCMP) assert nmg.edges[name_edge]['weight'] == 1 # And removing all will remove the negative edge infr.add_feedback((a1, b1), INCMP) assert not nmg.has_edge(*name_edge) infr.assert_neg_metagraph()
# FIXME failing-test (22-Jul-2020) This test is failing and it's not clear how to fix it def _test_neg_metagraph_merge(): """ Test that the negative metagraph tracks the number of negative edges between PCCs through label-changing merge operations """ from wbia.algo.graph import demo from wbia.algo.graph.state import POSTV, NEGTV, INCMP, UNREV, UNKWN # NOQA # Create a graph with 4 CCs, with 3-pos-redun, and no negative edges infr = demo.demodata_infr( num_pccs=4, pcc_size=5, pos_redun=3, ignore_pair=True, infer=True ) cc_a, cc_b, cc_c, cc_d = infr.positive_components() a1, a2, a3, a4, a5 = cc_a b1, b2, b3, b4, b5 = cc_b c1, c2, c3, c4, c5 = cc_c d1, d2, d3, d4, d5 = cc_d nmg = infr.neg_metagraph # Add three negative edges between a and b # one between (a, c), (b, d), (a, d), and (c, d) A, B, C, D = infr.node_labels(a1, b1, c1, d1) infr.add_feedback((a1, b1), NEGTV) infr.add_feedback((a2, b2), NEGTV) infr.add_feedback((a3, b3), NEGTV) infr.add_feedback((a4, c4), NEGTV) infr.add_feedback((b4, d4), NEGTV) infr.add_feedback((c1, d1), NEGTV) infr.add_feedback((a4, d4), NEGTV) assert nmg.edges[(A, B)]['weight'] == 3 assert nmg.edges[(A, C)]['weight'] == 1 assert (B, C) not in nmg.edges assert nmg.edges[(A, D)]['weight'] == 1 assert nmg.edges[(B, D)]['weight'] == 1 assert nmg.number_of_edges() == 5 assert nmg.number_of_nodes() == 4 # Now merge A and B infr.add_feedback((a1, b1), POSTV) AB = infr.node_label(a1) # The old meta-nodes should not be combined into AB assert infr.node_label(b1) == AB assert A != B assert A == AB or A not in nmg.nodes assert B == AB or B not in nmg.nodes # Should have combined weights from (A, D) and (B, D) # And (A, C) should be brought over as-is assert nmg.edges[(AB, D)]['weight'] == 2 assert nmg.edges[(AB, C)]['weight'] == 1 # should not have a self-loop weight weight 2 # (it decreased because we changed a previously neg edge to pos) assert nmg.edges[(AB, AB)]['weight'] == 2 assert len(list(nx.selfloop_edges(nmg))) == 1 # nothing should change between C and D assert nmg.edges[(C, D)]['weight'] == 1 # Should decrease number of nodes and edges assert nmg.number_of_nodes() == 3 assert nmg.number_of_edges() == 4 infr.assert_neg_metagraph() # Additional merge infr.add_feedback((c2, d2), POSTV) CD = infr.node_label(c1) infr.assert_neg_metagraph() assert nmg.number_of_nodes() == 2 assert nmg.number_of_edges() == 3 assert nmg.edges[(CD, CD)]['weight'] == 1 assert nmg.edges[(AB, CD)]['weight'] == 3 assert nmg.edges[(AB, AB)]['weight'] == 2 # Yet another merge infr.add_feedback((a1, c1), POSTV) ABCD = infr.node_label(c1) assert nmg.number_of_nodes() == 1 assert nmg.number_of_edges() == 1 nmg.edges[(ABCD, ABCD)]['weight'] = 6 infr.assert_neg_metagraph()
[docs]def test_neg_metagraph_split_neg(): """ Test that the negative metagraph tracks the number of negative edges between PCCs through label-changing split operations """ from wbia.algo.graph import demo from wbia.algo.graph.state import POSTV, NEGTV, INCMP, UNREV, UNKWN # NOQA # Create a graph with 4 CCs, with 3-pos-redun, and no negative edges infr = demo.demodata_infr( num_pccs=4, pcc_size=5, pos_redun=3, ignore_pair=True, infer=True ) nmg = infr.neg_metagraph assert nmg.number_of_nodes() != infr.neg_graph.number_of_nodes() assert nmg.number_of_edges() == 0 # remove all positive edges for edge in list(infr.pos_graph.edges()): infr.add_feedback(edge, NEGTV) # metagraph should not be isomorphic to infr.neg_graph assert nmg.number_of_nodes() == infr.neg_graph.number_of_nodes() assert nmg.number_of_edges() > 0 assert nmg.number_of_edges() == infr.neg_graph.number_of_edges() infr.assert_neg_metagraph()
[docs]def test_neg_metagraph_split_incomp(): from wbia.algo.graph import demo from wbia.algo.graph.state import POSTV, NEGTV, INCMP, UNREV, UNKWN # NOQA infr = demo.demodata_infr( num_pccs=4, pcc_size=5, pos_redun=3, ignore_pair=True, infer=True ) nmg = infr.neg_metagraph assert nmg.number_of_nodes() < infr.neg_graph.number_of_nodes() assert nmg.number_of_edges() == 0 # remove all positive edges for edge in list(infr.pos_graph.edges()): infr.add_feedback(edge, INCMP) # metagraph should not be isomorphic to infr.neg_graph assert nmg.number_of_nodes() == infr.neg_graph.number_of_nodes() assert nmg.number_of_edges() == 0 infr.assert_neg_metagraph()
[docs]def test_neg_metagraph_split_and_merge(): """ Test that the negative metagraph tracks the number of negative edges between PCCs through label-changing split and merge operations """ from wbia.algo.graph import demo from wbia.algo.graph.state import POSTV, NEGTV, INCMP, UNREV, UNKWN # NOQA # Create a graph with 4 CCs, with 3-pos-redun, and no negative edges infr = demo.demodata_infr( num_pccs=4, pcc_size=5, pos_redun=3, ignore_pair=True, infer=True ) cc_a, cc_b, cc_c, cc_d = infr.positive_components() a1, a2, a3, a4, a5 = cc_a b1, b2, b3, b4, b5 = cc_b c1, c2, c3, c4, c5 = cc_c d1, d2, d3, d4, d5 = cc_d nmg = infr.neg_metagraph # Add three negative edges between a and b # one between (a, c), (b, d), (a, d), and (c, d) A, B, C, D = infr.node_labels(a1, b1, c1, d1) infr.add_feedback((a1, b1), NEGTV) infr.add_feedback((a2, b2), NEGTV) infr.add_feedback((a3, b3), NEGTV) infr.add_feedback((a4, c4), NEGTV) infr.add_feedback((b4, d4), NEGTV) infr.add_feedback((c1, d1), NEGTV) infr.add_feedback((a4, d4), NEGTV) assert nmg.edges[(A, B)]['weight'] == 3 assert nmg.edges[(A, C)]['weight'] == 1 assert (B, C) not in nmg.edges assert nmg.edges[(A, D)]['weight'] == 1 assert nmg.edges[(B, D)]['weight'] == 1 assert nmg.number_of_edges() == 5 assert nmg.number_of_nodes() == 4 # merge A and B infr.add_feedback((a1, b1), POSTV) assert nmg.number_of_edges() == 4 assert nmg.number_of_nodes() == 3 AB = infr.node_label(a1) assert nmg.edges[(AB, AB)]['weight'] == 2 # split A and B # the number of nodes should increase, but the edges should stay the # same because we added an incmp edge infr.add_feedback((a1, b1), INCMP) assert nmg.number_of_edges() == 5 assert nmg.number_of_nodes() == 4 assert nmg.edges[(A, B)]['weight'] == 2 infr.assert_neg_metagraph() # remove all positive edges for edge in list(infr.pos_graph.edges()): infr.add_feedback(edge, INCMP) # metagraph should not be isomorphic to infr.neg_graph assert nmg.number_of_nodes() == infr.neg_graph.number_of_nodes() assert nmg.number_of_edges() == infr.neg_graph.number_of_edges() infr.assert_neg_metagraph()