Source code for wbia.algo.detect.darknet

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Interface to Darknet object proposals.
import logging
import utool as ut
import vtool as vt
import tempfile
import subprocess
import shlex
import os
from os.path import abspath, dirname, expanduser, join, exists  # NOQA
import numpy as np

(print, rrr, profile) = ut.inject2(__name__, '[darknet]')
logger = logging.getLogger('wbia')

# SCRIPT_PATH = abspath(dirname(__file__))
SCRIPT_PATH = abspath(expanduser(join('~', 'code', 'darknet')))

if not ut.get_argflag('--no-darknet'):
        assert exists(SCRIPT_PATH)
    except AssertionError:'WARNING Failed to find darknet. ' 'Darknet is unavailable')
        # if ut.SUPER_STRICT:
        #     raise

VERBOSE_SS = ut.get_argflag('--verbdss') or ut.VERBOSE

    # 'pretrained-v1-pascal'       : '',
    'pretrained-v2-pascal': '',
    'pretrained-v2-large-pascal': '',
    'pretrained-tiny-pascal': '',
    'pretrained-v2-large-coco': '',
    'pretrained-tiny-coco': '',
    'default': '',
    None: '',

def _parse_weight_from_cfg(url):
    return url.replace('.cfg', '.weights')

def _parse_data_from_cfg(url):
    return url.replace('.cfg', '.data')

def _parse_classes_from_cfg(url):
    return url.replace('.cfg', '.classes')

def _parse_class_list(classes_filepath):
    # Load classes from file into the class list
    assert exists(classes_filepath)
    class_list = []
    with open(classes_filepath) as classes:
        for line in classes.readlines():
            line = line.strip()
            if len(line) > 0:
    return class_list

[docs]def detect_gid_list(ibs, gid_list, downsample=True, verbose=VERBOSE_SS, **kwargs): """ Args: gid_list (list of int): the list of IBEIS image_rowids that need detection downsample (bool, optional): a flag to indicate if the original image sizes should be used; defaults to True True: ibs.get_image_detectpaths() is used False: ibs.get_image_paths() is used Kwargs (optional): refer to the Darknet documentation for configuration settings Args: ibs (wbia.IBEISController): image analysis api gid_list (list of int): the list of IBEIS image_rowids that need detection downsample (bool, optional): a flag to indicate if the original image sizes should be used; defaults to True Kwargs: detector, config_filepath, weights_filepath, verbose Yields: tuple: (gid, gpath, result_list) CommandLine: python -m wbia.algo.detect.darknet detect_gid_list --show Example: >>> # DISABLE_DOCTEST >>> from wbia.algo.detect.darknet import * # NOQA >>> from wbia.core_images import LocalizerConfig >>> import wbia >>> ibs = wbia.opendb('testdb1') >>> gid_list = ibs.get_valid_gids() >>> config = {'verbose': True} >>> downsample = False >>> results_list = detect_gid_list(ibs, gid_list, downsample, **config) >>> results_list = list(results_list) >>> print('result lens = %r' % (map(len, list(results_list)))) >>> print('result[0] = %r' % (len(list(results_list[0][2])))) >>> config = {'verbose': True} >>> downsample = False >>> results_list = detect_gid_list(ibs, gid_list, downsample, **config) >>> results_list = list(results_list) >>> print('result lens = %r' % (map(len, list(results_list)))) >>> print('result[0] = %r' % (len(list(results_list[0][2])))) >>> ut.quit_if_noshow() >>> import wbia.plottool as pt >>> ut.show_if_requested() Yields: results (list of dict) """ # Get new gpaths if downsampling if downsample: gpath_list = ibs.get_image_detectpaths(gid_list) neww_list = [vt.open_image_size(gpath)[0] for gpath in gpath_list] oldw_list = [oldw for (oldw, oldh) in ibs.get_image_sizes(gid_list)] downsample_list = [oldw / neww for oldw, neww in zip(oldw_list, neww_list)] orient_list = [1] * len(gid_list) else: gpath_list = ibs.get_image_paths(gid_list) downsample_list = [None] * len(gpath_list) orient_list = ibs.get_image_orientation(gid_list) # Run detection results_iter = detect(gpath_list, verbose=verbose, **kwargs) # Upscale the results _iter = zip(downsample_list, gid_list, orient_list, results_iter) for downsample, gid, orient, (gpath, result_list) in _iter: # Upscale the results back up to the original image size for result in result_list: if downsample is not None and downsample != 1.0: for key in ['xtl', 'ytl', 'width', 'height']: result[key] = int(result[key] * downsample) bbox = ( result['xtl'], result['ytl'], result['width'], result['height'], ) bbox_list = [bbox] bbox = bbox_list[0] result['xtl'], result['ytl'], result['width'], result['height'] = bbox yield (gid, gpath, result_list)
[docs]def detect( gpath_list, config_filepath, weight_filepath, class_filepath, sensitivity, verbose=VERBOSE_SS, use_gpu=True, use_gpu_id=0, **kwargs, ): """ Args: gpath_list (list of str): the list of image paths that need proposal candidates Kwargs (optional): refer to the Darknet documentation for configuration settings Returns: iter """ # Get correct config if specified with shorthand config_url = None if config_filepath in CONFIG_URL_DICT: config_url = CONFIG_URL_DICT[config_filepath] config_filepath = ut.grab_file_url(config_url, appname='wbia', check_hash=True) # Get correct weights if specified with shorthand if weight_filepath in CONFIG_URL_DICT: if weight_filepath is None and config_url is not None: config_url_ = config_url else: config_url_ = CONFIG_URL_DICT[weight_filepath] weight_url = _parse_weight_from_cfg(config_url_) weight_filepath = ut.grab_file_url(weight_url, appname='wbia', check_hash=True) data_url = _parse_data_from_cfg(config_url) data_filepath = ut.grab_file_url( data_url, appname='wbia', check_hash=True, verbose=verbose ) with open(data_filepath, 'r') as data_file: data_str = names_tag = '_^_NAMES_^_' if names_tag in data_str: class_url = _parse_classes_from_cfg(config_url) class_filepath = ut.grab_file_url( class_url, appname='wbia', check_hash=True, verbose=verbose ) data_str = data_str.replace(names_tag, class_filepath) with open(data_filepath, 'w') as data_file: data_file.write(data_str) # Form the temporary results file that the code will write to temp_file, temp_filepath = tempfile.mkstemp(suffix='.txt') os.close(temp_file) # Execute command for each image results_list_ = [] for gpath in gpath_list: # # Clear the contents of the file (C code should do this instead) # with open(temp_filepath, 'w'): # pass # Run darknet on image bash_args = ( data_filepath, config_filepath, weight_filepath, gpath, temp_filepath, sensitivity, ) bash_str = './darknet detector test %s %s %s %s %s -thresh %0.5f' % bash_args if verbose:'Calling: %s' % (bash_str,)) bash_list = shlex.split(bash_str) with open('/dev/null', 'w') as null: process_id = subprocess.Popen(bash_list, stdout=null, cwd=SCRIPT_PATH) process_return_code = process_id.wait() if process_return_code != 0: raise RuntimeError('Darknet did not exit successfully') # Load the temporary file and load it's contents with open(temp_filepath, 'r') as temp_file: temps_str = temps_list = temps_str.split('\n\n') # Parse results from output file result_list_ = [] for temp_str in temps_list: temp_str = temp_str.strip() if len(temp_str) == 0: continue result = temp_str.split('\n') gpath_ = result[0] assert gpath == gpath_ xtl = int(np.around(float(result[1]))) ytl = int(np.around(float(result[2]))) xbr = int(np.around(float(result[3]))) ybr = int(np.around(float(result[4]))) class_ = result[5] conf = float(result[6]) result_dict = { 'xtl': xtl, 'ytl': ytl, 'width': xbr - xtl, 'height': ybr - ytl, 'class': class_, 'confidence': conf, } result_list_.append(result_dict) results_list_.append(result_list_) if len(results_list_) != len(gpath_list): raise ValueError('Darknet did not return valid data') # Remove temporary file, and return. os.remove(temp_filepath) results_list = zip(gpath_list, results_list_) return results_list